17898 Hon. Jon C. Porter Hon. James L. Oberstar Hon
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17898 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS, Vol. 152, Pt. 13 September 12, 2006 Life and the Home Trust Helping Hands Team million dollars to Tufts University to launch tive digital billboards, featuring a static com- fundraising efforts. She is also a member of the Omidyar-Tufts Microfinance Fund. puter-generated image. the Association for Retarded Citizens, and Mr. Speaker, I am proud to honor Pierre In July, an outdoor advertising company do- and Pam Omidyar for their compassion and nated billboards in the Phoenix area as part of until recently, an important volunteer in the sincere desire to improve the world around Bridges Mentoring Program. Perhaps the most them. Their innovative approach has made a the effort to help police stop serial crimes; au- valuable part of Ms. Schoenborn’s community difference in many lives and I wish them well thorities arrested a suspect in the ‘‘Baseline service services is her dedication to visiting in their continued endeavors. Killer’’ case very recently. In a sense, ‘‘wanted’’ posters are part of the elderly, the ill and the shut-ins. f And so today I rise to recognize Ms. Clair American history, from the days of Jesse Schoenborn for her commitment to the better- TRIBUTE TO THE POWER OF THE James to the ‘‘wanted’’ pictures I saw at the ment of the community and I congratulate Ms. BILLBOARD Post Office growing up in Chisholm, MN. The Schoenborn on her nomination for Member of success story of ‘‘wanted’’ billboards serves to the Year by American Legion Auxiliary Unit HON. JAMES L. OBERSTAR remind us that billboards are a significant me- 278. May Ms. Schoenborn continue to serve OF MINNESOTA dium of communication. We know that bill- her community for many years.’’ IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES boards promote brands, sell products, and di- f rect motorists to roadway services. But out- Tuesday, September 12, 2006 door advertising is also an important forum for PAYING TRIBUTE TO PIERRE AND Mr. OBERSTAR. Mr. Speaker, at times, in- non-commercial speech, helping law enforce- PAM OMIDYAR vention is born from tragic circumstances, and, ment and non-profit groups such as the Amer- as the saying goes, out of necessity. ican Red Cross. HON. JON C. PORTER In the summer of 2002, a Kansas man We are just a year past the 40th anniver- OF NEVADA named Roger Kemp experienced a brutally sary of the Highway Beautification Act—an ap- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES searing loss. His daughter Ali, 19, was at- propriate occasion to make note of the evolv- ing contribution of billboards, now adding com- Tuesday, September 12, 2006 tacked and killed at her place of work. She had just finished her freshman year at Kansas munity service: supporting public safety and Mr. PORTER. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to State University—with a bright future—and security by reviving a proven, effective idea honor Pierre and Pam Omidyar for their inno- was working at the neighborhood pool in from our past: the ‘‘wanted’’ poster. vative philanthropic work. Leawood, Kansas. Her father, Roger, found f Pierre Omidyar graduated from Tufts Uni- her body in the pump room at the pool. HONORING THE ALEXANDRIA versity in 1988, with a degree in Computer Determined to find the person who killed his CHAMBER OF COMMERCE Science. After graduating college, Pierre daughter, Mr. Kemp came up with an idea began working as a software engineer for while driving to work: display ‘‘wanted’’ infor- Claris, a subsidiary of the Apple Computer mation on a billboard. HON. JAMES P. MORAN Company. He co-founded Ink Development When Roger Kemp described his idea to OF VIRGINIA Corp. which was later acquired by Microsoft. Lamar Advertising Company, the company de- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Shortly thereafter, at just 28 years old, Pierre clined to take his money, but agreed to help Tuesday, September 12, 2006 created the website that would become eBay. by donating billboard space. ‘‘Wanted’’ bill- Mr. MORAN of Virginia. Mr. Speaker, I rise Pam Omidyar graduated from Tufts Univer- boards featured a composite sketch of a sus- today to honor and congratulate the Alexan- sity in 1988, with a degree in Biology. She pect, along with a phone number for anony- dria Chamber of Commerce for its 100 years earned a Masters in Molecular Biology at the mous tips to police. It took nearly 2 years, but of outstanding and dedicated service to the University of California, Santa Cruz and much a tip in response to the billboards helped po- community. The Chamber was established for of her early career was spent in laboratory re- lice apprehend the man (in 2004) accused of the purpose of making Alexandria, Virginia, a search. Throughout her life, Pam has been killing Ali Kemp. better place to work and live, and, for 100 devoted to bettering the world around her. She With encouragement from Roger Kemp, po- years, it has done just that. has committed herself to several causes, but lice in the Kansas City area began using bill- In its early years, the Chamber of Com- is most passionate about helping alleviate boards to resolve other murder cases. To merce fought for the rights and well-being of chronic illness in children. She is the founder date, at least 8 murder suspects have been farmers, ranchers, and the poor, and helped of HopeLab, a nonprofit organization dedi- apprehended from tips prompted by ‘‘wanted’’ raise money for the Red Cross to assist in the cated to promoting scientific research that will billboards, donated as a public service. inoculation of residents against typhoid and help improve the quality of life for those who The success of billboards in Kansas City small pox. suffer from chronic illnesses. drew the attention of John Walsh and his TV In 1918, the Chamber campaigned to The intense financial success with eBay program, ‘‘America’s Most Wanted.’’ Since change the city’s form of government from a prompted Pierre and his wife Pam to find May of 2005, John Walsh has been using do- trustee and aldermen system to one run by ways to give back to society. After moving to nated billboards to help police find fugitives, in elected officials and a professional city man- Henderson, Nevada, Pierre and Pam Omidyar conjunction with his TV show, Internet site, ager, and in just 3 years, it was successful in converted their family foundation to the and radio program. John Walsh, who knows a obtaining the change. The Chamber has also Omidyar Network. The Omidyar Network takes great deal about capturing fugitives, says bill- worked to develop strong leaders in Alexan- a very novel approach to charitable giving. Un- boards are effective as a crime-fighting tool dria, most recently with its Leadership Alexan- like most organizations of its kind, the because they are ever-present and generate dria program that provides upcoming commu- Omidyar Network is founded on the principles quality anonymous tips. nity leaders with a thorough understanding of of microfinance and has the ability to fund Meanwhile, the concept that Roger Kemp the city and the most critical challenges it nonprofit, for-profit and public policy efforts. pioneered in Kansas City is spreading across faces. The mission of the Omidyar Network is to ‘‘en- America, to communities large and small. Over the years, the Chamber of Commerce able individual self-empowerment on a global After a jail break in Yakima County, WA, on has worked tirelessly to promote the city’s scale,’’ and ‘‘to employ business as a tool for November 25, 2005, several inmates were education system. In 1914, the Chamber suc- social good.’’ As a result of this outstanding caught quickly. Two who remained on the run cessfully petitioned for a new high school. network, countless people and organizations were shown on a billboard and were in cus- Through its Alexandria Education Partnership, have received the tools necessary to cultivate tody the next month. many businesses and professional groups in economic growth, self-sufficiency and commu- In Tennessee, an accused child molester the city support a wide variety of activities that nity enrichment. fled in February of this year after cutting off assist the city’s schools and students. And Pierre and Pam Omidyar remain actively involved with their alma mater, Tufts Uni- the electronic monitoring device on his ankle. since 1966, the Chamber has sponsored an versity, as well as several other organiza- For the first time, Nashville Metro Police used annual Summer Economic Institute that has tions that strive to benefit society. To fur- billboards to help find a fugitive; the suspect provided Alexandria teenagers with a unique ther accomplish the goals of the Omidyar was arrested on July 19. Two of the five internship experiences in the business and fi- Network, the Omidyar’s recently donated 100 ‘‘wanted’’ billboards in Nashville were innova- nancial sectors. VerDate Sep 11 2014 10:15 May 10, 2017 Jkt 049102 PO 00000 Frm 00210 Fmt 0689 Sfmt 9920 E:\FDSYS\BOUNDRECORD\BR12SE06.REC BR12SE06 ejoyner on DSK30MW082PROD with BOUND RECORD.