Case Study A: the State of Arunachal Pradesh Is Situated in the North-‐East

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Case Study A: the State of Arunachal Pradesh Is Situated in the North-‐East Case Study A: The state of Arunachal Pradesh is situated in the north-eastern region of the country and shares international boundaries with China along the snow line in the north, with Bhutan in the west and Myanmar in the south- east. The state shares most of its southern boundary with Assam. The state also shares its boundaries with Nagaland for a small stretch on the southern side. The total geographical area of Arunachal Pradesh is 83743 sq km Subansiri, Siang (or, Dihang), Dibang (or, Sikang), Siyom, Kameng, Lohit and Tirap are the major rivers of the state. As per the studies for the re-assessment of the potential, Arunachal Pradesh has a probable installed capacity of 66065 MW and hydroelectric potential of Arunachal Pradesh is estimated at 34920 MW at 60% load factor. Dibang river system has a probable hydropower potential of about 10152 MW from 12 identified schemes. These schemes are run of river and storage types. Thus, it is extremely important to harness the hydropower potential of Arunachal Pradesh. Hydropower is commonly known to be a pollution (water, air and noise) free, renewable and cheap source of energy. Hydropower projects have substantial positive environment impact e.g. (i) Assured supply of drinking water and water for irrigation, (ii) Flood moderation, (iii) Improved agricultural produce, (iv) Pisciculture. Dibang Multipurpose Project (3000 MW) is being conceived on River Dibang which originates from snow covered southern flank of the Himalayas close to Tibet border at an altitude of more than 5000 M. The river emerges from the hills and enters sloping plain area near Nizamghat in Arunachal Pradesh, from where the river flows a distance of 50 Km. to meet the river Lohit. The total catchment area of Dibang up to the dam site is 11276 sq km, which lies entirely in India. The Project is located in Lower Dibang Valley district and its site is found to be a good combination of geological and topographical features for development of hydro-potential. The project area is extremely remote & inaccessible. The reservoir created behind Dam will provide flood moderation benefit in the down stream. The back water in the reservoir will travel up to a length of 43 km in Dibang river and its various tributaries - Airi Pani, Ilu Pani, Imu Pani, Ahi river, Ithun river, Emra river etc. which will facilitate promotion of navigation by connecting inaccessible upstream villages/ areas. The Project after construction will be one of the biggest projects in terms of generation of power in India. The project headquarters is proposed to be at Pathar Camp on the right bank of river Dibang approximately 6 km downstream of dam site. The project is about 43 km from Roing, which is at a distance of 110 km from Tinsukia the nearest railhead. Airport at Mohanbari (Dibrugarh) is further 45 km from Tinsukia. Questions: a.1 List the key Environmental Issues during different phases of the proposed project. a.2 Categorized them into short-term/medium-term/ long-term, reversible/ irreversible and +/-. Environmental Impact Assessment for the proposed expansion of steel melting plant and addition of steel rolling mill at Kanur Village, Avinashi Taluk, Tiruppur District Case Study B: GSPL is formed in the year 2009 to establish a steel melting plant with rolling mill at Kanur Executive Summary village, Tir uppur district. The production capacity of the existing steel melting plant is 2850 Tons per month of Protection Act, 1972. On the basis of records of forest department and also from MS Ingots. GSPL proposes to increase the production capacity of its plant to 10,000 Tons per month and also literature survey pertaining to study area reveals that there are no protected areas and also no endangered, threatened plant and animal species present in 10-km proposed to produce 9500 Tons per month of Steradius. el Rods, Angels, squares, flats, channels and rounds. The proposed expansion activities will be carried out within the existing land of 6.45 ha. The power requirement 3.0 ANTICIPATED ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACTS & ENVIRONMENT MANAGEMENT will be increased from 8500 KVA to 15 MW after the proposed expansion. The raw materials PLAN are different type of MS scrap, Sponge Iron, Ferro Manganese, Ferro silicon and Aluminium ingots.The anticipated environmental impacts and mitigation measures are presented in Water requirement in the Table - 5. plant is for cooling tower makeTABLE - 5 -up, and scrubber make-up. The manpower in the existing plant is 70 will be ANTICIPATED ADVERSE ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACTS AND MITIGATION MEASURES increased to 120. Anticipated Environmental Impacts as follow: Discipline Potential Probable Mitigative Remarks Negative Source Measures Impacts Constructional Impact Water Quality Increase in Loose soil at During monsoon season _ suspended solids construction run off from construction due to soil run-off site site will be routed to a during heavy temporary sedimentation precipitation tank for settlement of suspended solids. Air Quality Increase in dust Leveling Sprinkling of water in the The impact will be low, and NOx activity and construction area and as the main approach concentration Heavy unpaved roads. Proper road will be tarred. vehicular maintenance of vehicles movement will be done. Noise Increase in noise Construction Equipment will be kept in Workers will be provided level equipment good condition to keep the with necessary noise level within 85-dB protective equipment (A). e.g. ear plug, earmuffs. Terrestrial Clearing of Soil enabling Landscaping and extensive Plantation will be done Ecology Vegetation activities plantation will be done. in consultation with the local forest department. Operational Impact Water Quality Deterioration of Discharge from Adequate volume of septic --- surface water domestic tanks and dispersion quality. usages. trench will be provided. Air Quality Increase in PM, Stack High efficiency wet venturi The resultant air quality SO2 and NO2 emissions and scrubber will be installed will confirm to the levels in ambient raw material to control the emission stipulated standards. air. storage yards. from proposed induction and reheating furnaces. Particulate emission Adequate stack height will from the proposed be provided as per CPCB furnaces stack will be Environmental Impact Assessmentguidelines for the for theproposed proper kept expansion below 1of50 steel melting plant dispersion of pollutants. mg/Nm3. and addition of steel rolling mill atMotorable Kanur roadsVillage, in the Avinashi Taluk, Tiruppur District plant area will be paved to reduce dust emission. Executive Summary Plantation programs will be undertaken around the plant area. Dust Discipline Potential Probablesuppression measures will Mitigative Remarks Negative Sourcebe implemented raw Measures material handling area. Impacts VIMTASolid Labswaste Limited, RunnerHyderabad & Riser, From Runner & Riser, steelE-7 Efforts will be made to Furnace slag, furnaces, scrap & mill scale will be utilize the solid waste to steel scraps, mill rolling mill, recycled in process. The the extent possible. scale, ash burners furnace slag will be used in cement plant / road laying material. Ash will be used in brick making units Ecology a. Terrestrial Impact on plant Emissions from Emission will be controlled As ambient air quality species stack as well as dispersed will be within limits, no through appropriate active injury to the design. vegetation is expected. b. Aquatic Impact on aquatic Treated waste The domestic wastewater As the sewage water life of the water water will be provided with will be treated properly bodies adequate treatment no significant impact on facilities aquatic life is expected. Noise Increase in noise Equipment in Equipment will be Employees working in levels in the plant main plant and designed to conform to high noise areas would area. auxiliaries noise levels prescribed by be provided earplugs/ regulatory agencies. earmuffs as protective Provision of green belt and device. plantation would further help in attenuating noise. Demography Strain on existing Influx of Most the workers Overall socio-economic and Socio- amenities like people of requirement will be status of the area is economics housing, water proposed fulfilled by local people. No expected to improve. sources and expansion significant impact is sanitation, medical employees as envisaged and infrastructure well as facilities. contractor's employees/ labourers. 4.0 ENVIRONMENTAL MONITORING PROGRAM b.1 Categorized the environmental issues as identified above into short-term/ medium-term/ long-term, Environmental monitoring will be conducted on regular basis by GSPL to assess reversible/ irreversible and +/the pollution level in the surrounding-. area. A comprehensive monitoring program b.2 Identify is suggestedand list additional in Table - 6. environmental issues (not mentioned in the case study). TABLE - 6 MONITORING SCHEDULE FOR ENVIRONMENTAL PARAMETERS Sr. Particulars Monitoring Method of Important No. Frequency Sampling Monitoring Parameters I Air Pollution & Meteorology A Air Quality Monitoring 1 Eight locations in and Once in a month Fine Dust sampler PM10, PM2.5, around the plant SO2, NO2 2 Work zone monitoring Once in a month Fine Dust sampler PM10 & PM2.5 B Stack Monitoring All Stacks Once in a month Iso-kinetic PM, SO2 & NOX C Meteorology VIMTA Labs Limited, Hyderabad E-8 .
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