THURSDAY June 13, 2019 BARTOW COUNTY’S ONLY DAILY NEWSPAPER 75 cents CCBOE adopts FY20 budget, honors retirees BY DONNA HARRIS The FY20 general fund in- employees who decided to call it 32 years; Jodi James, 27½ years;
[email protected] creased by almost $2 million a career this year. Ken MacKenzie, 46 years; Mar- — from $41,109,000 — over the “We have 17 people we’re rec- garet Morris, 41 years; Dixie The Cartersville City School FY19 general fund budget. ognizing with a total of 514 years Mullinax, 33 years; Linda Pat- Board adopted the fi scal year “The increases are not focused of experience,” Feuerbach said. terson, 26½ years; Linda Tem- 2020 consolidated budget and in one area but several,” Finance “As I said in our work session pleton, 24 years; Rena Vaughan, said goodbye to 17 employees Committee Chairman Tim Cha- last Thursday, that’s a lot of expe- 36 years; and Dean Williams, 13 who retired during the 2018-19 son said. “An increase in benefi t rience to replace. We appreciate years. school year at its regular meeting costs and general increases in the you and your service and all that Payne, who taught kindergar- Monday night. cost of doing business as a sys- you’ve done.” ten through fi fth-grade PE and After no one showed up to tem have caused the new budget Seven of the new retirees at- coached high school football speak at the second required to move up.” tended the meeting, and board and middle school wrestling and public hearing, board members “The benefi t costs increased President Kelley Dial presented football in the Cartersville sys- voted 5-0, with Pat Broadnax due to the raises in salaries,” each of them with a clock “that tem for 21 years, said he decided and Travis Popham out of town, Superintendent Dr.