The scientific and common names used in this index for Australian are those of The and Species ofBirds ofAustralia and its Territories (Christidis & Boles 1994) and of the Handbook of Australian, New Zealand and Antarctic Birds vols 1-4 (Marchant & Higgins 1990, 1993; Higgins & Davies 1996; Higgins 1999). Where synonyffis have been used in this volume for either scientific or common names they are shown in brackets. For extra-limital birds the names used are those of the text or where either scientific or common names have been omitted those of A Checklist ofthe Birds of the World, EdwardS. Gruson, Collins, 1976, are used. Minor differences in spelling, if any, have been disregarded. The species names are arranged in alphabetical order of genera. Only the first reference in any one paper is listed except where there is a tabular list, or lists, which includes the names of all birds mentioned in the paper, when this is the reference used.

ACANTHAGENYS AMYTORN!S cont'd rufogularis Spiny-cheeked Honeyeater goyderi Eyrean 28 11 ACANTHIZA striatus apicalis Inland Thornhill 204, 245 299 textilis Thick-billed Grasswren chryso"hoa Yellow-rumped Thornhill 244 303 ANAS inomata Western Thornhill castanea Chestnut Teal 297 222,247 Slender-billed (Samphire) Thornhill iredalei gracilis Grey Teal 248, 297 222, 247, 282 lineata Striated Thornhill rhynchotis Australasian Shoveler 302 222, 247 nana Yellow Thornhill superciliasa Pacific Black Duck 110 220, pl. 63 pus ilia Brown Thornhill pl. 29, 110 ANSERANAS regula ides Buff-rumped Thornhill semipalmata Magpie Goose 297 82 ACANTHORHYNCHUS tenuirostris Eastern Spinebill ANTHOCHAERA pl. 12,34 caruncula Ia Red Wattlebird 26, pl. 5, 56, 65 ACCIPI1ER chrysoptera Little Wattlebird ci"hocephalus Collared Sparrowhawk 26,pl.6 62, 134 fasciatus Brown Goshawk ANTHUS 65, 314 novaeseelandiae Richard's Pipit ACRIDOTHERES 173, 269 Iristis Common Myna APHELOCEPHALA 102, 130, 169, 262 pectoralis Chestnut-breasted Whiteface AEGOTHELES 245 cristatus Australian Owlet-nightjar 64 AQUILA AILUROEDUS audax Wedge-tailed Eagle crassirostris Green Catbird 38, pl. 13 171 ARDEA ALCEDO alba Great Egret pus ilia Little Kingfisher pl. 57, 224, 282 pl. 80-81' 293 cocoi Cocoi Heron ALISTERUS 125 scapularis Australian King-Parrot herodias Great Blue Heron 26 124 AMYTORNIS ibis Cattle Egret barbatus 224 244 intermedia Intermediate Egret 282 VOLUME18 INDEX OF SPECIES 327

ARDEAcont'd CAL/DRIS cont'd melanocephala Black-headed Heron tenuirostris Great Knot 125 213 pacifica White-necked Heron CALLOCEPHALON 224 fimbria tum Gang-gang Cockatoo ARDEOT/S 241 australis Australian Bustard 282 CALONECTRIS ARENARIA leucome/as Streaked SheaiWater 200 interpres Ruddy Thrnstone 9, pl. 4, 60, 129 CALYPTORHYNCHUS ARTAMUS lathami Glossy Black-Cockatoo cinereus Black-faced Woodswallow 284 118 latirostris Carnaby's Cockatoo cyanopterus Dusky Woodswallow 306 118, pl. 37 CERTHJONYX leucorynchus White-breasted Woodswallow variegatus Pied Honeyeater pl. 16,61 56 persona/us Masked Woodswallow 118 CHARADRIUS superciliosus White-browed Woodswallow asiaticus Caspian Plover 102 81 ASHBYIA bicinctus Double-banded Plover lovensis Gibberbird 9, 194, 248 110 hiaticula Ringed Plover 9 AS/0 leschenaultii Greater Sand Plover flanmzeus Short-eared Owl 83 288 mongolus Lesser Sand Plover otus Long-eared Owl 83 288 ruficapillus Red-capped Plover AVICEDA 194, 212, 248 subcristata Pacific Baza veredus Oriental Plover 134 81 AYTHYA CHENONETTA australis Hardhead jubata Australian Wood Duck 222, 247 38, 129, 220 8/ZIURA lobata Musk Duck CHLIDONIAS 220, 247 hybrida Whiskered Tern 228 BRANTA bernie/a Brent Goose CHRYSOCOCCYX 309 basalis Horsfield's Bronze-Cuckoo BUTORIDES 300, 313 striatus Striated Heron CJNCLORAMPHUS 125 crura/is Brown Songlark CACATVA 174 galerita Sulphur-crested Cockatoo C/NCLOSOMA 122 leadbeateri Major Mitchell's Cockatoo cinnamomeum Cinnamon Quail-thrush 244 241 punctatunz Spotted Quail-thrush pastinator Western Corella pl. 31, 112 241 roseicapilla Galah CLADORHYNCHUS 38, 129, 234, 241, 285 leucocephalus Banded Stilt sanguinea Little Corella 129 241 sulphurea Lesser Sulphur-crested Cockatoo COLLUR/C/NCLA 241 harmonica Grey Shrike-thrush 54, pl. 32, 113 CACOMANTIS megarhyncha Little Shrike-thrush flabelliformis Fan-tailed Cuckoo 24,42 313 CALAMANTHVS COLUMBA campestris Rufous Fieldwren Iivia Rock Dove 245 63 palumbus Common Wood Pigeon CALIDRIS 179 acuminata Sharp-tailed Sandpiper 82 CONOPOPHILA alba Sanderling a/bogularis Rufous-banded Honeyeater 9 56 AUS1RALIAN 328 INDEX OF SPECIES BIRD WATCHER

CORACINA ENTOMYZON novaehollandiae Black-faced Cuckoo-shrike cyanotis Blue-faced Honeyeater 28, 116, pl. 35, 235, 262 28, 136 CORCORAX EOPSALTRIA me/anorhamphos White-winged Chough australis Eastern Yellow Robin 137, 171 42, 111 CORMOBATES EPHIPPIORHYNCHUS leucophaeus White-throated 'freecreeper asi£lticus Black-necked Stork 131 225 CORVUS coronoides Australian Raven EPTHIANURA 62, 129, 170, 310, 314 albifrons White-fronted Chat frugilegus Rook 110 318 ERYI'HROGONYS mellnri Little Raven cinctus Red-kneed Dotterel 129, 171 11,282 orru Thrresian Crow 136, 171, 272, 276 ERYI'HROTRIORCHIS tasmanicus Forest Raven radiatus Red Goshawk 130, 170 267 COTURNIX EUDYNAMYS ypsilophora Brown Quail scolopacea CommonKoel 171 26,286 CRAC11CUS taitensis Long-tailed Cuckoo nigrogu/aris Pied Butcherbird 286 164 torquatus Grey Butcherbird EUDYPTES 62, 138, 164, pl. 48, 262 chrysocome Rockhopper Penguin pl. 23, 95, pl. 24-25 CUCULUS chrysolophus Macaroni Penguin saturatus Oriental Cuckoo 96 60 robustus Snares Penguin CYCLOPS/ITA 98 diophthalma Double-eyed Fig-Parrot schlegeli Royal Penguin 203 95, pl. 25 sc/ateri Erect-crested Peuguin CYGNUS 99 atratus Black Swan 283 EUDYPTULA mirwr Little Penguin DACELO 130, 192, pl. 55, 209 novaeguineae Laughing Kookaburra 39, 136 EURYSTOMUS DAPTION orienta/is Dollarbird capense Cape Petrel 28 199, pl. 56 FALCO DICAEUM hypoleucos Grey Falcon hirundinaceum Mistletoebird pl. 72, 267, pl. 75, 280, pl. 78 54, 149 peregrinus Peregrine Falcon pectorale Papuan Flowerpecker 269, 282 206 subniger Black Falcon 267 DICRURUS bracteatus Spangled Drougo FULICA 28, 116, 122, 276 atra Eurasian Coot EGREITA 202, 225, 282 garzetta Little Egret GALUNAGO 189 hardwickii Latham's Snipe novaehol/andiae White-faced Heron 60, 226 123, 189, pl. 64, 224 sacra Eastern Reef Egret GALLINULA 125, 212 tenebrosa Dusky Moorhen ELANUS 202, 225, pl. 65 axillaris Black-shouldered Kite GALLIRALLUS 268 philippensis Butr-banded Rail scriptus Letter-winged Kite 60, 225 68, pl. 19, 126 ELSEYORNIS GALLUS me/anops Black-fronted Dotterel gallus Red Jungle Fowl 11 265 VOLUME18 INDEX OF SPECIES 329

GEOPEUA HIMANTO PU S cuneata Diamond Dove himantopus Black-winged Stilt 62 189, 226, pl. 66, 282 striata Peaceful Dove HIRUNDO 62 ariel Fairy Martin GERYGONE 62, 282 mould Brown Gerygone neoxena Welcome Swallow 110 62, 173 olivacea White-throated Gerygone nigricans Tree Martin 60 62 rnstica Barn Swallow GLAREOIA 60 maldivarnm Oriental Pratincole 60 IAIAGE sueurii White-winged Triller GLOSSOPSITTA 54 porphyrocephala Purple-crowned Lorikeet 65 IARUS brunniceplwlus Brown-headed Gull GRALLINA 90 cyanoleuca Magpie-lark novaehollandiae Silver Gull pl. 17, 62, 114, 138, 268 62, 87, 130, 194, 214, pl. 61 pacificus Pacific Gull GRAN11ELIA 194 picta Painted Honeyeater pl. 14--15, 49 ridibundus Black-headed Gull pl. 20-22, 87 GYMNORHINA LICHENOSTOMUS tibicen Australian Magpie chrysops Yellow-faced Honeyeater 38, 129, 136, 164, pl. 49, 264, 272, 276, 318 29 HAEMATOPUS leucotis White-eared Honey eater chathamensis Chatham Island Oystercatcher pl. 9, 32, 131 156 penicillatus White-plumed Honeyeater fins chi South Island Pied Oystercatcher 32, 60 153, pl. 46-47, 160 plumulus Grey-fronted Honeyeater fuliginosus Sooty Oystercatcher 60 153, 160, 212 LIMOSA longirostris Pied Oystercatcher lapponica Bar-tailed Godwit 14, 153, pl. 46, 160 213 moquini African Black Oystercatcher 160 LONCHURA ostralegus Eurasian Pied Oystercatcher castaneath orax Chestnut-breasted Mannikin 156, 160 287 unicolor Variable Oystercatcher LOPHOICTINIA 157, 160 isura Square-tailed Kite HALIAEETUS pl. 39-45, 133, 233, pl. 68--69, 249, pl. 71 , leucogaster White-bellied Sea-Eagle 270, pl. 76-77 39, 101, 137 MACHEIRAMPHUS alcinus Bat Hawk HALIASTUR 126 indus Brahminy Kite 126 MAIACORHYNCHUS sphenurus Whistlin Kite membranaceus Pink-eared Duck 88, 228, 27~. 276 222, 282 HAM/ROSTRA melanostemon Black-breasted Buzzard cyaneus Superb Fairy-wren 134, 250 106, 204 Iamberti Variegated Fairy-wren HEMIPHAGA 106, 204 novaeseelandiae New Zealand Pigeon leucopterus White-winged Fairy-wren 179 106, 204 HETEROMYIAS melanocephalus Red-backed Fairy-wren albispecularis Grey-headed Robin 287 128 splendens Splendid Fairy-wren 106, 204 HETEROSCELUS brevipes MANORINA Grey-tailed Tattler flavigula Yellow-throated Miner 213 29, pl. 7, 61 Wandering Tattler inca nus melanocephala Noisy Miner 101 28, 129, 140, 171 HIERMETUS MELIPHAGA morphnoides Little Eagle lewinii Lewin's Honeyeater 41 29,pl. 8 AUSTRALIAN 330 INDEX OF SPECIES BIRD WATCHER

MELITHREPTUS ORIGMA brevirostris Brown-headed Honeyeater solita,W Rockwarbler 56 pl. 27, 108 lunatus White-naped Honeyeater 32 ORIOLUS sagittatus Olive-backed Oriole MELOPSITTACUS 29, 44, pl. 36, 118 undulatus Budgerigar 71, 129, 269 OXYURA australis Blue-billed Duck MENURA 247 novaehollandiae Superb Lyrebird 35 PACHYCEPHALA pectoralis Golden Whistler MICROECA 112 fascinans Jacky Winter rufiventris Rufous Whistler 110 113, 150 flavigaster Lemon-bellied Flycatcher 4 PACHYPTILA turtur FairyPrion MILVUS 194 migrans Black Kite 62, pl. 18, 250 PANDION haliaetus Osprey MONT/COLA 274 solitarius Blue Rock-Thrush 101, pl. 26 PAPASULA abbotti Abbott's Booby MYL4GRA 255, pl. 73--74 cyanoleuca Satin Flycatcher 65 PARDALOTUS inquieta Restless Flycatcher punctatus Spotted Pardalote 114, pl. 33 108, 261 rubecula Leaden Flycatcher rubricatus Red-browed Pardalote 55, 114, 318 61 striatus Striated Pardalote NEOCHMIA 61, 108 phaeton Crimson Finch 287 PASSER ruficauda Star Finch domesticus House Sparrow 287 59, 104, 173, 261 temporalis Red-browed Finch 287 PELECANOIDES urinatrix Common Diving-Petrel NESAS/0 194 solomonensis Fearful Owl 288, pl. 79 PELECANUS conspicillatus Australian Pelican NINOX 171,209, pl. 58 connivens Barking Owl 43, 122, 287 PETROICA goodenovii Red-capped Robin novaeseelandiae Southern Boobook 62,79,314 111 phoenicea Flame Robin rufa Rufous Owl 121, 251 pl. 30, 111 strenua Powerful Owl PHALACROCORAX 122, 252 carbo Great Cormorant 193, 212, pl. 60 NUMENIUS melanoleucos Little Pied Cormorant arquata Eurasian Curlew pl. 59,212 189 sulcirostris Little Black Cormorant madagascariensis Eastern Curlew pl. 53 -54, 183, 213 212 varius Pied Cormorant minutus Little Curlew 194 81 phaeopus Whimbrel PHILEMON 189, 213 argenticeps Silver-crowned Friarbird NYMPHICUS 122 citreogularis Little Friarbird hollandicus Cockatiel 140 241 comiculatus Noisy Friarbird OCEANITES 28, 136, 236 oceanicus Wilson's Storm-Petrel 200 PHYLIDONYRIS nigra White-cheeked Honeyeater OCYPHAPS 32,pl. 11 lophotes Crested Pigeon novaehollandiae New Holland Honeyeater 269 pl. 10, 32,65 VOLUME18 INDEX OF SPECIES 331

PICA RHIPIDURA pica Eurasian Magpie fuliginosa Grey Fantail 317 114, pl. 34 pica hudsonia Black-billed Magpie leucophrys Willie Wagtail 318 54, 116, 166 P11TA ROSTRATULA iris Rainbow Pitta benghalensis Painted Snipe 42, 128 226 versicolor Noisy Pitta 19, 42, pl. 38, 127 SCELOGLAUX albifacies Laughing Owl PLATALE4 288 · flavipes Yellow-billed Spoonbill 224 SCENOPOEEIES dentirostris Tooth-billed Bowerbird PLAIYCERCUS 313 eximius Eastern Rosella 272, 278, 285 SCYTHROPS novaehollandiae Channel-billed Cuckoo PLECTORHYNCHA 314 lanceolata Striped Honey eater 28,56 SERICORNJS citreogu/aris Yellow-throated Scrubwren PLUVIALJS 108 fulva Pacific Golden Plover frontalis White-browed Scrubwren 82 108, pl. 28 PODARGUS SERICVLUS strigoides Thwny Frogmouth chrysocephalus Regent Bowerbird 38 171 POUOCEPHALUS SMICRORNIS poliocephalus Hoary-headed Grebe brevirostris Wee bill 222 64, 235 POMATOSTOMUS SPHECOTHERES temporalis Grey-crowned Babbler viridis Figbird 145 118, 136 PORPHYRIO SPHENISCUS porphyria Purple Swamphen demersus Jackass Penguin 60, 225 197 PORZANA STERNA pusil/a Baillon's Crake albifrons Little Tern 60 167, 214 tabuensis Spotless Crake bengalensis Lesser Crested Tern 60, 225 189 PSEPHOTUS bergii Crested Tern haematonotus Red-romped Parrot 216, pl. 62 44, 280 nilotica Gull-billed Tern PSOPHODES 189 olivaceus Eastern Whipbird STICTONE1TA 112 fUlevosa Freckled Duck PTILJNOPUS 220 regina Rose-crowned Fruit-Dove STILTIA 65 isabella Australian Pratincole PTJLONORHYNCHUS 82 vio/aceus Satin Bowerbird STJPJTURUS 171, pl. 51 ma/achurus Southern Emu-wren PTILORIS 106, 204 paradiseus Paradise Riflebird mallee Mallee Emu-wren 170 204 PUFFINUS S1REPERA tenuirostris Short-tailed Shearwater graculina Pied Currawong 158, 200, 209 167, pl. 50, 259, 276, 313 versicolor Grey Currawong PYCNONOTUS 306 cafer Red-vented Bulbul 80 STREPTOPELIA jocosus Red-whiskered Bulbul chinensis Spotted Thrtle-Dove 75, 174, 207, 262 63,129,167,238,262 PYCNOPTILUS STURNUS floccosus Pilotbird vulgaris Common Starliug 108 59,102,129,174,262, 280 AUS'IRALIAN 332 INDEX OF SPECIES BIRD WATCHER

SULA TURD US leucogaster Brown Booby meru/a Common Blackbird 200 60 TACHYBAPTUS philome los Song Thrush novaehollandiae Australasian Grebe 102 202, 222 TURN/X TAENIOPYG!A PY"hothorax Red-chested Button-quail bichenovii Double-barred Finch 45 173, 2537 varia Painted Button-quail gutta/a Zebra Finch 45 173 vel ox Little Button-quail 71 THINORNIS rubricollis Hooded Plover TYTO 8, pl. 3--4 alba Barn Owl 60, 73 THRESKIORNIS multipunctata Lesser Sooty Owl spinicollis Straw-necked Ibis 252 39, 224 VANELLUS TODIRAMPHUS miles Masked Lapwing sanctus Sacred Kingfisher 62, 17J, 216, 226, pl. 67 189 tricolor Banded Lapwing TRJCHOGLOSSUS 226 chlorolepidotus Scaly-breasted Lorikeet XANTHOMYZA 203 phrygia Regent Honeyeater haematodus Rainbow Lorikeet 57 26, 169, 262 ZOOTHERA TRJNGA heinei Russet-tailed Thrush erythropus Spotted Redshank 24 85 lunulata Bassian Thrush glareola Wood Sandpiper 174 229 nebularia Common Greenshank ZOSTEROPS lateralis Silvereye 189 3, 174, pl. 52, 263, 272 ochropus Green Sandpiper luteus Yellow White-eye 229 pl.1- 2, 3 solitario Solitary Sandpiper 230 GENERAL INDEX TO VOLUME 18, 1999-2000

Page Behaviour by two bird species, Adaptation of, as a result of habituation to humans ...... 306 Bird colonisation of a remote arid settlement in South Australia ...... 59 Black-Cockatoos, Glossy, Calyptorhynchus lathami feeding on the · seeds of Buloke Allocasuarina luehmannii, Observations of ...... 284 Booby, Abbott's: First record for mainland Australia ...... 255 Bulbul, Red-whiskered, Roosting habits of the, at Wollongong, N.S.W 75 Bulbuls, Red-whiskered, Communal roosting of ...... 207 Button-quail, Red-chested, Female, tending chicks ...... 45 Cuckoo, Long-tailed, Eudynamys taitensis, First record of a, on mainland ·.l\.ustralia ...... 286 Curlews, Eastern, Numenius madagascariensis remaining in Roebuck Bay after the breeding migration, Foraging behaviour of . 183 Currawong, Pied, Strepera graculina at Wollongong, New South Wales, Notes on feeding habits of the ...... 259 --, --, ----, Postures, displays and copulation of the ...... 313 Diet of aquatic birds and waders in New South Wales, Supplementary records of the, 1: Seabirds, II: Waterbirds...... 209, 220 Ducks, Blue-billed, Oxyura australis using marine waters, An observation of ...... 247 Eagle, Wedge-tailed, Aquila audax, Notes on the diet of the ...... 38 Emu-wren, Southern, Stipiturus malachurus, New inland locality for th~, an~ first recorded sympatry with two other malurid wrens in V1ctona ...... 204 Erratum ...... 86 Falcon, Grey, Falco hypoleucos, Observations on the ...... 267 --, Peregrine, Falco peregrinus taking Australian Bustard Ardeotis australis ...... 282 Falcons, Grey, Falco hypoleucos breeding extralimitally in N.S.W, Diet of 280 Fi~~~~~~;-~~jj~~i'~~h~~~ff:tfh:i.~~-~-~~~~~~--~~~~~~~~~~-·...... 203

Finch, Star, An additional record of the, from the south of its range 00 287

Flowerpecker, Papuan, leaves young asleep for the night 00000000000000 0000 000 206 Galah Cacatua roseicapilla, Further comments on the taxonomic

position of the oooo•• ·······oo········oo············oo•oo•• oooooo·· ······················oooo········· · 241 Grasswren, Grey, and the Thick-billed Grasswren, On some

New South Wales records of the oooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo oooo oooooo oooo 244

Grebe, Australasian, feeding young Eurasian Coots 00 00000000 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00. 202 Gull, Black-headed, Larus ridibundus, Sight records of a, in the N.T.. 87 Heron, White-faced, Nocturnal feeding by a ooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo 123 Honeyeater, Painted, Grantiella picta, Observations at nests of the oooo 49

Honeyeaters, Notes on non-nectar foods of some, in eastern N.S.W 00 26 Kingfisher, Little, Alcedo pusilla halli on western Cape York Peninsula 293

Kite, Square-tailed, eating snake on roadside oooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo 249 --, --, Lophoictinia isura, Breeding behaviour and diet of the, in

south-eastern Queensland ... oooo•·········oooooooooo•·····•oooooooooooooooooooo•············ · 133 Kites, Brahminy, Nocturnal feeding by oooooooo oooooo oooooooooooooooooooooooo oooooo oooooo 126 --, Letter-winged, Elanus scriptus in the south-west of the

Northern Territory, 1994-95 oooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo. 68 AUS1RALIAN GENERAL INDEX BIRD WATCHER

Kites, Square-tailed, breeding on the mid-north coast of N.S.W...... 233 --,--,nesting near Grafton, New South Wales, Further observations on a pair of...... 270 Lyrebird, Superb, Menura novaehollandiae, Notes on the diet of the, in central-eastern New South Wales...... 35 Notices:...... 180, 206, 207 Obituaries: Rex Buckingham- A tribute...... 181 ColQnel S.G. (Bill) Lane (1922-2000) -A personal tribute 290 Ospreys Pandion haliaetus breeding on the lower north coast of New South Wales, Observations on...... 274 Owl, Barking, Non-breeding diet of the, near Armidale, New South Wales 43 --, Fearful, Nesasio solomonensis, juvenile, Description of...... 288 --, Rufous, Ninox rufa, Dietary items of the, on the Atherton Tableland, North Queensland...... 251 --, --, ----,Noisy flight and other observations of the, in N.T. 121 Oystercatcher, South Island Pied, First record of a, in Australia...... 153 Oystercatchers, Pied, Haematopus longirostris and Sooty, H fuliginosus, A possible record of hybridisation between, at Mud Islands, Victoria 160 , Notes on the diet of some, in New South Wales I: Fairy-wrens to woodswallows, II: Butcherbirds to starlings...... 106, 164 Penguin, An apparent hybrid Royal x Rockhopper, at Macquarie Island 9 5 Penguins, Little, Eudyptula minor, The effects of an oil spill at Apollo Bay, Victoria, on, in May 1990 ...... 192 Petrel, Cape, Daption capense, A record of the, at Broome, W.A...... 199 Pigeon, Norfolk Island, A common name for the...... 179 Pitta, Noisy, Pitta versicolor, Notes on the diet of the, in N.S.W...... 42 Pittas, Noisy, Pitta versicolor, feed leeches to their nestlings in tropical Queensland...... 127 --, --, Seasonal dispersion of, in northern New South Wales...... 19 Plover, Caspian, Charadrius asiaticus, Sighting of, at Lake Finniss, N.T. 81 - -, Hooded, The: First confirmed record in Queensland, the longest movement yet recorded, and a discussion of the range contraction in eastern Australia ...... 8 --,Red-capped, Charadrius ruficapillus, False-brooding behaviour in the ...... 248 Ravens, Australian, preying on a Banded Stilt...... 128 Reviews: A Guide to Bird Habitats in New South Wales by R.M. Cooper & I.A.W. McAllan ...... 252 The Birds of Prey ofAustralia, A Field Guide to Australian Raptors by Stephen Debus...... 46 The Directory of Australian Birds: Passerines by Richard Schodde & Ian Mason...... 320 Nomina Global Bird Dictionary: Relational Taxonomies by Paul Andrew & Ian McAllan...... 93 Rock-Thrush, Blue, Monticola solitarius: First record for Australia ... 101 Sandpiper, Green, Tringa ochropus, A sighting of a, at Darwin, N.T. .. 229 Thornhill, Slender-billed, Acanthiza iredalei in Western Australia, A contribution to the natural history of the...... 297 'freecreeper, White-throated, Cormobates leucophaeus feeding on sap from a Red Bloodwood Corymbia gummifera ····························' 131 White-eye, Yellow, Zosterops luteus, Notes on the breeding biology of the tropical mangrove-dwelling...... 3 VOLUME18 325


Aumann, T. & Bellchambers, K ...... 68 Barnes, C.P., Zillmann, E.E. & Rose, A.B ...... 133 Bischoff, T., Lutter, H. & Debus, S ...... 233 Brown, B., Brown, R & Debus, S.J.S ...... :270 Cameron, D. & Weston, M.A ...... 8 Carter, M. & Shaw, R ...... 101 ·Charley, D ...... 203 Collins, P., Jessop, R. & Hassell, C ...... 199 --,--,Minton, C. & Graham, D ...... 160 Conole, L.E...... 204 Cook, B. & Lamb, R ...... 249 Courtney, J ...... 241 Czechura, G ...... 46 Davis, W.E. Jr & Recher, H.R ...... 248 Debus, S ...... 93, 206, 207, 290, 320 --& Rose, A.B ...... 38, 280 --, Shepherd, R.B. & Rose, A.B ...... 43 Emmerson, S...... 45 Fontanini, L ...... 202 Frith, C.B ...... 127 Harrington, G.N. & Debus, S.J.S ...... 251 Harrison, R ...... 267 Hassell, C.J. & Boyle, A.N...... 255 Higgins, P.J. & Smith, J.D.B ...... 123 Hodder, K.H...... 183 Hull, C.L. & Wiltshire, A ...... 95 Jessop, R. & Du Guesclin, P...... 192 LeCroy, M ...... 206 Ley, A ...... 252 Loyn, R.H. & Debus, S.J.S ...... 288 McAilan, I.A.W...... 179, 244, 287 McCrie, N ...... 229 --& Jaensch, R ...... 81 --& McCrie, T...... 87 Meadows, G. & Meadows, E ...... 286 Metcalf, B.M., Davies; S.J.J.R & Ladd, P.G ...... 306 Myers, S...... 247 Noske,RA...... 3 Potts, R.T. & Donato, D.B...... 282 Read,J.L...... ,59 Recher, H.R & Davis, W.E. Jr ...... 297 Rogers, K. G. & Rogers, A ...... 128 Rolland, W...... 181 Rose, A.B ...... 26, 35, 42, 106, 131, 164, 207, 209, 220, 274 Todd,M...... 293 Totterman, B.G ...... 19 --,Clancy, G. & Moffatt, R ...... 153 'fremont, S. & Williams, B ...... 49 van Balen, B. (S.) & Rombang, W.M ...... 126 van Gessel, RW.C ...... 121 Walpole, S.C. & Oliver, D.L...... 284 Wood, K.A ...... , ...... 75, 259, 313