is Tops! Join us on our September 2019 Flotilla!

Mark the dates from September 14 to 21 and sign up soon or you may miss a great trip.

Join us on Friday, September 13, for a get-acquainted meeting and dinner in Il Veliero, a typical Tuscan restaurant with unbelievable food.

The following morning, we will be checked out on our yachts in Marina di Scarlino near Follonica, about 2.5 hours by train from Rome.

Our itinerary will be to sail from Scarlino to on the island of , Where Napoleon Bonaparte was briefly exiled, and spend the first night there.

From Porto Azzurro, we will sail around Elba to Marina where we will spend Sunday night at the wall.

On Monday, we stay in Marciana Marina and take a bus or taxi bus to to visit the house of Napoleon and the old city.

On Tuesday we head towards the island of Capraia, where we will overnight in its beautiful little port, walk up to the old fortress that dominates the harbor and have dinner in a local restaurant.

After a restful night, we will sail along the coast of Capraia and anchor for a swim at its southernmost point in the Cala del Moreto, then cross back to Elba and sail to the southern cost of the island where we will anchor out for the night in the small bay of Fetovaia. Plenty of swimming and snorkeling. We have the option of cooking on board or dinghy ashore to dine at a local restaurant. Maybe an ideal opportunity to raft up with the other yachts and have a multi-boat dinner party?

On Thursday night we will be back on the mainland and spend the night at Castiglione della Pescaia, a lovely old fishing village with excellent marina and restaurants.

Sadly enough, we have reached Friday and must return to Scarlino but not without some more good sailing in the Bay of Follonica and some last refreshing swimming on the way back.

We strongly encourage you to add some Italian tourism to this trip either before or after the flotilla. Tuscany is worth staying a few days. Visit Florence, Sienna, Pisa and some hidden gems like Pittigliano in the mountains. Of course, nobody should forget a stop-over in Rome with its hundreds of historic attractions.

The flotilla cost per person will be $1,650.00.


Send us an email at [email protected] to book your spot or to get more information.