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HIATUS Brier.. A.S. Council update A Jolly good time Opinion letter to the Editor 6 UCSD loses in A sneak peak into the life of an international prankster. 'Trigger conference final Happy TV' host Dom Jolly reveals his inspiration, his favorite beer lhundlV Coupons 11 Loyola Marymount and what makes him tick. page 9 Classifieds 16 University. page 20 THE UCSD ARI) UC SAN DIEGO THURSDAY, MAY 1, 2003 VOLUME 109, ISSUE 1& Los Alamos EAP students Hot off the grill contrad return from China will go to SARS scare initiated recall of highest bid 43 who were studying abroad By EVAN McLAUGHUN blings of government cover-ups" News Editor regarding the reponed severi ty University of of MS. A professor at Peking Forty-three OIversity of Ul1Iver I!y, one of the EAP host California Califorllla student returned universities in Beijing, had also from China last week after the been recently diagnosed with the must compete University suspended its disea e. Educaoon broad Program In " We had communica ti ons for jon Beipng following the increa 109 with twO UC sta ffers, both of outbreak of evcre Acute whom fel t that the SlnlatJon had By THOMAS NEELEY Respi racory Syndrome In the deteriorated to the pOint where regIon. they no longer felt it was safe for Senior Staff Writer ne student has decided co the tudents to remain," said Ending several months of stay In BeiJIng, and as a result has EAP poke person Bruce Ilanna. peculation, Energy Secretary Withdrawn from the Univer ity UC officials noofied students Spencer Abraham announced on of California, an EAP spokesper enrolled in EAP Beijing on April April 30 that the contract to man son said. 17 that they were to decide Tyler Huff/Guardian UC officials say they have whether or not to leave immedi age Los Alamos ational Velan feast: John MUIr College senior MIChael Pessls (left) receives d been monitoring SAR 's ately - within one day. The Uni Laboratory will be made open to vegan meal at the Festival of India on Apnl 28 on Library Walk. competitive bidding, and that the progress since March, but decid versity asked that students sign University of California will have ed to suspend the program in and return the "Education to compete in order to retain the mid-April because of an increase Abroad Program Suspension contract. in cases, the recent severity of Agreement," a document outlin- Although he praised the man SAR ymptoms in persons agement improvements made by under age 60 and the "faint rum- See EAP, Page Watts reinstated as the University of California, Abraham maintained that the uni WCSC president--elect versity bears responsibility for the laboratory's management failures. "Given that responsibility and Gallagher, new council Current president dismisses the wide pread nature of the problems charges disqualifying Watts uncovered at begin term April 30 Lo Alamos, I By STEVENwm be dismissed." intend to open Many seats still unfilled as new Staff Writer Watts had appealed the prll the manage I Warren College Judicial Boa rd ment of Lo members are sworn into office After being di qualified, deci ion ruling that he had VIOlat Alamos to full Warren College Student Council ed c1eenon bylaw, whl ch diS competition president-elect Daniel Watts was qualified him from office. In the when the cur reinstated into position after initial hearing, the \Varren rent contract WC C PreSident Donald College Judicial Board, III a Spencer expires, " Povieng dl missed the case on three-co-one deCISIOn, found that Abraham Abraham said appeal on pril 30. \, am had vlOlJtcd bvlaw~ by Depanment of in a statement. The WC is the appellate campaiglllng on his ' \\ 'a rre~ Energy Secretary The current body that was suppo ed co hear College TclcVl ion show "Perfect contract with Watts' ca e. However, before the ViSIOn ." the university is set to end III hearing could take place, "This how why I should be eptember 2005. Povieng decided to dismis the V arren ollege nldent Council The University of California case against \Vam based on Pre ident. I am Willing to tand has managed the ew Mexico lab "procedural and substantive bia up to the adrruni trators," \Vatts oratory uninterrupted since It and violation of the defendant's aid after the deci Ion. incepuon in 1943 . The laboratory rights CO due process and breach Watts claimed hiS rights of employs 7,600 people and has an of contract," thereby reversing due process and tho e to an unbi annual budget of $ 1.6 billion. The the decision of the judiCial a cd hearing were Vlolated when University of Califorrua also man board. procedural bylaws were not fol ages Lawrence Berkeley National "The bylaws must be strictly lowed regarding presentation of Laboratory and Lawrence followed," Povieng aid in hi evidence, and belllg informed of Livermore Nauonal Laboratory. wrinen decision on Watts' appeal. the time, date and place of the Abraham noted that the "If a defendant's rights are University of California is still eli )mica HortoII/Cuordion infringed upon, the charges must ee WArn, Page 7 gible for the contra t and said that New business: From left to nght A.S. President Jeremy GaUagher, VICe President he "strongly agreed" that the uni ChriSllne Pae and ExecutJve Assistant Tracy M. Phillips srt In on the new counal. ver ity should compete for the lab oratory. By CLAYTON WOIFOLK ervice Kelly Va ant and "1 categori ca lly reject the WEATHER SURF Commis ioner of Enterprise SPOKEN notion that competition i a repu Senior Staff Writer perations Jeremy ogan were REPORT diation of an incumbent contrac New A.. President Jeremy the only other new officers to ~My decision is to tor or that an in umbent contrac Paul Gallagher and the new A.S. take office until the end of the Mayl ror is inherently incapable of pre ~ allow any individ; Council took office on April 30, current term, which rema ins May 1 'MIld. W 10 kt vailing in a competition," W1d waves I It. or less following the 2002-03 counci l's partially incomplete due to the H 65 l55 H 65 l57 ua1 to apply and Abraham said. 6nal meeting. A.. Election ommittee's dis Swell. SW 2 It. In a written statement dated Vice President Internal Jenn qualification of all candidates . .. be appointed." April 30, UC President Richard Pac, Vice President Finance Eric running on the rudent First! May 1 C. Atkinson left open the question Webster, Commis ioner of late. -~,.... 'ItInd S 10 SW 10 kL Athletics Jordan Cross, ..,J ..,. W'ldWMS. I It. SweI: SW 10 W 2 It. Su ALAMOS. PIJIt 7 Commissioner of Srudent ee COUNCIL. P"lt J H64l59 H6Sl56 AS.r.:... ZNEW THE U D GUARDIAN THURSDAY, MAY I, Z003 THUR DAY, MAY I. 2003 THE UCSD GUARDIAN NEWS 3 BRIEFLY Academic Senate addresses romance Council: Appointing ETCETERA ••• replacements is a priority Online library catalogue The UC Writing Institute has been in Faculty conduct, teaching awards discussed development for the past two years and is continued from page I Appointments will also be made launched for UC system the result of work completed by faculty from By USAMAK dents," said Joel Dimsdale, chair The change is not expected to Vacancies in the positions of vice for junior senators for John Nllllr UCSC, UC Berkeley, UCLA. UC Santa Barbara Staff Writer of the San Diego division of the impede engineering majors' president external and commission College, Revelle College, The new online Melvyl-T catalog, which and UC Davis. Academic Senate. progress toward the completion of ers of srudent advocacy, program Thurgood Marshall College and will allow Califomia Digitaf Library patrons to An amendment providing According to Dimsdale, the their degree, since most students ming, academic affairs, diver ity Earl Warren College, and a sopho search more than 23 million records for UCSD Lit Professor receives r----------,r---------~ r---------~f additional wording in the Faculty amendment addres e issues that bring in units through AP or affairs and communications were more senator for Warren. matenal held by the libraries of the 10 UC • Code of Conduct to directly are subtly different from those of transfer credit to meet the lower temporarily filled with the interim Vice President Finance Eric campuses, was rolled out April 23. Guggenheim Fellowship - address romantic and sexual rela sexual harassment. The effort for division requirements. Of this appointments of incumbent officers Webster, an independent candidate Compared to the legacy Melo,yl catalog. tion hip between faculty mem such an amendment began in year's 121 entering engineering at the meeting. during elections, expressed excite which will continue operating until Au~ust UCSD Professor of Comparative Literature bers and students was the target of 1983 ; it eventually lost steam and majors, only nine students did not Permanent appointments will ment at taking office and said that 2003, Melvyl-T has a new format and design, Lisa Lowe has been granted a Guggenheim discussion at the April 29 was revived in ZOO1. Similar poli clear the lower division breadth be made upon Gallagher's recom his first commission will be Student offers users a variety of enhanced features, Fellowship for 2003. Academic Senate meeting. cies at other universities were requirement through approved mendation and council approval Orgamzation Funding AdVisory and contains completely updated data for the Lowe is among 184 artists, scholars and The proposed enacmlent of the studied in order to evaluate how credit. during eighth week, according to Board allocations. Webster, who holdings of the UC system. Once the legacy scientists who were selected from more than faculty bylaws and academic such issues were addressed on In order to better accommo Gallagher.