* c NEW YUKK HERALD, WEDKESDj!Y, JULY 9, 1873.-TKIPLE SHKKT. Hg % sen intental Ingei In Onr Politic*. is a soldier j he knowj the felicity of me. The result is that yesterday we signed heiid of a tributary of the Zambezi, and if of A. T. Stewart 4 Co., has been made the re- 1 a or a handsome testimonial from his "r'm -rtnn'-v- Mnn.4 .« lU.t l.k. clplent or » IIEKALD CI»Ter (tueitloni thkn Ruffrkgt His ideas of the have an on certain conditions, Bu w|w«« vi tiuo mnvuuv v* »ui»» « »» I NEW YORK authority. Presidency agreement by which, friends. Protection.The Apathr end Silence of been that it is in senses a they agree to form a company, of which I am abrityinstant. / proprietor. some of with the other and in ami is the statement as of a fact to obtrude the As the way, the President has a supremacy up jobs corruption plao- positive.it Charles of Iste nnlted States ... seeking upon country. the stock and in the est Hale, Boston, , V' nation in wealth and and we will that knows no responsibility but to his ing the scheme, after plan ablished.that the Albert Nyanza and Ueueral In lias again donned the All business or news letters and telegraphic grows prosperity Lgypt, Consul / own conscience. From his first selection of a of the Credit Mobilier, of seouring contracts Tanganyika are one lake, and that a ship harness vice M. M. Bultou, late ol the Bostoneditorial * assimilate oar conditions to the > must be addressed New Yobk Cabinet down to for making the railroads. Sir wanted tooinched in the , above Marchison's Globe, lis should never have gone oat of ths » I despatches of the nation, we have new problems.development his extraordinary Hugh Falls, Herald. of his Bon to a command torassignmentwhich the contracts as well as the office of President ma,y sail np this lake to Ujiji If so, then we traces. Modern thought has no wider, nobler sphere Dr. Charles T. the eminent chemist, oi the neither excuse nor and control over the colonial govern- ha're here to that this is one of the Jackson, of activitv than the of a nation in army reoords showed political only repeat Boston, whose serl >ua Illness we have belore men- Valvaie XXXVIII So. 100 planting meat This to mc>st this Western world.* Here God has given precedent, everr now and then we see the worthy knight was equal interesting and important geographical tioned, has been taken to the Insane Asylum at and other countries ask, what will CaBsar spirit.thebelief that there is a supreme Oakes Ames in pipelaying, but had not the diseoveries since the first rounding of Cape SoinetviUe, Mass. Dr. Jackson was one oI Us AMUSEMENTS THIS AFTERNOON AND EVENING. everything, is skill in his secret till the Heirn. And we have laith in the white most Important experts In tue celebrated trial ol man do ? What rivers and lakes and streams, responsibility which in the royal legends maintaining plan great BOWKRY THEATRE, Bowery..Thr Wira'a called the of God." General was consummated and the profits realized, ptusha, because of his achievements and Professor Webster or kill ng Or. Parkwan. amu 1mb bban btalk. Soahciom.jac*what wealth of mineral and "by grace great The Hhab has insiituted the Order of the agricultural more no There are more to be and his name as an just what conditions and of Grant is no greater, no patriotic, developments made, great African explorer, and ror ladles alone, yueen victoria, the iTtnoeea WOOD'8 MUSEUM, Broadway, corner Thirtieth at' variety resources, as Sun, Pour. and more suited to his country, than Cmsar or euoh, no doubt, will profoundly agitate the be expedition from which he is just returning and Bleeckor streets..Uigakktik. Matinee at 2. are under our flag, and while one citizenclimates ma/ become over-gallant. d men achieved and course of the British alter these hai) the Are to defend him from But what these for Borne government been accomplished, and as in undertaking WALLACE'S THEATRE, Broadway and Thirteenth heaps high b'uzing and France did not their revelations. The opposition will it the most at heart with this heroic itrceL.Miml Winter's blasts, another revels in the England prevent probably object THE HOBuKZN MTUDER. icy when it was bestowed. make use of them to embarrass the Ministry, leader was doubtless the determination of the CENTRAL PARK QARDBN..Rubber Niuuts' warmth and of the forest power assuming fertility tropical Therefore we contend that all sentimental and Sir John Dilke will that he me tea CosCBRTS.We have Maine and Oregon, and Iowa and rejoice proved and bounds of the Albert Nyanza, we Continuation oi the Coroner's Inquest. NEW YORK MUSEUM OP ANATOMY, 018 each issues in our politics should be postponed to be a prophet when he denounced the Paolflo oaxi hardly doubt the truth of hiB reported No Light Vet Cad Upon the Mystery. amd Art. Broadway.SoixmobCalifornia and Texas and Pennsylvania, until we have decided the fundamental Railroad scheme as a job. A great outory has disicovory, as it is his Throughout yesterday tue excitement consequent an in what it and ; given upon authority, on the murder ol Carl Kustner became more empire performs promises We have seen France a been raised in Canada about citizens of tho An so Mr. METROPOLITAN MUSEUM OP ART, 128 West a pass throughquestions. d we await further intelligence upon the at.Ctprian and Loan Collrctions or Art.Pourteeuliieach an empire, indeed, and yet only intense In Hobolcen. No person appeared at Ue trial which we should dread to see imposed United States having anything to do with tho suliject, with the of a confirmation of of the dominion covered by our imperialfragment hope police station who con.d tnrow the laintost light America. We have seen her institutions work, and Sir Hugh Allan found it necessary this and the dread The of the ill-fated republican flag. Men of all nations come to upon startling surprising report upon mystery. corpse TRIPLE SHEET. children submit to a strain which we are sure our to keep his American allies in the merchant still lies at the omce of the sit down with us, that their may rain and Yates Their Twin The earnest of the own could not resist. The lesson taught by have their stock placed, for abackground.totime, Telling Coroner. desire pnblio , I our the divide with children precious heritage seems to be that Weehawken be Isw York, 1873. France we should be swift to learn, In the at in his name. the 8itory of the Shah In Johnbnlland. speedily Wednesday, July O, of freedom. We are about to celebrate the least, But, considering nnder the Jurisdiction of the of and of the at 1[t is a for to brought our and presence this spirit of Cooaarism which incapacity jobbery Canadians question psychologists deter Hoboken In order tuat the notorious hundredth anniversary of existence ; il. .if -f ii.. police, our and has in the we would that the miuo UUCIIUCI IUC DUil-CUUHUlDUnilCHH VI vue rowdies who iuiest the fields be THE NEWS OF YESTERDAY. to a nation a hundred years barely covers the politics expression pervades beginning, suggest may prevented can we feel that there is no dangerWashingtonto whole business of constructing the ambitious Anlerican or that of the Englishman is the from fixing their abode on tnose grounds. lbs # morning of its day. All of this God has done » the If it is true that General work, with the funds to be the mc>re to be admired. American modesty and inquest, which was adjourned on Monday, was for us, and the problem of the age is, What Bepublic? supplied by last Corouer at »tem< To-Day's Contents of tlie Grant's friends mean to him in British be turned over to our Briitish diffidence are also studies in their evening by Parsiow, resumed shall we do with it? place government, ler's Hotel, 63 Washington street. Herald. for a third term and he is weak citizens. if the Canadians way; but in such Therefore, when wise and ingenious men nominationenough enterprising Or, they prevail respectively The first witness called was Louis Salgger, to then the issue will be as.an and the British will ebilindanes that are to of the Park on ask us on the one side to favor free trade, on accept, upon government mortgage people apt Hotel, who, being sworn,proprietor "SENTIMENTAL ISSUES IN OUR POLITICS! issue involving the national freedom. We Canada to the United States, our government forget their points of contrast. The testified as follows .'.Deceased reside! alP the other protection; to insist upon this for tnree GRAV3R QUESTIONS THAN SUFFRAGE OR elected General Grant a second time because his bo induced to the dmal description, in another of the Park Hotel weeks, during scheme of finance or the to might push enterprise part time he was in the PROTECTION! TlIE APATI1Y AND SILENCE other; give can a the) of the which generally away fame, his services and the unparalleled through. We afford to suffer little Hekat.u, Shah of Persia's was his OF THE REPUBLICAN PARTY".LEADING to one class or withdraw it from another,suffrage visit daytime; dou't know what occupation;! him no less a plunder, for we have been accustomed to that, to his would-be bosom friends, the time on ARTICLE.Sirrn I'agk. we answer that, beyond the hospitality of our heaped upon required calumnies saw deceased for the last Thursday This we did as we had done to while tho poor Canadians might lose their Eniglish, will be found to bring i.uw « At hBlf.naur. upvpn n'p.litp.lf h« thaneveni*>«left «, IHE LOSS OF THE STEAMSHIP CITY OF columns, we have nothing to say. When one vindication. strongly and Lincoln. At tho same time senses under the shock. Such a big thing as forward the types of bashfulness which the hotel, as was his custom every evening; he LATER DETAILS OF THEWASHINGTON!eminent man calls another a liar and a Washington at ten or eleven: about Ave or we should end the here and a Pacifio Railroad must bewilder them at all Anlerica and England are to call their used to return nlue, ! SAILING IN A FOG FOR ELEVENDISASTERbecause they differ about specific and villainad gladly precedent proud six o'clock e~cli evening ho used to take a bath, DAYS AND NIGHTS.SBVBNTH PAOB. the one-term amendment events, but these revelations are dis- own. In Mark Twain's account of out whether at the regular bath or outside it I valorem duties, we admit the heartiness of the support Beyond perfectly pithy don't know; fHE SHAH OF PERSIA! BALL IN HIS HONOR that we cannot go ; for if it is neocssary to traeting. wh tat he saw the peouliar shrinking nature of NEVBR SAW HIM INTOXICATED; argument and the sincerity of the antagonists' a ou AT GUILDHALL BY THE CORPORATE elect any man a perpetual Fresident of the th(> representative American will be observed don't know whether he had bath that day or temper; but we are none the less sceptical. A lie nuuucri UI mi^ 11 not; 1 have seen hiui carry a silver watch in hu AUTHORITIES OF LONDON! THE 8UCCES Bepublic we have no Bepublic. as plainly as the perfect blotting out of vest pocket; he wore a ring on ins leit hand; he 80R OF CYRUS EATS BUT Woman'8 suffrage is contemned by many as a Samuel Baker'* Latest Reported wore a black coat and vest, white pants, collar and HEARTILY, is inconsistent with the idea of f in the idyls of the Edmund ne J DOES NOT DANCE! GRAPHIC DESCRIP- fantastical scheme; but we cannot altogether Bepublicanismperpetual, King by necktie, but 1 can't say whether changed his renewed Better, as we have Otacorerjr.yfttes, a representative Englishman. clothes on that evening; when he paid his ouis he 'I nuna uk tug festivities by MARK despise a cause that is championed constantly power. The Herald from Khar- had only the correct amount of tuein; he paid / TWAIN AND EDMUND YATES.th1bd PAQK. said, abandon the exnensive and irritatinor special despatch f^i as are the stories in themselves,Enterningmuch tnera weekly; i supposed, alter Friday, that de- f by Ralph Waldo Emerson and Wendell on the the i found the 01 his I RACING AT LONO BRANCH! forms of election and and toum, Upper Nile, announcing, among pr(ffit may be reaped in a between ceased had left liotei; key THREE SPLENDID Phillips. Free trade has been described legislation other the Sir Samuel comparison room on the board on buuday; never saw any Are- I EVENTS YESTERDAY! BEATRICF, KATY and return to our ancient allegiancegovernment,to things, discovery by ^5 two stories. The pure, childlike simplicity arms with him; he deposited no money in my safe; I PEASE AND WANDERER THE to us as a political abomination, Baker that the auy one can leave the uotel unseen, but no one oaa I WINNING Great Britain. The Queen's government would Equatorial Nyanza Qf Mr. Twain in his correction of some enter without beiug observed by the porter. NA08.NEW YORK'S OBSTRUCTED a conspiracy sustained by British gold. But and Lake to the southward made| ! no doubt regard us as something more than a Tanganyika, lying notions prevalent here about the customsmisten Couuty plus.dan Buctire sworn.Having a THOROUGHFARES.HEALTHMATTERS! REPORT there is something definite and true in of the Albert basin, "are one and the same care.nl external examination 01 the bouy of de- j OF THE ASSISTANT SANITARY colony, and worthy of representation in 0f royalty is one of those treats that in this ceased, 1 am ot opinion tout the wound on the ace ( commands the enthusiastic supportwhateverof sheet of a inland was inmctod a heavy cnarge from a gun or pistul water, forming magnificent we so by ( ON THE CONDITION OFSUPERINTENDENT and welcome us back with stars andParliament,titles. SOjphisticated age miss much. One in close to the the John Stuart Mill and John Bright We have seven hundred miles in is held proximity head.probably | MARKET.FllTH PAUK. WASHINGTON We should have then, what we are afraid we sea, length," womid almost expect that at the close weapon was put in his mouth; the body having I had these questions; we shall always have them. the most news of the kind lain in tbe water, the traces oi gunpowder were I MURDER AND SUICIDE IN BOSTON! A JEALOUS have not the to surprising Qf a he was about to take no shot or bullet was discovered I V are a of the of like now, right pass judgment paragraph washed away; HUSBAND, CRAZED WITH DRINK, SHOOTS They part gospel progress, our rulers when no we have had for many years. As our his little hatchet and out in tbe skull, inasmuch as the wnole lace was blown I the and upon they longer possess Qp go away; fluding ample cause of death, I deemed It I IS WIFE THROUGH THE BRAIN AND questions concerning telegraph gas correspondent says, the announcement of this rurther as it to public confidence. pj, cherry trees, with a determinationchoplg unnecessary to make examination, | THEN KILLS HIMSELF.THE LATE STORMS and Bat the only way solve them custom. railways. important geographical discovery will astound not to lie about it any more than the Father my IN THE WEST! GREAT DAMAGE TO THE iB by education, and there is no reason for the civilized if it is true that To Mr. Adolpbl (foreman).An external CROPS.seventh I'aub. The Canadians Copying Oar Credit world; for, Qf his Country. The guileless innocence of is sufficient to ascertain the cause oiexaminationdeatn( angry controversy. We have never seen a the Albert and lakes are one, and cannot tell whether death took place by drowning THE MURDER OF CARL KUESTNER! THE CASE Mobllter Unseals. Tanganyika '. Twain, indoed, reminds one of the or the infliction of the injuries ou tbe lace; the canvass for the decided upon a by same in STILL SHROUDED IN MYSTERY.THE great Presidency that from their outlet to the Nile tra of Hawker Jim or Scar-faoed condition of the lungs would be the either sentimental in Take Rascality is not confined to the United Charleyporit case (some physicians might dispute this with the COUNTY questions politics. may sail to this discovery, was WESTCHESTER MURDER TRIAL! States nor virtue to Her ship Ujiji, .j,ich a leading Quaker member of an Indian witness): the wound on tne right eye prouaoly DAMAGING TESTIMONY AGAINST THE and free trade. It is impossibleprotectionfor Majesty's in a scientific, commercial and view, Inflicted uy a bullet; It may have been, too, tnat a The political pe|ice commission would draw. The same or axe was used on the lace oi Pag*. ACCUSED.Slxthany convention, as conventions are subjects. developments provincialjust is one of interest and heavy bludgeon political made the conduct of certain surpassing importance. tn;isting, credulous nature, the same untutored deceased. BUSINESS IN WALL STREET! UNUSUAL now formed, to draw an honest line between regarding Our assures us that his Alter taking unimportant testimony or another and other British correspondent nesty, the same affeotionate regard for witness the coroner adjourned the lnqiuslt ou to IN THE "FANCY" STOCKS! CON-ACTIVITYthese two issues. To make the knights distinguished comes direct from the is no 4 explorer'sBtatementlips, man life start out at line of this evening. Thus lar tnere hope of dis- Tinucu jftiimaissb ur the uulu would tax the of the loyalists, in working up the Canada Pacific aud cannot doubt that Sir every covering the murderer. MONEY EASY.REAL ESTATE genius distinction we, therefore, irk's story, as shine fttkMIUM1wisest of men. And we can never be a llailroad scheme, show a system of corruption Samuel Baker believes that the of the just they upon Eiqhtu Pauk. party mystery au(s brow of a on the seen MATTERS.to the unavoidable which must result as cool and deliberate as that of Oakcs Ames' of Kickapoo warpath, THE EYE NECK MURDER. \ THE ERIE RAILWAY COMPANY! ELECTION OF deception outlet Tanganyika is solved, and that its ^ Mr. Delano's He went to the to make the true distinction. Credit Mobilier. But our "leading public rough spectacles. A NEW BOARD OF DIRECTORS from attempt surplus waters, instead of being discharged w«n«nener aui iiurmci men" exhibited more skill than their imitators |Mil given by the fair, round Corporation of TUB touniy THE ROAD IN A PROSPEROUS Time will decide what is best, and our columns into the Indian Ocean, as heretofore Still the YESTERDAY! out supposed, >ndon, with good capon lined, to Shah Nasr Probing Mystery.Damaging REGATTA BETWEEN are to all alike.to those who think with in Canada. Ours carried their plundering down the Nile into the Evidence the CONDITION.EXCITING open pass through n of Persia. He also came next Against Teqylll, THE SLOOP YACHTS IDLE nOUR AND Mr. Mill and those who do not, to the scheme on the grandest scale and pocketed and it literally Murderer.How He Endures the LIRA s. i THE IDLE HOUR WINS-fourth Sea, through thirty-five, or,Mediterraneanmay ^ or to to the with the and Rest TbetsSuspected ol Mr. Emerson and those who have no the money; the distinguished Canadians of latitude. going opera Shah, Ordeal.'The Prosecution Page. followers be, forty degrees th his Georgic candor tell us what he Cave tor the Present.Probable Action fellowship with him. have had theirs exploded in the inception But, tor the confirmation of this young PROCEEDINGS IN THE NEW YORK AND and before the fruits of the swindle. reported served. It is curious that at least one of of the Grand Jury. COURTS.THE MURDER OF MARY A grave danger is that many wise, patriotic reaping discovery there are two difficulties to be over- In the Grand Jury room at White riatnB, BROOKLYN One was the for the other. ^s observations hns escaped Edmund Yates. M'CABE! THE HUSBAND AND SON OF HIE men, who otherwise would not be misled, will, evidently model come, two obstructions to be removed, which county, yesterday morning, Peter Terriil, na the school medals which that good Westchester VICTIM HELD FOR THE DEED.THE in their enthusiasm for sentimental Oakes Ames distributed the stock among here be stated. are. rnely, boy the young man who lias been in custody for theories, may They ince Arthur wore on his coat front Mr. TWELFTH OF JULY! PREPARATIONS FOR the overmastering question. It may be Congressmen and .other influential men First.The surface level of Lake some weeks past on suspicion of having ITS CELEBRATION BY THE ORANGEMEN. forget Tanganyika yuites wo knew all about it murdered Gilbert H. Robinson, a Jeweller, at summed in this:."Shall we have "where it would 'do most good;" and Sir of the Albert probably thought Ninth Page. briefly np and that Nyanza. Baker in the jQ the latter that and Rye Reck, on the night 01 April 20, 1R6!>, was again In our Hugh Allan, the Oakes Ames on the other gentleman, retiring Caisarism or republicanism?" report of his first exploration of the Albert nature which notes all that brought before Justice Paulding for a further side of the border, sets down in his passesuntrusive in behalf ol the The Jersey Derby..The name of General Grant has attained historythe lake, in 1864, gives its altitude above the sea of testimony people. Beyond a hearing Epsom letters a list of members of Parliament and th keen and educated eye will be a from his confinement in is dear to the heart of position which Jefferson, Jackson aud confidentialas 2,720 feet, while Burton and Spoke, from looking little pale Downs every Englishman. officials to whom a hundred thousand Clfl It is indeed curious to find appreited.a man the county Jail, the accused seemed em on the world-wide renowned Lincoln attained. He is master of high their exploration of Tanganyika, in 1858, For there, Derby and thousand dollars in stock "will [consciously painting his own beauty of tirely self-possessed and manifested not a situation. in a which is fifty it at feet above the sea. If these ' Day, every one on the "tight little island" is Supremo partyth^y-^itical 1,850 report^oracter while delineating the nobility of shadow or apprehension for the result oi in the nation, our have to be distributed" to each to "carry on both sides are correct the Tan- As in all similar supposed to meet on equal terms. Caste is supreme coramanding polities figures ^ in his His touch is subtle. the investigation. oases, the matter with erytbing vicinity. is divided as to once in the broken and the and legislation, he irresistible. Our through; and, ganyika, being 870 feet below the lovel of the public opinion Terrill's for year down, ^hen he praises, the couleur de rose is laid on and unlike that of Franco and makes to this, this noble knight referencesays, Albert can have no connection with tho connection with the fearful mysterious deed fleet coursers in the race are in Spain,constitution, lake, encouraged think the I Lave been is as unpretentiously as an apprentice which deprived an Inoffensive citizen of his life, contest all the Presidential office as impregnable as the "I playing . their by classes.nobility vying mid a shatter, hat at the some believing him to be the perpetrator, while , Czar, is no now likely to bo attended with success." He Second.Tho New York Herald paint with costermongers in patronizing the noble Impeachment practically explorer, ^me time the brush is handled with others less credulous ridicule the Idea of his guilt1 -.A, / rm,rt and no President can be reached repeats the word "game" several times ; and Mr. after Dr. at spurio ui tur tun. iuu muim^riut-ui ui punishment,except Stanley, finding Livingstone ^ the and skill of In support of their position the latter refer to ths a game it is, no doubt. Some Americans delicacy, grace Apelles to the murder Park, the charming resort near iuuumouthby a revolution. It is, moreover, a painful Ujiji, on Lake Tanganyika, made with him an touches to fact that immediately subsequent Long wore to be into the scheme and to Ltting the last the cheek of a the was not only under the eyes of the Branch, made an experiment this seaa&n to and extraordinary fact that, while every brought excursion by boat northward to tho head of prisoner have a but that was, from mns Anadyoneme. It would be invidious to authorities, but also that the detectives worked at in America is over the prominent position, Lake and there found a . tender the races popular by throwing open the thinking problempolitician Tanganyika powerful statute a between two such him until they became convinced thut they were General Grant will or will not be a prudential motives, to be a secret Writing to the comparison grounds, froe of charge, to all comers. It whether stream, Busizi, flowing into it from the rnest workers but if the dear "barking up the wrong tree." no Mr. Smith, of Chicago, ho says:."The shares literary ; was considered some, at a candidate for re-election, leading north. Dr. Livingstone and Mr. Stanley were STRONG POINTS AGAINST THE ACCU8ID. by first, dangerous taken and our other American friends will read the two descriptions of the scenepubi as exclusmjaress has been baB dared to say that such a candidacyrepublican by you thus convinced that, as this lake is sweet, At a previous examination of the accused the experiment, have to stand in name for the Floral Hall (the glass house, Mr. Twain against tho ol a would be practically an avowal of the will, therefore, my fresh water, it must have an outlet, and that following strong points supposition regarded noftessary concomitanthithertoof calls it), it will be seen how his innocence were brought oat by the various horse failure of republican institutions. We sec some time. We shall get $0,000,000 the outlet is at the southern end, and that genuously 4 racing. Btyf the result has justified the of the stock out of autifully and wonderfully distinct are the witnesses who testified:.That Terriil was sense of The the unfortunate conditions of our society. $10,000,000. through the Zambezi River its flowing stream with the murdered man, often good management. Ten cent on the amount will ctures that result, although the figures arc acquainted intimately* on two first of the has corruption in Congress, on the Bench; in per is into the Indian Ocean. being employed in his store by the latter to clean thirman House. heard to the stains Mr. and his arc and the trade of the Pacific. Theenterprisebait northern or southern end of the Its leader being again returning against poor Greeley fancies, around the Thomas 0. of Is about three o clock next morning; that (although took as with Her 11((Congressman Piatt, Owego, not discovered until Tuesda> Must our citizens submit to the foul smells silent now. They may say that they do net effectually Majesty's lake ; nor are we aware that it has been estab- ln( at the St. Nicholas Hotel. the murder was and Parliament as did thnt of the war stayin or neany twenty-four hours alter the crime which, rising from the vast accumulation of speak because they will not be rude or unjust governmentlinked by observation that there is an outlet at out seven fermenting manure in the dumping grounds, to the President. They will not speak because political necessity argument the southern end. On a map before us a re gtstered Nicholas Hotel. the servant the most lavish aid Clinton of o'clock on Tuesday mo. mug, told girl spread over the city and poison the air for they dare not. When any Senator suppresses forth from Congress for stream enters the lake at its southern extremity. Congressman L. Merrlam, Locust ami another pai ty that "Mr. Robinson, the jeweller, of blocks each section? These the truth within him because Cmsar our Pacific Railroad. However, the British Orove, N. Y., is at the Kllth Avenue Hotel. 01 Rye," had been murdered; tuat when spoken u lQores along may In Baker's map of the Albert Nyanza (1864) Stephen H. Bullard, President or the Boston about It subsequently are monuments of a of Crosar. government had bound itself to aid the HIS I ACS Flil'SIIRD heaps the lack of energy frown, then he is partisan When be gives a portion of the Tanganyika m,ircantlle Marine Insurance Company, is dead. Soulier's blue as a and and his eyes dropped; that a our officials. the evil Seuator has another monitor for his project conciliatory compensating J. J. Wood, 1). and Uev. J. w he folded in a bureau of During many years any visited by Burton and Speke (1858), Bishop D., August , inch usually kept overcoat been conscience than the will he net for the alleged sustained M(:Coromy, of Philadelphia, are at the 8t. Nicholas drawer, was louud on a chair at the loot ol hi* has existed, complained of, and yet the political people's damages by with this note from the jonrnal of the Royal bed on the morning In that he did not the colonists lrom the n<>tel. question; 4 grow. If there is one duty more is ready lor any surrender. United States, Uvira (some din- have this overcoat on when he returned irom hli deposits which had Geographical Society:."At Professor T. B. Mnnry, of the Signal Service milk route before breakiast; that he had .- .. Nor docs it answer our that England adjusted in tho arguments the tance north of Ujiji, on the same side of the mireau at has arrived at tbo Hoffman to a woman, with whom It is Alabama Claims In that Washington, lie was on terms ol closestacknowledged -r"authorities it is tho thorough cleansing of till character of General Grant forbids any Treaty. treaty Lake narrows to about y,JUSO. alleged all the difficulties lake) Tanganyika that ho visited Rye Nock on Intimacy,the public streets and places and the removal of that he will be a candidate forapprehension outstanding between eight miles, and turus north-northwest ; but Mr. Joseph Price, of Hamilton, Trcasnrer of the night of the murder, and Had leil and her colonies were and Gl eat Western Railroad or is at the his horse tied above I'll ord's, on the White Plains \ the offensive matters far beyond tlio city limits, or that, if elected, the libertiesreelection,of England adjusted, its northern limits are undetermined. Oppo- Canada, and that he had also acknowledged to the v< House. road, i There is not the exense for the the nation will be safe in his hands. To this therefore England had to make whatever on the east side of the the Brejortsame woman, on being asked oy her way he killed slightest site (that is, lake) M. is at Ranx-Bonnes, France, Doing that he did not know. we answer that when was deemed due to the Kigueras Robinson, of manure in these abominable depots.storage always liberty depends compensation mountains appeared to be prolonged far be- treated for an affliction of the larynx, produced by Wncn tue case was called yesterday counsel for the forbearance of man it has no Aid to the Canada Pacific Hailroad was the prosecution announced that the case for the Every ounce should be taken from stables at upon any colonists.yond it" On the same map, in his remarks atiraining his voice. would rest, they having no further the consideration. But no sooner people least once a day, immediately discharged into true life; for while we have Grant to-day, was it of his partial exploration of the Albert lake, Lord DniTenn, the Governor General, and party, to offer at present. testimony known that the Mother waH ar at on the A NlMll'I.AH MOTION PKNIKO. boats and conveyed so far away that its who may be trusted, whom shall we have Country going to Baker this note :."The lake is rived tiaape, Canada, yesterday, Mr. J. O. representing the then gives reported er steamer Druid. Dykman, defence, never reach our to-morrow? Rome had other Cicsars than help the project than tho loyal and as as govnmcntmoved for the discharge of his client oil the ground effluvia could dwellings. by the natives to be well known far be- no tnat the she had Brntus before members of Prince William of Wtirtemborg and Princess that there was proof prisoner had public servants tell us that at this seasonEasygoingJulius.nay, Cnsar. colonists.knights, distinguishedtween the first and second degree south, where Mlarie, eldest daughter or Prince Frederick Charles mltted the crime with which he is charged,comiand ) officials that tnere in no probable cause lor charging hnn there is no demand for miinnre by the farmers The evil is in our system, in our constitution, government and leadingParliament,it turns to the its furthor extent or Prussia, are botrothed. men.sniffed the west, being with the commission thereof, lie ulso "and. that boats are hard to get by reason ol in the subservience of our public men. public prey, though afar off, unknown." Here, then, between these two lames Sharp, the oldest "living" member of the acterized the action of the prosecutioncharias and were to it. Hlindel and of Boston, died ill uufalr, since It was well known that more wlb Are these valid OsDsarism does not necessarily mean that roady pounce upon unknown of these two lakes, Baker, Haydn Society nesses had been subpu nacd to tcstifT against the other profitable employment. portions Watertown on the 5th eighty-three. this our and1 Caesar shall be a vicious man. On the Prom the tenor of Sir Allan's letters that the Inst., aged accused, while Dow it was apparent, that excuses for poisoning population Hugh from his recent explorations, reports Miss Tralford Southwell, or Honlngton Hall, Eng. additional testimony wii« to tie withheld until such men who have mounted to and evidence we are led as it out ol the defence making tho city a stench in all decent the supremecontrary, to infer he had mystery is solved in tho discovery that Tan- )aiad, has given a cottage hospital to the town oif time would be of the power been men of studied all the details to offer the necessary counter evidence. New York is rich enough and pay*nostrils?i authority have generally carefully of onr Credit ganyika is but a prolongation of the Albert wisbeach and endowed the institution with 46,oca To tnls Mr. Kcrrm. in behalf 01 the prosecution, men were He it Sen or Don F. the Chdean Minister, and that the had sought the present taxes enough to for tho removal oif rare transcendent gifts. What Mobilier. acknowledges, seems, that he Gonzales, urged prisoner aud provide Nyanza. &ifior Lorraln, Secretary of his Legation, yester examination when be might have waived it, manure. If boats can be had m no other wajr Caesar, Cromwell, Napoleon! How rich in subsidised the newspapers, 'both editors and The prevailing opinion among geographers that the prosecution was not compelled to lurnlab daly reached the Clarendon Hotel, from Wash all tbe in their against the own and how brave and and exercised an influence over in referenoe to of interior proois possession the city might what ore required for thiiI faculty experience! proprietors," Livingstone's system gton. at this time, as by doiug so they mightaccused its the to the is a common the defence an or service; and snrely could b< nowued ! how faithful to their country and priests carry elections in favor of lakes and rivers that, through Dr. Beke, the traveller and Biblical scholar, is ill afford opportunity ' proper grounds rc5 into the Ing evidence in rebuttal. He concludedmauulactur.by saying at twenty or thirty miles distance, glory 1 Crosarism always makes a nation the government or to show the channel, they are discharged Congo, in England, huving been removed, while favorably tuat the concatenation of circumstances as shown ' procured we "The in the mispo from where he was attacked by his by the evidence points unerringly to the prisoner's A where all our refuse could be deposited, and, glorious, but never free ; and it is because mcnt his power. strong influencegovernj and it is possible that, pursuing ed, Nice, / sickness. guilt. ' would rather have our free than I succeeded in obtaining," he "has stream of the Lualuba to the end of its course, The motion to discharge was denied, and by mn- ri't the proper seasons, sold to enrich the soil?i conntry saidj turns over to John was set out into the Atlantic Ocean John Gregory Smith, receiver, tual consent ol counsel the case duwu lot f ,,f Long Island and New Jersey, and thus repayr famous, because we see tbe highest glory in proved sufficient to control the elections, he will oome regory Smith, President, the Vermont Central noxt Monday, In order that the defence may The duce witnesses to testify In behalf ol the prisoner. \e of removal All that Is wanteu iti the truest freedom, that we thi" and as soon as tho government realized this through the Oongo. prevailing opinion Rttlroad and its ulThirs. This is literally makinj that on the evidence prot expense press uiftcus1 of There Is little doubt already a aunta of common sense am aion. Nor does the character of General fact, which were to admit and in the London Royal Society me hand wash the other." offered the next Oraud Jury will flud a true bill matter is they anwilling Geographical Iemu. Grant entirely release him from anxiety He slew to see, they opened negotiations with Lake Tanganyika it that it is tho fouutaui: Jotut w. JIM* igfre wmw* oX W*# tiontoa hgjsKi asomurt

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