Israeli Settlements in Arab Territories - Expelled Mayors of Hebron and Halhoue at UN Headquarters

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Israeli Settlements in Arab Territories - Expelled Mayors of Hebron and Halhoue at UN Headquarters UN Secretariat Item Scan - Barcode - Record Title Page 1 Date 29/06/2006 Time 10:52: 17 AM S-0899-0016-15-00001 Expanded Number S-0899-0016-15-00001 Title items-in-Middle East - miscellaneous - Israeli settlements in Arab territories - expelled Mayors of Hebron and Halhoue at UN Headquarters Date Created 15/02/1980 Record Type Archival Item Container s-0899-0016: Peacekeeping - Middle East 1945-1981 Print Name of Person Submit Image Signature of Person Submit End of Report United Nations - ARMS DatesefUNARMSDB Office of Public Information Press Section United Nations, Mew York SG/SM/3051 27 January 1981 SECRETARY-GENERAL REGRETS AMY ISRAELI DECISION 013 MORE WEST BANK SETTLEMENTS States Such 'Can Only Hamper' Search for Middle East Solution The following statement was made today on behalf of Secretary-General Kurt Waldheim by a United Nations spokesman: The Secretary-General has seen press reports indicating the intention of the Israeli Government to establish three more settlements on the West Bank. The Secretary-General would like to repeat that he regrets any decision which may result in the expansion or increase of settlements in the occupied territories. Such a decision would clearly be in contravention of resolutions and decisions of the General Assembly and the Security Council and can only hamper the search for a just, lasting and comprehensive settlement of the Middle East problem. * ***• * For information media - not an official record STEVEN S. ORLOW COUNCIL MEMBER AT-LARGE, QUEENS CITY HALL, N. Y. 1OOO7 566-0654 For Your Information JAW THt ,— OF THE CITY OF NEW YORK CITY HALL NEW YORK, N. Y. 1OOO7 STEVEN S. ORLOW January 20, 1981 BOROUGH OFFICE: COUNCIL MEMHER.AT-L.ARaE QUEENSBOROUGH HALL QUEENS COUNTY 12O-55 QUEENS BOULEVARD COMMITTEES! KEW GARDENS, NEW YORK 11424 PUBLIC SAFETY TELEPHONE: 263-S7OO ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT GOVERNMENT OPERATIONS ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION Editor New York Times 229 West 43rd Street New York, New York 10036 Dear Sir: Under Secretary General for Public Information Yashushi Akashi's letter of Saturday, January 17, 1981 implied, undoubtedly intentionally, though most definitly erroneously, that a Security Council invitation to two West Bank Mayors to "appear" before that body was tantamount to an invitation by that body, and by reference, by the United States, to carry on a political demonstration in the hall- ways of the United Nations. Why must the Secretary General persist in his refusal to accept the responsibility for his own regrettable decision? I was also surprised at the writer's defense of the Secretary General's positions vis-a-vis terrorism and anti- semitism though my original letter, which prompted the Under Secretary's response, made no reference to either. To quote from Ross Baker's op ed article in the New York Times of January 20, 1981, "A clear conscience needs no public infor- mation officer." Very truly yours, STEVEN S. ORLOW SSO:ct O (.: ZCZC MQP3452 MBP0845 r RR CABBE .NEWYORK (UNNY) 15 2248Z ^ ETAT "lM MONSIEUR JEAN DELFOSSE 11''a AVENUE F*D. ROOSEVELT 106 (_, 1050 - BRUXELLES (BELGIQUE) MBPOS45-01 AU NOM BU SECRETAIRE GENERAL? JE TIENS A VOUS REMERCIER BE VOTRE AIMABLEE INVITATION A PARTICIPER AU COLLOGUE (? INTERNATIONAL SUR LA SITUATION BE LA POPULATION ARABE DANS LES c TERRITOIRES OCCUPES? GUI SE TIENDRA DU 22 AU 24 JANVIER 1981 A BRUXELLES* Q JE REGRETTE BE VOUS INFORMER QU'IL EST MALHEURUSEMENT IMPOSSIBLE O D'ENVOYER UN REPRESENTANT BU SECRETARIAT A CE COLLOGUE EN RAI30N DES ENGAGEMENTS PRIS PAR CEUX GUI POURRAIENT Y ETRE DELEGUES* O NOUS AVONS TOUTEFOIS ETE EN CONTACT AVEC LE COMITE POUR r,.u L'EXERCICE BES BROITS INALIENABLES BU PEUPLE PALESTINIEN QUI f* ENVISAGE LA POSSIBILITE D'ENVOYER UN REPRESENTANT BE NEW YORK, (3 HAUTE CONSIBERATION* (RAFEEUDDIN AHMED CHEF BE CABINET ORGANISATION C- BES NATIONS UNIES) COL MBP0845-01 22 24 1981 =01160221 / CC: SG ''''' b/f: AR/CCF/GMM/AKU/AF/MJS 15 JAN. 19S1 PEDANOU/JH 3802 B 5033 OSG/EOSG MONSIEUR JEAN DELFOSSE AVENUE F.D. ROOSEVELT 106 1050 - BRUXELLES (BELGIQUE) AU MOM DD SECRETAIRE GENERAL, JE TIENS A VOUS REMERCIER DE VOTRE AIMABLE INVITATIOH A PARTICIPER AU COLLOQUE INTERNATIONAL SUR LA SITUATION BE LA POPULATION ARABE DAMS LES TERRITOJRES CCCUPES, QUI SE TIENDRA DU 22 AU 24 JAtJVIER 1981 A BRUXELLES. JE REGRETTE DE VOUS INFORMER QU'IL EST MALHEUREUSEMENT IMPOSSIBLE D'EIWOYER UN.HEPRESENTAKT DU SECRETARIAT A CE COLLOQUE EN RAISOH DES ENGAGEMENTS PRIS PAR CEUX QUI POURR5IFNT Y ETRE DELEGUES. KOUS AVONS TOUTEFOIS ETE EN CONTACT AVEC LE COHITE POUR L'EXERCICE DES DROITS ItNfALIENABLES DU PEUPLE PALESTINIEN QUI ENVISAGE LA POSSIBILITE D'ENYOYER UN REPRESENTANT DE NEW YORK.. KAUTE CONSIDERATION. RAFEEUDDIH AIMED CHEF DE CABINET ORGAHISATIOS DES NATIONS UNIES Rafeeuddin Ahmed - Chef de Cabinet, EOSG re; w-w^iv1^": •"'•**.!!• '•--"•••^•.i-^" <^--'v-t-*^— „: T -lift --. <--.-,- : • ^S,J»f ,rr-' ?"^-;:V^r',T^r-"Jl v^"L"-'" • Z 'f.'"1''-'' /*".. I.'*.'*.".* •/. i FTL/ch The Secrc-tary-C-eneral of the United Nations presents his compliments to the Permanent Representative of Israel to the United Nations and has the honour to refer to Security Council resolution li8H (1930) of 19 Becenber 1980, concerning the expulsion of the Mayors of Hebron and TIalhoul. It nay be recalled that on IT Dacesiber lOBo the Secretary -General addressed a nev appeal to Prime Minister Manachsn Begin in vhich hs •urged the Prime Minister to reconsider the decision of his Government to deport the Mayors of Hebron and Kolhoul and to permit the Pales- tinian leaders to return to the Vest Bank. This ratter was considered by the Security Council at its 2259th and 2260th nastings on 19 December 1930. At the latter nesting the Security Council adopted resolution USU (lOSo) in vhich ths Council reaffirmed tha applicability of the Fourth Gsneva Convention of 19^9 to all tha Arab territories occupied "by Israel in 19^>7> called upon Israel to adhere to the provisions of tha Convention and declared it imperative that the Mayor of Esbron and the Mayor of Halhoul be enabled to return to their hones and resume their responsibilities. The Council also requested the Secretary-General to report on the inplenen- tation of the resolution as soon as -possibla. The Bocrctary-G-eneral vishes to reiterate his appeal of 17 frs 1980 in the light of the above resolution. He vould also be grateful if the Govenuasnt of Israel vould provide him, as soon as possible, with all available information regarding the implementation of Security Council- resolution ItOU (i960) for inclusion in tha report vhich he is to submit to the Security Council. January 1931 J - a - - j • -r — — s CO •¥•' 3=3 ?m =fi' a — " '" * •, r- - t* '••11^3 : * - : .— r— :— r-. t*- -T* -~. t™. •-.• .— i— i. j a— T-. .-. ; i. : T— i i •„• .-. r-. i .- f •.?TO» j_i » i *i • -. r* r^ r: r^ 3 r-i n : ; i r- : s c^ n ;— : — j u r- vj : i : -•! r. '••p!8l * " ...... ~~ ...... ~ 33 a ; r- i ;.-.;;: t-. i it.-?- -r r. r- •..- r-. r". r- .— .— .-.tar-. .— .— -r T s.- ,— . ~r T .-. - ; r^=L «'_=v:i_i' i-ir-.C :'J C. A T P. - "• ~- =.' •_: r. -- ' ~ f 3 • ^53 ri P r r ! ^i '— 1 H : 1 U N r U R :' n c !i- b. C L; R ^ T V —-73 i-ii3 ""SS- ' 't I '3 L l v £j rrf "T U 5 • C* T LJ !T T !-.• "*" ^ *T- . J ii "T ? '- r ii f •"" ;~: !^T ?••• * i !• '• ™ "^ "•-' '• i -"" -r T*. •» * ; tj £. ij r- T-. r^ .—. ^. T '^i^ £"• 7 •* L: T fi T ;-: P S A S H ?: ;"; r r • ?.-•?=" Tr r H W T; -~ . ^r.^S^ FnHSB RL-SURSnM HMD "OHRHMRB "ELHfill RND RLL OUR RRLESTINnlN i i*1 '•"• •" -"• - • ~ *"• •"• "** •"• "^" *• -~- - • "r .~. ~ "r .— "r r" r-. r-. .-. r-. -f .— -r 1-. r- /- T .— i : .— "r : : .-. -j- .-. i ii -r .—. —. r- r-. .— r- .— s : -^ ?— T : I r-* rSi'i i-: :_ -J -'• :" «. V i r1 J i L-- : • ' v.: i i "• • C ~ r1 ' : r- : ~- ' -..(• -, •. i: '_^ -. ;.-•;;-;[ .-[ I ;•; : .- : -.-.-.-. t- L i i : .- i .-= r^ BRRB CITIZEN? SO R5 TO COMPEL THEM TO LERvE THEIR COUNTRY: •rng ' -igin P ft & 7 T f T p S T P 1--: Till •-. pPx^^yTTni^i "? ~: p£pHT=-7KTP TH? MSYHp^ Tf: Tj-r^'R r.- "'5 •"•'3 MS ....... " ' ~ '" ~~ ....... ~ rT"35 31 VICTORY, -33B PLS C H S n S s ^ S S i? S S j it' 9. n" S * S n S S S '.'.,-*! - •••**'. ./r^ ^ v _. a'' U L-,,. r-IRLHEH S THE MRYORS OF RL IN !-••? E S 7 B .-. •„ i L : ; J; 1 •? .-i. t s i r •'t ~ ~ ! * £• ? ~ " - it* C:: ET C" "T T K? C" •-r r* V~r T K- .— .-. 11 .. ; •;- "•: /vxs/ '^ i-<— ) ' ; .' •"•v':- r'-"^, i /' ' . •' / I N 1 T E D NATIONS^ £$ N AT I O N S *J N 1 E S -' INTEROFFICE MEMORANDUM /^"^ MEMORANDUM JMTESiEUR TO: DATE: A: Mr.; W. Buffum, Under-Secretary-General .«_J«"*«y-19§1 - for Political and General Assembly Affairs THROUGH :S/C : DE: .^rj chief FROM; DE Representation and Liaison Unit 'toon 3227, -Ext; 5.H63. SUBJECT Arabs in the Occupied Territories OBJET: Symposium, Brussels, 22-2^ January 1981 1. The United riations received an invitaGion ,.; oe ropresehted at this meeting. A cony of the- agenda (ar.c.-or letter of invitation) is attached. 2.. Please let us knov -./nether yc..i vish to be rep:- •_ Fall nani'e(s) and'title('s) of any delegate(s) proposed \r,'.:',•:.'." be provided. ' • . ?j.\. Do you wish'to receive documents and/or copies •.•'' .-,.. reports" vhich may be issued1. I. Please reply by a.s.a.p. ^ 'che I^teHt. Thank you for your ;:ror.p~ rr^".
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