Deep-Sea Fishes Imants G. Priede Index More Information Www
Cambridge University Press 978-1-107-08382-0 — Deep-Sea Fishes Imants G. Priede Index More Information INDEX abundance estimation, 63 mesopelagic fishes, 334 Anabantoidei, 265 Abyssal Ahliesaurus, 190 Anarhichadidae, wolffishes, 280 map of plains and basins, 13, Fig. 1.12 Aiakas, 280 Anarhichas, 280, 347 Abyssal demersal fishes, 347 Akarotaxis nudiceps, 283 Anarhichas denticulatus (northern Atlantic, Indian Pacific Oceans, 354, Alabes bathys, 238 wolffish), 280, Fig. 4.32d Table 5.7 Alaska Pollock, 226 ancient deep-water fish fauna, 72, 85 Abyssal demersal fishes North Atlantic, Albatrossia pectoralis, 54, 214, 366 Andriashev, Anatole Petrovich, 43, 45, 350–2, Table 5.6 jaw protrusion index, 214, Fig. 4.24 Table 1.3, Fig. 4.33 abyssal hills, 14, 353 Albert, Prince of Monaco, 40 Andriashevia aptera, 276 abyssal plain, 7, 14, 47, 50, 63, 108, 169, Albulidae, 155 angel sharks, 145 263 ALBULIFORMES (bonefishes), 155 Angler, Fishery, 381, Table 6.2 abyssal zone, 4, 13, 347 Alcock, Alfred, 44, Table 1.3 anglerfish, 85, 308, 310, Fig. 4.35 Abyssoberyx levisquamosus, 239 Alcockia rostrata, 231 anglerfishes, deep-sea, 304–5 Abyssobrotula galatheae, 44, 70, 138, 231, Aldrovandia, 133, 156 Anguilla anguilla, 161, 166 356 Alepisauridae, lancet fishes, 82, 194 Anguillidae, freshwater eels, 166 Abyssopelagic zone, ALEPISAUROIDEI, 193 Anguilliformes, eels, 80, 92, 158–66, definition, 4, 6 Alepisaurus, 194, 196 348 Acanthochaenus luetkenii, 240, 349 Alepisaurus ferox (Long snouted Anomalopidae, flashlight fishes, 131, Acantholiparis, 260 lancetfish), 194, Fig. 4.17c 242 Acanthonus armatus, 231, 341 Alepocephalidae, slickheads or Anoplogaster, 113 Acanthuroidei, 265 smoothheads, 71, 81, 85, 113, 117, Anoplogaster cornuta (common Acentrophryne, 313 123, 125, 166, 168, 319, fangtooth), 241, Fig.
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