Not in the Panoply of Horrid War, but in Base Ball Uniforms and Armed with Bats
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DEVOTED TO Title Registered In U. S. Patent Office. Copyright, 1910 by the Sporting Life Publishing Company. Vol. 56-No. 11 Philadelphia, November 19, 1910 Price 5 Cents INVASION! Not in the Panoply and Balls, Will the of Horrid War, "Yellow Peril" But in Base Ball Present Itself in Uniforms and Peaceful Aspect to Armed With Bats the New World! SPECIAL TO "SPORTING LIFE." \ two main reasons for a jollification at Suite CINCINNATI. 6., November 14. Mr. and the fans look upon the new association Ed. Wilbern, one of the two origin as a sure go. L. F. Theil says that he has al promoters of tho Fletcher All- not selected his manager, but is figuring with Star Tour, is now making arrange several men whose ability as players and ments to bring a team of real live managers is admitted to be of a high class. Japanese ball players over to this « country for a long series of ex hibition games next season, and the scheme ANSON AS AGENT ? looks almost certain to go through. This is a plan with which the National Commission Said to Be Drumming Up New Capital for cannot interfere, for the Japs are free agents and not subservient to the base ball Promoter Fletcher. law of the land. They are also some ball Special to "Sporting Life." players and a picked team from the island of New York, November 14. Capt. Adrian C. Nippon will be able to put up a most in Anson, the former great hitter and leader of teresting exhibition. Mr. Wilbern is a great the Chicago champions in the olden days, is traveler and has paid several long visits to in town on a mysterious mission. He has Japan. While there on his last trip he be had several conferences with men of wealth, came interested in the style of base ball and it is understood that he is feeling the played by the public pulse on the question of a new league, LITTLE YELLOW FELLOWS to be a rival of the National and American. and it was at that time that lie first con If they are paying the Captain a salary to find otit how the land lies, more power to him. ceived the idea of possibly bringing over He . is deserving of anything that may be a club to play the teams of this country. thrown his way, and it is a safe wager that For the past two months he has been cor "Pop" will not do anything under cover. responding with his agent in Japan on the John T. Brush, owner of the Giants, and matter, and. has just learned that the scheme Frank Farrell, owner of the Highlanders, are looks perfectly feasible. His correspondent not in the least worried over the possibility writes that it will be easy enough to sign of a third league- getting into New York. Both up a representative team of Japanese ball the major leaguers are well fortified against players and import them to this country for any newcomer that tries to cut into their the season. The expense will not be enor territory. mous, for the Japs have not yet begun to kick for higher salaries. Mr. Wilbern has consulted that eminent authority, Mr. F. C. NORTHWESTERN LEAGUE Bancroft, about the plan, and it has met with the approval of thai fr.mous expert, who Expands Once More to Six-Club Basis has agreed to attend to tin; bookings for the tour of the yellow peril. It looks now as if FREDERICK C. SNODGRASS, Under a New President. the Seattle, Wash, November 14. Victoria, B. THING IS A SURE GO. Outfielder of the New York Club, of the National League. C., and Portland Ore., were admitted to the Northwestern League at a meeting of the They have been playing ball in Japan for Frederick C. Snodgrass, the young out fielder of the New York Giants, whose batting created a number of years, and a good many picked a sensation in the National league last season, was born -ai Ventura. Cal.. on October IS, Board of Directors held here on November 5. teams and college base ball clubs have gone 188", and now makes, his home at J,os Angeles. He is a right-handed batter and thrower, The admission of these two cities will give over there and played a series of games with standing 5 feet ll 1/-: inches tall and weighing I©D pounds. He attended St. Vincent©s College, the Northwestern. League a six-club circuit the little fellows. Bill Burns, the Red pitcher, at Los Angeles, in I!i07 and .luring the following Winter attracted the attention of Manager for next season. Portland will have continu was a member of such a club some years ago, McGraw. and on .Tune 21. 11)0-8 lie became cmiiuvtcil with the New York Nationals. He was ous base ball, the Northwestern League team and he reports that the Japs can play some engaged as a catcher, but in that position he got little chance, but since 1909 Kail he has been playing there when the Coast League team. ball and that they would be a great attrac tackling an outfield job with great success. is on tho road. Victoria was represented at tion over here on account of their speed and this meeting by Richard Watellet, president activity. They are wonderfully agile in all of the new Canada club. Portland was not their movements and are crackcrjack fielders, represented, but the $1000 forfeit had al but have not yet mastered the art of hitting ready been deposited and the proceedings good pitching. The American teams winch the Japs will have imich of a chance to beat to confer with John J. McCloskey and others went through without a hitch. Judge Robert have gone over there have had little trouble interested in the inter-mountain base ball H. Liridsay was elected president of the the major league clubs, but they will make Northwestern League, vice the veteran W. II. in beating them on account of their inability situation. After that Mr. Lucas goes East to to hit even average twirling. But they are plenty of trouble for the minors. Banny has Lucas. great stuff in the field and on the bases. Mr. suggested that the little fellows wear typical attend the meeting of the National Associa Wilbern is certain that a picked team willibe Japanese costumes on the field, but will tion in Chicago. At this meeting Lucas will have his new league classified and placed as "Undesirable" Ball Players. A OREAT DRAWING CARD Scarcely go so far as to insist upon their appearing in kimonos. The team will be a regular member of organized base ball. Minor league managers the country over in this country. lie intends to instruct his brought over early in April for a six-mouths© With L. F. Theil. owner of the Salt Lake are beginning to sour on the Chicago semi- agent in Japan to secure the best players in tour of the United States. franchise. Lucas has been lining up Ihings iu pros. Not that the Chicagoans don©t make Tokio and other ci©ies and make the club Salt Lake and Ogden the last few days and good, for they are high class bull players, a thoroughly representative one. Frunk Ban says everything looks rosy. At Butte par but because they are independent and im croft will have charge of the booking, and LUCAS© NEW LEAGUE. ticularly the new league appears -to have pudent. They all figure that if they can©t will schedule the team in every important city taken hold and it is receiving a lot of boost have their own way they can go back home, in the country, from San Francisco to Boston. Salt Lake City, Utah, November 14. W. ing from the newspapers. McCloskey©s two resume work at their various trades and rako Special attention will be given to the. good H.i Lucas, proposed president of the proposed winning teams Butte in 1902 and 1908 in from $30 to $70 playing Saturday aud minor league towns. It is not believed that Union Association, has just gone to Butte and the new downtown park appear to be the. Sunday. NOVEMBER 19, 1910 Sox boss, "and concluded the best way out of it was to cut their salaries. I offered them contracts for next season and all refused r to sign. If they don©t like what I offer them, then it would be best to get rid of them." No owner is more liberal in the way of salary or more generous in his treatment PICTURE CARD DEPARTMENT, DOVEY SELLS HIS INTEREST IN of players than the owner of the Red Sox. But he doesn©t like to be taken advantage of BOSTON NATIONALS* or imposed upon. The chances are the Bos ton Club will be ready to talk several trades at the coming annual meeting of the Ameri 34 So. Third Street, Philadelphia, Pa. can League in New York. » Mr4 Harris, of Pittsbtirg, Is Now NOTES HERE AND THERE. Enclosed find 4 cents (in stamps), for which please send John W. McCue, the Brooklyn theatrical the Controlling Spirit in That man, has bought a half-interest in the Brock one set of 12 Base Ball Picture Cards, Series No. _____ ton, New England League, Club from Steve Flanagan. .It is expected that the latter will Club A New Business Venture continue to have charge of the team. Harold Elliott, of the ! Birmingham South for John L Taylor, of Red Sox, ern League Club, who was drafted to the Send to.