Sunday Papers W a L L P a P E
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NO. 23. VOL. XXVII MASON, MICHIGAN, THURSDAY, JUNE 5, 1902. LOCAL AND GENERAL NEWS, Morton Shaker bread forsalconlyat HONORED OUR SOLDIER DEAD Clark's Bakery. * Geo, M. Webb has painted his resi• Mason's List Has Grown Four Dur Farmers I SUNDAY PAPERS ing the Past Year. WALL PAPER! Do you know that at the Colti Slor dence on east Maple street. Mason was and Is a patriotic plac age you can get a fancy price tor your Beginning next Monday the banks DETROIT FREE PRESS This Is evidenced by the large number butter and egjts, and get the cash. of this city win close at four o'clock. of defenders of our Nation's honor GO TO CHICAGO AMERICAN I We pay a premium for butter in tubs The Jackson Baptist Sunday school who He within the borders of our land we furnlsli the tubs. Come and association will meet at Bellevue next cemetery and by the large number I see us. Mason Cold STOUAOii; Co. week. STROUD & MCDONALD. Those in the city desiring to hoary-headed and tottering-limbed have either of the above papers [ Have that bicycle repaired at Ray• Pure grape juice, the most healthful veterans who turn out every year delivered to them regularly on summer dritik, for sale at Clark's mond & Hall's. do honor to the memory of their de LATEST PATTERNS AND LOW PRICES Sunday morning can have the] See the bargains in broken lots ofp'^'^^''^ parted comrades. same by leaving their order with WINDOW SHADES shoes at F. W. Webb's. A Breezy Time" was not much of Last Friday was a beautiful day, an cyclone when it struck here lascTues Ideal day. Large numbers of our citi You can Ilnd Muresco and Asbestos CARPETS AND FURNITURE J. A. BROWER, day night. zcns and those tributary to Mason paint at Eaymond & Hall's. AT DEIVIOCRAT OFI^ICE.J Tbe swellest patent leather shoes turned out to witness the exercises, Mrs. E. D. Gregg picked ripe straw• and Oxfords for coinmencement at F, Many of our business places and resi berries from her vines May .'lOtli. dences were decorated with th W. Webb's. Commencement Schedule, We are now selling a Try Clark's Bakery, for ice cream national colors in honor of the day. Lawton T. Hemans gave the Memor Following is a calendar of the sev• Michigan (Tentpju^ soda. The best of cream and flavors. About two o'clock the various organ LEMON, lal address at the Felt district eral events connectedwith coinnieuce- " Iht Niagara Fallt Route." The best of ice cream and ice cream Izatlona began to form for the proces Bunkerbill. luent: VANILLA, HOUTriWAUD. soda at Clark's Bakery. All the best slon. Under the direction of Marshal Carl H. Kellarof Delhi sold a three Senior orations Tuesday and Wed ORANGE, IWaion lOtOSa.m. l:3fip. m.!) llavors. Snook they formed on Ash street, be Jaelcaon lltOO 1!;30 10 ;W) nesday evenings, June 10 and 11, at year-old Greenwood colt to Mason tween B and C streets. The following CHOCOLATE, Ladies' patent leather shoes war• the Presbyterian church, beglrining Detroit..,, BtliOp.m. OtsOp. tn.7;t5a.ra parties for $150. were in the procession ; Co. B, M. N PINEAPPLE, ranted to wear. ODly$2.r)0 at F. W. at eight o'clock. Doors will be closed OlilcaKo 0:30 p. in. 8;55 p. m, Oi.'W a. in Kev. Louis DeLamarter, D. D., of G., Phil McKernan Post, Steele Bros Webb's. during the presentation of any num WILD CHERRY, Lansing will preach ac the Methodist Post, pastors of churches with escort NOllTUWAltl). Tho lawn in front of the vault in ber, either oration or music Music STRAWBERRY, .Milson 7:48 a. ni, 12:01 p. in. 5:33 p. in church nexc Sunday morning. and Hag, ladles of the W. R. C. and Maple Grove cemetery has been plow will be furnished by Lee's orchestra RASPBERRY, Lansing 8:12 I'.';23 p. in.OiOO See niy warranted patent leather dtiiiens in carriages. The line Offoaso 9:00 1:;W 7;1D ed, rolled and seeded. and Misses Rayner, Ferguson and men's shoes from $2.75 to $;i,"5. march was south on C street aud west COFFEE, Saginaw tO:33 2iB2 8;t6 A pair of Crumbs of Comfort shoes Frazell and Mr, Larapraan, vocalists. Bay City ttllO 3;2.'i 3:20 * F. W. Wkbb. on Elm. At the high school building orslippers will make life worth living. The seniors will present tlielrorations GRAPE or Mackinaw 7:45 p. in. 7:00 a. ni. 7:U0 a. in the school children were included aud Thatold acoouDtof Webb & Edgar's as follows: Sold only by F. W. Webb, the march to the cemetery was coq SARSAPARILLA SODA 0. W. RUOOLKS, has run long enough. PleasC'Call and Tuesday evening — Herbert L, V. D. Stanton, Gen. Pass. & Ticket Agt, Mason's high-school team (?) went eluded. For only 5 cents. settle. 22w2 Webb & Lawuence. Brown, Alice C, Chapin, Elizabeth Ticket Agent, Manon Ctileago to Williamston yesterday and were At the Soldiers' Memorial Lot ser• The L. A. S, of the Aurellus M^ E R, Northrup, Ray L. Bullen, Nina B. Vernon's Ginger Ale, 5c, defeated by a score of 15 to 8. vices were held in memory of the un Church will meet with Mrs, .R. W. Kelly, Hazel L. White, William T. Grape Kola, 5 c, anci BUSINESS DIRECTORY, Si.x cases of small-pox broke out in known dead, under the auspices of the Swift, June 11, for tea. All cordially Barber and Ida M. Robinson. Lansing last Monday. They are all W. E. C. The services were as follows ICE CREAM by the dish, pint, 23E2TTIST nvited. Wednesday evening — .L Enimett in previously infected localities. Song by the school children, short ad quart, or gallon. HUNDEllSON. Over Brown Hi Fuller, Amy D. Hurlburt, Lulu M. _ r.oonils.' At Dansville Tuesdays, Orown Phil McICernaii Post and W. R. C, dress by Rev. A, F, White, concluding Thatold accouotof Webb & Edgar's Keller, Roy Adams, Laura A. Dobie, Yours for the best only, and bridge work a specialty. will celebrate Flag Day,.June 14, with with another song by the pupils has run long enough. Please call and Gertrude K. McEuen, Erie H. Castcr- appropriate ceremony. Further notice After these exercises the graves of all pn-s'sicx.^irs settle. 22w2 Wehh & Lawrenci!;. io and Florence B. Fuller. LONGYEAR BROTHERS, next week. departed veterans were decorated by HAS. 0. .llilNlCINS, M. I>. I'raoUcolimited Baccalaureate sermon by Rev. A. Druggists. Both Phones. Lee's orchestra will assist in the The junior class of tlie Mason high G, A. R. comrades detailed for that C to diseases of Kye, liar. Nose and Throat. S. Zimmerman at the Presbyterian 221 Washington Ave. S., Lansing, Mich, Children's Day services to be held in school will?erve ice cream on the purpose. "Taps" was sounded by Mu the Presbyterian church next Sabbath church on Sunday evening, June 15, B. MANN, Vhyslclaa and Surgeon. Olhco court house lawn next Saturday even sician Dewitt and Company B flred Col, L. H. Ives delivered the Memo—- . In Near IllocK. Honrs 2 to 5 p. in., aad 7 to evening. at 7:30 o'clock, Gs p. 111. Special attention to ot eye, ear, Ing. Ten cents. three volleys over the grave of R. B rial Day address at Howell. nose and throat, filasses selentlllcaliy and ac• Senior banquet at the Donnelly The Holt ladies' aid society will The L. A. S. of the Aurelius M. E. Hawn, a member of Company F, .'list curately lilted, Itesldunco at 0. W. Browne's. House on_Tuesday evening, June 17. Many Masonites will.go to Lansing' meet at the home of Mrs. A. ,1. Thor- Michigan, who died in Cuba, n. FUKKLAND, M. 1). Lawrence Block. church meets with Mrs. Henry Phil Graduating exercises at i^layner today to attend Ringling Bros. show. nonrs-8 to 9 a, ni., l to 3, 7 to S ]). in. burn on Thursday afternoon, June At the conclusion ot the services at lips, June II, instead of Mrs. R. W. opera house on Friday evening, June 12tli. All come. Frank Whipple has a position in the It. OKllTltUDK 1). OAMI'lllCLL. Physician Swift as before mentioned. the cemetery the procession reformed and Hurgeun. Olllce al residence, iiortli n 20, at eight o'clock. The address will Pere Marquette frelglit olllce at Grand There wlllbea meetlngof American and returned to the opera house where street. Honrs, 8 to 0 a. ni., 2 to 4 aad 7 to 81). ni. I have the exclusive sale of the be delivered by President A. F. Ledge. Country and town calls iiroinpUy attended, the exercises were completed. The Home Guardian Friday evening, June I RjQdgc Kalinbach, Grand Eapids Bruske of Alma College. Music by opera house was decorated in the A. M. Curnniifis of Lansing deliver• K. PKANK K. THOMAS. I'hyslclan and Sur• (ith. Initiation and refreshments. Lhoes. These are the best working Lee's full orchestra. An admission geon. Oniceover Webb «j Wliltman's store; national colors. There was a good ed the Memorial Day address at rcsliloncD B al corner U aud Oak streets. Mason. All members turn out. 22w2 slices made. ' F. W. Weub. fee of 10 cents will be charged as crowd present, but the house was not Dimondale. The latest railroad news is tliat the Lorenzo Irish is home from Canton, usual, with the customary reserved filled.