DRC Humanitarian Fund
Democratic Republic of Congo DRC Humanitarian Fund Annual Report 2015 Charlotte MacDiarmid school in Komanda,project in supported Ituri province by a DRC HF-funded Save the Children Displaced and host community children attending @OCHA/ Organisations receiving DRC HF funding in 2015: ACP, ACTED, Action d’Espoir, ADRA, ADSSE, AIDES, AIRD, ALDI, ALIMA, Armée du Salut Kalémie, AVSI, Caritas Bunia, Caritas Congo, Caritas International Belgique, Caritas Kalemie, Caritas Kindu, Caritas Uvira, Christian Aid, Collectif Alpha Ujuvi, CISP, COOPI, CRS, FAO, HEAL Africa, Hope in Action, IEDA Relief, Intersos, IRC, LIZADEEL, NRC, OCHA, OXFAM UK, PIN, PPSSP, PU-AMI, RHA, Save the Children, Samaritan Purse, Solidarités International, TEARFUND, UNDP, UNFPA, UNHAS, UNHCR, UNICEF, War Child Holland, WFP, World Vision International. The Joint Humanitarian Financing Unit wishes to acknowledge the contributions made in the preparation of this document, particularly by the DRC HF implementing partners, Cluster leads, OCHA and UNDP colleagues. For additional information: https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/en/operations/democratic- republic-congo/pooled-fund-0 Clarifications on the report: Donor contributions: Data refers to donor contributions to the DRC HF received in 2015, including contributions received from DFID in December 2015 for 2016. Allocations: Refers to funding allocations approved by the HC in 2015. For the purposes of tracking funding, the sectoral components of multi-sector project budgets have been reported by cluster. Financial Tracking Service (FTS): Data obtained from the FTS is used in this report to indicate the overall level of financial contributions to the 2015 Humanitarian Response Plan (HRP), and to explain the relative contribution of the DRC HF to the HRP.
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