TheThe AmericanAmerican GARDENERGARDENER® TheThe MagazineMagazineMagazine ofof thethe AAmericanmerican HorticulturalHorticultural SocietySocietySociety MayMay / June 2014 Hydrangeas for plant Connoisseurs CharmingCharming NicotianasNicotianas Four-SeasonFour-Season TreesTrees NewNew HerbHerb TrendsTrends Did you know that you can give the American Horticultural Let your home Society a residence, farm or vacation property, gain a charitable work for you! gift deduction, and retain the right to live in the property? A gift of real estate can provide the following benefits: • Produce a substantial charitable income tax deduction • Reduce capital gains taxes • Save estate taxes • Leave a legacy of a greener, healthier, more beautiful America • Membership in the Horticultural Heritage Society We would be pleased to discuss how a gift of real estate can benefit both you and the American Horticultural Society. Please contact Scott Lyons, Director of Institutional Advancement, at
[email protected] or (703) 768-5700 ext 127. contents Volume 93, Number 3 . May / June 2014 FEATURES DEPARTMENTS 5 NOTES FROM RIVER FARM 6 MEMBERS’ FORUM 8 NEWS FROM THE AHS Bequest of longtime AHS member Wilma L. Pickard establishes new AHS fellowship for aspiring horticulturists, Susie and Bruce Usrey are Honorary co-Chairs of 2014 Gala, birds of prey visit River Farm during annual Spring Garden Market. 12 AHS MEMBERS MAKING A DIFFERENCE Joan Calder. page 1414 44 GARDEN SOLUTIONS Avoiding or preventing late-blight infestations on tomatoes. 14 CHARMING NICOTIANAS BY RAND B. LEE 46 TRAVELER’S GUIDE TO GARDENS Beloved for their fragrance and attractiveness to pollinators, these The Rotary Botanical Gardens. old-fashioned cottage-garden favorites are back in style. 48 HOMEGROWN HARVEST Sweet and tart crabapples.