Journal of Energy Resources Technology Technical Brief Formulations for the Thermodynamic on mathematical integration of the correlations developed for spe- cific heat, and the property estimates obtained are remarkably Properties of Pure Substances accurate. The fundamental equation-of-state formulation typically re- quires several numerical constants to ensure accuracy. Besides, George A. Adebiyi subsequent determination of the complete list of thermodynamic Mechanical Engineering Department, Mississippi State properties from the fundamental equation of state requires obtain- University, Mississippi State, MS 39762 ing differentials of the characteristic function. The functional rep- e-mail:
[email protected] resentation must be accurate, and great precision will be required if the estimates obtained for these other thermodynamic properties are to be reliable. These formulations are, as a result, not suitable for incorporation into programs that require repeated computation This article presents a procedure for formulation for the thermo- of system properties. dynamic properties of pure substances using two primary sets of The integrated approach is described in general terms in this data, namely, the pvT data and the specific heat data, such as the article. An illustration is provided using dry air at pressures as constant-pressure specific heat c p as a function of pressure and high as 50 bar ͑725 psia͒ and temperatures in the range 250 K temperature. The method makes use of a linkage, on the basis of ͑450 R͒ to 1000 K ͑1800 R͒. the laws of thermodynamics, between the virial coefficients for the pvT data correlation and those for the corresponding specific heat data correlation for the substance.