Catalogue of Woody Plants 2011

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Catalogue of Woody Plants 2011 ARBORETUM WESPELAAR and garden of HERKENRODE CATALOGUE OF WOODY PLANTS 2011 Foundation Arboretum Wespelaar, Grote Baan 63, B-3150 Haacht-Wespelaar Tel. +32-16-608.641; fax +32-16-601.353; email [email protected] Catalogue of Woody Plants Arboretum Wespelaar and garden of Herkenrode Arboretum Wespelaar vzw, a non profit organisation, was set up in 2001 to manage the botanical collections of some 19 ha of the estate of Philippe de Spoelberch in Wespelaar situated to the North of the garden of Herkenrode. Since 2005 this task is now the responsibility of Foundation Arboretum Wespelaar. The present Catalogue of Woody Plants, lists the plants growing in Herkenrode and the Arboretum Wespelaar, both of which are open to the public, from time to time, to groups on request or to members of asbl Jardins Ouverts de Belgique – Open Tuinen van België vzw. In this printed version of the catalogue, several fields have been truncated in order to reduce to one line the relevant data. The digital database is available on the website. In 2001 werd de vereniging Arboretum Wespelaar vzw opgericht met als voornaamste doelstelling de verdere uitbouw en het onderhoud van de dendrologische verzamelingen van het arboretum van Wespelaar. Dit Arboretum is gelegen op het domein van Philippe de Spoelberch net ten noorden van de tuin “Herkenrode” en is ongeveer 19 ha groot. Sedert 2005 werd deze taak overgenomen door Stichting Arboretum Wespelaar . De raad van bestuur van de vereniging heeft tot doel gesteld het Arboretum op regelmatige tijdstippen open te stellen voor een geïnteresseerd publiek van zodra de nodige faciliteiten beschikbaar zijn. Deze ‘Catalogue of Woody Plants’ bevat de inventaris van alle houtachtige planten die men kan terugvinden te Herkenrode of het Arboretum Wespelaar. Beide domeinen zijn op welbepaalde data toegankelijk voor de leden van de vzw Open Tuinen van België. Ook groepen zijn welkom maar enkel op aanvraag. Verschillende velden van het originele gegevensbestand zijn afgekort of weggelaten in deze gedrukte versie van de catalogus. De digitale versie van de databank kan geraadpleegd worden op de website. L’association sans but lucratif Arboretum Wespelaar fut constituée en 2001 pour assurer la gestion de quelques 19 ha de collections botaniques situées sur la propriété de Philippe de Spoelberch, à Wespelaar. Depuis 2005, cette tache à été reprise par la Fondation Arboretum Wespelaar . Le conseil d'administration de la société a décidé d'ouvrir l'Arboretum pour un public intéressé, à des moments réguliers, dès que toutes les facilités sont en place. Le présent catalogue reprend l’ensemble des plantes ligneuses vivantes, dans le jardin de Herkenrode et l’Arboretum Wespelaar. Ceux-ci sont ouverts au public, aux groupes sur demande et, occasionnellement, dans le cadre des journées portes ouvertes organisées par Jardins Ouverts de Belgique asbl. La version imprimée de l’inventaire a volontairement tronqué certains champs pour permettre de ne présenter qu’une ligne par spécimen. La version numérique de la base de données peut être consultée sur le site. Contents - Inhoud – Contenu Map of Herkenrode garden and Arboretum Wespelaar List of the codes used in the Catalogue Codes for source of plants Inventory of live woody plants sorted by location Plattegrond van Herkenrode en het Arboretum Wespelaar Lijst van de codes in de Catalogue Codes voor de herkomst van de planten Inventaris van de levende, houtige planten gesorteerd op locatie Carte du jardin d’Herkenrode et de l’Arboretum Wespelaar La liste des codes Codes pour l’origine des plantes Inventaire des plantes ligneuses vivantes classées par emplacement KEY TO CODES USED IN THE INVENTORY OF PLANTS AT HERKENRODE AND ARBORETUM Evaluation: Evaluation from good to low interest in Belgium (**, *, ,o) Num: ACCESSION NUMBER This 5-digit figure is composed of two digits for the year of entry into the collection and 3 additional digits for individual plants. Such entries can originate through purchase or transplanting from own nursery. The plant may have been growing for several years already (as seedlings, cuttings, etc.) in the various nurseries at Herkenrode. Plants will only receive an accession number when they definitely enter the collection. Name: THE PLANT'S BOTANICAL NAME This field contains the name for genus, species, subspecies, variety, form and cultivar, in that order. For practical reasons, it was decided to avoid splitting the denomination over several computer fields. The result is that one has a condensed listing with all relevant information in one computer field. Nomenclature has been very much simplified. Abbreviations have therefore been necessary, mostly for the named cultivars. For plants of wild origin provenance data are included and take following form: collector and number, location, country, altitude. Loc: LOCATION This 3-digit code relates to the overall plan of "Herkenrode + Arboretum Wespelaar", Garden (A - Z, 1-100, and 300 to 500), Arboretum (100 to 299). The numbering of the locations is by natural boundaries. D: DATE OF PLANTATION These 2 digits indicate the year of plantation in the stated location ("Loc"). If plants are moved within the collection after their introduction, this date will be changed accordingly. Src: SOURCE OF PLANT This 3-digit code relates to the appendix of sources. "WLD" stands for plants collected in the wild, directly or indirectly, location of collection will be found under DATA. S: STATUS This field has been expanded to describe the growth condition of living plants: "0" The plant is dead: see under data for reason, date, etc. It could have been moved to another collection or given away (dead plants are not included in this Catalogue) "1" The plant is in poor condition at the time of inventory. This may be eventually corrected in later inventories if the plant's condition improves. "2" Damaged, cut back (storms, diseases, frost etc...). "3" Lack of vigour, poorly adapted, die back. "4" Normal growth. "6" Is used for synonyms H: HARDINESS RATING AT HERKENRODE AND ARBORETUM WESPELAAR A: hardy B: leaf damage C: branch damage D: cut to the ground, recovering since E: killed outright V: VERIFICATION OF TAXONOMY T: typical V: verified C: close to the type (minor deviations) H: hybrid of the type (50 % deviation) K: hybrid of known parentage ?: requires further determination X: error to be determined and changed DATA: One may find further refinements: A+: leaf and flower bud hardy at Herkenrode and/or Arboretum A-: flower-buds frozen B+: light leaf damage (to evergreen plants) B-: heavy leaf damage, total defoliation C+: light wood damage C-: major branches die back Codes for source of plants in Herkenrode and Arboretum Wespelaar inventory ARN ARNOLD ARBORETUM: Boston Mass., USA, AUS DAVID AUSTIN ROSES: Wolverhampton, GB, BEA PETER BEALES ROSES: Attleborough Norfolk, GB, BER BERTY, roseraie de: Rose nursery in Ardèche, F-07110 LARGENTIERE, BIO BIOPLANT in vitro: Rue Eysden Mines 43a, Grand Halleux, Mr Grifsnée, BIS DE BISSCHOP: Camelia propagator in Gent, went out of business in 1987, produced up to 30.000 camellia's per annum BOD BODNANT GARDEN: Wales, GB, BRS BRESSINGHAM GARDENS, Diss, Norfolk, England, BUL BULK, Mark, specialist nursery,Boskoop, creator of Magnolia 'Leda', BUR BURNCOOSE Nurseries: Caerhays Estate, Cornwall, UK CAS CASTEELS Roses, Putte, Belgium, CEC CECE: CHOTEAU, Benoit , Pépinières CECE, 7130 Binche (Bray), DBL DE BELDER: gifts or purchase from their propagation at Kalmthout or Hemelrijk, often WLD collected plants DCL Dr. DE CLERCQ: amateur propagator of rhodo etc., Nevele near Gent, Belgium, DDH DOMINIQUE DUHAUT: wholesale propagator of unusual plants, Aalter near Brugge, DEL DELBARD, France, roses, DEV DAMIEN DEVOS: rare trees and shrubs, Anzegem, DHO DIETRICH HOBBIE NURSERIES : Oldenburg, Germany DIV DIVERS: various suppliers, see under data for eventual name or further specification of origin, EDW EDELWEISS, roses EIS EISENHUT NURSERIES: Switserland, propagator of magnolias from Sir Peter Smither's at Vico Morcote, ESV ESVELD: Firma C.Esveld, Boskoop, Nederland, EVE ESPACE VERT ET ENVIRONNEMENT: near Fontainebleau, managed by Edouard d'Ardeev, many rhododendrons from seed open poll. FLI KARL E.FLINK : propagations from his garden at BJUV, or Agricul. Station of FINDUS, his collections and selections, GDK GROENDEKOR, Bergensesteenweg 408, 1600 Sint Pietersleeuw, (Peter De Ridder), GGD GLENDOICK GARDENS : Perth, PH2 7NS Scotland, GB, Peter COX, GOO GOOSSENS: Propagator of Rhododendron at Lochristi, Belgium GRO GROTENDORST: Dutch nursery, went out of business in Eighties; GUI ROSERAIE P. GUILLOT : Chamagnieu, France, HAR le HARDY de Beaulieu, Lens St.Servais, large plants from Esveld Nurseries, went out of business 1999 HIL HILLIER NURSERIES, Winchester, England, HTS HOF TER SAKSEN, Beveren, gifts Codes for source of plants in Herkenrode and Arboretum Wespelaar inventory HUL VAN HULLE : propagator, Maldegem ?, Belgium KLM ARBORETUM KALMTHOUT : Plants propagated/sold by the Arboretum, but not necessarily from the living collection LEN LENS ROSES: specialist rose nursery in Oudenburg, between Bruges and Ostend, Belgium MAL MALLET COURT NURSERIES : owner James Harris, propagator and Acer specialist (IDS Council member), UK MAM MAMAN: planted by mother of Philippe de Spoelberch MAS JARDIN MASSART: Jardin botanique de l' ULB, Mr Vermeulen (?) curateur,
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