IN SPORTS: Lee Central High opens 2A state football playoffs against Keenan B1 NATIONAL NEWS Cargo container homes becoming more popular A5 THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 2, 2017 | Serving South Carolina since October 15, 1894 75 cents Decoy business takes flight The Waterfowl Co. also produces custom duck calls BY JIM HILLEY happy with the duck decoys he could duck by hand,” he said. “I was just
[email protected] buy, so he decided to produce his own. doing it for me.” Bryan said when he was young, he Newman, a business partner with Growing up in Sumter, it is hard to hunted using decoys from the “world-fa- Bryan, urged him to turn it into a busi- avoid developing a passion for the out- mous” Herter’s catalog, which offered ness, and the two created The Waterfowl doors. just about anything outdoor-sports relat- Co. in December 2016. Trey Bryan and Darrell Newman, own- ed by mail order until it went bankrupt Since then, the business has taken off, ers of The Waterfowl Co., were both born in the 1970s. Bryan said. and raised in Sumter and became avid Herter’s decoys were solid and would “Everything started to grow and ex- fishermen and duck hunters early on. last a lifetime, Bryan said. pand,” Newman added. Bryan said he first applied his artistic Wanting to hunt with his own Herter- To keep up with demand, Bryan said talent to outdoor sports when he began like decoys, he began ordering solid-foam he was up until 4 a.m. Monday painting JIM HILLEY / THE SUMTER ITEM to create balsa-wood crank bait, which he decoy blanks from a company in Ohio decoys.