Leaving No One Behind: Reaching Key Populations through workplace action on HIV and AIDS HIV/AIDS and the World of Work Branch (ILOAIDS) International Labour Office Route des Morillons 4 CH-1211 Geneva 22 Switzerland Tel: +41 22 799 6486 through workplace action on HIV and AIDS Fax: +41 22 799 6349
[email protected] www.ilo.org/aids Key Populations Reaching Implement the ILO Recommendation on HIV and AIDS (No. 200) The ILO is a cosponsor of UNAIDS Leaving No One Behind: ILO LEAVING NO ONE BEHIND: REACHING KEY POPULATIONS THROUGH WORKPLACE ACTION ON HIV AND AIDS I KKeyey PPopulationsopulations RReport.inddeport.indd I 221:561:56 II KKeyey PPopulationsopulations RReport.inddeport.indd IIII 221:561:56 LEAVING NO ONE BEHIND: REACHING KEY POPULATIONS THROUGH WORKPLACE ACTION ON HIV AND AIDS Key populations Th e term ‘key populations’ or ‘key population at higher risk of HIV expo- sure’ refers to those most likely to be exposed to HIV or to transmit it – their engagement is critical to a successful HIV response i.e. they are key to the epidemic and key to the response. In all countries, key populations include people living with HIV. In most settings, men who have sex with men, transgender persons, people who inject drugs, sex workers and their clients, and seronegative partners in serodiscordant couples are at higher risk of HIV exposure to HIV than other people. Th ere is a strong link between various kinds of mobility and heightened risk of HIV exposure, depending on the reason for mobility and the extent to which people are outside their social context and norms.