Climate and energy strategy for the county of Norrbotten 2020–2024 Objectives for 2045 MED sikte mot.. skrev i svenska. With? Title Climate and energy strategy for the county of Norrbotten 2020–2024 Photographs Johnér, Mostphotos Authors Ylva Sardén, Ida Heintz, Paulina Henriksson Contact person Sophie Forsberg Johansson County Administrative Board of Norrbotten County, 971 86 Luleå Contact information +46 (0)10-225 50 00,
[email protected] Report number 7/2019 ISSN 0283-9636 2 Foreword Climate change is one of the greatest challenges of our time. What was once true of yesterday is not the case today and especially not tomorrow. Therefore, we must be responsive, alert and flexible so that we dare to prioritise, also when conditions change, and we shall adapt the society to the future. The climate issue is of course extensive and complicated, but it also presents opportunities to develop solutions for energy and climate change adaptation that can contribute to both sustainable development and economic growth. In addition, we have the opportunity to discuss and coordinate on issues that have often been seen as opposites. At the same time, the climate goal has a deadline and must be prio- ritised since the reality is that the problem is rapidly reaching a point where the effects of emissions will be of a lasting or irreversible nature. This means that if we take too long discussing and coordina- ting without getting down to action, stopping all forms of emissions will no longer make a difference. The aim of Norrbotten’s climate and energy strategy is to keep the increase of the earth’s average temperature to well below two degrees.