March 25, 2021 • 24 Pages Volume 38 Number 44 FREE INDEPENDENT NEWSPAPER in THIS ISSUE
The Read all of the Macon County MACON COUNTY NEWSOnline •Free Weekly• & Shopping Guide March 25, 2021 • 24 Pages Volume 38 Number 44 FREE INDEPENDENT NEWSPAPER IN THIS ISSUE Page 6 New leader to continue charitable work of Knights The second annual award-winning Franklin High School UNIFY March Madness event was held Tuesday night at the high school gym. Prior to the the much anticipated basketball game, a parade was held honoring the special players and cheerleaders slated to perform at the event. FHS sports teams, students and coaches lent their support to make sure the event was successful. The UNIFY program pairs up students with special needs with volunteer partners who help guide them through practices and games. The Franklin Panther Sports Network (FPSN) live streamed the festivities. The event is organized by FHS business teacher and yearbook advisor Penny Moffitt. For more photos, see page 12. Photo by Ellen Randall Macon schools going to National tool and equipment Page 8 Plan A beginning April 5 chain opening at old Kmart SCC nursing students helping with WCU clinic Diane Peltz - Contributing Writer Brittney Lofthouse – Contributing Writer The Macon County School Board met for its regular When Kmart closed its doors in 2018, the massive build- monthly meeting on Monday, March 22. On the agenda was ing it called home for decades was left empty, which is ex- the recent actions taken by legislators and the governor to actly how it has remained… until now. On Monday, Harbor get kids back in school. North Carolina Governor Roy Freight, a privately held discount tool and equipment retailer, Cooper signed Senate Bill 220 into law on March 11.
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