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Page 1 of 27 PODOCES, 2007, 2(2): 77-96 a Century of Breeding Bird Assessment by Western Travellers in Iran, 1876–1977 - Appendix 1 C.S PODOCES, 2007, 2(2): 77-96 A century of breeding bird assessment by western travellers in Iran, 1876–1977 - Appendix 1 C.S. ROSELAAR and M. ALIABADIAN Referenced bird localities in Iran x°.y'N x°.y'E °N °E Literature reference province number Ab Ali 35.46 51.58 35,767 51,967 12 Tehran Abadan 30.20 48.15 30,333 48,250 33, 69 Khuzestan Abadeh 31.06 52.40 31,100 52,667 01 Fars Abasabad 36.44 51.06 36,733 51,100 18, 63 Mazandaran Abasabad (nr Emamrud) 36.33 55.07 36,550 55,117 20, 23-26, 71-78 Semnan Abaz - see Avaz Khorasan Abbasad - see Abasabad Semnan Abdolabad ('Abdul-abad') 35.04 58.47 35,067 58,783 86, 88, 96-99 Khorasan Abdullabad [NE of Sabzevar] * * * * 20, 23-26, 71-78 Khorasan Abeli - see Ab Ali Tehran Abiz 33.41 59.57 33,683 59,950 87, 89, 90, 91, 94, 96-99 Khorasan Abr ('Abar') 36.43 55.05 36,717 55,083 37, 40, 84 Semnan Abr pass 36.47 55.00 36,783 55,000 37, 40, 84 Semnan/Golestan Absellabad - see Afzalabad Sistan & Baluchestan Absh-Kushta [at c.: ] 29.35 60.50 29,583 60,833 87, 89, 91, 96-99 Sistan & Baluchestan Abu Turab 33.51 59.36 33,850 59,600 86, 88, 96-99 Khorasan Abulhassan [at c.:] 32.10 49.10 32,167 49,167 20, 23-26, 71-78 Khuzestan Adimi 31.07 61.24 31,117 61,400 90, 94, 96-99 Sistan & Baluchestan Afzalabad 30.56 61.19 30,933 61,317 86, 87, 88, 89, 90, 91, Sistan & Baluchestan 94, 96-99 Aga-baba 36.19 49.36 36,317 49,600 92, 96-99 Qazvin Agulyashker/Aguljashkar/Aghol Jaskar 31.38 49.40 31,633 49,667 92, 96-99 Khuzestan [at c.: ] Ahandar [at c.: ] 32.59 59.18 32,983 59,300 86, 88, 96-99 Khorasan Ahangar Mahalleh - see Now Mal Golestan Ahangaran 33.25 60.12 33,417 60,200 87, 89, 91, 96-99 Khorasan Ahmadabad 35.22 51.13 35,367 51,217 12, 41 Tehran Ahvaz (‘Ahwaz’) 31.20 48.41 31,333 48,683 20, 22, 23-26, 33, 49, 67, Khuzestan 69, 71-78, 80, 92, 96-99 Airabad - see Kheyrabad (nr Turkmen. Khorasan Garmab) Akhangerun - see Ahangaran Khorasan Akhbaz - see Ahvaz Khuzestan Akhender - see Ahander Khorasan Akh-Iman - see Aq Imam Golestan Akinlou 35.50 48.25 35,833 48,417 30-31 Zanjan Ak-Kala - see Aq Qal'eh Golestan Ala Khvorshid 31.32 49.52 31,533 49,867 92, 96-99 Khuzestan Alam Kuh - see Takht-i-Suleiman Mts. Mazandaran Aliabad (N Hormozgan) 28.35 55.50 28,583 55,833 04, 40 Hormozgan Aliabad (nr Bandan) 31.21 60.24 31,350 60,400 86, 88, 96-99 Khorasan Aliabad (nr Boniabad) 34.13 59.58 34,217 59,967 86, 88, 96-99 Khorasan Aliabad (nr Gorgan) 36.55 54.33 36,917 54,550 37, 84 Golestan Aliabad (nr Shiraz) 29.59 52.03 29,983 52,050 79 Fars Aliabad (Sistan) [at c.: ] 30.52 61.35 30,867 61,583 90, 94, 96-99 Sistan & Baluchestan Aljastan - see Aliabad (nr Gorgan) Golestan Alkhorshid - see Ala Khvorshid Khuzestan Amghan 35.20 60.34 35,333 60,567 87, 89, 91, 96-99 Khorasan Amirabad 36.33 49.07 36,550 49,117 20, 23-26, 71-78 Zanjan Amol 36.26 52.24 36,433 52,400 05 Mazandaran Anarak 33.18 53.43 33,300 53,717 92, 96-99 Esfahan Anbar-Abad 28.30 57.46 28,500 57,767 12, 49 Kerman Ande - see Khan Mohammadabad Sistan & Baluchestan Andimeshk 32.28 48.22 32,467 48,367 33, 39 Khuzestan Anech/Anekh [near Amirabad] * * * * 20, 23-26, 71-78 Zanjan Angohran ('Anguran') 26.35 57.55 26,583 57,917 32 Hormozgan Page 1 of 27 PODOCES, 2007, 2(2): 77-96 A century of breeding bird assessment by western travellers in Iran, 1876–1977 - Appendix 1 C.S. ROSELAAR and M. ALIABADIAN Referenced bird localities in Iran x°.y'N x°.y'E °N °E Literature reference province number Angun - see Amghan Khorasan Aq Iman 37.07 55.06 37,117 55,100 95 Golestan Aq Qal'eh 37.01 54.27 37,017 54,450 84 Golestan Arabi I. - see Hendorabi I. Hormozgan Arak 34.05 49.42 34,083 49,700 12, 40 Markazi Arbiz - see Arviz Khorasan Ardabil (‘Ardebil’) 38.15 48.18 38,250 48,300 20, 23-26, 43, 71-78 Ardabil Ardakan 32.20 53.59 32,333 53,983 69 Yazd Ardakun ('Ardakan') 30.16 51.59 30,267 51,983 79 Fars Ardal 31.59 50.40 31,983 50,667 80 Chahar Mahall & Bakhtiari Arisht ('Arysh') 36.20 49.46 36,333 49,767 92, 96-99 Qazvin Arviz 31.41 60.02 31,683 60,033 86, 88, 96-99 Khorasan Asadabad (nr Torbat-e Heydariyeh) 35.39 59.21 35,650 59,350 86, 88, 96-99 Khorasan Asadabad (nr Zuzan) 34.23 59.54 34,383 59,900 86, 88, 96-99 Khorasan Ashur-Ade island 36.56 53.57 36,933 53,950 92, 96-99 Mazandaran Asilmodag Mts. - see Kuh-e Aselmeh Astaneh ('Astanae') 36.16 54.06 36,267 54,100 18, 63 Semnan Astara 38.26 48.52 38,433 48,867 04, 43, 53, 57 Gilan Asterabad - see Gorgan Golestan Asterabad Bay - see Gorgan Bay Mazandaran Atkul 33.29 60.03 33,483 60,050 87, 89, 91, 96-99 Khorasan Atrak ('Atrek') R. at: 37.50 55.00 37,833 55,000 12, 96-99 Golestan Avaz 32.56 60.16 32,933 60,267 87, 89, 91, 96-99 Khorasan Aviz - see Abiz Khorasan Avsel-abad - see Afzalabad Sistan & Baluchestan Awis - see Abiz Azad Shahr - see Shah Pasand Golestan Baaza valley (nr Howz-e Muzaffari) 34.00 59.51 34,000 59,850 87, 89, 91, 96-99 Khorasan Babol 36.32 52.42 36,533 52,700 18, 38, 63 Mazandaran Babol Sar (‘Babulsar’) 36.41 52.39 36,683 52,650 12, 18, 41, 57, 63 Mazandaran Badinë [at c.: ] 32.46 59.18 32,767 59,300 86, 88, 96-99 Khorasan Badzhistan - see Bejestan Khorasan Bag (nr Dar Gibian) 29.10 61.17 29,167 61,283 87, 89, 91, 96-99 Sistan & Baluchestan Buk - see Bag Sistan & Baluchestan Bag (nr Muman) [at c.: ] 25.45 60.15 25,750 60,250 90, 94, 96-99 Sistan & Baluchestan Bagaki (nr Zabol) [at c.: ] 30.52 61.28 30,867 61,467 90, 94, 96-99 Sistan & Baluchestan Bag-e Sang (nr Duruh) 32.15 60.30 32,250 60,500 87, 89, 91, 96-99 Khorasan Bagirabad 35.58 59.47 35,967 59,783 86, 88, 90, 94, 96-99 Khorasan Bagu-Kelat - see Bahu Kalat Sistan & Baluchestan Bagyran-Kuh Mt. (nr Rekut) [at c.: ] 33.00 59.00 33,000 59,000 86, 88, 96-99 Khorasan Bagystan - see Bejestan Khorasan Bagystan-Tun - see Ferdows Khorasan Bahramabad - see Rafsanjan Kerman Bahu Kalat 25.43 61.25 25,717 61,417 90, 94, 96-99 Sistan & Baluchestan Bajgiran 37.38 58.12 37,633 58,200 90, 94, 96-99 Khorasan Bakhtaran 34.19 47.04 34,317 47,067 01, 06, 13, 20, 23-26, 71- Kermanshah 78, 80 Bal ('Balyu') 25.41 61.18 25,683 61,300 90, 94, 96-99 Sistan & Baluchestan Balvard 29.25 56.03 29,417 56,050 20, 23-26, 71-78 Kerman Bam 29.07 58.20 29,117 58,333 04, 13, 20, 23-26, 32, 71- Kerman 78 Bampur 27.13 60.28 27,217 60,467 12, 32, 49, 87, 89, 90, Sistan & Baluchestan 91, 94, 96-99 Bampur R., upper & middle 27.12 60.20 27,200 60,333 87, 89, 91, 96-99 Sistan & Baluchestan Bamrud 33.39 60.05 33,650 60,083 87, 89, 90, 91, 94, 96-99 Khorasan Page 2 of 27 PODOCES, 2007, 2(2): 77-96 A century of breeding bird assessment by western travellers in Iran, 1876–1977 - Appendix 1 C.S. ROSELAAR and M. ALIABADIAN Referenced bird localities in Iran x°.y'N x°.y'E °N °E Literature reference province number Band Qir 31.40 48.54 31,667 48,900 92, 96-99 Khuzestan Bandan 31.23 60.43 31,383 60,717 86, 87, 88, 89, 90, 91, Khorasan 94, 96-99 Bandar-e Abbas (Bandar ‘Abass) 27.11 56.16 27,183 56,267 04, 13, 20, 23-26, 32, 71- Hormozgan 78, 79 Bandar Khomeyni 30.26 49.06 30,433 49,100 20, 21, 23-26, 71-78, 33 Khuzestan Bandar-e Anzali 37.28 49.27 37,467 49,450 06, 12, 15, 18, 36, 41, Gilan 43, 57, 63, 92, 96-99 Bandar-e Gaz 36.47 53.57 36,783 53,950 06, 12, 14, 28-29, 36, 81, Golestan 84, 92, 95, 96-99 Bandar-e Pahlavi - see Bandar-e Anzali Gilan Bandar-e Shahpur - see Bandar Khuzestan Khomeyni Bandar-e Torkeman 36.54 54.07 36,900 54,117 14, 20, 23-26, 56, 71-78 Golestan Bandar-i-Ges - see Bandar-e Gaz Mazandaran Bandar-i-Shahpur - see Bandar Khuzestan Khomeyni Bandar-Shah - see Bandar-e Torkeman Mazandaran Band-e Amir 29.46 52.51 29,767 52,850 12 Fars Bani Forur, Jazireh-ye/I.
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