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October 10th 2016


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This Newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by the Arthur E. Nelson University Archives at CSUSB ScholarWorks. It has been accepted for inclusion in Coyote Chronicle (1984-) by an authorized administrator of CSUSB ScholarWorks. For more information, please contact [email protected]. ern facility for students where they can live floor. “We’re mod new a provide to going ties andgenderneutralbathrooms oneach occupancy rooms,sharedbathroomfacili ing toFacilitiesPlanning&Management. winged, 4-story, 416-bedcomplex, accord year, accordingtoCSUSBNews. the start of the 2018-2019 academic school before finished be to expected and million sity.” building projects in history of thisuniver ceremony symbolized, “one of the largest Residential Education, the groundbreaking tor oftheDepartmentHousingand dining commonsandstudenthousing. commemorate the construction of a new Construction begins onCSUSB’s singlelargest development project intheschoolshistory, Jack H.Brown BusinesshalllocatedinLotE,where outsideof there willbeanew dininghallandstudenthousingdevelopment. COYOTECHRONICLE.NET Emily Anne Espinosa|Chronicle Photo The designwillprovidefordouble The newresidencehallwillbeatwo The housingproject will cost$95.8 For Dr. John Yaun, executive direc CSUSB formally breaks groundto

Features By EMILY ANNEESPINOSA Staff Writer Staff - - - - - Breaking ground student. ing,” said Justin Escopete, a fourth year CSUSB isnotreadyfornewhousing. istration. for Student Orientation Advising andReg Cortez, a Student Orientation Coordinator tions for our freshmen,” said Marco Polo op housing more create to best it’s doing and studyspaces. Mentors, multi-purpose meeting rooms Faculty-in-Residence, Academic program, academic performance through theHonors year first for students with the intention of promoting hall residence a as signed able toenjoy,” saidDr. Yaun. food venuesthat theentire campus willbe dining hall that will have several different there aswellwehavethisbrandnew there, they can study there, take classes year. and readytotackle this Students getorganized Back toschool... THE INDEPENDENTSTUDENT VOICE OFCALIFORNIASTATE UNIVERSITY, SANBERNARDINOSINCE1965 “Classes arealready impacted and “Personally, I don’t like the new hous Some studentsareconcerned that is school the that great it’s think “I The housing project is also being de pg. 7 Vol. LIV, No. 1 - - - - ing location,accordingtoCSUSBNews. ed, the school’s first planned late night din added Akinremi. cost,” the worth isn’t served being food the say it. Some for paying difficulties their and complain about thecostofmeal plan ties tonotrunoutofmoney, butstilleat.” helping the residentshavemoreopportuni that, “I thinkthattheall-you-can-eat is and residential assistant oncampus,stated according toCSUSBNews. ternational cuisines and display cooking, feature a grill, sandwiches andsalads,in all-you-care-to-eat dining hall that will pus?” addedEscopete. priority registration beforetherestofcam the university wants to give more students

Sports “I thinkit[Slated]willgivestudents The second diningservice will be Slat “However, Idohearsomeresidents student year fifth a Akinremi, Toyin The dining project will include a new - - - - - added Cortez. CSUSB,” for time exciting It’san well. as most otherpeoplewillbegintorealize that school willseeinthenextfewyearsthat upcoming renovations and construction the States in the system and I think with all the school isexpanding,”statedCortez. the glad I’m but halls, new the of pletion ning andManagement. Plan Facilities to according ergyefficient, intention of being environmental and en Yaun added. also providessomeconvenience aswell,” night hereoncampus,”said Yaun. travel offthere’sbecause campus at go to place a to have don’t students means that ing off to some of the fast food places, plus a better, healthier food option besidesgo Know thepros... vegetarian lifestyle. and vegan a between Analyzing thedifferences W ral ae n o te et Cal best the of one are really “We “I will have graduated before thecom The entire projectisdesignedwiththe “I think this provides some safety, but MONDAY, OCTOBER 10,2016 Photo courtesyofJohnYaun Photo courtesyofJohnYaun pg. 15 - - - - News Chronicle Page 2 MONDAY, OCTOBER 10, 2016 Police look to lower S.B.’s homocide rate

Photo courtesy of Manuel Ramirez

By ISRAEL RAMIREZ definitely scary being on school grounds Staff Writer especially with all the mass shootings our country has been facing but the campus po- The city of San Bernardino has sur- lice really made us feel safe having officers passed the city of Chicago as the deadliest throughout the entire university,” said stu- Coyote Chronicle city in the US. dent Eduardo Magaña. Chicago being amongst the three larg- Although the city’s homicide levels Editor in Chief Abigail Tejada Sports Editor Lauren Jennings est cities in the nation is also amongst the are still lower than those that occurred in top of the list in homicides per year, but the ‘90s, there is still an increase worth no- Managing Editor Dalal Museitef Asst. News Editor Alexander Douglas is shunned by San Bernardino’s homicide ticing in comparison to recent years. This ratio with less than a quarter of Chicago’s leaves many to wonder the causes behind News Editor Kyle Richardson Jacob Collins population. the increase in homicides which can be Online Editor Having an approximate population of linked to the nations 2008 great recession. only 216,000 inhabitants, San Bernardino Opinions Editor Nicholas Whitt Illustrator Joaquin Junco Jr. has already seen as much as 50 homicides San Bernardino was one of the cities as October arises, topping Chicago as the that suffered the most during this time, Features Editor Michael Isberto Copy Editors Kiara Paul deadliest city in the nation according to eventually leading the city into bankruptcy CBS Los Angeles. in 2012 with $45 million in debt according Diana Ramos Arts and Entertainment Editor Estefania Torres If these homicide rates continue, San to CNN. Steffanie Martinez Bernardino would end the year with a ho- With the 2008 great recession and the micide rate of 31 per 100,000 residents, city declaring bankruptcy this eventually Faculty Adviser Mariam Betlemidze topping both Chicago who had 18 and Los led to the police force being diminished Advertising Manager Linda Sand Angeles with 7 according to the Los Ange- substantially. les Times. Since the police department has been Staff Writers “Growing up in San Bernardino I’ve reduced by 30 percent, from 356 to 248 watched people being victimized most of staff members, since triggering an increase Joshua Adamson, Erika Aguilar, Shamce Ahmad, Geraldine Carrillo, Kieron Coleman, Alexander my life, it is definitely concerning but I in crime according to The Sun. Douglas, Angel Escobedo, Emily Anne Espinosa, Diara Fowler, Gregory Gammill, Yena Hong, Tricia also think today’s technology exposes the San Bernardino facing an economic Kang, Tommy McCardle, Yera Nanan, Gladys Oliva, Jasmine Perez, Israel Ramirez, Kathleen violence occurring throughout the city,” crisis along with an increase in crime rates said local resident Manuel Veron. can now take a short breath. Ramirez, Spencer Reifel, Nylles Vernon, Veronica Vicente, Saeed Villanueva, Zhiying Xu, Hairuo Yi With a total of 50 homicides already In 2015, it was announced that San being recorded barely edging out of Sep- Bernardino was planning to invest an ad- Mail: Office:(909) 537-5289 tember the city is indeed alerted by the in- ditional $91 million into law enforcement California State University, San Bernardino Advertising: (909) 537-5815 crease in crime. over the next 20 years according to The University Hall, Room UH-037 E-mail: [email protected] In 2015, the city saw a total of 44 Sun. 5500 University Parkway coyotechronicle.net homicides,including the 14 who were killed This plan could possibly take a while San Bernardino, CA 92407 during the terrorist attack in early Decem- to take effect, but it is a start in making the ber according to . city feel safer, like most of the city’s re- The Coyote Chronicle is published every Friday for distribution on Monday during the aca- Many of the CSUSB students, feel gions. demic session by the Communication Department. The opinions expressed in the Chronicle are safe in the city of San Bernardino because The city of San Bernardino has faced those of the student writers and editors and do not reflect the views of the university, its faculty, of the countless hours of hard work the many hardships within the last few years, city’s police department is achieving day in return, city officials are working- ex or any other person or institution unless expressly noted. The appearance of any advertisement by day. tremely hard to restore the city we once in the Chronicle does not represent an endorsement of the products or services advertised. The “I was on campus while the terrorist knew back to its rightful place. Chronicle reserves the right to edit or reject all materials submitted to the paper. attack was occurring late last year, It was News Chronicle Page 3 MONDAY, OCTOBER 10, 2016 New bill to keep riders safe

UBER & LYFT Photo courtesy of Abigail Tejada By SAEED VILLANUEVA settled with the state for $500,000 and Uber for “I’ve only used Uber with friends never by Staff Writer $25 million this past April, according to cnet.com. myself, I don’t think I would feel as safe if I was According to , compa- alone,” said student Danielle Brooks. Students New California law will force all Uber and Lyft nies who fail to conduct a full background check don’t feel this bill is too intrusive and believe the drivers to undergo criminal background checks. could be fined a minimum of $1,000 and a maxi- safer the better. “I don’t think its too intrusive, it On Sept. 28 California Gov. Jerry Brown mum of $5,000 per driver. makes things more safe and less sketchy,” said signed a bill into law that will require all Uber and Many people are already very pleased with Brooks. Lyft drivers or any other transportation network this new bill; however, some people feel both com- Uber and Lyft have expressed their feelings on company, to do complete background checks on panies should have already had a policy in place the new bill. drivers according to the LA Times. to begin with and the state shouldn’t of had to step “We appreciate the combined efforts of Gov- As of today the law only requires background in and create a bill. “I feel Uber should’ve done ernor Brown and the legislature to create an envi- checks to cover the past seven years for any driver. something themselves, but it is good that the state ronment that allows TNCs like Lyft to grow and According to the LA Times, the law will pro- stepped in and did something about it,” said stu- thrive in California,” Lyft said in a statement to hibit people who are registered sex offenders, have dent Amber Sima. FOX40.com. any violent felonies and anybody who has had a Although, most students have never had a Students who live on and off campus tend to DUI within the past seven years from being a driv- problem while using these transportation compa- look to use these combined $2.3 billion transporta- er as well. nies, students do think they will feel more safe with tion net companies on a regular basis, especially on Stories of sexual assaults, harassment, rape this new law. the weekends. and battery have all been problems in the past for “I’ve never had any problems, but it’ll make It is a way that they can reassure that they do these companies. Back in 2014, they were sued for things even more comfortable when I use it,” said not get in trouble with the law, though they should misinforming passengers about safety and back- Sima. be able to feel safe while riding with Uber or Lyft ground checks. Many college students who use these two “It’s not going to get rid of all the problems, Government officials were able to uncover 25 transportation companies often use the service but I think it’s a good idea it will keep some of drivers who previously had various charges of as- when they are out with a group of people and hard- the bad people away,” said CSUSB student Emily sault, murder, sexual offenses and child abuse. Lyft ly ever use them when they are alone. Martin.

CCBriefs: By ALEXANDER DOUGLAS Oil Disperses naturally in water? Asst. News Editor Journalists Beaten and Electrocuted in Egypt British Oil says oil from North Sea spill Three photojournalists were beaten and to disperse naturally in the sea according to China Text Laws electrocuted after being detained for spreading . All texts and social media can now be false information according to middleeasteye. The spill had released 95 tons of oil into used in the court of law in China according com. The trio were caught after conducting in- the sea. to qz.com. terviews on the streets in Cairo. “At present, we believe the most appro- Private online communications like Rights groups are saying that the Egyptian priate response is to allow the oil to disperse group chats are still left to debate to see President Abdel Fattah al-Sisi is repressing all naturally at sea, but contingencies for other how courts will handle them. opposition after the former president was over- action are being prepared,” BP stated. thrown.

Oct. 1 Oct. 2 Oct. 3 Oct. 5 Oct. 6 Oct. 6

North Korean Defectors defect Accidentally Arrested Restored Limbs Two high ranking officials defect from North Ko- A Dutch tourist is arrested after pulling the A former Marine sergeant who has rea in the embassy in Beijing. plug on a loudspeaker during a religious sermon in undergone a double arm transplant can A high ranking Health Ministry official and - an Myanmar. now pursue his dream as a chef according other senior member made contact with the Japanese Klaas Haytema was trying to get some sleep to Japan Times embassy in China to negotiate living in Japan accord- and walked over to where he thought kids were John Peck had lost all four limbs after ing to koreajoongangdaily.com. playing music to unplug the speaker according to an explosion in Afghanistan and under- South Korea knows about the defectors and is cur- news.com.au went 14 hours of surgery in May 2010. rently working on bringing them to South Korea. “I did not notice that it was a religious building. Peck is now able to hold his fiancee’s I am really sorry and apologize,” said Haytema. hand. News Chronicle Page 4 MONDAY, OCTOBER 10, 2016

Scholarship opportunity opens for Science majors. Grants of up to $34,000 will guarantee ten students a chance to students books, travel allowance, and funds for their Bachelor’s or Master’s degree.

Photo courtesy of Tricia Kang

Cyber security program strikes again By TRICIA KANG the benefits of the scholarships led by the National Institute of Staff Writer include books, travel allowance, Standards and Technology in the and a stipend of $22,500 for Bach- United States Department of Com- For the past eight years our elor’s or $34,000 for Master’s of merce, focus on developing the campus cyber security center has Science. number of cyber security profes- been a top ten cyber security de- The program covers the stu- sionals to develop direct software partment in the United States. dent’s full tuition fees for Cali- development, practical skills, and CSUSB’s nationally distin- fornia residents, in addition the acquire sufficient knowledge in guished cyber security program scholarship involves a summer in- computer science. received two federal grants to ternship with a federal agency. The N.I.C.E trains and edu- continue outreach and scholarship The nationally recognized cates change and innovate incom- program. program selects ten candidates to ing cyber security professionals “While keeping information fill the open positions yearly. In to establish leadership skills and confidential and assuring to protect addition to the internships students other various skills. our information, those that posses are paid by the agency they work The vision of the N.I.C.E is excellent capability in cyber secu- for. to pursue actions to increase edu- rity and computer science should Students selected for the cational opportunity in means of receive the federal grant that will scholarship must be enrolled in providing key training with hands help ones education, training, and full time coursework at CSUSB in on learning, and to increase the workforce development. With a computer science, informational ability to perform tasks that lead foot in the door studying in this systems,technology cyber security to developing a secure security of field is a stable well paying job as and public or business administra- data and computer networks. technology is everywhere,” said tion. Our campus’ notable cyber computer science major Sharvari As federal funds are going to- defense team is well equipped with Tavkar. wards important attributes to cyber a cyber security research lab, help- “As a reflections of this excel- security programs; students and ing lay the foundation to evolve lence, CSUSB was designated as employees are trying to promote, young cyber security majors with a Center of Academic Excellence devise, and protect cyberspace. skills they need to succeed in this in Cyber Defense/ Information As- The center can receive re- workforce for specialty areas in surance through 2021,” according newable grants to continue cyber Cyber Investigations and Network to CSUSB News. security programs at colleges and Security Administration. The Cyber Corps scholarship universities. This is a great chance for stu- program is now in its seventh year, October is National Cyberse- dents to showcase their knowledge available to juniors, seniors, and curity Awareness Month, which and dive into the depths of com- graduate students, including com- is an annual campaign to raise puter science. munity college transfers majoring awareness about cyber security. This scholarship is limited to in the cyber security field. The National Initiative for Cy- ten students and the deadline is According to CSUSB News, bersecurity Education (N.I.C.E), April 30, 2017. Opinions Chronicle Page 5 MONDAY, OCTOBER 10, 2016

Geraldine Carillo | Chronicle Photo The Daily Struggle : Pay to park 20 minutes later By GERALDINE CARRILLO is ridiculously high considering it for the parking permit or the $300 tor. Staff Writer takes me way over 20 minutes to for daily parking over a quarter,” Thus I was given the run around, find parking and the school decides said student, Dustin Scroggins. instead of being informed of the in- As I am arriving at the park- to close off an entire parking struc- When asking the Parking and formation I was seeking. Yet, there ing lot I consider myself a fisher- ture in front of Jack Brown, lessen- Transportation Services office for is an argument that the space being man, ready to catch the next student ing our options to find parking and a chance to get the most informa- used for these parking lots does cost heading to his/her car for a parking causing us to be late to our classes” tion I could on parking permits, I money. spot. said student, Alicia Rocha was informed that I would talk to a Although there are students that Circles and circles, I am waiting Parking Permits vary in costs, a supervisor. still park out of school grounds for that one fish that will generously parking permit for a quarter is ap- After 20 minutes of waiting pa- such as restaurants and stores near- catch the bait I have been holding in proximately $102 dollars. tiently, I was then told by the em- by the school, students would rather my fishing rod for such a long time A parking permit for a whole ployee that the only person that can walk to school than pay $102-$306 now. I’m 15 minutes late to class, year is three times that, excluding help me was the director of Parking for parking at CSUSB. frustrated and annoyed I look at my summer parking. and Transportation Services. “I used to park outside of Rite- mirror and after 40 minutes of fish- They also have hourly permits There were no hard or difficult Aid during my freshman year just ing I finally see a fish that is coming which vary from $2.50 - $6.00 ac- questions asked to any employee or to not pay parking and also because my way! At last! cording to Parking and Transporta- staff member. it was always full, said student, When driving in CSUSB park- tion Services of. There was one simple question Daniel Carrillo. Parking Permits ing lots, do you ever ask yourself, “After paying for tuition, books asked; “Do you know how many should be required, but all to a cer- why are we as a student body, pay- and the expenses of having a car, I parking spaces there is in each of tain price. ing for something so expensive like only have enough to get some bur- the campus parking lots?”. Most importantly, we should be parking permits when it takes me so ritos from Del Taco. How are they The employee later referred me informed of where our parking per- long to park? expecting me to pay either the $105 once again to the department direc- mit money is going. “The cost for student parking America questions herbivorous By KATHLEEN RAMIREZ and the environment, but America “I tried sticking to a vegan diet as though I am being shamed by Staff Writer is a meat eating country and becom- last summer, and even lost a good people who do eat clean when I am ing a Vegan or Vegetarian means, amount of weight but in the long seen eating a juicy hamburger, fries Veganism and Vegetarianism no meat, no dairy and no animal run it ended up being too expensive and coke when there are healthy op- are rapidly becoming a popular products. and didn’t work with my budget. tions offered on the menu. lifestyle choice, taking America by A plant-based diet supplies our Organic food is more expensive, Overall, I get why there are storm. bodies with all the protein, calcium I was spending $100-$120 a week those who commit themselves to a This comes as no surprise, con- and essential vitamins that we need, on vegan food and condiments,” vegan and vegetarian diet, it serves sidering the numerous benefits that according to vegansociety.com. said student Rudy Morales. a great cause in many ways. come with eating a plant-based diet “I would not say I am a vegetar- “People are conditioned to eat However, for most of us, my- such as: improved health, environ- ian, but I definitely am health con- meat,” added Morales. self included, this strict diet is just mental recovery and saving animal science about what I put into my So if pricing is a big issue when one step too far and I am not ready lives by preventing the inhumane body. I do not eat a lot of meat, I eat it comes to shopping for healthy for that type of discipline and com- treatment they suffer from commer- mainly fish and greens, it’s about foods, what if restaurants and fast mitment. Follow me on twitter and cial farmers. finding a balance that works for food joints offered a wider variety Instagram and share your favorite But even with the all the evi- you,” said student Sarah Franco. of vegan and vegetarian options? vegan or non vegan dish. @kath- dence telling us how much healthier I will be the first one to admit Would this help sway people leenie87 #veganfood #vegetarian- eating clean is, will this style of liv- that giving up meat is not an easy into making a healthier choice? life ing ever become the social norm? task, especially for those who had a “It’s not about the restaurants Personally, I think it is obvi- carnivores upbringing like myself. offering more, it’s about decid- ously better for all of us to con- In my opinion it does seem well ing if I’m ready to make the tinue down this path and adapt to a worth the challenge in the long run, commitment of changing my healthier way of eating. but I don’t think I would last long, eating habits on a daily basis,” But, in all seriousness I honestly which makes me believe that Fran- said student Danny Sanchez. don’t see this alternative lifestyle co has the right idea about finding a There are many food completely taking over anytime balance. chains that now offer a veg- soon. It does not sound quite as scary an or vegetarian selec- People are set in their ways and to phase out some of my meat and tion. the bottom line is meat tastes better. dairy intake, rather than giving it all However, I al- Yes, it is better for our health up. ways seem to feel Opinions Chronicle Page 6 MONDAY, OCTOBER 10, 2016 The Hardest decision America will face: Which hand will you choose?

Illustration courtesy of mikeymegamega

By ALEXANDER DOUGLAS great parties, each arranged under tion that Roosevelt was in. playing field. Assist. News Editor its leader, and concerting measures People only see these parties as A third party is viable in the fu- in opposition to each other.” the viable options because they are ture, but people need to see the en- Would you rather be kicked in Yet, here we are in the year 2016 the only parties they see regularly tire spectrum of politics instead of the shin or punched in the stomach? and we have generally had only two in media. having tunnel vision. This is exactly what it feels like major parties throughout the history Having two parties isn’t healthy If we are to continue as a nation with the upcoming election between of the United States. for us as a nation because in the rest and a democracy we need to be able and Donald Trump. “I don’t like either candidate. of life there are multiple options. to have more choices in our Demo- According to Real Clear Poli- Trump for sure. He’s ignorant and Look at other countries in the cratic elections. tics, Hillary Clinton has an average comes from money. I like Hill- world, like Israel, that have many The trend has been since the unfavorable rating of 53.9 percent ary more because she’s more edu- political parties that are all running founding of the United States to while Donald Trump has an aver- cated but she lies and tries to cover against each other. choose like they only see black and age unfavorable rating of 58 per- them up. I’m going to vote for a It’s not that people don’t know white instead of seeing the whole cent based on eight different polls. third party and so are most of my about the other parties either be- spectrum. On average 41 percent of reg- friends,”said student Mark Arthur. cause some of them are explicitly There should be an outlet to al- istered voters will vote for Clinton This makes it harder for people written on the voting ballots, such low other parties to get more cov- while 37 percent are going to vote to choose a third party because herd as Former New Mexico governor erage my media outlets to even out for Trump. mentality has forced people to only Gary Johnson. the playing field. The two party system has a choose from the major two parties. This has been the trend since A third party is viable in the fu- strangle hold on America and the The only time a third party has the founding of the United States; ture, but people need to see the en- majority of its voters forcing them come even close to winning was choose like there is only black and tire spectrum of politics instead of to vote for either the Democratic or Theodore Roosevelt and the Bull white, instead of seeing the whole having tunnel vision. the Republican party. Moose Party. spectrum. If we are to continue as a nation John Adams actually warned Even he had a political back- There should be an outlet that and a democracy we need to be able the United States by saying, “there ground, but in today’s age we do allows other parties to get more to have more choices in our demo- is nothing which I dread so much as not have someone in the same posi- coverage by media to even out the cratic elections. a division of the republic into two Features Chronicle Page 7 MONDAY, OCTOBER 10, 2016 Back to school essentials Coyotes discuss their favorite back to school supplies, technology, essentials, as well as some advice to fresh faced freshmen to get them ready for the new school year.

Shamce Ahmad | Chronicle Photos

Israel Ramirez | Chronicle Photo

By SHAMCE AHMAD everyone is trying to get the ones to a mentor or see an adviser,” said Other suggestions given by Staff Writer up in the front.” Vasquez, “because it’s a big transi- students were to set a bedtime for Supplies for school and the tion from high school to college.” yourself every night and to turn off The new school year has ar- most recommended items to keep Academic advising is avail- all electronic devices half an hour rived at CSUSB, and students have with you were also suggested. able in room 380 of University before sleeping. exchanged advice for their fellow “Go to your first class before Hall. As far as navigating the cam- students such as tips for parking, you buy the book,” according to Appointments have to be pus goes, Vasquez notes that you recommendations for school gear, Robert Klimper, “because you made ahead of time to see a men- shouldn’t be afraid to ask for help. and ways to get better sleep and may not need it after all,” Saving tor or adviser. “ I feel like everyone here is guides for navigating campus. money is a big part of university Getting a healthy amount of very friendly,” she said, “so if you “Avoid University Parkway at life. sleep is paramount to succeeding just approach them they won’t hes- all costs...it is a nightmare,” said Professors have books listed in achieving a good GPA accord- itate to help point you in the right student Savanah Donahoe. on their syllabuses, which can ing to students. direction.” Most students agreed that become unnecessary as Klimper “Students should be getting When registering, “stay away parking is a constant struggle at mentioned. their eight hours of sleep every from temporary classrooms,” said every hour during the day, in spite “Student should always keep night,” according to Vasquez, Donahoe, “because they are al- of the construction of the brand change or cash for printing since “otherwise they will be falling ways hot and the air conditioning new parking Lot N. the machines don’t take debit or asleep in their classes,” Vasquez, sucks.” Surrounding streets that can credit cards.” suggested Donahue. a seasoned student, had struggles She suggests that Jack Brown be taken to avoid University Park- All computer labs on campus getting to sleep on time in the past. Hall is the ideal place to take way are Kendall Avenue and Little have accessible printing stations. “School becomes nap time if classes. As much as we try to be 10 Mountain Road. All you need is cash or student ID you don’t go to bed at a reasonable minutes early to find a reasonable “The parking lots that are less to print. time,” junior Robert Klimper said, parking space, it looks like we’re crowded are the ones in the back Getting around campus was “and you’re never going to learn going to need to push it to 20 min- of the school,” said Vasquez, “... also a key discussion point. “Talk that way.” utes before class. Features Chronicle Page 8 MONDAY, OCTOBER 10, 2016 COYOTE SPOTLIGHT Instructor Sidney Robinson wants to make the community better By TOMMY MCCARDLE city council. Staff Writer “It isn’t a knock on any of them individually,” said Robinson. “It’s just When Sid Robinson isn’t enjoying a more of a situation where the chemistry round of fantasy football or at a Dodgers is not good, and there is too much fo- game, he is teaching at CSUSB. Robin- cus on individual opinions on how to get son is also busy on the campaign trail things done, and not a common vision. I running for City Council in the city of think I can steer the conversation.” Upland, California. Robinson is looking to bring his ex- Robinson is a new professor on cam- perience in this nonpartisan race on Nov. pus this fall quarter, however he isn’t a 8. new face to the educational institution. He has also worked with many orga- He was the associated vice president of nizations in the past, including the Los Public Affairs for the school from 2002- Angeles Dodgers, The Fairplex, Inland 2014. Valley Recovery Services, 20/20 Net- “My pledge is to bring an open- work, and more. minded, rational and collegiate approach During his time with the Dodgers to our City Council for the overall good between 1990-1993, he had many great of Upland,” according to Robinson’s conversations with baseball’s great Don campaign website, Sid4Upland.com. Drysdale and even shared a few words Some of Robinson’s proudest mem- on brief occasions with the legendary ories with CSUSB have been working Dodgers sportscaster Vin Scully. with great people, helping provide op- Teaching and running for city coun- portunities, expanding media develop- cil are not all that make up Sid Robin- ment, and having a hand in the creation son. In 2014, he launched Robinson and of the emergency notification system. Associates, a strategic communications “When I was here we created the and public relations company. new and existing logo,” said Robinson as Robinson has also been an avid he recollects on his first run at CSUSB, blogger for years. He runs Sips, Suds Robinson earned a Bachelor of Sci- and Spirits, a blog about adult bever- ence Degree in Communications from ages. It all started with his curiosity on California State Polytechnic University how to mix the perfect drink. Pomona, and a Masters of Arts in Public Sid also enjoys watching sports, as Relations from the University of South- CSUSB professor he is a fan of the Dodgers and returning ern California. and Upland City Los Angeles Rams. The 30 plus year resident of Upland For information on Robinson’s com- is looking to see his city succeed. Rob- Council candidate pany Robinson and Associates, you can inson feels that the Upland City Council visit the official website at www.robin- is not working together as well as they Sidney Robinson sonandassociates.us could. before class. When asked what Robinson could As a member of the city’s Planning do for CSUSB for the greater good if Commission and Chamber of Com- elected to city council, Robinson said merce, Robinson respectfully feels that that he would be open to hearing input there isn’t much balance currently on the Tommy McCardle | Chronicle Photo from CSUSB students.

Upcoming election and propositions By HAIRUO YI tion, but most of the students are willing to support tween both candidates happened on Sept. 26. Some Staff Writer Clinton. students watched this debate or looked at summa- With election day right around the corner, stu- “I am going to vote for Hillary and I hope she ries after the debate. dents are discussing propositions and our potential wins,” said CSUSB student, Alex Mathis. Students think this debate was unfair and bias president. Students have their opinions about Prop- Some students think it is hard to decide if they because both candidates did not look at both sides ositions (Prop.) 64 and 63, which discusses mari- will vote or not and they think their opinion will of the problem or debate in a logical manner. juana legalization and gun control. not have an important influence on the presidential “Donald Trump was attacking Hillary’s cred- Some students agree with Prop. 64 which legal- election. ibility, while Hillary was attacking Donald Trump’s izes marijuana; they think marijuana is similar to “I am 23-years-old and I never voted. I under- lack of using knowledge to identify problems,” said alcohol or tobacco. stand its civil fault on my part where I can com- Bonilla. “Marijuana being legal is not a bad thing at plain, but I am not doing anything about it,” said Students also have their own concerns about all,” said biochemistry student, Brandan Garcia. CSUSB biology student, Jose Bonilla. what will happen after the results of the presidential Students think Prop.63, which would require Many students at CSUSB are following the election are final. anyone who wishes to purchase ammunition to first presidential election through the internet, including Bonilla thinks some areas in this world are not acquire a permit, is unnecessary. discussion through social media. peaceful. He thinks people need to “think about the Students also have comments about Prop. 56, Both of the candidates are triggering people’s Middle East.” which increases the tax on tobacco. personal interest. Bonilla also believes Trump’s opinion can Ranissa Glenns thinks it is unnecessary to “That would make personal life better and not make the relationship with the Middle East worse. change the tobacco tax. so much with better for the rest of the country and it “Donald Trump will try to segregate people “Now you need to be 21-years-old to buy to- is really dividing the country in two,” said Bonilla. who are from Islam religion background and use bacco and I think that is wrong,” said Glenns. Some students think there was controversy with that fear to kind of put it away,” said Bonilla. Students are also focusing on the rivalry be- both candidates in the presidential election. Trump It is time to find out “what is better for the tween Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton in the up- is “racist” and Hillary has an “email problem,” said whole America,” Bonilla concluded, “This is the coming presidential election. Sergio Hernandez. time to be the least selfish ever.” The first debate of the presidential elections be- Each student has their own views on the elec- Features Chronicle Page 9 MONDAY, OCTOBER 10, 2016 SMSU welcomes ‘Yotes back By SEUNGKYUNG portunity LGBTQ+ quarter a Masquerade October 11 @ 5 p.m. BAEK members, allies and ball that will be held on Staff Writer those interested to get Oct. 14 at the SMSU There are vari- involved or learn more. lobby. ous events held at the “Members of the “This is basically CSUSB campus to cel- LGBTQ+ community a part of the homecom- ebrate the beginning of will attend and tell ing activities which in- the new academic year. their coming out sto- cludes dance and mu- Program board ries at school with no sic performance,” said hosts events for time limit,” said Liss- Delgadillo. CSUSB students to eth Reyes, program as- “People can wear have a fun time in the sistant of pride center slacks and shirts. A lot beginning of fall quar- department. of girls will wear for- ter. “I think the Com- mal gowns like a high “I would go to the ing Out Monologues school homecoming. It night terror because are really important,” will pretty nice dress,” I love scary movies a said student David Cal- said Destiny Lara. lot,” said student Noely baldon. “Staff will wear a Guzman. “The event lets stu- black uniform to dif- “We want them to dents share their story ferentiate with partici- just come out and enjoy and their struggles, al- pants,” said Lara. “But a scary movie without lowing them to freely people need to bring thinking about home- express themselves to their own mask.” work on that day,” said an audience with ears There will be a Delgadillo. that are open to hear,” live Jazz band, a DJ, The Coming Out continued Cabaldon. at the event. Food and Monologues is also an Many students in- drinks will also be pro- October 14 @ 8 p.m. - 12 a.m. event on campus that terviewed shared this vided. will bring LGBTQ+ same sentiment hoping “The purpose of community members they could attend, but the event is that a lot on Oct. 11 at the SMSU their schedules won’t of people come for the Theater. allow. first time homecom- The event is a To celebrate the ing dance celebration,” communication op- beginning of the fall said Lara.

October 27 @ 4 p.m. Arts & Entertainment Chronicle Page 10 MONDAY, OCTOBER 10, 2016

The Weeknd reinvents himself

Photo courtesy of Instagram @theweeknd

By ANGEL ESCOBEDO merchandised for the Fall/Winter 2016 which include tee’s, sweatpants, sweat- Staff Writer ers and much more. Fourth year student, Estephanie Camarillo said, “I’m excited to see what he Weeknd dropped new single “Starboy” and broke streaming The Weeknd will design, his sense of style is great and he is really creative.” records with over 17 million streams worldwide within the first The company has also announced that the artist and PUMA have paired up week. to create new sneakers and apparel which is influenced by The Weeknd’s street Not only is The Weeknd breaking records, he is also step- style in his label XO. This line is set to debut sometime in 2017. pingT into the fashion industry. Previous celebrities, like Rihanna and Cara Delevinge have only produced On Sept. 29, PUMA announced their collaboration with the artist and cur- female clothing, so this time around PUMA is working with The Weeknd to rent ambassador. design male apparel. The star tweeted, “excited to announce my partnership w/ @puma #Run- Puma stated in a press release, “…and his hustle in the music industry TheStreet. Also excited to release my PumaXO shoe and clothing line in 2017.” reflects the ‘on the go’ lifestyle campaign.”. Recently, PUMA has collaborated with celebrities including Kylie Jenner, Though not much has been said or revealed about the collaboration be- Rihanna and Cara Delevingne. tween the company and the singer, we can only expect the best and our guess Rihanna showed off her second collection of the Fenty line during the is that we will see a lot of sports apparel and sports shoes. 2016 Paris Fashion week. The anticipation is building as we wait for his new album, new campaign With so many A-List celebrities working with PUMA, The Weeknd will and of course his sneaker and apparel collection. be a part of the brand’s Sportstyle campaign titled “Run the Streets” which The star kicked off a big moment in his career by dropping a new music will debut in November and will include Ignite evoKNIT and Ignite Limitless video for his single on Sept. 28. sneakers and Evo apparel, which is PUMA’s new line. The concept of the new music video is about the star “killing” his old self “His laidback, streetwise style and swagger make him the right fit to head- and destroying all his past awards as he rides off into the night in a luxury car line PUMA’s latest Sportstlye campaign…”, stated the company. and a black cat as his passenger which turns into a black panther with glowing The Sportstyle Campaign is encouraging people to be themselves and to eyes. mix and match pieces to their own style; something that The Weeknd strongly The campaign is set to start next month and you can catch a glimpse of promotes. PUMA’s new collaboration with The Weeknd in his new music video Starboy The artist already has a line of clothing named “XO” and released new which has gotten over 32 million views on Youtube.

MOVIE REVIEW Inside the magical world of Tim Burtons new film

By SPENCER REIFEL the house of peculiar children. The danger is in a group of people, Staff Writer Director, Tim Burton, sets up the led by a man name Barron, played by film by introducing the actors and- pro Samuel L. Jackson, he is shown at the Inspired by Ransom Riggs’ novel, duction with behind the scene photos. start of the movie while Jake is heading “Miss Peregrine’s Home for Peculiar Even though the use of bright col- to his grandfather’s house. Children” hit theaters on Sept. 30 and ors was well used throughout the film, This group is after the peculiar chil- received a 64% approval rate accord- Burton did not miss the opportunity to dren, as you learn why Miss Peregrine’s ing to Rotten Tomatoes. include his signature dark and creepy takes care of the quite peculiar children. The film centers around Jake (Asa ways. Barron becomes a larger part and Butterfield). It follows his journey to The use of CGI was a crucial part of more well-known throughout the climax Miss Peregrine’s Home for peculiar chil- this movie with the aspects of the chil- of the movie. He is the main villain in the dren after the death of his grandfather. dren and the whole aspect of the danger- movie, and the way he leaves the movie You get taken back in time through ous group and their appearance for ex- is a quite peculiar way. Jake’s memory. ample, a scene of two figures fighting in The casting was paired effortlessly Through his memories, he finds his the addict has a very Burton est. feel to it. with the script and shared great relation way to Miss Peregrine’s home of pecu- From the scene of introduction to the with the colors and CGI uses. liar children. house where Miss Peregrines lives and This movie has just a little creepi- He discovers clues that lead mystery the introduction of bright colors, every- ness and happiness to pull you away that stretches across time, leading him to thing seemed to flow together. from reality into fancy for a few hours. Arts & Entertainment Chronicle Page 11 MONDAY, OCTOBER 10, 2016 More than just a pretty song

Sun don’t shine Feeling awesome in the shade/ Bird to be black, and can’t fly in a cage/ I’m murking Even when some- all competition/ body go away/ The Making what feelings don’t I want and that’s really go away/ a flex That’s just the wave

Be leery bout your place in the Jesus’ black life world/ ain’t matter, I know You’re feeling I talked to his dad- like you’re chas- dy / Said you the ing the world/ man of the house You’re leaving now, look out for not a trace in the your family/ He has world/ ordered my steps, But you’re facing gave me a sword the world with a crest.

By NYLLES VERNON The choir driven composition will in this together and no matter how much Staff Writer instantly make the listener feel like they they try to shut us down we will always are front and center of a Sunday morning prevail.” This year has been a great opportu- church service. Lastly, Solange’s newest album “A nity for artists like Kanye West, Solange Notably, Kid Cudi comes back Seat at the Table” touches heavily on ap- and Kendrick Lamar to voice their opin- around with strong positive vibes on his preciating who you are and being com- ions on real world issues such as self-ap- latest single “Surfin,’” produced by Phar- fortable in your own skin. preciation, the Black Lives Matter move- rell Williams. “Don’t Touch My Hair” is an anthem ment and Civil Rights. It’s a very upbeat tune in which Cudi for those who take pride in fully embrac- First on Beyoncé’s, on the lead single sings that he doesn’t care about what ev- ing the beauty that sits on top of their “Formation” from her album “LEMON- eryone else is doing because he’s riding head. ADE” she takes a moment to address lis- his own wave doing what he wants to do. “Don’t touch my hair/ when it’s the teners who think the fame has changed “Surfin’” is very different change of feelings that I wear” Solange sings as she her. She discusses her heritage and lets pace from what we are used to but still an warns others that the crown on her head others know that she is proud of who she amazing effort. is an integral part of her cultural indepen- is and where she came from. Uniquely, within the lines of Kend- dence. “Earned all this money but they nev- rick Lamar’s “Alright” he mentions that In reality, connecting social and per- er take the country out me/ I got a hot the lives of African Americans matter sonal issues has always been difficult in sauce in my bag, swag” is one of the most and that police want to deny Black men music; recently more artists have made it memorable lines from the chorus. of their rights but they can’t because they clear that they are aware of what’s going Together with Beyoncé, Kanye has are not the ones to take those rights away. on in the world around us. never been shy about expressing how he “We Gon Be Alright!” is chanted The trend of being socially active feels through his music. throughout the song’s chorus to signify shows no signs of slowing down what- “Ultralight Beam” which features that things are going to be just fine when soever. Chance the Rapper, The Dream, Kelly it comes down to it in the end. By voicing how they feel about these Price and Kirk Franklin will give any lis- Design student Dyana Larios said, issues, its apparent that their influence is tener chills upon the first few minutes of “This was his way of saying that we are much greater now than ever been before. playing. Arts & Entertainment Chronicle Page 12 MONDAY, OCTOBER 10, 2016 Making it big on the small screen Students share their lasting impressions on certain characters in TV shows such as Luke Cage, Stranger Things, and .

By GLADYS OLIVA ously gone missing. ashamed. We should all be able to ac- Staff Writer The most talked about character is cept ourselves and love ourselves the way Eleven, a brave adolescent who has been Dustin does. On Sept. 28 Marvel released a series forced to be part of governmental experi- Another hit show that has topped the called Luke Cage, an African American ments by her father. charts is called House Of Cards, which male living a normal life in the city of Har- “Eleven is the most influential because takes place in Washington D.C. lem. she doesn’t back down and she’s not afraid Francis and Claire Underwood mali- However, wearing a bulletproof hoodie to go after them,” said Coyote, Karen Her- ciously find themselves sitting inside the is what makes him different from the rest, nandez. oval office . he makes sure he protects his neighbor- Eleven gets so much attention due to In the show, we see Claire Underwood hood and doesn’t get harmed on the job. her supernatural powers. take her job as the First Lady seriously. “I feel like this is such an important She is willing to defend her loved ones She breaks the stereotype first ladies character to have, it speaks for Black Lives no matter how afraid she is and she im- tends to have, instead she brings it all to Matter, the protests, and the riots that are presses all the boys by being such a strong the table and does what she feels is neces- happening currently,” said Tiani Anderson. female, not only physically but emotion- sary. This character may be influential in to- ally. “She is the First Lady but she doesn’t day’s society because police brutality to- Another moving character from stay in the shadows of her husband. She’s ward innocent African Americans is some- Stranger Things is Dustin, whose one of very independent, bold, and strong. Some- thing that is heard about everyday. the three boys in Eleven’s group of friends. times even the President is depending on Luke Cage is not just a TV character Through out the episodes in the sea- her,” said Oscar Loza. that stands up for his city, but he’s also son, Dustin gets bullied a couple of times Claire Underwood catches everyone’s standing up for all the victims that have for his lisp but this doesn’t stop him from eyes, whether you’re male or female. had their lives taken in real life. standing up to them. She’s a woman that knows about poli- Moving on to the non-fiction platform “Dustin has a disorder which causes tics and knows what has to be done, she TV shows like, Stranger Things has be- him to have no teeth. However, he still doesn’t wait for the president to make it come a huge hit on . owns it and isn’t ashamed to be himself.” happen. A small town group of young kids who said Paulina Hernandez Many of these characters have their fight against the government officials and Dustin suffers from a genetic gene that own social media profile and online base, hair-raising supernatural creatures in order stops him from developing his adult teeth. if you have your own favorite characters to find their best friend who has mysteri- He accepts the way he is and isn’t let us know on twitter @CSUSBchronicle. Arts & Entertainment Chronicle Page 13 MONDAY, OCTOBER 10, 2016 Make-up essentials for the busy college student

By VERONICA VICENTE ommends this product to her family and and you get a lot of bang for your buck.” Staff Writer friends. said freshman Samantha Arreola. Along with having a good foundation, While in the bathrooms, students real- Between midterms, a many students agreed that “They’re Real! ized they shared a common makeup essen- job, and the notorious all Mascara” is becoming an irreplaceable tial. nighters pulled to finish as- beauty essential. Makeup enthusiasts and students signments, many agreed it’s “This mascara is my best friend, as it agreed that a neutral liquid lipstick was a easy to put beauty on the back makes my lashes look fake, in a good way. must have. burner. I love how easy it is to apply,” said Sephora “My favorite neutral lipstick would If you’re a college student, employee Jennifer Marquez. have to be Anastasia Beverly Hills liquid it is safe to say that time is of the Although this product costs $23, Ben- lipstick in “Ashton. This shade matches essence. efit’s website shows it is their award win- any makeup look I create,” said vlogger For college students always on ning mascara. Vanessa Guerrero. the go, these are their favorite college Many students expressed that although At $20 a lipstick, Anastasia Beverly makeup essentials that keeps them look- foundation and mascara were their essen- Hills claims to be intensely pigmented, and ing rejuvenated and effortless. tials, bronzer was also on that list. their “liquid formula delivers a rich long Due to college students having an The tan that naturally warms up the wearing matte to lips.” overwhelming schedule, many don’t have face doesn’t have to end after summer. During class breaks, when catching a time to perfect their skin. The ingredients don’t contain any glit- quick snack , this formula claims to last for Maybelline’s Matte + Pore less drug- ter specs resulting in a natural finish, while hours. store foundation has become a staple in blending easily. All of these products have gotten stu- many students’ routines. This product is $9 and comes in 5 dents into the habit of a flawless makeup “Light but buildable coverage, hides shades to seamlessly match any skin tone. routine in the most time efficient way pos- my pores, keeps my oil under control and “I have been using if for only 2 weeks sible. actually has a variety of colors to choose and it is my new most reached for bronzer Many of them mentioned they have from. This is everything that I’ve been in my collection. hit the snooze button in the morning know- searching for in a foundation”, said beauty It takes less than one minute to achieve ing that their makeup routine takes only blogger and student Jasmine Garcia. a beautiful bronzed glow. minutes to achieve with these time saving Because its only $7.99, Jasmine rec- I can’t see myself without this product, beauty products.

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Every new college student has heard of the infamous ‘Freshman 15’ and all the negativity that comes with it.

By GREGORY GAMMILL bring lunch to school or bring healthy al- ternativesFact to snack on. or fiction Staff Writer “Small handful of nuts, fruits/veg- It is said that 15 pounds is supposed to gies, yogurt and a grilled chicken lettuce be the average weight gained for all first- wrapped are good sources of healthy nutri- time college students within their first year, tion,” added Duenas. but is that really the truth we are being fed? The rookies and vets of the campus “Freshman 15 is a myth: I only gained should be more aware of what they con- 5 pounds my freshman year. Weight gain is sume so that all these “myths” of freshmen common in college, you’re going to be just 15 can fade away. fine,” said Angelica Foronda. Incoming freshman will not actu- ally gain a staggering 15 pounds of extra weight like the myth claims they will. Former alumni and a current Regis- Avoid the Freshman 15 tered Dietitian at Kaiser Permanente Riv- erside, Kari Duenas, and Foronda, of the California health care facility, gave an in- 1. Don’t snack in class side look at ways to avoid gaining weight in the first year. 2. Skip the energy drinks “Keep active and limit intake of con- venience/processed foods. These foods 3. Use a smaller plate contain little to no nutritional value,” said- Duenas. As a student, I know the stresses that 4. Set aside time to exercise we encounter as college students and the appetite that comes along with it. 5. Limit alcohol intake Photo courtesy of NBC News Incoming and current freshmen should Rec Center ready for new faces

By JASMINE PEREZ machines, treadmills, upright bicycles, el- and Guts, Cycle Fit, Hip Hop, Jazz, Jiu- Center. The pool is open for free swim- Staff Writer liptical trainers, rowing machines and step Jitsu and Yoga. ming to any CSUSB student. machines/climbers. “The different classes we offer are Students can also attend the Aqua Aer- The Student Recreation and Wellness “Our personal trainers really know good ways to keep students motivated to obics class that is offered. Center (Rec) began the school year inviting what they are doing and have the sufficient reach their goals,” added Zavala. “The balance between education and all incoming freshman into its facilities to experience to teach these classes,” said Along with personal training classes, your physical well-being is important to implement an active and healthy lifestyle. America Zavala, a staff member for the the Rec also has a rock climbing wall that having a balanced life,” said Nadra Ma- The Fitness and Wellness center, helps Rec Center (RC). is 34’ high and 1,000 square feet. mou, a staff member at the RC. students reach their fitness goals by offer- “The students that attend the classes It also offers rock climbing compe- “In addition to your health, the RC is ing classes with personal trainers or one of get really excited and leave satisfied,” con- titions and classes to help improve rock a great resource for students to meet each the fitness employees as a gym buddy. tinued Zavala. climbing skills. other and become closer to our campus,” The facility offers numerous free The classes the RC offers for fitness If students want to get a cardiovascu- continued Mamou. For more information, weights and machines including cable and wellness include Boot Camp, Butts lar workout, the RC also has the Aquatic visit CSUSBrecsports.com

Photos courtesy of CSUSB Rec Center Student trainers work with Rec Cneter members to train them for events, get in shape and to help they be as healthy as they can be. Trainers motivate members throughout each workout to give them a great and fun experience. Sports Chronicle Page 15 MONDAY, OCTOBER 10, 2016 Battle of the veggies Vegan vs. Vegetarian

Chronicle Photos | Diara Fowler There are many fresh and flavorful vegan and vegetarian options available on campus in both the Student Union and the Commons. More than just veggies are prepped for the needs of a vegan or vegetarian, humus is another great choice.

By DIARA FOWLER decided to become a vegetarian about six months ago. grams and taking B12 weekly gives them 2000 micro- Staff Writer “I began to notice a slight change in my weight from grams. drinking green shakes frequently,” said Limon. Meal prepping within this community is highly rec- CSUSB is one of many campuses that caters to those The plants, which fill in as a substitution, happen to be ommended among trainers to the everyday student. who are vegan/vegetarians. rich in protein, iron, calcium and many other vitamins and While on the beneficiary side, some bonuses of being There are many beneficial factors within the lifestyle. minerals that the body needs. vegan or vegetarian are that one is less likely to become For starters, vegans and vegetarians have a lot in com- “I would take everything green in my fridge at the obese, get heart disease or diabetes. mon. moment and throw it in the blender,”continued Limon. As more people are choosing to become vegans and According to the Vegetarian Resource Group (vrg. “Items like lettuce,spinach, cilantro, green apples and vegetarians the Cal States and UC campuses are adding org), “a vegetarian cuts all forms of meat, poultry and sea- sometimes for flavor carrots or pineapples,” added Limon. new options to their menus for those who pursue this life- food from their diet.” On another note, those who do decide to become style. “A vegan not only cuts those from their diet, but they vegan or vegetarian may lack in certain vitamins the body Our very own Commons offers dishes such as pilau also go to the extremes of eliminating all animal products needs. rice, Mediterranean greens, pita chips and hummus. from their diets,” adds the Resource Group. “I began to feel irritable at first,” said Limon. While our student stores also have their own alterna- Some vegans also avoid using any common house- “I was used to eating fast food to now having to pre- tive food choices. hold products that are made or tested on animals. pare healthier hand made meals.” Fruits, crackers, trail mix, sunflower seeds, salads, Vegans and vegetarians avoid foods made of animals Supplements would come into play in this void. B12 Honest teas and Odwalla’s are available. or animal by-product, they substitute the missing nutrients is taken among many vegans and vegetarians. Students can choose vegetarian offerings at Pizza with fruits, vegetables, greens, grains, nuts and seeds. Lack of B12 causes anemia and nervous system dam- Hut, Subversions, Stir Fresh and vegan-friendly products Both also maintain a predominantly plant-based diet. age. at the Wow Cafe. Nutrition and food science major, Esthefany Limon Taking B12 at least once a day provides 10 micro- For recipe ideas, try ilovevegan.com. Meal Prep 101 Grab your tupperware and get cookin’

1. Pick your grains- Brown rice or quinoa 2. Make some protein- Chicken, tofu and turkey are healthy choices 3. Cut up some veggies- Use for cooking, snacking and as toppings 4. Grab some fruit- A light and healthy snack 5. Make a healthy dessert- Protein balls are always a nice and easy choice 6. Prepare a sauce- Nothing like

some extra flavor Photo courtesy of Brittany of ilovevegan.com Meal prepping is a helpful step in beginning and keeping up with a vegan or vegetarian diet. All of the food for the week is prepared at once. Healthy and easy! Sports MONDAY, OCTOBER 10, 2016 Stress: A universal language

By YERA NANAN There are even more serious cases Staff Writer found among students that interfere with certain eating habits. A common complaint that students Nadia Almusleh is a sophomore ma- are having to deal with is tiredness and fa- joring in law who has an interesting case of tigue every day. It almost feels that being a how stress affects her as well. college student can be miserable, stress is “There are some days were like I can’t more than likely the culprit. even eat and some days where I have to eat Quite a few prolific research studies everything,” said Almusleh. done on stress affecting college students There’s never enough time in the day have lead up to some negative outcomes. it seems since she works long hours as a “One out of every five students in the cashier while taking a full schedule of United States feels stressed out most of the classes at CSUSB. time,” stated Mental Health professional tressing about being a student will Kirsten Schuder. sometimes cause her to mess up orders and “One in ten students even go on to do the math wrong at the register while at have suicidal thoughts. This is not that work. much of a surprise considering that suicide “College stress levels were often as- is the second leading cause of death among sociated with cognitive deficits, illness, college students,” according to Schuder. increased rates of depression and anxiety, The plague of stress is prevalent at and decreased life satisfaction,” according CSUSB with over tens of hundreds of stu- to Brougham. dents being affected by it each day. Nia Norwood, who is a sophomore as Sierra Brown, a first-year cheerleader, well has an experience that’s a bit different gave an analysis of stress that most fresh- from the others when dealing with stress men deal with. effects. “My brain just gives up,” explained “Sometimes I’ll eat a lot I guess, so Brown when she cannot find the time of I gain weight...I can’t go to sleep some- day to schedule what needs to be done for times,” said Norwood. school. With all of this being said CSUSB has She’s not only a cheerleader who has a lot to offer its students in coping with events to perform at but she’s also a team different cases of stress. Students dealing member at Target whose initial shift starts with known symptoms from stress such as at 3:30 a.m. anxiety or depression can always consult a “Physical, psychological, behavioral, psychiatrist from the health center. and academic difficulties were the cost of Whether being counseled individu- stress for college students,” as described by ally or in a group setting the psychological Ruby R. Brougham in his article “Stress, counselors at the health center are here to Sex Differences, and Coping Strategies accommodate your specific needs. Among College Students.” There are two special events happen- Stress can even affect those of us who ing on Nov. 8 and 16 dealing with anxi- don’t participate in extra-curricular activi- ety and relaxation techniques at the lower ties and/or have a job. commons. Chronicle Photo | Yera Nanan “Personally, I get like, pimples when To find out more information visit the Paige Saffley reads through her notes, looking stressed, but deep in concentration as she studies what she wrote. I’m stressed... it brings a depression to- CSUSB Counseling and Psychology Ser- wards me,” said student Christian Eliam, vices building on campus. Coach Spotlight: Darren Leslie By KIERON COLEMAN Staff Writer

From an underachieving season last also coached for Euroscocer and Transat- year, the Coyote men’s soccer team has lantic soccer programs. already seen a dramatic turnaround this He came across the pond to the states season. looking for a different experience. A major change for the men’s soccer “I wanted to look at the playing and team includes seeing Darren Leslie step up coaching scene to get a different look at from the position of assistant coach to take how soccer is played and taught,” stated the leadership role as interim head coach. Leslie. Leslie has two goals for the season to The men’s soccer team started out revamp the team from last years 4-9-3 re- brightly this season, picking up a few wins cord. on the road. “First, make the playoffs before the Leslie gained valuable knowledge last game of the season,” stated Leslie. of American soccer prior to coming to “Second, keep the boys working hard CSUSB while coaching a club team called in school and continue to raise the teams Marine, a U.S. development academy. Student Academic Eligibility,” continued While the men’s team is doing so well Leslie. on the pitch, the team members are also During the summers of his college ca- doing significantly well with the school reer at University of Edinburgh, he played workload, leading the GPA for all the soccer, then later began his coaching career sports teams. at Scottish Hearts and Hibernian soccer Leslie has earned awards from the club. Scottish Football Association for level four Photo courtesy of CSUSB Athletics Leslie played for and coached Youth youth and level four children and could Darren Leslie is the new face of Coyote men’s soccer as he took the position of interim head coach. Academy Teams while in Scotland. He well be on his way to more.