The Goilby Ccliq
The Goilby CcliQ - " ' f Vol. XIX Wa terville , Ma ine, February 9, 191 6 No. 15 PUBLISHED WEDNESDAYS DURING THE COLLEGE YEAR BY THE STUDENTS OF COLBY COLLEGE ' 1 ' ' ¦ ' • ' ' ¦ - ¦ ¦¦ ¦ ¦ . ' . , ' . : : The College Store : Boys, we appr eciate your business , but whether you want to buy or not we arc alway s glad to see you COME IN, LOOK AROUND AND MAKE —^TMs Store Your Stfore --— THE H. R. DUNHAM CO. 64 Main Street Waterville, Maine ¦ ELEANOR R. GILLETTE PUBLIC STENOGRAPH ER A High Stand ard A Specialty of Note Books, Articles , Themes. Tel; 53-W . Over Kelley's Book Store. of qualit y with prices con- sistent with the same is the aim of this store J D. NEAL <^2Qgj5^ Photogr apher 93 Ma in St., Watervill e , 1 j EME RY-BROW N CO. PENOBSCOT EXCHANGE Departme nt Store . MOON & CRATTY , Proprietors WATERVILLE , - - - .; MAINE BANGOR , - - MAINE H OME OF GOOD VALUE ' — BOY"§ - BOY'S - BOY'S IT WILL PAY YOU TO LOOK US OVER. The Lar gest Clothing Store in Maine Everything Men and Boys Wear American Clothing Go. 36 & 38 Main St., Cor. Silver Waterville , Maine <S. S. FLOOD & CO. SI. PREBLE Shippers and dealers in all kinds oi , Anthracite and Bituminous Coal 66 Main St., Waterville Me. r Also Wood, Lime , Cement , Hair, fVr lck, College ¦ad Drain Pipe. Coal Yard s end Office , Corner Main and Flaasirat Straats Photo gra pher Down Town Office , S. & WHITCOMB CO, Up Town Office , 'B. I,. GOVE Winslow Office , E. W. AI^EN Plains Offics, ARTHUR DARVIAu, 83 Water St. THE COLL EGE SUPPLY STORE J OHN M.
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