Sport Pass Price List

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Sport Pass Price List Sport Pass Price List GRINDELWALD · WENGEN · MÜRREN · INTERLAKEN WINTER SEASON 2020/2021 Prices in Swiss Francs (CHF) incl. 7.7% VAT Prices are subject to change. JUNGFRAU Jungfrau MÖNC/ǽ0%*H ,70)(4#7JUNGFRA,70)(4#7U EIGEREIGE'+)'4R MÖNCH JUNGFRAUJOCH 4154158m8mO · 13642ft '+)'4 /ǽ0%410*7mO ,70)(4#7,1%* OvHV Schreckhorn 3970mO397 v· O0m13026fHVt 4107mO ·v 1347H5fVt Grindelwald-Wengen SCHRECKHORN5%*4'%-*1406FKUHFNKRUQ JUNGFRAUJOCH,70)(4#7,1%* 4078m407 · 8m13380ft TOP6121('7412'TOP OF OF EUROPE EUROPE Wetterhorn OvO HV 6121('7412'3454m · 11333ft (Kleine Scheidegg – Männlichen + Grindelwald-First) WETTERHORN9'66'4*140:HWWHUKRUQ OvHV 3692m369Ov · O2m1211H3fVt 3454Om 6LOEHUKRUSilberhornQ %UHLWKRUQBreithorn 3695mOv ·HV 12123ft 3782mO378 v· 2m1240O H9fVt Mürren – Schilthorn 7VFKLQJHOKRUQTschingelhorn 3557m355 · 7m11736ft OvO HV Gspaltenhorn SCHILTHORN Q *VSDOWHQKRUQGspaltenhor*VSDOWHQKRUQn EISMEER'+5/''4 343O7m 5%*+.6*140 -XQJIUDXEDKJungfraubahn 3437mO v· 1127H7fVt PIZSCHILTHORN5%*+.6*140 GLORIA 3160m316O v· 0m1036O H8fVt 2+<).14+#297Piz2K\)NQTKC0m Glori · 9744a ft OvHV BOND297 WORL0mO D 6FKZDU]KRUQSchwarzhorn 2928m292Ov ·O8m 960H7fVt Gemsberg*HPVEHUJ 10 EIGERGLETSCHE'+)'4).'65%*'4R BIRG$+4)BIRG$+4) 2677m2677m · 8783ft 2320m232O v·0m 7612O HVft OvOHV THRILL WALK 8 8% 88 9 d 31 % 27 SCHIL5%*+.6T 32 12 26 11 2258mO v· 7408fHVt KLEINE SCHEIDEGG 65 5LJJORiggliL 58 KLEINE-.'+0'5%*'+&')-.'+0'5%*'+&') SCHEIDEGG) ) OBERJOCH1$'4,1%* % (LJHUQRUGZDQGEigernordwan 6N\OLQH 2061m206 ·1m 676O 2ft 2500m250O v·0m 820O 6fHVt 10 OvHV 34 UQEDKQ 6QRZ([SHULHQFH Fotopoin )RWRSRLQWt 9 25 35 lthornbahn 14 alpEbDahKnQ hi nJgHeUrQnDOS HeQ Sc :W 64 6FKLOWKR ALPIGLEN#.2+).'0 42 66 36 Fallbode 8 Oberjoch Hohwald ALPIGLEN#.2+).'0 )DOOER 14 2EHUMRFK +RKZDOG 1614mO v· 5295fHVt 22 GHQn 13 10 11 n 41a Fotopoint $UYHQArve /DLaXEHUKRUuberhorn C )RWRSRLQWFotopoin :L[LWixi 8 Schilt 13 64 Q 44 41 6FKL (LJHU5XEiger RunQ /DXEHUKRLauberhor 0XWWOHUHMuttlerenQ OW 12 41 6NLPRYLSkimovieH Snowpark 1 3 21 6SHHGFKHFSpeedcheckN Lauberhorn-Weltcu UQn 6QRZSDUN Bärgele%¥UJHOHJJ /DXEHUKRUQ:H /,LIVE9( 37 N Snowpark 22 SnowparSnowparkk 24 QGDKDU 17 12 15 LAUBERHOR.#7$'4*140N OWFXS$Ep Abfahrt45 FIRST(+456 gg BRANDEGG Gimmeln Kandahar15 FIRST(+456 $4#0&')) 24 WENGERNALP *LPPHOQ .D *ULQGGrindelHO +RQHJJHonegg 2472m2472 · 811Om 1ft IDKUW 9'0)'40#.2 2168m216O v·8m 711O 3fHVt 23 1333mO v· 4373fHVt 22 OvHV 1873187m ·3m 6145ft 21 1 13 OvO HV 23 3 7 0 3 4 2 26 53 First 0 27 25 )LUVW .2 6QRZSDUNSnowpark )OLFlieger 16 2 11 HJHU 1 16 Skyline Snowpark GIMMELWAL)+//'.9#.&D 6N\OLQH6QRZSDU b Gummi 22 20 )FirstLUVW SCHRECKFELD a *XPPL 1367136mO v·7m 448O 5fHVt 6FKLOWJUDSchiltgratW SCHRECKFEL5%*4'%-('.5%*4'%-('.&D& s %XPSVBumps 5 Glide :W *OLGHUr 1955mO v· 6414fHVt es 63 40 Kidsslope r He 20 6 p Olt 55 x WFc 6 16 E Tschuggen Xu 7 r 7VFKXJJHQ pS 8 A 50 22 e $ b OBERER1$'4'4 ig E f 7 f I I a 5 a D 22 E D h 66 h K GLETSCHE).'65%*'4R 23 21 K r 5 6 r U U 45 ALLMEINDHUBEALLMENDHUBELL t t W 36 W #../'+0&*7$'.#../'0&*7$'. 6 MÄNNLICHE/Ǭ00.+%*'0N ALLMEN#../'0&D $OOPHQGKXEHAllmendhubelO 1907m190O v·7m 6257O HVft 4 ALLMEN1493m · 4898fDt #../'0OvHV& Allmiboden 2230m223 ·0m 7317ft $OOPLERGHQ 3 OvO HV 6SHHGFKHFSpeedcheckN Läger t $OOPHQGKXEHOAllmendhubel Skimovie 51 HOLENSTEIN*1.'056'+0 /¥JHU 3 )RWRSRLQWFotopoin ,QQHInnerwengenUZHQJHQ 6NLPRYLH BORT HOLENSTEIN Allmiboden $146 *1.'056'+0 $OOPLERGHQ WALDSPITZ )LUVWEDKQFirstbahn 1619mO v· 5311fHVt 62 1 STECHELBERG56'%*'.$'4) be 9#.&52+6< 45 867m 0MaulOeHrUhKuXbEHelOlO 51 21 47 867mO v·O 2844fHVt DXO )FirstbahLUVWEDKQ 1 /DXEHULauberKR 59 56 M horn Weltcu 20 n 3 60 0 43 MÜRREN/ȁ44'0 5 4 Skimovie ¥än UQ:HOWFXS M 6NLPRYLH Qn 6ODORPSlalom 1638m163O v·8m 5374O HVft 23 3 QOli M LFch p 0 67 ichenQ KeH 0M¥äQnQnlOLFKH Qnb 46 2 FAULHORN(#7.*140 2 EaD FAULHORN MÄNNLICHEN-GIPFEL hKn (#7.*1402681mO %RGPBodmL /Ǭ00.+%*'0)+2('. Q L 66 g 61 2343m /W: 2681mO v· 8796fHVt 2343mO v· 768O 7fHVt M0 i OLFKHQEDKQ** Männlichenbahn GG GRINDELWALD 1 :LQWHUHJWinteregJ )4+0&'.9#.& Männlichenbahn GG 1034mO v· 3393fHVt 0¥QQ 56 NEU )LJHOOHUFigeller WENGEN9'0)'0 GRINDELWALD)4+0&'.9#.& 1274m127O v·4m 418O 0fHVt 1034mO 50 BUSSAL$755#.2P 1800m180 ·0m 5906ft OvO HV 57 44 )470GRINDELWALD& TERMINAL WENGIBODEN9'0)+$1&'0 O94vO4mHV WINTEREGG9+06'4')WINTEREGG9+06'4')WINTEREG9+06'4'))G)) 944m · 3096ft 1582mO v· 1590fHVt 5%*9'0&+SCHWENDI 3DUNDQG5LGParkPark3DUNDQG5LG and and Ride HRideH WENGWALD9'0)9#.& LAUTERBRUNNE.#76'4$4700'0N 3 SCHWEND5%*9'0&+I 1200mO v· 3937fHVt 796mO79 v·O6m 2612HVft BURGLAUENEN $74).#7'0'0 0M½üUrUrHeQnEbDaKhnQ LÜTSCHENTAL.ȁ65%*'06#. GRÜTSCHALP)4ȁ65%*#.2 1486m1486O v· 437Om 9fHVt SCHYNIGE5%*;0+)'2.#66 PLATTE' 1967m · 6454ft OvHV SULWAL57.9#.&D 1520mO ISENFLU+5'0(.7*H 1024mO ZWEILÜTSCHINE<9'+.ȁ65%*+0'0N 653mO653 v·O 214m 2fHVt WILDERSWI9+.&'459+L. 584mO58 v·O4m 1916fHVt INTERLAKEN+06'4.#-'09'5 WEST6 INTERLAKEN OST INTERLAKE+06'4.#-'0N +06'4.#-'0156 567mO56 v·O7m 1860fHVt THUNERSEE6*70'45'' BRIENZERSEE$4+'0<'45'' Portrait Jungfrau Ski Region The Jungfrau Ski Region offers 3 winter sport resorts with 206 kilometres of runs with unique views of the The booking platform for the Jungfrau Ski Region. world famous Eiger, Mönch & Jungfrau: Book your skipass online and start your ski day on the piste – • 45 transport installations no queuing at the ticket counter! • 100 km of hiking trails • Sportpasses • Ski/snowboard equipment • 50 km of sledging runs • Sledge rental • Snowsport instruction • 47’000 passenger-transport capacity per hour • Parking garage • Attractive package offers • Snow-making facilities for more than 60% of the slopes • Event tickets • Hotels + holiday apartments Area of validity of Sportpasses HD-Webcams, panorama pictures and weather forecast Sportpasses Jungfrau at Sportpasses Grindelwald-Wengen Pictures from Grindelwald-First, Männlichen, Sportpasses Mürren – Schilthorn Kleine Scheidegg and Jungfraujoch. Office Slopes- and snow report · phones Jungfrau Ski Region • Slopes- and snow report as PDF file at Harderstrasse 14 · CH-3800 Interlaken Tel. +41 33 828 72 33 · [email protected] · • Kleine Scheidegg-Männlichen: Tel. +41 33 828 70 78 • Mürren – Schilthorn: Tel. +41 33 856 21 40 WINTER SEASON 2020/2021 Grindelwald-Wengen Sport Passes Validity Adults Seniors Young people Children Schools consecutive from age 20 from age 62 age 16 – 19 age 6 – 15 to 9th class days Identification required Identification required Identification required with teacher incl. 7.7 % VAT 1 – 9 pers. from 1 – 9 pers. from 1 – 9 pers. from 1 – 9 pers. from 10 pers. 10 pers. 10 pers. 10 pers. ½ day 54 48 49 43 41 36 26 23 20 from 12.00 h * 1 day 69 61 62 55 53 47 34 30 26 2 days 128 112 115 101 98 86 61 54 48 3 days 189 167 170 150 144 127 91 80 72 4 days 244 215 220 194 185 163 116 102 92 5 days 293 258 264 232 224 197 139 122 110 6 days 324 286 292 257 247 217 155 136 123 7 days 356 313 320 282 271 238 169 149 134 8 days 386 340 347 305 295 260 184 162 146 9 days 417 367 376 331 318 280 199 175 158 10 days 443 390 399 351 338 297 211 186 167 11 days 466 410 420 370 354 312 221 194 175 12 days 491 432 442 389 374 329 234 206 186 13 days 512 450 460 405 389 342 243 214 193 14 days 532 468 479 422 406 357 253 223 201 15 days 549 483 494 435 418 368 262 231 208 20 days 594 522 534 470 452 398 282 248 224 30 days 640 563 576 507 488 429 305 268 242 1 day 58 51 53 47 44 39 28 25 22 from 3 days * The offer is only available to skiers and snowboarders (winter-sports guests) Connecting ticket to Jungfraujoch – Top of Europe for CHF 61.– with Grindelwald-Wengen Sportpass valid for three or more consecutive days. Refunds The Jungfrau Ski Region does not grant refunds on purchased sport passes in the event of any interruption of operations, accident or illness. You have the option of purchasing a ski pass insurance policy. This type of insurance allows you to claim reimbursement from the relevant insurer in the event of an incident. WINTER SEASON 2020/2021 Mürren-Schilthorn Sport Passes Validity Adults Seniors Young people Children Schools consecutive from age 20 from age 62 age 16 – 19 age 6 – 15 to 9th class days Identification required Identification required Identification required with teacher incl. 7.7 % VAT 1 – 9 pers. from 1 – 9 pers. from 1 – 9 pers. from 1 – 9 pers. from 10 pers. 10 pers. 10 pers. 10 pers. ½ day 54 48 49 43 41 36 26 23 20 from 12.00 h 1, 2 1 day 2 69 61 62 55 53 47 34 30 27 2 days 2 125 110 113 99 96 84 60 53 48 3 days 188 166 169 149 143 126 90 79 71 4 days 239 210 215 189 182 160 114 100 91 5 days 282 248 254 224 215 189 134 118 106 6 days 314 276 282 248 239 210 149 131 118 7 days 344 303 310 273 263 231 164 144 130 8 days 371 326 334 294 282 248 176 155 139 9 days 398 350 358 315 303 267 190 167 150 10 days 421 370 379 334 320 282 201 177 159 11 days 446 392 401 353 340 299 212 187 168 12 days 467 411 420 370 355 312 222 195 176 13 days 487 428 438 385 371 326 232 204 184 14 days 508 447 457 402 387 341 242 213 192 15 days 527 463 474 417 402 354 251 221 199 20 days 555 489 500 440 423 372 265 233 210 30 days 590 520 531 467 450 396 281 247 223 1 day 52 46 47 41 40 35 25 22 20 from 3 days 1 The offer is only available to skiers and snowboarders (winter-sports guests) 2 The Sport Pass is only valid for the Mürren-Schilthorn upward journey (additional payment at Schilthorn Aerial Cableway ticket office) Refunds The Jungfrau Ski Region does not grant refunds on purchased Sport Passes in the event of any interruption of operations, accident or illness.
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