Learn. Teach. Achieve. Breakthrough Kent Inspiring Today’s Students and Tomorrow’s Teachers

ANNUAL REPORT 2018-2019 1 OUR MISSION Breakthrough Kent Denver is a six-year after school and summer program To increase the that supports middle and high school students educational and through challenges and transitions while social opportunities simultaneously training aspiring educators. of motivated, financially under-resourced, middle and high school students through a All programs and services are provided at quality year-round no cost to all of our students. program.

To motivate and train college students for Breakthrough’s Impact in 2018-2019: careers in education.

100% of Breakthrough high school seniors graduated in 2019

179 middle school students served from over 190 high school students served from over 60 (DPS) and Englewood Public Schools (EPS)

89% of Breakthrough graduates matriculated into an institution of higher education

For eight consecutive years 100% of Breakthrough seniors have graduated high school!

35 days of additional academic instruction

25th year of closing the achievement gap in Denver Public Schools and Englewood Public Schools

“Breakthrough is different because it’s not like typical school, classes are fun and it pushes us outside of our comfort zone by introducing us to things we’re not used to. For example, this summer every student was expected to get up in front of the community at some point either to present or perform something. Even though it can be scary, getting out of your comfort zone is something you have to do in order to grow. If I were to say one thing to anyone who hasn’t been to Breakthrough it would be, ‘you have to come.’” ” - Nashi Mason, 8th grade, GALS Middle School

2 6th Ave. ENGLEWOOD

Federal Blvd. and Englewood Middle Schools in 2018-2019 Breakthrough Successfully Served34Denver Public School Partnerships DENVER &ENGLEWOOD


Santa Fe Dr. DENVER Hampden Ave. I-25 Blvd.

Kent Denver Breakthrough Monaco Pkwy. Monaco

Colfax Ave. I-70 KIPP Northeast Denver Northeast KIPP Hill Middle School High Point Academy LoganFort Northgate Academy Englewood Leadership DSST Public Schools Denver School oftheArts Denver GreenSchool West Leadership Academy STRIVE Preparatory Schools Skinner Middle School Henry World School International Studies Denver Center for Compass Academy Columbia Middle School Clayton Elementary Cherrelyn Elementary Charles Hay World School Bishop Elementary Bear Valley McAuliffe International Manual McAuliffe Laredo Middle School SunshinePeakAcademyKIPP Dr. MLKJr. Early College Place Bridge AcademyPlace Bridge MiddleMerrill School Academy Arts Kunsmiller Creative Hamilton Middle School Grant BeaconMiddle School Leadership Schools Girls Athletic Wyatt Academy Charter Boys School ofDenver Odyssey School ofDenver

3 SUMMER PROGRAM Rigorous Academics, Leadership Activities & Community Building for 7th-9th Grade Students

• Intensive six-week summer session (M-F, 8am-4pm) • 28 days of rigorous instruction in math, reading, writing, and science

Summer Impact:

83% of students scored at or above in math post assessments

83% of students scored at or above in science post assessments

82% of students scored at or above in reading post assessments

Who did we serve 93% engaged meaningfully in this summer? text analysis discussions 95% Students of Color 90% 89% of students showed mastery in persuasive essays and response to text Qualified for Free/Reduced Lunch 96% of students spoke, presented, 58% 79% or performed in front of the community Speak a Language First Generation Other than English College Bound in Their Home 91% of students completed all but two of 80 homework assignments 46% Come From a Single Parent Household

4 SATURDAY SCHOOL PROGRAM Non-Traditional School-Year Support For Middle School and High School Students

• Seven Saturday school sessions • Once per month during the school year

Non-Traditional Subjects: • Social Justice • Business Acumen • Medical Student for a Day • Celebrate the Arts • Health and Wellness • Global Awareness “Going into • Our Community Saturday School as + enhanced academic support and guidance a volunteer, I was definitely nervous. Knowing that I’d be responsible for an entire classroom, having to both teach the material and Volunteer Statistics: manage behavior was nerve- racking. But once I met the 140 20 19 27 students and started to see their Year-round Anschutz Student Breakthrough growth, even in the span of one Volunteers Medical Board Advisory class, I forgot about my nerves. Including Student Members Board Just like my students, I found Advisory Board Mentors Members myself growing in the classroom. This unique teaching experience 79% enabled me to become a more First Generation confident person.” College Bound -Faith Kummetz Junior, Kent Denver School Breakthrough Student Board

5 HIGH SCHOOL & COLLEGE Bound ProgramS Breakthrough’s Support Continues Through High School to Ensure Our Students Graduate and Go to College!

High School Program 2019 High School Graduation Rates* (Serves 8th and 9th grades) 100 • 8th grade high school selection 90 100% counseling for students and 80 their families 70 80% • 9th grade academic support 60 70% 68% • 8th and 9th grade high school 50 transition support for students 40 and their families 30 20 10 0 *Colorado Department of Education: http://www2.cde.state.co.us/cdereval/graduationdatamap.asp

Breakthrough Kent Denver Denver Public Schools Englewood Public Schools Colorado

Breakthrough Class of 2019 College Bound Program College Matriculation: (Serves 10th - 12th grades) Brown University • 10th grade Mentor Program with Colorado State University Anschutz Medical Students Community College of Denver Conneticut College • 11th grade SAT test prep practice Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University • 11th and 12th grade support in summer Emily Griffith Technical College opportunity search, personal statements, Front Range Community College resumes, admission test prep, interview Grambling State University practice, college list making, and Hampton University Hastings College financial aid Metropolitan State Nebraska Wesleyan University Red Rocks Community College The New School (Parsons) University of Colorado - Boulder University of Colorado - Colorado Springs University of Colorado - Denver University of Denver University of the Arts in Philadelphia University of Northern Colorado 6 Williamette University TEACHING FELLOW Program Training the Next Generation of Dedicated Educators

2019 High School Graduation Rates* • Serves college students aspiring to become teachers Highly • Two-week intensive teacher training before Competitive students arrive Process: • Six-week classroom experience: lesson plan implementation and behavior management 150 Teaching Fellow Applications from • Daily support from professional educators with Across the Country instruction and behavior management 32 Accepted Positions

Summer staff:

62% People of Color

22% Returning Teachers

87% of our 31% senior teachers Breakthrough Student Alumni are pursuing careers in education!

“I’d never taught a class before my first summer with Breakthrough, so the first two weeks of our training was crucial to my growth. I felt so much more confident going into the classroom with our kids, I don’t know what I would have done without our training weeks. As I returned in my second summer, I was able to focus on my lessons and also connect with my students in an intentional and profound way. The best way I can describe this program is that everyone is here to grow. We’re working every day to improve who we are and Breakthrough provides us the space to do that.” -Kyle Paradis Breakthrough Teaching Fellow, 2018, ’19 7 What Do WE Need to Breakthrough Make a Difference? Boards & STAFF Breakthrough Development Amount Raised - $753,008

Revenue Breakthrough Kent Denver Staffa Sarah Dutcher- Executive Director Brooke Lynn Brewer- Program Director Kyle Bobrick- Communications Director 14% Adrianna Carmichael- Program Coordinator Dawn Mohatt- Director of Finance Margot Pinto- Parent Liaison 41% Breakthrough 29% Breakthrough Student Board Advisory Board Claudia Bautista Cathy Blair 16% Kelly Brown Dr. Eric Chandler Caley Capoot Cindy Dash Lucille Egan Sarah Dutcher- Reagan Haecker- Executive Director Foundation Support/Corporate ($361,967) Board Chair Joey Fanale Emily Hogan Jen Frenkel Individuals ($142,775) Caroline Kenyon Kristin Finch Events ($248,266) Faith Kummetz Jen Greco Anjali Mandava Lynn Haecker In-Kind Donations ($122,745) Alexis Mandava Dr. Rand Harrington Janet McDermott Janet Holmes Alexa Moretti Melinda Karp- Enrique Myers Board Chair Elect Morgan Myhill Kevin Kearney Kayla Robertson Phil Klein Amanda Schlatter Nhu Lam Isabella Sperling- Janice Laney Expenses Board Chair Michanda Lindsey- Nicole Trujillo- Board Co-Chair Board Chair Barb McDonald 6% Carley Wiley Chip McKeever Gretchen McLaughlin- 13% Board Co-Chair Dawn Mohatt Sharon Moulton Jason Mundy Margot Pinto- Parent Liaison 81% Sarah Procopio Lisa Snyder Elaine Weng

Program ($673,796) Administration ($53,284) Fundraising & Communication ($108,634)

8 Breakthrough Boards & STAFF

THE Breakthrough Pledge (Recited every day by the community)

We are Breakthrough, and we commit ourselves to Hard Work, Dedication, Respect, Fun, and most of all Breakthrough Partners Excellence in Learning. Kent Denver School Denver Public Schools Englewood Public Schools Breakthrough National Collaborative Denver Kids Denver Test Prep Mindfish Test Prep Anschutz Medical School Shoulder to Shoulder Horizons The Challenge Foundation The Denver Scholarship Foundation College Track

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Check out our website! www.breakthroughdenver.org 9 Founders Advocates Donors 2018-2019 ($5,000 - $9,999) ($2,000 - $4,999) Anonymous (2) Anonymous (2) Karen & Garrett Baum Tami & Duke Beardsley Michele & Will Bergner Marian & Patrick Beirne The Cross H Foundation Lauren & David Benson Stars Catalysts Jo Marie Dancik & Amy & Joe Covell ($49,999 & up) ($10,000 - $14,999) George Dancik Karen & Dale DeLeo The Anschutz Foundation The Bardsley Foundation * In Honor of Sharon & Denver Metro OMS Melinda & Matthew Karp Suzanne & Aldis Birkans Jeff Moulton Christine DeRose Dr. Elaine Weng & *In Honor of Janice & Eldorado Artisan Tiffany & Jeffrey Deutsch Tom Malley Tim Laney Fire Bowls Leanne J. Paez-Duncan & The Margulf Foundation The Charles A. Weyerhaeuser Chris & Joey Fanale Kevin V. Duncan Bridges Memorial Foundation Jennifer & Michael Greco Yi & Bryan Ellis ($15,000 - $49,999) *In Memory of Walter S. Lynn & Kelly Haecker Jeff Farley The Adolph Coors Rosenberry, III Sarah Anschutz Hunt & Rebecca & Ken Gart Foundation Angie & Jeremy Flug Christopher Hunt Anders & Ginna Halverson CliftonLarsonAllen LLP Jen & Brian Frenkel Mary Beth & Heritage 1865 Hunting Community Banks of Anne & Jim Hillary William Purdy Outfitters & Lodge Colorado Independence Capital Katie & Scott Schoelzel Donna & Norm Herz Denver Public Schools Asset Partners, LLC The Temple Hoyne Buell Ann Hovland & The Fox Family Lynn Luce Kitt & Lance Kitt Foundation Kevin Patterson Foundation Janice & Tim Laney Amy Kennedy & The Janus Henderson Gretchen Murray Steve Miller Foundation McLaughlin & Chris Lauree Kiely The LARRK Foundation McLaughlin Pat McHenry & Karen Padgett & Renee & Rick Newfield Jeff Bartholomew Scott Ryan Tami Paumier & Cindy Dash & Trent Novak Margot & Marc Pinto Glen Warren, Jr. OppenheimerFunds Kathryn & Tim Ryan RMB Capital Pat & Steve Parkhouse State of Colorado The Solich Fund Liz & David Payne The Walter S. Rosenberry Carol & George Solich THANK Betsy Searle & III Charitable Trust State Farm Mike Branham The Titus Foundation Semple Brown Design, P.C. The Tuchman Family YOU! Sarah & Mark M. Soane

Foundation Paula & Laton Spahr The Virginia W. Hill Bridget & Dan Starishevsky Foundation Jennifer McIntosh Waters &

Sean Waters Paige & Kevin Yost

Friends (up to $100)

Anonymous Trish & Tully Bragg Seth Davis Timothy G Pfeifer Liana Tomchesson & Doris & Gary Brewer Loni DesJardin Ann Gail & Justin Jaschke George Adams AnnMarie & Jeff Bridges Michelle & Raj Dhanda Tom Gallagher Tonka Aguirre & Hilary Carlson Jocelyn & Anthony Max Gart Fatih Akdis Sonia & Richard Carty DiChiara Sara Gebre Libby Bortz & Michael Laurie & Eric Chandler Sharon & John Dye Cindy & Jeffrey Giullian Altenberg Christy & Mark Chandler Janjuree & Ken Eichner Carrie Green Connor Arend Alex Clement Jennifer & Paul Elliott Tracie Hammons & Anna Ausubel Aimee & Jonathan Christina Fakharzadeh & Nelson Gieseke Melissa Bader & Coleman Cam Keshavarz Eli & Trevor Harwood Nick Seeley Hopie Connors *In Memory of Betsy Steven Hernandez Lopez Phillip Barber Lea Cookson Marberry Angel & James Higgins Marc Bathgate Heather & Eben Olympia & Thomas Fay Sunhee Hodges Cara & Don Betcher Cornelissen Shayla & Garret Francis Janet & Tony Holmes Kristen & Martin Boublik Sarah & Nate Crow Kathleen & Bruce Frank Helene Hughes Helen & Brewster Boyd Robin & Brett Cullen Paula Fredericksen Amy & John Hughes 10 Enthusiasts Patrons Jill & Chris Randall Melissa & Douglas Henston ($1,000-$1,999) ($500 - $999) Caroline Kurtz Rassenfoss Jane & Todd Horn Katie & Adam Agron Whitney Bartelli & Joe Rassenfoss Meagan & Charlie Johnson Sam & Robert Baumgarten Pam Davis Beardsley Liz & Blaine Rollins Sally & Tom Kaesemeyer Becky & Dick Benes Micah & Eric D’Hondt Elaine & Jack Sample Heather & Daniel Kos Cathy & Robert Blair Merrell Aspin & Mark Fallon Sharon & Patrick Sobers Tim Lawler Angelee & Bob Bouchard F. E. Agnew Family Fund of The Standard Pam & Stewart Lawrence Kathy Safford Coors & The Pittsburgh Foundation Jennifer & Seth Terry Michanda & Cajardo Brad Coors Chris & Beck Fisher Kristen & Doug Wiley Lindsey Tori Lutz Donovan & Kelly & K.C. Gallagher Cindy & John Yallop Andrea & Kevin Mahoney Barbara Altenberg Steve Donovan Ann & Rob Garner Partners Jen & Adam Eichberg Sidney Brock Gates & ($101 - $499) McDonald & Steve McDonald Elevated Catering Caleb Gates Anonymous Sarabeth Jones & Mark Gina & Steve Fenton Cindy & Jeff Giullian Gargi & Rajiv Agarwala Sr. Meagher Frederick G. Fish Foundation Mel Grant Jill & Adam Barkin Katherine MacDonald Gates Industrial Wendy Handler Mary & Bob Bearman Meier & Steven Meier Corporation Foundation *In Honor of Margot & Joy Benenson Dawn Mohatt Sarah & Neil Goldblatt Marc Pinto” Bonfils-Stanton Foundation Jason Mundy Kris & Rand Harrington Julie & Martin Tiffany & C.R. Brinton Patty & Chris Myers Kimberly & Jon Hauser Harrington Sarah & Rusty Brown Mary & Jeff Nefus Kevin & Jena Hausmann Louis Henston Cristina & Chris Capoot Richard Pellett Jennie & Eric Hewitt Athena Foley & Chris Buffy & Michel Chonchol Karen & John Repine Nancy & Clifford Hickey Hooper Annie Cordova Corbett & Shannon & Bryan Heather & Jared Hobson Janet Hurtt Mark Corbett Schmidt JJ & Scott Johnson Fred & Jeri Joseph Marcia & Jamie Cutler Priscilla & Pat Scobie Nhu Lam & David Agostine Cindy & Kurt Kittleson Vicki & David Dansky Cheryl & Bruce Scott The Luby Family Kristine & Fredrik Seth Davis Tina & Bill Skewes Donna & Naresh Mandava Klaveness Cathy Dutcher & Lisa & Jeffery Snyder Lori & Peter McDermott Ann & Phil Klein Dan Tillapaugh Terry & Patrick Bruce McGrath Jennifer Schaffner & Michael Ehrenfried Tennyson Lindsey & Chip McKeever Mark Kozlowski Erin & Greg Eiselein Stephanie & Eric Toler Cathy & Vin Melvin Lee-Ann & Chip Krauss Robin Beery & Erin & Mike Verneris Sharon & Jeff Moulton Delisa & Anthony Mayer Mark Filerman Esther Starrels & John Susan & Pete Neidecker Sheila & Rob McClure Katherine & Jason Fitez Wasserman Chris Petre McDowell Family Gap Inc. Cindy & Randy Wells Laney & Tom Pitstick Foundation Chris Gibbons & Chris Wineman Sarah Procopio Kristin & Mark Audra Philippon Lydia & John Woodard Rachel Grynberg-Schepis McKissick Sallie Egan Grewe & Adrine & Adam Writer & Rick Schepis Kate & Mark Murphy Jerry Grewe Hunt Walker Sunju & Donald Park Paul Hayes Nancy Cohen & Lindsay & Andrew Piepgras Susie & David Hennes James Wason

Emily & Stephen Hunter Sandy Mandel Holly Paris Angie Smith Bradley Jackson Andy Marquez Geoff Peck Jodie & Jason Sperling Manisha & Christopher Karen Iker & Amanda & Jeremy Prager Reed Stillwell Kendall Kendrick McLish Christina Rabideau Patrick Stimson Carey Kim Brenna & Kirk Mielenz Marla & Steve Roper Rose Orblom & Chris & Kree Klein Matthew Miller Lee Fisher-Rosenberg & Drew Strickland Michael Knoll Kristen & Scott Miner Barry Rosenberg Leslie & Harold Summey Sheila Kowal & Jenifer & Colin Monks Lorie & Chris Sader Margo Sweany Blake Chambliss Michael Moore Jeanne Lee Sayers Leslie Treece Narelle Krizek Lisa & Jake Mortell Kristen Schaefer Aylin & Michael Trujillo Debbie & George Lantz Seanna Mulligan Jennifer & Mark Schaffner Debbie & Sheff Tulp Suzanne & Charles Larimer Danielle & Solomon Mark Scheel Jaron Wagner Annie Hansen & Muwanga Howard & Leslie Schirmer Kennedy Walker Nick Lefferts Alexis Nightengale & Michelin Sharp Madison Ward Dana & Brad Licht Sam Bershof Lorni & Chris Sharrow Matthew Weatherford Lisa & Tracy Love Michael Nunnink Barbara & Jonathan Slaton Amy & Frederick Yarger 11 12 Kent Denver Breakthrough Avenue Quincy 4000 East 80113-4916 CO Englewood, www.breakthroughdenver.org