St. Petersburg), 186 American Medical Center Agate Pavilion (Tsarskoye Moscow, 74 Selo), 286 American Medical Center Abim Art (St
25_588990 bindex.qxp 12/17/05 12:42 AM Page 323 Index See also Accommodations and Restaurant indexes, below. GENERAL INDEX Admiralty (St. Petersburg), 186 American Medical Center Agate Pavilion (Tsarskoye Moscow, 74 Selo), 286 American Medical Center Abim Art (St. Petersburg), Airfares St. Petersburg, 202 263 surfing for, 29 AM Rent (Moscow), 73 Access-Able Travel Source, 25 tips for getting the best, Ananov (St. Petersburg), 266 Access America, 21 37–38 Andropov, Yuri, 295 Accommodations. See also Airlines, 36, 45 Anglia British Bookshop Accommodations Index bankruptcy and, 38 (St. Petersburg), 264 best, 5–6 long-haul flights, 38–40 Angliiskaya Naberezhnya Moscow, 79–96 Airplane (Samolyot; Moscow), (English Embankment; near the airport, 96 173 St. Petersburg), 269 Arbat, 89–91 Airport security, 36–37 Angliisky Podvorye (English family-friendly hotels, 84 Air Tickets Direct, 38 Courtyard; Moscow), around the Kremlin and Akhmatova, Anna, 311 143, 165 Red Square, 79–83 Aktsia (Moscow), 153 Anna Akhmatova Museum outside the Garden Ring, Akunin, Boris, 311 (St. Petersburg), 251 93–95 Akvarel (St. Petersburg), 275 Antikvariat na Bronnoi Petrovka and the Ukrain- Akvatoria (St. Petersburg), 279 (Moscow), 153 ian Quarter, 87–89 Alexander Gardens (Alexan- Antiques and collectibles prices for foreigners, 85 drovsky Sad; Moscow), Moscow, 152–153 south of Moscow River, 54, 127 St. Petersburg, 263 91–93 Alexander I, 294 Apartment rentals, 47 Tverskaya and environs, Alexander II, 294, 298 Apraksin Dvor (St. Petersburg), 84–87 Alexander III, 294 262, 265 St. Petersburg, 206–218 Alexander Nevsky Monastery Apshu (Moscow), 169 near the airport, 218 and Cemetery (Lavra Alek- Arbat District (Moscow), 55, 67 around the Hermitage, sandra Nevskogo; accommodations, 89–91 207–210 St.
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