THE annual volumes of Who's Who are confined to those still living. But it has long been felt that it is not the biographies of the living only that are required.

To learn details of the career of a distinguished man recently dead, it has so far been necessary to look him up in a back volume of Who's Who, This entailed on the busy journalist, or

man of affairs, the necessity for keeping the whole of the past

volumes on his shelves. To obviate this the biographies of all

those who died between 1897' and 1916 (the first twenty years of the new issue of Who's Who) have now been re-edited and

collected into the present volume, which forms a companion book to the older one, and will probably prove as indispensable. It had been the intention of the Publishers to bring this un- volume out in 1916, but difficulties arising out of the war

fortunately rendered that impossible.

24 Sept. 1919.


Al . . First Bate (at Lloyd's). Archt. . . Architect. A.A.G. . Assistant-Adjutant-General. A.R.C.O. . Associate Royal College of A.B. . . Bachelor of Arts; able-bodied Organists. seaman. A.R.C.S. . Associate Royal College of Abp. . . Archbishop. Science. A.C. . . Ante Christum (before Christ). A.R.E. . Associate of Royal Society of A.C.A. . Associate of the Institute of Painter Etchers. Chartered Accountants. A.R.I.B.A. Associate of the Royal Institute Acad. . . Academy. of British Architects. A. C.G.I. . Associate of City and Guilds of Ark. . . Arkansas (U.S.) London Institute. A . R . M . S . . Associate of the Royal Society of A.C.I.S. . Associate of the Chartered In- Miniature Painters. stitute of Secretaries. A.R.S.A. Associate Royal Scottish Academy.

. . . . A.C.S. Additional Curates Society. A . R S M . Associate Royal School of Mines . A.D. . . Anno Domini. Art. . . Artist. A.D.C. . Aide-de-camp. A.R.W.S. . Associate Royal Society of Ad eund, . Ad eimdem gradum (admitted to Painters in Water- Colours. the same degree). A.S. . . Anglo-Saxon. Adj. . . Adjutant. A.S.A.M. . Associate of the Society of Art Ad lib . . Ad libitum (at discretion). Masters. Adm. . . Admiral. A.S.C. . Army Service Corps. A.D.O.S. . Assistant Director of Ordnance Ass. or Assist. Assistant. [General. Stores. Ass. Commiss. Gen. Assistant-Commissary- Adv. . . Advocate. Assoc.Sc. Associate in Science.

A.D.V.S. . Assistant Director of Veterinary Astr. . Astronomy. Services. Ath. . Athabasca (Canada). Advt. . . Advertisement. A.U.C. Anno urbis conditce (from the Jt., ^Btat. JZtatis (aged). foundation of the city) (Rome). Aft. . . Afternoon. A.V. . Authorised Version. - A.G. . . Attorney General ; Adjutant- Av. Avenue. General. A.V.D. Army Veterinary Department. A.G.I. . Associate of the Institute of Avoird. Avoirdupois. Certificated Grocers. A.I.F. . Australian Imperial Forces. A.I.G. . . Adjutant-Inspector-General. B. . . . Baron.

A.K.C. . Associate of King's College, b . . . . born ; brother.

London. B.A. . . Bachelor of Arts.

Ala. . . Alabama (U.S.) B.A.I.. . Bachelor of Engineering.

Alta. . . Alberta. B . A. O . . Bachelor of Obstetrics.

A.L.I.. . Argyll Light Infantry. Ball. . . Balliol.

. . . . Barometer. A.M. Ante Meridiem (before mid-day) ; bar. Anno Mundi (in the year of Barr. . . Barrister.

the world) ; Master of Arts ; Bart, or Bt. . Alpes Maritimes. Batt. or Batn. Battalion.

A.M.I.C.E. Associate Member of Institute of B.C. . . Before Christ ; British Columbia.

Civil Engineers. B . Chir . . Bachelor of Surgery. A.M.I.E.E. Associate Member of Institute of B . C . ! . . Bachelor of Civil Law. Electrical Engineers. B.C.S. . Bengal Civil Service. A.N.A. . Associate National Academician B.D. . . Bachelor of Divinity. (America). Bd. . . Board.

. . . . Bachelor of Auat. Anatomy ; Anatomical. B.E. Engineering. Anon. . Anonymously. Beds . . Bedfordshire. A.O.D. Army Ordnance Department. Berks . . Berkshire.

. of Letters. A. P. D . Army Pay Department. B.Litt. Bachelor

. . . Medical Association. A P S . Aborigines Protection Society. B.M.A. British A.Q.M .G. Assistant-Quartermaster-General B.M.J. . British MedicalJournal. A.R.A. Associate of the Royal Academy. B . N . C . . Brasenose College. Ar. Agt. Army Agent. Bom. C. S. . Bombay Civil Service. A.R.A.M. Associate of the Royal Academy Bom. S. C. . Bombay Staff Corps. Botanical. of Music. Bot. . . Botany;

. . British Public. A.R.C.A. . Associate Royal Cambrian B.P. Academy. Bp. . . Bishop. A.R.C.E. . Academical Rank of Civil En- Brev. . . Brevet. gineers. Brig. . . Brigade; Brigadier. vii Vlll WHO WAS WHO, 1897-1916

B.S. Bachelor of Surgery. C.SS.R. . Congregation of the Most Holy B.S.C.. Bengal Staff Corps. Redeemer (Red emptorist Order). B.Sc. . Bachelor of Science. C.T.C. . Cyclists' Touring Club. B.Th. Bachelor of Theology. C.U. . . Cambridge University. B.V.M. Blessed Virgin Mary. C.U.A.C. . Cambridge Univ. Athletic Club. Bucks . Buckinghamshire. C . U . B . C . Cam bridge University Boating Club. C . U . C . C . Cambridge University Cricket Club. C.U.F.C. . Cambridge Univ. Football Club. C.V.O. . Commander of the Royal Vic- (C.) . . Conservative; 100. torian Order. c. . . . Cents centimes child. . ; ; Cwt. Hundredweight. C.A. . . County Alderman; Chartered Accountant (Scotland). D. . . . Duke; 500 (Roman numerals). Cal. . . California (U.S.) d. . . . Pence ; died ; daughter. Caxnbs . Cambridgeshire. D.A.A.G. . Deputy-Assistant-Adjutant-Gen- Cantab. . Of Cambridge University. eral. Capt. . . Captain. D.A.D.Q. . Deputy Assistant Director of Cav. . . Cavalry. Quartering. . . of C.B. Companion the Bath ; Confined to Barracks. D.A.G. . Deputy-Adjutant-General. - Assistant C.B.E. . Commander Order of the British D.A.Q.M.G. Deputy Quarter- master-General. Empire. D.B.E. . Dame Commander Order of the C.B.S.A. . Bird Shooting Association. Clay British . . Councillor Empire. C.C. County ; Cricket Club ; B.C. . . District of Columbia (U.S.) Cycling Club ; County Court. D.C.Ii. . Doctor of Civil Law. C.C.C. . Corpus Christi College. D.D. . . Doctor of Divinity. [plies. C.C.S. . . Ceylon Civil Service. D.D.M.S. . Deputy Director of Medical Sup- C.E. . . Civil Engineer. D . D . S . . Doctor of Dental Surgery. C.E.T.S. . Church of England Temperance . Society. deg. . Degree. Del. . . Delaware (U.S.) C.F. . . Chaplain to the Forces. del. . . (L. delineavit), he drew. Cf. . . Compare. Dele, or d. . Cancel. C.H. . . Companion of Honour. . Doctor of Ch. . . Chief. D.Engr. Engineering. Dep. . . Deputy. . . Chanc Chancellor ; Chancery. Depart. . Department. Chap. . . Chaplain. D.F.C. . Distinguished Flying Cross. Ch.B, .- . Bachelor of Surgery. . . Gratia), the of God Ch.Ch. . Christ Church. D.G, (Dei by grace Dragoon Guards. Ch.Coll. . Christ's College. D.G.M.W. Director - General of Ch.M. . . Master of Military Surgery. Works. Chin. . . Chairman. . Dioc. . Diocese ; Diocesan. C.I. . . Imperial Order of the Crown of India. Diplo. . . Diplomatic. Dist.R. . District Railway. C . I . D , Criminal Investigation Department. Ditto or do. (It.), the same. C.I.E. . . Companion of the Order of the Div. . . Division Divorced. Indian Empire. ; D.Ii. . . Cir. . . Circus. Deputy-Lieutenant. D.Ii.I. . . Durham Circ. . . Circa. Light Infantry. D . Litt . or D . Lit . Doctor of Literature. C.I.V. . . City Imperial Volunteers. Do. or $ . Dollar. Civ. Serv. . Civil Service. D.O.M. . Deo Maximo. C.J. . ... Chief Justice. Optimo Dona. . . Dominus. C.Ii. . . Commander of Order of Leopold. Dow. . . Cl. . . Class. Dowager. D.P.H. . in Public Health. C . M , . . Church Missionary. Diploma Dr. . . Doctor Debtor. C.M. . . Master in Surgery. ; dr. . . Drachm. C.M. . . Certificated Master. Dr. Univ. Par. Doctor of of Paris. C . M . G . . Companion of St. Michael and St. University . . Doctor of Science. George. D.Sc. D.S.O. . of the C.M.S. . Church Missionary Society. Companion Distinguished Service Order. C.O. . . Commanding Officer. . . died without issue. C.O. . . Colonial Office. d.s.p. D.Theol. . Doctor of Co. . . County; Company. Theology. D.V. . . Deo volente), God willing. Col. . . Colony; Colonel. (L. . . . . dwt. pennyweight. Coll. College ; Collegiate. 12mo . . duodecimo (folded in 12). Colo. . . Colorado (U.S.) Col.-Sergt. Colour-Sergeant.

. Comdg. Commanding. E. . . . East; Earl. Comdt. . Commandant. Ebor. . . (Eboracensis) of York. Com.-in-Chf. Commander-in-Chief. B.C. . . East Central (postal district). Comm. . Commander. Eccl. . . Ecclesiastical. Comr. . . Commissioner. E.C.U. . Church Union. -Gen. English Corny. Commissary-General. Ed. . . Editor. Conn. . . Connecticut (U.S.) Edin. . . Edinburgh. . . Corp. Corporal. Educ. . . Educated. Corr. Mem. Member or Fel- Corresponding Edw. . . Edward. or Fell. low. E.E. . . Early English. C.O.S. . . Charity Organisation Society. e.g. . . (L. exempli gratia), for example. C.P.R. . Canadian Pacific Railway. E.I. . . East Indian. Cr. . . Crown. E.I. C.S. . East India Company's Service. cr. . . created. Ency. Brit. Encyclopaedia Britannica. Cres. . . Crescent. Eng. . . England. C.S. . . Civil Service. eng. . . Engineer. C . S . C . . Service Cross. Conspicuous esp. . . especially. C.S.I. . . Companion of the Order of the E. AcW.Ii.R. East and West London Railway Star of India. Ext. . Extinct. WHO WAS WHO, 1897-1916

fathoms. f. . . F.R.S.C. . Fellow of the Royal Society of F.A. . Football Association. Canada. Fahr. . Fahrenheit. F.R.S.E. . Fellow of the Royal Society of of F.A.I. . Fellow Auctioneers' Institute. Edinburgh. F.A.S.B. Fellow of Asiatic Soc. of Bengal. F.R.S.G.S. Fellow of the Royal Scottish F.B.A. Fellow of the British Academy. Geographical Society. F.B.O.U. Fellow British Ornithologists' F.R. S.I,. . Fellow of the Royal Society of Union. Literature. the F.C.A. . Fellow of Institute of Char- F.S.A. . Fellow of the Society of Anti- tered Accountants. quaries. F. C.G.I. . Fellow of City and Guilds of F.S.A.A. . Fellow of the Society of Account- London Institute. ants and Auditors. F.C.I.S. . Fellow of the Chartered Institute F.S.A.S. . Fellow of the Society of Anti- of Secretaries. quaries of Scotland. Fcp. . . Foolscap. F.S.I. . Fellow of Surveyors' Institution. F.C.P. . Fellow College of Preceptors. F.S.S. . . Fellow of the Royal Statistical F.C.S. . . Fellow of the Chemical Society. Society. F.C.T.B. . Fellow of the College of Teachers F.S.Sc.A. . Fellow of the Society of Science of the Blind. and Art of London.

F.E.I.S. . Fellow of the Educational Insti- F.T.C.D. . Fellow of Trinity College, Dublin. tute of Scotland. F.Z.S. . . Fellow of the Zoological Society. . . Fellow of F. F , E S , Entomological Society. Z.S.Scot. Fellow of the Zoological Society F.F.A. . Fellow of Faculty of Actuaries. of Scotland. F. F.P.S. . Fellow of the Royal Faculty of Physicians and Surgeons (Glas- gow). Ga. . . Georgia (U.S.)

F.G.I.. . Fttllowof the Institute of Certifi- Gal. . . Gallon. Grocers. cated G.B.E. . Knight or Dame Grand Cross Order of the British F.G.S. . . Fellow of the Geological Society. Empire. G . C . B . . Grand Cross of the Bath. F.I. A. . . Fellow of Institute of Actuaries. Knight G.C.H. . Grand Cross of Hanover. F.I.C. . . Fellow of Institute of Chemistry. Knight G.C.I.E. . Grand of th e F.I.D. . Fellow of Institute of Directors. Knight Commander Indian F.I.Inst. . Fellow of the Imperial Institute. Empire. G.C.M.G. . Grand Cross of St. Michael F.J.I. . Fellow of Institute of Journalists. Knight and St. Fla. . Florida (U.S.) George. G.C.R. . Great Central F.L.S. . Fellow of the Linnean Society. Railway. G. C . S . I . . Grand Commander of the F.M. . Field-Marshal. Knight Star of India. Fo. . Folio (a sheet of paper folded once). G.C.V.O. . Grand Cross of F.O. . Foreign Office. Knight . F.O. . Field Officer. Gdns. . . Gardens. f.O.b. . Free on board. Gen. . . General. F.P. . Fire-plug. gen. . . genus kind. F.P.S. . Fellow of Philosophical Society ; G.E.R. . Great Eastern Railway. also of Philharmonic Society. G.F.S.. . Girls' Friendly Society. F.R. A. I. . Fellow of the Royal Anthropo- Gib. . . Gibraltar. logical Institute. G.Ii. . . Grand Lodge. F.R.A.M. . Fellow of the Royal Academy of Glos. . . Gloucestershire. Music. G.N.R. . Great Northern Railway. F.R.A.S. . Fellow of the Royal Astronomical Goth. . Gothic. Society. Gov. . . Governor. F.R.B.S. . Fellow of the Royal Botanic Govt. . . Government. Society. G.P.O. . General Post Office. F.R. C.I. . Fellow of the Royal Colonial Gr. . . Greek. Institute. Gram. Sch. Grammar School. F.R.C.O. . Fellow of the Royal College of g.s. . . Grandson. Organists. G.W.R. . Great Western Railway. F.R.C.P. . Fellow of the Royal College of Physicians. F.R.C.P.E. Fellow of the Royal College of H.A.C. . Honourable Artillery Company. Physicians of Edinburgh. Hants . . Hampshire. F.R.C.S. . Fellow of the Royal College of Harv. . . Harvard. Surgeons. H.B.M. . His Britannic Majesty. F.R.C.V.S. Fellow of the Royal College of h.c. . . honoris causa. Veterinary Surgeons. H.E. . . His Excellency. F . R . F . P . S . Fellow of Royal Faculty of Phy- East India H.E.I.C. . Honourable Company. sician s and Surgeons. H.E.I.C.S. Honourable East India Com- F.R.G.S. . Fellow of the Royal Geographical pany's Service. Society. Heir . Heir apparent. F,R. Hist. S. Fellow of Historical app. Royal Socy. Heir pres. Heir presumptive. . . . . Fellow of the Horticultural F R H ort S Royal Herts . . Hertfordshire. Society. H F A R.A. Honorary Foreign Associate of F.R.I.B.A. Fellow of the Royal Institute of the Royal Academy. British Architects. Member of the H.F.R.A. . Honorary Foreign F.R. M.S. . Fellow of the Royal Microscopical Royal Academy. Society. H.H. . . His (or Her) Highness. Fellow of the Meteoro- F.R.Met.S. Royal H I H . His (or Her) Imperial Highness. logical Society. H.I.M. . His (or Her) Imperial Majesty. School Naval F.R.N.S.A. Fellow Royal H Ii I . Highland Light Infantry. Architecture. H.M. . . His (or Her) Msjesty.

. Fellow of F.R.P.S. the Royal Photographic H M.I. . His Majesty's Inspector.

. His Society. H . M . S . Majesty's Ship.

. . . . Fellow of the . F R S Royal Society. Hon. . Honourable.

of . F.R.S.A. . Fellow of the 'Royal Society (Hon.) Honorary. Arts. h.-p. . . half-pay. WHO WAS WHO, 1897-1916

h.p. horse-power. K.H.C. Hon. Chaplain to the King. Hon. to the H.Q. . Headquarters. K.H. P. Physician King. (H.R.) Home Ruler. K.H.S. Hon. Surgeon to the King; H.R.C.A. Honorary Royal Cambrian Knight of the Holy Sepulchre. Academician. K.-I.-H. Kaiser-i-Hind. H.R.H. His (or Her) Royal Highness. Kil. . Kilometre. H.R.H.A. Honorary Member of Royal Kilo. . Kilogramme. Hibernian Academy. K.O.S.B. King's Own Scottish Borderers. of St. Patrick. H.R.S.A. Honorary Member of Royal K.P. . Knight of the Order Scottish Academy. K.R.R. King's Royal Rifles. H.S.H. His (or Her) Serene Highness. K.S. . King's Scholar. of St. Hum. . Humanity, Latin. K.S.G. Knight Gregory.

. of the Thistle. Hunts . Huntingdonshire. K.T. Knight of the Order Kt. or Knt. Knight. Ky. . Kentucky (U.S.) la. Iowa (U.S.) I. A. . Indian Army. Ib. or Ibid. Ibidem (in the same place). (L.) . . Liberal. Icel. . Icelandic. L. . . .50 (Roman numerals).

I.C.S. . Indian Civil Service. . Pounds (sterling). Id. Idaho (U.S.). 1. . left.

. in Arts id. idem (the same). I. A. . Literate ; Liverpool I.D.B.. illicit diamond buying. Academy. i.e. id est (that is). La. . . Louisiana (U.S.)

. Club. Ign. . ignotus (unknown). Ii.A.C. London Athletic I.H.S. Jesus Hominum Salvator (Jesu.s L.-Corp. or Lance-Corp. Lance-Corporal. the Saviour of Men), more Lanes . . Lancashire. correctly IH2, the first three Lat. . . Latin.

letters of the name of Jesus in lat. . . latitude.

Greek. Ib . . . . pounds (weight). 111. Illinois (U.S.) Li.C.C. . London County Council.

. in I.L.P. Independent Labour Party. Xj.Ch. . . Licentiate Surgery. Imp. Imperial. L . C . J . . . Lord Chief Justice. I. M.S.. Indian Medical Service. Ii.C.P. . Licentiate of the College of Incog. . Incognito (in secret). Preceptors. Ind. Indiana (U.S.) L. Div. . Licentiate in Divinity. Insp. . Inspector. L . D . S . . . Licentiate of Dental Surgery. Inst. . Instant ; Institute. Ii.F.P.S. . Licentiate of the Faculty of I. of M. Isle of Man. Physicians and Surgeons. I.O.G.T. International Order of Good Ii.H.D. . (Literarum Humaniorum Doctor) Templars. Doctor of Literature. I.O.O.F. Independent Order of Oddfellows. Ii.I. . . Light Infantry. I.O.P. . Inst. Painters in Oil Colours. Lie. Med. . Licentiate in Medicine. I.O.U. . I owe you. Lieut. . . Lieutenant. I.S.C. . Indian Staff Corps. Line or Lines Lincolnshire. I.S.O. . Imperial Service Order. Lit. . . Literature; Literary. I.T. Indian Territory (U.S.) lit. . . literally. Ital. or It. Italian. Lit. Hum. . Classics. ital. . italics. Litt . D . . Doctor of Letters. I.W. Isle of Wight. L.J. . . Lord Justice. in L.L.A. . Lady Literate Arts.

LL.B. . . Bachelor of Laws.

J.A. Judge-Advocate. LL.D. . . Doctor of Laws. Jas. . James. LL . M . . . Master of Laws. Jes. . L.M. . . Licentiate in Midwifery.

Job. Jno. John. L. ofC. . Lines of Communication. J.P. . Justice of the Peace. long. . . longitude. Jun. Junior. Loq. . . Loquitur (speaks). Jun. Opt. Junior Optima. L.R.C.P. . Licentiate of the Royal College of Physicians. L.R.C.P.E. Licentiate Royal College of K. . Ring. Physicians, Edinburgh. Kans. . Kansas (U.S.) L.R.C.S. . Licentiate of the Royal College K.B. . Knight of the Bath (seldom used of Surgeons. the now) ; . L.R.C.S.E. Licentiate of Royal College K.B.E. Knight Commander Order of the of Surgeons, Edinburgh. British Licentiate of the Empire. L.R.C.V.S. Royal College ^ K.C. . King's Counsel. of Veterinary Surgeons. K.C.B. Knight Commander of the Bath. L.S.A.. . Licentiate of the Society of K.C.C. Commander of Order of Crown, Apothecaries. Belgian and Congo Free State. . s. d. . Pounds, shillings, and pence ; Money. K.C.H. Knight Commander of Hanover. Lt. . . Light (e.g. Light Infantry). K.C. I.E. Knight Commander of the Indian Lt. or Lieut. Lieutenant. Empire. Lt.-Col. . Lieutenant-Colonel.

K.C.L. King's College, London. Lt.-Gen. . Lieutenant-General. K.C.M.G. Knight Commander of St. Michael L.Th. . . Licentiate in Theology.

and St. . George. (L.U.) . Liberal Unionist. S.I. - K.C. Knight Commander of the Star of L . U . O . T . C . London University Officers' Train India. ing Corps. K.C.V.O. Knight Commander of the Royal L. & N.W.R. London andN. -Western Railway. Victorian Order. L. & S. W.R. London and South-Western Rail- K.D.G. King's Dragoon Guards. way. Keb. . Keble College, Oxford. L . Se Y . R . Lancashire and Yorkshire Railway . K.G. . Knight of the . L . B . & S . C . R . London, Brighton, and South K.H. Knight of Hanover. Coast Railway. WHO WAS WHO, 1897-1916 WHO WAS WHO, 1897-1916

. of O. . Ohio (U.S.) P.R.S.. President the Royal Society. side. o. . . only. P.S. . Postscriptum (postscript); prompt O. & O. Oriental aud Occidental (Steam p.s. . passed School of Instruction (of ship Co.) Officers).

ob. . Died. p.s.c. . . passed Staff College. O.B.E. Officer Order of the Britisl P.S.N.C . . Pacific Steam Navigation Co. Empire. Pt. . Pint. O.c. . only child. Pte. . Private (soldier). O.C. . Officer Commanding. P.T.O. . Please turn over. O.D. . Ordinary seaman. P.W.D. . Public Works Department (roads, O.F.M. Order of Friars Minor. buildings, Gov. railways, tele- O.H.M.S. On His Majesty's Service. graphs, etc.) O.L. . Officer of the Order of Leopold.

O.M. . . O.M.I. Oblate of Immaculate. Mary Queen. Ont. . Ontario. Queen's Counsel. O.P. . Ordmis Prcedicatorum = of the .E.D. Quod erat demonstrandum Order of Preachers (Dominican (which was to be demonstrated), ap- Ecclesiastical Title). plied to a theorem. o.p. . opposite prompter. Q.E.F. Quod erat faciendum (which was O.S. . Old in the Calendar Style (in to be to a Great Britain before . done), applied 1752). problem. o.s. . only son. Queen's Honorary Physician. O.S. A. . Ontario Society of Artists. Quartermaster-General. O . S . B . . Order of St. Benedict. Quarter. O.S.F.C. Franciscan (Capuchin) Order. Quart. O . S . N . C . Orient Steam Navigation Co . Quarto (folded in tour). Ore. . Oregon (U.S.) Queensland. O.T. . Old Testament. Queen's University, Belfast. O.U. . Oxford University. Queen's University in Ireland. O.U.A.C. Oxford University Athletic Club. quod vide (which see). O . U . B . C . Oxford University Boating Club. O.U.C.C. Oxford University Cricket Club. O.U.P.C. Oxford University Football Club. Oxon . Oxfordshire; Of Oxford. R.) . Radical.

Oz. . Ounces. . Rector.

. Octavo in 8vo (folded eight). r. . . . right.

. . R.A. Royal Academician ; Royal Artillery. R.A.C. . Royal Agricultural College. P. . . . Prince. R.A.M. . Royal Academy of Music. Pa. . . Pennsylvania (U.S.) R.A.M.C. . Royal Army Medical Corps. Parl. Agt. . Parliamentary Agent. R. Art. . Royal Artillery. P. A. S.I. . Professor Associate Surveyors' R.A.S. . Royal Astronomical or Asiatic Institution. Society. P.O. . . Privy Councillor; Police Con- R.B. . . Rifle Brigade. stable ; Perpetual Curate. R.B.A. . Royal Society of British Artists. p.C. . .per centum (by the hundred); R.B.C. . Royal British Colonial Society post-card. of Artists. P.C.M.O. . Principal Colonial Medical Officer. R.B.S. Royal Society of British Sculptors P.D.G. . President Dudley Gallery. R.C. . . Roman Catholic. P.P. . Procurator-Fiscal. R.C.A. Member Royal Cambrian Academy Ph.D. . . Doctor of Philosophy. R.C.V.S. . Royal College of Veterinary Sur- Phil. . . Philosophical. geons.

. . Phys. Physical. R . D . . . Rural Dean ; Royal Naval Reserve pinx. . . (He) painted it. Decoration.

PI. . . Place ; Plural. Rd. . . Road. PIen. . . Plenipotentiary. R.E. . . Royal Engineers; Royal Society P.M. . . Post Meridiem (after mid-day); of Painter Etchers. Pacific Mail. R. Eng. . Royal Engineers. P.M.G. . Postmaster-General; Pall Mall Rear-Adm. Rear-Admiral.

Gazette. Rect. . . Rector. P.M.O. . Principal Medical Officer. Reg. Prof. Regius Professor. P . M . S . . President Miniature Society. Regt. . . Regiment.

P. O. Peninsular and Oriental . . & Steamship Co. Res. Resigned ; Reserve. . P.O. . Post Office ; Postal Order. Rev. . . Reverend. P.O.O. . . Post Office Order. R.F.A. . Royal Field Artillery. Pop. . . Population. R.6.A. . Royal Garrison Artillery. P.P. . . Parish Priest. R . H . A. . Royal Hibernian Academy; Royal Pp. . . Pages. Horse Artillery. P. P.O.. . Fr. Pour prendre congt (To take R.H.G. . Royal Horse Guards. leave). R.H.S. . Royal Humane Society. P.Q. . . Province of Quebec. R.I. . . Royal Institute of Painters in

. . Prize P.R. ring (The). Water Colours ; Rhode Island. P.R.A. . President of the Royal Academy. R.I.B.A. . Royal Institute of British Preb. . . Prebendary. Architects. Pres. . . President. R.I.E. . Royal Indian Engineering (Coll.) P.R.I. . . President of the Royal Institute R . I . M . . Royal I nd iau Marine. of Painters in Water Colours. R.I. P. . . Requiescat in pace (May he or she Prin. . . Principal. rest in peace).

. . Proctor. . . . Proc. R M Royal Marines ; Resident Magis trate. Prof. . . Professor. R.M.A. . Royal Marine Artillery. Protein. . Pro tempos (for the time being). R.M.A. . Royal Milit. Academy, Woolwich. Prov. . . Provost. R.M.C. . Royal Military Coll., Sandhurst. Proac. . . Proximo (next). R . M . Ii . I . . Royal Marine Light Infantry. WHO WAS WHO, 1897-1916 XIV WHO WAS WHO. 1807-1916

W.S.P.U. . Women's Social and Political yds. . yards. Union. Yeo. . Yeomanry. W. Va. . West Virginia (U.S.) Y.M.C.A. Young Men's Christian Associa-

. tion. Wyo. . Wyoming (U.S.) Yorks . Yorkshire. Yrs. . Years. X. Ten (Roman numerals). Y.W.C.A, Young Women's Christian Asso- Xmas Christmas. ciation.