+ + bpq Yunfucopfinn Yerk Gamavornerou

re + Whp 2ugpbGhe Mer Hairenik

+ Uquint Uonumd Azadn Asdvadz

ou - Dashnagtsagan Khoumb

a + bdnbhh brgn Nejdehi Yerge

a » Pujtbng Kailerg Zeitouni

- - WhGf UBkbqd ShGncop bGf Menk Angeghdz Zinvor Yenk

c « Pugibpg. Kailerg Khanasori

w + bupdiuy Oujihg Dardsyal Pailets

« Supeapphy Dalvorig 11+ Updugulq Aumunnth Ardsagang Haiasdani

12. WhO Out k Ynucblf Menk Bedk e gervenk 13- Wmzpuinh bpp Mouradi Yerge 14 brgp Vardani Verge 15. bpujmgu Kherakhouys 16- #Alup Goghtni Kenar 17 Shyug Gargoud Deghatz 18 #hnbh6 brq Keriin Yerg 19 Wop b Wop Mor Hravern i Mard

+ Jowlh brgp Khani Yerge

Translations of lyrics of songs adh. i


There is, in the Armenian musical literature, a large number of songs, springing from the folk, attesting to the reawakening 'of the Armenian nation after years of servi- tude. It is the concern of the Armenian Youth Federation of America, as indeed of all students of the Armenian scene, that these songs, still inadequately collated and classified, will pass out of existence with the passing gen- eration-the generation of the Armenian Revolution, the heroes and events of which these National Songs memorial ize. It is to the effort to perpetuate these songs, as in- trinsically a part of the Armenian cultural scene as the better known and more often heard folks songs of love, the harvest and the scenes and places of Old Armenia, that the Central Executive of the Armenian Youth Federation of America contributes this, the second edition of "Armen- ian National Songs." We offer our expressions of deepest gratitude to Mrs. Anahid (Der Manuelian) Kechichian, who compiled and ar- ranged the original edition, issued in 1986, from whose work the scores of the concomitant selections have been borrowed, as well as to Mr. James G. Mandalian for his translations of the lyrics which appear as an appendix to this work. The Second Edition has been edited by James H. Tashjian, and contains suitable portraits and explana- tory commentaries not included in the First Edition. CENTRAL EXECUTIVE ARMENIAN YOUTH FEDERATION feOF AMERICA tot YERG GAMAVORNEROU Allegro animato GANATCHIAN

2 40 # F - Bhu$-t a qe pne ak. [pts ~ Ha-riach na -ha ~dag tzog 18 an - mah - ner [Vets da- rou an -me Yreg®


Gu] ae} beafe - mug gir fbu wh - Tugs tip «by qu» pac weifan {pté

- , a- *p L¥n -|«%g tre - 4hg%, "AT i zo - rah-nor, ga Hai -re- ni ler -jants he -ra ~goun yer

- - bo ag - pu§$ hp uo pho- tip Ltn who $b - me - 209%

Saw lng wap

+ te Raw» A - Ues- ye ra-gouyn. nou-vir

kane - bp

j Veu-b Fut «ap

G= B=-

-u - cap pms Yul Gu meg, Gu-nm$, Quene e Gu - ma - vor ba - nag,Ha -fach, Ha-rach, Ha- rach- £ _-_"

Tw -o|-|to- » cap pus bak , m nup =- =- $, «K- _- wht uw mu le a bo ga 4 +

- rach, an~ sa san, Ha -rach - dev de bi hagh-ta - nag

ab gurg.-uSow iy jugPutin ky

- nu wh-ul - 2 ju nu$ who 5- «b a= tus , jugPutin l

whe. sey mpfud thp Smgh , Vadi arioun mer hoghn vorogetz,

fp Surgle fap Turnley , Daragir hain yoor giank norogetz, - qq , Yereg sheghtayvadz aysor inknavar, Qurphun. s Hariav vehoren dambanen khavar.

Oneof the great marches written under the inspiration of the Armenian Revolution, "Yerg Gamavornerou," also known as has three popularly "Haratch Nahadag," thrilled generations of Armenians Its composer, Parsegh Ganatchian, now living at an advanced age in , was one of the great Gomidas Vardabed's most talented students, and has received. international his and the acclaimfor compositions arrangements in Armenian folk music field. The words of this stirring march were writ- |-BQten by Kevork Garvarentz, who is now deceased. It is the official song of the Armenian Youth Federation of America. UtP 4U3Pb'ubR

Andante maestoso MER HAIRENIK

- - =% w - Tug nh~= , Per acon, ER s Wep Paz Wer-bg

- - - hat nik , tesh var , an der , mer tesh -nam-yat:

Tm - thy, ber «Lptés Ha - nel yoor vrege ,

uid Wi ¢uzplishy pr Mer hairenik sheghtanerov Upequil muph Ayskan dari gabgabadz Bop qu? unipp mphdind Yoor kach vordvodz sourb aryounoy Spuh (fir unpmmnint s Bidi lini azadvadz.

"Mer Hairenik" is the anthem of the free Ar- Wem bypmyp J/ por ghy menian movement. The music, known to have Aha yeghbair kez mi drosh been Rp t dbngnd qupblgh , popular among Italian freedom fighters of Vor im dzerkov gordzetzi. the Garibaldi era, was to Armenia Wigbpiblipy hu qick ghopmy brought by Gishernere koun Armenian students. Its is yes chegha, Upmmane composer unfortunately gn] not known today. Mikael Nalbandiantz, one of Ardasoukoy levatzi. the greatest and earliest of Armenian patriots and of the nineteenth byu poets century-an Douhy lphy anim} of the Armenian Nayir neran yerek gouynov: Tove ppmelpaty ithp , song the lyrics which have become so revered Neviragan mer neshan, among Armenians world Pay dophouh obd , Togh poghpoghi teshnamou dem, Poy Anpbuibh s Togh gordzani Dajgasdan.

Uhh hy dursp dh E, Amenayn degh make mi e, Wore Fp Phaibh , Mard mi angam bid' merni, Pug hyun" mp fey mau Baytz yerani vor yoor azgi, dip qnSncp : Azadoutian ge zohvi. ueusy UUSNbU¥


-- quot mgt oe - bre ogmt pasts ¢g~ ibp W A - zadn Asd- vads ayn o -rits yerb ha-je-tsar shounch pe-chelf im

- Sagew Whe@ fie qm - Nas - Bhit up - qb a aby ob

- hogh-a - niout shin- vads-kin gen -da - nou = tioun bar - ge vel . |

The words are those Mikael Nalbandiantz. The composer of "Azadn Asdvadz" is today unknown. of

Tu wipmppun ith dui, Yes anbarbar mi manoug, Upton dhige sppabyh Yergou dzerkes barzetzi, bx ff uigop Yev im anzor teverov Ugnmne@bch : Azadoutioun gergetzi.

Ifey bebop pan Minch gishere anhangisd Opopugned md Ororotzoum gabgabvadz ugh tf , Lalis ei andadar WFopu goody. four rpmi Mores koune khangaradz.

L/ bpuirhy Khendroum ei neranidz o Bazougneres ardzagel bu wh ophy nchunbgh Yes ayn oritz oukhdetzi Uqumes foci whit1 Azadoutioune sirel.

Gu affiey fo Inefurmguil , Yes minch i mah gakhaghan, F dwSnc. whith? Minchey anarg mahou sioun, Ojork annul upon? Ipliihd Bidi goram bid' gergnem -I||0Wepmegugye @bhex Andadar - Azadoutioun! UevUysuyUu'v MADUF DASHNAGTSAGAN KHOUMB Allegro risoluto

~ - Nez bek gu fut oc an - Thing (uz ancl, ur oe Nurkegue Dash - nag - tsa- gan kXhoumb ge - nank meik Sa -soun, Dash - nag-t%a-

- - gt bmulp ap hubs Thbg (u unit, Wep Sug - Sirp Plg. soun mos - gan Xkhoumb ge -nank menk Sa~ , Mer Hai yegh-bair -ner

tu pue wm unul , Ub - ape - wb) bap -br - - - en - -nor- yen es ba -soum , An dra ni ge kach, yoor ger

- antics - - mly 6 qm y kgu u of guope bub c ov Gou-ze ba - do - razm Ges - ba -se - man. .-oo=-, , gar HCULUSUULT WNRUP DASHNAGTSAGAN KHOUMB Mod e shoudoy ge batsvi, Wom & qupadey , gmwn| bp , garoune, khoske shoudov lesvi, Quizes gu} pmand hp pach , Hayou kach, ge Quybpp alelule Sngmin , Hayere anvakh hogvov miatzadz. Aporgui murgh Kh fibi Heratsan ousernin vodki yen ganknadz.

Lh bd , Khembabednere hogvov yen yerdvadz, hh arach, Dbbzugh , Fedayi ougeoy genoum yen e Unuu® 4 ounWoy puibblip qm? , Arach gangnadz Andranige kach, Jannul £, spmnkpmi Goroum e gochoum, gouze baderazm.

menk shad , ting poro phyfikg , Herik, yeghbairner kenetzink;

m Soul mez hamberel? Ruecurlpais 34. Phy puguils hiphy y Bavagan che ayskan dzerkitz hanetsink, Wugp Dmpanmuiep dbighy Sullyfile , Mair Haiasdane med hur Hima Afu mibfing , qupdhury i GENERAL ANTRANIG ouge ounink, dardzyal yed garnenk.

This familiar revolutionary song tells of the heroism of the Armenian Revolutionary Federation "haiduk" bands as they fought in embattled Sassoun under the heoric leadership of the great Antranig, one of the fabled figures of the Revolution.

Uétolh bP4C NEJDEHI YERGE Pspop gby mgunphy Turke vakhtzay, kez aksoretz ashkharitz shad herou, Pup mrpompShy gu Sho. Yoor

; ao Mez mod yegar, barov yegar, bap pubughe thy phpbps Nor ideainer mez berir. Jmnul, Sncuml Hurrah, hurrah, hurrah!

* Andraniki soore dey meee shoghshogha.

Jun fofpby hooky Gor jarerov khember gazmir kach pud Neb , Khembid madagh Nejdeh. o Hurrah, haratch doon zoratzar, qernmrbe : Gourdzked khachov zardarir. Sncrm! , Smo! , Hurrah, hurrah, hurrah! Cin weep Hai kacheri soore shoghshogha.

hig: gBiep mopp y Menk chenk mornar haiga sare, ep Mig ancfihg mfp qn, Our menk devink oute zoh Fnnudug Chenk moranar hramanadar, abibhe met hers Bidi hishenk dare dar. Snino! hurrah! Qnennd , y Hurrah, hurrah, Poe Kach Nejdehi soore shoghshogha.

General Karekin Nejdeh was one of the more famous figures of the latter days of the Armenian Revolution. Bor in Russian Armenia, he studied at Tsarist military schools, and later led the stubborn resistance of the Armenian peasantry in the hills of Karabagh with the advent of the Soviet Army in 1921, and the destruction of the Independent Republic of Ar- menia. Following the ending of Armenian resistance, Nejdeh withdrew to Persia, and later settled in Bulgaria, where he was arrested in 1944 by the Red Army and exiled to Siberia. There in 1957 he perished in a concentration camp. In 1993, this great soldier and A.RF. organizer visited the United States where he helped give final form to the Armenian Youth Federa- |tion of America, an organization which today reveres his memory. tP4Q NEJDEHI YERGE

w - - maw# op- Lens $# U- ge - «bt a - pin dzen -vadz: en - ger, En a - ra - sin

Unupp auh - pule - be Infutea Sourb dan - chank - iq menk

fnc- nw fae =- weep ame pep - myst hur -rah hur - -=, sour shogh-shogh-a . AL3refNNur KAILERG ZEITOUNI Temp marziale

- - Yb Bef obve gee & ba - s=pee Cope BMU « - 3b nop bay e yegh -bark, Sher-chenk a - che - r

"2¢ Gu

- bu wt as gu ke Yip qut query es -droug - ner ye - ghan a - sad

Uog$* Ayn, Getze Zeitoun! Abri Zeitoun! chedesne Pay guna wmplyi4fuch y Togh esdrgoutioun, Ruh mibh thy bu Zeitoun was an Armenian town in Cilician Kani ouni mez bes vordik, which in 1882 re- ugple (Lemer Armenia) arose in Getze Zeitoun! Abri Zeitoun! a time-a rebellion which did much to reawaken Zeitountzi mer ezbosank Vp , hp the need for freedom. yenk, i embattled warriors of hi. + fifl'ri E baderazm arshavank, b smal mep e yey Tetfowe, toun, and their love for their home , he. 800) oor, yey hratzan Une mi, Spurgaih melody, of course, in that of the "Procemionof gendag i Mh. ju the Sardar" in Mer khaghalikn yen havidian. Why fe etl fe Ippolitov-Ivanov' s bow niet in Rihooe is , (nine hoes RLyBnebgh Lhe, qufy mike, 39 Acsewion Tevaludunsrite Trade. Zeitountzi yenk, kacher ounink, Aunportph thie , Vosokhneren menk vakh chounink, Why 4 puny, Mer ezbosankn e baderazm, -_QuanpurpPtlip. m. uppusuily s Baderazmner ou arshavank. Ub'v£ UbubAL® bug MENK ANGEGHDZ ZINVOR YENK dente moderato

whe 6 - Witrg kta qht w -. nump bhp muteedfte (howl, 0 by, b¥ Menk an-goghdz sin- vor yenk a - ran-tzin vi-jag, Ouimfi ycf:


du w mm gb tp - yup du ollu e tuk : Qupusied - mule th fapse

- ra - - - - - drg yel yor ger ja- ma nag , Bars gas- da ni hor-

bo- bw - - abg Wb, b- Jug , Who pme pol, kitz - e na - ye gel mag , ge-noum yenk pa-rov , gou-sha-nank da-rov Ap-

pbut oms - wie -o wnup Snip m h quzm 4qu-smente Ubug b* |eo--_ohyoun soor ou hoor ba - de - raz- mi dashd ges-ba -son mo-zi, Ar 1, ae"

Ubb2 LuubLY 2bUNRNP 6u2 MENK ANGEGHDZ ZINVOR YENK hy «Pub phpmys nimic Doushmane mez devetz "Jan fiday" anoun. Upy hwo. porfcf@full s Ayd anvan hamatzayn desay zoroutioun. Why ship map arpmin oudpf. prbincf@fuil, Menk chenk ouzer azad gamki bernoutioun Aefanky Why frm, my. whp Oukdel enk gervel, ayd sirov mernil Qudngncmy Wep ap mund Hhurfh hus, Gung Hamozvadz yenk vor adov miayn ga hayotz e pergoutioun.

Umnalump (fork mphuih Sul + Sdambole bidi lini aryan dzov. UW bp whup gece - Amen goghmitz geriv gesgesi shoudov. Inmmplitp Rurghmmpmy , Som bhpomil Godorenk Bashgala, antznenk heshd gerbov. Aorpr min , ducfuby Irofomiby + Achitz Vardane, tzakhitz Ishkhane

Ugga, mmputliny , Geravenk Aghbag, daradzenk sarsap. Juang [Hhuil c Park Dashnagtzutian.

Poae Bashgale gavaroum ayn baderazmin, Phi Uelyp mupmmife infphy ft , Aveli medz sarsap diretz teshnamvouyn.

Pu$ peofhy fui, goop qurquibfl , Kach Zeitoune haghtetz vad, char, gazanin.

Whggh* , fopnbon , Incaul- Getze, Zeitoune, khrokhd Sassoune, gousag- tzoutioune

ophp , epmpbuiby Curphpmibs Baghdavor orer, bardzank hayeroun.

"Menk Angeghdz Zinvor Yenk" is one the anthems the Armenian of of Revolutionary Federation. It was first sung in the 1890 the and is period of Revolution, extremely popular today among Armenians.

g u "Expedition to Khanasor," one of the great early battles of the Armenian Revolution when an Armenian Revolutionary Federation company, led khan

The "Expedition of Khanasor" took place in 1897, and served to fire the Armenian people NMULUNNh to greater resistance efforts. KAILERG KHANASORL

Uu! ope , Aha kurdere paghchin sarsapadz, Uou! qpolfihp p. nats Aha diagner aryamb shaghakhvadz. m andadar Voor mdg liu , Gerag deghatzck gerag, arad uing huis mnm £ Park Dashnaktzutian e gendag. al dank Uge uy gary mui. fibnfh Ays angamin trouytz teshnamouyn PQ fsy & nplte me. puneBfocha Teinch e Hayoun ougen ou kachoutioun.

y Mernink housalov mern e hoivfing thie 6 , abakan, Mernink baitz Whabrkep, porgy , 4b9g6 dm , getze, getze Hainsdan, qipqrhey bi. [opm Aysbes hordoretz yey ingay arin Pragya] thy: mibnch purpfilis Toghlov mer anoun hishadag barin. Uiky Inmck 440 dp Spe, Ahegh gervi metch mi pokrig heros, Anmoranali Mardiros. |Uifanubugh Umepmbpme r gedrij IUVUUNPR KAILERG KHANASOR! Allegro

- - \en mebogbe «n abner hom - mob - gbe Ub - Shp - - Ger ve-$sek de gherk, ger - ve - tsek kach,kach, An - ve - her gang-nads

~ - w - naw af te 4 -¥ Fund$ t pg J); 453 a -rao£ fin—fitlfil’ at mes bid 'a¥-niv ma-hla'é'urwfi 2:21:11,

m - om - §qill| Quenmp nhogw ppopbe tuo oo (Phybhy Ry pocgh

vo- sokh-in a ia - -ho. -rach khi-za-khenk ib-rev na ha -dag, mez-nite togh chan-tzni

boo amen "bo Tho aptiere 4: -|.i zour mi ken-tag. zour mi ken-tag. OU3Lt3 DARDSYAL PAILETS Tempo di marcia

T o* i

Nif Abu(uge Deu-tny act- U - qm - req c Tar -dsial Sass-no A - sa - de- ro-s pai-lets gel-khin , dou-tian, shag.

_L aiocd

Fig- gt pb - the ouml g=pe4pm= pb o- ges equls Aw Get- se -re - hai nik go-che-lov Bar-dsra-tse-rin a- gha-ghag .

This great song of defiance remembers the deeds of the fabled Armenian Haiduk commanders Gourgen, Vahan and Her- air Djokh-Herair the Hell-who was so feared by the Kurds and Turks that when they heard he was in the neighborhood

they would tell each other in trepidation, "Herair is here, Hell is here .. ."

Phqug durjhliphy Tendatz vorodats dsainerits

Mg# ursompSq Surylyulyuil , Voghch ashkhare haigagan, Rordlp fomidyp bp qui Sug quality Khoumb, khoumb ge gan hai zavagner fii Phuk s Hairenikin ognoutian,

bmopy bbe, , (b ajep) Gourgen, Vahan, Herair (Djokhk)

Rus® Uiny pully qlolpmefmop , Kach ghegavar, Dalvorigi lerneroume, kph udp nergy : Sherchoum ein andadar.

Uuepmnbleguis phpen ghahor, Sarsapetsan kurd tseghere,

IFfing. spammy Unc , Minch balade Sultanin, Apo Imp willy Hramayets shoud gordzanel "hip Sourgn me dlefies Dirkere haidougnerin.

iu m. wine}! pfupim , Aha angout kurd ou dajig, gfs unhunspuih » Sarsapeli desaran. 4 Apt) pity Jamanag e verej loudzel dur. s Gochets dsaine haigagan. HERAIR DJOKH

Upul imhymy Gury pmfph , Grag deghats hai kacheri, Bnagavair dirkerits. Uypmsihyuih pfuqim ford mit¥ihp Aylayletsan kurd khoujanner -=.ffe|+ Abreli gendagnerits. Peg SULMNPbYy DALVORIG Tempo di marcia - energico

- obk ken ob€ bil Dal- vo-rig tri ged -rij

wt, a- € *"pb =s b b qape

bof me - gnu ube 4 opw iP ,

tzo0 - bes chem tool -a mort ,

pe abr bb ge: ag tw - wp - Aug- tnt ~ hl di Hin kach Hai-ots -na , yom me 4233-4. M 37-0-

4b que - wy tof #2 2b for- Suupe$hp fukpgh® za - gi vag yem kach. Chem kho-nar-hir turk-in a~


Yerb im batsi hashkharh bop b4 mile pagh pecbors s acher

as. + ou kar. Uguom mhusy dhp wnip gup Azad desa mer sar Minchev achkes fgh fomiaup , pagem khavar, vodk odar. -.Ipo th kole Saw ning ommps Bid chi gokhe hos fu - priw [be put w - quer 1 we wie. whep ka -roud le -rantz yem a -zad laj, Chem de - SOT

fon p - wenue 2

mb w - pop ng Pm wg. - fan-agit= voch a -ror voch maj, ls?!

ley "a- acr ~ "be 2"

em - pb> Ub wes nf vo - rig-gi lm-VZS'i yom jail:

dut wg - sop= «be

- wh - pagl 640 si - roun ha ~

U - qw - mak - Put wh - Sm dup

- < mal ab4 gw mb) o, gm

- - deb inds ha rach , ha

zis Balou dzotz Pt dual Shon. gpu Sng Im mam dzenay m'eghay orrotz. Rupmegh hnq Plm. oppng Engouzi gojgh dzenadz, medztsa degloz, Splyrq , Degloz e ou botz. m. : Giankis bajinn griv Yhuiepfn pandfie & Infec pg

Dalvorig was a section of the great Armenian resistance area of Sassoun, whose mountaineers were among the great free- dom fighters of the Armenian Revolutionary Federation. The words of this song are by Mihran Damadian, an early Armenian .0--L|intellectual. su3uusuvyrh


be - - bo able dugg a weep , c- p= g=* , a

I zen, Hai-er soor, yey 1 he-ra - tzan, Daj- ga ~Hai - as-

&e «incus k Th > Lt=- *by L6 Pat- an go-choum e mi dsain, Ler -nitz ler ten-doum

- w - Jub - Sky. Sp= pm , Pope abe Ba wbo, abo qb mu - mune

a-hogh he -ra - man, Te-rek Hai-or, to - rok, do - bi Hai -as - dan.

- -~ t ab mb s at abs ab- qb Amgome mut, abomb , ab -oub abomb

De-bi de - - s , -bi , de-bj Hai-as dan, de bi, de bi, de-bi -as-dan . -=®: 20.3UUSUth ARDSAGANG HATASDANT

hi. , Uplacdq , , Supa. Sfuuhu Arevelk, arevmoudk, harav, yey hiousis, m. perge eink Dgherdatz ou tendatz kaghter avedis Quzhn; qu? qunmlpng mnng$ Hayga kach zavagate aroghch gourdzkeritz UqumncJub Sighy unt¥h : Azadoutioun henchetz amen goghmeritz. and und le amen UQ y $e, 3h Jpop plug s Amen, amen, goghmeritz, unl unt s amen , (le, $e Amen, amen, goghmeritz.

panmuiep mph & , Dajga-Haiasdane vodki e gangnoum,

+ Unpbmpag , [ph# & qnmial Arioudzabotz verege, verege e goroum. bh popep Ariounoy nergvadz yen bolor dashdere, Upfucha Whplmemd Wh pray Ariounoy nergvadz yen bolor gedere. Begs poons pmo s Bolor, bolor, bolor gedere, epe prius prone Bolor, bolor, bolor. gedere.

(Grafdr £ 4 folmbr Teshnamin zarhouradz pakhousd e dimadz, Wabtec me quird Ringu, Antiv avar ou gantz Haierin toghadz, GENERAL @uqBmiQJue, qnghy dfudugh , DRO KANAYAN Haghdoutioun, haghdoutioun, gochetz min- f mat E, Whgyh" tzayn.

Uhogh' , bbyyt! , Zugmnmuh , Teshnamin haghtvadz e, Getze Haiasdan!

Ubaot' « hbyyt', bhogt' s Getze, getze, getze Haiasdan, Getze, getze, getze Haiasdan.


hoc Bt th qudeqmmmectibg ng. puny: , El chi gangadvenk yey voch latz linenk, upp] Hp anpbp upline Geragvadz serdov mer gordze varenk, WialhSly myo E spmilpuiinclt- Anveher kachin ays e badganoum - When ugmin Phralihy pug rurpmncd + Mishd azad mernil grui layn dashdoum.

P be rgh heli fhe an pary y Moli yey yergchod teshnamin togh la, bop Sug goth npn Ivey » Yerb hai kachi dem grvi dours gouga, Whig $i unify , , Menk vakhetzogh chenk sovitz danchankitz, Pm M4 41 hf round uite r pil c Voch el maharit dajan gendagitz.

Uit "bp ugh Sopp) mp muh Anedzk ayn hore, vor azgi siroun Op apgmd Bunkhim. mpfuch » Chi meghoum vordoun tapelou arioun, he. ugh Sugie phi , Amot ayn hayin yey biour nakhadink, Ap wagh sh qupbml puphy: Vor azgi siroun chi gordzoum barik. Ubu8 k uNMNbkbu£ MENK BEDK E GERVENK Vivo

bu =~ methe ap L=s venk yey voch - lats

- mp - athe #4. 4he be- £644" awp om - shee

- go rous- de zenk - ov hod. Xhe -lenk. dar la - ts -.


- *= - LR ig > =~ ner oum - sbhe # 4

ov e le -so - ghe ? Ays-kan dar la - trink or e Pow

Wha bte ze$ phy wp - ghut = g i |-(=Mes inch shah be-ret: ar - tzoun ~ ki dso -ve. UNPPUSP tP9¢ know the name and fame of this immortal free-

* MOURADI YERGE Tempo di marcia

tr - {né qphe menpe Que _ b pw - ®

- - ye gadz sin -vorf . Bad me in- dz

- - - - leg nh *b sbs Ub ape - Who - ub 1b% - nuape the ppy Hai - re -ni - kits An - dra - ni- gi sin - vor -noe- re,

Pa - pne fhip -ub - phy # yen lou - dzoum Kur- de - rits.

Aepole hof ne Sug angy) , Ourakh yeghir dou hai degha,

Mebfor spor part Way y Ounis bashdban kach Andranig, rcp] uu Sumnim Mouradi bes hodod dzaghig, by Why 4 magnet Sugplbhp s El inch e ouzoum hairenik?

LbPooph ube Wipes Vitkhari bes gedrij Sebouh, bes Qngpupmfs ugha. purge fftpp y Boghbadi bazougnere, Yurgbuilih uu + Gaidzagi bes gedrijnere, by Wt mep Sucghpup s El inch yen ouzoum haiere.

be. Bape Ruofmcy y Gevorg Chavoush yey Hrayre,

Umpunih daby Pfepmpamaiy , Sarsap dsegetz Kurdisdane,

my$. pudbmiyp y Godoretsay voghch banage, -|={f Qucpnumuiip : Azadvadz che Hainsdane. bPEC anrhfessurruats swirun-rurreu VARDANI YERGE GAMAR-KATIBA GOMIDAS VARDABED



Hi - mi -el le hi -- . yeopli-bi mi el ,| yerb mer tesh na-min yoor €

4h - "b) tu bapeep togp o begs Pq 2 path. p

&b "h ue-sb*e tpg. tep Baz-Simedlflopsp

t phis beg sp - gute was- pp p 4dnt-| abs

- - ~kin soo rn e de- rol, or or -ha -sa- gan soo re mer gerd

& ees abt beg op- Swemw Gub unk ~ opp Tips

- 2 £ # aad Vip pug me". yn" #16 a - 331): chi tov- noum mer lats ou go - dzm', /_\

m- iho ap whp qug ae 4a 66%,

% ates A -sa Juektth-hrk

b= =~ f£0 0% he» -ste hi - mi - ol le -) renk,| & - 88 -tsek, _C

Pvi +6 Anch -

- ___ ae - - - gie "hi- bbb Sp p £720 Ln nbup, w' ue - Anck phy -or . a - - ~ |_|-0-|weé} nenk hi mi el 16 ronk, a 88 . Himi el mer teshnamin Abb 451 (onlis hap Php Pe lerenk, yerb direts mer hua} , Spuriqnzpre Php Davov, hrabouyrov yergrin, Rifhy ubeupShy Luzon uemcnn Chenchetz ashkharitz Haya anoune. dpohy Piperuy ndp Himkitz gordzanetz Torgoma doune, Wathy Phquithy Bur, be roup Vo ohne Kheletz mezanitz tak, yey khosk yey zenk, 4bb 41 Himi el lerenk?

lere mounche, andamalouydze Pag gik. tality , minedmynyip Togh Yurt mpuby 4 s Gam vorontz kaghtzer e teshnamou loudze, be menk, vor ounink yey sird kach, Rugg MWg, mp Sog whp Baytz hogi UG btbp - Yeg anvakh yelnenk, teshnamou arach Mp bungy dsm shu. fopiliep- Gone mer parke mahov hed khelenk lerenk. fic me : Ou aynbes

The people of embattled Armenia often drew inspiration from the memorable accounts of the past heroes of the Armen- ian nation-and among these, no man has so fired the imagination of the Armenians as Vardan Mamigonian, the martyred hero of the famous "Vartanantz Wars" of the 5th century. This melody is by Gomidas Vardabed, the renowned Armenian musical genius.

"a $ s rare brumnsU

Andantino moderato KHERAKHOUYS

b - - o pbhe "poabwke wyu-gut mupeniey m ubs, le - nbhey am -but

He - rik dar- va - - - vor-diagk ays-kan da ra bank , He rik, da ~Jan

wh - - gouP @hepomh maght fon bup$ qpop nil mnuebleg gage; bopbet an - gout kurd -di vodkn in-gank.Ka- ni kho-narh ge-lookh de-vink gai-le-ri-n

but Uptegat ap «pbb [bp uber #LL 608 gg mung Pt 44% Ayn -kan dzan-er ber- ner de -rin mer ve -zin . He-rik, yel~l@nk trout: dank te menk

- puce quem lug gugebp -p bhp be -t p¥, 0|-o.ha «ra -zad Hei kach-or -i ar-youn-itz yenk yer spud: ~yd‘v aging ag Baup a; n? Wbeawk «Plop my, fou - Tht Wpoputg put wa "aul: woch tour vochsoor vochni-zag mer bah-orn al ga - nen ne-rents shan sa-~dag,


Phyoof Mh hig. mpduibh s Inchov yen nerank mez direloo arjani. pub dnp gh myy furyplibes Nerank mard chen ayl gazanner vaireni.

muncfth ne Wiph & dbigp , thph & , Mern e dzerke mern e ousoumn ou hanjar, Whgh 4 Sogp , Alig hip Topu ink meprpmep s Mern e hoghe, menk yenk nera dern ardar.



mfc, monde y wight Lousin, lousin, achokd ankoun, QuSk: Quigng mulpmptibp Bahe, Haiotz vosgorner bx Wughub qmupP gourd Yev Mayisi zevart tzoghoy Boul whnby s Troghe anontz shirimner.

UF ofpry Sunk p , Mokhirnerou vera nesdek, 3]obq poles Averagner shinek bouyn. Ue qum kpftuy y Yev dzidzernag ga ou yerta U guy Minchey Haiotz ga garoun. |The minstrels of ancient Gothan, in pagan Armenia, sang of the glories and heroism of the Armenian people. AUL 2.4. Andante GOGHTNI KENAR religioso G. V. SERVANTZDIANTZ

Pt Cuy w pla - brmg wa - «wk - abr ana~lub ac-*era

To hai - ren - iats be - sag - a - dir Gogh-tni ke-nark TIe-rer

* 0 - = a-ab4 >

*yen, [|Yerg-nitz togh gan an - mah ho-gik, an ~mah

y- ag Hai -otz


quate Pag quite pangfh Masiatz gagatn togh gan bazmin Belibby: qb qiu Sphqmaiily Yergnitz gound gound hreshdagner [flp f Asdvadz icher i Haiasdan Qugny spfale 1 Haiotz arioun hododel.

ml bufabp, uhp , , Pakhek, amber, Shavarshanen, Ur 4b gouke 4bp youl> Al mi tzoghek dser tzogher, nnnynimb 4 Shavarshane vorogvadz e query mepfechth s Haiotz kachats ariounen.

be bp m bp Yev ge dzelin ou ge dzagh@gin Uge PAQ mg farin s ofarp+ Ays dashdin mech voch khod, vard, Uy Ppt Ayl Vardana ingadz yergir -Oprk bughh wip Sumi s Bidi dxaghgi sourb havad. Deghats" we have another telling of the Armenian victory at Khanasor. yupunks St1u3 this. song written by famous militant Armenian Bishop Garegin #:il Andantino moderato GARGOUD DEGHATZ vandisiantz, who was a distinguished: student &

Aue ae ss Yupe nce areqmg furs 1gh- dou =~£ $ke mu a jho¥ip Kha- na - - me To- Gar -goud de-ghats so-ra dash» dou , da- yi-ner &

- bu - "urz ut La- pho w- nants $n{. = ank - @ : BE - we - ghovip Dash-nag-tza~ gan ve rego a - ran hov - dou - me. Fe - da - yi -no

Juz - uk - gue fut

Dash - nag - tza-gan

pfequmy F y Sosgatz kurde leghabadar Mazrigtsin, Bip fsmn $ifucty qu? phun Cher esbasoum isbar chenchvel + Kach Fedayou gendagitz.

Uommiaib iphmue bun. nip "Yaman Asdvadz Fedan yegay our pagh- ihn » chim?" Tang Asats vordoun gertsgin segmadz Leghabadar kerdouhin.

«Ff , Sulufun Lufp , puff $uh , "Mi vakhnar hangisd yeghir, bachi, chan, bpplp dbng mun. 3h Afpbdunnc. put Ganantz yerbek tzerk dalou che b4 mules : Veregearou kach Fedan." Uh Wmgplly ghip PhQmbgune, Mi jamva mech Mazrig tzeghe chenchevetzay Buimwopuy uguhurpilfe mphunlp Khanasora ganach dashde fphore gumcs Garmir aryamb nergvetzav.

duuhy sbabghy we opp + Hayer hishetsek neviragan ays ore @nizfun p Houlis amsou kesanhingin ...|-moby : Gadaretsek mer done. EtNbPv tP4

Andante expressivo KERIIN YERG

or ect=-ab ¥pe - - Cho -rord gen - di hra - "ac

UVnp - we - *- ubk Ser - da - jom- lig

- aw gee T Au } - ug =

gop dhiky , gendag, hi. qugulepy. farspmmalihy i Mite char gendage kezi voronetz Gaghabared yey houysered khordagetz.

Bray: pli unfomifitp , 41 {p 6p gul. Togh leren sokhagner, el chi jelvelan,

Locp mmpubbgke queg Suryncfhuih , Selatzek groungner debi Hainsdan, Zugmur Phoule dma ol pluguiti Lour daradzetzek douk, hamayn hayoutian, Hayotz bashdban meday gerezman.

Keri, Nicol Duman, Kevork Chavoush and Murad of Sebastia composed the great early quartet of Armenian resistance fighters whose names became household slogans among the Armenians-and objects of fear among the enemy. This sad song tells of the final interment of Keri, the "Defender of the Armenians," and describes the national grief at his tragic passing.




- uk -~ up -= Php ap - abe abp dp Mage @w peee /b

< Zer -dir vor- diag housh ber ver gates. Ba - do - raz -mi

a Sab - Abg+ Aer - Pbo an o- dbs dung Sung - phir brog poghn hen - choks. Zar - dir go - chets dsain - ren -yats.

dua® Sah - bby :

~ geam hen chots .

hl an y Badrasder em ko zenkere, Wem q fh ehe. hah Aha glichid verey gan

Peon bpplath pn arobie s Inchbes yerbemn ko gerkere, bop Abeduate s Yerb gertayir varjaran.

Bobv Yelir gabem soure mechkid,

Uouprp Inufoht pn muby y Asbar gakhem ko oused, be anepp qpogmly 2uzplnbpes Yev sourb droshag hairenikid frag Buibuibh m} [Pocky a Togh dzadzani ach teved.

o Kesan dari geragretsi Ufg Summmliy: myy: merde > Minch hasaged ayd arir, Ugg Purzpr, Ayd hasagid maired merni "mck uy pn mogy fg, thicke s Doun al ko azgid merir.

Gunu'$ mocha, fo dupa y Haratch vordiag, i mard anmah,

ni. Smckp ulufufe Incpiby Subpmim , Devek anvakh gourdzk ou jagad, due i P6 oby lip gunk dms, Hok che to kez ge gedne mah, 0o~-=Bf quftbud & wopgh up's Zi hainjam argn e azad. PUvh tP9QC

Tempo di marcia KHANLI YERGE

to- - bt u - ibo SasP ab- rep bpi Cb beulp §bpoGup w- Tou -sin chi -gar mout gi -sher or, mi Mhoumb ger-tar a- 2,3: hr“.

ap gu> Just p nudpt Ep & - fh F (ayr De-sank vor kach kha -ni khoumbn »r Zin- vais o -in mo -sin -ner-ov, [for

Nos Uhuiiplpp. nny[ie ppuil , Giankere azgin neviradz, Yorph® Mui mercuu$ fol? Gedrij Khanen arach ingads,

me. £f% I bul , Genoum ein teshnamou dem, k% frgube bpul s Terchoum ein inchbes gerag.

iit meal png plfih , Heratsannere ousernin, 61, Droshage barzel ein, Shout EB. mepule qmimpf? y Genoum ein ourakh zevart, UqumncR@Lute kfc Azadoutioun yergoum ein.

Umet utumuin]ey mibghicd 4/6 , Moot andaritz antznoum ein,

mun UG Ahly fads $f y Amen mege aryouds ein, bongg. dfuby ofpiy humub® Negeouyk tziantz vera nesdadz, Wik unmphpp qughy 4s Merg sourere kashel ein.

Grp port hue. , Yerb kach Khane yelay Basen, Ply updurlyhyfi» Tendanotner artzagetsin. Jug dowbMvkphy Hai kacheri mossinnerits Whey ope op mony mesuny fil i Gendagnere gorgoratsin.

uni- Yeprem Khan was one of the more colorful figures of the Armenian. Revolution-a man whose love of freedom was so versal that he entered the armed forces of the Persian resistance and participated brilliantly in the destruction of the tyran- and nical Persian Shajar dynasts, so hated by the common folk of Persia. He is today a national hero both among Armenians o--Persians. APPENDIX

Translations of lyrics of songs

YERK GAMAVORNEROU "O mother." In my heart I prayed We are Zeituntzis, we have the braves, "Unbind arms and leave me free." We fear not our SONG OF THE VOLUNTEERS my enemies; And even from that hour I vowed Our sport is the fight, PARSEGH GANACHIAN To love thee ever, Liberty. The war and the raid.

Onward immortals of my martyred. race, I will be true to thee till death; Avengers of six centuries of hate; Yen een upon the gallow tree MENK ANGEGHDZ On to the peaks of mountains remote, ZINVOR YENK The last breath of a death of shame On Fatherland's soil the Tricolor to plant. WE ARE SINCERE SOLDIERS Shall shout thy name, O Liberty.

We are sincere soldiers, a Fiery-winged juggernaught of holy vengeance, separate corps, We are sworn to serve for a time. Volunteer army, onward, onward, long long DASHNAKTZAKAN KHOUMB From the of Persia a letter has come, Onward with steps resolute, depths We leave in be Relentlessly. onward, DASHNAKTZAKAN BAND blessing, there in a year. Blood, sword, fire and destruction Forward to victory. Dashoaktzakan band, we're headed for Sassoun, Our lot on the battlefield. Our Armenian brothers are for Coward's black blood hath soiled our sacred land, waiting us, Andranik the with his warriors brave Behold the Kurds in The exiled Armenian hath renewed his life; Brave, fleeing terror, Clamors for a he awaits the Behold their corpses drenched in 'red. blood, Chained but yesterday, today a free man, fight, Spring. Poue in the fire, pour in the endless fire, Valiantly he hath risen from his dismal tomb. to no of Near is the Spring, soon with us "cll be, Glory Dashnaktzutyoun shortage butlers. The Armenian's voice soon shall heard be; Fearless the Armenians, united in soul, Let's show the enemy this once again, MER HAIRENIK The valor of the Armenian braves. Shouldering: their guns, are ready to fight. OUR FATHERLAND Let's die in the hope the future is ours, Lets die, but live, live Armenia. Sworn in spirit company commanders are, long NALBANDIANTZ MIKAEL The Fedayee force is marching forward; Thus pleaded the brave as he fell on the field, the Andeanik the Leaving us his name and good memory. Our Fatherland, hapless forlorn, Leading company, Brave, A litde hero in a mighty fight, the cruel fos, Roating and shouting, spoiling for a fight. Trampled by The un Mardiros the brave. Now calls her sons in clarion tones, Retribution to exact. Enough brethren dear, far to long we've slept, Far too patient we've been with the fo; Mother Armenia is from our Our Fatherland shackled with chains gone hands, KAILERG KHANASORL Now we have the power, we shall regain her. For so many centuries, MARCH OF KHANASOR With sacred blood of her brave sons, Fore'er liberated: shall be. Fight, fight, fight boys, dauntless and brave, Standing fearlessly before the vile foe. Behold, brother mine, the holy flag Desirable to us is the noble death, from us is the fear of the foe. Which I fashioned with my hands, us of Sleepless I went for dreary nights, I martyrs our race, bullet miss its certain mark. I washed it with my tears. NEJDEHI YERGE THE SONG OF NEJDEH Gaze upon its triple colors, Freedom's symbol. divine; Born on the banks of the Arax, DARDSYAL PAILETS May it blaze in the face of the base foe, Unger dear, AGAIN WAVED Destroyed be Dadjhasian. May we be a blood sacrifice unto Arax, Unger dear. Tortured in the dark cells of the Death is the same everywhere, dungeon, Mortal man dies but once, Unger dear, But blessed is he who May we be a blood sacrifice unto your torture, For his nation's freedom dies. Unger dear.



When God who is forever free, Breathed life into my earthly frame- From that first day, by His free will _.f P soul became. DALVORIG MURADL YERGE GARGOUD DEGHATZ MIHRAN DAMADIAN THE SONG OF MURAD HAIL RAINED

I'm the brave son of Dalvorig, O soldier, just come from Armenia, Torrents of hail pelted the piain of Khanasor, I'm not soft like the city folk. Tell me of the Fatherland. Wreaking revenge, Dashnaktzakan Fedayees, Child of the son of the rocks, cliffs, The soldiers of Andranik Wreaking revenge, Dashnaktzakan Fedayees. Scion of ancient Armenians am I. Are wreaking revenge on the Kurds. The Mazrig Kurd, panicatricken, shook in fear, I'm the brave son of Dalvorig, Rejoice O Armenian lad, Being wiped off by Fedayee bulles, he neer Il not bow the knee before the Turk. You have Andranik for a guardian, I'm the son of cliffs, rocky A Mourad, like the fragrant flower, He ne'er thought. I see neither oxen nor the plough. What more do the Armenians want?

Armenian brothers, Ho, A giant like Sebouh the brave, "0.mzw;lkfdlymmhnqwmnlee?" I'm the brave son of Dalvorig With arms of burnished steel, Pressing her child to her bosom, Braves who strike like lightning, The Kurdish woman cried. What more do the Armenians want?

"Be not afraid, take it easy, sister dear, When first I opened my eyes, The avenging Armenian brave and free did I see. Mountain plain Never touches woman's hair." Until my eyes are sealed in death, No alien foot herein shall set. In one brief hour the Mazrig tribe was wiped of, My mother brought me forth in Balou, Khanasor's green was painted. red, The truck of a walnut tree my cradle; VARDANI YERGE Painted red with blood. Rarefooted was I born, barefooted 1 grew, OF VARDAN Fire and fame is the portion of my life. THE SONG O Armenians, this sacred day remember well, KAMAR-KATIBA July the twenty-fifth, you shall celebrate, (RAFAEL PATKANIAN) The day you shall celebrate. ARDSAGANG HAIASDANI Shall we be silent now too, brethren, OF ARMENIA ECHOES When the enemy has put the mortal sword To the very bone? KERIIN YERG To arms, O Armenians, the sword and the gun, $ he pays no heed to our weeping and clation call of Turkish Armenia, THE SONG OF KERI It's the ¢ The mighty command ringing hill and dale, On to, on to, on to Armenia. brethren, what shall we do? Shall we be silent now too? East and west, north and south, Speak, Armenians, what shall we do? hearcrending. news, The glad. tidings: shook; Shall we be silent now too? Bravest of the brave, glorious Keri the Fedayee. From lusty throats of Armenia braves Freedom rang from all sides. From all sides, from all sides, From all sides, from all sides.

The enemy has taken to Might in terror, Turkish Armenia has ris'n in revolt, Revenge, revenge, is the lion's roar; Painted in blood are all the plains, The waters of the river are red with blood. Rivers, rivers, all the rivers, Rivers, rivers, all the rivers.

Leaving behind countless booty and treasures; Victory, victory, is the unison shout, MOR HRAVER I MARD The foe is live Armenia. beaten, long THE MOTHERS CALL TO BATTLE Long live, long live, long live Armenia, Long live, long live, long live Armenia. NATANIAN GOGHTNI KENAR Wake son, arise, arise, THE LYRE OF GOGHTHAN up my The trumpet has sounded. 'tis the voice of the FATHER KAREKIN V. SERVANDTSIANTZ Arise, Fatherland, "This the hour to do or die.

MENK BEDK E GERVENK Lo, I've made your armor. ready, wE MUST FIGHT They test beside your bed, Just like the books you used to carry No more complaints, no more tears, In your school. days. Our hearts are burnt, on to work; This is the task of the fearless brave, Let me buckle this sword to your waist, To die a free man on the battlefield. This shield on your shoulder, And the Fatherland's holy fag, Let the cowardly foe do the weeping, To wave in your right hand. As he faces the Armenian brave; Neither the famine nor the torture, I fed you for twenty years, Nor death the bullet by grim Until you grew to stature Have terrors for us. And now your mother's ready to die, While you die for the nation. Shame on the father who for love of nation roses no longer sprout Exhorts not his son to shed his blood. In: this: lovely. plain; Onward, my son, on to immortal fight, and on the Armenian The fallen land of Vardan the Brave Curse, shame obloguy Brave the death fearlessly Who fails to do for his sake. Faith of the fathers alone doth grow. good people's Even if death should find you, For then your nation shall be free.