P.O. BOX 24-O Ojai, Calif. igfzleirer 93024-0240 November 1997 Vol. I6 No. 11 Three Favors” be. His private existence was another matter. “My father did a lot of things in his life,” Andy said. “In his younger years he played saxophone and clarinet a little bit. He 1. If you have an e-mail address, I’d love to have it. You can worked for many years on the janitorial staff of the school system send it to me at
[email protected]. of Richmond. His real life — all through the years he worked for 2. If you have not resubscribed for I998 but intend to, I’d them — was growing plants. He "grew vegetables andbeautiful appreciate it your doing it now. There’s an easy way to tell flowers and sold them to people in the area. He was a wonderful whether you’ve resubscribed. If there’s a date or letters under your horticulturist. He had greenhouses, and his plants were famous. address on the envelope, you have. If not, you haven’t. Subscrip- “My father was an only child, I’m an only child, and Ihave one tions (in case you’ve misplaced the earlier notice) are $70 U.S. for son, Mark, who is in radio in Denver, Colorado.” Andy laughed. the U.S. and Canada, $80 for other countries. Anyone wishing to “The Simpkins family line runs thin!” send someone a gift subscription can do so for $35. And to anyone Andy combines formidable facility with a deep sound, beautiful who can’t afford the Jazzletter at all, it is, as always, free.