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WOMEN IN ENGINEERING Deadline: November 7, 2014 SUMMER SCHOOL IN STUDENT APPLICATION PACKAGE Program Dates: July 2015 NSCC International creates international learning opportunities for NSCC Students and Employees as part of NSCC’s UNIQUE LEARNING EXPERIENCE. ENTREPRENEURSHIP and INNOVATION are a special focus for programs this academic year. Program Summary Program Qualifications This intensive two-week program combines sophisticated This program is open to first and second year NSCC Engi- theory with hands-on practical experience in engineering neering Technology students (all streams). The students and natural sciences. The program also includes the topics of must be women between the ages of 17-26 social, cross-cultural and gender issues discussed through lec- tures, seminars and workshops. Participants will also partake • Student must be in good academic standing in a social/cultural program with site visits to attractions in • Student must have a valid passport (or able to get one) .

The Academy in Engineering for Women is open to women between the ages of 17-26. The academy will take place July 2015 for two weeks.

About Wels, Austria and the University of Applied Sciences Upper Austria Located in the very heart of Upper Austria, Wels today is a busy centre for trade and industry, right between Munich and , Prague and . With a population of 55,000 and located 25 kilometres west of (the capital of Upper Austria, population c. 180,000 ), Wels is a dynamic business location based on high-tech industries (mainly SMEs), many of which operate worldwide. The annual Wels Trade Fair in September is more than just a European event as it is attended by companies from all over the world. The University of Applied Sciences Upper Austria (UASUA) is the largest university of applied sciences in Austria and is an integral part of the tertiary education system. The institution is defined by the requirement s of regional employment and research needs and is divided into four campuses (in Wels, Linz, Hagenberg and ). The University of Applied sciences Upper Austria (UASUA) Wels Campus (School of Engineering and Social Sciences) has been work- ing with NSCC since 1020 echanging students into Tngineering Technology Programs such as Mechanical Engineering Technology, Environmental Engineering Technology and Electrical Angineering Technology. NSCC has also welcomes two interns from UASUA completing projects in the Applied Research Lab. International Women in Engineering Summer School 2015 STUDENT APPLICATION PACKAGE DEADLINE: November 7, 2014

Program Components

• Academic classroom sessions facilitated by faculty (mostly women) from the University of Applied Sciences Upper Austria and other institutions from around the world, providing scientific and technical backgrounds on a variety of workshop topics and information on the role of women in science and opportunities in scientific/engineering careers. • Hands-on applied learning in engineering and natural sciences • Cross-cultural activities will include visits to various historical and cultural sites.

Learning Outcomes • To develop and refine the skills needed to prepare for and participate in an international learning experience includ- ing research, organization, risk management, teamwork, interpersonal communication and cultural competence and sensitivity. • To identifyand reflect on the differences and similarities between Canada and Austria in regards to the industry of engineering and the role of women in engineering. • To strengthen academic and portfolio profiles through enhanced research, analytical thinking, planning, communica- tion, innovation, entrepreneurship and applied learning.

Selection Criteria • Must be a NSCC student (ages 17-26) with a valid passport (or able to get one). • Must be a female student enrolled in an Engineering Technology Program the in the School of Trades and Technology. • Applicants must be in good academic standing. AUSTRIA Application Requirements • Student Application Form (last page completed and signed)

• Questions (Answered on a seperate sheet)

• Current Resume

Students should return their completed application to NSCC International on or beforeNovember 7, 2014. Following interviews with shortlisted candidates, students will be notified in the first half of November if they are accepted to participate in this pro- gram. Within two weeks of receiving approval, students are expected to submit a $500 deposit toward the program fees. The dates for the remaining payments will be identified after being selected for the program. Complete applications should be sent via e-mail to [email protected]. Paper applications will not be accepted. Applications can be scanned into a single document or sent as attachments.

Copyright: R. Steiner International Women in Engineering Summer School 2015

STUDENT APPLICATION PACKAGE DEADLINE: November 7, 2014 Project Timeline (subject to channge)

October 2014 Student Application (Call for Submission) November 2014 Student Selection December 2014 Student Learning Contracts finalized and signed January 2015 Research phase initiated April 2015 Pre-departure Orientation (facilitated by NSCC International) July 2015 Women in Engineering Summer School August 2015 Completion of project debriefing and reporting

Pre-Departure • Students accepted into this program must particpate in all pre-departure sessions and activities

• Students must follow the NSCC International travel policy ( Wait List Those who are interviewed but not selected may be placed on a wait list until all desposits are received. Program Cost The approximate costs associated with this program are outlined below. The exact costs will be confirmed and will depend on the Euro exchange rate. The following costs will be included in your, Program Fee payable to Nova Scotia Community College. Selected students may apply for a small bursary to cover living costs through the University of Applied Sciences Upper Austria.

Program Fee

ITEM COST Airfare (estimated cos $1,400 Program Fee (accommodation, meals, local excursion/transportation) *estimated cost $2,900 Travel Health Insurance $100 TOTAL (payable to Nova Scotia Community College) $4,400 CDN

Additional Individual Costs (may vary depending on individual) ITEM COST Passport and Passport photo $100 Immunizations and prescriptions $50 TOTAL $150 CDN

Participants are responsible for the costs of their passport & passport photos ($100), immunizations and prescriptions ($50), meals and any additional expenses not outlined in the Program Fee. Student Bursary Students will have the opportunity to apply for a $500 bursary from NSCC International (made possible through external fund- ing) to participate in the program. Application details will be sent to those selected to participate in the program. Withdrawl Students who withdraw from this program after they have confirmed their participation will forfeit their deposit. International Women in Engineering Summer School 2015 STUDENT APPLICATION PACKAGE DEADLINE: November 7, 2014



Please provide brief answers to the following questions on a separate sheet and return with your application:

1. Why would you like to participate in the 2015 Women in Engineering Summer School

2. Briefly outline how you could contribute to the is program using your skills and life experiences.

3. How will your participation in this program support your personal and professional portfolio learning goals?

4. Please give an example of how you were able to effectively work in a team.

5. Please give an example of how you were able to appreciate diversity.

Have QUESTIONS? Contact NSCC International [email protected]

Please return completd and signed application (which includes your personal information, the answers to the above questions on a separate page, your current CV and your signature to [email protected] on or beforeNovember 7, 2014.


I have read, understood and accepted the terms and conditions outlined in this form:



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