Andrews University Seminary Studies for 1984

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Andrews University Seminary Studies for 1984 Andrews University SEMINARY STUDIES Volume 22 Number 1 Spring 1984 A Tribute to Martin Luther Andrews University Press ANDREWS UNIVERSITY SEMINARY STUDIES . The Journal of the Seventh-day Adventist Theological Seminary of Andrews University, Berrien Springs, Michigan 49104, U.S.A. Editor: KENNETH A. STRAND Associate Editors: JAMES J. C. Cox, RAOUL DEDEREN, LAWRENCE T. GERATY, GERHARD F. HASEL, WILLIAM H. HESSEL, GEORGE E. RICE, LEONA G. RUNNING Book Review Editor: WILLIAM H. SHEA Editorial Assistant: ELLEN S. EASES Circulation Manager: ELLEN S. ERBES Editorial and Circulation Offices: AUSS, Seminary Hall, Andrews University, Berrien Springs, MI 49104, U.S.A. ANDREWS UNIVERSITY SEMINARY STUDIES publishes papers and brief notes on the following subjects: Biblical linguistics and its cognates, Biblical theology, textual criticism, exegesis, Biblical archaeology and geography, ancient history, church history, systematic theology, philosophy of religion, ethics, history of religions, missiology, and special areas relating to practice of ministry and to religious education. The opinions expressed in articles, brief notes, book reviews, etc., are those of the authors and do not necessarily represent the views of the editors. Subscription Information: ANDREWS UNIVERSITY SEMINARY STUDIES 15 published in the Spring, Summer, and Autumn. The subscription rate for 1984 is as follows: Foreign U.S.A. (in U.S.A. funds) Regular Subscriber $12.00* $13.50* Institutions (including Libraries) 15.00* 16.50* Students 9.50* 11.00' Retirees 9.50* 11.00' (Price for Single Copies of Numbers in the 1984 Volume: Spring—$9.00; Summer and Autumn —$5.00 each) 'NOTE: These are net rates for prepaid orders. A handling and service fee of $1.50 will be added if orders are to be billed. Subscribers should give full name and postal address when paying their subscriptions and should send notice of change of address at least five weeks before it is to take effect (old address as well as new address must be given). Send all communications to AUSS, Seminary Hall, Andrews University, Berrien Springs, MI 49104, U.S.A. Composition by Eisenbraiis, Winona Lake. IN 46590 Printing by Thomson-Shore. Inc., Dexter, MI 48130 ANDREWS UNIVERSITY SEMINARY STUDIES Volume 22 Spring 1984 Number 1 CONTENTS Frontispiece 4 A Tribute to Martin Luther: Introductory Note About This Issue of A USS 5 PART I: INTRODUCING MARTIN LUTHER 7 BRUNIE, WILLIAM H. The Face of Martin Luther 9 STRAND, KENNETH A. Meet Martin Luther: An Introductory Biographical Sketch 15 (Includes a Brief Chronology of Luther's Career, pp. 25-32) PART II: GENERAL ARTICLES ON LUTHER 33 BLUHM, HEINZ. Martin Luther as a Creative Bible Translator 35 HEINZ, JOHANN. Luther's Doctrine of Work and Reward . 45 HYMA, ALBERT. Martin Luther in His Later Years 71 LANDEEN, WILLIAM M. Martin Luther's Intervention in Behalf of the Brethren of the Common Life in Herford. 81 PANKRATZ, HERBERT R. Luther's Utilization of Music in School and Town in the Early Reformation 99 WILSON-KASTNER, PATRICIA. On Partaking of the Divine Nature: Luther's Dependence on Augustine 113 PART III: CURRENT ISSUES AND EVENTS CONCERNING LUTHER 125 STRAND, KENNETH A. Current Issues and Trends in Luther Studies 127 2 CONTENTS STRAND, KENNETH A. A Brief Bibliographical Survey: Books on Luther Appearing in America During 1983 and 1984 157 A Report on Some Significant Conferences of the Luther Quincentennial Year in the United States 165 MALTBY, WILLIAM. Quincentennial Celebration of Luther's Birth Held at St. Louis, Missouri 165 KAY, THOMAS 0. "Lutherfest" at Wheaton College. 167 HUBBS, VALENTINE C. The Martin Luther Quin- centennial Conference of the University of Michigan 169 Some Highlights of the Luther Jubilee in Europe 173 ERBES, ELLEN S. A Quincentennial Celebration in Uppsala, Sweden, and a Glimpse of Swedish Church History 173 AUGSBURGER, DANIEL A. The Luther Research Congress in Erfurt 181 ANDREWS UNIVERSITY SEMINARY STUDIES The Journal of the Seventh-day Adventist Theological Seminary of Andrews University, Berrien Springs, Michigan 49104, U.S.A. The articles in this journal are indexed, abstracted, or listed in: Book Reviews of the Month; Elenchus Bibliographicus Biblicus; International Bibliography of the History of Religions; Internationale Zeitschriftenschau far Bibelwissenschaft and Grenzgebiete; New Testament Abstracts; Old Testament Abstracts; Orien- talistische Literaturzeitung; Orient-Press; Recently Published Articles (publication of the American Historical Association); Religion Index One: Periodicals (formerly Index to Religious Periodical Literature); Religious and Theological Abstracts; Seventh-day Adventist Periodical Index; Subject Index to Periodical Literature — Mosher Library; Theologische Zeitschrift; Zeitschrift fiir die alt- testamentliche Wissenschaft. Copyright © 1984 by Andrews University Press ISSN 0003-2980 A TRIBUTE TO MARTIN LUTHER (In celebration of the Quincentennial of His Birth and the 450th Anniversary of His First Complete German Bible) This Luther Issue of AUSS is gratefully dedicated to DANIEL WALTHER Frontispiece THE FACE OF MARTIN LUTHER © 1976, William H. Brunie A TRIBUTE TO MARTIN LUTHER INTRODUCTORY NOTE ABOUT THIS ISSUE OF AUSS The past year, 1983, was a rich and memorable one for events and publications giving widespread recognition and honor to the pioneer Protestant Reformer and great religious leader of the six- teenth century, Martin Luther, whose life and achievements, prob- ably more than those of any other individual since the apostolic era, have influenced the course of subsequent Christianity. The occasion for this celebration, which was virtually world-wide, was the quin- centennial of Luther's birth in 1483. The present year marks another important anniversary pertain- ing to Luther. It was 450 years ago that the first edition of Luther's complete German Bible translation appeared from the press. This Bible translation was undoubtedly the Reformer's greatest single achievement, both from the standpoint of its dissemination of Scrip- tural knowledge throughout the German lands and with respect to its significant influence in molding the subsequent written German language. In recognition of these two important Luther anniversary years, the present issue of AUSS is devoted to materials that relate directly to the Reformer and his achievements. These materials are: 1. A general introduction to Luther through (a) a captioned pictorial review of fifteen portraits of the Reformer selected and presented by William H. Brunie, and (b) a biographical sketch, plus a chronological table listing some of the more notable events in Luther's own career and in the contemporary world during his lifetime. 2. Six general articles dealing with various aspects of Luther's life and work. 3. A review of current issues in Luther studies, with special notice of some highlights of the Luther Jubilee Year. Further general comments about the material in each section are provided immediately before the section itself. 5 6 SEMINARY STUDIES It should be added that the Heritage Room of the James White Library of Andrews University has certain materials of special in- terest in connection with Luther studies. Among these is the "Trefz Collection" of a number of sixteenth-century pamphlets, most of which were produced by Luther. Mary Jane Mitchell, Director Emeritus of the James White Library, is currently preparing a cata- log of this collection; and it is our plan to add this catalog in a Sup- plement to a later issue of AUSS. We also plan to include a number of photographic reproductions of some of the more striking wood- cuts (usually on the title-pages) from pamphlets in the collection. The Heritage Room also has a number of other valuable and useful special collections, as well as numerous individual research items; and its Curator, Louise Dederen, will provide for our same Supplement some information on several of these collections. In ad- dition, we will make reference to, and include a few photographic reproductions from, some early Luther Bibles on loan to the Heri- tage Room by Chester J. Gibson, a prominent dentist in Oregon, who has kindly made a portion of his significant Bible collection available for display and research at Andrews University. Finally, I wish here to express gratitude to all who have worked so faithfully to make this Luther issue of AUSS possible. This in- cludes, of course, the AUSS staff itself, members of whom at the ini- tial stages also made helpful suggestions as to the projected contents. In addition, our Andrews University Seminary colleague Daniel A. Augsburger, Program Secretary of the American Society for Refor- mation Research, deserves special mention for his helpfulness con- cerning contacts to be made, as well as for general suggestions for the project. And last, but not least, grateful acknowledgement is ex- pressed to Andrews University for some special funding that has made this project manageable from a fiscal standpoint. To all who have participated as authors and in all other capaci- ties, I express herewith my deepest appreciation and thanks. And we of the AUSS staff trust that the contents of this Luther issue of our journal may be especially enjoyable and helpful to all of you, our cherished readers. Kenneth A. Strand Editor PART I INTRODUCING MARTIN LUTHER This first section of the current Luther issue of A USS is introductory, and it is therefore somewhat general in nature. Its contents are (1) a captioned pictorial review of fifteen portraits of the Reformer, selected and presented by William H. Brunie (the full sweep of these pictures appears also in re- duced form on a single page as the Frontispiece—without, of course, the cap- tions); and (2) a biographical sketch, supplemented by a chronological listing of important events in Luther's own career and in the world of his time. 7 BRUNIE, WILLIAM H. The Face of Martin Luther 9 STRAND, KENNETH A. Meet Martin Luther: An Introductory Biographical Sketch 15 (Includes a Brief Chronology of Luther's Career, pp. 25-32) Andrews University Seminary Studies, Spring 1984, Vol.
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