MARCH 8, 2011 Page 1 of 6 5 d - CC


TO: Warden and Members of County Council

FROM: Graham L. Pollett, MD, FRCPC Medical Officer of Health

DATE: March 8, 2011 ______


It is recommended that Middlesex County Council authorize the submission to the Ontario Ministry of the Environment of a Certificate of Approval Application for the installation of a 400kw back-up power generator for the 50 King St. premises.

At the March 18, 2010 Board of Health meeting, the Board of Health endorsed, subject to Middlesex County Council approval, the purchase and installation of a back-up power generator for the 50 King St. office. At the same meeting the Board of Health passed the following resolution:

That the Board of Health request of Middlesex County and Councils authority to apply up to $400,000 of unspent 2009 municipal funds to purchase and install a back-up power generator at 50 King Street.

Both Middlesex County and City of subsequently approved the allocation of a portion of their share of the 2009 Health Unit municipal operating surplus for this purpose. For the City of London $336,000 was allocated; for Middlesex County $64,000.

Health Unit staff then engaged Stantec Consulting to develop the technical components for a Request For Proposal (RFP) process. Seven reputable mechanical contracting firms were invited to submit a bid and the Board of Health endorsed the awarding of the contract to CF Industrial Products Inc. for construction of a 400kw natural gas generator. However, prior to awarding the contract, a Certificate of Approval (COA) from the Ontario Ministry of the Environment is required. As the generator will be located on Middlesex County owned property to supply back-up power to a Middlesex County owned building, the COA Application must come from Middlesex County Council.

This was explained to County Council by Health Unit staff at an August 2010 Council meeting. At that time, County Council directed that a generator site plan be prepared for Council’s review prior to authorizing the submission of the COA Application. Health Unit staff engaged the services of Stantec Consulting to prepare the site plan which is attached as Appendix A.

Representatives from Stantec Consulting will be in attendance at the March 8th County Council meeting to provide an overview of the site plan and answer any questions.

Graham L. Pollett, MD, FRCPC Medical Officer of Health MARCH 8, 2011 Page 2 of 6 5 d - CC MARCH 8, 2011 Page 3 of 6 5 d - CC MARCH 8, 2011 Page 4 of 6 5 d - CC MARCH 8, 2011 Page 5 of 6 5 d - CC MARCH 8, 2011 Page 6 of 6 5 d - CC