Portland Daily Press: May1, 1899
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PORTLAND DAILY PRESS. CENTS. ESTABLISHED JUNK 23, 1832-VOL. 37. PORTLAND, MAINE, MONDAY MORNING, MAY 1, 1899._aEffRA'aftiSl_PRICK THREE far last as These were thrown over against per (Bells need bj tbs Filipinos are worse Deputy frith went ao night girl. the roof of the oar and were pinioned un- _miattiwow. than explosive bullets. PAUL MUELLER. to send noise of the officers cut to West- TO PAY CUBANS AT ONCU. STRENGTHENING LINES. MAI BE der the seats and the partition in the car General Wheaton entertained Col. brook to of that and notify tbe police city TRAIX LEFT TRACK which wan torn to Arguellles and Lieut Jose Bernal and splinters. also guard all tbe roads comlug Into The soene wblob was followed was 11 provided them with horses to return _ SPRING STYLES The moans and shrieks of to their ramp. Portland. 'I'he Portland and Roobester heartrending. — the air and a IN the filled sickening ■ In the course of the conference yester- railroad has been watched all Injured carefully John H11 was day Mr. Jacob (J. tjohurmiin, chairman sight met the eye. berg day and last night the officers searched on the between the sec- is of the United States Philippine commis- W as standing platform Gen. Brooke To Bring Gen. McArthur Not Brookfield;Murderer all of ond and third cars when the crush came Boots and Shoes. sion, told Col.Arguelles that if the Insur- tbe places where tramps ordinarily and was between the two cars gents would now lay down their arms, put up for the night. Up to delate hour ?caoght Jail. and'crushed to death. His was re- Matter To a Head. Idle. he and his of the commission in Alfred this Excursion Wrecked Near body oolleagues morning no mnn answering this des- moved with and sent to Our $3.50 Shoe would oonsult them the plan great difficulty regarding cription hod been arrested. the of government to bo submitted to Presi- morgue. best Touefol was the for men. In Russet and Black, Is the dent lie said he oould not Little Emma among shoe in tt»e market for the money. MoKlnley. Rochester. first of tho wounded taken from the wearing promise that all their suggestions would JOHN 0. PATTEN DEAD. wreck. Her face was covered with i blood, he adopted but he could assure them that Oar $3.30 Lndici’ Shoe. » er nose broken and cuts and bruises all there would be a presumption In favor Gen Gomez ami Junta Asked To Come With Han of His Defeased o ver her face, hands and aims. She was satisfac- The Pleased the of their adding that the Description Former Hath Editor Pasted Away at In Russet and Black, gives perfect Army Prospect suggestions, and sa'd she was suro tion tu fit and wear. commissioners would be especially desir- crying piteously Arizona. both her father and mother who were We also have tlie higher grades In all the ous of satisfying the legitimate aspira- There To Decision. of reace. Saturday. tho train had been killed. leading makes. tions of the Filipinos. aboard Two In- Brusser who sustained a com- When CoL Arguelles protested that [SPECIAL TO THE PBEM.l Passengers (ieorge unconditional surrender would be humil- pound fracture of the fonanu was found — — Patten a beam and was "re- iation, Mr. tiohurman replied: Bath, April 30. John Owen pinned ut(ler heavy Killed. moved considerable The "There would be no humiliation In died in Arizona afternoon at stantly with difficulty. Saturday carried our brother Fili- work of rescue was energeticallv General Otis treating five o'clock after a of 111 a To Detain Him lengthy period on nna as soon as each sufferer was taken The Cubans Nation of The pinos as Gensral Grant treated our broth- Orders Filipino Congress word Bath he was sent to the Ambu- er Americans at Mr. health, reaching today. out hospital. Appomattox. summoned from Bcburman said today to the correspond- Came To Late. He was born In Bath in 1801, attended lances had been quickly Pessimists. Meets the city and it was a long run, Today. ent of The Associated Press: John Hopkins university, and ufter although "I believe Col. Argnelles Is personally remarkably quirk time wus made. The leaving college secured a reportoriul carried extra doctors so that sincere and honest, though I have no A Dozen or More Probably ambulances later be- Falally tho wounded were attended to b means of ascertaining the sentiments and position on the Boston Post, quickly more hurt were alms of the authorities behind him. Tbe coming its managing editor. He married uDd the seriously hustlly Injured. removed to the several different hospitals. Filipino people, like other Asiatic people, In Buoy Barrabee of Bath in 1880, travelled Fears of Wild Outlawry When of Americans Inside have no trust In mere words without force Officers Believe Him To Be xperience abroad for several and finally behind them; but, with foroe, I consider years OF a settled in when he the FUTURE CUBA. Troops Are Paid. Filipino Lines. conciliatory spirit of the utmost impor- Vicinity of Portland. Bath, purchased tance. I believe that, when peace has Bath Bally Times. He remained here beeD established, governing the Filipinos much until he bt come entangled In the — will not be a difficult matter, provided scandal in Train Left Rails Round- Interning Report on Island’s Com- we show them hrmness, justice and kind- talked of Patten-Roberts 1897, and Industrial Condition. >• ness. "At the present time they dis- when Mrs. Patten securod a divorce and mercial trusts aud dislike us, but these senti- of south- his Curve. 30.— Governor General m.—While Alfred, April 80.—The police Dr. Roberts seoured a divorce from ing Havana, April ManlUk, April 30.-8.15 p. ments, whlob are perhaps not unnatural, western Maine and southeastern New wife, their two divorces being followed Brook purposes bringing the matter of It is the general expectation among Ame- will soon be dispelled by the offects of tbe Washington, April 30.—Acti ng Secre- a search the of the Cuban to a we to Hampshire are making careful the of Mr. Patton and Mrs. payment troops ricans that the Filipino emissaries will good government have; promised by marriage tary of War Meiklejohn made public to- establish here. It will be the foremost for a man who was released today from Roberts. Mr. Patten was for a time head immediately. Yesterday he 9enfc a return with revised proposals from Gen- day a very interesting report on tho com- duty of Amerloan officials to understand a to General Gomez that the latter the county jail, after serving thirty in many business and social request eral Antonio Luna, Major General Otis aud sympathizs with the Filipinos them- prominent mercial ana industrial conditions of days* sentence, for vagrancy and who is and Bath in the Scenes ami the Jnnta on consulting Cuban gen* Is not this prospect interfere with selves." enterprises, represented Heart Rending Followed Cuba, showing that the future of the letting should once to a decision a* Vesterday, before Gen. Utis had Issued suspected of being Paul A. Mueller, who, state erals come>t his preparations for pushing the war. legislature. Island under a stable government the order directing Gen. Lawton tore- It is killed three members of the Accident. to whether the Cuban muster rolls are to Law- alleged a wonderful of Yesterday he ordered Major General turn to of his command promises development Angst,the troops Newton at in THE CIVIL SERVICE. stand, as now made up, cr are to le re- miles North- in a circle of hills family Brookfield, Mass., wealth. The beneficial effects of an eco- Mamma me ton to return to Angat,a few encountered the rebels My gives as Gomez has been outsldu ISun Kafuel, about live miles the winter of 1898. The suspected man, duced, General expect- BROWN’8 IN8TANT west of Norzagaray and not to advance nomical administration of the islands’ af- RELIEF* northwest of Angst,dislodging tbem niter who has been known at the as John ing. If he consult Lis own desires, Gen. while the are jail of the Commission For Past as is now under the For Coughs, Colds, Colic, Cholera. aggressively negotiations an hour's The | Americans had Report alrs£such bolng given fighting. Smith, answers In many ways the de- l Brooke would pay $100 por man to such Morbus, Dysontory, Croup, 8ore General MacArthur Is apparent- three wounded. A thousand armed Fili- Year. direction of the war department, aro al- pending. are to 6bare in the Throat, Diphtheria, etc. ad- scription of the much wanted Mueller. N. SO.—A dis- as entitled $3,000,000 ly on the same policy; but be is pinos foil back as the Americans Kochester, Y., April ready apparent. A good deul of the capital acting on if General Gomez continues to vouch I THINK IT IS REAL NICE TO TAKE. vanced. Tbe villagers met Gen. Lawton, He admitted that he formerly worked astrous rail rood wreck occurred this which was removed or which went into out repairing bridges and strengthening the lifteonth him dare not he was a April 30.—The to and the will be offering provisions. They a milk farm and that cabinet Washington, afternoon on tbo Houhester and Lake hiding prior during Spanish for 39,930 troops payment begun Prepared by Nob WAT Macirnirv Co., Norway, M*. lines of his force, which Is stretched out mountain on t.ie dee Into the country annual of the civil service commis- war, has returned ami d jw capital is be- on On maker.