Ecotourism Development in Challenges and Opportunities

Shima Karimi

Luleå University of Technology Master Thesis, Continuation Courses Marketing and e-commerce Department of Business Administration and Social Sciences Division of Industrial marketing and e-commerce

2008:126 - ISSN: 1653-0187 - ISRN: LTU-PB-EX--08/126--SE

University of Isfahan Lulea University of Technology

Master Thesis

Ecotourism Development in Isfahan: Challenges and Opportunities

Supervisor: Prof. Ghazi Supervisor: Dr. Joao Sarmento

By: Shima Karimi

Lulea University of Technology Department of Business Administration and Social Science Division of Industrial Marketing and E-commerce

December 2007



The purpose of this study is to evaluate the Isfahan ecotourism. This research describes

the challenges of Isfahan ecotourism and explores the opportunities in this city. The research is a developing research. Data gathered through interviews, field work, using of

different web sites, magazines, e-books, theses and scientific reports.

This research is worked on the basis of a model and described that there must be a governmental strategic plan and framework on the basis of this model.

The research is a qualitative and descriptive. Data gathered through archival records and interviews and direct observation.

From conducting this research some important findings explored. It seems that as a result of findings, enjoys appropriate situations and advantages for developing ecotourism but they have not been introduced in previous years in a proper manner and there is not desired spatial arrangement and planning and linkage between them.

Performed actions are limited to preservation and maintenance and restoration of a few historical constructions in Isfahan. According to this research there must be a comprehensive and spatial planning and framework for development of ecotourism in


Two case studies on rural tourism development in Garmeh and Khafr villages have been researched for which a comprehensive field work was carried out. This is the first attempt in evaluating rural tourism development in the province of Isfahan. The results obtained confirm the questions of this research are:

i 1- Government must have the sufficient capital for tourism development.

2- Private and public investment must be considered as well.

3- There must be a national spatial and strategic plan for ecotourism development for

Iran which Isfahan is part of it.

4- With regard to that model that I‘ve mentioned, all the stakeholders must be shared

in this strategic plan.

5- Demand and supply must be analyzed.

6- A special organization which conducts ecotourism affairs must be created.

7- Participation of people also is needed for ecotourism development.

8- All the ecotourism potentials must be analyzed and it must show on tourism maps

and also all the tourism paths must be distinguished.)

Key words: tourism, ecotourism, sustainable tourism, attractions, tourism planning



First of all I would like to express my sincere gratitude to my supervisors, Professor Dr. Iran Ghazi and Dr. Joao Sarmento for their intelligent guidance and helpful and essential advices and comments throughout the time I have been working on my thesis.

There are several people that I would like to thank for contributing to the quality of this research. I would like to begin with thanking Mr.Mirzaee at Isfahan Plan & Budget Organization,“ for his help. In addition, I would like to thank Mr. Moshiri, responsible for Plan for Land Society for his helpful guidelines related to Khafr village. I also would like to thank Mr. Al- Davood for his assistance in collecting data related to Garmeh village. I also would like to thank my dear friend, Mahshad Torkan for her helpful replies to my e-mails and her papers which were very helpful in my research.

Finally, I would like to thank my loved ones. I would specially thank my husband, for his support, love and bearing me during this whole while, my dear brother for his help and my mother and father for their endless helps and affection. Carrying on my study and passing the period of this research have never been possible without the help of one by one of them.


Table of contents:

Abstract...... i

Acknowledgement...... iii

Table of contents ...... iv

List of tables and figures ...... xi

1) Chapter1: Introduction...... 1

1.1- Problem statement ...... 1

1.2- Problem significance ...... 3

1.3- Literature Review ...... 4

1.4- Research Objectives ...... 4

1.5-Hypotheses or questions of research ...... 5

1.6-Research methods...... 5

1.7- Application of Research Results...... 5

1.8-Reseach Limitations ...... 6

2) Chapter2: Literature Review ...... 8

2.1- Ecotourism...... 8

2.2- Sustainable tourism...... 10

2.3- Introduction of tourism...... 12

2.4- Position of Iran ...... 15

2.5- Tourism history in Iran...... 17

2.5.1- Medes & Achaemenid Period...... 17

iv 2.5.2- Arsacid Period ...... 18

2.5.3- Sassanid Period...... 18

2.5.4- Islamic Period...... 18

2.5.5- Safavid Period & Before that...... 19

2.5.6- Qajar Period & 19 th century...... 21

2.6- Trend of tourism in Iran ...... 26

2.7- Tourism in Isfahan Province...... 29

2.8- Problems of tourism & ecotourism sector of Isfahan...... 38

2.9- Capabilities & potentials of eco-tourism in Isfahan ...... 39

2.10- Major Resources of Isfahan...... 39

2.11- Ability of producing trip & number of tourists ...... 40

2.12- Future perspective based on present situation ...... 41

2.13- Advantages & disadvantages of tourism in Isfahan Province ...... 45

2.13.1- Advantages of tourism...... 46

2.13.2- Disadvantages of tourism ...... 46

2.14- Controlling factors of the future of tourism in Isfahan Province ...... 47

2.14.1- Considering tourism motivations...... 47

2.14.2- Systematic approach of tourism and ecotourism development ...... 48

2.14.3-Considering all the requirements of tourism development...... 48

2.14.4- Considering factors in increasing Demand & Income...... 49

2.14.5- Investment in development of tourism activity ...... 49

2.14.6- Providing political & social stability...... 50

2.14.7- Improving the culture of hospitable society ...... 50

v 2.14.8- Presentation & development of handicrafts & price stabilization...... 51

2.14.9- Services required for tourism and ecotourism development ...... 52

2.14.10- Proper organizational structure...... 52

2.14.11- Preconditions for private sector publication in tourism development...... 53 Human resource Education...... 54 Development of management...... 54 Experts...... 54

2.14.12- Advertisement...... 55

2.14.13- Communications...... 55

2.14.14- Considering urban-making and maintaining the traditions ...... 56

2.14.15- Specifying a location for the establishment of installations...... 56

2.14.16- Establishment of recreation centers and regions ...... 58

2.14.17- Directing and development strategies identifications...... 59

2.14.18- Recreation tourism and urban life ...... 61

2.14.19- Welfare facilities and accommodation facilities ...... 62

2.14.20- Promotion of local tourism as basic operation for tourism development.... 63

2.14.21- Creation of data bank with the application of advanced technology...... 63

2.14.22- Planning for extension of tourists and ecotourists‘ time of visit ...... 64

2.15- Perspective of tourism and ecotourism development of the Province...... 64

3) Chapter3: Research Method...... 67

3.1- Research Purpose...... 67

3.2- Research Approach...... 68

3.2.1- Deductive versus Inductive Research...... 69

vi 3.2.2- Qualitative versus Quantitative Research...... 69

3.3- Research Strategy ...... 70

3.4- Data collection method...... 71

3.5- Sample selection...... 73

3.6- Data analysis...... 74

4) Chapter 4: Analysis and Research Findings...... 76

4.1- Centers for development of rural handicrafts...... 76

4.2- The most important paths and regions for tourism (recreational and pilgrimage) in

Isfahan Province separated from view point of importance regarding native, regional, and international ...... 77

4.3- Proposed policies for the development of domestic and foreign tourism markets.... 85

4.4- Climatic regions...... 87

4.5- Environmental factors and eco-systems in the Province...... 88

4.6- The effects of activities on environmental resources ...... 89

4.6.1- Water Resources...... 89

4.6.2- Soil...... 90

4.6.3- Vegetation...... 91

4.6.4- Ecological diversity ...... 91 Mountainous Region...... 92 Central Region...... 92 Desert Region ...... 93

4.7- To propose some policies in management of Eco-environmental resources...... 93

vii 4.8- Land use of Isfahan (present situation)...... 94

4.8.1- Estimation of forests with little trees of various cities ...... 94

4.8.2-Mixed forests of each city ...... 95

4.8.3- Pastures of the province...... 95

4.8.4- Assessment and analysis of the past and present status of tourism...... 97 Recognition of attractions and its classification...... 97 Tourism Regions...... 99 Isfahan ...... 99 , Aran Bidgol and ...... 100 and Naein ...... 101 Khansar and ...... 101 Fereidan, Fereidunshahr and ...... 102 Zayandeh Rood path and the area of Lenjan, and

Falavarjan ...... 102 Access roads of tourism...... 103 To Historical Attractions ...... 104 To Religious Attractions...... 104 To Natural Attractions...... 104 To Cultural Attractions...... 105 To Recreational Attractions...... 106 To Scientific and Industrial Attractions...... 106

4.9- Present situation of agriculture, eco-environment and tourism...... 106

4.9.1- Agriculture...... 106

viii 4.9.2- Eco-environment ...... 107

4.9.3- Tourism...... 109

4.10- Classification of tribal regions...... 110

4.11- Tribal population and pastures utilizations ...... 113

4.12- Suggestions for the supplying services to tribal regions ...... 118

4.13- System of servicing to tribal regions ...... 122

4.14- Policies to fulfill the development of tribal society...... 123

4.15- Nomadic pastoralism or Sedenterization...... 129

4.15.1- Assessment and analysis of the past and present status...... 130

4.15.2- The procedure of settling of the tribes regions for sedenterization ...... 132

4.15.3- Planning for supporting pastoral tribes in the province...... 136

4.16- System of servicing to the tribes...... 137

4.17- The strategies of development...... 139

4.18- Assessment and analysis of the past & present status ...... 140

4.18.1- Isfahan Province ...... 140

4.18.2- Isfahan City...... 143

4.19-Garmeh and Khafr ecotourism development plan...... 149

4.19.1- Desert case of ecotourism: Garmeh village...... 149

4.19.2- Mountainous case of ecotourism: Khafr village...... 155

5) Chapter 5: Conclusion...... 233

5.1- Subjects for future researches...... 238

5.2- Suggestions...... 239


References ...... 240

Appendix ...... 243

Photos (1-21) related to traditional guest house of Garmeh village ...... 243

Photos (22- 26) related to old stream and warm water of Garmeh...... 257

Photos (27-35) related to camel riding in village ...... 260

Photos (36-46) related to hill of moving sands of Garmeh...... 268

Photos (48- 52) related to salt sea...... 276

Photos (53-57) related to sunset and sunrise of Garmeh ...... 280

Photos (58-62) related to tent- dwelling ...... 285

Photos (63-65) related to palm grove of Garmeh ...... 288

Photos (66-72) related to flora and fauna of Garmeh ...... 290


List of Figures and Tables


Table 2.1- Evaluation of tourism Resources...... 40

Table 4.1- Anticipation of population during 1996-2021...... 89

Table 4.2- Studied tourism attractions of Isfahan province...... 98

Table 4.3- Spatial distribution of tribes in Isfahan province separately for the city of winter and summer sedenterization in 1987 ...... 113

Table 4.4- Spatial distribution of tribes in Isfahan province separately for the city of winter and summer sedenterization in 1997 ...... 115

Table 4.5- Forecast of residing of Isfahan Province tribes for a 20 year period ...... 133


Figure 2.1- Stakeholders & Decision making framework ...... 43

Figure 2.2- Tourism Planning Process...... 44



Chapter 1: Introduction

1.1- Problem statement

According to the forecasting‘s, till 2020, about 1/6 billion of people will travel around the world and they will spend money about 2000 million dollars 1. Potential ability of Iran in the field of attracting tourists is very high. According to the experts of Iranian tourist organization, Iran is one of the five countries that have the highest level of physical verity in the world and it‘s one of the ecotourism prominent poles in the world but at the present it is at the level of 120 th among the other countries of the world.

In regard to this point that till next decade, the number of tourism travels will become

50% at all trips, the countries that emphasis their tourism development on the axis of ecotourism, they will have the most rate of growth and with regard to this point, Iran is the weak country in competence market of tourism attraction. So compiling a comprehensive program and strategy is necessary for Isfahan.

1- Zirakbash, Diba (2007). Analysis for tourism markets of Isfahan city and its development strategies (foreign tourists). (Ph.D. Dissertation, Isfahan University)

1 Isfahan is prominent respect to natural and geographical situation and because it‘s placed in the center of Iran, it can have an easy communication with other parts of the country with the ability of air, land and rail way

Furthermore the variety climate of Isfahan and existing of Zayandeh Rood valley and

Green lands around it, can attract unexpected population of tourists to this city.

But despite all of these conditions and facilities, Isfahan is required to develop in all aspects of life especially in tourist aspect that almost remained untouched.

Because ecotourism development is the background of economical growth, making job facilities, investing and etc. and all these aspects can cause to the regional development.

In regional development, creating tourism poles in the regions that have resources and enough attractions can help the development.

Development of tourism region that at the point of economy are going to stagnate with creating new jobs and developed and second resources can make it possible that the rural pastoralism can decrease and can provide the job opportunities in those rural areas.

Tourism with transferring shopping facility from urban and industrial places to rural places can make a balance between these two places and also it can change the local and regional business in regard to validity rate. Tourism in the region that has enough resources like tourist and cultural resources can help to the growth of economic equivalences. So if tourism development can cause to create rural job opportunities and rural area growth, as potentials of this activity is beneficial for the Isfahan. In this research at the first I want to study the economic aspects of tourism industry and then with identifying the place dimensions of it in Isfahan, recognize the development potentials of tourism in nature and society and evaluate these potentials.

2 1.2-Problem significance:

The affair of development shall not only concentrate on industry or agriculture and in order to access to balanced growth we shall look at tourism as an important sector effective in the development in addition to considering other sectors.

The base of attracting tourist is existence and variety of attractions in the region and this category has widespread and various fields that it is only limited to historical works and buildings and on the basis of various need of human being each different space that indicates thought and culture of one tribe is regarded attractive.

In the scope of discussed area we confront with valuable treasures which are marvelous and their variety and beauty is extraordinary. Recognition and introduction of these treasures in each place and assessment of its potential and actual powers can result in directing a part of regional and local planning toward tourism, attraction of private capitals and providing the fields for developing this activity and finally to regional flourishing.

Although Isfahan is an industrial pole, but there has always been the problem of unemployment, and also eco-tourism problems have been ignored as well. In development plans for increasing income all the potentials including tourism and eco- tourism should be considered and essential studies for recognizing potentials and challenges and opportunities for one principal planning for eco-tourism to be performed.

Considering above problems is a determined reason for importance and value of this research and makes the necessity for its performance definite.

3 1.3- Literature review

In the subject of tourism development in Isfahan, some researches and studies have done in this regard that each of them has pointed something about ecotourism. I supposed to find information about ecotourism in Isfahan five years‘ development plans (1983-1987,

1994-1998, 2000-2004, 2005-2009, 2010-2014) but there is not any especial plan for ecotourism development in Isfahan. In Provincial spatial strategy plan of Isfahan, there is a chapter which is partially pointed to ecotourism but in this chapter, there is not complete explanation about policies, plans and development of ecotourism in Isfahan and it appears that until now, there is not any comprehensive and complied study in this city and maybe doing this research is the first trying in this field. It shall be mentioned that recently some of the dissertations for Master Degree of Eco-tourism have been compiled in some cities of the province which have been used in this research.

1.4- Research Objectives:

1- Identifying the development potentials of ecotourism in Isfahan.

2- Identifying the effects of ecotourism development and sustainable tourism on socio- economic development of Isfahan with concentration on facilities and opportunities.

3- Evaluating of ecotourism attractions in Isfahan

Fulfillment above purposes can provide the required grounds for a comprehensive, spatial planning in tourist and eco-tourist activities of Isfahan which have been considered in regional development plans including 5-year plans and also long-term 20-year perspective.

4 1.5-Hypotheses or questions of research:

1- Isfahan Province has many tourism attractions and has capacity for attracting


2- Development of eco-tourism industry creates new occupational opportunities in

rural, local and tribal regions.

3- Development of eco-tourism industry leads to further development of rural, local and

tribal regions.

1.6-Research methods:

This research is a developing research. The method used in this research is the

combination of librarian and documental, descriptive and observation methods. The

information gathered through primary and secondary data, interviews with tourism

managers in Khafr and Garmeh villages, interviews with Mr., Moshiri the responsible

for Plan for Land Society, interview with Mr. Al-Davood, the designer of Garmeh

traditional guest house, interviews with the native residents of Khafr and Garmeh

villages, from the presence in some tourism related conference which are held in

Isfahan and also from using of different web sites, magazines and e-books, MA and

PhD theses and scientific reports, use of online papers which are sent on behalf of

Mahshad Torkan, using of maps, photos archive.

1.7-Application of Research Results

Results of this research can be applied by organizations, agents and following individuals:

5 - Professors, researchers, experts and students

- Organization of Management and Planning for Regional Development

- Organization of Environmental Preservation

- Organization of Iran tourism and foreign tourism

- Companies and institutions of tourism

- Managers of tourism agencies specially tourism in natural environment and noble


- Friends of the nature and supporters of noble cultures in the form of NGO


- Organization of Jihad Keshavarzi

- Organization of Cultural Heritage, Handicrafts and tourism

1.8- Research limitations:

1-There is not a comprehensive research about the ecotourism of Isfahan so great effort was made to data collection considering the shortage of time.

2- Information must be primary data which needed extensive field work and it needs interview with all the stakeholders including officials involved, people, host community and ecotourists themselves.

3-There was limited documented data about Isfahan ecotourism in this province.

4- It seems some tourism managers had many information but they didn‘t put at my disposal easily.

5- It is not easy to access to Garmeh villages at all for the moment. Yet I went to Garmeh

400 kilometer of Isfahan located in desert area & Khafr located in mountainous area with

6 primitive roads and thick cover of snow and no facility to clear the snow and ice from the accessible roads.

6- In Khafr village because of winter (low season), there were a few tourists.

7- There is no data bank related to ecotourism.



Chapter 2: Literature Review

2.1- Ecotourism:

Much attention has been paid to the question of what constitutes ecotourism, and numerous concepts and definitions exist (Ballantine and Eagles 1994; Blarney 1995;

Bottrill and Pearce 1995; Buckley 1994). The Ecotourism Society, based in the US and the most international of the ecotourism organizations, defines ecotourism as responsible travel to natural areas that conserves the environment and improves the welfare of local people. The Australian National Ecotourism Strategy defines ecotourism as a nature- based tourism that involves education and interpretation of the natural environment and is managed to be ecologically sustainable. Numerous other definitions exist around the world.

In 1996, the World Conservation Union (formerly the IUCN) said that ecotourism 1:

—…is environmentally responsible travel and visitation to relatively undisturbed natural areas, in order to enjoy and appreciate nature (and any accompanying cultural features-

1- Georrgieva, Kamelia (2004). National ecotourism strategy and action plan. pp 2-7

8 both past and present) that promotes conservation, has low negative visitor impact, and provides for beneficially active socioeconomic involvement of local populations.“

At the First National Forum ”Ecotourism, mountains, and Protected Areas-Partners in

Prosperity,‘ (2002)( Kamelia Georrgieva, 2004), the Ministry of Economy (MOE), the

Ministry of Environment and Waters (MOEW), and the Ministry of Agriculture and

Forests (MOAF) signed a Protocol for Cooperation for the field of ecotourism. In this document, the three ministers provided the following national definition of ecotourism:

— The Ministers endorse the common understanding of ecotourism as travel to relatively undamaged natural areas, aimed at providing the visitors with opportunities to view and enjoy nature and all accompanying cultural attractions, while at the same time encouraging their preservation and allowing the lowest possible impact. Ecotourism is also a form of small and medium enterprise development, opportunity for developing businesses related to all affiliated services, mainly through small local population, and the just allocation of responsibilities and benefits. Ecotourism comprises important elements of nature protection, conservation education, interpretation of the natural and cultural heritage, and it complies with all forms of sustainable tourism.“

The variability in conceptual definitions like these is further complicated by the difficulty of moving from a conceptual definition to an operational definition.

The variability in conceptual definitions like these is further complicated by the difficulty of moving from a conceptual definition to an operational definition. For example, a conceptual definition may involve sustainability, but when one tries to

9 measure whether someone is an ecotourist or some tourism activity is ecotourism, a more precise definition of sustainability is needed. What are the criteria one uses to determine whether the activity is sustainable and thus qualifies as ecotourism?

Most conceptual definitions of ecotourism can be reduced to the following: "ecotourism is tourism and recreation that is both nature-based and sustainable," and it is this definition that is used here. Three features of this definition merit further discussion.

First, the definition clarifies the descriptive and the prescriptive components of the ecotourism concept. The nature component is descriptive or positive in the sense that it simply describes the activity location and associated consumer motivations. The sustainable component is prescriptive or normative in the sense that it reflects what people want the activity to be. An important point is that, as used here, sustainability incorporates environmental, experiential, socio-cultural, and economic dimensions.

There is significant diversity in definitions of ecotourism and in the characteristics of ecotourism experiences. Typically, and as used here, most tourism activities that occur in natural areas are loosely considered ecotourism. In practice, ecotourism is concerned with making all nature tourism activities more sustainable-with achieving the conceptual definition presented above.

2.2- Sustainable tourism:

Sustainable tourism as defined by the Organization of Eastern Caribbean States(OECS) is

—the optimal use of natural and cultural resources for national development on an equitable and self sustaining basis to provide a unique visitor experience and an improved

10 quality of life through partnership among government the private sector and communities.“ 1

—Sustainable tourism“ is often equated with nature or eco-tourism; but sustainable tourism development means more than protecting the natural environment- it means proper consideration of host peoples, communities, cultures, customs, lifestyles, and social and economic systems. It is tourism that truly benefits those who are on the receiving end, and that does not exploit and degrade the environment in which they live and from which they must earn a living after the last tourist has flown back home. It is tourism that enhances the material life of local communities, without causing a loss of traditional employment systems, acculturation or social disruption. 2

1- http://www.jsdnp.org.jm/susTourism.htm , 2007

2-http://www.wikipedia.com, 2007

11 2.3 -Introduction of tourism:

During the past 4 decades tourism has been one of the factors for economic and social development in many regions and as the widest service activity caused to provide occupation for more than 200 million individuals or about 8 % of total occupied individuals in the world and it is expected that in year 2011 the employees in this sector increase up to 9 % 1.

Based on the researches by WTO during 2 next decades tourism activity will continue rapidly and it will become the greatest activity in the world. WTO forecasts that in 2010 there will be more than 1 million international flights with tourism purposes that this rate in 2020 will reach 1.6 million 2.

Also it is forecasted that number of international tourists in 2010 will be 1006.4 million individuals and in 2020 it will be 1.6 billion individuals that they will pay about 2000 billion Dollars (Diba Zirakbash, 2007). Of course the share of regions is not equal for these tourists. Studies indicate that in this year the share of South Asia countries which

Iran is indicated in it will reach to 1.1 % maximum. Also the growth of tourism activity in 2010 will be between 3.4 to 6.7 percent 3.

1- Zirakbash, Diba, (2007) Analysis for tourism markets of Isfahan city and its development strategies (foreign tourists). (Ph.D. Dissertation, Isfahan University) 2- Erisian, Nasrin, (1998). Study and Recognition of Eco- tourism attractions in Semirom. (Dissertation of M.A., Isfahan University) 3- http:/ www.wto.com-1999

12 Today tourism is a profitable activity which many countries of the world have invested on it. This activity needs many plans and is one of the most efficient activities for increasing occupation. Each dollar which is spent for this activity is definitely more than one dollar investment in other industries such as automobile manufacturing.

Internationally at the present tourism is regarded one of the greatest growing industries in the world. According to the statements of WTO, income of tourism in 1993 has constituted a greater ration of world exports in all the sectors excepts crude oil, oil products and vehicles as well as their parts and incomes of international tourism have grown faster than world commerce 1.

For many reasons, it seems that development of tourism will continue in future as well.

These reasons include: increasing holidays, increasing people income and increasing length of life after retirement age. It also seems that increasing development and evolution of airplane industry and world communications has made more widespread the perspective of international tourism.

Development and progress of tourism activity was to the extent that even the regions of the earth which seems that have no capability in this field have now considered it.

Commercial tourism in Antarctic was started from 1917, but serious activity in this field was started from 1961 with entering the first tourism ship to the South side and from that time this activity has grown strikingly.

1- Tourism management, James Eliot. (Translators: Jamshidiyan. Mehdi, Ataabadi. Akbar. Mani Publications, Isfahan, 2000)

13 Each year about 5000 international passengers from more than 27 countries visit South and this rate is continuously increasing (14000 individuals in 1999-2000) (Nasrin Erisian,


IAATO also with providing supplies and researches in this filed attracts attention of various societies to tourism as a source of knowledge. This society is developed each day with supporting tourism which develops tourism using natural and man-made attractions in South Pole. In North Pole, with building ice-hotels and types of other unique attractions commercial tourism and eco- tourism of cold regions is progressing. But where is the position of our country in this growing world activity? Potential ability of

Iran regarding tourist attraction is very high and unique, but despite the fact that on the basis of UNESCO standards it is one of the ancient and historical countries of the world, it is not even in the list 40 first countries which attract tourist and tourist income and it has a very little share in this profitable activity.

On the basis of report by the assistance of Researches in Iran and Tourism Organization in 1379, our country is one of five countries that enjoy the highest ecological variety in the earth and it is one of the privileged centers of eco- tourism in the world. Concerning historical and cultural attractions it is one of the first 10 countries in the world. But at the present we are in the rank of 120 between world countries and this matter mentions us that we shall make our best incessantly.

Isfahan province having about 25 % of historical and cultural registered works is regarded as an important tourism center in Iran. 1

1- Plan & Budget organization, Social- Economic report of Isfahan Province, 2000

14 In spite of published statistics which are very contradictory as well it is evident that this province opposite to prevalent ideas only has little foreign tourists.

Even though Isfahan city is one of the most famous tourism cities, it is not an exception to the rule and the rate of receiving tourist and its obtained income is not in the expected limit as well. So it seems that the matter of tourist attraction to Isfahan is one of the cases that essential decisions and thoughts shall be made.

About 35 % of total tourists entered in the country have visited Isfahan attractions during 1-3 days (Isfahan Province Management & Planning Organization, 2001).

Isfahan attracted 20 % of entered tourists to Iran and at the present it receives 150 foreign tourists daily which will amount to 54750 individuals per year and with calculating domestic tourists this number will reach to 120000 individuals.

During 1370-83, Isfahan province has received at least 7373 foreign tourists and

181778 domestic tourists to maximum 50309 foreign tourists and 215704 domestic tourists ( Isfahan Tourism, 1384) which in case that it is compared with the statistics of foreign tourists entered in Iran, it indicates a very different statistics.

Isfahan city has attracted 5 % of foreign tourists and 10 % of domestic tourists (Diba

Zirakbash, 2007).

2.4-Position of Tourism

Tourism is one of the growing resources in the world and the countries in all the stages of development are dependent on it. Development of this activity, particularly in countries which are searching for stable growth, has special importance. Tourism has interaction with all economic, social and cultural sectors directly and indirectly as an international activity. To the end of next decade tourism will obtain the first rank in table for high

15 income activities. This activity preceded "automobile" and "computer" industry with an income amounting to 500 milliard dollar in 1998 and to the year 2020 it will precede the only high income industry in the world, which is oil industry as well. The income of this industry in 2020 will amount to 1000 milliard dollar and to 2020 it will reach to 2000 milliard dollar, and in 2020 more than 43 % of employees in the world will be occupied in tourism sector (Diba Zirakbash, 2007).

With increasing competition for tourism, recognizing operation of this activity is more important, because it has important social, eco-environmental and political effects in addition to economic aspects. Tourism creates significant changes with changing population distribution, changing center of commercial activities, creation of extraordinary changes in spatial structure and geographical perspectives of urban and rural centers as well as restoration and renovation of historical works and it creates marvelous progresses with increasing incomes resulting from tax and strengthening government budget, propounding society and creating an opportunity for progress and also acceptance and learning other languages in order to communicate with tourists. The influence of tourism in improving quality of level for people life quality, foreign exchange income, national gross income, creation of job opportunities, inter-sector effects and development of other sectors such as agriculture and industry, improvement and development of infrastructures, justly distribution of wealth, creating fields of development in under- development regions, cultural interactions, increasing the level of people's awareness, establishment of peace and strengthening international relations is undeniable (Diba Zirakbash, 2007). This activity also has effect on strengthening national

16 traditions, promulgation of handicrafts, removing physical and mental fatigue, understanding aesthetical concepts and finding grandeur of creation.

2.5- Tourism History in Iran:

Supporting tourists‘ rights in Iran civilization has been considered in all the periods. In a manner that before and after Islam and even in the period of Pishdadian ( Aryan ruling) passenger and tourist had right and privilege and their rights and limits were determined and executed considering motivation and purpose of passenger. For example in the book of " History Travelers" it is mentioned that with no doubt at that time trip has special validity and before annihilation of this civilization domestic and foreign passengers were traveling in the roads between Shush and internal states and some installations had been built for their welfare that were destroyed in Ashurian attack. In travel accounts (logs) many things were written for supporting and observance of rights for tourists and hospitability and also the capability of tourism in Iran during various eras that some of them are mentioned in detail here under 1 :

2.5.1- Medes and Achaemenid Period:

Documents and deeds obtained from this period indicate that they considered the ways and streets very much, and famous Shah Road with the length of 2500 km was built in

Daryoush era and "Herodotus" famous historian of Greek passed it and he refers to the caravanserai, post offices, and established stations in the road which were more than 100.

1- All the information about tourism history in Iran and Isfahan are obtained from —Isfahan Plan & Budget Organization“

17 To appoint special officers, swift horses and camels, installing guide bars in the roads and even establishment of bridges in hard-passing paths for facilitating the passages of commercial caravans are some of them.

2.5.2- Arsacid (Parthian) Period:

In this era important paths were built including Road which was the most important commercial highway. This road was started from China country and was ended in Mediterranean Sea and also passed from Iran. At that time the roads and transportation vehicles were regulated and even desert driving units were created and for providing trip facilities and making aware passengers, the news or brochures, as said today, and guide drafts were prepared for the passengers and they were put at their disposal 1.

2.5.3- Sassanid Period:

In this era in addition to establishing unique roads of 250 km road between Firuzabad and Persian Gulf, various caravanserai were built such as " Deir Golchin caravanserai ", and " Robat Bisotun" with the architecture of Parthian era and some criteria were regulated for observing passengers' rights in these paths.

2.5.4- Islamic Period:

In the first years of dominance of Arabs on Iran, caravanserais and other welfare installation in the path of roads were destroyed due to appearance of unstable rulings in

Iran, but after passing about two centuries, the destructions were gradually restored. Due to existing the record of civil life and experiences resulting from good- behavior and social moods of Iranian people which was with particular hospitability of Eastern people and in the light of performing Islamic rules and regulations, tourism obtained their former promulgation and tourism entered a new phase in Iran that various tourists have noted it

18 very nice and they have mentioned establishment of welfare installations and regular recreation places.

In addition to promulgating tourism and establishment of public construction, in this period tourists at least had following rights and advantages:

1- Utilization from generously aids of Iranian people

2- Enjoyment from hospitability with incessant simplicity of Eastern people and

simple-mindedness of Moslems

3- Abundant reception during trip in bequeathed places

4- Treatment and curing the pains in bequeathed clinics

5- Resting and spending convalescence days in bequeathed resting places

6- Returning to nation with providing trip cost while passengers remained with no


7- Utilization from income of one or several bequeathed village for providing above

said costs

8- Respecting during the stay period

9- Famous Iran and foreign tourists who have visited Iran during Islamic Period have

mentioned the manner of behavior, and hospitality spirit, and sympathy with

strangers and also facilities and possibilities in their logs.

2.5.5- Safavid Period and Before that:

"Abolghasem Mohammad Ibn Hoghal Badhdadi", famous tourist of the fourth century

Hejira, called various inns built by hospitable and charitable Iranian individuals and writes: " For each work a person has been appointed in order to provide the requirements

19 of tourists, in a manner that there is no problem when the guests are entered and the landlord is glad to entertain the guests and passengers."

"Naser Khosro Ghobadiani" called several inns during his 7 years of stay which he himself resided at them and there were some facilities in them. Studying 25 logs from

Spanish "Benjamin" to Venisian " Marcopolo" and " Juvelanous" European tourist all indicate good-operation of people and they have mentioned nice entertainment method for tourists and good quality of delicious foods in inns and bequeathed places which were free of charge and also proper method of maintaining ways and post ways as well as rapid operation of post offices that indicate rights of strangers, and surely they are true narrations without any biases and racial, religious and tribal viewpoints.

In Safavid period famous tourists such as —Lupichi Ratinoto", " Sherly Brothers", and

Italian " Delavameh" and other individuals made a trip to Iran and said many things in their logs in relation with Iranians' behavior with foreigners.

" John Batist Tavernieh" that visited Iran 6 times during the 17 th century writes about security: security which is regarded an important factor in developing tourism completely exists in Iran emperor and passengers travel with no fear in trip paths and he mentioned that caravanserais in Iran have been comfort and great.

French "Shardel" writes about existing security and ease of tourism in Iran: there is no country like Iran in the world for tourism, both regarding rare risks and security and also regarding low cost; there is bridges and roads in the locations which are arduous roads and they have been built for caravans and all the persons which are passing for profit.

There was no other vehicle in Iran except running œboard and beside large roads; there was some caravanserais for free of charge entertaining from passer-by and passengers. In

20 total writings and statements of tourists there are some samples from tourist's rights which are inserted hereunder:

- Enjoying full security during trip

- Using residential installations with little cost or free of charge

- Passing from suitable roads with fast-speed horses

- Utilization from guardians during trip

- Using covered mule-litter for tourist women

- Proper welcome of people, good behavior and also respect for tourists

2.5.6- Qajar Period and 19 th Century

Tourism in Iran obtained its former promulgation opposite to the periods of Afshariyeh and Zandiyeh and some tourists made a trip to Iran with various motivations; French "

Juber " writes in this regard : " Iran has had a proper field for tourism and still has and tourists enjoy following advantages in addition to respect:

- Using beautiful nature

- Enjoying civilized and cultured humans

- Familiarization and contact with active, capable and continent people

- Assuring and confidence for good next days

- Passing the days of trip with most prosperous and gentle people in east of the


- Passing trip time with noble people

- Enjoying from hospitability with no complimentary and dissimulation

French tourist "Ozhen Felanden" mentions the measures in ruling period of Mohammad

Shah Qajar and writes that: the governor at that time:

21 - How prepared the supplies for trip of that French tourist?

- How much he was worried for the safety of them and their properties and


- How much did he support him and his accompanied persons?

- Which individuals were appointed to serve for them?

- What orders did he instruct for providing their necessities?

During the ruling of Nasereddin Shah widespread measures were taken for providing proper field of tourism and also security of peace of tourists due to policies, competency and ingeniousness of Amir Kabir. Providing security, developing justice, performance of administrative modifications and execution of flourishing projects particularly post- offices, entertainment centers and strengthening officials with fast-speed horses were the other cases.

Italian "Madam Karla Sorna" was mentioned as the first woman who visited Iran, coincident with ruling of Nasereddin Shah with the particular purpose of tourism. He referred to trip by horse, mule, litter and covered litter and said about honesty of guardians in roads. In general, critics of viewpoints and arbitration of tourists at the end of the 19 th century from the phenomenon of tourism and attractions and its results in Iran insist the following undeniable obvious facts and specifications:

- Establishment of new places and constructions and also beautiful installations and

caravanserais with more facilities during Qajar era

- To make ease the trip between Tehran- Paris and reduce its period to 10 days

- Existing tourism attractions due to enjoyment from some advantages such as

uncultivated and unused soil

22 - Enjoyment from rich culture and excellent civilization

- Abundance of entering European tourists which were compared to attacking


- Variety of purposes of tourists who entered in Iran or intended to enter to Iran

- Uniqueness of Iran

"Jacob Edward Pulak", special physician of Nasereddin Shah Qajar says so in the field of right and right securities of tourists at that time:

- wrong rumors regarding the case that Iran is not secure and false generalization of

Nader's events

- Security of tourists from theft of properties during their sedenterization and safety

roads for the life of tourists in far deserts

- Existence of more security and sufficient guarantee for life and property of

tourists in trip with caravans

- Extraordinary sensitivity of rulers for executing security regulations of European


- Existence of legal security for passenger's property in 3 forms : security of

packages and properties of tourist against any inspection, payment of

remuneration and penalty by the government in case of robbing their properties

and chasing the thief and condemning the violator to the severest punishment.

Above quotations specify that in spite of lacking present possibilities and lack of transportation vehicles, tourists were entertained and welcomed in all around Iran.

Quoting these cases for the next descendent caused to strengthen the spirit of hospitability, to generalize society ruling and strengthen national integration. Today with

23 generalization of tourism and proper places for trip in various countries the meaning of tourism has been changed and tourists have new rights and special advantages in addition to their natural rights.

In these conditions we shall take larger steps with reliance on ancient traditions for providing tourists' rights. Islam insisted on tourism much more than the other religions as a comprehensive and complete religion which is good for all the periods and places and perhaps Holy Quran, is the first book which mentioned trip and tourism and made people to travel in the earth and think about the works remained from the ancestors and take them as an example and a lesson for them. In Islamic narrations many narrations have been quoted about trip and travel. Hazrat Ali stated that "awareness from the destiny of ancestors and looking at the ancestors' tribes causes to create admonition." And in some other short narrations he states that "Take a trip in order to be healthy and earn windfall as well."

Traveling also has a special position in the poem of Persian poets. These great Persian men of letters have mentioned the enjoyment of trip and its difficulties and also invalidity of mundane life and as a result of observing ancestors' works. In this manner evaluating trip is a cultural trait of Iranian people. After the advent of Islam, tourists always enjoyed good- behavior, hospitability, gratitude and kindness of Moslem Iranian people. Sheikh

Moslehoddin Saadi who made a trip about 30- 40 years from Baghdad, Damascus, and

Africa to Kashmar and India and returned to Shiraz writes in his first book regarding respect for passengers, the manner of behavior with tourists and entertainment from passengers as well as strangers and in general he says so for security of tourists:

- The tourist passengers shall be accepted by soul and mind.

24 - The strangers shall be caressed and we shall like tourists.

- We shall prevent from any loss to the strangers.

- We also shall not damage by them 1.

Explanation about history of tourism in Pahlavi and Islamic period is discussed in —Trend of tourism in Iran“, because from now on the economy of Iran is planned and the Plan and Budget Organization is the responsible of planning.

1- Isfahan Tourism Development Plan, Isfahan Province Management & Planning Organization

25 2.6- Trend of tourism in Iran:

In Iran although the first institution related to tourism activity was established in 1935 in

Ministry of the Interior under the title of " Department for Attracting Foreign Tourists &

Advertisements", but for the first time tourism activity found position in the 4 th State

Urbanization (1963-1972).

Studies for comprehensive design of tourism development in Iran which were performed in 1972 indicated that Iran is unknown for most of the potential tourists throughout the world and in general Iran is regarded as part of Arab world and often it is mistaken with (Plan and Budget Organization 1972). So in the 5 th Plan (1973-1978) recognition of Iran culture and creating welfare equipments were considered for tourists.

Generally, in two the 4 th and the 5 th Plan, structure of tourism activity constitutes.

During these years number of tourists increased from 241198 in 1348 to 502278 in 1978 and its resulting income also increased from 24.1 million dollar to 235.2 million dollar

(Diba Zirakbash, 2007). After performing the 1 st to 5 th development plans, the 6 th plan was not carried out due to some reasons. In the war period the directions of the 6 th plan were carried out somehow, but after war this plan was executed as the 1 st development plan in 1989 2.

2. Dr. Iran Ghazi has said this subject to the researcher.

26 In this year tourism activity was in the worst conditions due to problems resulted from war and political crises of revolution and number of foreign tourists and income of its foreign exchange between the 5 th Plan and the 1 st development Plan in average reduced 8

% per year, in a manner that in 1988 it was equal to 70000 individuals and its obtained income was 29 million dollar. After the 1 st and 2 nd development Plan (1989-93) and

(1994-98), average number of entered tourists to the country had a 30 % growth and increased from 93000 individuals in 1989 to 1 million individuals in 1998. Foreign exchange obtained increased from 38.5 to 477 million dollar. (Diba Zirakbash, 2007)

Changes indicate the fact that existence of empty capacities during past years caused that tourism activity reaches to a growth of 30 %. Planners of country in the hopeful atmosphere resulting from high growth rates of tourists entered to Iran in the 1 st and 2nd development Plan, compiled the 3 rd development plan that forecasted 4 million entered tourists and 2036 million dollar Foreign exchange income obtained from it, but non materialization of the plan aims in the same first year indicated weakness in estimation of purposes and inability of government for executing of forecasted plans. The event of

September 11 th and regional tensions following it also caused to make the plan purposes impractical in the next years. In addition in comparison with the years before Islamic

Revolution, not only the number but tourism geography and the composition of foreigners who have come to Iran has changed as well. Meaning that share of Iran from

American and European tourists that constitute two important world markets has reduced very much. Iran was not successful in Middle-East tourism market as well. (Diba

Zirakbash, 2007)

27 The countries in South-east Asia and South, before and after Revolution, had a significant role in Iran tourism, but we shall know that most of them were passengers who passed the

Iran border and some were the border-dwellers in and (that official statistics have regarded them as tourists). Share of Iran from countries of East Asia and

Pacific Ocean reduced as well. A very important change which is significant is increase in number of tourists from Middle Asia and Caucasus.

In the years before Revolution there was not so many travels between Iran and sedenterizations at these countries due to political reasons, but disintegration of Russia and independence of these countries caused to increase the number of passengers from this origin to Iran; in case that we study trip motivation, combination and social, economic structure of passengers, it is determined that most of the entrance borders of the country are not tourist essentially and no use of tourism is obtained from them. If we add the guest passengers of government and various organizations which are invited for participating in various ceremonies, we will observe that many entered passengers to Iran do not have motivation of tourism and they are only regarded as tourist because they have been entered from Iran border. (Diba Zirakbash, 2007)

Also studying the statistics for exit passengers from country during the 1 st and 2 nd development Plan after Revolution indicate negative exchange balance in tourism sector

(Organization of Cultural Heritage and Handicrafts in Isfahan Province, 2005).

The status of local tourism is not also much satisfactory, due to non-clearance of Iran tourism in the 1 st and 2 nd development Plan and lack of reliable statistics in regard to Iran tourists, evaluation of operation of these two plans in the field of Iran tourism will be very difficult. In the 3 rd development Plan only tourism quality was considered that on

28 the basis of occupation coefficient of residential installations by local tourists the rate of

2.5 % annual growth had been forecasted. In those years economic inflation and financial inability of individuals in society had been forecasted as well and stagnation in tourism activity was expected. Whereas in recent years we witness more international entrance to Iran, but status of Iran in the cycle of tourism era coincides with the symbols of stage "discovery" in model "Procedures of Buttler tourism development". Because in the stage of discovery number of tourists is limited and residents of host country enjoy from communication with foreign tourists and they regard their entrance as a window to abroad. But we shall not ignore performed efforts during continuous years and limit Iran tourism to the stage of "discovery". Various academic researches are in the stage of execution in country and even though there is much distance to reaching to world standards, but future perspectives are not disappointing very much. Although in Buttler

Model, Iran still exist in the 2 nd stage (entrance to activity), but incase of correct planning entrance to the next stage, it means tourism development is expected. In general share of

Iran in the region of South Asia in proportion to various years prior to Islamic

Revolution is between 30 œ 40 % and after that is between 5 œ 7 % (Diba Zirakbash) and in recent years it has reached to 22 % ( World Tourism Organization, 2002).

2.7- Tourism in Isfahan Province:

Isfahan province has a privileged situation naturally and geographically and it is in a four-road center in center of Iran and easy access to this province from all the points of country by air, land and railway is possible and considerable.

29 Weather of Isfahan city is suitable for proper conditions; the average temperature is about 16-18 centigrade degree with partial moisture of 25-65% in Farvardin (April),

Ordibehesht (May). Whereas the difference in temperature is significant during various seasons in west, center and east centers.

Zayandeh Rood valley is the most interesting natural phenomenon which is throughout several cities and particularly Isfahan city. Green regions of the river in and

Lenjan exist from the origin to the end of it and this valley is very suitable for tourism.

Types of non-fertilized trees, gardens and significant green fields cover the cities in their path and they are a great privilege particularly from viewpoint of tourism in a manner that organizations and operators of tours recently arrange various plans for daily trips out of the city.

Zayandeh Rood flows in this valley. This origin of life with its branched streams has made Isfahan city which is located at dry plateau, green with gardens.

Pleasant sun, calm wind and natural, nice and various perspectives, have created recreation centers and green valley of Zayandeh Rood. Desert locations in the east of this province also enliven the appearance of desert lands in East in the memories; the snowy mountains in west and south of province particularly in winter season are used for recreations such as boating, mountain-climbing, skiing, fishing, hunting and nature for the people who go to Isfahan in addition to familiarization with the wealth of art and cultural works. With enjoyment from historical and cultural records, proper conditions of environment, suitable weather and various perspective, Isfahan has high capacity for investing in sector of tourism and in case that careful planning and organizing to be performed for developing facilities and resources, Isfahan can obtain abundant income

30 from one side, and on the other side enriches its culture as a result of contact with other nations and presents its cultural values to the world reciprocally. In order to develop tourism in a developing region, considering 3 factors is required:

1- Possibility of easy and rapid access of people in richer regions (means the regions

that have more tourism and ecotourism attractions) to tourism regions.

2- Training both for authorities of tourism sector in operative and managerial levels

and for native people in order to attract their inclination for accepting the


3- Creating security feeling in tourists

4- The cooperation of government (ministry of natural resources, ministry of culture

recreation and tourism, regional offices, etc), tourists and people( private sectors

and host communities) is also essential. When the authorities, the tourism

industry, tourists and local people cooperate together, it make possible for tourists

to travel to genuine areas in order to admire, study and enjoy nature and culture in

a way that does not exploit the resources, but contributes to sustainable


Considering above cases, development in tourism sector of Isfahan Province is confronted with obstacles and problems which will be mentioned hereunder:

Difficulties and problems:

Some of these difficulties are related to non- development and in addition to cultural and social aspects which are infra-structure of tourism development, they are economic factors and phenomena such as insufficient investment, lack of specialized labor force, possibilities and facilities have adverse cultural and social outcomes and their bad effects

31 on the thoughts and traditions of society have been studied by analysts, psychologists and sociologist and at the present tourism is evaluated in the form of a type of cultural reaction and civilizations talks.

To the present it has been proved that uni -product in one economy, has the record of weakness in operation and production, and this problem causes that domestic products not to be sold in foreign markets. From one side lack of various exports does not provide the possibility for attraction of tourist in various forms specially commercial and business. Such as the affair of developing exports, development of tourism at first needs development of cultural fields.

Coordinate and simultaneous with this preparation, shortage of possibilities and facilities and communication insufficiencies are not removed necessarily, in a manner that in most of the countries and particularly east, solving economic problems needs more time.

Obstacles of tourism development are the same obstacles of economic development.

Structural insufficiency, obstacles of privatization, limitation of capital market, lack of commercial strategy and exports and special tribunal of financial and economic stability are regarded as subset of political and social stability, and there are some obstacles for creating the tools of providing economic and financial stability that are considered inhibitors of tourism development in a manner. Instability of prices and inflation, lack of order for imports and exports of goods, insufficiency of facilities and services in the form of inhibiting factors, limit tourism development. In this sector problems and problems of tourism of Isfahan have been considered from two viewpoints:

1- Problems and problems of tourism resulting from analysis of existing status

32 2- Problems of tourism from viewpoint of managers, tour-operators and foreign


1- Problems and problems of tourism resulting from analysis of existing status

Problems and problems resulting from concentrated plans in the country and province are similar approximately. The major part of these cases includes:

Non-familiarization with tourism activity:

Negative concepts and understandings of some people and authorities, non-considering presentation of suitable solutions, non-confrontation with misunderstandings and non teaching the manner of confrontation and shortage of research for theorizing and presenting guidance lines are some of the problems for tourism. In this field the experiences of some countries are not used that have performed considerable and successful actions and have been succeeded using principles and sciences of the procedure for establishing modern communication methods in the field of tourism development.

Legal problems :

From legal problems we can refer to the problems of passport, visa, customs, provision and preserving life and property of tourists and totally lack or shortage of supportive regulations. These problems are comprehensive and it seems that many of them are resulted from various understandings and non-clarity of laws.

33 Residential Problems:

Transportation of tourists especially in peak seasons has some problems that are essentially due to non-forecasting capacities and type of required services in the field of all transportation systems including air, airport, land and inner city.

Shortage of capital:

Shortage of investment for development and equipping possibilities and execution of projects for prizing the attractions and repairs as well as maintenance of historical structures and other cultural and art works are problems that have direct influence on the future of tourism.

Non-coordination of Decision making Centers:

From the moment of entrance to the moment of exit of tourists from the province 14 to 16 organizations intervene in tourism activities and take decision. Multiplicity of decision making centers, non-coordination, and lack of cooperation of institutions related to each other create intruding criteria for tourists‘ entrance. Lack of efficient management, integrated organization and formations for activating and development of tourism affairs are very effective in intensification of these problems and in-coordination.

Non-Suitable Conditions of Investment for Private Sector:

Private sector does not indicate any inclination to investment due to lack of financial reserves, non-guarantee ownership, non-profitability, insufficient and non-continuous supports of government, momentarily policies and execution method, non-stability of managements and personal decisions, future and case decisions in investment and privatization.

34 Shortage of Expert labor force:

Shortage or lack of expert and semi-expert labor force in public and private sector occupied in executive and staff centers are serious problems in the sector. Most of the occupied persons have low certificate or graduated from non-related fields and they are not interested to the affairs due to non-fixed organizational position and salary.

Negative Cultural Effects and Advertisements:

Little attention to the details of attending tourists and avoiding advertisements propagate some unsuitable cultural effects which are effective in bad displaying tourism industry.

There are no suitable methods for local and foreign informatics and tour operators act in accordance with their taste for presenting services.

Non familiarization with Tourism Centers:

Tourism Centers have not developed in the Province and complementary & subsidiary facilities are limited in them. These centers have not been introduced to the private sector for investment and they are not ready for visit of tourists.

Non-introducing Handicrafts and Traditions:

Due to non-attending in tourism markets there was no opportunity of holding fair for introducing folklore works and handicrafts of the Province in foreign countries and these factors are not used for development of marketing.

2- Problems of tourism from viewpoint of managers, tour-operators, and foreign Experts

Iran is regarded as the second destination in south Asia after India and is one of the main destinations of tourism in the world. There are many attractions which indicate that civilization, cultural and historical heritage exist in Iran. 40 % of tourists‘ trips in the

35 world are performed for observing cultural resources and for being successful in future it is appropriate that Iran considers views of authorities and related institutions for removing obstacles and problems in confrontation with challenges, preserving tourism resources, development of relations with Plan and World Organizations to develop tourism.

Predicaments of this activity from viewpoint of these experts are as follows:

Non considering plan and strategy of Development:

Iran country is situated in a good position geographically, in case that Iran determined its plan and strategy in a specialized form and using expert forces, it can become aware of its attractive points and make effort for developing these resources with attracting capital.

Iran can do its best to create interest in it neighbor countries using introduction of attractions. Culture, history and manner of its life by internet and then develop this market. Iran country is weak in competitive market which is held for attracting tourist between countries. Extra activities and special non-required regulations shall be deleted and it shall consider a comprehensive plan and strategy. It seems that Iran shall supplies its plans on the basis of cultural tourism and for strengthening this subject it uses other attractions such as natural attractions as well. For organizing it shall at first determines its stance and purpose and then take decision.

Negative Advertisements of Mass Media:

Iran shall introduce itself as a peaceful country; develop its facilities and response to the needs of tourists within the framework of traditions and its laws. Foreign judges and advertisements are not true about Iran, so it shall use all the methods of advertisements such as mass media, publication of essays and newspapers and also holding full-

36 personnel sites in world network of internet, and tries to nullify this wrong information and introduce itself in the best manner.

Weakness in Training and using non-skilled Labor force:

Labor force occupied in this activity lack necessary training and skills and for this reason they are less interested in tourism affairs. Vocational standards have not been compiled and training in the related course is not followed. Training labor force that can enjoy modern technologies in management, information technology and presenting services is very important. Establishment of training workshops and short term courses will promote knowledge level of labor force occupied in this sector. Regarding the case that tourism is relation between people, public training is important as well.

Lack of Relation between Public and Private Sector:

Development of tourism sector required cooperation between Public and Private Sector.

Separation of duties between Public and private sector is important for planning, organizing, removal marketing problems, and informatics and information technology.

Public sector shall believe in presenting strategies and planning and private sector shall become active in the field of performing transportation services, residential service and informatics and in future with development of tourism industry transportation networks of the world are strengthened. World Organization of Tourism can help Iran in the filed of planning. Public sector shall start the work and while coordinating established the activities in the private sector.

In future air transportation and fast railways will increase and develop. In this manner competition will become severer and planning will be performed in a more exact form.

The manner of presenting services in hotels will differ and they are activated in the form

37 of a complex and chain with variety in reception of house services. Access to all these cases will give a strong and significant role to the private sector and Iran shall solve its problems in this field for preparing and world competition.

2.8- Problems of tourism & ecotourism sector of Isfahan:

Problems in Isfahan tourism and foreign tourism are as follows:

- Lack of one comprehensive and strategic planning for tourism activity

- Lowering the rate of investment in sector of Iran tourism and foreign tourism

- Various decision-taking centers and lack of efficient and coordinate organization

and formations

- Non separating duties between Public and private sector

- Little attention to preserving and evaluating attractions

- Shortage of proper advertisements in introduction of province and its attractions

- Lack of utilization from modern techniques in informatics, introducing province,

reservation and guiding tourists for visiting resources

- Shortage of education for training skilful labor force in all the levels and

weakness of public training

- Non presenting proper services and creating peace in tourists

- Shortage of laws and support regulations

- Shortage of suitable residential facilities and possibilities

- Incorrect ideas and understandings for development of tourism

38 - Non consideration of tourists' needs and non observance of social, cultural

standards 1.

2.9- Capabilities and potentials of eco-tourism in Isfahan:

In general, tourism has progressed in some locations of the world that have some specifications, i.e. in natural, humanitarian fields, proportional condition, conceptions, supportive regulations and welfare services.

On the basis of studies, partial privilege of the province is in sector of industry and services. With regard to base economy theory, when income resulting from exports services is coincident with growth increasing coefficient, more added value is created, it affects on non-base sectors and an investment is constituted in the province which belongs to the region itself and its extra amount will help to the development of non-basic sectors.

2.10- Major Resources of Tourism:

In major regions of province types of attraction resources are considered, in some of them one factor dominates. Some 2 nd grade areas are more important and sometimes several resources constitute a complex together. This resource is not evaluated similarly by various tourism applicants (international, regional and internal). Considering this categorization major resources of tourism in this province are as follows:

1- Isfahan Tourism Development, Isfahan Province Management & Planning Organization


Table 2.1- Evaluation of Tourism Attractions from the Viewpoint of Local, Provincial & International Tourists:

Provincial and Local tourists International tourists Tourism recourses local tourists

Interesting Average Average Natural

Interesting Average Interesting Ancient monuments

Average Average Interesting Culture and Arts

Average _ _ Religious centers

Average _ _ Sport resources

As a result of interviews with some local, provincial and international tourists, natural resources of this Province are evaluated interesting from viewpoint of average international, regional, national and Province tourists and it indicates that Isfahan

Province has not been considered enough in the field of attracting international, regional tourists.

2.11- Ability of producing trip and number of tourists:

Tourist arrivals of the region are as much as 2-3 times of that of the country which indicates that the ability of the province is much more than the country.


2.12- Future perspective based on present situation:

According to the present evidences, the development directions have been by the center.

This means that with creating a main center for development, important economic decisions were made by it and executed in the suburbs and this pattern also has been generalized to the provinces in a smaller scale.

Success of development tourism in Isfahan Province is not feasible and easy to the time that the stances of the country in the field of international policy and economy are not coordinated and in the direction of such supplies. A major part of the tourism discussions in national level and its difficulties for each province are also the same for each one the provinces which enjoy special potentials of tourism.

Considering these cases, this questions is arisen that what steps are taken by the province in this regard and essentially how much is this approach considered for provincial planning. Perhaps we can claim that often provincial plans have a defect that is non- coordination in execution of policies and concentration of limit financial resources in a special sector of economic activities caused to pay less attention to the other sectors.

This defect also accompanied by lack of one general strategy for development causes imbalance and gap in development aims and naturally tourism sector also tolerates this limitation.

But since the difficulties of providing economic resources for the country and province always is an obstacle for creating and designing expensive patterns of development, it is appropriate to select a model of development that while tolerating low costs and success in filling gaps and inequalities of social classes gives a proper response to the needs and ruling conditions as well.


With reference to above cases and also with attention to difficulties and problems of tourism and ecotourism development of Isfahan, I think the following model is a proper model:

The model presents a good framework which could direct the stakeholders & decision makers to a systematic approach in planning & decision making of future development plan in tourism and ecotourism sectors.


Figure 2.1- Stakeholders and decision- making framework (Boyd & Butler, 1996) 1

1. It is cited in Ghazi 2005.


Evaluation Analysis of Tourism of tourism tourism sector growth supply demand targets

Investment Incentive

Human Resource development

Implication Evaluating Monitoring of targets for The Accommodation tourism tourism tourism Sub-Sector sector

Land Use Policies

Transport Policies

Figure 2.2- Tourism Planning Process (Dieke, 2007)

This is also another model which shows the regular process and stages in tourism

planning and it can also be used as a proper model in tourism and ecotourism


44 Reliance on world experiences and making scientific policies for development of tourism together with reviewing its policies is one of the strategies and policies of development, whereas we shall consider that little attention to the comprehensiveness and increasing dynamicity of tourism sector in short term causes to intensify negative effects in social, cultural and ecological aspect and will challenge with the purposes and expectations of plans.

Analysis of positive and negative effects of tourism in economic, social, cultural and natural sectors of this province indicate that lack of plan, guidance and required controls increases negative effects and outcomes and for maintaining social, cultural, and ecological coincident with and in proportion to the norms and appropriates, it need comprehensive laws and regulations in order that while optimum operation, social negative effects and bad outcomes reduce.

2.13- Advantages and Disadvantages of tourism in Isfahan:

Isfahan enjoys many abilities, capabilities, and advantages in development of national, regional and international tourism, but it could not use its opportunities and apply the high ratio of trips and its outcomes such as occupation ( about 1/9 th of labor force in the world is provided in this sector) in the limits of its abilities.

Studying the present status indicates that there is some advantages and disadvantages in tourism sector and we must try to strengthen the advantages and the disadvantages to be removed with providing multilateral policies and executive measures. Of course, our responsibility is not simply forecasting, and we shall evolve this sector with coordination and surely this is important that we know what we want and how we shall obtain it.

45 2.13.1- Advantages of tourism:

-To increase income (foreign exchange and Rials) obtained from entrance of tourists (in the country and outside)

- To preserve historical works and buildings, restoration of ancient buildings, changing historical buildings, caravanserai and homes to residential places, exhibition and office.

- Cultural wealth, conflict of thoughts, ideas and cultural development

- To provide a place for preserving eco-environment and natural beauties, changing natural scenes to national preserved parks.

- To strengthen local and unique handicrafts and increasing the production rate with keeping its nativity

- To develop occupation for skilled, semi-skilled and expert laborers

- To improve the quality of transportation vehicles

- To create infra-structure installations, develop constructional activities in relation with tourism (establishment of road- sedenterizations, hotel…)

- To develop travel agencies and informatics

- To develop local trips and to provide recreation centers

- To increase demand for many of the products and goods including agricultural products and handicrafts

- To increase occupation in cities and villages that has historical and natural attractions

- To develop and prizing tourism attractions and increasing complementary possibilities in them.

2.13.2- Disadvantages of tourism:

1- Rising the prices

46 2- To develop pastoralism from villages to cities, to develop suburbs of cities and

increasing population in the regions which are attractive

3- To pay too attention to building new constructions and overlooking restoration of

historical sectors in the city and as a result losing the attraction in the city.

4- Destruction of Eco-environment (increasing pollution and traffic , constructional

works, water & soil pollution and increasing energy consumption)

5- Cultural foreign behaviors and disorder in regulation of society ethics

6- Increasing pollutions of environment

7- Demolition of historical buildings, and over-use of them

2.14- Controlling factors of the future of tourism development in Isfahan:

With analyzing following cases which were obtained from studying the existing status we can determine the challenges and direct it properly for developing tourism sector.

2.14.1- Considering tourism Motivations:

The records indicate that tourists have various spirits, moods and social behaviors. The most important factors in lack of success are ignoring their various characters (aims, motivations…) and non-considering sociological particulars of applicants.

Tourism Organization is as an inter-disciplinary system in successful countries and on the basis of its various sectors, the organizations and resources which interact with

Tourism Organization in public and private sector, are changing permanently due to difference in the purpose of aims and also environment and time.

47 2.14.2- Systematic approach of tourism & ecotourism development:

Total tourism business including, suppliers of services and goods, host society and government have interaction and relation together and their purpose is attracting, and satisfying the tourist. On the other hand tourism is a combination of activities, policies and politics, criteria, standards, goods and services which are essential for materialization of one trip.

Combination of all activities of planning, decision making, implementing all the plans is supply the goods & services, communication, accommodation, foods & medical facilities. Having these in minds, the fulfillment of tourism & ecotourism development requires a multi-disciplinary approach in which the sciences of management, economic, sociology, demography, psychology, history, geography, politics, law, etc. will be involved.

2.14.3- Considering all the requirements of tourism development:

Similar to every economic goods, tourism must be analyzed in terms of demand and supply, for which many variables must be recognized & be analyzed. The process of demand and supply start from the very beginning of marketing followed by destination planning including all the requirements of a tourist, i.e. issuing the visa, transportation, accommodation, foods and health necessities, tour leading & presentation of local industries and handicrafts. Also security aspect of tourism has a great priority and maybe the highest priority will be given to that by the tourist. Certainly the availability of all the tourists‘ requirements is a very important factor for the success of tourism and ecotourism industry.

48 Evaluation and planning for the development of attractions, infra- structures & the efficiencies of tourism institutions and management structure of tourism & ecotourism are pre- requisites of any tourism and ecotourism development strategy.

2.14.4- Considering factors in increasing Demand and Income:

Overlooking effective factors for tourism development don‘t causes to increase proper expected income, increasing of multiplication coefficient, and inelasticity of supply, under- development of technology and institutional problems in investment, confronts this coefficient with problem and causes to decrease in demand and income.

For tourism & ecotourism development plan, a number of factors such as capital, investment, human resource training, creation of required infrastructure and improving the management and institutional framework of the activity must be carefully taken into account.

Assessment of the present situation of supply and demand in tourism activities in every region must be carried out with the application of a systematic approach.

2.14.5- Investment in development of tourism & ecotourism activity:

Development of tourism activity requires technical information in the field of economizing, operation from existing resources and improvement and development of proper marketing. At the present tourism is mentioned as an activity that is developable easily. Investment in this activity is successful for countries that do not have considerable amounts of economic resources at their disposal. Short term investment and role of capital including transportation vehicles, hotel and infra-structure installations in increasing the quality of services and rapid returning of capital are important factors for encouraging investment.

49 We need to the contributing of private sector for any tourism and ecotourism development. At the very beginning stage of investment, government must be participated but it can not invest in all sections lonely and it needs to the participation of private sector. Participation of stakeholders (people & government) is also needed(with reference to figure 2.1).

In Iran Constitutional Law, 44 th law has focused on participation of private sector. It is tried to privatization of all sectors including tourism and ecotourism sectors. If it direct well, it will cause to good results otherwise prediction of what would be liked in the future is somehow difficult at the moment.

2.14.6- Providing political and social stability:

Provision of political and social stability is the most important basic requirements for any development plan of tourism and ecotourism sector. Past experiences in the world are not so much promising. Past experiences for Iran and Isfahan are not also so much promising and we are at the very begging of tourism and ecotourism development stage. We have to have efficient evaluation & planning of political and social stability for the country and province.

Today importance of political and social stability is to the extent that it influences even the rate of demand for imports from one country as well. Sensitivity of this matter made many countries not to limit imports of their required goods or raw materials to a special country.

2.14.7- Improving the culture of hospitable society:

Viewpoint and habits are factors which determine psychological values of suppliers and consumers of tourism goods. Viewpoints of people against foreign and local tourism are

50 important aspects of success in tourism sector, because tourist will be directly influenced from viewpoints and behaviors of tourism services. For example in Spain an approval was issued in Spain for reducing negative viewpoints against tourists which it was mentioned in it: To be kind with tourists. They are your bread and butter.

2.14.8- Presentation and development of handicrafts and price stabilization:

With reference the research works of (Yazdani, 2007) the evaluation & marketing of

Isfahan handicrafts is one of the very important areas for successful operation of tourism and ecotourism activity in Isfahan.

Little familiarization of tourists with handicrafts of province in local and foreign aspects, non-suitability of supply resources, reduction of unique fields in handicrafts and reduction of production and income of operators caused to forget some cultural, traditional, and symbolic samples.

Studies indicate that Isfahan Province is not known for producing handicrafts and instead countries of east-south Asia such as India, China… have been introduced as the centers for handicrafts production. Non-advertising and marketing, non-coincidence with the tourists‘ need and taste and also lacking enough information regarding the rate, type of product, dimensions, design and buyer's taste, centers for proper production and sale and packaging are important obstacles. Customs problems, insurance, transportation, non- attendance in business markets and international fairs and more important lacking widespread advertisement in cultural and public media caused to weaken some handicrafts. Many of the tourists need cultural product (handicrafts), but there is not sufficient ability for its supply in the province. Preserving ancient values and traditions

51 and nobilities are effective through producing of productions that their plan, design and color indicate such specifications.

Strengthening the spirit of innovation, taste and creativeness is possible in introducing culture more accompanied by presenting handicrafts. Economic affairs of at least 20 % of population in the province are dependent on these types of industries and improving the status of this group is only possible with removing obstacles and essential problems and presenting effective strategies in this field. There is no stability of price for presenting types of services, souvenir and purchases, which are the most important memorial in the minds of tourists, and this instability is one of the cultural and social problems in this sector.

2.14.9- Services required for tourism & ecotourism development:

In spite of existing natural, historical, religious and cultural attractions for national, regional and international tourism, presenting required services in Isfahan Province has not been prepared for many local and foreign tour-operators, that their operations almost cover the whole country.

Incorrect thoughts and ideas of some authorities and people about tourists, problems in sedenterization are existing problems in tourism & ecotourism sector of Isfahan Province.

Consistency of above obstacles and problems, caused to reduce the number of foreign tourists, non satisfaction of local tourists and finally less incomes.

2.14.10-Proper organizational structure :

Non existing a coordinated viewpoint between executive sectors (about 16 organization) and people caused that in each year or courses of planning, laws, politics and obvious

52 measures to be considered and one dynamic formation with proper organizational structure and labor force has not formed.

In existing constitutive structure, development of tourism and ecotourism industry confronts with some problems. With modification of this structure to an efficient, integrated and powerful structure for supervision and coordination of the major duties, policy making and planning are made properly and negative existing effects are avoided and at least the losses are minimized.

2.14.11- Preconditions for private sector publication in tourism development:

Non determination the position of private sector and non coordination with public sector are regarded as human problems of tourism and ecotourism sector, in a manner that despite devoting credit from notes mentioned for private sector, this sector is not very inclined to investment. It has also not made much effort to increase the ability and skill of its labor force and its non skilled personnel occupy in reception, hospitability and house working with old methods of training.

In addition aiming, policy making, and presenting service activities have not been concentrated in this sector and only superficial supervisions are exerted on it.

For preserving works, values and remembrances, providing credit from public sources is not sufficient and we have no important plan for private sector. We need sufficient credit with taking into account the necessity of preserving and enlivening the heritage as cultural identity and support for developing of tourism and ecotourism. On the other side, the attractions require being valued and creating subsidiary and complementary in them is also required.

53 Human resource education:

Training Labor force in the fields of servicing, expert and management are not up to date with principles of international tourism. Experts are less occupied in this sector and mostly they are graduates of non related courses from. According to successful countries‘ experiences and experts in this activity, teaching, training and education of tourism

(personnel) cadre is required in all of its dimensions and particularly public training in order that people regard tourism a part of their property and they themselves advertise for it. Development of Management:

Education and training of labor force is very important. We can not use in an optimum manner if we do not regard it. Active labor force in residential places, guides of historical works and buildings and directors of Iran- tour caravans can attract more foreign tourists and ecotourists in case having good training. In development of eco- tourism, particularly rural eco- tourism, training villagers who are directly in relation with tourists is a necessity. This training includes fundamental changes both in the manner of approach and in the operation. Experts:

Successful countries in tourism and ecotourism sector use managing and thoughtful forces. Non stability of management, inability in executive affairs, non familiarization with laws, lacking specialty and most important case, non-familiarization with daily problems of tourism and ecotourism are some of the essential problems. Considering these cases cause to promote the abilities and advantages of tourism and ecotourism in

54 this province and following it services will become faster and better qualitatively and there will be innovation in teaching and introducing the attractions.

2.14.12- Advertisements:

Widespread and acceptable advertisements for presenting tourism and ecotourism in

Isfahan Province have not been performed and no considerable actions are made for nullifying foreign advertisements. Mass media do not mind to this case very much and they introduce the possibilities and capabilities of foreign countries more. Tour- operators and related organizations also are more interested to take tour to these countries and they mostly consider the aspects of tourist exit from province. Unfortunately the authorized unit for tourism also has no special program for advertisements and even is not able to present brochures and finally is not successful to present suitable viewpoint of tourism and ecotourism.

2.14.13- Communications:

Non entrance of province in the world affair of tourism and ecotourism caused not to know authorized needs of tourists and so the demand and authorized expectations of applicants for international tourism is not met; they are not received as citizens and as a result they are not integrated in tourism society.

Studies indicate that tourism has not been considered with the meaning of mutual understanding between host and guest. It has not been observed socially, culturally and in

Public and private sector its economic aspect has been considered more. We have not used profitably from technology in marketing, and development of agencies services that in this relation of course clear purposes and stances are required in order to make marketing easier.

55 2.14.14- Considering urban-making and considering the traditions:

There is capability for creating proper conditions for sedenterization of tourist in some of the cities and villages of the province, but unfortunately these types of cities and villages are subject to modern urban-making in a manner that in place of traditional and old residential places, commercial complexes and new streets are constructed in them. Green regions and traditional cultivating lands are destructed and no place remains for tourism

& ecotourism activity. Identity of these regions and the method of living are forgotten little by little. Places for visiting such as archeological heritage before and after Islam, natural beautiful insights with local style are abundant. Unfortunately development without plan in social, economic sectors causes to create vast changes. Pollution of environment becomes more with establishing factories, agriculture and industry complexes and removing fields and gardens, with drainage and drying the swamps, pastoralism of birds and destroying nature in the direction of major roads lead. There is no continuous effort for preserving many traditions such as design and style of old houses, clothes, feasts, etc.

2.14.15- Specifying a location for the establishment of installations :

Recreation facilities of tourism have been more concentrated around the attractions.

Hotels and restaurants have been established in the sites that visitors and traders gathered there. These types of facilities do not coordinate with the tourists' needs that intend to stay and synthetic non- local equipments and decorations of the present hotels are like a heavy burden on the soul of tourist; they are not cleaned very well and their services are not simple and pleasant. Regarding the matter that profitability of hotel is in relation with classification of its installations and its occupation rate, this profitability is not proper in

56 most of the hotels and residential places. (Return of at least 20 % capital with 40 % occupation indicates that hotels have not been constructed in appropriate places).

At the present, supporting of tourism & ecotourism resources with considering population increase and its needs has not priority so this affair is threatening the development of beauty and nobility of attractions, suitable areas for recreation, free space (picnic,..) are under the pressure of private constructions for home, limiting them to summer homes in the border of Zayandeh Rood and the areas with good weather). Unfortunately some of the progresses which apparently are related to tourism and ecotourism such as great roads aside the important construction have changed nice perspectives.

In this relation historical buildings and old homes are destroyed and with creating modern buildings, markets, baths, ancient gardens and old villages are destructed little by little and they are not restored.

Tourists and ecotourists usually remain in this province about one week. we can plan for these significant clients (having high costs and long season) with performing measures such as changing the tourism perspective (establishment of new locations for recreations) and ordering their sedenterization and historical works in Isfahan and cities in the border of salt desert such as Kashan, Naein, , observing the salt desert and tribes and tent-dwellers for studying eco-tourism by them. In addition we need to develop and create cheap facilities, picnic places and camping, suitable stations with required spaces, restaurants and hygienic installations & traditional pavilions.

It shall be mentioned that hotel installations in the existing form have missed their hospitability state and markets and caravanserais have been desolated. Traffic of transportation vehicles has occupied the streets and pleasant public spaces for

57 conversation have been reduced. This is a problem that tourist can not look at the passengers while walking in the streets and staying in the alleys and resting in ice-cream stores. Some equipment shall be established in some of the complexes that have special value regarding architecture, tradition and ancient works in order to encourage visitors for longer sedenterization and also some facilities such as market and squares without traffic and free space shall be created.

2.14.16- Establishment of Recreational Centers and Regions:

Establishment of Recreational Centers and Regions as supply is prior to demand. In successful countries a vast level of these measures is the duty of governments. Since development of these regions cause to encourage investment in private sector, promotion of tourism and marketing becomes simpler as a result. Establishment of such locations, in some cities and in villages of province has changed them to tourism and ecotourism centers and caused that various tourists pass their time there for a longer period. Little investment of government, considering vastness of these centers in province, causes to interrupt this capability.

Regarding of world tourism development in the future (ecotourism and cultural tourism) in a specification that this province has capability in it, removal of social, cultural challenges and development of infra-structures, designing environment (preparation of tourism and ecotourism spaces), presenting trip services and sedenterization as well as installing organizations with efficient management with vast dimensions of teaching and research have priority.

58 2.14.17- Directing and development strategies identifications:

From a comprehensive viewpoint many of authorities in economic and social classifications and particularly sociologists, consider development of tourism activity deriving from social development and introduce it as an index for development.

Therefore directing a part of national planning to tourism industry is necessary and in this planning at least several important feature shall be regarded.

- To present clear laws and definitions for those who are able to constitute the

duties and limits of executive responsibilities and also reflectivity of existing

organizations. None of the executive policies can not continue without enjoyment

from correct and clear definitions and also clear perspective from its application

domain dynamically.

- To enjoy from a scientific insight in a manner that it can look from future to the

present, with this meaning that it does not consider future capacities based on the

present need and some factors such as rapid changes of communications,

technology are regarded due to severe competition and client choice right.

- To consider short-middle and long term plans regarding executive ability in the

region and national level, it is clear that we can not accept all the tourists

simultaneously and so tourism needs an exact time plan for conducting potentials

and forces in order that on the basis of its division, multilateral rise to be

materialized in this activity. We may regard local tourism a set of activities by

various social classes for meeting common needs such as learning, observing

spaces, relaxation of spirit and body, recreation and trade that often is carried out

in predicaments with free time and so with purposeful selection. Thus it is

59 required that existing capabilities to be conducted in an integrated form towards

tourism in order that national tourism industry provides an opportunity for

materializing international tourism which demands its special criteria and

standards. So it is better that we consider both area, it means proper distribution

of facilities and giving opportunity to all tourism regions for Iran tourism and

principal renovation of this industry for accepting tourists, in order that we can

simultaneously access common international standards with changing national

tourism. Considering development strategy and coordination of public, private

sectors with similar movements, is the basic for success of tourism development

plan in the region; access to new methods, using the experience of important

world countries and its coincidence with culture are effective in compiling

strategies and modification of constitutive structure, non concentration in

planning, development of education and applied researches and proper

management in order of efficient labor force are emphasized. With no doubt

development of tourism has positive economic, social and cultural effect for the

region. In many locations of the world tourism industry is promulgated in order

to provide foreign exchange resources and other development indices and in this

manner occupation is created in local scene and with feedback of provided

capitals from this industry, mother industries are strengthened and remove the

worst obstacles, it means unemployment.

- The work that usually countries perform for promulgating this industry is

removing the obstacles through development strategy. This matter is more

important in under development countries that depend on one or two goods in

60 their economy. Experiences have proved that social and cultural disorder, not

welcoming tourists and customs relations in the domain of international and

diplomatic relations remove proper conditions for tourism and how much culture

of people can tolerate cultural criteria of foreigners, the atmosphere for accepting

tourists will be more suitable.

In successful countries often development strategies are prepared in a manner that can influence on the effective factors on development of tourism simultaneously and in fact, to be a response for its challenges. These factors include:

• Development and variety of recreational centers

• Improvement of quality for supplying services and promotion of welfare


• Researches and expert research in the field of recognizing proper markets

• Provision of soul, social and cultural security

• Activating private and public travel agencies

• Organization of Behaviors and interactions for optimization of thinking

atmosphere in society

• Development of private and public investment for tourism facilities

• Creation and improvement of economic competitive space in regard to


2.14.18- Recreation tourism and urban life:

The principal of life is based on three factors of working, resting and recreation. Studying of populations and social evolution of the history of man indicate that the human being

61 after passing the ancient and middle ages periods of life has been experienced an extensive urbanization in new era. Tourism as part of the process of development has been directed toward the meeting of various social, educational, cultural and recreational needs. Through the process of urban development and living in major cities, it was found that promotion of the recreational and travel activities as tourism development is one of the major solution for the citizens in reducing many stresses, caused by modern life.

Ecotourism has got the highest priority in tourism activities to attract the urban man for escaping from the stressful urban life.

Travel activities have high educational capability and variety of tourism spaces. It also strengthens self-sufficiency and produces a knowledgeable society.

2.14.19- Welfare facilities and accommodation facilities:

Considering infra-structure facilities and their development including land ways, airports, passenger terminals and residential places play important role in development of this industry.

Approval of supportive laws and regulations from private sector and suppliers of Iran tourism and world tourism and also creation of conditions for investment and partnership in development of installations and equipments of required services as well as provision of banking facilities are very important in this affair. In planning for development of Iran tourism and world tourism we shall depend on partnership of all the sectors and people participation and also enabling them to participate in making decisions and executing designs. Organizing one continuous planning day with dependence on participation of people and institutions is required for creating mutual confidence between authorities,

62 specialists, and people and people organizing is possible through various ways such as tourist companies and local cooperatives.

All statistical data indicate that tourism has not obtained its real position in Iran and it could not have much effect in creating added value and rising occupation level. For example, if we consider multiplicity coefficient of Iran economy, against one dollar from foreign tourism, the level of society income is high in the amount of 10 dollar that this affair can be effective in creating subsidiary occupations and local economy development.

2.14.20- Promotion of local tourism as basic operation for tourism development:

Pre- requisite for development of tourism is development of local tourism.

Principally policy-makers had no development plan for local tourism. Internal travel is very important and not only do not waste foreign exchange, but it saves in foreign exchange, people become more aware of different cultures, national integration becomes more as well and they also understand the problems of tourism. Considering lack of confidence due to the past experience the private sector is not much interested in investment.

2.14.21- Creation of data bank with the application of Advanced Technology:

For improving status of tourism the first condition is having information. We shall have exact information about foreign tourists and their expectations and become familiar with technology of time in order to response to their needs. Having information about the competitors is also necessary. We shall know what they do and how they act.

In the sector of eco- tourism we shall recognize the regions similar to our natural environment and apply their successful experiences. We shall, at least send our message

63 to the individuals which we are assured they are buyers of our product. Therefore advertising and promulgation of tourism supplies and products required using new tools in addition to traditional methods and tools.

2.14.22- Planning for extension of tourists and ecotourists‘ time of visits:

Permanent development of tourism requires a plan for evaluation of preserving the attractions in order that in conditions that we are not able to increase the number of tourists sue to non ability in development of residential facilities and infrastructures, at lease we can increase the period of stay and more remaining in attractive places, because many of insufficiencies for attracting tourist at the present is lack of variety. Finding new innovations for increasing the period of tourists stay is one of the policies that make time pleasant for the tourists, thus variety and integrating tourism activities play important role in increasing the period of stay.

2.15- Perspective of Tourism and Ecotourism development of the province:

In the deed of the 3 rd plan for development of country in the sector of Iran tourism and world tourism it has beef referred that due to occurrence of inflicting war during the past years, activities of tourism sector particularly in relation with attraction of international tourists and its resulting incomes are significantly lower than real capacity. But with ending war during the past decade, operation of this sector was confronted with partially high abnormal growth in the medium annual rate of about 30 % which were used essentially in hotel sector and utilization from former non-used capacities. Although this abnormal growth can not be a true and proper base for the estimation of indices of this sector in future, but due to lack of proper method and criteria for correct estimation from

64 future conditions it is base inevitably. With basing the procedure of changes (percent of tourist entrance to country) during 1988 to 1997 and using linear equation of growth percent for the said years and replacing related amounts for various years and also performance of necessary calculations for 1998 to 2004, tourism growth respectively compared to the previous year is equal to 32, 30, 28, 26, 24, 23, and 21 percent. Falling direction of growth procedure indicates movement toward natural growth.

On this basis number of tourists in 2004 amounts to about 4 million individuals and if for each person average 500 dollar foreign exchange income to be considered, based on the former procedure and with supposition of suitable conditions and with overlooking negligible statistical and calculating errors about 2 milliard dollar incomes is obtained.

In more optimistic conditions, in case that necessary actions and measures to be made in the fields such as changing the combination of entering tourists, increasing period of stay, increasing per capita income for tourism, and solving the present essential problems and difficulties for example in cultural and political fields, and also cooperative and private governmental investment is made in residential installations, reception and transportation, obviously the ratio of Iran will increase significantly from international tourism incomes.

On the strength of statistics by State Statistics Year book in 1988 to 1998 in average about 35 % of total tourists entered into country have visited this province in 1-3 days. In case of continuing this procedure, with supposition of authenticity of statistics and decision for assessment of the 3 rd development plan for future years, Isfahan province will confront with considerable amount of tourists in comparison with previous years. As it was mentioned, during last years, tourist growth is considerable compared to growth of

65 establishing residential installations and required facilities and it is about 4 times and 25

% increase of tourist growth during the past years has been essentially with high capacity of hotels and residential places created before this period.

With supposing access to above purposes and presenting the present procedure, Isfahan province in 2004 have about 700000 tourists. This estimation is optimistic and due to the comparison of past procedure to future it is contradictory with standards and realism study. In case of lacking significant rise in capacity for residential place and transportation and also other required installations in Isfahan province this sector will be confronted with some challenges and it does not seem that with preserving the existing conditions in the province it can accept in average 700000 tourists during the next years.

Non providing necessary facilities for recreation times and travel of local tourists for development plan will limit foreign tourism with more limitations. Thus we can admit optimistically that about 700000 foreign tourists and about 2.5 million Iran tourists visit

Isfahan and they will be satisfied.


Chapter 3: Research Method

This chapter will present detailed information about the present research.

There are a series of steps to create a thesis. These steps are: Research Purpose, Research

Approach, Research Strategy, Data Collection, Data Analysis

3.1- Research Purpose:

There are many ways to carry out research. However, there are certain procedures that all researches follow. There are three classifications of research available when dealing with a research problem: exploratory, descriptive, or explanatory.

Exploratory research : exploratory research is often used when a problem is not well known, or the knowledge is not available. Hence, this research is designed to allow an investigator to just, ”look around‘ with respect to some phenomenon, with the aim being to develop suggestion ideas (Yin, 1994). Although this study should be designed by stating a purpose ( Yin, 1994) but it is a flexible and adaptable nature, which means that researchers using it must be ready to alter their research directions as new data or insights arise (Saunders et al. 2000). At times researcher finds it impossible to formulate a basic statement of the research problem, exploratory research can be used to develop a better understanding. The technique that is best suited for information gathering when

67 exploratory research is carried out is interviews (Yin, 1994). According to definition this research can be recognized that as an exploratory research.

Descriptive research: Descriptive research could be in direct connection to exploratory research, since researchers might have started by wanting to gain insights to a problem, and after having stated it, their research becomes descriptive (Saunders et al. 2000). The objective of this kind of research is to provide a description of various phenomenons connected to individuals, situations, or events that occur. The descriptive research may also be used when developing empirical generalizations. Once such generalizations begins to appear, they are worth explaining, which leads to theory development.

This research is a descriptive research because its objectives are to describe the ecotourism of Isfahan.

Explanatory research: explanatory research seeks to find cause/ effect relationships between given variables. In order to accomplish that, besides having to come up with well-defined research problem, hypotheses need to be stated (Jonsson & Sanders, 2000).

According to Miles and Huberman (1994) explanation means —making complicated things understandable by showing how their component parts fit together according to some rules, that is, theory.“

3.2- Research Approach:

In this part, the author will present and give the reasons for the way she/ he have chosen to approach the study. First, deductive versus inductive research approaches will be discussed and next qualitative versus quantitative researches will be stated.

68 3.2.1- Deductive versus Inductive Research:

Conclusions can be drawn through either inductive or deductive research. These two approaches represent two different philosophies. The inductive way to draw conclusions is founded on empirical data. The researcher establishes theories and models that are based on different phenomena in reality. If the researcher on the other hand has a deductive approach then he/she uses existing theories, and investigates these empirically, with different methods. Existing theories is the base for deciding what information that should be selected, how it should be understood, and finally how to relate the results to the theory (Jonsson & Sanders, 2000).

Although this research came up with the research problem based on realities, but I have developed the research questions from the already existing theories, which later compare to the reality; therefore this research is of deductive nature.

3.2.2- Qualitative versus Quantitative Research:

The research approach is often either qualitative or quantitative. The qualitative and quantitative methods refer to the way one chooses to treat and analyze the selected data.

Both the qualitative and quantitative approaches are aimed at creating a better understanding of the society and to comprehend how the individuals, groups, and institutions act and have an influence on each other (Jonsson & Sanders, 2000).

Both of these approaches have their strengths and weaknesses and neither one of them can be held better than the other one. However, the best approach to use for a study depends on the purpose of the study and the accompanying research question (Yin,


69 Eldabi et al (2002), identified quantitative research typically has a ”logical and linear structure‘, in which hypothesis take the form of expectations about likely causal links between the constituent concepts identified in the hypotheses. Thus, the determination of the causal links specified by the hypotheses will result in the acceptance, or rejection of the theoretical propositions. Hence, quantitative research places emphasis on methodology, procedures, and the statistical measures of validity. Quantitative research methods also rely on the measurement and analysis of statistical data, to determine relationships between the one set of data to another. The measurement of these variables may produce quantifiable conclusions. Selecting the subjects of the study randomly is desirable to reduce error and cancel bias. Moreover, the sample of subject is drawn to reflect the population (Newman & Bens, 1998). In using this approach, a large number of respondents must be selected (Yin, 1994).

This research is a qualitative approach because in a qualitative approach a fewer number of objects are studied. The purpose is to gain a deeper knowledge of the studied objects.

The qualitative approach is used when the researcher wants to obtain more data that are detailed and when it includes feelings, values and attitudes (Yin, 1994).

3.3- Research Strategy:

According to Yin (1994), the selection of the research strategy depends on three conditions: the type of research questions asked, the extent of control that a researcher has over actual behavioral events, and the degree of focus on contemporary events compared to behavioral events. Based on these conditions, experiments, surveys, archival

70 analysis, histories, and case studies are five research strategies that are possible to conduct. The strategy used in this research is experiments, surveys and archival analysis.

3.4- Data Collection Method:

There are two major approaches to gathering information about a situation, person, problem, or phenomenon. Sometimes, information required is already available and need only to be extracted. However there are times when the information must be collected.

Based upon these broad approaches to information gathering data are categorized as:

Secondary data and Primary data. Secondary data are collected from secondary sources such as govt. publications, personal records, and census. Primary data are collected through observations or communications. The communication approach involves surveying people for analysis, whereas observation includes the full range of monitoring behaviors, conditions, events, and processes (Cooper & Schindler, 2003).

As discussed, the approaches for collecting data in this research are both secondary data and primary data through both observation and communications.

There are various sources to gather information: documentation, archival records, interviews, direct observations, participant observation and physical artifacts. In conducting this research documentation, archival records, interviews and direct observation are used.

Documentation: includes using of documents in Plan & Budget organization archive, documents in Jihad Keshavarzi Organization, Planning and Managing Organization, documents in Cultural Heritage, Handicrafts and tourism Organization.

71 Archival records: includes using of organizational records, maps, survey data previous collected and personal records.

Interviews: there are different types of interviews such as open-ended interview, focused interview, and survey. Open- ended interviews are performed in a conversational manner.

The respondents may provides facts, opinions about events, and own insights about occurrences. With the focused interview the main purpose is to confirm facts that already have been established and not ask questions of a broader nature. The interview lasts for a short period of time, for about an hour, and the questions are derived from a protocol.

Finally, the survey implies more structured questions.

In doing this research structured question interviews and open-ended interviews in a conversational manner are used. Some of the interviews were made directly and some of them made by phone. I interviewed with authorities in Cultural Heritage, Handicrafts and

Tourism organization, authorities in Plan & Budget Organization, authority of Garmeh traditional guesthouse Plan (Mr. Al-Davood), authority of Plan for land society (Mr.

Moshiri), local people of Garmeh & Khafr villagers, tourists in Isfahan, Garmeh, Khafr, etc.

The interview‘s questions were structured before interviews. Some of the questions are brought here:

1- Do you have any information about Isfahan Ecotourism?

2- Has any special plan been about Isfahan Ecotourism so far?

3- What‘s your opinion about Isfahan natural, historical, ancient attractions?

4- What‘s your opinion about Garmeh natural attractions?

5- What‘s your opinion about Khafr natural attractions?

72 6- Is it easy to access here?‘

7- Is there any special communication system for coming to this village?

8- What are this village‘s attractions?

9- What are handicrafts of this village?

10- Would you please explain about Garmeh traditional guesthouse plan?

11- What are your plans for the tourists coming here?

12- What are this village‘s products?

13- What are this village‘s facilities?

14- Is there any travel agency here?

15- Do tourists buy your handicrafts and your products?

16- Would you please explain about Plan for Land Society?

17- Does improvement of tourism cause to decrease of youth pastoralism?

18- Does improvement of tourism in this village cause to economic growth in this


19- Is there any other guest house in this village?

20- What are your other future plans for this village?

21- Are there any diaries in this guesthouse?

3.5- Sample selection:

The basic idea of sampling is that by selecting some of the elements in a population, researcher may draw conclusions about the entire population. There are several compelling reasons for sampling, including: lower cost, greater accuracy of results, and greater speed of data collection and accessibility to the population (Cooper & Schindler,

73 2003). Traditional sampling method can be divided into two categories: probability and non-probability sampling (Hair et. al., 2003).

Probability sampling is most commonly associated with survey- based research where researcher needs to make inferences from the sample about a population to answer the research question or to meet research objectives (Sanders et. al., 2000). In probability sampling, sampling elements are selected randomly and the probability of being selected is determined ahead of time by the researcher. If done properly, probability sampling ensures that the sample is representative of the population (Hair et. al., 2003).

Non- probability sampling provides a range of alternative techniques based on researcher subjective judgment (Sanders et. al., 2000). In non- probability sampling, the selection of elements for the sample is not necessarily made with the aim of being statistically representative of the population. Rather the researcher uses the subjective methods such as personal experience, convenience, and expert judgment and so on to select the elements in the sample. As a result, the probability of any element of the population being chosen is not known (Hair et. al., 2003).

Two sample villages in province which one is mountainous and the other is desert land have been studied which according to definition the research sample selection in this study is probability.

3.6- Data analysis

Once the data begins to flow in, attention turns to data analysis. First, some activities are needed to ensure the accuracy of the data and their conversion from raw form to a reduced and classified form that are more appropriate for analysis. This kind of activities

74 is called data preparation, which includes editing, coding & data entry (Cooper &

Schindler, 2003).

Editing detects errors and omissions, corrects them when possible, and certifies that minimum data quality has been achieved (Cooper & Schindler, 2003).

Coding involves assigning numbers or other symbols to answers, so that the responses can be grouped into a limited number of classes or categories.

Data entry is to convert gathered information to a medium for viewing and manipulating

(Cooper & Schindler, 2003).


Chapter 4: Analysis and Research findings

On chapter two (literature review) the focus is on tourism in Isfahan province, capabilities and potentials of ecotourism in Isfahan, problems of tourism and ecotourism sector of Isfahan, major resources of Isfahan and ability of producing trip and number of tourists and other related discussions which are the basis of the discussions in this chapter.

4.1- Centers for development of rural handicrafts:

1- Industrial region of Varposht, Tiran and Karvan with area of 20 hectares.

2- Industrial region of Tudashk- Isfahan city with the area of 20 hectares. (This region has recently become city and it can not be regarded as a rural district).

3- Industrial region of Barzak Kashan with the width of 50 hectares.

4 - Industrial region of Yazdel Aran and Bidgol with the width of 20 hectares 1.

1- Plan and Budget Organization, Isfahan Province, Studies for Social, Economic and Cultural development of Isfahan

Province, report of industry, 1997.

76 Up to the 2014, the following centers were proposed for development of rural industries:

11 rural regions were suggested for development of rural industries in Isfahan province that include: Industrial regions in rural regions of Kashan, , Naein, Semirom,

Daran, Falavarjan, Khansar, Lenjan, Natanz, Golpaygan, and development of Jarghuyeh sector.

The most important standards for selection of location position consist of existence of access roads, telephone and post, tele- communications, water and sewage installations, education department facilities, raw materials, infra-structure installations, social, energy and etc.

4.2- The most important paths and accesses for tourism (recreational and pilgrimage) in Isfahan Province separated from viewpoint of importance regarding native, regional, national and international:

Isfahan city is interesting and exceptional for the tourists throughout the world. Excellent preservation of its famous historical constructions has a major role in continuous importance and its popularity among visitors. This city covers both beaches of Zayandeh

Rood and even though only the northern part attracts the tourists, existence of a river that passes in the middle of city is the best pleasant perspective, and along its beaches gardens and trees exist that can be decorative scenes with making decorations.

Isfahan has the privilege that most of its historical parishes and constructions have a direct path in the length of 2 km and at the present a plan is being made that all the lands close to major historical constructions to be purchased and all the parishes are changed to their main form in the manner that they were in Safavid period (Shah Abbas Kabir).

77 According to new plan for development of Isfahan, this city is widespread in outside like star arms and various parts of the city will be separated by vast streets. In the new plan no particular reference is made to the housing and lack of sufficient areas such as parks, swimming pools, clubs and museums that really shall be considered more.

• Isfahan requires a better airport that enables direct relation with foreign capitals,

particularly in case that the flights of government, such as they are expected, are

publicized more than ever.

• Zayandeh Rood valley is the most interesting natural phenomenon that is around

the city, green areas of Olia that are in southern part of Lenjan city and green

areas of west are suitable for recreations in open space and development of

tourism very much. This case is a great privilege for Isfahan especially regarding

local tourism. Some major interesting locations in this scope are: Chubi bridge,

Shahrestan bridge in east, Menarjonban among the gardens in west, Atashgah

which is located in the peak of a hill and gives of good perspective to the valley

and Pirbakran, Jews cemetery in this valley roads has not been made in

accordance with tourism views and rarely it indicates a good perspective of the

river. The soil road that is started from Pirbakran and crosses from the river is a

good image for the type of road that is good for tourism and tourist.

• In dam and Zayandeh Rood River there is a very good background for

development of water sports. Band Nekuabad is very good for yachting and the

ancient swamp which is along the river and at the present it has become a special

lake for boating.

78 • Establishment of more pools and lakes such as those that are totally in the valley,

but if they are planned skillfully, with no doubt that both are great tourism

attraction and have abundant profits for Isfahani people as well.

• Shah Abbas reservoir ( Zayandeh Rood ) which is located in a mountainous area

above a green valley is about 2500 square km, it is good for water skiing and

boating and from the village that has been built for the engineers can be changes

to a summer recreation center with development.

• Caravanserais are found in various places. In Tehran road there are Anushiravan,

Madar Shah and Murchekhort Caravanserais, in the south side there are Modar

Shah and Aminabad Caravanserais, etc. and also in the preserved areas and wild

animal parks there is possibility for creation and tourism planning via Isfahan,

Borujen, Shahrekord, Isfahan, Daran, Golpaygan, Mahalat, but the first plan

which has priority is relation with Khuzestan that shall be performed through

Shahrekord, Eizeh or through Semirom- Yasuj (Plan & Budget Organization,


• For international tourists, Isfahan city is the most interesting location in the

country due to its beauty and particularly its unique historical constructions and it

can remain interesting in the future as well. More variety of residential

installations and increasing urban activities will be proper in general; repair of

market will have many profits. More tourists will stay in city and during the end

of spring, summer and Fall, the tourists can use the advantages of passing

several days in a pleasant environment with going out of the city for one or two

days and staying in nice scenes such as tribal tent-dwelling.

79 • From viewpoint of regional tourists Shiraz is more attractive than Isfahan, but

creation of recreation facilities and special residential equipments can attract their


• From local and national viewpoint, Isfahan is a famous city which was capital

previously and from the viewpoint of many people it is the most beautiful city in

Iran and various reasons confirm it, some of the Iranians will value at least some

things such as changed Caravanserais and repaired markets, villages for holidays

in Zayandeh Rood or instances such as this. Equipments of water sports will be

utilized easily and with no doubt with opening Ahvaz road, ski paths in winter

will attract Khuzestani people.

• Isfahan, Mashhad and Tehran have theater, the programs which foreigners like

more than the other programs, there are native dances and Iran music concerts,

but in general the passengers do not go out of the country for using these types of

cultural facilities. Storytelling which is the real sample of ethics and

characteristics of Iranian people is the interested recreation of native people in

cities such as Isfahan and development of the clubs for ancient sport called

sports-club is original that shall be involved n the plan of tours.

Resources of tourism for the province by international tourism, regional and local are not evaluated similarly, various types of resources in Isfahan include:

• Isfahan province and its historical constructions, museums, architecture, its

traditions are considerable from viewpoint of international and local tourists,

and it is medium from viewpoint of regional tourists, and in general interest of

80 International and local tourists for Isfahan attractions is interesting and average

for regional tourists.

• The first attractions of Iran from viewpoint of international tourism are

archeological heritage (pre-Islam and post- Islam). Except museums in Iran, we

can mention significant archeological works of Iran in Isfahan and Shiraz. (Plan

& Budget Organization, 1997)

• Very severe control of using cultivated lands and other green locations in the

radiation of minimum 50 km in great cities, controlling development of building

(roads, constructions, sport installations) is considered for providing public lands

for 30 to 50 next years.

• New operations shall be performed for preserving the constructions throughout

the province, not only for the single buildings or unit constructions- but all the

constructions and natural phenomena shall also be preserved, attention shall be

paid to more generalities and the details for valuing the archeological locations

shall be considered in the same manner as well. The main roads that are important

for tourism shall be controlled for prevention from creating ugly and deformed

constructions and the other factors that may destroy their perspective.

In summer, we shall tell that the most important reason that tourists come to Iran is for discovering new regions and observing historical monuments and in particular they like to see Isfahan and Persepolis and Pasargad and then in case that necessary installations to be provided, the cities in the border of salt desert (Yazd, Kashan, Bam) are in the next stages (Comprehensive Project for Development of Tourism in Iran, 1972).

81 • Development of tourism in the natural landscape of the province ( national parks,

national natural features, habitat of wild life and preserved area) with principal

operation and preparation of park projects for development of centers and paths

as well as natural regions of the province ( Shahreza, Mouteh, Ghamshelou).

• Establishment of entertainment centers for the great and new individuals of eco-

tourism in east of Isfahan (specially the cities of Harand, , and

Kuhpayeh) with the help of local authorities in the form of ecology exhibitions.

• Development and creation of entertainment camps (camping in good weather

locations, border of Zayandeh Rood and the foothill of Karkas Mountains).

• Restoration of the village, city and architectural areas in the cities having

historical structure in accordance with historical periods (Isfahan, Kashan,


• Using environmental potentiality of mountainous cold regions (Freidan,

Fereidunshahr, and Semirom) and creating their sport facilities.

• Using of desert and its landscape, restoration of ancient Abrisham road

accompanied by establishment of the symbolic communication path with the

development of sport competitions in some areas such as: camel-riding, car

driving (in Aran and Bidgol, Kashan).

• Establishment of major regions for tourism in main historical cities of the

province through creating modern equipments of tourism (establishment of store,

agency…) particularly in the regions that have special value regarding

architecture and their ancient traditions (historical monuments of Isfahan and

Kashan). In these types of regions some facilities shall be provided for

82 encouraging the visitors and visit, and these cases shall be regarded for historical

homes as well. Isfahan, Kashan, Ardestan and Naein are now important centers

for the cultural tourists because of their very rich historical attractions.

• Establishment of tourism regions with considering the priority of supply and

demand is managed by the government. It is supposed that government has the

responsibility of the tourism marketing and also its role for encouraging private

sector investment is great. The cities of Natanz, Kashan and Isfahan are

considered as important cities for domestic and international tourism


• Improvement of management institutions for the development of existing

installations and providing the land for establishment of future tourism

installations in the centers shall be considered (Plan & Budget Organization,


Policy for development of major cities:

Isfahan which is a great regional center after Tehran is the most varied Iranian city. It has an administrative role of cultural and historical capital, it has an increasing role for tourism and it is an industrial center with rapid growth.

The Spaces for passing recreation periods:

The capacity of Isfahan urban region for excellent activities of the third sector ( research, training, and tourism) also caused that development of heavy industries ( Steel Complex, initial changes of metals) are stopped generally which their development was not justifiable in the region regarding not only raw materials, but for natural resources.

83 The space for recreational activities due to the lack of proper spaces for recreation and tourism in Iran should be developed with the loss of agricultural spaces.

Concentration of great industrial complexes in this city at the present has changed

Isfahan to an important center for heavy industries (Steel Complex) that their development does not also seem reasonable.

• The possibilities in Isfahan district is limited because it is limited to Tehran

from North and in west and south west it is limited to natural mountains of

Zagros, and its capacity is not for more than 2 million individuals (Plan & Budget

Organization, 2004).

Principles of Development:

Significant feature of services in Isfahan with establishment of a complex from new offices in this city, this first complex shall be established close to the present administrative centers of the city.

• Establishment of one regional organization for development and spatial testing in

the level of urban region for coordinating the works.

• Establishment of public transportation network in the city.

• Variety in modern industries.

• Reconsideration of the purposes of new towns and adaptation of urbanization

process with variety which is required for newly established institutions and types

of houses.

84 The policy for development of the spaces for urban recreations and suburb intends

that create the area for various recreations and proper to the population of these cities

in long-term (Plan & Budget Organization, 2004).

4.3- Proposed policies for the development of domestic and foreign tourism markets:

• Development of all the potential affairs of tourism need significant investments,

whereas maximum development is neither necessary nor it is expedient, but in

fact it is better that the affairs to be selected that have priority and developable, in

this manner investments that have priority shall be determined as well.

• Some measures shall be taken immediately without considering the decisions

made in other fields of tourism, because in case that one group or some groups of

the tourists have priority economically or socially, performance of such necessary

actions will be necessary and tourism resources coordinate with this measures and

the cost for performing these actions is not very much.

• The steps that shall be taken for development of local tourism are to establish

tourism estates that can be responsive to considerable demand.

• The location of these estates shall be built with consideration of comprehensive

regional plan and observance of agricultural specifications, industry,

environment, network of roads and etc.

• Establishment of cheap installations (1 and 2 star hotels, camps, etc)

• Dedication of proper lands for building holiday homes in the estates and

transferring them.

85 • Establishment of some locations accompanies by the services of parking,

restaurant, hygienic and sport installations for the passengers who remain there 1

day on the beach of Zayandeh Rood and some of the cities on Zayandeh Rood


• Establishment of pleasant locations accompanied by some public services and

picnic facilities and also sport and recreational equipments.

• Steps that shall be taken for development of foreign tourism.

Variety and abundance of the province tourism views through helping to the beauty of its major cities is caused that short- term and transit stays are changed to longer stays.

S Efforts shall be made for preserving the originality of tourism resources, variety in various locations, cultural heritage, native cloths, handicrafts and folklore.

S Establishment of chain hotels for providing transportation of tourists, if possible, closes to the visible villages and urban areas that can be preserved. Existence of these hotels helps to regionalize tourism installations that it is a profitable source economically for under-developed regions.

S Providing lands for establishment of future tourism installations and supporting of important areas for tourism.

S Development of picnic areas with establishment of simple facilities, very cheap.

• Development of tourism in stopping locations between destinations with

development of facilities for increasing the duration of staying for example

replacing Isfahan or Shiraz instead of Tehran airport.

86 • For development of domestic tourists (business) improvement of communications

and establishment of centers for industrial and agricultural centers.

• The major centers for sending tourists at the present include Tehran (60 œ 70 %)

and after that, Isfahan, Shiraz and Mashhad and in general summer are usually the

high season.

• Establishment of suitable camps in cultural and industrial cities.

• In order to confront with the present and future requirements, establishment of

picnic locations situated in suburb of great cities is necessary and should be

executed rapidly.

4.4- Climatic Regions:

One of the main purposes of geography is separation of location to the units approximately independent of each other based on one or several standards. Necessity of this region classification is particularly more specified in climatology and its purpose is to discover existing regulation in weather conditions of the whole ground level and also comprehensive and exact recognition of the main weather phenomena.

Generally, a climatic region system is a set of rules which by using it, we can separate regions which have the same characteristics and put them in one group. But each one of these systems have applied limitations or they can be used only for a specific region. If so it is necessary to estimate and evaluate several methods and the best method which has the most suitability with that region must be chosen. Among the various methods, there are two methods for estimation of Isfahan climatic region classification. According to estimation, all the central and east regions of this province have placed in dry climatic

87 region and the average of rain is less than 150 millimeter and the average of temperature is more than 15 centigrade.

4.5- Environmental factors and ecosystems in Isfahan:

In general, entrance of human being to the nature is in proportion to economic, social and cultural structure and purposes and also the possibilities that human being has at disposal for changing nature has altered the natural procedure of ecosystems in the province. The factors and activities that have a major role in disordering the balance of ecological environment are population, agriculture, industry and basic facilities which here only the first one (population) is evaluated.


Each Local environment has a particular capacity considering its conditions. Rapid increase of population accompanied by permanent utilization of the sources burden destructive procedures on the environment. Population of the province during the years

55 to 80 has almost doubled. In regard to existing statistics, east and north parts of the province that have salt desert land with an area of about 66 % of total area has less than

1/5 of population. The central part of the province and plateau of the province with an area of less than 20 % of total area has 2/3 of the population.

Studying growth of the population in the province indicates that during the last 15 years growth of the population in central district was equal to 3.22 % and in other regions of the province it was less than 2 %.(Plan & Budget Organization, 2004).

According to general census of population in 2006, the population of Isfahan Province is estimated 4,557,618 (Plan & Budget Organization, 2007).

88 It‘s indicated that there are 1948 residential villages in 2007 while there were 2470 residential villages in 2004. It‘s clear that the migration from villages to Isfahan

Township is increased. Also distribution of population in rural regions differs greatly in various cities. From this fact, we can conclude that the development of ecotourism in villages can cause to decrease of migration from villages to city and also can cause to restoration of culture and finally can result in return of villagers to their villages and this is sustainable development.

Table 4.1- Anticipation of Isfahan Province population during (1996-2021)

Year Estimation of population Absolute average growth (1000) rate

1996 3923/3

2001 4251/4 1/61

2006 4635/5 1/85

2011 5525 1/99

2016 5654/2 1/86

2021 6120/5 1/58

Iran statistic center, National Census of Iran, Provincial Spatial Strategy Plan of Isfahan, 2004

4.6- The effects of activities on eco-environmental Resources:

4.6.1- Water Resources

The major part of waters in the province is consumed in agriculture sector and later industrial and services centers for homes are the most important consumers. Consumed water in agriculture sector is injected in the soil or evaporated. A part of these waters are entered into water and soil resources in the form of sewage mixed with chemical

89 compositions as a result of fertilizers and pesticides in water and soil resources. This sewage mostly consists of nitrogen, phosphorus, and the poisons of plants that not only make water salty but due to increasing pollutions limit its usage.

Industrial centers are regarded as the greatest producers of sewage in the province that pollute water resources with their compositions.

The sewage from urban and rural centers is also regarded as the most important eco environmental problems in the province. At the present, limited number of cities in the province have network for collecting and clearing the sewage and in other cities and residential locations the sewages are released in water resources through attracting wells or evacuation in water resources. In this relation, despite having two refineries, a major part of the sewage in the city is releases into Zayandeh Rood that this affair causes to create infection disease during the periods that there is shortage of water (provincial spatial strategy plan of Isfahan, 2004).

4.6.2- Soil:

From 40 million acres salt desert lands in the country less than 1 % are in Isfahan province that is in central and east regions of the province.

Due to the existence of desert lands and unfavorable climate conditions, soil erosion has been severed in this region.

Movement of moving sands in widespread sectors at east and north of the province create dusts and influence on the environment. Non observance of correct principles for utilization from soil resources, have eroded considerable sectors of valuable and fertile lands in the province. Permanent use of the cultivated lands without considering their capacity for production, non observance of correct principles in agriculture and etc. have

90 caused to wash and destroy soil in various regions of the province. Application of non suitable methods of irrigation, using of chemical fertilizers and poisons in one hand cause to destruct soil tissue and in the other hand create erosion. Unfortunately limited studies have been performed in relation with soil pollutions and required information for evaluation is limited.

4.6.3- Vegetation:

Increase in the population which use the nature and continuous utilization from forest coverage have been caused to destroy the forests. From major factors of destroying forests in the province we can refer to bad climate conditions, continuous grazing, cutting the trees and changing them to wood for burning. At the present forest coverage is in a very limited area in west and south west of the province and it is considerable generally regarding preserving of genetic resources.

The level of pastures in the province have severely changed during the recent decades as well in a manner that the levels of desirable and first grade pastures has been decreased and they have been changed to 2 nd and 3 rd grade pastures. The most important factor of changing is increase of consumers and non-principled operation and using more than production capacity. The results of incessant destruction of forest and pasture vegetation, reduction of production capacity for destruction of soil and animal and plant life, has been flood and the damages occurred as its result.

4.6.4- Ecological diversity:

Due to special geographical and natural situation, Isfahan province is one of the regions that have considerable ecological variety in various natures. Unfortunately industrial, agricultural activities, incessant operation of the forests and pastures as well as other

91 plant, animal ecological environments as well as pollutant materials in water and soil have unfavorable effect on the mentioned variety and in a manner that they have extinguished many of the species. Destruction of ecological lands in the province,

Gavkhuni swamp and pastures has caused to disorder ecological variety. In this relation during the recent years with preserving policies effective actions have been performed for improvement of introducing natural ecological lands that its results are growing significant plant species and prevention from extinguish of valuable species as well as preservation and improvement of ecological variety.

Eco-environmental limitations of regions in this province can be divided into 3 regions considering the results of the present situation regarding eco-environmental problems: Mountainous Region:

Mountainous region includes the cities of Semirom, Fereidan, Fereidunshahr, Khansar,

Golpaygan that considering their geographical situation and lack of major pollutant industries has not significant eco-environmental pollution due to fossil fuels and industrial sewages.

The most important eco-environmental problems in this region is destruction of eco systems through incessant operation of the pastures, existence of human sewages in cities and pollution due to consumption of some chemical fertilizers and pesticides. Central Region :

Consists of Isfahan, Khomeinishahr, , Borkhar va Meimeh, Lenjan, Mobarakeh and Shahreza. Eco-environmental problems of this region is as the result of industrial pollution, consumption of fossil fuels, industrial sewages, waste materials, solid, liquid pollutant, etc.

92 Types of air pollutants are created considerably as a result of fossil fuels and suspended particles, etc. in this region. Types of water and soil pollutants mostly have caused to create unfavorable eco-environmental outcomes by industrial, human sewages, as well as agricultural activities of using chemical fertilizers, plant poisons, evacuation of significant waste materials from cities and hospital. Generally this region is one of the most polluting and critical regions in the province from the viewpoint of eco- environmental matters. Desert Region:

Desert region includes the cities of Naein, Kashan, Ardestan and Natanz. Its desert land and existence of various knitting industries, industrial sewages and not complete infiltration, and also waste materials and sewage pollute Eco-environmental conditions in this region.

4.7- To propose some polices in Management of Eco-Environmental Resources:

- To increase public knowledge and to promote science and culture and also special

attention to eco -environmental problems.

- To prevent from continuing the process of destroying of environment as well as

its preservation and renovation.

- To create data bank, to perform researches and special attention to Eco -

environmental problems in various levels of planning.

- To create unique method in units related to Eco -environmental problems.

- To replace clean fuels instead of fossil fuels in public transportation and industrial


93 - To determine the value of Eco -environmental costs and considering it in finished

price of the products.

- To increase productivity from resources and energy in the process of production

and improvement of recycling role.

- To consider eco -environmental problems in techno-economic evaluations of the


- To regard natural capacity of environment in the manner of distributing economic

activities and allocation of that space.

- Quality and quantity improvement of the units in charge of eco œenvironment in

the direction of determined purposes.

- Permanent utilization from natural resources, preservation and maintaining

ecological places, prevention of their destruction and development of variety in

ecology of the province.

4.8- Land use of Isfahan (present situation)

4.8.1- Estimation of forests with little trees of various cities:

At present Isfahan lacks each type of natural thick (dense) forests and half thick.

Although in the past, Aras forests existed in the regions from Zagros Mountains. Types of other forest species also existed in other mountainous areas of the province in the form of partially thick. But now natural forests in the province are about 100 thousand acres and they are assessed as sparse forests. These forests also essentially locate at some parts of

Zagros Mountains at western slopes of Zagros and consist of Fereidunshahr and

Semirom, in a manner that about 60 % of total forests exist in various areas of

94 Fereidunshahr city including the villages of Kagunak, Durak, Kahangan, and

Pashandegan. Semirom city with about 25 % of these types of forests has the second rank after Fereidunshahr.

The cities of Naein, Ardestan, Kashan, Natanz, Fereidan, Golpayegan, and Lenjan each one have limited areas of sparse forests in the province that totally 15 % of sparse forests are the share of this city and 6 other cities in this province lack each type of natural forests as well.

Various forest species in this province consist of Tonsil, Persian turpentine tree,

Keikom, Aras(Arax), Arjan( oriental almond), oak, Mahlab, wild pear, sumac,

Daghdaghan, Zalzalak ( kind of wild plum), and fig.

4.8.2- Mixed forests of each city:

Major part of synthesis forests of the province are in the border of salt desert regions of the province that include an area amounting to 320000 acres and they are 97 % of total synthesis forests of the province and these synthesis forests have been started from 1971 and continued to the present (Plan & Budget Organization, 2004).

In a sector of cold area regions in the province synthesis forests have been created with various native species in each region that its area is about 50000 acres (Plan & Budget

Organization, 2004).

Execution of plans for cultivating walnut also is regarded a part of synthesis forests of the province that to the present up to 4500 acres have been executed.

As it was referred previously considering that major part of synthesis forests of the province have been executed in the border of salt desert regions, so the cities of Aran and

Bidgol with 125000 acres, Ardestan with 85000 acres, Naein and Natanz each one with

95 50000 acres have the highest share in this regard among cities of the province respectively with 36.8, 25.2 and 14.7 percent (Plan & Budget Organization, 2004).

In the subject of cultivating walnut that its activity has been started during several recent years, this work in the cities of Khansar, Fereidan and Semirom has been started well (Plan & Budget Organization, 2004).

4.8.3- Pastures of the province:

The best pastures of the province or in fact first grade pastures of the province are situated in the cold regions of west and south west, in a manner that from total 826695 acres of first grade pastures in the province 350000 acres that is equal to 43 % of first grade pastures is in Semirom city (Application of Land Plan, 2004).

Cities of Fereidunshahr and Fereidan with 155 thousand acres and 132 thousand acres of first grade pastures respectively have 18.76 and 16 % of good pastures in the province.

While total first grade pastures only constitute 12.5 % of total pastures in the province.

52.4 % of pastures in the province are second grade or medium pastures that its total area is 3475555 acres and Isfahan city with more than 1 million acre has about 30 % of total second grade pastures and Ardestan city with 428 thousand acres and Shahreza with

374 thousand acres are in the next ranks respectively with 12.31 and 10.77 %

(Application of Land Plan, 2004).

For poor pastures of the province consist 2324500 acres or equal to 35.1 % of total pastures that major part of these pastures are in Naein desert land cities, in a manner that this city is 58.51 % of total third grade pastures which is 1360244 acres (Application of

Land Plan, 2004).

96 The cities of Borkhar and Meimeh and Isfahan respectively with 409 thousand acres and 300 thousand acres equal to 17.6 and 13 % have more third grade pastures after

Naein city and two cities of Khominishahr and Falavarjan essentially lack each type of pasture.

4.8.4- Assessment and Analysis of the past and present status of tourism Recognition of attractions and its classification:

Isfahan province is one of the most attractive places for tourism and for this reason local and foreign tourists are always interested in its visiting or staying there. On the basis of studies for the present situation these attractions do not have similar role and importance in various locations of the province and they vary in proportion to the number and importance of works that of course the role of historical attractions dominates and they are the most important resources for tourism in this province, each one of these elements solely have limited value but while proper arrangement and linkage is established between them and they are introduced valuable in their main form and within the framework of historical areas ( form some of the complexes that are put in those attractions), it obtains more attraction and is considered by local and foreign tourists.

The resources and areas of tourism in Isfahan Province are about 3200 which have been mentioned in various books, publications, studies, local essays and sources. 806 of them were studied (Table 4.2) and they were categorized in three international, national and provincial levels and in 6 types of classifications that with proper spatial arrangement and linkage we can obtain 80 valuable complexes (Plan & Budget Organization, 2004).

97 Table 4.2- Tourism attractions of Isfahan Province

Total Cultural Scientific, And industrial, Recreational Natural Religious Historical District Num Artistic Service 56 _ _ _ 2 32 Aran and 1 22 Bidgol

28 _ _ 1 2 16 2 9 Ardestan

392 37 12 16 5 155 3 167 Isfahan

10 _ _ _ 1 4 4 5 Borkhar &

6 _ _ 2 1 2 Tiran & 5 1 Karvan

5 1 1 _ _ 2 Khomeini 6 1 Shahr

11 _ _ _ 4 5 Khansar 7 2 13 2 _ _ 10 _ 1 Semirom 8

15 1 _ _ 5 6 3 Shahreza 9

10 _ _ 3 5 _ 2 Fereidan 10

6 _ _ _ 6 _ _ Fereidun 11 Shahr

4 _ _ _ 1 2 1 Falavarjan 12 125 1 2 3 6 60 85 Kashan 13 8 1 _ _ 1 5 1 Golpayegan 14 7 _ 1 1 2 1 2 Lenjan 15

6 _ 1 1 _ 1 3 Mobarakeh 16

26 2 _ 3 5 5 11 Naein 17 2 _ _ - 1 _ 1 Najaf Abad 18 36 1 _ 7 7 14 7 Natanz 19

806 54 17 37 64 310 324 Total

98 Tourism Regions Isfahan:

The most important and valuable attractions and the most period of stay and stoppage of local and foreign tourists is related to Isfahan city. This city that is center of the province has more and higher quality possibilities and installations due to its centrality.

Its historical works are more important due to the reasons which were mentioned and are interesting and can be supplied in international, regional and national dimensions.

Zayandeh Rood path that has considerable value for the tourist for recreation and its nature is complementary to historical attractions and in general have made Isfahan province as the most important tourism area in the province with about 62 tourism complexes. Some of these complexes that consist of significant attractions include:

1- Naghshejahan complex

2- Hotel Abbasi complex

3- Julfa complex

4- Hakim complex

5- Masjed Jame complex

6- Historical homes complex

7- Aligholi agha complex

8- Vazir complex

9- Bagh Ghalandarha complex

10- Complex of historical bridges

11- Cultural complex of Takhte foolad

12- Sports complex

99 13- Recreational complexes

14- Religious complexes

15- Scientific and industrial complexes

16- Complex of residential caravanserais

305 recognized attractions are in 46 tourism complexes of Isfahan city and other cities, and in addition to above complexes, there are some other complexes in Isfahan that can become valuable potentially, and in case of creating possibilities and their valuating, they will be added to the list of the complexes (Plan & Budget Organization, 2004). Kashan, Aran Bidgol and Natanz:

This region consists of the regions of Kashan city and its suburbs, Aran, Bidgol and historical works located at the border of desert including caravanserais and path of

Abrisham road, Natanz city and residential villages consisting Abianeh, Torogh, Tameh,

Afushteh… this region has various complexes of historical, religious, natural and cultural attractions and due to its closeness to Tehran city and utilization from proper land network communication it has high value after Isfahan. Specifications of this region is its double nature of mountain and salt desert in short period and existence of historical works related to the period of before Christ to the period of Ghajar. The most important complexes of this center are:

1- Market Kashan

2- Bagh Fin Kashan

3- Buildings in Alavi street

4- Masjed Jame Natanz

100 5- Residential villages (Abianeh, Ghamsar, Niasar,… villages situated in the foothill

of Karkas Kuh)

6- Ghazi Aran and Bidgol

7- Historical homes of Kashan

8- Caravanserais situated in salt desert

9- Water pool

10- Residential space of Natanz city

At this region, in addition to the above complexes, potential natural places such as

Ghamsar, Niaasr, Ghahrud, and Kamo in Karkas mountains are very suitable for development of tourism regions and provide desirable places for tourists with their natural perspectives. Ardestan and Naein:

This Region includes Ardestan, Zavareh, Naein, Jandagh and which has very important historical works from Seljukian period. In the cities of Anarak and jandagh, discovered works from very old historical periods and also natural scenes including salt desert and workshops of handicrafts are effective in wealth of tourism resources of this region. From important complexes of this region we shall call Masjed Jame Ardestan,

Zavareh complex, Bazar Naein and Masjed Jame Naein. Khansar and Golpayegan:

This region consists of Khansar and Golpayegan cities. Historical works of this region are limited, but its natural perspectives and ecotourism sources are significant and they are very pleasant in spring and summer. Tourism complexes of this area consists of

101 Guged complex (residential caravanserai) and complex of historical structures and natural resources in Khansar and Golpayegan., Fereidunshahr and Semirom (cold and mountain regions)

Natural and cultural attractions (pastoralism and sedenterization of tribes) and also good weather of summer season and its potential summer possibilities and its ski are very proper for tourism affairs. The coast city of and residential village of —Omran

Zayandeh Rood“ (residential place with very good villas) and tourism natural complexes of Fereidan, Fereidunshahr and Semirom are regarded the most important tourism locations in the province. - Zayandeh Rood Path and the area of Lenjan, Mobarakeh and Falavarjan:

This region consists of cities and villages in border of Zayandeh Rood that is started from Fereidan and continues to Lenjan, Mobarakeh, Falavarjan, Isfahan, and Gavkhuni swamp and it has importance with its recreational, natural, industrial and historical tourism complexes. The greatest production units of this province such as Steel Complex and Mobarakeh Steel Complex and other important industrial units exist in this region.

Some important complexes of this area include:

1- Falavarjan Tourism Complex including: (Masjed Jame, Esterakhatoon, Pirbakran

and Pol Baba Mohmood).

2- Tourism Complex of Lenjan ( Steel Complex, Lenjan gardens, and cities and

residential villages in Zayandeh Rood border ( Baghbahadorna) and …

3- Mobarakeh Complex : Mobarakeh Steel Complex and cities and residential

villages in border of Zayandeh Rood

4- Gavkhuni swamp

102 Access roads of tourism:

Recognition of types of tourists (international, regional, national, provincial), duration of stay and purpose of visit, determine the manner of arrangement and linkage of attractions, paths and roads.

Studies (Plan and Budget organization, 2004, Provincial Spatial Strategy Plan of

Isfahan) indicate that in this province, Isfahan and Kashan cities have the most foreign and local tourists. Local tourists visit historical sites of these 2 cities commonly. There are some access roads which tourists are interested to them. Some of these access roads are:

• In case that period of stay is 8 days, they stay 3 days in Isfahan, 3 days in Shiraz

and two days in Tehran. After landing in Tehran airport, about 70 % of the

tourists start their trip by bus, and in this case their path can be as follows: a) Path (1): Tehran Imam Tomb Kashan Abianeh Natanz Isfahan

b) Path (2): Tehran Imam Tomb Ghom Kashan Ardestan Natanz


• In case that period of stay in Iran is 12 days, they stay 2-3 days in Isfahan, and the

rest of their stay period will be in cities of Shiraz, Tehran, Yazd, and . In

this case the path of visiting the attractive places can be as follows: c) Shiraz Kerman Yazd Naein Ardestan Zavareh Isfahan

• In case that period of stay in Iran is 15 days, they visit Hamedan, Kermanshah,

Kerman, Yazd, Tehran in addition to Isfahan, in this case the path can be as

follows : d) Kermanshah Hamedan Golpaygan Kashan Isfahan Shiraz

103 To Historical Attractions:

The most important path for passage of local land foreign tourists in the province is the path of historical attractions. The most important historical elements of the province exist in cities of Isfahan, Kashan, Naein, Natanz, Ardestan and Zavareh which are in east of the province. All the defined tourism paths pass from Isfahan city; the important path which is started from Tehran and after passing Kashan and Isfahan is connected to Shiraz city through Shahreza.

The second path is started from Isfahan, and after passing the cities of Natanz, Kashan it reaches to cities of Aran Bidgol and salt desert as well as its caravanserais. The third path is started from Isfahan, and after passing the cities of Zavareh, Ardestan and Naein it continues toward Yazd city. To Religious Attractions:

Number of religious attractions of the province is limited regarding local and national visitors and some of them that are important almost coincide with historical paths concerning situational position. The most important places are:

1- Pilgrimage complex of Mashhad, Ardehal, Kashan

2- Isfahan Churches ( Vank and others)

3- Imamzade Agha Ali Abbas Natanz

4- Pilgrimage complexes of Isfahan and Shahreza To Natural Attractions:

Isfahan province is salt desert in the eastern part and mountainous in the western part and natural attractions of this province follow this situation, and except in the region of

Kashan and Natanz which are close to the salt desert, other mountainous and cold lands

104 have limited distance. The most important and major landscape in the province is started from Chelgerd city (Kohrang tunnel), situated in Chahar Mahal va Bakhtyari province and after passing the area of Fereidan city finally it is entered into Gavkhuni swamp through lake of Zayandeh Rood dam and cities in border of Chadegan and also recreational villas of Zayandeh Rood village, Bagh Bahadoran cities, Zarin shahr,

Mobarakeh, Falavarjan, Isfahan. Coast parks of Zayandeh Rood and pastures of Isfahan and also its close cities such as Varzaneh, Haran and (Center for Development of eco-tourism) are along it.

East of Isfahan that is historical path and natural salt desert locations is developed from

Kuhpayeh city toward the cities of Naein, Anarak, Chupanan and from another side toward the cities of Ardestan and Zavareh.

The path of Isfahan- Semirom, in Semirom it is ended in various natural locations such as Ab Malakh Park, Semirom Waterfall, Dengarlou Plaster bay, BibiSeyedan waterfall and other natural locations.

Residential villages and various locations in Natanz city and residential villages in

Karkas heights and also various locations in Kashan, including salt desert and caravanserais situated in it such as Ghale Maranjab, Ghamsar flower gardens and

Niasar, Ghahrud and Borzuk are the most important ones and finally natural path of

Fereidan, Fereidunshahr via Isfahan to Najafabad is an important region for developing mountain climbing and skiing. To Cultural Attractions:

Cultural attractions of the province consist of museums, libraries, handicrafts, festivals, tribal traditions and culture. The location of these attractions often coincides with two

105 historical and natural paths, in a manner that important libraries and museums of the province exist in cities of Isfahan, Kashan and Naein, and the place of residing the tribes and the path of their pastoralism is in natural paths and it is essentially in cities of

Fereidan, Fereidunshahr, Semirom, and Isfahan. To Recreational Attractions:

As it was referred, recreational attractions of the province and its operation are limited and its path coincides with the path of natural attractions in the province. Toys Park, parks in the border of Zayandeh Rood, Zayandeh Rood coast village (Chadegan), Sofe

Mountainous Park and Dalankuh Ski Piste are some of these places. To Scientific and Industrial Attractions:

The most essential place for scientific and industrial attractions exist in cities of

Mobarakeh, Zarinshahr and Isfahan and consists of university, industrial centers, expertise hospitals and centers for holding seminars. So definition of one special path for it is not possible and only stating full-attractive locations is mentioned. These places consist of Foolad Mobarakeh, Steel Complex, Isfahan University of Technology and

Alzahra Hospital.

4.9- Present situation of agriculture, eco-environment and tourism

4.9.1- Agriculture:

To study and recognize the possibilities and restrictions is caused that we can perform necessary planning for optimum usage of the possibilities and confrontation with restrictions. In this direction although there is abundant difficulties and restrictions for development of agriculture and particularly its horizontal development (development of

106 cultivated land) but there is very appropriate possibilities in every place that we can increase the acceleration of agriculture development and income of producers in this sector with correct and on time operation.

Possibilities and capacities of the province:

Existence of various weathers from cold lands of Fereidunshahr, Fereidan, and

Semirom to desert land and warm weather of Khosor va Biabanak at Naein are the potential possibilities of the province that has made its land appropriate for cultivating different plants, form the plants in cold areas such as Espres, and potato to the plants in warm areas such as date. Assiduous farmers with good agriculture culture (compared to the other provinces) that better accept changes and innovations are some of the other potential possibilities in agriculture sector of the province.

Centers for training agriculture from high school to higher education and present research centers for agriculture in the province are potential and actual possibilities that promote agriculture culture and with change and innovation in this sector cause to promote and develop agriculture and increase operation.

4.9.2- Eco œ environment

• Strong points and possibilities

- Variety of biological and ecological sources in the province and the possibility of

permanent operation from them can provide significant economic profits.

- Making advantage of the eco œ environmental attractions in the province that can

provide the fields for proper occupation.

- Possibility for regeneration and breeding valuable plant and animal species.

107 - Existence of present specialists for the problems in relation with eco œ

environment and higher educational centers.

- Existence of groups and organizations interested to activity in the field of Eco œ


• Weak points, predicaments and restrictions

- Low level of public knowledge regarding the problems in environment.

- Non-coordination of some of the policies in the country with the expedient affairs

of eco œ environment in the province regarding insufficient recognition of the

sources in human eco œ environment.

- Over utilization from resources of water, soil, forest, pasture, mines and also plant

and animal genetic resources in the province and generally non-stable operation

from the resources.

- Improper concentration of the population and economic activities particularly in

the central region of the province.

- Ignoring of eco œ environmental considerations to make decisions and sectoral

and regional projects.

- Non recognition of eco œ environmental costs in finished price of the products.

- Weakness in recognition and execution of eco œ environmental laws and

regulations and lack of beliefs for observing and respecting the statutes laws.

108 4.9.3- Tourism:

Calculation of land use (areas and tourism complexes):

Tourism and ecotourism attractions of Isfahan province have special value for visitors in international, regional, and national levels. At the present due to more introducing of historical constructions generally these types of locations are visited. Tourism and ecotourism complexes in Isfahan and Kashan cities are often in residential structures which were specified in the plan in the form of attractive places for international and domestic tourists and with the respect of distinct boundaries in the form of tourism areas with its values and consists of the following cases :

1- Tourism and ecotourism areas with international value

2- Tourism and ecotourism areas with regional value

3- Tourism and ecotourism areas with national and provincial value

4- International and regional tourism and ecotourism paths

5- National and provincial tourism and ecotourism paths

In other defined regions, the tourism that has more national and provincial value and is considered by the local tourists have been established near residential units and totally we can call them tourism cities or regions that of curse consists of a complex of various applications as well, with the exclusion of natural, scientific, cultural or industrial attractions that are usually outside the residential structure.

The most essential level of tourism activities exist in the paths of Isfahan, Natanz,

Kashan, Aran Bidgol and Isfahan œ Ardestan œ Naein- Yazd and Zayanderud path that most of the tourism limits are close to it (Plan & Budget Organization,2004).

109 4.10- Classification of types in tribal regions:


In order to perform each comprehensive plan it is necessary that at first the phenomenon is completely recognized. In Isfahan province tribal society was considered during the recent 20 years and various studies have been performed about 3 tribes of Bakhtyari,

Ghashghaei and Arab Jarghuyeh.

Each one of the ecological areas of three tribes of Bakhtyari, Ghashghaei and Arab

Jarghuyeh has its special specifications considering natural capabilities particularly water resources, lands, vegetation, quantity and quality of animals and animal husbandry that requires that in proportion to the capabilities and limitations and with regard to the inclinations of the tribes themselves, special strategies needs to be performed for them.

We can not provide and present a unique sample (pattern) for the tribes in the province.

Each one of the 3 tribes have various conditions in cold and warm weather, considering the total factors and specially creating conditions that the tribes themselves participate actively in decisions, planning and executive projects can be effective in consistency, realism and execution of the plans in each case (Application of Land Plan, 2004).

Semirom region is one of the tribal regions in Isfahan, it is located at south west of the province. It is a mountainous area with the area of 609645 acres. There is cold step with short temperate summers, cold and lengthy winters, with the rate of raining about 300-

350 mm per year. The altitude of the highest peak in the region is estimated at about 4000 meters. Its height above sea level is 2000-2500 m and it is situated between 51 degrees to

52 degrees eastern length and 30-40 to 31-55 northern width. Considering the studies for the sources of lands by Institute of Soil and Water Researches and also researches by

110 Jihad Sazandegi Isfahan and complementary studies performed in the region, generally it is divided into 6 types of lands consisting mountains (51.4 %), hills (17.2 %), plateaus or higher terraces (23.9 %), foothill plateaus (2.1 %), alluvium plains (0.4 %) and fans with sands (5 %) (Plan & Budget Organization, 1990).

Jarghuyeh sector in south east of Isfahan city is situated in northern widths of 31-24 to

321-28 and eastern lengths of 51-47 to 52-33. The altitude of the highest peak is 2794 meters above sea level which is situated in west of the region. This area is 348110 acres.

Using performed studies by soil researches institute, topographic plans of state geographical organization, air photos, satellite photos, desert observations and the plan for assessment of land resources, morphologically these lands have been divided to 6 main types and one subsidiary type that area of each type was : mountains ( 21.4 %), hills( 1.7 %), type of higher terraces or plateaus ( 50.4 % ), fans with sands ( 19.3 %), fan sedenterizations with sands (5.7 %) and miscellaneous type ( 1.5 %) (Plan & Budget

Organization, 1990).

The Association for development of Keikha Tomb is a summer sedenterization for tribes in Semirom city. This Association has the area of 20234 acres and it is situated in

200 km of Isfahan city, 49 km of Semirom city and in city of Hanna at Semirom city.

The Association under study is located at the zone of height Zagros, the highest part of

Zagros mountains exist in this zone that is ended in the north east to a fault- over crop region. This Association morphologically consists of rocks, low-height hills and deep water-ways and the forms that naturally have been created by the river ( Bahmanzad) and young river deposits as well as earthquakes and landslides.

111 From total area of the association, 2107 acres is wet lands, 2473 acres is rain- cultivating lands, 12267 acres are pasture and the rest that is about 8070 acres consists of stone lands and stones (General Department of Tribal Affairs, 1997).

The Association of Cheshmeh Rahman with an area about 11183 acres is situated in

Vardasht village œ Semiron. Topographically the Association of Cheshmeh Rahman is located at a part of Iran that has partial much height. This Association is situated in the over crop fault of Zagros or height Zagros and the process of the mountains in it is from west north to south east. The average height for the Association of Cheshmeh Rahman is

2365 m and the difference in height is 881 m. From total area of the plain 3321 acres is suitable for water cultivation (29.7 %), 1242 acres is suitable for dry cultivation (11 %),

5226 acres is pasture (38 %), and the rest which is about 1394 acres (22 %) consist of stony lands. This Association is a part of a fault plain that is the result of Zagros Fault.

Morphologically this region has 3 general types: mountains, terraces and the effects resulted from river. 44 % of the area of Association has a slope of between 2 to 8 % and is proper for agriculture (General Department of Tribal Affairs, 1995).

Fereidunshahr Region that is located at the west north of Isfahan province has the area of 334955 acres. This mountainous area and a major part is formed by high Mountains that its height is 3000-4000 m. On the basis of physiographical division the land is divided into 9 major types as follows:

1- Mountains, 2- Hills, 3- Plateaus or ancient terraces, 4- mountain slope alluvial plain,

5- river alluvial plain, 6- low-height lands , 7- Flood plains, 8- Fan sands , 9- fan alluvial with sand (Plan & Budget Organization, 1990).


4.11- Tribal Population of the province regarding the rate of operation from pastures:

In 1987, number of the families and population of pastoralist tribes that the location of their cold and warm sedenterization was in Isfahan were respectively 8745 families and

58151 individuals. Number of pastoralist tribes families that pass summer sedenterization in the province is 7884 families and 53042 individuals and the number of pastoralist tribes who passed winter season in Isfahan province is 861 families and 5109 individuals within three tribes of Ghashghaei, Bakhtyari and Arab Jarghuyeh in cities of Fereidan,

Fereidunshahr, Semirom, Shahreza and Isfahan (Jarghuyeh sector) (Iran Statistic Center,


Spatial distribution of tribes in Isfahan province separately for the city for summer and winter sedenterizations in 1987 were as follows:

Table 4.3- Spatial distribution of tribes in Isfahan province separately for the city of winter and summer sedenterization in 1987

Number of pastoralist tribes in summer Number of pastoralist tribes in winter Township

Families population Families population

Fereidunshahr & Freidan 130 879 2556 17013

15 107 5191 35149 Semirom &Shahreza

716 4123 137 Isfahan ( Jarghuyeh 880 sector)

Source: studies for cultural, social & economic in Isfahan Province, tribal society, Plan & Budget Organization

113 On the basis of obtained information from social, economic census of pastoralist tribes in 1998, residential place of 8204 families with 53498 individuals‘ pastoralist tribes in the period of cold or warm season was in Isfahan province. Number of families of pastoralist tribes who are in Isfahan province during summer season is 7604 families with population of 50135 individuals and number of pastoralist tribes that pass winter season in Isfahan province is 600 families with population of 3363 individuals (Iran Statistic

Center, 1999).

This number of families and population of the pastoralist tribes of the province have been distributed within 3 tribes of Ghashghaei, Bakhtyari and Arab Jarghuyeh in cities of

Fereidan, Fereidunshahr, Semirom, Shahreza and Isfahan (Jarghuyeh sector).

Comparison of number of families of cold and warm season tribes in the province in two census of 1987 and 1997 indicate that -3.55 % reduction in families of cold season and -30.31 % reduction exist in the families of warm season families (Iran Statistic

Center, 1999).

Based on the results of census in year 1987 by Iran Statistics Center, population of tribes in Isfahan province is 76453 individuals and the average growth rate of the population in tribal society in the province is 2.5 %. So forecasting population in year

2021 considering the base statistics of 1977 is calculated in the following form:

P = P (1 + V) n => P = 76453(1 + %2.5) 25 = 141740

So number of tribal population in the province in 2021 is equal to 141740 individuals

(Plan & Budget Organization, 1997).

Spatial distribution of tribes in Isfahan province separately for the city for winter and summer sedenterization in 1997 is estimated as described in table 4.4.

114 Table 4.4- Spatial distribution of tribes in Isfahan province separately for the city of winter and summer sedenterization in 1997

Number of pastoralist tribes in summer Number of pastoralist tribes in winter Township

Families population Families population

Fereidunshahr & Freidan 186 1264 3675 24466

21 150 7324 49581 Semirom &Shahreza

1009 5815 193 Isfahan ( Jarghuyeh 1241 sector)

Source: studies for cultural, social & economic in Isfahan Province, tribal society, Plan & Budget Organization

The width of winter pastures of Jarghuyeh tribe is 348110 acres that its 21 % is rocky stones and its 80 % is almost flat or has little slope. 123273 acres of the above pastures with production power of 40 kg per hectare harvestable dry grass includes very poor pastures. The pastures in the region have the capacity of 82000 animal husbandry units for a period of 1 month per year or 20500 animal units in one season of grazing (4 months of the year).

Total existing animals in the region are 55649 units for 6 months of the year. It means practically about 4 times the capacity of the pastures in studied limit animals exist

(synthesis of studies for Jarghuyeh tribes, Plan & Budget Organization, 1990).

115 Semirom region that is one of the tribal regions in Isfahan province is located at the west south of the province and it is a mountainous region that its area is 609645 acres.

421735 acres of it is regarded as pastures and grazing land. According to performed detailed studies, 13.4 % of pastures are positive, 32.5 % of pastures are fixed, and 54.1

% are negative. In relation with the status of pastures, 20 % of pastures in the region are very poor, 50 % are poor, 17 % are medium and 13 % are good pastures; the average harvesting grasses in potential conditions is 2.86 livestock per acre. Total grazing capacity of this region in the present conditions is 301504 livestock unit for one season of grazing (120 days), but practically 2.76 times of this capacity livestock exist in the pastures that this matter is an important factor for destruction of the pastures (synthesis of studies for Jarghuyeh tribes, Plan & Budget Organization, 1990).

Population of Bakhtyari tribes in Isfahan province mainly has composed of Chaharlang tribe travel between two provinces of Isfahan and Khuzestan. Number of live stocks in

Chaharlang tribe is about 450000 ones that are grazed in an area equal to 334955 acres out of the pastures of Fereidan and Fereidunshahr cities in Isfahan province (Plan &

Budget Organization, 1997).

With execution of the plan for residing the tribes the right of operation from the pastures that at the present are at the disposal of tribes shall be assigned to the rightful individuals with supervision of Natural Resources General Department and considering not entrance of new livestock or husbandry to the region, provision of plans for management of the pasture in the limit of villages and the limit of pastures of pastoralist shepherd is necessary (studies for tribal affairs in Isfahan Province, Plan & Budget


116 On the basis of performed studies from 334955 acres total lands of Fereidunshahr 149485 acres that consist half of the region have average to partially good capability for the pastures and indicate good capacity for restoration of pasture and development of animal husbandry, and for this reason execution of pasturing plans and performance of studies for developing proper species, preservation and storage of soil moisture, prevention from erosion are the cases that we can express. A major part of the region that is about 110690 acres shall be preserved concerning soil preservation due to much erosion and lack of soil coverage and execution of irrigation plans in it have sufficient priority. Regarding general recognition of the region and performed studies and high capacity of pasture lands, necessity for preservation and restoration of the pastures and preserving vegetation is the most important priority (studies for tribal affairs in Isfahan Province, Plan &

Budget Organization, 1990).

Gross growth of tribes‘ population during the years 1983-1987 was 1.49 %. Population of Bakhtyari tribes with the norms of 3.7 and 4 in 1987 is 18544, 18762 individuals. On the basis of such population coefficient of sedenterization during one year is equal to 2.1

%. The rate of activity in the society of Bakhtyari tribes is equal to 55.92 % and the rate of occupation is equal to 50.51 % (Plan & Budget Organization, Studies for cultural, social, economic development for Isfahan Province, 1996).

Upon the statistics by Natural Resources Department of the province out of total pastures in Fereidunshahr region, 5 % are regarded as good pastures, 11 % are in average pastures, 34 % are poor pastures and 50 % are very poor pastures. Situation of all the plant types existing in the region is poor to medium and in destructed locations, combined and remained, in suburb of the villages and black tents and pools that daily

117 thousands of animals pass, the status of the pastures is very poor. Good status in the region is very little and is seen in points that have been covered by the individuals or the regions that are enclosed between dry cultivations and remain in the same manner for a period. Potential capacity of the pastures in the tribal regions of Fereidunshahr and

Fereidan differs in various plant types, in a manner that the highest production or grazing capacity is 110 œ 15 sheep per month and at least 0.1 sheep per month. In this type in average 6-7 livestock per month can graze in one acre of the pasture; as previously referred to, this type is one of the best pasture types and with high production. Existing livestock in the region is 887059 in accordance with statistics of General Department of

Agriculture that 400000 of it is related to the tribes, so we conclude that to the present 3 times of capacity for grazing animals, livestock graze in the pastures of the region (Plan

& Budget Organization, studies for tribal societies, 1990).

4.12- Suggestions for the supplying servicing to tribal regions:

During the next 20 years while executing sedenterization plans between tribes‘ families, a group of them will continue their pastoralism and it is required that proper planning to be performed for them through execution of plans, and projects to be prepared in policy making and planning of investment for this purpose. Among the projects in this sector those are the most important projects that play an essential role in increasing and improvement of tribes‘ products. From one side regarding that the residential places of pastoralists in summer sedenterization is organized on the basis of tribal relations and usually each tribe has one or several places for its residential places, the suggestions shall be planned based on the tribal structure and with the observance of

118 quorum of the population for each residential place or a complex of the residential places.

In this manner considering above cases and distribution of tribes in Isfahan province we can suggest about 30 residential places for pastoralist tribes (Plan & Budget

Organization, studies for tribal societies, 1996).

* Coordination of the formations and organs that can present services in the direction of stabilizing development (Plan & Budget Organization, 1997).

* Establishment of appropriate cooperatives and guaranteeing purchase of extra tribes' livestock with suitable price.

* Considering effective training for restoration and correct operation from the pastures, and also changing the method of livelihood and life of the tribes from pastoralism to residential and shepherd.

* providing and execution of pasture plans and also solving the problem for ownership of the pastures and recognizing legal rights of the tribes as well as serious confrontation with the individuals that in the absence of the tribes take possession of the pastures and change them.

* To proportionate executive formations for General Department of Tribes Affairs in the

Province with the purposes of comprehensive development.

Presented suggestions for the provision of services to Ghashghai tribe:

• Timely purchase of livestock by Meat Organization by the cooperation of Tribal

Cooperative Companies.

• To increase the number of mobile groups for vaccination of human being and

livestock as well as initial treatments.

• To observe hygienic principles for the streams and subterranean canals.

119 • Establishment of hygienic water for the livestock.

• To present necessary trainings for rising the quality of handicrafts.

• To establish cooperative movable stores for covering total area.

• Distribution of fuel materials including oil, gas by movable tankers in order to

struggle with harvesting and fuel of wood between the tribes.

• Digging wells for providing drinking water of human and livestock.

• Dispatching health tutors to the tribes' schools for controlling hygienic,

therapeutic status of tribes' children.

• Giving services and necessary banking loans to the tribes with presenting grazing


• Asphalt of tribes regions roads.

• Improvement of access ways for tribes regions.

• For promoting level of educational plans it is required that mass media to be used

in an optimum manner.

• It is necessary that a new organization and formation to be established in

proportion to cultural and social characteristics of the tribes in order to fill the past

management gap in the tribe.

• Establishment of grass stores.

• Eugenics of livestock for tribes.

• Promotion of knowledge level, insight, culture, health, treatment and nutrition of

the tribes.

• To increase educational possibilities in various degrees including —Nehzat Savad

Amuzi", boarding school, guidance and high school.

120 • Development of piping network in tribal villages, establishment of resources for

water storage (synthesis of studies for tribes‘ society in Isfahan Province, 1990).

The most important suggestions for the system of servicing to tribes in "Dashte

Cheshmeh Rahman" are as follows:

• To provide the possibility of tribes' access to the fossil fuels and energy in the


• Development of post, telephone … services in the association.

• To provide the required electricity of residential homes of the tribes.

• To strengthen receiver stations for television programs.

• To provide transportation facilities and trip of the tribes in the association in order

to access to the services out of the region.

• Development of educational services and possibilities in proportion to the

population in the association.

• To increase provisional and judicial services in the association.

• To hold cultural and social courses, etc.

• Establishment of consumption cooperative store.

• Establishment of Health House in the villages of the region.

• To create a field for breeding honey bee.

• To provide, preserve and changing livestock products.

• Establishment of complexes for production and promotion of carpet-knitting and

other pro per handicrafts.

121 4.13- System of servicing to tribal regions:

In order to materialize the purposes, it is necessary that following measures are taken:

• To equip and develop tribal consuming cooperative companies regarding capital

and possibilities in cold and warm season sedenterizations in order to provide

their required goods and commercial services and also taking livestock products

to the consumption centers.

• To control tribal cooperative companies by themselves and using their labor force

and capital in order to materialize the affair of cooperatives in this society.

• To create ease for using banking services by the tribes and raising the rate of

validity assigned for this purpose.

• To train the tribes for raising the quality of livestock products and handicrafts in

order to raising the quality of the products and reducing related costs through

movable and immovable classes, radio and tribes‘ cooperatives.

• To encourage the tribes for establishment of production cooperatives in the fields

of agriculture and animal husbandry and handicrafts.

• To establish mobile health and therapeutic centers during the paths of pastoralism

of Bakhtyari Chaharlang tribes for providing the first possibilities for treatment to

the time of reaching to the residential place as well as establishment of these

centers in semi-fixed form at the said regions, and also necessity for activity of

vaccination groups while migrating in order to prevent from transfer and epidemic

of diseases.

• To observe hygienic principles for the streams and other water sources in


122 It shall be mentioned that in case of residing the tribes in special regions, there will be possibility for using energies obtained from wind and water with necessary investments.

4.14- Policies to fulfill the development of tribal society:

Number of foreseen population in 2021 is organized within 3 strategies:

a) Pastoralist tribes

b) Settled tribes

c) Shepherd tribes

In the second sedenterization plan, development of organizing 600 tribal families is considered that this work shall be carried out with using the existing capabilities. So in next 25 years maximum 3000 families will be organized with any job in addition to traditional occupation of animal husbandry. For residing 3000 families, regarding the matter that at the present agriculture has been determined for development, against each job opportunity, in average 10 acres land appropriate with 5 liter water is required that 5 acres of it is used for dry cultivation or instead of livestock (Plan & Budget Organization,


Suggested executive policies for development of tribal society in Isfahan province is as follows:

• Recognition, preparation and equipping susceptible lands of development centers

in tribal native sedenterizations.

• Selection of proper locations for residing the tribes from among 15 development

association situated in the development center for 3 tribes of Ghashghai,

Bakhtyari, and Jarghuyeh.

123 • Gradual residing of 4200 families in associations for cold sedenterization

development of the province.

• Considering tribal relations of the families in creating development associations.

• Equipping and constructing associations susceptible for development with insist

on attracting partnership of tribes.

• Rising the income level for the tribes through changing the pattern for the method

of livelihood, variety in production and potentiality of existing capabilities in the


• Presenting each type of plan and proposal for the tribal regions with the centrality

of development associations.

• Conducting important production plans of various units for centrality and

establishment in development association.

• Organizing tribal villages in Jarghuyeh sector.

Essential Plans and Projects for continuing pastoralism life:

During next 20 years while executing sedenterization plans in tribal families, a group of people will continue their pastoralism life that appropriate planning shall be performed through executing Plans and Projects. For this purpose when policy making and planning for the affairs of projects investments in this sector, the most important projects are the projects that play essential role in increase and improvement of the tribes products.

From one side considering the matter that residential places of pastoralists in summer period are organized on the basis of their tribal relations, and often each tribe has one or several places for its sedenterization, the suggestions shall be planned based on tribal

124 structure and with observance of quorum in population or a set of the residential places which access properly to each other.

In this manner regarding above matters and distribution of tribes in Isfahan province, we can suggest about 30 residential places for the pastoralist tribes (Plan & Budget

Organization, 1996).

Considering capabilities for each one of tribe scopes and inclinations of the tribes to sedenterization, we can say that out of 2556 families of Bakhtyari tribe, less than one fifth of them or more than 20 % do not like to stay in Isfahan. On the other side, the capacity of water, soil in this area also does not require that more than 20 % to be forecasted for that region (Plan & Budget Organization, 1996).

The most tribes of Isfahan province that belong to Ghashghai tribe pass summer in

Semirom city. This tribe totally has 5191 families that regarding capacity of water, soil, etc. in this area about 3200 families can stay for a 20-year period based on their interest

(60 % summer sedenterization.

• With gradual sedenterization of a part of Ghashghai tribe in Semirom city, it is

required that the rest of them stay in other regions of their area (Fars Province).

• It is necessary that partnership of the tribes for planning affair, execution of

construction plans and development of the region is used properly.

• Some policies shall be taken in order that more share from credit sources of the

government assigned to execution of infra-structure and essential plans in the


• For preserving and restoration of the pastures and prevention from soil erosion it

is necessary that some plans are prepared for balancing between livestock and

125 capacity of the pastures as well as proper plans of pasturing and irrigation and


• All the pastures in the area shall be ordered and transferred to entitled

domesticated animals (Plan & Budget Organization, 1990).

The plans and projects are presented in two following classifications:

- Gradual sedenterization

- Servicing to pastoralist tribes

Planning for forecasting and provision of 1500 residential units accompanied by gradual sedenterization of the tribes that will be executed with direct participation of the tribes themselves and cooperation of the government and to the end of one 10-year plan it increases to 2116 units (Plan & Budget Organization, 1990).

Cheese production workshop in region of Ramshe, establishment of carpet-weaving workshops in the villages of Mohammadabad, Nasrabad, mosaic production, blocking, turnery, door and window building, workshop for spinning wool, knitting industries.

• Digging wells for providing drinking water of the tribes and drinking water of

livestock in appropriate places (Plan & Budget Organization, 1990).

• Simultaneously with residing some of the tribes in summer sedenterizations, it is

required that the rest of them reside at other regions.

• In order to determine feasibility in the field of residing tribal families, it is

necessary that tribal villages in the region to be recognized.

• If possible, efforts are made that the industries are established in the region that

have less technical complexity and at the same time they create some job

opportunities complementary to agriculture and animal husbandry.

126 • Planning for forecasting and provision of 500 residential units simultaneously

with gradual residing of the tribes that to the end of one 10-year plan shall be

increased to 750 residential units.

• Establishment of production industries of livestock in relation with raw products

such as washing wool, dyeing, wool and spinning.

• Regarding improvement of status for animal husbandry in Feredunshahr region

and finally access to proper income two plans of euthenics are suggested.

• Improvement of the roads of Pol Goveh to Masir, Pashandegan to Kluseh and

Durak, Durak to Sar Agha Seyed (Planning & Managing Organization of Isfahan

Province, studies for Bakhtyari tribes, 1999).

• Establishment of 5 units for cooperative company in determined regions in order

to provide the necessities and requirements of tribal families.

• Establishment of stations for distribution of fuels 5 units in the residing regions.

• Presenting necessary trainings for improving the quality of handicrafts.

• Digging wells for providing drinking water of the tribes and drinking water of

livestock (Planning & Managing Organization of Isfahan Province, studies for

Jarghuyeh tribes, 1999).

• In economic, social and cultural sectors of 5-year planning it is necessary that the

position of the tribes including the pastoralists and in the process of residing to be


• Simultaneously with residing the tribes in the winter region it is required that

using potential labor force they take action for producing and consisting capital

and labor force as well as insuring their livestock against the diseases and

127 destruction of cooperatives in the tribes in a more active form in the fields of

production, distribution and sale.

In the first years of executing constructional projects, more share of the said credits shall be paid for helping the execution of these plans in the form of loan through non-deposit funds and/ or Bank Keshavarzi with little interest."

• For this purpose, increasing meat production and creating occupation and also

strengthening financial power of the tribes, the plans for livestock, euthenics shall

be executed in production cooperatives.

• Related executive units particularly Organization of Tribal Affairs continues their

services to the time of complete residing the tribes.

• Establishment of industrial plans such as brick-production workshop, excavation

in sand mines, stone- cutting, plaster workshop, etc.

Considering performed researches and studies the extra population of Bakhtyari tribal families in the province and even some groups of these tribes can not continue the method of pastoralism upon the mentioned reasons, and so it is necessary that comprehensive plans to be considered for removing their problems, or else they reside increasingly such as Estate of Madras in Dezful city. So it is required that while planning for conducted sedenterization, traditional livestock economy of the tribes to be preserved based on the summer and winter residential as well, and in this direction considering created economic change in the life of Bakhtyari tribes at Isfahan Province in the field of replacing meat production instead of diary products we can change traditional livestock from a life style to a job.

128 4.15- Nomadic pastoralism or Sedenterization:

The results of study concerning the interest of the tribes for pastoralism and sedenterization indicate that the tribes under study have preferred sedenterization concurrently, the results of the study indicate that form 219 pastoralist families under the cover of tribal services, 150 families or 68.5 % inclined to reside at summer residential and 62 families or 28.3 % inclined to reside at winter residential. The results of study in relation with the reasons for selecting summer residential for residing express that about

62.2 % of the families have mentioned existence of better possibilities and most proper ecological conditions in summer residential as the most important reason for their selection, 28.3 % have mentioned tribal and local relations, 6 % have mentioned the possibility for obtaining more income and 2.5 % lack of existing possibilities in winter residential (General Department Of Tribal Affair, 2007).

About 88 % of pastoralist families expressed their interest to sedenterization and the rest 12 % expressed their interest to pastoralism. Also 93 % of pastoralist families assessed the rate of their satisfaction from pastoralism little and very little. In addition about 98 % of pastoralist families expressed their interest for sedenterization, the results of statistics from pastoralist families indicate that about 92 families or 67 % of them considered summer residential, it means Cheshmeh Rahman Center appropriate for their sedenterization and 36 families considered winter residential appropriate for their sedenterization. Having residential house and agricultural land in the summer or winter residential were 2 important factors for such a selection (Map 4.1- the map of urban, rural, pastoralism track and proposed villages for sedenterization of the tribes is attached to the Appendix) (General Department of Tribal Affair, 2007).

129 4.15.1- Assessment and analysis of the past and present status (To determine the procedures, inclination, problems and difficulties)

Pattern of Pastoralism and its forms:

Pastoralism is a method of life that human being has selected in the procedure for evolutionary procedure of his/her life. Since for selecting each method of life, the conditions of time and place shall be regarded, in the period that human being had selected this method, it was one appropriate selection and a type of adapting human with nature for more and better use of the nature.

Three elements of human being, nature, and livestock have special importance in method of traditional pastoralism. Pastoralists in Isfahan province that are combination of two great tribes in the country (Ghashghai, Bakhtyari) and Jarghuyeh tribe, have selected some areas of the province as their cold and warm season sedenterizations and they have continued their living for many years on the basis of traditional animal husbandry and pastoralism from cold area to warm area and vice versa even though various changes including political, social and natural changes have influenced the quality and quantity of these regions. If we look at 30 recent years analytically, they years before 1978 practically regarding policies at those days, the pastoralists had been left and general policy of government was overlooking tribes of the province in constructional planning. With the victory of Islamic Revolution and viewpoints of supporting the deprived, poor and producer people, during the years 1978- 1989 practically the policy of supporting the pastoralists in Isfahan province caused that executive organizations and institutions pay attention to the pastoralist. It was tried that their required services to be provided by General Department of Tribes Affairs and tribal cooperatives in Isfahan

130 province. Therefore inclination for pastoralism increased in these years, but due to natural limitation of the pastures, non œ observance of livestock balance and pasture and also disintegration of tribal organization and severity in deprivations of this type of life, creating various villages in tribal areas, inclination to other methods of life was provided for the tribes in Isfahan province.

Evaluating views, various surveys and studies which were performed in this era indicate poverty and social, economic deprivation in many tribe families of those 3 tribes. So various studies have been suggested for studying capabilities of the province in order to plan development and various executive plans.

The status of pastoralism in Isfahan province has been analyzed based on the tribal censuses for two periods of 1987 and 1998:

Population of pastoralist tribes was 58151 individuals in 1987. 82.3 of them are essentially pastoralists and 17.7 % are semi- pastoralist. The status of pastoralists and semi- pastoralists for the tribes in summer sedenterization is respectively 98.1 and 1.9 percent and for the tribes in winter season is 0.4 and 99.6 percent.

The pattern of pastoralism from viewpoint of pastoralist and semi- pastoralist in tribal census of 1998 in total province and its summer and winter sedenterizations respectively is 87.2, 12.8 percent and 87.1, 12.9. 0.1, 99.9 percent that changes in the tribes of summer sedenterization was more compared to other tribes. In other words, in 1998 the ratio of pastoralists has reduced in comparison with the former period.

The growth rate of population for the tribes of the province in 1987 was equal to 2.5

%. It was forecasted that in case of continuing this growth in a 11 and 14 year period for the years 1998 and 1380 population of tribes in the province reaches to 74438 and 82165

131 individuals. In the second tribal census in 1998, many changes were observed in the tribal population of the province, in a manner that totally population of tribes in the province reduced from 58151 individuals in 1987 to 53498 individuals in 1998. The growth rate of this 11 year course for residing -0.7 % and for the tribes in summer and winter sedenterization was respectively 0.5 and -3 percent.

The range and differences of changes in the growth rate for summer and winter sedenterization in cities of these 3 tribes is more significant, in a manner that in all the 3 tribes and cities (except Fereidunshahr) the growth rate was negative (Between -0.7 % to

-16 %). The highest growth rate was related to Isfahan and Shahreza, for the tribes of

Arab Jarghuyeh tribe and the lowest growth rate was related to Shahreza city for summer sedenterization tribes. In Fereidunshahr the growth rate of population was 0.6 % that only positive growth rate of population in the province is in this period.

The important and new point in this population analysis is that despite high fertility in tribal families, due to leaving tribal life and going toward the villages and cities, we had significant changes in total population and tribes.

4.15.2- The procedure of settling of the tribes and regions for setdenterization:

Tribal society of Isfahan province is an element of state tribal society. In complement of the draft for the 2 nd economic, social and cultural development plan of Islamic

Republic of Iran, qualitatively purposes of tribes‘ construction has been determined as follows:

- Organizing sedenterization of the tribes in the Associations proper for tribal


- Promotion of life quality for the residing tribes in the province

132 - Creation of proper occupations for residing individuals

Quantity Purposes:

Organization for Iran Tribes Affairs had forecasted that it can reside 20 thousand families. In distribution of this population between various provinces of the state, the share of Isfahan province is 750 families during the plan. In a suggested assessment, we can forecast following quantitative purposes for a 20-year planning period and within the framework of four 5-year plans (Plan & Budget Organization, 1997).

Table 4.5- forecast of settling of Isfahan province tribes for a 20 year period

Total Sixth Fifth Forth Third Second plan

(Families) Development Development Development Development Development

province Plan Plan Plan Plan Plan &tribe (2015-2019) (2010-2014) (2005-2009) (2000-2004) (95-99)


4200 1000 1000 900 700 600 Province

Ghashghai 3200 800 800 700 500 400 tribe


500 100 100 100 100 100 tribe


tribe 500 100 100 100 100 100

Source: cultural, social, economic growth for Isfahan Province, Plan & Budget Organization, 1997

133 The work of residing tribes of Isfahan province in the associations under studies that was determined by the studies was started practically form 1999. The most important centers for residing tribes that have been formed to the present, and number of families and their situation in the village or city are also indicated. The only established development center in Isfahan province is Hanna Development Association in Semirom city related to

Ghashghai tribe.

Concerning the number of resided families in the Association, Hanna Association has population of 120 families.

Concerning classification of type for tribal regions of Isfahan province with regard to various studies we can conclude:

Tribal Area of Fereidunshahr:

Locating this area in Middle Zagros and mountainous region in a manner that it has about 74 % of the area with a slope between 100- 250 % is special topographical specifications of the region. Shortage of alluvial and flat plains is special limitation of this summer residential area.

Tribal Area of Semirom:

Half of the area in summer residential area of Semirom city is mountainous that is summer residential area for Ghashghai tribes and some families of Jarghuyeh tribes, and in case that we consider the two types of mountains and hills together, about 68.6 % of the space in the area is mountainous. Limitation of flat lands in this are is another specification of summer residential area.

134 Tribal Area of Jarghuyeh:

Jarghuyeh sector that is summer residential area for Arab tribe of Jarghuyeh is essentially rural. The villages in this region are situated in flat lands that in comparison with two other regions have more flat and alluvial lands. The major limitation of this region is lack of water resources and shortage of raining. Due to shortage of raining, plant cover and the pastures in the region do no have good situation.

Regarding the status of population in 3 tribes of Bakhtyari, Ghashghai, Arab Jarghuyeh we can present following cases:

- In the first census of pastoralist tribes in the province that was carried out in 1987,

total tribal population of the province was about 58151 individuals that 61.3 % of

its population were Ghashghai tribes, 30.2 % were Bakhtyari tribes, and 8.4 %

were Jarghuyeh tribes.

About 90 % of tribes in Isfahan province pass their summer sedenterization in Isfahan province and about 10 % of tribes in the province pass the winter period in Isfahan province.

It was forecasted that population of tribes in Isfahan province increases with population growth rate of about 2.5 % and in a 10-year period, it means 1997, it amounts to about

74438 individuals and it amounts to about 82165 individuals in 1380.

Concerning spatial distribution of population, tribes of Isfahan province have been distributed in 6 cities, 9 parishes, and 20 villages.

In the second census that was carried out by Iran Statistics Center in 1998, it means 11 years later, population of tribes in Isfahan province was 53498 individuals. Comparison of the population in two censuses indicates -16 % changes in average tribes of the

135 province (-22 % in tribes of Jarghuyeh, -8 % in Ghashghai tribes, and -19.5 % in

Bakhtyari tribes. Regarding the average changes for summer and winter residential, respectively the average changes for 3 tribes is -9.2 % and -35.9 %.

4.15.3- Planning for supporting pastoral tribes in the province:

Although percent of the tribes who are inclined to reside is about 2/3 rd of the tribes in the province, but due to the reasons which were mentioned in the discussion of planned sedenterization in detail, our tribal pastoralism will be for 3 tribes of the province in next

20 years concerning the tribes that the government could not reside them and they themselves also have not found a proper livelihood method, that indicates several times number in comparison to the resided tribes. Therefore planning for presenting support services is essential for this group. The most

The most important suggested plans for the 3 tribes are as following:

1- Presenting infra-structure facilities and services that play major role in production

of the tribal society.

2- In every one of the summer and winter residential regions in the province there

are some centers as the centers for more accumulation of the tribes. In these

centers presenting various health, treatment, educational service, water provision,

cleaning streams, services of cooperatives,…. are essential.

3- Considering water and lands potentials particularly in summer residential regions

for the tribes of Ghashghai and Bakhtyari, preservation of water and soil

resources for short term and average term operations shall be supported.

136 4- Assistance for creating canals of water conduct to the lands and gardens shall be


5- Supporting the plans for providing grass and restoration of the pastures shall be


6- The plans for cultivating walnut, almond. Apple, saffron production and similar

cases shall be supported.

7- Necessary protections are carried out for production plans of breeding livestock,

honey bee and fisheries.

8- Promotion works in the field of agriculture, animal husbandry, and gardening

shall be supported.

4.16- System of servicing the tribes:

Servicing the tribes has a 30-year record. Although this servicing was essentially carried out after 1978, existence of servicing unit such as Organization of Iran Tribes

Affairs, General Departments for the tribes‘ affairs in the provinces and affiliated departments of cities are servicing departments. These departments were in charge of servicing in welfare dimensions, provision of goods, taking foods, various services, and hygiene of streams, establishment of technical constructions on the roads and establishment of stores for preserving grasses in the years after Islamic revolution.

From 1978 to 1989 concentration of various organizations related to the tribes, was for supporting and presenting services to the pastoralist tribes in the state for continuing pastoralism. From the years of beginning the 1 st plan the policy of servicing to the pastoralists developed and the related units tried in addition to common servicing to the

137 pastoralist tribes, create some fields gradually that the services in the direction of creating income, occupation, constructional aspect develop more. In this period some steps were taken such as: establishment of irrigation canals, digging deep and semi-deep wells, pumping water for irrigation of rainy cultivation, establishment of tribal estates for residing the tribes. At the present, they present services that help their livelihood concerning income and provision of necessities for life. Investment for water pumping, digging deep wells, establishment of production centers and establishment of conducted sedenterization centers are some of the actions which were carried out. Also for providing services such as water, electricity, health and educational centers and … abundant actions were made in sedenterization centers (within the area of the tribe).

Regarding proposed executive politics and policies for the tribes we witness a developmental procedure during recent 20 years; in the first years of Islamic Revolution to 1368 there was no regulated legal politic for the executive units. For this reason, the policy of supporting pastoralism and pastoralists and also presenting services to the pastoralists was practical agenda of executive units. After national and international gatherings in relation with the tribes in years 1990, 1992, the strategy of absolute support of pastoralism changed to the politics and policies such as residing the tribes, supporting the animal husbandry and also support form the pastoralists who their natural regions had the capacity for pastoralism, and the tribes themselves like them as well. So in years after 1992 practically comprehensive study plan for development of tribal regions in the state started in all the provinces including Isfahan province. In these studies natural, social, economic capabilities for the tribes regions were recognized and the plans were presented for improving the status of livelihood for the families.

138 The most important plans consist of the following cases:

- Organizing the centers for residing the tribes.

- Considering infra-structure plans.

- Establishment of small dams for gathering water resources.

- Pumping water and irrigating agricultural lands.

- Creation of changing industries and other related industries which is related to

operation from animal husbandry resources.

- Presenting plans for breeding honey been.

- Supporting the pastoralists interested in pastoralism that adapts with the regional


- Support of banking system for establishment of residential units in tribal centers

of the province.

4.17- The strategies of Development:

Tribal society of Isfahan province can be regarded one society in the process of passing from a traditional living status toward the other methods of living. Pastoralism can be performed in several forms consisting conducted passage with dependence on development of tribal life and another passage with non-intervention in tribal life and leaving that society in its situation.

What we can understand from major policies of the government in confrontation with the tribes‘ society is a bilateral policy under the title of "supporting pastoralism for the tribes that are inclined to reside due to natural capabilities and inclination of the tribes for continuing pastoralism and development planning for the tribes. In Isfahan province it is

139 forecasted that in 20 future years we witness both states of conducted sedenterization and continuing pastoralism.

4.18- Assessment and analysis of the past and present status

4.18.1- Isfahan Province:

Basic specialized economic activities of Isfahan province in 1966 compared to the state level include: excavation of mine, industry and building. In 1976 the activities of mine excavation and construction were changed to non-basic activities and activity of providing electricity, gas, and water has been known as a basic activity.

In 1986 the activities of industry, providing electricity, gas, and water, wholesale and retailing, education, health, social working in the country were some of the activities in basic specialized economic activities of the province that in 1996 the activities of wholesale and retailing, education, health, and social working have been changes to non- basic activities for the province in the country.

Also sub sectors for basic specialized economic activities of Isfahan province in 1996 compared to the state level which had location coefficients greater than one is as follows:

1- Production of textiles.

2- Production of wood and wooden products except furniture

3- Industries for production of charcoal

4- Industries for production of charcoal and chemical products

5- Production of other non-metal mineral products

6- Production of fabric metal products except machinery

7- Production of furniture and products not classified elsewhere

140 8- Restoration

9- Provision of electricity, gas, and steam of warm water

10- Collection and infiltration and distribution of water

The role of the province in the whole country is generally industrial.

The rate of appropriate growth, agriculture activity, prey and forest preservation, fishing and mine excavation as well as financial middlemen and central offices and administrations had many changes in the country during 1966-96, but its whole procedure indicates changing the conditions of privileged to non- privileged in this sector. In other words, rate of appropriate growth during the studied period was falling.

Activity of the province industry in the country during1966-96 had almost a fixed procedure accompanied by partial privilege in spite of falling changes that it had in 1986.

The activity of construction and wholesale and retailing in this province in comparison to state level during this period and in spite of changes had proper falling growth. In other words they have moved toward the conditions of non- privileged.

The activity of hotel and restaurant in Isfahan province in comparison with state level during 1966-96 has always had negative growth rate and this indicates existence of partial non- privileged in this province in comparison with national level.

The activity of transportation and warehousing and communications of the province during this period in comparison to state level, in exception to decade 1976-86 had increasing proper growth rate and moved toward increasing partial privilege.

The activity of hiring properties and labor and business in the province in comparison with state level during 1966-96 had decreasing proper growth rate and moved toward decreasing partial privilege.

141 The rate of appropriate growth for the activities of Department for General Affairs and Compulsory social security, Education, Health and Social Working as well as other public, social and personal services as well as the offices and central departments of the province during 1976-86 had a falling procedure, but during the decade 1986-96 it had rising procedure, and the conditions of non- privileged for these activities has been changed to the conditions of privileged.

Comparative study for the partial growth in various economic sectors in the province with the whole country during 1966-76 expresses low economic growth of the province in comparison with the whole country. Economic growth of services and industry sectors indicates that whether in the province or in the whole country has been more than the average growth of all the economic activities. On one side growth of services sector in the province is more than the growth of industry sector. The growth of agriculture sector both in level of the province and in the whole country has had a growth rate less than the average.

Performing this comparison in decade 1976-86 indicates that in this decade the average growth for the province economic activities significantly is increased in the whole country. In this decade, sector of services whether in the province or in the whole country has been more than the average growth of all the economic activities, but the growth of industry & agriculture sectors in both the province and country is less than medium.

Comparative study for partial growth for economic sectors of the province with the whole country in decade 1986-96 indicates that economic growth in the province and whole country was coordinated in above decade. It means that this province had partial

142 growth balanced and in the direction of the whole country. In this decade the growth of industry sector in the province and in the whole country was more than the average growth of all the economic activities. The growth of agriculture sector the growth in both the province and country is less than medium.

The services sector had growth in the province less than the average and in national economy more than the average of all the other sectors.

4.18.2- Isfahan City:

Basic specialized economic activities of Isfahan City in 1966 for the province consist of fishing, provision of electricity, gas, water, wholesale and retail, repair of motor vehicles, hotel, restaurant, transportation and warehousing, communications, financial middlemen, landed properties, hiring and business activities, Department for General

Affairs and compulsory Social Security, Education, Hygiene and Social Support, international institutions and groups, as well as offices and central departments. Also this year in the country, basic specialized economic activities of Isfahan City include: industry, construction, wholesale and retail, financial middlemen, landed properties, hiring and business activities. Therefore either in the province or in country, basic specialized activities of Isfahan City in 1966 consists of wholesale and retail, financial middlemen, landed properties, hiring and business activities.

In 1976 the activities of agriculture, prey and forest preserving, transportation and warehousing and communications are basic specialized economic activities of Isfahan province. Whereas in this year basic specialized activities of this city in the country include: industry and transportation, warehousing and communications.

143 In 1986 the activities of fishing, provision of electricity, gas, water, wholesale and retail, hotel, restaurant, transportation and warehousing, communications, financial middlemen, landed properties, hiring and business activities, Department for General

Affairs and Compulsory Social Security, Education, Hygiene and Social Working, other activities for public services and personal social services, international institutions and groups, as well as offices and central departments in the province were some of the activities for basic specialized economic activities of Isfahan province.

the activities for economic specialized base of the city in 1996 for the country the activities of breeding fish and aqua animals and its related activities, water transportation, air transportation, support and aiding activities for transportation, post and tele- communications, insurance and retirement, minor activities of financial middlemen, activities of organizations which have members, recreational, cultural, sport activities, other services activities, international institutions and groups, central departments of companies and plants, central departments of the foundations have become base activities, whereas industrial activities of producing textiles, clothes production, tanning and leather production, wood production, industries for producing charcoal, production of chemical materials and products, production of rubber and plastic products, production of other non-metal mineral products, production of fabric metal products, production of machinery and equipments, production of machinery generating and transferring electricity, production of radio and television, production of medical tools and optical tools, other vehicles of transportation, production of furniture and non-classified products in other places and restoration have become base specialized activities.

144 During 1966- 96 the role of city in the province is essentially services whereas in the level of country it has more an industrial role.

Also sub sectors of economic specialized base activities at Isfahan City in 1996 are as follows:

1- Breeding fish and aquatic animals as well as the activities related to them

2- Provision of electricity, gas, and hot water steam

3- Collection, infiltration and distribution of water

4- Sale, maintenance and repair of motor vehicles

5- Wholesale and commissioning

6- Retail except for retailing of motor vehicle

7- Hotel and restaurant

8- Land transportation and transportation through pipe

9- Water transportation

10- Air transportation

11- Support and aid activities for transportation

12- Post and Tele- communications

13- Financial middlemen except insurance

14- Insurance, retirement

15- Minor activities of financial middlemen

16- Activities related to landed properties

17- Hiring the machinery and equipments

18- Computer and its related activities

19- Research and development

145 20- Other business activities

21- Department for General Affairs and compulsory Social Security

22- Education

23- Hygiene and Social Working

24- Activities of organizations which have members

25- Recreational, cultural and sport activities

26- Other services activities

27- International institutions and groups

28- Central offices of companies and factories

29- Central departments of the foundations

30- In comparison with the activities for economic specialized base of the city in this

year for the country, the activities of breeding fish and aqua animals and its

related activities, water transportation, air transportation, support and aiding

activities for transportation, post and tele- communications, insurance and

retirement, minor activities of financial middlemen, activities of organizations

which have members, recreational, cultural, sport activities, other services

activities, International institutions and groups, central departments of companies

and plants, central departments of the foundations have become base activities,

whereas industrial activities of producing textiles, clothes production, tanning

and leather production, wood production, industries for producing charcoal,

production of chemical materials and products, production of rubber and plastic

products, production of other non-metal mineral products, production of fabric

metal products, production of machinery and equipments, production of

146 machinery generating and transferring electricity, production of radio and television, production of medical tools and optical tools, other vehicles of transportation, production of furniture and non-classified products in other places and restoration have become base specialized activities.


Introducing two touristy villages:

Khafr and Garmeh

148 4.19- Garmeh and Khafr Ecotourism Development Plan

4.19.1- Desert case of ecotourism: Garmeh Village

Organization of Cultural Heritage, Handicrafts and Tourism in Isfahan Province has selected 26 villages as ecotourism villages 1 in August 2007. These villages are: Garmeh,

Mehrjan, Damab, Hosnijeh, Esferjan, Ali abad kavir, Ghourtan, Mashhad kaveh, Nashalj,

Doreh, Ghiyas Abad, Gaga, Khafr, Dangezlu, Soh, Kalahrood, Nistan, Hardang,

Abyaneh, Torgh, Honjan, Toreh, Yarand, Kojan, Borz and Poodeh. Villages of Khafr and Garmeh have been studied in this research as statistical society (Map 4.2- location of these villages on the map is attached to the Appendix).

Situation: Garmeh exists in 400 km east of Isfahan. It is a village of Naein in Khoor and

Biabanak region.

Antiquity: This village has 1600 years antiquity and has better weather conditions compared to its neighbor villages and its people have rich culture 2.

Attractions: This village has the greatest palm grove in Khoor and Biabanak region and the best quality date is provided from this palm grove (photos 63-65 at the Appendix).

There is a hill in this village called "Borujerdi Hill". Upper side of this hill is completely flat and it has slope from the sides, and this difference in height is beautiful and also it is proper for flight with Para-glider. There is record of flight with Para glider in this hill

(some of the tourists who entered into this village and had required equipments for this activity executed this sport). This hill is also proper for looking at stars at night.

1- Organization of Cultural Heritage, Handicrafts and Tourism of Isfahan Province, (2007) 2- All the information from Garmehh is acquired from interview and field work that is done by the researcher.

149 There is a spring in this village that drinking water of this village was prepared from this stream at past and at the present its water is used for agriculture.

There is a house in this village that is the most ancient house of this village (it was built about 270 years ago). (Mazyar Al-Davood). A person named "Mazyar Al-Davood" had restored this house in its old style and has changed that house to a traditional guest-house for residing tourists. Restoration of this house took 2 years and it has 8 rooms with capacity of 25 guests and it is regarded one of the tourism attractions in this village.

(Photos 1-21). There is an old castle near this guest-house which is related to Sassanian and is in the process of restoration by Mazyar Al-Davood. It has a mosque named

"Kolu" in the past (in local language it means a place that has no roof). The purpose of

Mr. Al-Davood from restoration of traditional guest-house and Kolu mosque was creating occupation for people of the village, cultural interaction among various nationals and

Iranian people and people in this village, enlivening handicrafts, and prevention of pastoralism of the village youths to the cities, and he‘s been almost successful in this work. Restoration of —Kolu mosque“ has caused to create occupation for 5 individuals in this village.

Plans for tourists: Mr. Al-Davood has provided some plans for sedenterization of tourists including visit of natural (ecotourism) attractions such as visiting of palm grove

(photos 63-65), visit of old stream and warm water of this region (photos 22-26 at the

Appendix), visit of "Mesr" village, camel-riding in Mesr village (photos 27-35), visit of the hill of moving sands (photos 36-46), visit of villages of Khanj and Dadkin, visit of salt sea (photos 48-52).

150 Mesr village exist in 85 km from village of "Garmeh" which continued to Semnan in the past (Mazyar Al-Davood).

Mesr village has ancient structure like Garmeh village and it has a guest-house similar to the guest-house of Mr. Al-Davood but with less possibilities, (in visit day, tourists can have lunch there). In Mesr village there is a hill of moving sands that is called

"Sarkanub" in local language. Observing sun-set and sunrise (photos 53-57) from above these hills is very beautiful. Tent-dwelling at night (photos 58-62), looking at the stars from above this hill, burning fire and playing music are some of the activities of tourists.

Salt lake is also one of the other attractions in this village which is famous in the world.

The depth of salt is 15 m and there is very appropriate for photographing.

Salt lake exists between Khoor and Mesr villages. (45 km of Khoor in the direction of

Tabas). Another village exists near Garmeh village which is called Khanj and Dadkin

(18 km of Garmeh village). In fact these two villages are separate and they have the weather of a summer-sedenterization, and they have no sedenterization, and also despite having natural attraction there is no possibility for staying there at night. Although these two villages are in desert land, but they have walnut tree for their weather conditions (the weather of a summer-sedenterization).

This is one the extraordinary matters in this region that these two villages with the distance of 18 km, one has warm and desert weather and the other is cold and has the weather of a summer-sedenterization. Garmeh village also has natural warm water which is very rich of mineral materials, but due to the reason that this water is public and its health is not checked, it is not used very much, except in cases that tourists are inclined to use it.

151 Facilities of Garmeh village:

It has health- house with very simple facilities.

Hotel / guest-house: Except traditional guest-house of Garmeh there is no other guest- house in this village. (After Naein guest-house, the only village in this region that has guest-house is Garmeh village.)

It has drinking (safe) water, electricity, gas, telephone.

There is place for burial of waste material.

Appropriate time for visiting: Appropriate time for visiting tourism attractions in this village is spring, fall and winter. In summer due to its desert warm weatherr there is no tourist or tourism activity in this region.

Tours of "Aftab Kavir" and "Sadaf" are two famous tours in Tehran and the tours of

"Shabahang" and "Negin Isfahan" cooperates with this guest-house.

Handicrafts: handicrafts of this village consist of: the baskets which are woven with mat and date that are decorative. In ancient times due to the reason that people did not use immature date which was picked off form tree, they separated its nucleus and passed a string in the middle and since they had a shape of cap (kolah), they were named

"Kolahu" in local language. Tourist use this decorative date as a necklace. Other products of this village are date juice and pomegranate juice. Of course pomegranate of this region has not good quality of pomegranate as Saveh and Kashan due to water shortage (The major product of this village is date). Most of the tourists who enter into this village purchase the products of this village depending on their taste and financial conditions, and this affair has been caused that economic status of people in this village becomes better. The native people in the village emphasized this case as well. Tourism

152 has created occupation in this village. In the past years, the percent of foreign guests who entered into this village was more than the present, but during several recent years, the percent of foreign guests reduced which its reason is shortage of tourists who are entered into Iran.

As Mr. Al-Davood mentioned, foreign tourists that come to this village, are divided into

3 classes:

1- Foreigners residing in Iran

2- Tourists who are attracted through agencies.

3- Back packers

Iranian tourists travel through agencies or are familiarized with this region by their friends and relatives.

The plan of traditional guest-house was submitted to Organization of Cultural Heritage,

Handicrafts and Tourism in Isfahan Province. After restoration of traditional guest-house

15 other ancient houses were also restored in this village and its residents decided to return. Garmeh village has been introduced in site "Lonely Planet". Mr. Andrew Burke, writer and photographer of the book —Lonely Planet“ has also traveled to this village and has introduced the name of Garmeh village as one Iranian tourism village in his book.

This book was translated into 3 languages of German, French and English and it has comprehensive information about Iranian tourism cities.

Future plans of Mr. Al-Davood:

To develop the traditional guest-house and manufacturing a complex with higher capacity, because at the present the applicants are 5 times the capacity of traditional guest-house and this guest-house is not responsive to the needs of applicants at the

153 present.(Organization of Cultural Heritage, Handicrafts and Tourism in Isfahan Province has considered a credit for this work but until not for all the program that is done in this village.)

Some shortage and problems:

1- There is no travel agency in this village.

2- There is not a permanent service for transportation

3- There is not enough fuel for transportation

4- Another problem is non- occupation of youth in village and their pastoralism to

other points.

5- Locals don‘t have financial ability for village people to restore traditional homes

6- There is not a suitable shopping center for providing needs of tourists

7- There is no a special shopping center for buying villagers‘ handicrafts

8- There are no banking services for tourists.

9- There is no guardian & disciplinary forces police station in this village.

Totally it can be concluded that from the begging of traditional guest house plan, the restoration of old house and old mosque and other old houses in this village cause to occupy youth. It has also cause to prevent from pastoralism of locals to big cities and also cause to return many locals to their villages. Tourists and ecotourists buy locals‘ handicrafts and this cause to improvement the economic of the locals. Locals become more interested to tourism and they try to attract more tourists and ecotourists to their villages. Some educational classes were hold for training locals in order to better communications with tourist.

154 4.19.2- Mountainous ecotourism development (the case of Khafr village in mountainous area of south western of Isfahan Province)

Introduction of Plan for the Land Society

Land Design Society with the title of "Non-Governmental Non-Profitable Organization" was registered in Department for Reg. of Companies.

Working Groups of this Society:

Wild Life Group

Eco- tourism Group

Training Group

The purposes of this society consist of:

1-Research about Iran Wild Life

2-Making aware of local people concerning importance and real value of natural attractions and ecological existing variety in their living place

3-Increasing science of locals in relation to ecological variety and preservation of their environment

4-Training children in familiarization the nature and wildlife

5-Training and promulgation of correct culture of eco-tourism to the citizens and locals

Some activities of this Society:

1) Feasibility- Report for existence of Asian Panther in the preserved area of

Bahram Gour

2) Voluntarily cooperation with project of preservation from Asian panther CACP

and WCS in the process of leashing panther

155 3) Enabling Tashakol Sabz Yaran Dena in village of Khafr for creating permanent

livelihood dependent on eco-tourism with the support of GEF/SGP/UNDP 1

4) Creating experience in relation with the role of local society in store of "

Zistkoreh Touran" with preserving natural and cultural values with dependence

on eco-tourism industry with the support of GEF/SGP/UNDP

5) Publishing card set and photo card with the subject of ecological variety with the

support of GEF/SGP/UNDP and financial support of private sector

6) Holding the first subject workshop with cooperation of GEF/SGP/UNDP

7) Holding the classes for familiarization with wild life and Iran nature for children

and adolescent with cooperation of " Eco-Tour Iran Company "

1- GEF stands for Governmental Environmental Facility

2- SGP stands for Small Grant Program

3- UNDP stands for United Nation Program

156 Introducing "The Project for enabling the authorities of Sabz Yaran Dena association for creating permanent livelihood project dependent on eco-tourism"

Achievements and Activities of Khafr Eco-tourism Project (works and activities that have done so far in this village):

Achievement 1- To present plan for tourism management of Khafr village

Activity 1-1- To familiarize local people and authorities in Sabz Yaran Dena association (local gathering) with definition of principles and its related laws

Activity 1-2- To provide and compile plan for the manner of tourism management in

Khafr village

Activity 1-3- Training of administrative groups for activities related to tourism in village

Achievement 2- Correct presentation of natural and historical attractions in regions

Activity 2-1- To collect information related to natural and historical attractions in region

Activity 2-2- Field study of the region and collecting information in regard to the paths of region tourism per season

Activity 2-3- To provide a plan from attractions of the region

Activity 2-4- To compile the subjects of one brochure for informatics and introducing attractions of the region

Activity 2-5- To compile the subjects of one 20-minute film in order to introduce attractions of the region

Activity 2-6- To recognize proper time for holding 3 feasts in village

157 Activity 2-7- To compile the matters in relation with attractions of the region in a manner that is presentable on the site

Achievement 3- Execution of Behavioral codes in the region

Activity 3-1- To compile an instruction manual for behavioral codes in relation with principles of eco- tourism considering activity of village for tourists‘ usage

Activity 3-2- To compile an instruction manual for behavioral codes for utilization of local people and groups of tourism department in the region in relation with the manner of confrontation with eco- tourists and mountain-climbers and also their training with these behavioral codes

Achievement 4 œ Training of Local Guides in Khafr Village and Test for

Capabilities of Administrating Tourism and Local People in holding Tour

Activity 4-1- To establish workshop for training local guides and receiving card for local guides from organization

Cultural Heritage and tourism and card of honored guardian from Environmental


Activity 4-2- To hold a tour with the help of local people

Activity 4-3- To introduce tour package of Khafr village to Tehran agencies

158 Activities of Land Design Society in the "Project of enabling the authorities of

Sabz Yaran Dena Association for execution of creating permanent livelihood

project dependent on eco-tourism"

Fars Green Association is a group that recognized the paths of mountain climbing in

Khafr village and then they represented these paths and also the village to SGP and then they encourage locals to constitute a group which is named Sabz Yaran Dena.

1) Meeting with members of Sabz Yaran Dena association and Fars Green


2) Meeting with some old and new members of Islamic Council of village


159 3) Meeting with rural women‘s‘ Basij

4) Holding 3 educational classes for women members of Sabz Yaran Dena Association

5) To collect instructions of WTO and international suggestions in relation with

tourism management

6) Meeting with owners of selected homes for residing tourists

160 7) To study and residing in selected homes and recognizing positive and negative

points in these homes

161 8) Photographing from beauties of village and recording the matters related to each


9) Field study of the region and collecting exact information in the field of registering

tourism paths in village and specifications of village per season

162 10) To evaluate existing attractions in the path ending in Khafr village :

• Kolah Ghazi national park

• Hana forbidden prey district

• Felting workshops in Semirom

• Semirom waterfall

• Tribal tents

163 11) To provide list of local foods, nutritional, pharmaceutical plants, and handicrafts in

region as well as to present suggestions in relation with the manner of packaging


164 In relation with the manner of packaging for the products of Khafr Village following cases are suggested:

1. Honey:

• Glass or plastic ( preferably glass) with average and large size ( 2 sizes)

• Using colored cloth with native design on the cap of the dish for beautifying the

dish of honey and colored string for closing the package. (Sample of this type of

packaging is enclosed in photograph).

• Label containing: Name of Khafr Village- site address ( www.khafr.ir ) registered

by Land Plan Society.

2. Apple:

Since there is the possibility that the boxed of apples are changed in the path of supply, it is suggested that small labels to be stuck on the apples which consist of the name of village and the address of its site. (Sample of these labels is enclosed in photograph).

3. Dry vegetable and dry fruit :

Two kinds of packaging are suggested for these types of products:

1- Using plastic packaging in dimensions of 15 x 15 cm and pressing in packages for

promoting the culture of health. Using the label containing name of village and

the address of its site.

2- Using bags with local clothes and inner plastic coverage and using these types of

sacs can create occupation for women of the village.

4. Basket or sac produced in Khafr:

To provide the baskets that consists of Khafr products and samples of Khafr handicrafts

165 can be welcomed very much. In a manner that these baskets can include one glass of jam, one pickle jar, one package of vegetable or dry fruit, apricot, apple, or mentioned sacs above.

12) To hold practical lecture of bags of traditional designs with rural women

13) To compile the matters related to the activities performed by Design for Land

Society and presenting it on the site.( www.Plan4land.org )

166 14) To collect behavioral codes for 5 spots of the world and to compile general

framework for manual of behavioral codes

15) To hold training lecture for authorities of Islamic Council in Khafr village and

members of Sabz Yaran Dena Association in relation to definition of eco- tourism,

its positive and negative principles and effects

16) To hold educational lectures for school and high school in relation to waste

materials discussion



167 17) To participate in holding the Clearance Day in Khafr village

168 18) To hold the first tour of eco-tourism to Khafr village and examining the abilities of

village‘s women for performing a part of plans of this tour

169 Introducing the touristy village, Khafr December 2007 1

Location 2

1- All information from Khafr are obtained from interview with Mr. Moshiri (responsible of Plan for Land Society) and from the site www.plan4land.org 2. Www. Plan4Land.org

170 Tourism Attractions of Khafr village:


Native livelihood

Natural scenes

Mountain climbing in Dena summits

Streams and Waterfalls

Floral and faunal coverage

Traditional structure

Local foods and pharmaceutical plants

Visit of tribes

Agricultural products

Religious places

171 Introducing Attractions: 1-Traditional houses


172 Introducing Attractions: 1-Traditional houses


Introducing Attractions: 1-Traditional houses

This is a picture of traditional sedenterization of this village. At the end of this picture there is some beehive which is the evidence of honey production in this village. It can be considered as an economic aspect for this village.

174 Introducing Attractions: 2-Local livelihood


There is no gas in this village and people have to use the wood as fuel. For development of ecotourism, we need energy supply because if there is no energy supply, forests are ruined because of using woods as fuel and this a negative impacts of ecotourism.

175 Introducing Attractions : 2-Local livelihood



This is another picture of local livelihood. These are two village‘s women with their traditional dresses who are baking traditional bread.

176 Introducing Attractions: 3-Natural Scenes

177 Introducing Attractions: 3-Natural Scenes

This is a photo of autumn season of Khafr village.

178 Introducing Attractions: 3-Natural Scenes

179 Introducing Attractions: 3-Natural Scenes

This is a beautiful landscape and a traditional house with its traditional building materials.


Introducing Attractions: 3-Natural Scenes

This is a picture of terracing rain fed gardening.


Introducing Attractions: 3-Natural Scenes


Introducing Attractions: 4-Mountain climbing and Dena Summits


Introducing Attractions: 4-Mountain climbing and Dena Summits

In the winter, there is not any tourism activity because the cold weather so the mountain climbing and Dena summit is considered an attraction for tourists. They train the local guides for directing the tourists for climbing to the summits and also they provide some equipment during the paths.

184 Introducing Attractions: 4-Mountain climbing and Dena Summits

185 Introducing Attractions: 5-Springs and Waterfalls


186 Introducing Attractions: 5-Springs and Waterfalls

187 Introducing Attractions: 5-Springs and Waterfalls

This is a picture of beautiful wild flowers.

188 Introducing Attractions: 5-Springs and Waterfalls

189 Introducing Attractions: 5-Springs and Waterfalls

190 Native products of Khafr Village

According to the obtained information from the residents of this village, we can refer to 4 groups of local products:

1- Foods and nutritional products

2- Handicrafts

3- Pharmaceutical and nutritional Plants

4- Agricultural products

Introducing Attractions: 6-Agricultural Products

Apple is the major agriculture product of Khafr and this agricultural product also is considered as an attraction for tourists. Tourists are interested to visit the gardens and cutting the apples.

191 Introducing Attractions: 6-Agricultural Products

192 Introducing Attractions: 6-Agricultural Products

This is a photo of packages of apples for export.

193 Introducing Attractions: 6-Agricultural Products

194 Introducing Attractions: 6-Agricultural Products

This is a photo related to scale of walnut (local garden product).

195 Handicrafts

Regional handicrafts are as following:

1- local cloths which are called —Tonban and Joomeh“ or — Gheri shirt“

2- saddle

3- hand hold

4- cloth sugar-bowl

5- tobacco bag(sack)

6- bath bag

7- Dogh(yogurt and water)

8- Tea bag

9- Pillow case

10- Bread bundle(for taking bread to mountain and garden)

11- Radio and tape recorder case

12- Quran case

13- Cushion case

14- Cup cap

15- Light case

16- Heater case

17- TV case

18- Fan case

19- Glass beads sewing( Taaji, Hashti, Simple)

20- Several kinds of embroidery which of course are traditional and aren‘t used today

but there were hereditary in village


Introducing Attractions: 7-Handicrafts


Introducing Attractions: 7-Handicrafts


Introducing Attractions: 7-Handicrafts

This is also a tourist who wears a traditional dress and buys one of handicrafts

...... Introducing Attractions: 7-Handicrafts


Introducing Attractions: 8- Native foods


Introducing Attractions: 8- Native foods


Introducing Attractions: 8- Native foods



These are traditional foods in its traditional setting on a table cloth to be served.

Introducing Attractions: 9- Pharmaceutical plants


Introducing Attractions: 9- Pharmaceutical plants


Introducing Attractions: 9- Pharmaceutical plants


206 Introducing Attractions: 9- Pharmaceutical plants

207 Introducing Attractions: 10- Visit of Tribes

The middle one is a tourist who wears a traditional dress.

208 Introducing Attractions: 10- Visit of Tribes

209 Introducing Attractions: 11- Floral and Faunal Coverage

Introducing Attractions: 11- Floral and Faunal Coverage



Introducing Attractions: 11- Floral and Faunal Coverage



Introducing Attractions: 11- Floral and Faunal Coverage


Introducing Attractions: 11- Floral and Faunal Coverage


Performed activities in village of Khafr:


1-Recognition of rising paths to Dena Summits from village of Khafr

2-Recognition and presenting of natural values in Khafr valley (bowl of Khafr)

3-Training of native guides for mountain-climbing in Dena region and the advanced course of aid and saving

4-Selection of honored guardians

5-Establishment of high school in village after years

6-Training of separating waste materials to the people of village

Training of native guides for mountain-climbing

Training of skiing courses to native guides


7-Training of skiing courses to native guides


8-Holding educational plans of region schools for familiarization with environment

9-Follow up of waste material discussion and its problems in village: establishment of a group of collecting waste material from native people (holding Pak (cleaning) day)

10- Establishment of Basij group for women

11-Establishment of local NGO for Sabz Yaran Dena Association

12-Establishment of vocational mountain- climbing group in village

Holding —Pak“ (cleaning) day (with the purpose of environmental protections and conservations)

Holding —Pak“ (cleaning) day


Holding —Pak“ (cleaning) day


219 Holding —Pak“ (cleaning) day

220 Formation of a group for collecting waste material from local people

221 Follow up of waste material discussion and its problems in village

222 Report of Cleaning Day:

Program of Cleaning Day was started in 8 A.M. Activities in this day consist of the following cases:

1- To refer to Khafr School and talking for children (girls and boys) in relation with

the Cleaning Day and problem of waste material

2- To refer to Khafr Guidance School and attendance of girl students and the 1 st

grade of high school in the school yard and talking to them in relation with the

Report of Cleaning Day and its importance in this relation.

3- To refer to the office of Sabz Yaran Dena Association for preparing the plans,

placards and posters and preparing waste materials bags, hand gloves, and green

uniforms for beginning work.

4- To start collecting waste materials from the surroundings of Sabz Yaran Dena

Association and entrance path of the village.

Note: Since performance of these works was not usual for men, this activity delayed.

When women started to do this work with cooperation of women in the village, and changed the atmosphere and created the spirit of cooperation among people, gradually

(men and boys) also joined them for helping. Unfortunately the existing waste materials were very much and only about 15 individuals had participated in the plan, only about 10

% of waste materials were collected.

Plastic bags of collected waste materials from various locations of the village were collected and they were transferred to the opposite of Sabz Yaran Dena Association and some of the bags were transferred by individuals personally.

223 5- The presence of authorities of eco-environment in Kohgiluyeh and Boir Ahmad

Province while collecting waste materials and declaration of recognizing a site for

burial of waste materials outside the limits of preserved Dena region near Kameh.

6- Attendance of Khafr school and high school students in front of Sabz Yaran Dena

Association and giving some motto, having some posters and collecting waste

materials along the river. After collecting waste materials, the children were

given biscuit and cake.

7- Transporting waste materials to a place out of the village and burning them. (

Unfortunately despite the former follow up of Sabz Yaran Dena Association, still

this village has not a machine for transporting waste materials and a site for burial

and since remaining waste materials in the village is not possible, the villagers

are made to burn them).

224 13- To compile the framework for development of village on the basis of local construction patters with the purpose of developing rural tourism

14- To select houses for residing tourists and training to their owners in order that they are prepared for reception

15-To train a group of women in village for presenting local products and handicrafts

16-Restoration of Khafr Imamzade for receiving regional pilgrims with local budget

17-Recognition of local products and handicrafts as well as natural, cultural attractions of village for increasing the feeling of belonging to village people

18- Training for a group of women in village for presenting native products

Selection of Homes for residence of Tourists

225 Selection of Homes for residence of Tourists

Restoration of Khafr Imamzadeh with local budget

226 Training for a group of women in village for presenting native products

227 Shortages and Problems:

1- Risk in the path of access: light- falling stone- Guard rail œ asphalt of floor…

2- Lack of permanent service for transportation to neighboring cities, particularly


3- Lack of existing a place for burying waste materials

4- Shortage of residents fuel in winter

5- Non- existence of permanent physician in village

6- Non- occupation of the youths in village and their pastoralism to other points

7- Non- existence of guardian and disciplinary forces police station in village and in

its surroundings for security of tourists

8- Lack of financial possibilities for village people in order to restore traditional

homes and using materials which are not uniform with weather conditions ( such

as iron windows)

9- Not completing the design of paving stones for joining major centers of the

village to each other

10- Lack of informatics for attractions of village

228 Risk in the route of access: light- falling stone- Guard rail œ asphalt of floor…

There is danger in the route of access, there is no light and suitable guard rail and also asphalt floor. The road is very dangerous especially in the winter which is snow. There is no snowplow which pushes the snow to the side of the road.


Risk in the route of access: light- falling stone- Guard rail œ asphalt of floor…

230 Non - existence of location for burying solid waste material

231 Not completing the design of paving stones for joining major centers of the village to each other

The design of paving stones for joining major centers of the village to each other is not being completed and I suggest that for development of ecotourism is a major work.


CHAPTER 5: Conclusion

Tourism path of Zayandeh Rood having capabilities, potentials and natural variety has created a proper bed for development of eco-tourism. Along this path that originates from Kohrang to International wetland of Gavkhuni, in addition to existence of urban centers such as Isfahan, Shahrekord, Zarinshahr,… various attractions in Eco-Tourism are observed that not only have provided appropriate opportunities for Development of

Tourism, but they have also increased the attraction of the region. In the path of this strategic river, various Eco-Tourism attractions are observed consisting Zagros high mountains( Zardkuh, Sabzkuh, Kelar…) , cultivated lands and vast fields with variety in cultivation and patterns suitable for mountainous, forest regions ( Helen Kuh, Dinarud

Kuh and a part of Sabzkuh). Dry rocky mountains ( Kolah Ghazi, Tang Sayad), stepping hill, step fields ( Ghomeishlou), desert fields, sand hills, nice natural and mineral water streams, wet lands and rivers that play important role in development of eco-tourism path. In addition to above natural resources in this path Bakhtyari tribes and tribes with rich culture are observed in the nature that have provided a sightseeing attraction for eco- tourists with their special traditions, handicrafts and native productions. In this research it has been tried that while presenting generalities concerning the status of eco-tourism, to

233 study the position and role of eco-tourism for development of tourism in Zayandeh Rood path.

Isfahan province has capability for developing tourism in the rural fields, using desert land, historical structure of cities, "restoration of ancient parishes while preserving the first countenance" and structure of cities. Capacity and environmental power of cold areas, sedenterization in road caravanserais and partial access to its tourism regions is considerable. To complete and establish tourism poles in tourism paths with consideration of partial preparation of infra-structures and some of the super-structure installations have priority, and tourism value of types of these attractions are so that it has capability for producing trip and abundance of tourists match more than what exists, and from the other side, tourism resources of the province historically, naturally, religiously, and even scientifically are classified as significant to average for foreign and local tourists.

It seems that as a result of referred capabilities, Isfahan province enjoys appropriate situations and advantages for developing tourism and with conditions that referred area have, they have not been introduced in previous years in a proper manner and there is not desired spatial arrangement and planning and linkage between them and performed actions are limited to preservation and maintenance and restoration of a few historical constructions in Isfahan and Kashan.

More important is this point that little growth of entrance for foreign and local tourists to the province is not in proportion with growth of establishing residential place and welfare facilities in the regions and what is mentioned in these years as growth or increase in number of tourist cause to increase occupation in present residential places and using

234 their existing spaces. Therefore it is concluded that during the last years support from sources of tourism have not had appropriate priority and this affair threatens beauty and naturalness of attractions, and suitable regions for recreation in free space are under the pressure of house- construction and other applications and unfortunately some of apparently positive progresses in tourism such as establishment of great roads in historical cities have changed sightseeing views.

Most of the historical constructions are destroyed and eroded and with replacement and creation of new buildings, the old homes, markets, baths, caravanserais, gardens and villages are gradually destroyed and restores and valuable (native) resources of tourism are reduced. There is no proper utilization from capability and capacity of existing possibilities in tourism spaces, required elements have not been formed in them and following it there is no appropriate, subsidiary and complementary possibilities in them, and there is no innovation for increasing period of stay of tourists and as a result there is no integration and variability in supplies and products of tourism and following it development of various resources for tourism.

One of the most important factors which is effective in attraction of foreign and local tourists is existence of infra-structure installations and equipments (equipments and vehicles for air, land, sea transportation), offices for services and informatics and also proper sedenterizations in tourism areas. Advertisement, education of human resources and also marketing are another factors in attracting the tourists which has not been considered.

In spite of that, development of all the potential affairs of tourism requires significant investments, whereas maximum development is not required or appropriate, but in fact it

235 is better that the affairs to be selected have priority and developable, in this manner the investments are determined that have priority.

A question addresses here is that whether government has the sufficient capital for tourism development and in the case that this capital exists, at the disposal of what persons and organizations shall be put.

With regard to this point that until now there isn‘t any comprehensive plan and strategy for ecotourism and also government has not done any spatial plan in this field, all the potentials of ecotourism must be evaluated exactly.


1- There must be a national special and strategic plan for ecotourism development for

Iran that Isfahan is part of it. (Which means that all the ecotourism potentials must be analyzed and it must shown on tourism maps and also all the tourism paths must be distinguished)

2- With regard to that model that I‘ve mentioned, all the stakeholders must me shared in this strategic plan.

3- Demand supply must be analyzed

4- Presents situation must be evaluated based on future targets, carrying capacities, infrastructures, facilities and potentials.

The main goal of this plan is to preserved sustainability for its purpose GIS (geographical information systems) Layers must be prepared and applied extensively and comprehensively with application of Arc view, Arc Info. , Arc GIS. and also with using of satellite images and remote sensing techniques.

How can we achieve the targets?

236 To achieve those targets we need means, which are:

1- Private and public investment, human resource education (tour leaders, tour operators, managers). (9 educational courses are executed for tour leaders in Isfahan)

And who ever involved in tourism sector must be considered as well.

2- waste environmental planning and management (solid and liquid), an special institution for ecotourism development within the whole organization of tourism and supporting laws and regulation,( right now there isn‘t any institution for ecotourism development), because ecotourism is related to natural resources and must be precisely considered.

3- A proper institutional framework for the management of ecotourism which is not yet planned at all.

4- Water and energy supply for mass tourism must be planned and controlled, because if there is not any control on energy and water supply, forests will be ruined because of using woods as fuel and this is work as a negative tourism impact.

5- The services also must be supplied along the roads because the tourists intent to travel among the tribes, this not the case for villages because they are settled people but tribes just travel in winter and summer and the tourists like to travel with them, so it must be prepared: a) Accommodation based on rural or tribal structure. It‘s not necessarily to plan for building luxurious hotel because tourists prefer to live in villages & with tribes within their own sedenterization for Siyah Chador (Black Tents) for tribes and villagers‘ home.

237 b) Transportation for ecotourists must be prepared base on planning for demand and supply of future mass tourism. We have to construct roads in the deserts, in the plains, in the mountains, and forest lands. c) Medical services must be considered as well for both tribes and tourists.

6- Because this research is identifying place dimensions, all agricultural products, soil resources, farming, gardens, water resources, postures and forest must be evaluated and land use planning must be preserved because the focus is on sustainability. (Using the

GIS Layers for recognition and planning is essential).

7-For recognition and spatial planning of land use and, we must also have monitoring and evaluating the results. In this regard we can use satellites and field observation and checking. Monitoring must be performed for any fields even for planning the roads. (I‘ve evaluated the province roads, they are needs lots of development, and I have two photos from Khafr village that indicates that there is risk in the path of access.)

5.1- Subjects for future researches:

Because there isn‘t any especial plan for other villages, my research can be used as a model for evaluating ecotourism development for remaining villages in the Isfahan

Province. All the ecotourism attraction must be searched and evaluated and for all its dimensions must be planed. From now on, it must be data banks for these 26 villages.

Officials must plan for these villages according to two models that have represented.

Basis of plans must be on these two models. Infra structures must be evaluated; safe water is one important factor which must exactly examine. For development of

238 ecotourism enough safe water and suitable institutions with proper labor force must be existed.

5.2- Suggestions

We must also train ecotourists themselves. It can be a research on the education of tourists and local people, research on world experiences on the ecotourism development in the rural, tribal regions and natural environments in order to adopt these experiences in planning and decision making in Iran as well as Isfahan.

Khafr and Garmeh development Plans are two proper models but if they aren‘t managed well, we can not optimistic to their long lasting results.

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242 Appendix:

Photos related to traditional guest-house of Garmeh:

Photo 1:

Photo 2:

243 Photo 3:

It is a picture of guest house with the perspective of the other houses.

Photo 4:

244 Photo 5:

This is a view of the insides of one of the rooms of traditional guest-house with its traditional fire place.

245 Photo 6:

These are samples of the tools that were used by people in this village in ancient times and they have been collected with the purpose of indicating these types of tools to the new descendant in this guest-house. These types of tools can also be revived and used today.

246 Photo 7:


Photo 8:

These are two kinds of earthenware which are made with the soil of this region because the soil is suitable for making earthenware. Some of them are kept in this guest- house which belongs to about 50-60 years ago and they were used for preserving date and its juice.


Photo 9:

This is a perspective of another room of this guest-house with its bedding. It has one door and its architecture aided to the extreme temperature and dry environment.


Photo 10:

This is a perspective of the guest-house from its roof.

Photo 11:

250 Photo 12:

Photo 13:

This picture shows the corridor of this guesthouse which worked as a ventilation.


Photo 14:

Photo 15:

252 Photo 15 shows a perspective of a room and the corridor of the guest- house. This corridor as is said worked as ventilation and its architecture had suitable for human adaptation to live with the desert. The architecture of the rooms aided to the environmental problems. The human adaptation of this guest- house is perfect and can be considered as an ecotourism attraction.

Photo 16:

This is another room of this guest house with traditional lightening just in case when the electricity is cut off.

253 Photo 17:

Photo 18:

254 Photo 19:

This picture shows a part of the roof which its function was as air ventilation.

Photo 20:

255 Photo 21:

This is another old houses in this village which also be restored and can be considered as an attraction for tourists.

256 Photos related to old stream and warm water of Garmeh:

Photo 22:

This is the place of warm water of the village. Locals use this warm water for treatment.

This stream is an ecotourism attraction and tourists are interested to come here and use

Its warm water.

257 Photo 23:

Photo 24:

258 Photo 25:

Photo 26:

The ecology of the spring hot water is in such a situation that some species of the fishes live and survive in this warm water.

259 Photos related to camel riding in Mesr village:

Photo 27:

This is one of the camels which is used for camel riding with the background of Kolu mosque.

Photo 28:

These are some camels which are kept in front of the guest-house for camel riding of the tourists.

260 Photo 29:

This is a photo of camel riding of the tourists with 3 men who are in charge of camel riding in desert and sands.

261 Photo 30:

262 Photo 31:

263 Photo 32:

264 Photo 33:

265 Photo 34:

This is a photo of shadows of camel riding in the desert.


Photo 35:

Even the tourists‘ children are interested to camel riding in the desert.

267 Photos related to moving sands of Garmeh:

Photo 36:

268 Photo 37:

269 Photo 38:

She is a foreign tourist which has Hijab. She is trained to respect the Islamic law.

270 Photo 39:

Photo 40:

271 Photo 41:

Even children are interested to play in moving sands instead of playing at the seashore of

Mediterranean Sea.

Photo 42:

272 Photo 43:

Photo 44:

273 Photo 45:

Photo 46:

274 Photo 47:

Children from different nationality come to Garmeh and adapt together well and they are very happy.

275 Photos related to salt sea:

Photo 48:

276 Photo 49:

It‘s a perspective of salt lake. The camels can feed from the vegetation.

277 Photo 50:

Photo 51:

278 Photo 52:

It‘s a photo of polygons of very solid dry sediments. The sediments also are hard enough which driving possible.


Photos related to observing sunset and sunrise:

Photo 53:

Sunset and sunrise of the desert is very beautiful and it‘s interesting for tourists.

280 Photo 54:

281 Photo 55:

282 Photo 56:

283 Photo 57:

This is part of a rainbow.

284 Photos related to tent-dwelling:

Photo 58:

Because the desert has moving sands, the weather conditions must be analyzed. Also the blast of wind and the time of blowing must be indicated. Because the sedenterization of the tourists is not equipped and if it‘s not organized, it‘s not suitable for sand storm. The sedenterization must be organized at first.

285 Photo 59:

Photo 60:


Photo 61:

Photo 62:

287 Photos related to palm grove of Garmeh:

Photo 63:

This is a photo of palm grove with a perspective of water of the spring which is used for agriculture today.

288 Photo 64:

The palm grove is the biggest palm grove at the region and it‘s almost at the back of the guest-house.

Photo 65:

It is a picture of an old palm tree. It can be concluded that locals could use from the wood for cooking.

289 Photos related to flora and fauna of Garmeh:

Photo 66:

The flora and fauna of Garmeh is also very attractive and beautiful especially for tourists who are interested in scientific researches.

290 Photo 67:

The major product of this village is date. Other products are date juice and pomegranate juice and some handicrafts. The products of this village can be exported and aid the economic growth of the village. The seeds of dates also can be used for making vegetable oil. And its leftover also can be used for herd.

291 Photo 68:

Photo 69:

This is a kind of desert flower.

292 Photo 70:

Photo 71:

293 Photo 72:

Photos 70 to 72 are photos of variety of fauna.

294 Photo 73:

Photo 74:

These are photos related to a couple who travel to Iran for their honeymoon and they also came to Garmeh.