lfi soIrvXNIIt cool{ Boo(. ,"r,t-i,,|nth , ut, t,t r!clit'il t,trir!r, ar.l;,,r',.rhcrr,,,rrrr t\vo ,,'"^ , up or eiL"_ :;;lI: ", "',,;;;;l:-::iT 11,',T,'j. ;l ;l:;;ll ::l,l: "Tr,l " *":, SIINI]II- ,. SAL.ID ,, ,;:;:';iiio^':tj:' -lt,r",,1",',x bx,v,.1,oke ru,:;:".::l;ni ljjl:{:i i1 j:l l';: j,;'; ,;;:;1,:ili;:. pprpF," o,,_",,';i b0,i Jll,";1...:l:lr; i, rbi.Laos.,U0",,,.;:J,1,"::;rf" ,.;.....",,,,",,,,,,r ',",; ilillllll'i;,;';;,'"i';,'--"""",.u "' n,.,, ,.,,

.t,r)T,{To5\LtD .N.,.z .,'l,l r. -' , :lt;:i't;:,;::t;;li;l".;t::;'' ":i lll 1;"i,i";,i;"",":":i l':l;l'l;l';ij; mli i'iil;iiil l',ir: l;;; lirllli, ;l::';; ;:i:r;;: Iill*i:"jt;I,'lt:t,li i:,;tr:;,:;;:lu*lli ',, ,,,,1 .;;;' ;l::1, ::I;t "",1.,1*."', ,,,,,vur,1,u t,,e €,,h,r,(ieruidr,,,,,;;i;l;::,,;lll,l:, ", ',l;l:l'i],";:;:i1r*",:.:l]:1,,,,il,,,\"..,he L^r,rr,,,r, deqr ,,",, ,,;;;,,1;;,:,,

ltAyoN\AI5E n,.^ . ,, DRfsstN(i. """";;,i1";""iii;lJl;r"l,:",jtji;'. ;:;,';ilH:' ll":j strt aDs. l0

siso of ea €g& yolts oI two €ggs, a'rdl ono whol€ rup of cr€em. Cook utrtil it b€gi$ to tbicl€tr T. Id. Ware. I SAIA,D DRESSING. t Two boil€il potsto€€ msshe4 one tableapoontil of ;eR4 yolts ol two eggs v€ll beoteD, one tablePootr- oI €alt5 live tableapoontuls oI mslted btttsr or salsd Stlab lhrcugh a.siev€, sda Yinega,r to mako e,E as sFup.-.l[rs. T. E. Cla,rk. CABBAGE SAIAD. Chop one head of o&bbeg€ 6tr6' Or€ oup of vircger, cup of sw€€t croam, oDo tsblssPoonful ol mus- taril, butt€r siz€ oI an eg& one i€aspoo ul of selt, on€- t€astooDlul ol p€ppsr. Put or€r fre a.nil vh€r it to boil, add orc v€ll beateD €gg. Pour over cab' AND PIES. proof oI rL. pu.tding i6 rn the eait.s,, ..,T!e QUEEN OF PUDDINGS, Olc,lur ur,uitk. oDepbl ., of brca,tcflFxbs, t,,,rtFl €ss. rbF yotks :i: """.1"" or rour csE": FNccrcuuucr rusrerd. aD,r balp. lrake ,i1,.rrl|r. :il:]-":. "" u,. rL. p of suqd.. put no Jnr"rlori, rty. wi'." t)rlltdihs is Lol rLeD rhe flostiDs. B,o,,r sti;rrrh 'n,'v,r,. Irrs. Tl,onm Hueh€s.

PRUNE , I|,ril,,'rr,-trtrtiIou!,1 uf pr!uets . rirti, Jry rL,t surr, 11x,,'!i rrr hiurrerlllil cui rtr.m do,. \\.b"I ro],r qrit rr ,,r i$o wo bentel osAs 11,..::"',::" rD.r oDe_Ldfcup of i gtr. s, '.r, $ittr tr l!,il(!l .,rNtr!r!lD[r,lo rvi j on€ r:l rrrill, r,,tkr,rf.1r*,,,r.tKd, ;iDt fi,r.tl*ttrr1lliln,,llsL iotLickeu, l,lrR.,, ltrra,, rIt,l.Nl,(!)Druh ,,t rrrl.{r,r. Ilrvor i.r t,xte, rnrrilh ir h,rl U,.H.(j. H. lloBcrit,.

(jHOOOLATI! PTTDDIN(i. Or' ,t,,rft ,l anl'1.,1mrll.,,j,, -tJ,iftl , . ,1rt,,.ut ,.1,,o- .,i];,,'. .rr-n,l\,.r'].,,t,1 n.iiL.,!,t l,,l: .rir ill rLFs.trl,ta,r ,","u , r.u,1,t1fFir ",,,1,- lluro.r,LJr .tiad,,t!cd, poLr iq 1,u,1,iiLs,lisl. a,l,t J"tL. "r t,u,. , _"." ,u.ir U.nr"u ooa ouc (.up of sDsr.r.. Bd.c one hour. n"ut ,ui,it"" ur roo" PU.DII^'GS1\D !INs.

o{|{N.to o stifr lrotjr $ith ora-tiau cup of susar; spread lrolliDe ov€r top; pui ;r oleD ord;ale nlril broND._ Mft. J. E. Arbucll..

FIO,I?IN(+ ISL,IND. Uale ! Dice Loitdl rlnst&xl, ,, loserviDr.i ,jre rvhites of tLr'.FoI lbur ui rLF.;rJ. t,, irr{,jtni{ ,trsLrrrij lL\. ,vl.ii-L,,, r1,, , Bj. lntrt,,r .r:rL .r!.i ,trup r'.:l ,! Luitir,rLith. 1,": 1"1* u,!.rrr,t,.qu.,uririir tr]l'{.c. ro nar'dF'r L,.\ I {Ltr.t t,i,a!. i,t i,. ). uL.,,, ir- ,"1":u: ,xor L- ,, trdF ,,r ]'1" ."i,1,1,,r r.1d,,, :,,,.r.ire moj? nF,i.r,.,,st,.r rr,r t,r,rrr,.r tt,,rrr rI",rr,,.+. ftr"- C. H. lftN,r/rAtLh,l sT]l-ttUlD t,.ttuI,t, ptrDDI\(i. : cllp of rrol*rs, orejolr ixrp or Derreit .._..9,:urr 4 ,'11uLp-r,1'r.,,rF.,r F\1,-r juur, il,ii" -,", rrriiL. rrr- nf ,1,: ,-,.r.u.,r,r,rr,,r ij::l ".,,1,''', N!,r'.uL, pjLr ,r. 1!\, !ruil ,.r lru.l. ..ir ,.t st,i,",r,, tosLe:sn,,n, ,",,,.f,"r*. sx,r,a- !,' i c,,t.ur t.,rr.,.r..,\\u ,.u1,",rsuJrr. ,,vu InLl(. epooD,utFor fiuur.brif/ed I srJoutt. Io.u ,L; oLr L,,rl mS lyrt€r until I thc l.igtrt UriclDessi oDe terspoolfut vinesnr. o.f Itrlor ti) trslie._nljs! tL t{cltrur).. I I].ICH]]LO]I PUDDING. Forrrourru" ..i c..,r.,t . L,Ftr,t.ro,," ,r ,.,r_ roDts, torr ouDcesoI nfpios, ",.,,.". two ouDces or sug&, Urr€e sjes ,r,op-,*F1,, , I rF,,,o,., :s98. ,i,,,. i.,n,,,rx,,,_ |nog. rnF. .or,.. 'r!.t j,.iL.e rpt,JFsr, rv fir,,.rufii,.i.ur wb€D'n;Eccd r" L,ltrFrnur .r,ia r^ rt,.F rbe curronts, Ure glated bresd ".,",_". ancl sugru.. Beat the eggs,

-- :r! sotivt,j\.'Ilt coo( BOoI{

ll,, x Irlrl tb,.", ,rt, \vitL rbe reDaioiug iuj{r.prti€Dis pur, llr' t,uil,lrt'{illlu a l,utterc4Lnsirr. riF doFD wiitra.toth rl(l lx'il fol throe hours.-Mrs. J Des teslle.

SIM]]LE . liut.eight crtrckers iD a deep dish; pour €rotrgh lltrfr'l Drilk .lvhen over them ro just corer tLeD. sorL€d rpr.irklc with suger, coror rviflr cleIlu. c nisir vith pe&ches, Ireserre.l penrs or plurD,i_Mls. John Surher_ Itrr{l }IOONSHINE PUDDING, Be ihe whiteB ot sia yery .. €ggs into & Brrtr froih_ tlr'.rru11 *",U,u,'t lxbtF.poooruhot poqdFredsugar, rx1!tru{ tur "'' uol ietsstL!L ijirpp! rnrrutes; tLFr Lcrr iD lour t,rl)loBlxDDfuts of canned teo(tres crt ir tiDI biis. ID Aervug, tour, iu erch s"rcer sone r.njtr \rlipped crenD fN.i,h,De(l oDd flrlored \vifi rauila, atrd oD Ure creem I'l'r!,tr lilr,I.lrllortior oi the moo shiDe. This qu&ntity r\ rr,n'l'{l r,'r i',rHr ,a.eisLt l,pr.o!s. :\tf_ J. ntilo Cra_

It | ( ll': l'tll,1)IN(1. . 1rr,,, r't),,f. ri(,,,n. rlutrrt of B\yeetDitk; t€t boit ltr!,.hrll l,' r'; ul,l rour egg8, tr lii € Btrlt,chunk oI bui- t.rlrrlfthf Hiz,,r'f tru ogg, one u(l ouo_hnlIcuts o{ sugrir', ',l|tl (,f cut) uisinH; brke trut s€r.re \yith creom oDd suslir, He{soDql wfttr DurDreH._Nrs. L. S. crDhenr.

L]IIION PUDDING. Cralc rL. pe.l of ou€ tcmoD. .. pur tle juicc io a clish, aao oDecut ot ,rutuf. lwo.Ags: bFor a tosethcr, rLFD


i,l,l oDe cuD of fiDe br€r.l .rtrDl,$ ru(t ou( cup 01 s\reet 'rilk. BrLe i! r modelnta (treD rD(l frost.-Mrs. D. L.

CONNMDIL I]DIIIIT l'I]DDI\(i. llrvo cupE of uilL, ore ttrlnespoonlul {,i l,uttor, ore t€osPooDful of sodo, obe t.rsl,oorlul ,'l srlt, i\vo tea- spoonlub 01 crerrD tarter, roDDr.rl to rut, r stifi lutter; rda r fiitle flo 1, oDe cLrffu]of,lri{rl conrxts. Sienn' four horN. Irt Nith sNeetel.ll ,f,ri,r. lI$. t. D.

ORAN(}E PUDDIN(i Peel oDd slice tbree olan$cc, lor.tli(,! iD tr puddixs dish itr.l spriDkle viur sugnr. lhltu ll custord of oDe- half pirt ol ilk, Ure yolks of tFo eitgs, one lourth cup of sDgru cDd oDe terirpooDful of corD$tarch. $rhan colil pour it oler iLe orlrnges. Beat the whites of Ure eggs irto a stifr froUr, add ore thixt (np of tmlvc zed sugr,r. Pour on the custu.l nD.t put it iD urc oren r fe\'!no- ments to blovl. Mre. J. D. Goorls.ll. ]']'rIOH 1'UDDING, Drain tle syrup lroD tr qurrt ol crtrLeil leaches. Thick€n ure s)rup with tlu€e tablespooDf,lls ol corD- Bt&fch flDd ) olks of tNo eSSs. Pour it orer Ure fruit aDd cover witl the L'e.rteDNhitcs. N*cl]ni]l. Grahan.

0OTT-{Gll PUDDING. Ore cllp of suga!, oDetnbl.spoorLful o{ buttcr, ouo'Ltlf .,up of sweet Dilk, t\ro eggs, shites rDd r-olks beateD t\vo tenspoorftrls urting polvltcr siltc.l iDto ,'ro"opftrrtclx, rurd on€-hau ctrps ol llotrr. Flalor is {le6ir.:d, r (1 furro rviih leDoD sruc€. SNoe Put itrto r L,oN1 r h' l cup of buttel, oDe cn! of susd, oDe teasroon{ul of (r'rDBtrucl oud the Iolks ol tNo eggB; beat uDtil & ligLt .r(xr'!i rd.l the gloted riad nnd juice of one lemon ond sournNl& cooK Boolt, oDr) trx(l oueirlf ctrps of boiling wo,ter. Stir eDd cooL until tt,i(k. llrs. J. lV. GibsoD.

STE.{}TED PUDDING. O'ro cup of sour noilk, one cup of Dolasses,oDe egg, three toble6poouiDls of , one-hdf terEpooDfut of codo, tvo cups of four, oDe cup of see(tedroisiDB. Steanr thr€e hoursi serve viUr souce. Pudding Souce One cup of ', oDe lialf cup ol butter, one'hau teacupful oI boiiiDg seter, oDe egg, oDe teespooDful of comstarch- r'loror vith lenon or vrDilh Mrs. Ale:toDder Scott.

T-{PIOCA CUSTATiD, Afber sookiDs o cup of toriocrl or€r Dight, drain otr n rpluB Nrter rnd add a quart oI nev milki sweeten to suit the tost€. lYhen it begins to g.t tlio}, rdd the yolks of frrr eggs beoter wiUr oDe tablespooDful of sugrlr'; renoy€ flo the lire rs eoou as it becoDos ure (rnrsisli,Dcy ol creou or it lvi1] bo too h&rd. Wtte,r cold lhvor l.(,tr'll,|, Ilort th€ vhites of €ggs €tifi oDd Bpre&d ovol li,t, tr'trI I'ri,$r tr 'lcli,xrto (x,lol it' ttre oyen.-Mrs. Johrrsuthot l,Lnrl.

I]IITI]S' NUST PUDDING, l',r'1, Nix ,n oiBbt lorge oDpleF'ru(t reD,ove tLe cores by cuttiug frorlr tlo en(l dowD into the Dicllle, Bo as to leove the &Url{r rvhole. Pl&a iletu os neor iogether fls theJ con 6tond, lvith tir€ opeD part trp\rord, iD a.cleep pie dish. Next Dnrkc r tLiD brtter', usirg onc quo of saeet milk, tLree ege8, Nith sufiicieDi floD!, ord pour it iDto the dish around the rpples, also lilliDg the codties in tLeD. Bs,ke ih€rD iD a quicL ov€D. Ert tirem with but- ier and sugar.-Mrs. L. S. Grr,LnD. PIIDDIN{} AND PIEA. '5

T-{TiT CNUST. ()!e lud, $Lil* ot .",, Fr.iAl" 1r'L lu n rroib. "ur,ol ', ,,n. tablcsdoDlulof sLrgar.' lilrl' .rll. r",r tiliFqpoon-

BLACI( PITDDIN(i. ODe-lrlllf cup of btitcr n[l (nr( ful) .r, ], ,)l s gor', nrnl86es anil butternrilk,forr cggs, tl,r'., r,rl,s,,I Jlouf, , ' u!e spooDf,rlof en'li."r.' r' 3-l""r,rlrl | ir.r"r" r. r, , (rp -acl,of r.is;L':ru'l.,,"11r'ts , r,, 1.,,I ", t,,'l lrou. s ,r'' r,'lI ',1 Srarr.,turc" hoDri. "rt' butter, one cuD of stsa! (tiitsol!.,1 ,,Yu ln)ilirig Nrt.,r, two esgs beoteD. Fln!or iust l,fntr1' s.f\;rs NrB, trIarJ Frisbee.

SUET PUDDING, One cut of suct, oDe ond oDe'hnlt cups of lnisins, oDe crD of Dolsss€s,one cnp of sour nijlli, or!-hlf cuD of cDrriDts, tilo ere telrspo,,,f,,ls oi sodn. llix suet, roisills rnd cuDrnts nito riohsses, uren rrla sour milk, ond lest socln mixo.l Nell irto r ltrudful of ilrl Jlour. Slif unril ir LFg.L- iu l,i". rl,cu r,l,l f.If pr"' rgi,I moke a stifi bitter. SteoD two houN. Sruco lor pud- ding: One'l 11cup of but|er', one (Lrt)ol sugrl, one hcrp- iug trbleslooDful of flonr. Stir lv.ll, then ad.l oDe piDt of boiliDg lvoier, r little rt n Urnei let sjn]ner orr the Btove& feN miDutesi re.rre lroD ure stoye &Dd ail(l one t.ffipooDful of ert .ct. llrd Geor,{e II dlerrriss.

LrtIoN I'I]l. o&ted Dd rD(r iLrifu of oDe leDox. r'olks (,l thr{, r,.t{s, trvo tobleBpooDfulsol 1lc,ur,i$'o i|ir{s (,,t, i,f u,ld $triof, oDecup oI sugD; wheDbrlkd, l)l.it tLc Nhitesto tr {lilT hr)tl, plt in ore! to brolvr. ]tiss ]L ll.rlJtrir'\'. souvENrli cooK Bootr.

MINCE PIE. ODecup of clopped noat, teo of appleF,two cuDs uf Bugar, or€+hird. oup of w;re, tvo-tlirdslup of raisins, olr6-tDu.d tup ot .Loppecl crtroD, or .u]rant8. a liece ol l,uttor, spices io Euit the taste.-Neltie E. Grahani PIIPI]ANT PIE, .. PreparFth€ pieplaDrnDd .ut iD sDall pieces,cooL tilt dona: rdd tRo., ul's oI sugar. Jolks oi two eggs. o€oretrwrtD rqo ral,tFsfoo8tutsot.orost3rch, aril dalor_ ing. If preremed.L,alF iD rood.fureovcD atrd frosi FitL vhit€s of two eggs, mir€rl with e littt€ sugor..-N€t1ie E. Gro,hen. CRACKER PIE. C-r'ulnblso s.luare .ra.kcm, oDe cup of sugar, oDe fup uf w&ter'.tsmull picce ol l,utt€r..iDtr'Dron nnd-raEiDs, ,. littl€ piDcb of solt.-Mr.s. J W. cihsoL. MOCK CEERRY PIE. {)D' rut,,'f rrtrDl,cni.s,oDe-Lrlt .up of s€Fdpdrei$Ds, ,,uI rut,,,f rrxrrr',oD. cup or water,o;e i^blespooDfutoi lk"rr. tr I'irrh i,l rrll.-IrfrF. J. D Pnioe. Irl^Ut lt'll|trl t)Ul cnusf. 1\o {.ut'Nof lI|l.{I, Nl'bed i flour tiv€ minutes; add o'ro-(a'1, ol \vtrt6r. (r)cod vfll, rolt out. Fill th€ ptofter $ilL l" rfi' H.,,r,' cul, ot suso^ ulo tnl,loepoonfulsoi dour. To,unke_it fltrkhu,;l r.D,t;rbt birs inra over rtr. rop "f oru€t befor. l)llltinH iD tle ov€D. POTATO PID. Sli.e.olJ I,ole,l t,oLatoes\-r) rl,rD,.priukle o tLiD IrJer or .rs.ler.r'ml,s ir tr bakinx disb atd coeerrvirb a thioker later_of potatoeB. Scr,tt€r oD sett, pepper aod Bmetl bits of butter (& doEh of mace or rhjmi:-nay be ?UDDING AND PIEE, X7

tr,l,led if liLed), th€D rep€at ure hJers nDtil ih€ dish is ndtrly full; then pour or EufficicDtclen or rich Dilk to odver all. Bake uDt;l it ses niceh rD(i .l t rich browD. --Mrs. R. . Itemp.

aPPLE tull N(iUl) I'II,l. Stew rDd sweoter soue juicy rl,l)le$,rrtrsl, sD,ooth trnd seasorllvitb rutD€S. lilL rr,trr t)ie tiD {D(l hLhc iill rlone; ther sprerct oler ihe rl)floB r tlLi(L D,eringue node bx NLipping to a stifi iloU, tl,. Nhites of i\ro eggs s\saeteEed; {a!or wiur !&nillA, set lu,k itr over till iB 1v€11Bet. Pe&ches rre deli.n)us vhen lixcd io tLis rva1, omittiDg the DutDes. Mrs. John Sutber- leDd. RICE PIE. ODe pinl oI nilk, ore cup ol l)oiled rice, olf cup of sugor, two eggs, a little selti setrsol lvith oion&DnD or nutneg. Pour into crust IrDd bole. trIrs. (+rdrtu.

TOtrIATO ]IINCE }IE.IT, ODe pccL oI gleen iomatoes cliop|e(r fiDo (or grornd with snusage cutter), Dot peele(I. lvhcri olopDiDg tur ofr psrt of tle juice ihot accuDtrlttes. Oook three and one-hau hourE, then &dcl lire pouxds of browD snatr, two pounds ol seedealrrisirrt one cDp of l,oi].(r c !r (or viu€go!), two tablespoonfuls of ciDDDmoD,orre trble- il'oonful of cloves, t\yo toblespoorfuls of sati, oLc foufth brblerpoonlul of block pepper, oDe tablespoo ful ,,1 olt rpice, on€ ond oue'hau t&blespoonfrls of DutDreg(rtrted. ^ (juo} all toselber Iurr.) rliu,rrFq.'un sPtrli! ttn.- fruit ? lorr rv),ileh6t. Rc!'U r"r,,-" lL, .nx,c s€ truJ Lin.. nr,trt. IIrl. Stephea T{inrtnll.

.-a. ilrl souvENIR oooK BooK.

CHOCOLATE PIi. One cup oI boilitrg vat€r, tLre€ tablesl]oonfuls oI oLoooletoput iD weter and l6t boil, oDe cup of sugar, on€ o8g yolk in pie (white s&v€d for fro8ting), oD€ ond on€. hrlf tableBpoonfuls of col.nstorch dissolved in cold water; sdd comstarch belore suga,r. Ba,kecrust iurn iD fillins. Whsn it get8 cold llovor 1vith 1oni1la.-trIrB. ChorleB Gag€.

SOUIi CIiEAI{ PID. On6 cup ol sour creolu, or€ cup of sugar, one-ha.U €up ol reisiDs BeededaDd choppedline, yolks of two €SS€, oD€-hou te$poonful oI cinnanor, ollspico or clove8. B€ot yolks light, odd creela ard sugar aud beat up lighL FroBtiDg-B€s.t the whites oI t'o €g$ Btifr, t$o tabl€- spooJ,fuli of 6ugor. Spread on pi€ ond brosn lishtly.- Mrs. J. L Palmer. CREA}I PIE, Ol|o cul of nilk, two eggs, oDe cup oI sugaf, thre€ tnlrl, xlrrurfttlx ut cotDstllob, al.]small pi€ce of butt€r. L,,il ,rll t,ig.thcr, tn'ur into tL€ Dsksdl orust aDd flosl: llryor \litL ![nillr, '-Mrs, L, lJ. C[mLom. ICE CREAM. I

"l always thossht cold victlals oice, My choi@ w6ld be vanila l@ "

CEOCOLATEICE CRD{]I. Put tryo ounc€s ot cbocoltte in a sDnll sou.,cpaD, adc1l.)alfcuDful of rnilt, stir .rrd boil tili .lissolredl Di\ llc \'olL"df tLrFcpgb'6 sirL rlr, ,prrl .f,,iL:,d'l i{ to rb. .bn.oldr,,.rir uDrii u nri\. Lo'liLJ: r' Ino{,Fr' rLf'..cDl rrlq '' r',11k,nop rFlcln^LTul ur oD,.F,i l.l "o.'1 renillo lrtrnct rDd olc cupfrt of sugori let all l,e luke- qorm. Put tNo liemseD itrLllots iD r cup \vith onc table- sDooDltrl oI cold Noter; l€t sitrnd r fa\Y miDutes, th€D ;asl ii liDe rDil tdd it to the milki lllt stsDil irr { vortrr Flace iill Ii!m, set it rsi(le till col(I, thcD fut iD ur€ frc€zer ;Dd freez€ till it besirs to thick€ni add the l)eateD *lites of tl'""" eg{r", iiD.l co tiotre to lreeze till trnD. Mrs. EL $ isle. PEACH ICE CIIEAIl IYhen lr Diut of Dilk ord a DiDi of cl.eamLts !\rcilv reached the lioilils poiDt, r.ld t teectpftrl of susor, stir 'r-u',:.Ls$^Ftril well nE,l l"L "ool. Cl,ut, l"r'r',.lo e pinl! .ld ' I' r.Lrtf'rl .uarr :LDd' rr iL' ' 1|e mat" " oo'd milk. \\ b.u lo r r,o-"r,,sti' io t l:ul ul ' rFn'u. beot rigorousll anrl unish freezirg-trIrs O R. \Iunson. . ICE CREA}T' Four eggs trrl ore-hnlf louDd ol sug&r to oue q!'r,rt r"s-rL"r, r',l l !ri,k l'oil of rrrilL: Le:rt su:rtrra!d "L'ss ilr^in nDdd^eo.i lct.d"l irrl fr, /' -llr" r. A Hu'1.otr 'l t 40 souvrNlR coott Boo(.

STRAWBERRY ICT CR,EAM. 0!e.pourd. of suga}. ,.- oDe srd oae_haupiDts etrsw_ rrj\ roserber :l:,ill Jyl*, And srir Drir p;rfF.rty di6- add onF quart of creamwheD ir is re;dJ to Ire€z€.. ,tt Jou-wish to nrak€ it ecrJ snooth, scstdib€ sugar.m-ooe-batf tbe .reaD. Wbcn .otd mis sirL the otber hulf of tbc cr€aDraod stir in rLc straebcrry jui.e. -Mrs. O n. Uun6on.

COFFf,[ ICE CREAII. , r,i",,"t lnitL n,t,t-n ,r,,Rrteror s po,,Dd .oa.rs€ry-g'rouDd---]g ot .oEeer-ter toil. Fimix rbrongi .L"Ae_ crdrrr, RDdeben perlcctlJ .old. edd a ten.upf l or €u$r. prDi a or vlrlpped creamaDd tbF yell_Leatenrbite oI an ces.-Mrc. Susie Jahr.

VANIIIA ICX CRDAM. Ole quarL of oill. onc turlrr of .rean, !eu rabte_ rpooDruls ot susar aDdoDp nf vnDiDr._Mrs. T. M. Ware. ORANGE ICE CliEAM, Ou! rllrLrt . rnil!, yotts of si! €aas,fourte€E ouxces or Hngrl: "l Ds'u wolt to(ethor rmrl Fcald urtil wplt thicl €ne,ri-HlrniD, cool, r&l,l wbiteH of sRg!, a pilt of .reaE, 'l riD(l an.l juice sr^t, of -tbrss orniilei ;"i* .r-."J ron'oni .ool &n.l frc€zo._ rs. L6sti€. ""'a PURD IC! CREA}I. , ,Tw,'..qurrtr oJ -swe€rcretrm, oDe poundlof sugar: beat rp. itovor,end freeze._,UiceHarritioo. ICX CRXAM, BriDg ro & boitiDg s piut . foirr ot [lil} ard a quarr or creanr. trcai two cg$: add hetf r .ot€€cupful oi su_ r{ n CEE.{}L 11

,i,,r truil n scrni Lxll tetrctrPful oi {orDst{rii stir into ll,, boilins ilk, cook slowlj tw.rt\' ri"i,r'i,trs, strruDg ,'ll,{r, ond let cool. WheD (luit.r (,,,1n,t,ln lr,!li }r cofiee- r[t'ful oI sugor, the lluorirg, r rrl hw'2,' ( lrrrir SrIitlt.

Pl-\L-!f l'l l: lr'l:' lil:\\l Ore qtrart of crci',,, ,)r, ,tLrr ,)l lrilli, l\r0 I r\)s of Nugar, two eggs berten liaL1, ,),,t tnl,l,,slr,rrr'rLrlr', fr'!L atnrch. H€&t milk fo n, rf l''ililf l!,rrrl, Ir,rrr iti s|^fl)- l,cotelt eggs, sugrrr 11,,1(a)frrst:tr'1,; l(t .,r* rrrriil ii thi.keDs, stiniDs (i,rstt,,il\i f,!'1, ll1,t il tl. crcDI- I OD. pe ]riDeet)t)I{,rtr',1r1rrl r, rr li,, rrL,l lN,r rrl)tsoi rugar sittlcreLl ,-ro it, l|,,, ], I sr ,r,l ,,rr, 11,,Lrf Slrtiu i,hrouslr thjrr (ilotl. It,tl *ri,l,,'l \ ,,,t,,ih, crr{drr ard lreerci xn,,to i! i,,\v l,iis ,'r i,,,,,rLl,l'Il {rrtl stir itrio deru Nlcrr l,xll fir'2,'rj. llrs lr'i|j

l,L,\I\ .JI \ li l,l'f. l{trrs.r t:,1'ltls ill.o ouo tir Prt onc ol allrr. " i,rhl,,l l,l,-t'" 1. ,1 r '' l'l s.,r"r : .' $ rr iJ .u,l \Lil' r"u .lir' i i'!crrL"rir' u,' 't,r:,r, Ir'J, '\''t r'':lr'r!l.l i '-1't c- 1l)0 dcas. FcLr.; ;d,l lour trl,lcslrx)nful:J of sugar'i stir ru..rliD f,D r oDreDL, lln$or Nith vtll;I]r. Drssohe th'r jiiutet tlrnet l\'hcD thorouahh' {lisstnrcd, rtdd it to thc ;)ilk: stir LrBtih, ADil pour:rt orc. i,,h, iunkct slasscs Allos this to sat d uDdisiurl,c,l it, r Nsrl]l rooD ontil ll!,nri\tnre is jellJ liko; tlrcl rrriovc to a cool ltrct. 'l'hir nrrr be sencti plain or Nit| \'l)iPPed crenrtr ltfs Il",n l{.i lliildlcDiss. B-{\.!NA 0ltE-.llr. ln,rlx)veskitr flon, eisli brD{nrs,rinsl' irrt,, ILrh- llrl a,rU,rrlof rilL ir" r-r,,'l boilFr's'll I,,,rIr'{" 'L--L.rll -',Jir. s' | ;u1''iliui ,rltFl r"ll l" rr.r', "ut f 4! souvlNlB cooK lrooK,

oDd cook until sligbtry drickeD€dj remove froD stove &nd strnlD, set itr cool pl6ce ond add banallos._Urs. E. M.


CAKE, 'Vosldst th6 both eat rhy cat€ and hav. itt',,Shaf,aPe4e. BRIDII'S TNUIT CAKE, ODF-louDdof eua.r. urp I,uuudof rlour.rourrFeD uuD.eqol buiter,t"tr Fgrs.tour poun.leor reisins,iour pouu'rtsol.urf.n1s, oDFpouDd of cirron. on" .offc€ rup or,qL€9trf,oE.-l,lf cup ot mijl. onF LeepiugrFas!oo;_ rur ur so.ti, Leo llFaprDqtp'r8poonfut€ ot.r€rmtarior, oae rofgFr^blespoootDl of molnss.sjoDe atr,l oue_britrtalle_ 8l'uoDfuhur cianrmoD, rqu teasl,ooufulsor cloaes,two nutnru,ir. Fggs pdJ .noat tbe io a slitTfrotI, sugar.rheD l"rji' r rur,llr'^t tLorou6bty, 'L"L i,tn ru,,ta€ses;mi\ thc mrlk rD,l rir,,.rtrrh,. rJl, rtr. rnitk, tLen rdd .irnrmoD, . rnv€atr'!r r,'ltrler.lltr'rs fr,lnniutnr rvilL sodaoDd flour oxil hi\ voll: ,Ln,l8e tL| truit iu fluur, r,ur iu sl.xdualle. Ir r{t,{t in r tarse lonr. L^kF rLree Loi,* .iit a st;,t lir,. l\I'rl(!s'l po: fuil.- llrF. J. trf. .irnLku,.

TEA CAIiE. T\u fut,sor dour.uD",up,,rsrr,.rtr,,r piu.tr or solri pui.iu uirirg l,owl. Ttrpu binl, eaa,in n cup, beat "ue sligh'lJ eD,l6ll w;tL sscet crcor,,. poirr. iD iLe l,osr. Dis€olve one tea.spoonfulof sodo aDd ilYo o{ creemtartar iD oDe-JoutL cup of milk. Beat all together roroughty " - oril bake iD sem pans.-Mrs. Thonua ielford. solrD clrocor,-\Tr (l\ Iill 'l li '1" r J tr''' 1 'L' -Lr'l ' rl' $o s,t"r'-. \\'rll, I " '"1"11"" 'ul'ur -u otni k, l,"il,drujFrr'" \\r"' ' l" ll' f \"llis ol t$u {rr, r|,-" Irl' Al. -, i rls I | 'r''l '"--tntt '.I' ' I',1" 'rl, 'r' st'rll or l**', "'"1"''Drr'l ..A i r'. ' r'' l t'rr'1 1""'l'F ' l t''rr' "."tn.ti"o "l's' L rrr: -Borl r ' '- ,' ', ' t l'1't sl ir' 'i ruil "r" ".j "rr- ,,Lr'olf^gL:. l' rr'',-r, || 'l--rr'll"r'r li'd'rlp' -Ediih tenks. l) Ii( ) l' {' \ li l'l srr*u (tlr llr.l), frrl) r'l 'n"ltrs8fs, oDe Ore cuD ol "rr' cuD of shortolr'r,,)rt. I iirl' lr'rrr r'rrl'r r'f llr'rrr, t$r' ten_ II' sr-,,, '.1."1-,.1 .. ||' I'r_I"- | |I||_I'l :ni'r'r' r'-I ri rrrrr:"r' Drr1 ei,o rirr 'r r'i-r""r'i'rl "t iriL, tr' . .r, 1 l1L r, l"r ''L' I llr^ rVrllirrrr'H rl' r

ft/l'fi l"llt l'l'l (l,\lil'l (r"l) lt\vo orl,s of suAtr' !)rir' frrl' 'rl l)rrllo, orr(r oi nillt. \vl!jt!s_ol li!e csss, * \r rr r'f lLr)trf,t$o het- "rrl)s ' r'L:l srr.''.,1, r l{tl'rr'*r"\'l'r l)'tr'l' r l f"'rrl'rl 'rr' oi 'r.'. r'"',i' lrt'I nl'l ,L'-tllr' tr''r't"l ' r':-|c r'l 'or rF uui.l r. rlirl t-L'li '.t I "Lol,r"'l 'uraf '-Lilr ',.li' nl n"" .,,-. r" rle l1-t 1,1| ^r I ei '"sl' '. rr'l u -'"Jr''l rir 'l 't t oo,'.'t r', I r "r crr'" -^--lt,"r Lr\rr 'Lii' rl ler',ul ti,, \ii! llrir' " r'r' 6 the bottoDi, rti;iDs rrrd citloD Dert' coooeDut, theD Drlt tryer oD top -Nrs Ioscs Clorlt. SOTT (+IN(+EITItIiEAD' One cuD ol Dlolrsses, o e litu cup ol sugor, one-hrlf i iLLnt"oL rrrr ot butter. oLi rF 'l uur I'rl Fc'rr "l : Lirr'r' rril ,l,,vee,t"" t""1''oL rrlso'r" ln di" ' \Fn irr "Le''rl' Il l[ilirs $oter, ts'o &Dd oDe hflll cu|s of dour: r'ld t$o -lIN w.lll,aot"€n esgs, tlie l)est tliiDll beforf l)aknig ('h rloc (iogc. .14 s()uvENIIt COOK IJOO(

BUTTERNUT CAXE. 1]L( rnd oup.hxlr .ups ut s,rgsr, rs,, r,.{AsjoDe cuD " .r'4orr. 3 li iF sart, rRo rca;poo!futF or fi,ll""'rRrDg "**] powdFr. o!p tp,.ufrul or' L,lrtcrD;r ,.LoDDeaI ,,,, Fnndo,r,. pr,ill i.;u;.._nr"" 3;^;l;1", i..s.

PINK CAIID. . uue,halr,.,,ps or'su,ror. orrF (ur or.. L'rll."., T!" ""C" "," "",r ouFj,,,,r,,,,t,uf n,itk,rvn tpaspo,nfulsor Lat_ rrA po\dp'.:- srt{ trki!L poN,ter \irL floIr trD,tIni\ aU to{cth.r. lLLp rLr"e ,rrrcr-. For rL_ r,i,t, F 1&\"r stir pruir su1,u. tlur.r,, r,y I L,..;r,L il::,1:""pj,?"1",,'tr.rFr', :f I Le rrrLc. otrp cul,.of phirc qrjtur. oup teasfoJntul lRo isLl""r,oonfut. .itk. sbir doe nrnur€F.srrrur,a .uustoo y. _NpIiF Crou,,,u."r

ANGDI, CAKD. FsssrNLjres u!tr,. ,,De_hotr ..,". f,:r." .ruL,oucnL,l i.upsof l:lljll.lll{1'r -* I,r FiriF,r rcospoonrrlor rc^slioo'rul"r ,,i ,nurrr,,."re n ol snrr. irrrl.lll,',ll,ll!','..,1',,1 rr,luI ,rr tnrh 1,;,i.r, rrt,,,.Ajj| vlrer, ,,.,r lr.;. tl,.r,. l,slf ,';,1'.",,.iT" rr,trr,r,,tr .ritTrr,,rll. ^irr ^uBtrr jx, tr,r,r r)r.LsalL; w,',,trritrx,t lu.t Nifr't,,,rr iuh, o,Lc. Fto,rrrtLd su_ axr r"rHr,ln. iifta.l f.Ir tr,r,," trcn,r. tsitrirr/ inru cal;- '"''"*" 'r n ," iii,'ij[,i;;iil: "r.'trh"vi,, rh.s \\',iliilx

NAPID SUGA]i CAIiE. ^ Oxe lup ot Lutter, tlvo {r},s of DrDic lli: ".11!^",.,,r, :r ,.^1,r,. .y,;1.. ,,.-ri,.ir llff'j":f:""i to,I i.ul,€ of flour.. uuF trr6.d ,€asloon_ po",'nnf rsi.ins:cror"...)r"Dor."ai ilj*:,**,olc r,,rt POnK CAriD. ODe cup of pork choppealfine, oD( cut, of sugrr, one ouD of uo usses.ud. e!.,. urc .'rl' ^i 11itsiu€.oDF leo' rp;o!rur ur srlcra' r. clri.-- l'ur tl,, t'{l' rL n .up of boiliD* \tftter.-}Ir9 J:d,,.s In'fl rB

Cltl-lll Sl (J\' il: ('lIiIl Beat two esgs iu r tetculr, till tl(' cut Nith thick sw€etcreamj on( (!t, of su*u,,,'! cul) of ltour, one tea- spoonlul e&cL of crernittrtru rl,l H(rh, or t\yo te&spoon- ful6 ol bAkiDs po\yde1.-Ilrs- (i. ;\1. lhoushtoD.

0HOCOL,\l'lt (',\ l(li. 'l'rvo eggs, one cup of ru{r'r, l$!!thi!,ls cup of but- t€r, t\co {Dd oDe-hrll ou))s ('l rlorr, orc cDp of 6our ilk or brtiaDrilt, (De tuBt((,'rlUl ,,f ts(xlr A .rquere of chocolategroteal, ore-hrlt fut,,n s\v..| Drilft, ouo-holf oup oI sugu. Cook rD(l trd,l 1,, tlt. ctrko lvLoD Cool. MrE. S. R. Belt. F]IATH].]R OTKD. ODe egg, oDe cul of $ui{rr, one tiblespootrful of colil butter, ou€ hau cup of milk, one ancr oue-Laif cLtpsof iour, oDe teospoonful of creaninrta!, oD€-halJ tea,spooD .tul ot s".la.one tessp"onlul uf l"n,o! "\Lrt.l. A tlniu \ak€ to be eAten $hrle it is fre.lr. ]iOLI, JELLY CAKtr], Tbree eggs, oDo cLrI of snttr, iLrec txl,lcsPol'!luls cl ooll water, one xDd oDe htll ,rrl)s (,f dour, t$o tei lF|nrtuls of bakins Po$(ter. IIAI'tBLtr Ci\Xll. l,iKht Pert. $hites of urree es$s, orelraLf cup of bulk,', on€-Iolf cup of susar, one-h,rlf cup of Dilk, two t. sor.vL\l n cooR SooK

.rtd uf dour,oue-Islf teuspuu!rulor sodu,uuF ieosuootr- 'nt ,,t rrp&nr ot .tnrinr. no,t drvof $ittr IF,,rou. Darl rlrr'r. ot i!.ee rrj_$.u!!.uli ot rlotassps,uup_L0tf ",Yotka r wn r-upF^i flour. oDFrposl,uollul (nre-rDrr4.lp of soda, or turlk. nDd ii'l!or n L ,.torrs.c;oru,,,"o, or _nuimeg. Brtter the tiD lrld 1i1l1,ith atternste trr€; of liiairt and darL perts.-Mrs. E. f'. HusLeB.

IIOUNTAIN LOAIT CAI(E. The whites of,eiglt e{ags velt bertex, trvo cups of Buaor,"oD€- ctrp of l)uttor, ul.ae cups of ttonr, ore tea- spoo_nfulof baking po1v.ld. Flalor-\.iflj lemoD. Frost Dicely on lop.-Ml.s. C. S. ]IcNauElitorr.

SPONGE CAIII. Twu rrp- ot FUJ.I:rI.rwo.cup6 pg_ns ,- - ot dou.f.Fr\ {qcp_ orotrd 1lofou4blJ bFoleDt,olr._trll c ur \fnrcr, "nDrl l, Jurceol ulc TFTJUDuna uod olF botf rprsL,,,uDlltsur Ln] ing powd€r.-Mr.s. I E. coodsetl.

SCOTCH CAKD. ()D,. ,,1,,f , tx,' hr,rh burt.r, oue..u1,ut hIi.]trr,I tittl. rnr..trr,!t ,i,[ ,r,i, {t, t,, ruLkutr Htiftdun$1. Rol -f,'r'rt. u,rt ,i,, l' ,,i[, ir,,l,rt,i,,tr,,rrr in F,lu,rrcsoD.t t,:rt,For Irtr I llrN. \\'illitrr'rttr,1, t,x,iHH

coRNsT.\itcH cil{Il. \vhrt, - , I si\ '.AAF.or , ,. p ,,f l,urrer..rtv,,,..rt,s of ."''r..,,,, . ,:l'J,,,r cur'!ntaIrL,i$.n rur,h or s.rqof.oxc cup or r\vFFlI tE. uir,.Ialt tFnl'..{, rt ,,f F,'n,r,un€ or crFil; or tarrnr. ox^ i l e\lrnct oJ FTUU. :\tr. J. v. cibsou. SCRIPTURE C,I]tI]. l-our rrd one balr .up6 or I. Krr

Jor€Diah, 6 20 (sustrf)i tNo o'rl)s of L st,Duel, 30 12 (reisins);two cups ol Nrlrn,ll l2; oLc (!,tl),,tNl1lllbers, 1?-8; two tenspoors of StrDnr(,|,I l'95. sulsoD to tcste ot II. ChroDiclcs,!-1ri si\,,f J.rfrDi,rl, l?-ll i D pirch of IroviticrB,9-1i];ore lrtll .u1r,,t J rr,l'.i$,l-l1)(hBt(t&use); iwo t€aspoonsof ,\u,,8, l-5 (lIltiIr.l t',\llfr). ]aollow Solonon's prcscrit,tnrl 1,r' rr,rlir( tr (,r"1 h,I, Pror. 2:]'14,and you rvill hrvr t {,,,!l frrril ,!!li, lfrs J. I. Polruer. BOSTO\ |l ,l\ll ('.\l( l: ODecup of s,r!-iu,,t,( lrtll f,rt' r'l l,'rll',r,thr.{i t,SS$, one rDd one']ltu cul)s ,,l ll(r,r, Il,,,, lrl,l,,il!!)ofuls of s$€et nilt, t\ro tcrslr)()rhrlB,'f , t,!,!' ,,f ttflrt), i,tre-hnlf ()l't teeslooDfrl of 'rod{. stru.. f,,r rl,, trl!,!.: Ltr]f IiLt of nilt, pir

EG(iLi,tss ('i\ lilt. Ou€ an.l oDe-hrlf rul,s ,)t srr(trr',oDo cnP of Eour Dillt, tlrae cups oI doLrr,,rn}|rll ctl' of buttcr, oDeiee .Dooufrl of so,lu. oD, llll l, trsl'u,,ri,,l ,'l ctrnr,trron, ure- bll tonsl'uonful or, l"'1s.,r!-Ltlr r,,,st" onful ,'L rutmes, rl' of rr;RiDR. lI'.. \\'illio!, Htrrt,cr.