Congressional Record—Senate S4745
June 28, 2018 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S4745 SENATE RESOLUTION 565—HON- guided missile submarines stationed at SENATE RESOLUTION 566—EX- ORING THE 40TH ANNIVERSARY Naval Submarine Base Kings Bay; PRESSING THE SENSE OF THE OF NAVAL SUBMARINE BASE Whereas 6 ballistic missile submarines SENATE THAT THE PRESIDENT KINGS BAY IN KINGS BAY, GEOR- make up Submarine Squadron 20 and are cur- OF THE UNITED STATES MUST GIA rently assigned to Naval Submarine Base IMMEDIATELY ESTABLISH AN Kings Bay: USS Maryland (SSBN 738), USS INTERAGENCY OFFICE FOR LO- Mr. PERDUE submitted the fol- Rhode Island (SSBN 740), USS Tennessee CATING AND REUNITING CHIL- lowing resolution; which was referred (SSBN 734), USS West Virginia (SSBN 736), to the Committee on Armed Services: USS Wyoming (SSBN 742), and USS Alaska DREN WITH PARENTS IN ORDER S. RES. 565 (SSBN 732); TO PROTECT SEPARATED CHIL- Whereas, in 1954, the Department of the Whereas 2 guided missile submarines make DREN FROM SUFFERING ADDI- Army began to acquire land at Kings Bay, up Submarine Squadron 16 and are currently TIONAL TRAUMA RESULTING Georgia, to build a military ocean terminal assigned to Naval Submarine Base Kings FROM THE ‘‘ZERO TOLERANCE’’ to ship ammunition in case of a national Bay: USS Florida (SSGN 728) and USS Geor- POLICY emergency; gia (SSGN 729); Mr. MERKLEY (for himself, Mr. VAN Whereas the facility at Kings Bay, Geor- Whereas the Department of the Navy HOLLEN, Mr. PETERS, Mr. CASEY, Ms. gia, was completed in 1958, but since there stores the strategic assets of the United HASSAN, and Mr. CARPER) submitted was no immediate operational need for the States at the Strategic Weapons Facilities installation, the base was placed in an inac- the following resolution; which was re- at Kings Bay, Georgia, which is 1 of only 2 tive ready status; remaining naval nuclear weapon storage ferred to the Committee on the Judici- Whereas, in 1975, during treaty negotia- sites in the United States; ary: tions between the United States and Spain, S.
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