ISSN 0204–2061. KNYGOTYRA. 2008. 50 PUBLISHING ACTIVITIES OF ESTONIANS IN ST. PETERSBURG BEFORE THE SECOND WORLD WAR (1918–1937) AILE MÖLDRE, TIIU REIMO Tallinn University, Institute of Information Studies 25 Narva Road, 10120 Tallinn, Estonia E-mail:
[email protected];
[email protected] The article treats the development of Estonian-language publishing in St-Petersburg. The analysis of these activities demonstrates the dependence of ethnic minority publishing from the nationalities pol- icy of the Soviet Union. The favourable political atmosphere and the policy of NEP led to the establish- ment of two Estonian publishing units: the Estonian Publishing Community and the publishing house “Külvaja”. The latter produced the majority of Estonian-language books, issued in the Soviet Union (484 titles). The turn in the national policy resulted in the liquidation of national institutions, including “Külvaja”, which was reformed into the Estonian Section of the Publishing Society of Foreign Workers in the USSR. Its production was limited and decreased especially in 1937 when major ethnic cleansing started in St. Petersburg. Key words: publishing in Exile; publishing for ethnic minorities; Estonian-language publishing; publishing in the Soviet Union; exchange of books Estonian national minority in Russia the main cradle of the Estonian intelligent- was formed as a result of emigration dur- sia at the beginning of the 20th century. ing the second half of the 19th and at the The Bolshevik revolution in 1917 and beginning of the 20th century. The Esto- the following establishment of the Republic nian peasants moved to Russia in the hope of Estonia in 1918 resulted in the situation of obtaining land and becoming free from where a large number of Estonians occurred the oppression of the Baltic German nobil- to be on the other side of the Estonian bor- ity.