Emerging Shadows ELAINE LEES
emerging from the shadows ELAINE LEES Emerging from the Shadows © Elaine Lees 2017 All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photo- copying, recording or otherwise, without the prior written permission of the author. National Library of Australia Cataloguing-in-Publication entry (pbk) Author: Lees, Elaine, author. Title: Emerging from the Shadows/ Elaine Lees ISBN: 978-1-925680-82-9 (paperback) 978-1-925680-84-3 (ebook) Subjects: Non-Fiction--Biography Non-Fiction--Self-Help Techniques Published by Elaine Lees and Ocean Reeve Publishing www.elainelees.com www.oceanreeve.com Foreword magine you are a bird. IChoose any bird that you resonate with because we are going on a journey. I want you to imagine that as this bird, you are able to fly anywhere in the world, to anyone’s house and look through their window … at any moment in time. Looking through that window, you could see what they were doing, and hear what they were thinking. When they leave the house, you will fly next to them and see, hear and feel everything they go through, although they were unaware of your presence. Watching this person, feeling what they felt, you would become protective of this person when they were hurt, and your heart would break and reach out to them when you saw them alone, broken and in pain. When they slept, you would perch on the branch outside their window and reflect on what you saw, heard and felt with this person.
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