(Washington, DC). 1934-11-25
SERVICE ORDERS ARMY ORDERS. IU, S. S. Marblehead as executive of- fleer. Parker. Col. Hugh A., Infantry, Palmer, Comdr. John R„ detached from Fresno, Calif., to the Panama Navy Yard. Washington D. C„ In Canal Department, January 26. November: to Asiatic Station. Orders v October 30 revoked. Anderson. Col. Thomas M., Infantry, Lamont, Lieut. Comdr. George P., active to be retired from service, detached as district communication February 28. officer, 13th Naval District, Seattle, Le Baron, Maj. Rudolph Wendell Wash., in January: to U. S. S. Raleigh Phillips, Engineers Corps Reserve, as navigating officer. ordered to active duty at Chicago, Aitkens, Lieut. (J. G.) Lloyd J. S., December 3. d.tached 11th Naval District about Lambert. Maj. Barret De T., In- November 9; to U. S. S. Neches. fantry, ordered home to await re- Elliott, Lieut. (J. G.) Thompson P„ tirement, November 30. detached Hydrographic Office, Navy Buskirk, Maj. Robert J., Coast Ar- Department in December; to U. S. S. tillery Corps, from Fort Monroe, Va., Nokomis. to Portland, Me., December 15. Woelfel, Lieut. (J. G.) John C., de- Guerin, Maj. Mark E., Judge Advo- tached U. S. S. Oglala in September; cate General's Department, from to U. S. S. Concord. here, to Fort Hayes, Ohio, January 2. Johnson, jr.. Ensign William C„ Beverley, Capt. George H., Air detached U. S. S. Oglala in Septem- Corps, from Boston, Mass., to the ber; to U. S. S. Pennsylvania. Panama Canal Department, Febru- Medical ary 19. Corps. McKenzie, First Lieut. Henry R., Riordan, Comdr. John F., detached Quartermaster Corps, assigned to Naval Hospital, Pearl Harbor, T.
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