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NEW GOVERNOR-GENERAL OF AUSTRALIA HAS HARD TIME BREAKING IN BIG IRISH FIGHTER BREAKS DOWN STILL IN HIS POSSESSION Major League Stands Have Proved Big Remarkable Coincidence In Sum of Handicap to Recruits From Money That Rastus Had In HJSipn Smaller Clubs. Hla Pocket. William’s Friend Is Emperor Artie Hofman, the Cubs' star out- Rastus was on trial, charged with Termed a Boor by Yankees. fielder, frequently has Interesting con- stealing seven dollars and elghty-flve tributions to make to the baseball lit- cents. He pleaded not guilty, and, as erature of the day. Just now Artie he was unable to hire an attorney, the -Lastp arises to remark that it is a mighty as While In Restaurant judge appointed Lawyer Clearem Orchestra Plays hard to thing for a young outfielder counsel. Clearem put up a strong Wealthy German Whistles Loudly— make good In the major leagues these plea in defense, and Rastus was ac- Countess Is Embar- Slerstorpft days, and says that "no matter how quitted. rassed Behavior. by good the recruit may look In the rec- Counsel and client met a few min- ords and when he Is with the minors, utes later outside the court room. William's he is Berlin.—Emperor confl- bound to have a hard time show- ‘‘Now, Rastus," Said Clearem, Prince zu lant. Agan Fuerstenberg, ing any fielding form when he breaks “you know the court allows the Ihe richest man In and the in with Germany fast company. counsel very little for defending this of the German and Aus- go-between "I played the outfield with minor kind of case. 1 worked hard for you rian caused a mild riot the courts, league teams for some time, and have and got you clear. I’m entitled to Jther night at Hotel Bristol. been with the Cubs for a good many much more pay than I’m getting for The prince was dining In the fash- seasons, too,” says Hofman, “and my valuable services, and you should ionable restaurant a there with party during all my experience In baseball dig up a good-sized fee. Have you got af friends, among whom was Coun- the things that strike me as being one any money?" Less Johannes Van Francken Slers- of the hardest things In the game for “Yes, boss," replied Rastus, "I done iorpff, who before her marriage was an outfielder to buck up against is the got seben dollahs and elghty-flve Miss Mary Knowlton of Brooklyn. The big type of grand stands which they cents." restaurant was crowded with fashion- are building around the circuit now. able members the of German nobility “Take the National league—there Is AN ESTABLISHED FACTORY gathered here for the court functions. and Pittsburg, Cincinnati, Boston Producing standard goods used stores, During the dinner the orchestra be- by Philadelphia—in all these cities are banks, farmers and practically to selections from Mer- is everybody, gan play, "The big. high grand stands which do not sending its special representative to ry Widow.” Prince Fuerst- open a office for this district Suddenly have any efTect on the inflelders, but distributing and other unoccupied territory and desires enberg began whiBtllng the melody hurt the With work of the outfielders. a resident distributer with $600 to $3,000 eery loud and very Everybody sharp. these big, high stands we do not see a in cash, carrying stock for immediately in the room looked around to see who we allow fly ball until It has passed out of the filling orders; $100 to $200 month- had committed this breach of compensation, extra of- gross grand stand when we some ly commissions, line, get nee and other expenses, ac- good manners. The Germans, who per contract, light behind It, and then It Is too cording to size of district allotted and recognized and Fuerstenberg, grinned late for us to know where It is going stock carried; permanent arrangements; of course said Countess references If you can fill re- nothing. to fall, and where we shall run to required. quirements write Slerstorpft diligently plied her hand- to promptly. “Liberty” catch it; If an outfielder gets used Manufacturing 230 West Hu- kerchief to prevent her blushes MU# Association, being the different parks around the circuit, ron St.. Chicago. seen. this Is not so bad, but when he is just A party of Americans sitting at an In and is not with Too Fresh. P. K. C. V. who has been named to succeed the breaking acquainted not DENMAN, C., O., adjoining table, knowing who the the parks It Is liable to 'kill' his game “Will you promise to support my BARONearl of Dudley as governor-general of the commonwealth of Australia, whistler was, first scowled at him, completely. daughter in the style in which she is then Is only 36 years old. He served as lieutenant in the Royal Scots and muttered loudly. But the prince accustomed if I consent to your mar- afterwards commanded a squadron of the Imperial the "There was a good deal of complaint only whistled the louder and the more Yeomanry during In riage?" demanded old Skinflint, when Boer war. He Is captain of his majesty's body guard of the Honorable from all the outfielders about this out of tune. Finally the Americans made the world series; Dobby his formal proposal. sent Corps of Gentlemen-at-Arms and was a lord in waiting to King Edward. Philadelphia during for the restaurant manager and “Well, I—I’ll promise to be tolerably Lord Denman’s wife Is a daughter of Sir Weetman Pearson, recently with the crowd on the field they had asked him In audible tones: close with Mr. said an hard time long her, Skinflint,” "Who is made Baron Cowdray. especially getting that boor? Why doesn’t Dobby, “but I'm a soft- files, for they could not see the ball -i.: ioioiic~T.il you know. the management turn him out?" and until It the and hearted cuss, I’m afraid she’ll be The was almost on ground, Acting upon the advice of Tommy take a summer’s vacation. He weighed excited manager whispered "My dear prince, don't worry about able to wheedle a few things out of “SMILE” OFFICE IS OPENED then It was too late to chase it any Ryan, bis manager, Con O’Kelly, the only 200 pounds when he left, al- hurriedly: "Hush, that is the emper- tongs. We have clean fingers at Pots- me that you were strong enough to re- distance, and Impossible with a big big Irish wrestler-fighter who has been though his normal figure Is 220. or's friend, Prince Fuerstenberg." dam." fuse her.”—Judge. Inaplred by American Example, Lon- crowd on the field." registered as one of the leading as- O’Kelly will rest until August and The Americans stared at the prince Another German who has been get- doner 8ets Up Joy Dispensary Artie Is not suggesting any cure for pirants of the country for the heavy- then try to get some bouts In Eng- In amazement and then, quite un- ting into hot water with American for Down-Hearted. this about has sailed for land. Splendid Development. abashed, one exclaimed: "Heavens! evil, but merely telling It; weight championship, visitors is Baron Van Wangenhelm. your mine as In there is no cure—unless we his home In Ireland. "Developed gold any Can't the emperor teach his friends his this week at Hotel fact, During stay American ex- yet?” manners!" London.—Inspired by are going to have the magnates tear- Constant training and fighting broke Riley to Lead Yale. Adlon Wangenhelm was worried by a “Sure. I started with desk ample, a professional worry killer, an down the nervous James A. of room, A titter around ing down all their beautiful big grand big fellow’s system Riley Brockton, Mass., suppressed passed pair of blackbirds which have made aud now I have a suite.”—Kansas earnest apostle of cheerfulness has standB sit and he ran down In weight. has been elected of the Yale the room and CountesB the hotel their home and are and making their spectators alarmingly captain Sierstorpff's garden set in City Journal. up the smile-dispensing trade in on but benches which He was homesick, too, and decided to basketball team for next year. face kept getting redder. Some Ger- of the American guests. nothing little great pets a office tiny within a stone’s throw won’t Interfere the and mans who knew the prince explained The baron sent for the manager and with daylight of the Victoria railroad Sore Throat is no ailment. It to the depot. make It hard to catch fly balls. trifling Americans afterward that it Is ordered: r.ia.v carry disease germs to of The probability is that as a result LOOKING TO EAST FOR GAMES HILDRETH GOES TO ENGLAND any part a habit of the prince to to shock "Those birds muBt be removed. I the through the food you eat. When try of his efforts body there will soon be a foel sore throat people by his exhibition of what, In cannot sleep owing to their noise in you coming on, use Ham- thriving smile club in the metropolis, Tennis Team Will Play Big String, Including the Great Fits lins Wizard Oil. less ml' *y personages, would be re- the morning. Shoot them.” MOORE BETTER THAN “MATTY” Michigan’s with a set of Jolly maxims for mem- but Two Matches With Western Herbert, Win* 4 as bad manners.