lfi soIrvXNIIt cool{ Boo(. ,"r,t-i,,|nth , ut, t,t r!clit'il t,trir!r, ar.l;,,r',.rhcrr,,,rrrr t\vo ,,'"^ , up or eiL"_ :;;lI: ", "',,;;;;l:-::iT 11,',T,'j. ;l ;l:;;ll ::l,l: "Tr,l " *":, SIINI]II- ,. SAL.ID ,, ,;:;:';iiio^':tj:' -lt,r",,1",',x bx,v,.1,oke ru,:;:".::l;ni ljjl:{:i i1 j:l l';: j,;'; ,;;:;1,:ili;:. pprpF," o,,_",,';i b0,i Jll,";1...:l:lr; i, rbi.Laos.,U0",,,.;:J,1,"::;rf" ,.;.....",,,,",,,,,,r ',",; ilillllll'i;,;';;,'"i';,'--"""",.u "' n,.,, ,.,, .t,r)T,{To5\LtD .N.,.z .,'l,l r. -' , :lt;:i't;:,;::t;;li;l".;t::;'' ":i lll 1;"i,i";,i;"",":":i l':l;l'l;l';ij; mli i'iil;iiil l',ir: l;;; lirllli, ;l::';; ;:i:r;;: Iill*i:"jt;I,'lt:t,li i:,;tr:;,:;;:lu*lli ',, ,,,,1 .;;;' ;l::1, ::I;t "",1.,1*."', ,,,,,vur,1,u t,,e €,,h,r,(ieruidr,,,,,;;i;l;::,,;lll,l:, ", ',l;l:l'i],";:;:i1r*",:.:l]:1,,,,il,,,\"..,he L^r,rr,,,r, deqr ,,",, ,,;;;,,1;;,:,, ltAyoN\AI5E n,.^ . ,, DRfsstN(i. """";;,i1";""iii;lJl;r"l,:",jtji;'. ;:;,';ilH:' ll":j strt aDs. l0 siso of ea €g& yolts oI two €ggs, a'rdl ono whol€ rup of cr€em. Cook utrtil it b€gi$ to tbicl€tr T. Id. Ware. I SAIA,D DRESSING. t Two boil€il potsto€€ msshe4 one tableapoontil of ;eR4 yolts ol two eggs v€ll beoteD, one tablePootr- oI €alt5 live tableapoontuls oI mslted btttsr or salsd Stlab lhrcugh a.siev€, sda Yinega,r to mako e,E as sFup.-.l[rs. T. E. Cla,rk. CABBAGE SAIAD. Chop one head of o&bbeg€ 6tr6' Or€ oup of vircger, cup of sw€€t croam, oDo tsblssPoonful ol mus- taril, butt€r siz€ oI an eg& one i€aspoo ul of selt, on€- t€astooDlul ol p€ppsr. Put or€r fre a.nil vh€r it to boil, add orc v€ll beateD €gg. Pour over cab' PUDDINGS AND PIES. proof oI rL. pu.tding i6 rn the eait.s,, ..,T!e QUEEN OF PUDDINGS, Olc,lur ur,uitk. oDepbl ., of brca,tcflFxbs, t,,,rtFl €ss. rbF yotks :i: """.1"" or rour csE": FNccrcuuucr rusrerd. aD,r balp. lrake ,i1,.rrl|r. :il:]-":. "" u,. rL. p of suqd.. put no Jnr"rlori, rty. wi'." t)rlltdihs is Lol rLeD rhe flostiDs. B,o,,r sti;rrrh 'n,'v,r,. Irrs. Tl,onm Hueh€s. PRUNE PUDDING, I|,ril,,'rr,-trtrtiIou!,1 uf pr!uets . rirti, Jry rL,t surr, 11x,,'!i rrr hiurrerlllil cui rtr.m do,. \\.b"I ro],r qrit rr ,,r i$o wo bentel osAs 11,..::"',::" rD.r oDe_Ldfcup of i gtr. s, '.r, $ittr tr l!,il(!l .,rNtr!r!lD[r,lo rvi j on€ r:l rrrill, r,,tkr,rf.1r*,,,r.tKd, ;iDt fi,r.tl*ttrr1lliln,,llsL iotLickeu, l,lrR.,, ltrra,, rIt,l.Nl,(!)Druh ,,t rrrl.{r,r. Ilrvor i.r t,xte, rnrrilh ir h,rl U,.H.(j. H. lloBcrit,. (jHOOOLATI! PTTDDIN(i. Or' ,t,,rft ,l anl'1.,1mrll.,,j,, -tJ,iftl , . ,1rt,,.ut ,.1,,o- .,i];,,'. .rr-n,l\,.r'].,,t,1 n.iiL.,!,t l,,l: .rir ill rLFs.trl,ta,r ,","u , r.u,1,t1fFir ",,,1,- lluro.r,LJr .tiad,,t!cd,poLr iq 1,u,1,iiLs,lisl. a,l,t J"tL. "r t,u,. , _"." ,u.ir U.nr"u ooa ouc (.up of sDsr.r.. Bd.c one hour. n"ut ,ui,it"" ur roo" PU.DII^'GS1\D !INs. o{|{N.to o stifr lrotjr $ith ora-tiau cup of susar; spread lrolliDe ov€r top; pui ;r oleD ord;ale nlril broND._ Mft. J. E. Arbucll.. FIO,I?IN(+ ISL,IND. Uale ! Dice Loitdl rlnst&xl, ,, loserviDr.i ,jre rvhites of tLr'.FoI lbur ui rLF.;rJ. t,, irr{,jtni{ ,trsLrrrij lL\. ,vl.ii-L,,, r1,, , Bj. lntrt,,r .r:rL .r!.i ,trup r'.:l ,! Luitir,rLith. 1,": 1"1* u,!.rrr,t,.qu.,uririir tr]l'{.c. ro nar'dF'r L,.\ I {Ltr.t t,i,a!. i,t i,. ). uL.,,, ir- ,"1":u: ,xor L- ,, trdF ,,r ]'1" ."i,1,1,,r r.1d,,, :,,,.r.ire moj? nF,i.r,.,,st,.r rr,r t,r,rrr,.r tt,,rrr rI",rr,,.+. ftr"- C. H. lftN,r/rAtLh,l sT]l-ttUlD t,.ttuI,t, ptrDDI\(i. : cllp of rrol*rs, orejolr ixrp or Derreit .._..9,:urr 4 ,'11uLp-r,1'r.,,rF.,r F\1,-r juur, il,ii" -,", rrriiL. rrr- nf ,1,: ,-,.r.u.,r,r,rr,,r ij::l ".,,1,''', N!,r'.uL, pjLr ,r. 1!\, !ruil ,.r lru.l. ..ir ,.t st,i,",r,, tosLe:sn,,n, ,",,,.f,"r*. sx,r,a- !,' i c,,t.ur t.,rr.,.r..,\\u ,.u1,",rsuJrr. ,,vu InLl(. epooD,utFor fiuur.brif/ed I srJoutt. Io.u ,L; oLr L,,rl mS lyrt€r until I thc l.igtrt UriclDessi oDe terspoolfut vinesnr. o.f Itrlor ti) trslie._nljs! tL t{cltrur).. I I].ICH]]LO]I PUDDING. Forrrourru" ..i c..,r.,t . L,Ftr,t.ro,," ,r ,.,r_ roDts, torr ouDcesoI nfpios, ",.,,.". two ouDces or sug&, Urr€e sjes ,r,op-,*F1,, , I rF,,,o,., :s98. ,i,,,. i.,n,,,rx,,,_ |nog. rnF. .or,.. 'r!.t j,.iL.e rpt,JFsr, rv fir,,.rufii,.i.ur wb€D'n;Eccd r" L,ltrFrnur .r,ia r^ rt,.F rbe curronts, Ure glated bresd ".,",_". ancl sugru.. Beat the eggs, -- :r! sotivt,j\.'Ilt coo( BOoI{ ll,, x Irlrl tb,.", ,rt, \vitL rbe reDaioiug iuj{r.prti€Dis pur, llr' t,uil,lrt'{illlu a l,utterc4Lnsirr. riF doFD wiitra.toth rl(l lx'il fol throe hours.-Mrs. J Des teslle. SIM]]LE DESSERT. liut.eight crtrckers iD a deep dish; pour €rotrgh lltrfr'l Drilk .lvhen over them ro just corer tLeD. sorL€d rpr.irklc with suger, coror rviflr cleIlu. c nisir vith pe&ches, Ireserre.l penrs or plurD,i_Mls. John Surher_ Itrr{l }IOONSHINE PUDDING, Be ihe whiteB ot sia yery .. €ggs into & Brrtr froih_ tlr'.rru11 *",U,u,'t lxbtF.poooruhot poqdFredsugar, rx1!tru{ tur "'' uol ietsstL!L ijirpp! rnrrutes; tLFr Lcrr iD lour t,rl)loBlxDDfuts of canned teo(tres crt ir tiDI biis. ID Aervug, tour, iu erch s"rcer sone r.njtr \rlipped crenD fN.i,h,De(l oDd flrlored \vifi rauila, atrd oD Ure creem I'l'r!,tr lilr,I.lrllortior oi the moo shiDe. This qu&ntity r\ rr,n'l'{l r,'r i',rHr ,a.eisLt l,pr.o!s. :\tf_ J. ntilo Cra_ It | ( ll': l'tll,1)IN(1. 1rr,,, r't),,f. ri(,,,n. rlutrrt of B\yeetDitk; t€t boit ltr!,.hrll l,' r'; ul,l rour egg8, tr lii € Btrlt,chunk oI bui- t.rlrrlfthf Hiz,,r'f tru ogg, one u(l ouo_hnlIcuts o{ sugrir', ',l|tl (,f cut) uisinH; brke trut s€r.re \yith creom oDd suslir, He{soDql wfttr DurDreH._Nrs. L. S. crDhenr. L]IIION PUDDING. Cralc rL. pe.l of ou€ tcmoD. .. pur tle juicc io a clish, aao oDecut ot ,rutuf. lwo.Ags: bFor a tosethcr, rLFD / PTIDDIN(iSAND PII'S. 3J i,l,l oDe cuD of fiDe br€r.l .rtrDl,$ ru(t ou( cup 01 s\reet 'rilk. BrLe i! r modelnta (treD rD(l frost.-Mrs. D. L. CONNMDIL I]DIIIIT l'I]DDI\(i. llrvo cupE of uilL, ore ttrlnespoonlul {,i l,uttor, ore t€osPooDful of sodo, obe t.rsl,oorlul ,'l srlt, i\vo tea- spoonlub 01 crerrD tarter, roDDr.rl to rut, r stifi lutter; rda r fiitle flo 1, oDe cLrffu]of,lri{rl conrxts. Sienn' four horN. Irt Nith sNeetel.ll ,f,ri,r. lI$. t. D. ORAN(}E PUDDIN(i Peel oDd slice tbree olan$cc, lor.tli(,! iD tr puddixs dish itr.l spriDkle viur sugnr. lhltu ll custord of oDe- half pirt ol ilk, Ure yolks of tFo eitgs, one lourth cup of sDgru cDd oDe terirpooDful of corD$tarch. $rhan colil pour it oler iLe orlrnges. Beat the whites of Ure eggs irto a stifr froUr, add ore thixt (np of tmlvc zed sugr,r. Pour on the custu.l nD.t put it iD urc oren r fe\'!no- ments to blovl. Mre. J. D. Goorls.ll. ]']'rIOH 1'UDDING, Drain tle syrup lroD tr qurrt ol crtrLeil leaches. Thick€n ure s)rup with tlu€e tablespooDf,lls ol corD- Bt&fch flDd ) olks of tNo eSSs. Pour it orer Ure fruit aDd cover witl the L'e.rteDNhitcs. N*cl]ni]l. Grahan. 0OTT-{Gll PUDDING. Ore cllp of suga!, oDetnbl.spoorLful o{ buttcr, ouo'Ltlf .,up of sweet Dilk, t\ro eggs, shites rDd r-olks beateD t\vo tenspoorftrls urting polvltcr siltc.l iDto ,'ro"opftrrtclx, rurd on€-hau ctrps ol llotrr. Flalor is {le6ir.:d, r (1 furro rviih leDoD sruc€. SNoe Put itrto r L,oN1 r h' l cup of buttel, oDe cn! of susd, oDe teasroon{ul of (r'rDBtrucl oud the Iolks ol tNo eggB; beat uDtil & ligLt .r(xr'!i rd.l the gloted riad nnd juice of one lemon ond sournNl& cooK Boolt, oDr) trx(l oueirlf ctrps of boiling wo,ter. Stir eDd cooL until tt,i(k. llrs. J. lV. GibsoD. STE.{}TED PUDDING. O'ro cup of sour noilk, one cup of Dolasses,oDe egg, three toble6poouiDls of butter, one-hdf terEpooDfut of codo, tvo cups of four, oDe cup of see(tedroisiDB.
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