UW-Green Bay Theatre Script Library
UW-Green Bay Theatre Revised: November 2012 Script Library Author Title Anthology Abb. Ackermann, Joan Batting Cage, The HF96 Ackermann, Joan Stanton's Garage HF93 Adams, Liz Duffy Neon Mirage HF06 Aerenson, Benjie Lighting up the Two-Year Old HF97 Aeschylus Agamenmnon GT1, ATOT Aeschylus Eumenides, The GT3 Aeschylus Libation Bearers, The DD, GT2 Aeschylus Prometheus Bound GT1 Aeschylus Prometheus Bound WD1 Aeschylus (tran Grene) Prometheus Bound CTGR Aeschylus (tran Harrison) Oresteia, The CTGR Albee, Edward A Delicate Balance Albee, Edward American Dream, The 2EA Albee, Edward American Dream, The Albee, Edward Death of Bessie Smith, The Albee, Edward Fam and Yam Albee, Edward Sandbox, The AE, TOD5 Albee, Edward Three Tall Women Albee, Edward Tiny Alice Albee, Edward Who's Afraid of Virginia Woolf? 23IA Albee, Edward Who's Afraid of Virginia Woolf? Albee, Edward Zoo Story, The 2EA Albee, Edward Zoo Story, The FAP50 Alexander, Ronald Time Out For Ginger Alfieri, Vittorio Saul WD2 Anderson, Jane Last Time We Saw Her, The HF94 Anderson, Jane Tough Choices for the New Century HF95 Anderson, Maxwell Bad Seed AE, BMSP Anderson, Maxwell Bad Seed BMS Anderson, Maxwell Elizabeth the Queen Anderson, Maxwell Feast of the Ortolans, The 10SP Anderson, Maxwell High Tor AE, TDAI Anderson, Maxwell Joan of Lorraine Anderson, Maxwell Mary of Scotland AE, TGA Anderson, Maxwell What Price Glory? FAP20 Anderson, Maxwell Winterset 6MA Anderson, Maxwell Winterset AE, MAD, MD, SMAP Anderson, Maxwell and Laurence StallingsWhat Price Glory? FA20s Anderson, Robert
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