Javier Sotomayor

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Javier Sotomayor DECEMBER HAPPY HOLIDAYS AND ALL THE BEST FOR THE NEW YEAR We’ve reached the last month of 2017 and it is the perfect time to take a moment and reflect on what has happened this last year. The Panam Sports President, Neven Ilic, Secretary General, Ivar Sisniega and the rest of the Panam Sports team would like to wish the members of the Executive Committee, Presidents and Leaders of the NOCs, athletes, coaches and the entire conti- nental sports family very Happy Holidays. We hope 2018 brings positive energy, joy, health, and prosperity to all of you in sport. DECEMBER 2017 1 NICARAGUA MAKES HISTORY AS THE HOST COUNTRY OF MAJOR SPORT EVENT The 11th Central American Games were hosted in Mana- can Games. The main idea was for the athletes to be able gua from December 3rd to the 17th. The city welcomed to share, get to know one another and form a tight bond, over 3,500 athletes from 7 different countries. something we can proudly say was accomplished”, pointed out Nicaraguan NOC President, Commander Emmet Lang. It´s the first time in the history of Nicaragua to host an event of such magnitude, for which they have been prepar- The 11th Central American Games winner was the nation ing for over the last 4 years; not only at the sporting level, of Guatemala, bringing in a total of 283 medals; 110 Gold, but also in terms of vital infrastructure. 87 Silver and 86 Bronze. El Salvador placed second with a total of 179 medals (69-62-48) and Panama in third with a Amongst the development of sport facilities were the total of 216 (58-77-81). colossal Dennis Martinez Baseball field, a basketball court with best-in-class floors and impressive installations, an The Games were a true celebration from beginning to end. Aquatic Centre with an Olympic pool and a 25 meter long Not only did they highlight a region which excels in sport warm up pool and a beautiful center for rowing and canoe- more and more every day, but a country which proved that ing competitions in Granada. with a lot of hard work and dedication, it was able to orga- nize and host a magnificent event. Looking ahead, these 7 “This is a great accomplishment and legacy for Nicara- Central America countries will join the Caribbean nations gua. Everyone’s witnessed the infrastructure we’ve been in a spectacular competition in Barranquilla 2018 for the able to build these past 4 years and I truly believe Nica- Central American and Caribbean Games. ragua stepped up tremendously for these Central Ameri- DECEMBER 2017 2 MAIN CONSTRUCTION BEGINS ON THE LIMA 2019 ATHLETES’ VILLAGE “We’re confident and happy. We’ve begun construction In Peru, after the qualification for the World Cup in Russia, on the foundation of the Pan American Village. We’re now the air is full of happiness and pride. This great accomplish- filling excavations with cement and, in 15 days, we will ment will rejuvenate Peruvians’ love for sport and provide be ready for the buildings to start going up. We’re right a positive perception the Pan American Games. on schedule and everything is going as planned. We’re in constant communication with Besco, the company “People are no longer asking whether we are going to make leading the construction of the Village, and we’re follow- it or not, they’re now betting that we will, and that the Pan ing the progress daily” points out COPAL President, American Games will be excellent. After the World Cup Carlos Neuhaus. celebrations are over, we will start promoting the Lima 2019 Games with full force” adds Neuhaus. It’s been a little over two months since Peruvian Presi- dent, Pedro Pablo Kuczynski, and Panam Sports President, It’s worth noting that the main construction of the Pan Neven Ilic, tossed the first “shicras” (first stones) on what American Village is scheduled to be finished February 2019. will soon become the Lima 2019 Pan American Village. On There will be 7 buildings total with 20 floors each, which this day, they met to discuss construction deadlines and will house over 7 thousand athletes from 41 different coun- were assured that construction would begin in November. tries from around the continent. The Consorcio Besco-Be- salco are in charge of the project and managing it closely. That deadline was met. The main construction on the Athletes’ Village located in Villa El Salvador, Lima has begun. In a few days, seven 20 story buildings will each begin to be built. DECEMBER 2017 3 DOMINICAN REPUBLIC’S NOC CONTINUES TO GROW Panam Sports President, Neven Ilic’s, first order of busi- that in the short time he was here and we’re very thankful ness was to get together with as many NOCs as possible to him for coming”, said Luis Mejia. in an effort to help identify their individual needs and, with that information, develop a plan for everyone to It’s mesmerizing to see the Olympic Park with its great work together as efficiently as possible. layout and attention to detail, but the establishment the Dominican NOC is most proud of is the Olympic Center Most of the NOCs accepted the invitation to visit the of High Performance. A modern structure with enough Panam Sports offices in Miami, FL but Dominican NOC commodities to host hundreds of athletes from all over President and IOC Member, Luis Mejia, invited Neven Ilic the world. to the Caribbean island instead, in hopes of showing him the reality of the Dominican Republic. “It’s an impressive structure. With all of its sporting installa- tions, plus this beautiful center, this country is ready to be In two days, the Panam Sports President was able to visit the sporting development epicenter of the Caribbean and the sporting facilities, meet with the Minister of Sport, the Americas. I congratulate the great work they’ve been Danilo Diaz, the Executive Director for “Creando Sueños doing, especially my dear friend, President Luis Mejia”, Olímpicos”, businessman Felipe Vicini, and the great- concluded Ilic. est local hero, two-time Olympic and world champion, Felix Sanchez. His trip concluded with a very interesting meeting with none other than 400-meter hurdle Olympic Champion, “I am incredibly surprised at the way sport is growing in Felix Sanchez, who told us about his experience in the Dominican Republic. It’s very clear that there is continuous world of sport and his new career as Sport Director of the effort between the Olympic Committee, Felipe Vicini, the Dominican Republic. Government and Minister Diaz to work together”, pointed out Ilic. Felix’s passion, love for sport, and eagerness to help is so great, that President Neven Ilic invited him to be part of the “The idea was to show him what we’ve been working on as Panam Sports Sporting Development Commission, which far as the Olympic Committee goes and I think we achieved Felix accepted graciously. DECEMBER 2017 4 SUCCESSFUL GENERAL ASSEMBLY UNDER NEW LEADERSHIP The first official gathering of all 41 member countries “I’m extremely proud of our first Assembly as an organiza- of Panam Sports culminated at the General Assembly in tion here in Prague. I think it has been productive and well Prague, Czech Republic on November 4, 2017. received from each of our members. Our intentions are simply to show everyone our future projects, where we’re The main objective was to review the activities of the orga- headed and establish how the different National Olympic nization under the new leadership of President, Neven Ilic, Committees can work with one another”, pointed out the and Secretary General, Ivar Panam Sports President. Sisniega, over the last seven months. Neven Ilic is implementing a new way to lead the orga- The format of the Assembly nization and focused on was developed to encour- modernizing the adminis- age participation and inter- tration overall. He is set out action with the member to have a tight bond with nations, as well as share the NOCs of the Americas information through diverse and to truly understand media to modernize the their needs. By identify- proceedings. ing and prioritizing those needs, Panam Sports aims Some of the most import- to help each member nation ant items of the General develop sport in their Assembly were the remarks nations by giving them the by President, Neven Ilic, proper tools to succeed, regarding the Panam Sports keeping athletes truly at the strategic plan, the organizational structure by Secretary center of our movement. General, Ivar Sisniega, and a marketing update announcing the new Panam Sports brand. There was also the award- Panam Sports is dedicated to the work ahead. Ilic’s team ing of Santiago, Chile as the host city of the Pan Amer- and the Panam Sports Commissions are working non-stop ican Games 2023, the commitment to establishing the to further develop sport and our athletes in the Americas. Youth Pan American Games and a through presentation This is only the beginning and we are proud to already see from the Lima 2019 Organizing Committee on the prog- the positivity, energy and motivation of all those a part of ress on construction and development of the Pan Amer- the organization to bring this vision to life. ican Games. DECEMBER 2017 5 PANAM SPORTS ANNOUNCES YOUNG REPORTERS WHO WILL GET TO BE PART OF BUENOS AIRES 2018 Panam Sports put a special call out to all young aspiring Choosing the winners from our region was an extremely journalists of the Americas for the chance to be chosen tough process undertaken by the Communications and for the International Olympic Committee Young Report- Marketing Department of Panam Sports, who selected 10 ers Programme.
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    Volume 12, No. 08 February 18, 2013 — The 106th Millrose: A Recordfest — by Rich Sands about getting the time than in winning,” he Gerry Lindgren’s legendary High School Re- New York City, February 16—The 106th said, “because when it comes down to the last cord of 8:40.0, which had celebrated its 49th Millrose Games was a frantic rush of record- two laps, 400 meters, I [knew I] was going to (!) anniversary just a day earlier. setting performances, dominated (once hold off anybody.” Joining Lagat in the American Record col- again) by Bernard Lagat, who picked up his A lap behind, Edward Cheserek of St. umn were Alysia Montaño and Erik Sowinski 10th win at the iconic meet in a dominating Benedict’s Prep in Newark ran a mostly solo in their 600-meter runs. performance over 2 miles. effort to finish eighth in 8:39.15 and break Montaño, who had previously said run- Hammering the final ning on small indoor tracks two laps of Armory’s ac- was a painful experience, commodating oval, he charged right to the front snatched back the American Lagat’s and split 26.50 and 54.38 Record he desperately want- for the first two laps en ed, clocking 8:09.49. 10th route to a 1:23.59. After a slower-than- Millrose win also That obliterated Delisa desired opening mile of Walton-Floyd’s ’81 standard 4:05.9 (Lagat 4:06.2) rab- earned him (1:26.56) and nearly caught bit Haron Lagat stepped an American Russian Olga Kotlyarova’s aside and left Lagat up front ’04 world mark of 1:23.44.
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