Modelling and Management of the Salt-Affected Jarreh Reservoir (Iran)

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Modelling and Management of the Salt-Affected Jarreh Reservoir (Iran) SALINITY MANAGEMENT IN RIVER BASINS; MODELLING AND MANAGEMENT OF THE SALT-AFFECTED JARREH RESERVOIR (IRAN) CENTRALE LANDBOUWCATALOGUS 0000 0454 6491 Promotor: dr. ir. W.H. van der Molen emeritus hoogleraar in de agrohydrologie Co-promotor: ir. J.H.G. Verhagen toegevoegd docent, vakgroep Theoretische Produktie Ecologie K. Shiati SALINITY MANAGEMENT IN RIVER BASINS; MODELLING AND MANAGEMENT OF THE SALT-AFFECTED JARREH RESERVOIR (IRAN) Proefschrift ter verkrijging van de graad van doctor in de landbouw- en milieuwetenschappen op gezag van de rector magnificus, dr. H.C. van der Plas, in het openbaar te verdedigen op maandag 24 juni 1991 des namiddags te vier uur in de Aula van de Landbouwuniversiteit te Wageningen \7>n - 544 4it > And with water we have made all living things. The Koran B1BLI0THEEK' CHNDBOUWUNIVERSl'Uyji WAGENINGEN To my parents -o', /'/'?/ i/ -"> STATEMENTS 1. The brackish water resources of arid and semi-arid countries play a determining role in future agricultural development. 2. "Primary salinization" reflects an age-old situation. Human activities aggravate thisproble m by introducing "Secondary salinization". This thesis 3. Salinity is awate r quality problem with a regional character. Therefore, itssolutio nneed sa comprehensiv eregiona lapproac hbase do nimplementatio n ofa serie so fcatchmen tmanagement ,engineerin g andagricultura lmeasures . This thesis 4. The effects of water quality on irrigation are serious, but perhaps more serious is the effect of irrigation onwate r quality. Kandiah,A. , 1987.Wate r quality in food production. Water Quality Bulletin, 12,pp . 3-13. 5. The conventional guidelines for assessing water suitability for irrigation are conservative and inadequate. 6. The successful long-term use of brackish water for irrigation depends on adoption of appropriate crop, soil andwate r management practices. 7. Stratification in reservoirs should no longer be considered as harmful or negative vis-a-vis water quality. Selective withdrawal from stratified reservoirs mayb e used tobeneficiall y control water quality. This thesis, and Kaplan, E., 1981. Multiobjective reservoir optimization via lake stratification modeling and constrained nonlinear programming. In: Unny, T.E., and McBean, E.A. (eds), Proceedings of International Symposium on Real-Time Operation of Hydrosystems, University of Waterloo, Ontario, Canada, June 24-28, 1981, pp.563-581 . 8. Assisting the developing countries to achieve a sustainable agricultural growth will help the developed countries to alleviate growing problems of land andwate r resources pollution. 9. In development cooperation, higher priority should be given to training, technical education and research programmes. 10. There was a Door towhic h I found no Key. There was aVei l pastwhic h Icoul d not see. Some little Talk awhile ofM E and THEE There seemed-and thenn omor e of THEE andME . Omar Khayyam (1048-1122) -translatio n by Edward J. Fitzgerald K.Shiat i Salinitymanagemen ti nrive rbasins ; modellingan dmanagemen to fth esalt-affecte dJarre hReservoi r (Iran). Wageningen,2 4Jun e199 1 ABSTRACT Shiati, K., 1991. Salinity management in river basins; modelling and management of the salt-affected Jarreh Reservoir (Iran). Doctoral thesis, WageningenAgricultura l University, Wageningen, The Netherlands, ix+183p. , 61 Figures, 9 photographs and 20 Tables (Summary and Conclusions in English, Dutch and Farsi). The sources and origin of salts in the basin of the two salt-affected Shapur and Dalaki rivers (Southern Iran) and the processes involved in salinizationhav e been studied. The extent ofwate r deterioration have been identified by examining spatial changes in the rivers water quality. Among salinity management measures pertaining to water quality, the engineering measures are investigated. It appears that the construction and management of the planned Jarreh Reservoir on the Shapur River is the most feasible one. The dynamic reservoir simulation model, DYRESM (Imberger, et al., 1978, Version 6.4) is adapted to simulate the salinity/temperature distribution, long-term behaviour and response to various management policies in this reservoir. A simplified method to account for the effect of sediment particles on density of inflows and the inflowing processes in mild bed slope reservoirs is introduced. The method applies only to the steady motion of a turbidity current that isneithe r depositing nor eroding sediments. The vertical propagation of sediment has notbee nmodelled . This applies to those substances (like dissolved salt) that are not reacting physically or (bio)chemicallywit h suspended particles. Various management options to minimize the salinity build-up in the reservoir are examined. Among these, the diversion of the most saline part of the summer flows to a point downstream of the last irrigation intakes will result in a significant water quality improvement. At the end of a 5- year simulation, only a weak salinity gradient remains in the reservoir. Based on simulations, using 15 years of data, and the salt balance calculation, the long-term behaviour of the Jarreh Reservoir is studied. It is shown that the salinity in the reservoir is largely determined by annual variabilty in the river discharge. KEY WORDS: river basin, salinity, salt diapirism, salt-affected reservoir, density, stratification, sediment particles, sedi men t- 1 ade n inflow, salinity management, Southern Iran r/U'vVi'LX ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS I am most grateful to Professor Dr. W.H. van der Molen for providing the opportunity for me to carry out the present studies under his supervision and guidance. I very much appreciate his continued encouragement and his valuable criticisms and authoritative corrections of the manuscript. I am greatly indebted to my co-supervisor Ir. J.H.G. Verhagen for his inspiration, suggestions and detailed comments. I wish to thank the staff of the Department of Hydrology, Soil Physics and Hydraulics for their kind and continued cooperation. Particularly, I wish to thank Professor Dr. J.J. Bogardi, Dr. J. van Hoorn, and Dr. R.W.R. Koopmans for reading parts of the text and for their valuable comments and drs. P.J.J.F. Torfs forhi s assistance with the DYRESM computer program. I would like to thank Professor J.C. Patterson, head of Environmental Modelling, Center for Water Research, University of Western Australia for providing the computer model DYRESM and also his later comments on the results. I express my gratitude to Dr. S.M. Hassanizadeh of the National Institute of Public Health and Environmental Protection (RIVM) forhi s encouragement, valuable comments, and textual corrections. My sincere gratitude to Ir. G.J.G. Kok of Royal Dutch Consulting Engineers and Architects, HASKONING and Ir. S. Groot of Delft Hydraulics for their advices andvaluabl e comments onpart s of themanuscript . I would like to express my gratitude to my colleagues in Yekom Consulting Engineers, Particularly Mr. H. Shantia and late A. Ghotbi who kindly made the necessary arrangements form y temporarely leave. Special thanks should also go to Mr. P.J.F. Link for his assistance with the text processing. I acknowledge the help of Mrs. H.J. van Werven in preparation of the manuscript for printing. The drawing were made by A. Van'tVee rwhos e workwa s mostworthwhile . Finally, Iwoul d like to thank Roya, Elnaz and Ashkan for the leisure time I spent, not with them, but in research work, and whose patience and graciousness made this publicationpossible . LIST OF CONTENTS INTRODUCTION 1 PART I -SALINIZATIO N IN THE SHAPUR AND DALAKI RIVER BASINS 1. BASIN CHARACTERISTICS 4 1.1 Drainage basins 4 1.2 Geology of the Shapur-Dalaki catchment 5 1.3 Geomorphological processes and river systems 7 1.3.1 Shapur river 7 1.3.2 Dalaki river 10 1.4 Climate 10 1.4.1 Precipitation 10 1.4.2 Temperature 11 1.4.3 Evaporation 11 1.4.4 Relative humidity 11 1.4.5 Wind 11 1.5 Hydrology 12 1.5.1 Groundwater 12 1.5.2 River flow 12 1.5.3 Water quality 16 1.6Agricultur e and land use 17 1.7 Water resources development 17 References 21 2. SALINITY AND SEDIMENT TRANSPORT IN THE SHAPUR AND DALAKI BASIN 2.1 Salinity in the Shapur-Dalaki basin 23 2.1.1 Introduction 23 2.1.2 Origin of salinity 24 2.1.3 Salt appearance 25 2.1.4 Sources of salinity 31 2.1.5 Comparison of salinization in riverbasin s 40 2.1.6 Conclusions 41 2.2 Dissolved and suspended matter transport in thebasi n 43 2.2.1 Introduction 43 2.2.2 Suspended materials 43 2.2.3 Dissolved materials 44 2.3 Relations between river discharge, suspended matter and dissolved matter in thebasi n 47 2.3.1 Introduction 47 2.3.2 Available data 48 2.3.3 Suspended matter 48 2.3.4 Total dissolved solids 51 2.3.5 Relationships between the components of dissolved matter 54 References 56 PART II -SALINIT Y MANAGEMENT INTH E SHAPURAN D DALAKIRIVE R BASIN 3.A REGIONAL APPROACH TO SALINITY MANAGEMENT IN RIVER BASINS. A CASE STUDY IN SOUTHERN IRAN Abstract 3.1 Introduction 60 3.2 Area description 61 3.2.1 Catchment and river system 61 3.2.2 Salinity of the river waters 63 3.3 Salinity control methods in the Shapur and Dalakibasi n 65 3.3.1 Strategies 65 3.3.2 Salt disposal methods 65 3.3.3 Saltmitigatio n methods 68 3.3.4 Other salt mitigation measures 70 3.4 Summary and conclusions 73 References 73 4. BEHAVIOUR OF A SALT-AFFECTED RESERVOIR 4.1 Introduction 75 References 78 4.2 An estimator for the density of a sediment-induced stratified fluid 80 Abstract 4.2.1 Introduction 80 4.2.2 Temperature and dissolved salt effects p(T,S) 80 4.2.3 Silt effect p(s) 81 4.2.4 Temperature, salt,an d suspended particles effect p(T,S,s) 81 References 83 5.MODELLIN G RESERVOIR WATER QUALITYAFFECTE D BY SALT, TEMPERATURE AND SEDIMENT 5.1 Behaviour of sediment-laden stratified flows 85 Summary 5.1.1 Introduction 85 5.1.2 Analysis of a sediment-laden inflow into a reservoir 86 5.1.3 Application of the model to the Jarreh Reservoir 93 5.1.4 Conclusions 93 References 95 5.2 Numerical simulation of reservoir behaviour 96 5.2.1 Introduction 96 5.2.2 Numerical model 97 5.2.3 Inflow dynamics and algorithm 99 5.2.4 Model inputs 101 5.2.5 Simulation results 105 5.2.6 Effect on output salinity 109 5.2.7 Validation of one-dimensional assumption 113 5.2.8 Conclusions 115 References 116 6.
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