Am. J. Hum. Genet. 52:643-649, 1993

The Survival of in 20th-Century HUMAN -MGENETICS Paul Weindling KEDUCATION

Wellcome Unit for the History of , University of Oxford, Oxfor

After the Second World War, a U.S. intelligence ser- genics. The process of the emancipation of human ge- vices officer investigating the Kaiser Wilhelm Institute netics from eugenics that Kevles (1985) dates as occur- for and Human Heredity commented ring from the 1930s in Britain and the United States is that one German anthropologist was 1,000 times more much harder to date for Germany. Weingart sees its guilty than an ordinary SS man (Weindling 1989). Yet, origins as occurring in the early 1940s, but the comple- despite the Nuremberg medical trials and denazifica- tion of the breakthrough of a new discipline of human tion tribunals, there was remarkable continuity of eu- in Germany as occurring only in the 1960s. genically minded geneticists, who, after 1945, were ap- The aim of this paper is to scrutinize this claim. I will pointed to newly founded chairs and to institutes of suggest that the history of human genetics in Germany human genetics (Koch 1985). At the same time certain did not begin in the 1960s, in 1945, or even in the late leading geneticists (notably, Hans Nachtsheim) were 1930s but that its origins were earlier-i.e., in the era of concerned that the reaction against Nazi should rediscovery of the Mendelian patterns of hereditary. not lead to the wholesale condemnation of eugenics, so Both before and after 1945 human geneticists were in- that eugenic prescriptions could continue to be derived volved in eugenics movements, and human genetics was from human genetics. a means for eugenicists to extend their powers into the Despite the condemnation of Nazi racism, the 1950s medical sphere. At the same time it is important to saw an exercise in historical revisionism; the attempt recognize that eugenics was not a monolithic move- was made to rehabilitate the eugenically based medical ment that culminated in but that there and welfare measures from the period before the Nazi were competing and evolving varieties of eugenics. takeover in 1933. There was also insistence that certain It would be comforting to heap all abuses of heredi- Nazi measures, notably , were tary science onto leading Nazis such as Hitler and medical, rather than radical, measures (Nachtsheim Himmler, because their demise would have removed an 1952). The distinction was drawn between Nazi racism oppressive burden from hereditary science. But this in- and a humane science of eugenics, which was consis- terpretation overlooks how complex problems con- tent with democracy. While these arguments contained cerning the supposed genetic inheritance of ethnicity much that was tactical and polemical, they also sug- and social behavior predated and survived . gested that differentiating human genetics from eugen- These problems relate to the application of genetics to ics has been problematic, and here the German case clinical medicine, psychiatry, and sexology. While com- may be taken as providing insight more generally into pulsory sterilization and the killing of mental patients the difficulties of formulating programs of medical and came to a head under nazism, notions of a constitu- social action from human genetics research. tionally mentally and physically degenerate residuum or It has been argued, by Kevles (1985) for the United of a social problem group were present in the emerging States and Great Britain and by Weingart et al. (1988) welfare and medical systems of imperial and Weimar for Germany, that the emergence of the discipline of Germany. Many geneticists initially had a disdainful at- human genetics marked a fundamental break with eu- titude toward nazism, as being a vulgar rabble-rousing movement, and supported schemes for a scientifically Received April 29, 1992; revision received September 4, 1992. planned and administered state in which eugenicists Address for correspondence: Paul Weindling, University of Ox- would dictate social policies. Here parallels may be ford, Wellcome Unit for the History of Medicine, 45-47 Banbury drawn to the concerns of American and British eugeni- Road, Oxford OX2 6PE, England. T 1993 by The American Society of Human Genetics. All rights reserved. cists during the 1930s, to take a lead in medical, demo- 0002-9297/93/5203-0028$02.00 graphic, and welfare policies and to insist on immigra- 643 644 Weindling tion controls, medical screening prior to marriage, and During the 1890s schemes arose for annual medical eugenic sterilization for mental defectives and other so- checks by a doctor trained in the science of heredity. cial misfits (Garver and Garver 1991). Each citizen was to carry a health passport, and the That biologists and doctors were the dominant doctor was to be a state official (Schallmayer 1892; group in the German Society was indica- Weiss 1988). The anthropologist (an au- tive of the search for scientific solutions to the social thority on the white- interbreeding in Nam- problems of crime, poverty, and disease. The leading bia) called for a national network of clinics for biologi- role of doctors and biologists in eugenics found paral- cal screening of the population (Fischer 1913). Wilhelm lels in the eugenics movements in North America, Brit- Weinberg, a physician in , recommended that ain, and France. The German eugenics movement sup- there be correlation of family genealogies with infor- ported the authoritarian notions of the doctor as a mation on cause of death and on military and school medical dictator: the notion that hereditary germs de- medical examinations (Weinberg 1913). When the termined physical and psychological characteristics was young doctor returned from the United reinforced by the notion of the scientifically trained States in 1895 to publish a treatise on racial hygiene, he doctor who could guide the nation toward better planned a second volume on the laws of human repro- health on the basis of scientifically proved laws. The duction, believing that a humane form of eugenics doctor, expert in hereditary biology, was to be a Fiihrer would be based on screening for chromosomal abnor- of the Volk. malities (Ploetz 1895; Weindling 1989). I would suggest that despite the political upheavals as My contention that human genetics has historical Germany changed from empire to republic in 1918 and roots reaching back to the origins of the science of then from nazism to democracy in 1945, human genet- genetics can be supported by early reference to the hu- icists were less slavish servants of any of these regimes man implications of genetics. Eugenics has often been but demanded positions of authority in order to con- seen as an offshoot of Mendelism, although the reverse duct research and influence social affairs. Human genet- was the case: medical thinking about preventing the icists developed a cohesive professional identity and hereditary germs of disease predated the actual discov- networks of control over research and clinical facilities. ery of the Mendelian laws and looked to human history Professional rivalries and scientific disagreements re- for genealogical models. This borrowing from history sulted in competition to secure support from external and politics followed from cell biologists and embryo- funding and governmental agencies. An example of this logists, who conceived of the organism as a complex is the funding of the German Psychiatric Institute in body like a state. Although much 19th-century cell biol- by the SS and the Ministry for the Occupied ogy and embryology was focused on simple marine or- Eastern Territories (Weindling 1985). Mendelian genet- ganisms and amphibia, these were taken as models for ics with its emphasis on hereditary units was often diffi- more complex processes in humans and for the func- cult to reconcile with the Nazi ideology of Germanic tioning of societies (Weindling 1991a). During the racial purity of blood and character. Yet competition in 1890s zoologists were constructing genealogies of the the search for sources of financial and institutional sup- inheritance of characteristics, by tracing both maternal port meant that concepts, research methods, and prac- and paternal lines. suggested that tices could have authoritarian implications, as the Nazis continuous selection and competition were necessary recognized that the population survey techniques devel- to prevent degeneration, as he drew an analogy be- oped by human geneticists were useful in the construc- tween domestic animals and civilized races. In speculat- tion of their racial utopia. ing on the immutable germ plasm, regardless of whether Not only were there competing groups of eugenicists the totality of the cell, the nucleus, the chromosomes, under the Nazis, but it is also necessary to see how or, indeed, the genes were interpreted as determining certain groups in the Nazi party and state were inter- growth and form, what seems important is the underly- ested in using eugenics for a biological restructuring of ing scientific quest for physical causal factors: medical German society. The Nazis were aware of the long his- scientists could then sift through the hereditary quali- torical pedigree of eugenics, and they conducted re- ties of the total population. The supposed concentra- search into the history of the founders of the racial tion of hereditary power in the nucleus or chromo- hygiene movement, such as Alfred Ploetz and Wilhelm somes was subsequently transferred to the gene. Schallmayer, encountering the problem that many had In offering biological solutions to social problems, socialist sympathies. eugenicists were pioneering in shifting attention away Human Genetics Education Section 645 from epidemic infectious diseases to the problem of the racial hygienist Lenz because of outrage at the chronic degenerative diseases such as tuberculosis, sex- French occupation of the Rhineland, is to overlook ually transmitted diseases, and alcoholism, which had Baur's long-standing nationalistic and eugenic commit- long-term implications in terms of morbidity. Wein- ments. Whereas Proctor (1988, pp. 47-63) portrays berg had a large insurance practice and analyzed the Lenz as an archetypal Nazi racial fanatic who was able statistics of tuberculosis infection. As infectious dis- to "don the guise of science," I would suggest the re- eases declined, chronic degenerative diseases prompted verse-that Lenz's scientifically based authoritarianism concern with hereditary health. In view of the fact that allowed Lenz to don the guise of Nazism. Lenz's talents there was a lack of conclusive proof regarding Mendel- as a medical geneticist should not be underrated. In ian patterns of inheritance, interested physicians oper- 1923 Lenz produced a catalog of eye disorders, malfor- ated with a diversity of theories of heredity. Weinberg's mations, and metabolic anomalies, on a genetic basis. clinical experience as an insurance doctor gave rise to Human heredity studies gained textbooks, and re- his observations on the proportion of MZ and DZ searchers launched schemes for genetic data banks. In and on the inheritance of the tendency to have the early 1920s the clinician Weitz (1926) studied high twins. As Stern (1962) showed, Weinberg wrote his first blood pressure among siblings and over generations. papers without knowledge of Mendel's laws. He col- The 1920s saw extensive genealogical screening pro- lected large bodies of data in order to investigate statis- grams. Riidin in Bavaria and Rainer Fetscher (1933) in tically the inheritance of cancer and tuberculosis. Other Saxony compiled registers of criminal biology by corre- physicians studied the genetics of eye conditions such lating data from medical, school, police, and social as nearsightedness. The psychiatrist RUdin (1911) sug- work agencies. From 1923, research provided a gested that schizophrenia resulted from two recessive new methodology developed by Weitz, his student genes with a 1:16 ratio of incidence. The physician Pel- Verschuer, and Hermann Poll (Mai 1988). Weinberg lazaeus, as well as L. Merzbacher, investigated the in- (1930) was skeptical: he wrote that "valuable as the heritance of spastic debility. Because experimental biol- resemblance method is theoretically, it needs the proof ogy was part of medical education, German doctors of the independence of those characteristics whose applied research interests in genetics to their clinical common occurrence in twins should prove the uni-oval- practice. ity, if it depends on a series of characteristics" (p. 3). These medical researchers pointed out that observa- Despite technical disagreements, the hereditary para- tion of individual cases of illness obscured important digm was extended to mental traits, such as feeblemind- facts about the incidence and transmission of diseases. edness, psychopathy, and bed-wetting. They argued for research on total populations and for The cases of Weinberg and Weitz suggest that the measures documenting the health of future generations scientific originality of German human genetics in the rather than of the individual sick. A corollary of this 1920s has been overlooked. Weingart et al. (1988) sug- was that the doctor was misguided in treating individ- gest that, in Germany, there were no mathematical stud- ual cases, as the latent germs of sickness might be ies of heredity that were of any significance; whereas carried on to the next generation: such thinking under- Mazumdar (1991) has shown that studies by Felix Bern- mined liberal concerns with the individual's rights to stein, Lenz, and Weinberg were profoundly influential health and to choice in reproduction. on the left-wing British geneticist J. B. S. Haldane and Geneticists urged the need to reconstruct national the statistician Lancelot Hogben in shaping their new health after the crisis of defeat, political conflict, and science of social biology. Lenz's mathematical models economic collapse in the early 1920s. Funding for ani- were deployed by Lionel Penrose in his study of the mal and plant genetics was obtained, as geneticists em- causes of Down syndrome, which he correlated with phasized the medical relevance of their discipline to maternal age. Penrose also used empirical demographic social and demographic problems of postwar recon- methods developed by Riidin in Munich (Mazumdar struction. The textbook of human hereditary by Erwin 1991). Harwood (1987) has convincingly shown that Baur, Eugen Fischer, and (Baur et al. 1921) Weimar genetics was not so much weak but substan- argued that a medically based population policy was tially broader in intellectual scope (e.g., with studies of necessary to repair both the numerical population populations in the wild) and, when compared with Dro- losses and the medical and psychological damage of war sophila research in the United States, that many Ger- and postwar turmoils. Yet, to argue as Glass (1981) did, mans pursued different lines of inquiry. By arguing that that the eminent geneticist Baur only joined forces with human genetics was intellectually weak and derivative 646 Weindling in interwar Germany, Weingart et al. could make a search permeated with Nazi aims? Or were researchers stronger case for the collapse of eugenics with the de- in human genetics pursuing their own distinctive auth- feat of nazism. I would suggest that Weingart's evalua- oritarian agenda of a scientific dictatorship, gambling tion of the weakness of German genetics in the 1920s is that the uncouth Nazis would not last long in power? in urgent need of revision. By stressing the weakness of This final question raises questions about the extent to German genetics prior to 1945, the scientific strengths which researchers in human heredity have used their of human genetics after 1945 can be exaggerated. scientific expertise to endorse authoritarian social sys- From 1925, eugenicists such as Weitz and Fischer tems and coercive measures. were involved in heredity counseling clinics, particu- The historical spotlight has recently focused on Josef larly for premarital examinations to establish hereditary Mengele and his links to Otmar von Verschuer, who health. After disputes over whether these clinics should from 1927 headed the human-heredity department in be under lay or medical control, by 1928 there were the Kaiser Wilhelm Institute of Anthropology, Human 224 marriage-advice clinics in Prussia. Eugenics was in- Heredity, and Eugenics. In 1933 Verschuer launched a tegral to the social medicine of the Weimar Republic: new journal, Der Erbarzt, for medical genetics. During there was scant regard for confidentiality and for indi- the 1940s Verschuer presided over a research group in vidual rights, with systems of compulsory treatment hereditary pathology, the members of which were polit- and incarceration (von Soden 1988). Biological health ically heterogeneous-from Wolfgang Abel (an SS of- was valued as a national resource rather than in individ- ficer and anthropologist) to Kurt Gottschaldt (a psy- ual terms. There was a drive for an authoritarian state chologist and ex-communist/socialist). Blood samples during the 1920s, based on screening and collating of from, for example, gypsies in Auschwitz were taken for records. Here geneticists could have a role and indeed research on racially specific proteins that was carried demanded research funds from the state because of the out in conjunction with other research institutes, such medical utility of their discipline. The marriage-advice as the Kaiser Wilhelm Institute for Physiology. Com- clinics of the 1920s became centers for hereditary and mon to all the diversity of research problems, profes- racial welfare (Erb- und Rassenpflege): the data of these sional backgrounds, and political preferences was the and other welfare agencies were used for Nazi ends of conviction that genetics could be applied to every locating the (so-called) racially and socially degenerate. aspect of human biology and psychology. There is a A number of eugenicists were Jewish-e.g., Heinrich chilling parallelism between the twin camps of the Nazi Poll, who committed suicide after failing to find to a welfare organization, where Gottschaldt studied the suitable post in the United States; Richard Gold- psychology of achievement, and Mengele's pathologi- schmidt, who favored compulsory sterilization legisla- cal (in both senses of the word) concentration camp tion; and the ophthalmologist Crzellitzer, who died in a research. This heterodoxy of background but unifor- concentration camp. Taken with the manyJewish and/ mity of scientific aims suggests that even those human or socialist doctors supportive of eugenics in Weimar geneticists who were not Nazi party members could social medicine, these examples indicate that the socio- pursue unethical medical research programs. Here, evi- biological characteristics of interest to eugenicists dence from a systematic study of biologists under na- could be fundamentally distinct from the populist ra- zism merits consideration. Although in a sample of 440 cism of many Nazis. The Hamburg professor of anthro- biologists, 53.2% were Nazi party members, this does pology, Walter Scheidt, refused to carry out racial adju- not exclude the possibility that other human geneticists dications for the Nazi authorities, although he was undertook work supportive of racial policies (Deich- compliant in other respects. While eugenicists readily mann 1991). acted as advisers to the state, they delayed in joining the Far from being a regimented science in accordance Nazi party-for example, Lenz and Ridin joined in with the crude anti-Semitism of Hitler's , 1937, and Eugen Fischer and Verschuer joined only in human genetics and population genetics flourished 1940. Such biographical data suggest that there was ini- among a diversity of research groups, for the Nazis re- tially no necessary affinity between nazism and human quired experts trained in such specialties as genetics, genetics. serology, and demography in order to implement the Disentangling human genetics from Nazi racial poli- efficient schemes of racial adjudication, deportation, cies is a complex historical problem. Were there a and mass killing, as well as the grandiose schemes of handful of ideological fanatics while normal genetics racial engineering. Muller-Hill (1984) has portrayed a research continued? Was the totality of heredity re- cohesive genetics establishment supporting Nazi racial Human Genetics Education Section 647 ideology of blood purity and anti-Semitism. Weingart cautious bureaucrats. Lenz (1931) claimed that Hitler et al. (1988) concede that innovative papers in human read the textbook of human heredity by the geneticists genetics were published in journals dur- Baur, Fischer, and Lenz while imprisoned after the ing the early 1940s. The term Humangenetik was used Munich putsch. If he did-and the evidence rests on by the botanist Gunther Just in 1940. Weingart et al. Lenz's claim and on Proctor's (1988) unsubstantiated (1988) argue that certain geneticists used Nazi racial assertion that the book's publisherJulius Lehmann was rhetoric only opportunistically, as a means of gaining at that time a Nazi party member (Lehmann did not research funds and improving career chances, while join the party until 1932) (Stark 1981, pp. 222, 286)-it overlooking the possibility that eugenicists saw human left no impact on Hitler's racial theory based on pre- genetics as a means of extending their powers into the Mendelian blending heredity. Some eugenicists were medical sphere. It is in this context that the major re- personally anti-Semitic (such as Ruidin, who, however, search effort in human genetics and related sciences had a Jewish assistant, Kallmann), but others were Jew- such as serology and microbiology should be evaluated. ish, such as the twin researcher Poll, or half Jewish, Nachtsheim transferred findings on the hereditary pa- such as Weinberg. Ploetz only confided his anti-Semitic thology of rabbits to human diseases such as epilepsy prejudices to a small circle of Nordic enthusiasts, and (Ruhenstroh-Bauer and Nachtsheim 1944). Human ge- until 1933 his racial hygiene journal (Archiv fiir Rassen- netics became integral to the Nazi effort to engineer the und Gesellschaftbiologie) did not address a "Jewish racially right sort of people. For example, the public problem," and it was highly critical of vulgar anti-Semi- health administration in the state of Thuringia shows a tism. It is thus inaccurate to say that the journal con- concerted effort to integrate Nazi racial ideology of tained no critique of eugenics (Propping and Heuer blood and soil, the evolutionary biology of Ernst 1991): what it did was to distinguish between scientific Haeckel, and human genetics and demographic studies eugenics (i.e., as based on human genetics) and unscien- (Weindling 1991b). tific eugenics (as based on racial myths). Because the Nazis distorted the image of Haeckel, Weitz (a corresponding member of The American this does not mean that Haeckel was a progenitor of Society of Human Genetics from 1952) provides an in- Nazi racism, as suggested by Lerner's (1992) critique of structive case study of a leading clinical expert in hu- biological determinism. I would similarly caution man genetics under nazism. The funding and scale of against simple links between Nazi racial ideology and his research greatly increased after the Nazi takeover, human genetics, and I cannot accept Muller-Hill's and the Nazi public health authorities were supportive (1984) and historian Robert Proctor's (1988) domino because of the need to involve geneticists in steriliza- theory-that, from 1933, membership in a eugenics or- tion tribunals (indeed, Weitz was appointed professor ganization led first to support for compulsory steriliza- in Hamburg, against the wishes of the university and to tion, then to the killing of psychiatric patients and counteract the uncooperative Scheidt). That Weitz was others deemed incurable, and finally to complicity in the brother-in-law of Lenz and maintained a friendship the Holocaust. Some eugenicists, such as Verschuer, with Verschuer indicates his central position among did make such a progression, but others, such as the human geneticists. In 1936 Weitz established a Depart- sterilization advocate Rildin, were no enthusiasts for ment for Twin and Hereditary Research in the Ham- euthanasia. It was possible for clinical geneticists ap- burg University Hospital, collecting data on 8,000 pairs pointed by the Nazis to be profoundly alienated by the of twins (Hiinemdrder 1991). Weitz believed that the Holocaust. A distinction needs to be kept in mind, be- duty of the German doctor was to defend the heredi- tween (a) authoritarian social views backed up by scien- tary health of the population. He argued that heredity tific expertise and professional status and (b) Nazism. increased the risk of scarlet fever, diphtheria, stomach Each researcher's position requires careful evaluation. ulcers and appendicitis, circulatory diseases, and condi- The Weimar eugenicist Fetscher can be seen as authori- tions such as obesity. While hardly a disease was free tarian in his social biological screening in the 1920s, but from the taint of heredity, he was also interested in the later he supported the resistance to Nazism, using his interaction of hereditary and environmental factors. He medical practice as a cover for clandestine meetings. established a central registry of medical records, with There was mutual distrust between the Nazis and medi- over 1 million records by 1939, in order to locate MZ cal scientists; for example, certain psychiatrists referred twins. Such a data bank was open to use by social to Hitler as a "psychopath." Hitler and Himmler were workers and the police. Weitz was keen on extending scornful of medical scientists, considering them to be compulsory sterilization to neurological conditions and 648 Weindling joined the Nazi party in 1937 and the SS in 1938. But placed coercion. Professional expertise was used to this exact geneticist was also accused, by a Nazi official, support authoritarian models of the social order: there of a complete lack of understanding of Nazi ideology. was a lack of individual choice and democratic account- Weitz resigned from the SS in 1943, using a pretext that ability in the development of new clinical and research he was still a churchgoer but apparently because an structures. The situation was paralleled in East Ger- assistant had informed him about the Holocaust. This many, where the ethos was anti-Nazi but highly author- resignation was sympathetically handled by the Nazi itarian. Here another member of the Eugen Fischer- authorities, so illustrating how participation in the Nazi Verschuer research group, the psychologist Kurt medical killing programs was essentially voluntary. Yet Gottschaldt, could for a time find a niche. While the his shock at the Holocaust did not deter him from history of human genetics in East Germany has yet to continuing to build up his hereditary data bank. be researched, revelations are appearing about reckless The case of Weitz lends support to the view that medical experiments (on transplantation), the disregard Nazi medical science and racial ideology were not for patient rights, and sociobiological diagnoses of op- monolithic but pluralistic: although the SS was gaining position and dissent. power, no orthodoxy was supreme in biology or medi- Nachtsheim's view that German genetics was weak cine. Instead there was a dynamic situation, with com- prior to 1945 has been extended with observation that peting groups each trying to outdo its rivals in pursuit this weakness meant that geneticists did not criticize of racial aims. In order to maintain funding, dangerous eugenics prior to 1933 (Propping and Heuer 1991). links were forged with the SS and other state and party While there was a lack of effective criticism of eugenics agencies. (Weindling 1989), the verdict of the weakness of Ger- The collapse of the Hitler state in 1945 curbed the man genetics and human genetics is open to doubt. scope for the worst excesses but did not generate fun- First, Harwood (1987) has found diverse and innovative damental scrutiny of relations between the biological lines of research in genetics in the Weimar period. I sciences and coercive social measures. Despite the re- would argue that much of the work on animal and plant moval of the Nazi menace, there was much support for genetics (e.g., by Baur) was regarded as having direct voluntary sterilization and other eugenic legislation for relevance to human genetics. Second, Mazumdar family welfare. Nachtsheim, a long-term collaborator (1991) has pointed to the importance that both the sta- of Fischer and Verschuer, exemplifies the effort to sus- tistical genetics of Weinberg and the genealogical data tain continuity in the genetics community. His research banks of Rfidin had for the work of Haldane, Hogben, on rabbit eye color, epilepsy, and malformations paral- and Penrose. I would regard German research in human leled Mengele's horrific human butchery. Gaining a genetics as thriving in the interwar period, while recog- chair in genetics at the Free University of , he did nizing that the research styles and issues were modified much to rehabilitate notions of coercive social mea- after 1945. sures. He helped ex-Nazi geneticists, such as Lenz and German eugenics did not represent a monolithic Verschuer, in gaining chairs of human genetics. There movement that culminated in the Holocaust and that was a conservative and pronatalist ethos, exemplified in was terminated by the eradication of nazism. This the eugenic orientation of the Pro Familia family-plan- paper has sought to demonstrate the intellectual vitality ning organization, in which Nachtsheim was a leading of eugenic precursors to the Third Reich and succes- member. Nachtsheim's authoritarian agenda demand- sors, as well as to indicate that eugenics and the asso- ing eugenic sterilization was voiced in numerous papers ciated science of human genetics had an intrinsic diver- and speeches. One example is a Pro Familia publication sity, even under nazism. Thus innovative aspects in of 1966 by Nachtsheim (1966), called Kampf den human genetics after 1945 could be influenced by di- Erbkrankheiten-the title having echoes of Hitler's verse intellectual, institutional, and individual precur- Mein Kampf. Nachtsheim consistently attacked individ- sors. Thus the energetic attempt to scrutinize this le- ualism from evolutionary and sociobiological perspec- gacy by researchers (notably, Muller-Hill 1984) is tives by arguing that genetic diseases are diseases of highly commendable. civilization and are not present among primitive races in Additional speculations arise from these conclu- a state of nature. Negative eugenic methods such as sions, speculations that may interest those concerned sterilization and concerns with Lebensraum and the about current social and ethical genetic issues. The be- population explosion dominated the text, while educa- lief that in a liberal and democratic society there can be tion (based on the dictates of scientific authority) re- no abuses of genetics is not supported by the evidence Human Genetics Education Section 649 of Weimar eugenics or by certain attitudes expressed Mazumdar P (1991) Eugenics, human genetics and human after 1945. Eugenically oriented welfare programs such failings: the Eugenics Society, its sources and its critics in as those of the 1920s were authoritarian and under- Britain. Routledge, London mined civil rights. The German case reveals an unre- Muller-Hill B (1984) Todliche Wissenschaft: die Aussonder- solved contradiction between (a) liberal notions of intel- ung von Juden, Zigeunern und Geisteskranken 1933-1945. lectual and professional freedom and (b) civil rights. Rowohit, Reinbek bei Hamburg Nachtsheim H (1952) Fur und wider die Sterilisierung aus While scientists wish to guard their research and medi- eugenischer Indikation. Thieme, Stuttgart cal activities from outside interference, human genetics (1966) Kampf den Erbkrankheiten. Franz Decker, can be deficient in human rights. As funding, research Schmiden strategies, and clinical procedures become more elabo- Ploetz A (1895) Die Tuchtigkeit unserer Rasse und der Schutz rate, the dangers of abuse also increase. der Schwachen. 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