FREE HHoorrssee RReevviieeww VOL. 26 • NO. 6 The Mid-South Equine Newsmagazine Since 1992 FEBRUARY 2016 2. february, 2016 • Mid-South Horse Review ON THe C OveR : rodeo action from the autoZone liberty Bowl rodeo at the ShowPlace arena, Memphis, tn. (page 23) HHoorrssee RReevviieeww february 2016 (photo by Bill Kabel ) Equus Charta, LLC January cover clarification: “the Boon” is owned by Copyright 2016 contentS • v ol . 26 • n o. 6 king ranch, not James clement Quarter horses. 6220 greenlee #4 P.o. Box 594 arlington, tn 38002-0594 901-867-1755 PuBLiSHeR & e DiTOR : Tom & Dr. Nancy Brannon STAff : Andrea Gilbert WeBSiTe : e- MAiLS : Bob Herrington and Nick Hart, winners of the #10 Average at the South Geor - The Harris sisters, Lucy Harris (left) midsouthhorsereview@ gia Classic. ( photo by Val Ford ) (page 32) on her paint pony Dakota and Sydney Harris (right) on her Palomino Quarter
[email protected] Horse, gave up part of their Christmas to donate to Le Bonheur and St. Jude Chil - dren’s Hospitals. (page 29) ARTiCLeS & PHOTOS WeLCOMeD: we welcome contributions from writers and horse people, features : but cannot guarantee publication or return of Stallion ShowcaSe 4 manuscripts or photos. Mare care 8, 10 reproduction of editorial content, photographs or Field trialS 24 advertising is strictly prohibited without written permission of the publisher. events • shows : eDiTORiAL POLiCY: racing 17 the opinions expressed in articles dreSSage 18 do not necessarily reflect the The Coyote Run Drill Team performed at the Liberty Bowl Rodeo. (page 20) hunter /J uMPer 21 opinions or policy of the (photo by Bill Kabel ) Field trialS 24 Mid-South Horse Review .