The Loyola News

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December 14, 2010

Christmas Season Consumerism Volume VIII, Issue III

largely apocryphal, Christmas the hands of callous, capitalistic And the angel answered her, shopping does account for a rela- marketing executives, repeated “The Holy Spirit will come tively large portion of today even by preco- upon you, and the power of the retailers' annual reve- cious young children. Most High will overshadow nues, namely, an aver- you; therefore the child to be At risk of age of 20%. born will be called holy–the appearing arrogant, I Son of God. Luke 1:35 Yes, money can vouch for the does drive the world's overwhelming likeli- economic engine, and hood that such argu- retailers will always ments have been re- Inside this issue: be intent on ensuring peated by generation the presence of par- after generation of ents purchasing gifts to avoid the exasperated parents seeking an Current News 1-3 sight of Dickensian hatred in entity on which they could lay their children's eyes come Christ- blame for their plight. $34.5 bil- mas Day, but the puritanical reac- lion is a surprisingly small Arts and Culture 4-9, By Chris Scarvelis tion of many at the perceived amount of gross national expen- 12-13 blight of consumerism is over- diture on a holiday that many $34.5 billion: the amount of done at best, and fanatical at now associate with unrestrained Christmas Puzzles 10-11 money spent by Canadians in worst. Such people would have consumerism rather than such 2008 while Christmas shopping. you believe the antiquated canard nostalgic concepts as strict piety Sports and Clubs 14-19 While the supposed “fact” that of the transformation of “this or togetherness, most of which retailers begin turning a profit on generation” from wide-eyed are by-products of the Great De- Black Friday (the day after Fun Pages 6-7 cherubim to Fagin's Urchins at American Thanksgiving) is (Continued on page 3)

Drama Review: Ransom of Red Chief and Darlin’ Hero Features Remembrance Day 2 By Alex Banks, Editor James Fell 2 Photos by Jim Newman Interview

It is one thing to review a classic Christmas 1 play that is so familiar, one could Consumerism almost speak those celebrated and Groovy Movie beloved lines in unison with the 6 Reviews actors responsible to present them. Such was the case last year, with Loyola’s production of “A Christmas Carol”. Critiquing two plays you have never heard of in the same review, is something entirely different and certainly more challenging. However, it is all that much more enjoyable to be presented with a fresh work where the audience composed mainly of those unfamiliar with (Continued on page 4) Page 2 The Loyola News Volume VIII, Issue III

Remembrance Day at Loyola and in Ottawa

Loyola welcomed some important Ottawa Trip guests who are currently serving By Antonio De Lauri Canada in the military: Capt. Farn- ham and Sargent Jonathan Jacobs. Also, on November 11, six sec- ondary IV Loyola students were Capt Farnham (pictured chosen to represent their class at right, on top) joined the Black on a field trip to Ottawa for the Watch in 2004 and served as Pla- Remembrance Day ceremonies. toon Commander from 2005-2006. They were accompanied by He instructed on courses at Cana- Mme Nadeau and were also dian Forces Base in Gagetown, joined by several other students New Brusnwick and C.F.B. Farn- from LCC, Selwyn House, ECS, ham in . He deployed to The Study, QAA, Trafalgar and Afghanistan in 2007 as the Liaison Sacred Heart. It was a great The Remembrance Day service at Officer to the Provincial Recon- opportunity which allowed them struction Team at the Kandahar Loyola in recent years has been a to participate in such an impor- Air Field Headquarters doing his dignified, respectful, and solemn tant event that honours all the pre-deployment training in Valcar- men and women who served occasion, befitting an educational tier, Quebec; El Paso, Texas; and institution that values the dedication Canada during the war. The Wainwright, Alberta. freedom and the life we are and service of Canadian soldiers over Sargent Jonathan Jacobs privileged to have today, is the years. This year was no excep- (Loyola Class of 2002, pictured at thanks to their courage and de- tion. Organized by Social Studies right) visited classes to discuss his termination. It was a privilege Department Head Ms. Wendy Polver- experience in the military and his the hundreds of veterans who cafeteria for all veterans and ari, and featuring the participation of assignment in Afghanistan where were in attendance to com- army personnel. Thanks to numerous students and musical direc- he will be training Afghani police memorate the fallen soldiers. over 11 schools in Canada recruits. Jacobs was deployed on tor Ms. Marthe Lacasse, the cere- It is thanks to Mr. Paul who fundraised to support his November 29. dream it soon became a real- mony was beautifully choreographed, Kavanagh, a Loyola parent and If you would like to read ity. It is through these charita- educational and at times very mov- founder of Operation Veteran, the script from the Remembrance that this trip was made possible. ble acts of kindness that make ing. Day service, it is available online Through this program, he Canada the unique country we As well, throughout he at wanted to provide a free meal at are proud to be living in to- week leading up to the ceremony, the Canadian War Museum day.

LN: How does the food for lunch James Fell is the new manager of the cafeteria get prepared? JF: During the morning, the pizza, takes forever!” But no more! day start and end? hamburgers, and sandwiches are This year, the cafeteria has so far JF: I come in and begin my day all prepared here at Loyola. The undergone changes for the better. at 6 a.m. At that time, we pre- warm meals are all prepared in the With new head of cafeteria, pare the muffins, the Jell-O, big kitchen at college Brébeuf. James Fell (pictured at left), the sandwiches and I fill out paper- They are then distributed to the cafeteria proves to be better than work for the day. schools. ever this year. In a recent inter- LN: What changes do you plan LN: Therefore, you work for view with James, we’ve found on bringing to the cafeteria? Loyola or Sodexho? out a bit more about how the JF: To start, I plan on changing JF: I work for Sodexho. cafeteria works and its future. up the breakfasts and offering LN: What do you think of the different selections. For exam- student body here at Loyola? Loyola News: How long have ple, we plan on offering waffles JF: I think that the students here you been working in this field? and pancakes to the students. As are really great. I’ve heard stories Where have you worked while in well, we’re thinking of bringing that students from other schools this field? an espresso machine to the teach- can be nightmares, but the students James Fell: I’ve been working in ers and possibly the Sec. 5 stu- are great here. I truly enjoy work- this field for 25 years now. dents too. At holidays, we’ll put ing here. Throughout my time working, I By Alexander Venditti up decorations like we did at The Loyola News thanks have worked in restaurants such Mr. James Fell for his time in an- The cafeteria throughout the Halloween. So far, we already as Wendy’s, Mr. Sub, and Dom- swering our questions and we can’t years has been constantly ribbed have a small tree up in the cafete- ino’s. wait to see and taste what the fu- on. “The food is terrible.” “It ria. LN: When does your average ture holds. The Loyola News Volume VIII, Issue III Page 3

Christmas Consumerism, continued from Page 1

(Continued from page 1) to control one's emotions, no mat- a society did in fact exist, would ter the quantity of marketing force their lifestyle be affected? Perhaps pression. Contrary to the asser- -fed to children through televi- their children would not be quite as tions of the Yuletide jeremiads sion. One might even suggest that stoic as their parents, but in that that are regularly peppered those who tilt at the windmills of case, their argument devolves into throughout newspapers, I have yet consumerism are themselves fal- a matter of poor parenting, an ex- to notice a decline in the popular- ling victim to the persuasion of clusive responsibility of the par- ity of the Christmas dinner, and the media that conjure up quixotic ents themselves. Personal responsi- nor have I seen a child throw a ideals that never truly existed. bility, not social engineering, is the tantrum in response to an un- key to avoiding the plague of con- The cancerous society wanted gift. sumerism. that they prophesize will most Children will always be likely remain a product of their children, and one of the trade- overactive imaginations, but if marks of childhood is the inability one assumed, arguendo , that such

Veni, Vidi, Vici (The Douglas Creek Estates)

By Chris Scarvelis Several injunctions inactive. In fact, their explicit detriment of all parties involved. It were issued in an attempt to force orders were to only engage the is irrelevant to invoke former own- Who would have thought that the the would-be squatters off the protesters in event of dire medi- ership of land in a property rights First Nations would have come land, but an attempt by the OPP cal emergencies among their debate, and even more so for a this far? Over the course of four to force the Natives off what victims. Shameful behaviour for group that claims to follow the hundred years, they have trans- ostensibly was devel- traditions of a society that formed themselves from lowly oper-owned land ended dictate a lack of private pawns in the endless quarrels of in a Native insurrection. property. their newfound European over- Residents of the area Whether the lords to actual “enforcers” of were regaled with such Douglas Creek Estates are some convoluted form of law savoury incidents as a being built over land owned existing only on a small tract of tire fire, a burning by the First Nations hun- land in Caledonia, Ontario bridge, and a blackout dreds of years ago or not is (Zimbabwe excluded, of course). resulting from the use of utterly unworthy of discus- This is the nature of modern a dilapidated truck to sion. What is relevant is identity politics: petty disputes firebomb an electrical transformed into issues of ethnic whether the Crown ever substation. pride that rise far above the lowly repurchased the said land peasants that inhabit the lawless The OPP, from the First Nations, and countryside of Southern Ontario. exhibiting a surreal whether it was ever sold to sense of noblesse oblige , the developer or not. On The Douglas Creek proceeded to retreat and leave the this matter, all legal documents those who are tasked with up- Estates Project was intended to supposed protesters to their own presented by both sides point to holding the rule of law in our be a residential development devices. The protesters, seem- clear legal ownership of the land society. An alternate explanation encompassing forty hectares of ingly imitating the chivalry of by Henco Industries Ltd., the pro- given by the OPP claims that land outside the small town of King Arthur's knights, proceeded spective developer of Douglas they performed the legal equiva- Caledonia, Ontario. To call the to target the homes of elderly Creek Estates. Is our society ad- lent of subcontracting law en- subject controversial is to do residents, “peacefully” casting vancing at all, or are we rather forcement to the First Nations injustice to the tireless efforts of stones at the home of an 89-year- regressing? Native agitators to draw national protesters (read: thugs). old man and violently harassing a attention to their supposed cause. 68-year-old German couple re- We're coming danger- Pictured above: according to the The complexities of the affair turning to their home. Peaceful ously close to Mexican levels of Turtle Island News, a group of are, well, complex, and not of protest is a wonderful thing, isn't corruption, but not for such a any particular value to this argu- youths have virtually “taken over it? noble cause as personal enrich- the [Douglas Creek Estates] site.” ment, but it's worth knowing that ment. The OPP is serving the Among this chaos, On May 14th some of them set fire the conflict began on February interests of a group of people that where were the OPP to be found? to bales of hay near residents’ 28, 2006, when members of a refuse to integrate into society, Nowhere. Well, that cannot be homes. From First Nation reserve set up camp but instead prefer to brood in said with complete accuracy; on the prospective site for the their persecutory delusions to the Douglas Creek Estates. they were present, but completely Page 4 The Loyola News Volume VIII, Issue III


Drama Review: Ransom of Red Chief and Darlin’ Hero

to whiskey (which is a derivation from the Irish word for water of life). The second piece, “The Ransom of Red Chief” which was originally written in 1910 by O. Henry, was more lighthearted in terms of comedy and con- trasted well with the first sketch's black humor. In my opinion, it was a very good portrayal of typical small-town Southern- American culture (the obtuse and naive sheriff/constable, the wise and caring school teacher, and the rambunctious boy). Overall, the decision to have a duo pro- duction was bold and certainly Above: the combined casts of “Ransom of Red Chief” risky, yet, in my opinion, it did and “Darlin’ Hero” (Continued from page 1) indeed pay off. In the first presented equal with none that truly stole harmless mischief of youth. The the play, is dependent entirely on play which was the “Darlin’ the limelight. However, it must portrayal of the conniving con-man every acted word and movement. Hero” all actors were well pre- be said that the performance of Sam by Michele Burchiani was This year, Loyola’s pared and stayed true to their Roberto Casoli as Mrs. Wishing outstanding. With the constant production was two-fold; “The character throughout the duration left the audience and myself in writhing of his hands, his appropri- Darlin’ Hero” which was thirty of the piece. As the play was hysterics. In theater, it appears ate smarmy attire and the saccharin minutes in duration and there is something tone of his voice, Burchiani gave “The Ransom of Red infinitely hilarious the impression of a genuine snake- Chief” which was an about a man who plays oil salesman. His hapless sidekick, hour and a half long the role of a physically Bill Driscoll, portrayed by Alex were presented in that unappealing female Mackenzie, best reflected the irony respective order with a character. Whether it is of the playing which the kidnapper short intermission sepa- the nurse from Romeo ultimately becomes the hostage. Of rating the two pieces. and Juliet or Eric Idle course, being the title character, To be quite from Monty Python, one cannot ignore Cole Brillinger’s honest, I was familiar this brand of gender depiction of Johnny Dorset who’s with neither of the two confusion is a constant fiery hair, impressive agility and works. Though, after and reliable source of undying motivation reminds us of researching “The Dar- comedic relief. the endless pool of energy we were lin’ Hero” written by Throughout his per- all as children. Also, Taylor Charles Kray, I realized formance, Casoli un- Pogue’s performance as the it was intended to take doubtedly became the schoolteacher Miss Millstead must place in Dublin and dopplegänger of Joy also be highlighted. She did indeed reminded me of another Behar from the televi- play the role very well by contrast- classic Irish funerary sion program “The ing the two main impressions one depiction, “Finnegans View”. Nevertheless, would have of a small-town Wake” by James Joyce. all actors allowed for a teacher: a caring and innocent Both depict an Irish very enjoyable tale of motivator as well as the command- wake, where alcohol drinking, death and ing and law-abiding educator. and the subsequent behavior are relatively short and not as intri- amusing tavern pandemonium. I attended the play on stereotypically very prominent. cate in terms of plot-line, it did “The Ransom of Red Thursday, November 18. Consider- However, the most obvious simi- not allow for more complex char- Chief”, was longer in duration, ing the fact that I saw the play on a larity in both pieces is that the acter development present in the and told the story of small-town weeknight, the number of atten- deceased character is somewhat following piece. Thus, it must be living, disorganized crime (to say dees was obviously a lot smaller “resurrected” after being exposed said that all roles were fairly the least) and the seemingly (Continued on page 20) The Loyola News Volume VIII, Issue III Page 5

What’s Hot and What’s Not on Christmas Wish Lists?

come with an expensive price no need to buy an expensive Blu- tag! 16GB: $659/32GB: $779 Ray player, because the PS3 is designed with built-in Blu-Ray technology. 160GB: $300; HOT: The new Xbox 360 250GB: $350 is here! With its built-in Wi-Fi, brand new leaner look and black gloss tex- NOT HOT: Medal of ture, the new Xbox 360 (both Honor might have been available in 4G or 250G) ensures one of the most popular a quality finish. The built-in Wi- shooter games in the era By Kevin Khoury Fi ensures a much easier connec- of the Game Cube / Playstation 2. Many might say this one disap- HOT: The iPhone 4 may tion to the online world of Xbox Live. However, Xbox Live points. Its constant lags and very well be considered comes with a cost. 4GB: somewhat boring and repetitive the best smart phone to $200/250GB: $300 campaign makes for a poor enter- You might as well get a better set date. If you’re looking for tainment level. Many might sug- of speakers which you could just an efficient phone and you rely gest it tried to copy the Modern put in your bathroom. This design on your phone for a lot for or- HOT: With its new slim Warfare design. Medal of Honor design, the PS3 is fitting also charges the iPod but it is till ganization or internet access, this is certainly nothing special. $60 its way into more homes. not worth it. $230 phone is certainly for you! Its Its remarkable gaming glossy glass cover and Retina features such as simply pausing NOT HOT: The iPod HOT: Call of Duty Black display certainly isn’t an eyesore. in the middle of a game to text or Toilet Roll Holder might Ops. And so the biggest Its stainless steel band and pow- even talk with people on the PS3 be one of the most useless action series of all time erful Apple A4 Processor ensures network just makes it so easy to iPod speakers out there. It returns with yet another high quality! However it does do many things at once. PS Net- is exclusively sold online and its (Continued on page 8) work still remains free! There’s ridiculous price is not worth it.

Merry Christmas, Happy Hanukkah, Jolly Kwanzaa and many more!

these dusty traditions and festi- season originally celebrated the This wonderful, Jewish vals. birth of Jesus, He was actually eight day holiday has an intricate You, dear reader, are born sometime during April. background. Once upon a time, probably as curious as I am to However, that doesn’t stop us there was a group of Jews who know what other religions are from having to go to Christmas had just defeated their oppressor; celebrating. Or not. Either way, family gatherings, nor does it they rebuilt their Temple, and let us now dive headfirst into the stop the Christmas carols from celebrated, but there was only “Christmases” of the world; playing 24/7 . enough oil for a day. Miracu- Here we go! It is estimated that lously, the oil kept on burning for there are over 20 000 Christmas eight days, which was just enough carols, and even more from dif- time to make more oil. From then Christmas, aka X-mas ferent Christian backgrounds on, the Festival of Rededication Our very first stop is (Australia, Philipines, Finnish, would last for 8 days. To mark the Christian holiday of Christ- By Erik Huang French, Romanian, German, etc, each day of the eight days, a can- mas, the day on which Jesus is etc, etc), and even of different delabra’s (decorated multiple-arm We live in a very multi- supposedly to have been born. musical styles; classical, ba- -candle-holder-thing called a me- culturally diverse community; One of the most celebrated holi- roque, jazz, etc. Despite this, norah) candle would be lit. Races, nationalities, and relig- days in the world; it is a time of there are only about 30 widely Hanukkah is often re- ions from all over the globe can gathering to celebrate the birth played carols, all of which be- lated to Dreidels, a small, four- of Christ, drinking eggnog, and be found here. Often times, these come exceedingly annoying sided spinning top. Each side of of getting as many presents as communities feel upset during after listening to them for at this top has a different symbol, humanely possible. It is often the winter holidays, as their own least 14 years in a row. each meaning different things; associated with candy canes, each letter forms the acronym Nes religions’ version of Christmas mistletoes, and sometimes even Gadol Hayah Sham , which means are frequently neglected. That a hand-knit sweater from Nonna. Hanukkah, aka Chanukah, a great miracle happened there said, let’s shine some light on Although this festive Festival of Lights, Festival or Rededication (Continued on page 8) Page 6 The Loyola News Volume VIII, Issue III

Groovy Movie Reviews

individuals. This includes Cam- liantly cast, Network is fast, warhead damage, and his “game” eron and Tyler Winklevoss, intelligent, and excellently of Global Thermonuclear War indentical twins who insist the scripted from beginning to end, could've just started – wait for it – “idea” of “thefacebook” was with absolutely no slow downs Word War III. Oh dear. Now stolen from them by Zucker- in quality. It's a sad tale, layered armed with little more than the burg, Eduardo Saverin, a friend with controversy and disputable clothes on his back and his quick of Zuckerburg and co-founder opinions about every character, thinking, David must stop the of Facebook, and Sean Parker, but in the end a triumphant one, threat he's created while trying to the eccentric and egotistical that goes to show just what per- determining what exactly the Napster founder (a now closed severance and pure wit can gain threat is. free-file sharing music website). you in life. Together, this melange of My only complaint friends and enemies take part in would be that the character of a long, dramatic story which Zuckerburg himself, while well proves that you don't make 500 acted, seems too antisocial and million friends without making uncaring, and comes off as very a few enemies. different from his real-life coun- One thing that must be terpart. Otherwise, The Social understood about The Social Network is a fantastic movie in Network is that ultimately, if every regard, and well worth you're looking for a reliable, your time and money. By Alex Kozina accurate depiction of what oc- Retro Rerun The Social Network If you like The Social Net- work ...check out WarGames . It’s all around us - on our computers, laptops, gaming From the mind of director John devices, anything that’s con- Badham ( Saturday Night Fever ) nected to the internet at all. All comes an unusual, unique you have to do is see the famil- thriller from the 80s: WarGames essentially iar blue and white “f” logo and WarGames, a war-related movie preys upon the fears circulating at you know what I’m talking featuring no war but plenty of the time of its release, when a about: Facebook, the most games. nuclear Soviet-American war popular social networking web- David Lightman appeared to be a potential future. site ever. In The Social Network , (Matthew Broderick), a com- As a result, some of the charac- director David Fincher retells puter hacking whiz and rebel- ters' motivations within the film the genesis of this website, from lious high school student (not can feel dated, and are better un- the time when it was merely an entirely unlike Zuckerberg in derstood when you understand the inkling within a programming The Social Network ), lands him- film's context. student's head - to the massive, self in an ocean of trouble when What isn't dated, how- confusing legal battle that en- his hacking skills bite off too ever, is a unique plot that never sued years later. much for him to chew. goes where you expect it to, and Jesse Eisenburg’s portrayal of comes off as brilliant, self-aware, After being both re- Mark Zuckerburg makes the Discovering what he and very suspenseful. Only occa- jected by his girlfriend and put Facebook founder “seem too believes to be a list of unre- sionally cheesy dialogue keeps on probation for causing server- antisocial and uncaring.” leased video games from an this movie from reaching greater crashing internet activity, Mark ominous source, David and his heights, but I'm sure most people Zuckerburg (Jesse Eisenburg), a girlfriend become suspicious will be able to overlook this little curred in Facebook's begin- brilliant yet socially-awkward when playing one of the games, hurdle. nings, you'd best look else- Harvard student, decides to put Global Thermonuclear War , So if you're into movies where. Being heavily adapted his outstanding programming initiates a string of strange featuring cold-war military opera- from the book The Accidental skills to test when he creates events. tions, funky protagonists, and Billionaires by Ben Mezrich, “thefacebook”, an online social massive computers with less Network is ultimately very ficti- After being arrested by networking website for other RAM than modern-day Macs, tious in terms of many of the the FBI and interrogated for Harvard students. check this one out. You won't be locations and events it portrays. suspected espionage, David After a series of en- learns he hacked into WOPR, a disappointed. during struggles, this creation But even so, Network supercomputer designed to draws the attention of several is still an excellent movie simulate and control nuclear choice. Aside from being bril- The Loyola News Volume VIII, Issue III Page 7

Rock Band 3

Sussman, Rock Band 3’s project for a few extra symbols. If you any theoretical lessons. This is one director at Harmonix. Say good- were master at the drums on of the major reasons why you bye to colourful plastic buttons Rock Band 1 and 2, Rock band 3 should stick with the real guitar. and say hello to actual musical drumming shouldn’t be that As for the keyboard and drums, notes! For all the nonbelievers, much harder. believe me when I tell you that you read on. I guess we can say that are better off learning to play an If you want to play the Rock Band 3 is in fact revolu- actual instrument. guitar on Rock Band 3 get ready tionary. How revolutionary If you’re interested in for a challenge. You will need to though? Perhaps rock gods will having some fun at a party you learn to play actually guitar emerge from the fog, stage light should definitely pick up Rock By Anthony Pavoni chords on six strings. This re- beaming across their sweaty face, Band 3. Be warned however that quires much more practice than Rock Band guitar in hand. Per- Tired of practicing a real instru- pressing buttons but will feel haps the next famous band will you must purchase each controller ment? Do you want to feel like much more rewarding. The same have started in their garage play- individually along with the copy of Justin Bieber up on stage with pretty much goes for the other ing Rock Band 3 until they the game. Ultimately, if you are millions of screaming girls prais- instruments available with the couldn’t feel their fingers. Con- looking to become one of the next ing the ground you walk on? new Rock Band. The keyboard sidering how close the guitar Okay, maybe not the last one but Rolling Stones, you should proba- isn’t a full-size keyboard but it from Rock Band 3 is to an actual Rock Band 3 is supposedly the bly look elsewhere. does require the knowledge of guitar, it is possible that you closest thing to actually playing certain notes on an actual piano actually learn quite a bit by sim- in a band! "When you get to as well. The drum set looks quite ply playing the game. The prob- 'hard' or 'expert,' you're actually similar to the previous sets save lem is the game does not offer playing the songs," says Daniel

Firebird X by Gibson

were never the lightest of gui- It seems as though tars and I am pleased to hear many companies besides Gibson that Gibson’s Firebird is light. have been way too concerned On the other hand, I don’t really about making a new, improved care for the Firebird’s built-in and mind blowing product that effects. I don’t find them all that will blow you off your feet. If cool and they don’t really affect only they knew that the reason the playability and quality of the they are still around and have the guitar itself. Now to discuss the money to make something new is price. We all know that Gibson because we liked their previous can make some really awesome products. And besides, buying the By Anthony Pavoni battery. The guitar also includes guitars and the price you’re same colour Les Paul as Jimmy a state-of-the-art wireless sys- paying for the SG or Les Paul is Page is awesome and genuinely A new guitar by Gibson has tem based on Bluetooth technol- well worth it. However, I am not makes you feel special. Buying a recently been unveiled: The ogy to transmit data to a com- sure if the Firebird X is worth six thousand dollar guitar which Firebird X. A new revolutionary puter or pedals. six grand. That’s right, six thou- focuses on its special effects instrument specifically manu- The Firebird X seems sand dollars. I can buy a decent would make me feel more like a factured to please even the to be a hit or miss depending on guitar for a bit less than one show-off and less like a musician pickiest of guitarists. The Fire- the musician. Some people are thousand dollars. who is actually passionate. I bird X has a lightweight body disappointed that Gibson has I decided to skim guess all we can do is wait before made from hand-sorted swamp left behind their signature de- through the Gibson Forums to we can see how revolutionary the ash with a rock maple neck and sign and have discovered a new gather as many opinions as I Firebird X really is. Brazilian Angelim Rajado fig- path. What they don’t know is could. One of the main concerns ure board. These incredible fea- that despite the new guitar people have is the guitar’s look. tures make the guitar light and model, Gibson will continue to They claim that no matter how enable it to achieve amazing make their classic guitars that hard Gibson tries they will sustain and tonal range. To add everyone has grown to love. never be able to make some- to the list, Gibson’s new guitar Others love the guitar and agree thing as nice as their previous has built-in effects, tuner and that it is extremely revolution- instruments. I’ve got to agree controls. The instrument itself ary. I have never tried the guitar with them on that point. Why weighs six pounds and is pow- myself but I have tried Les fix something that isn’t broken? ered by a standard cell phone Paul’s and SG’s. The Les Paul’s Page 8 The Loyola News Volume VIII, Issue III

What’s Hot and What’s Not, continued from Page 5

(Continued from page 5) adolescent girl who shot strange upgrades and enhancements. Its beasts, dodged force fields and previous design had a high cost of instalment: It’s incredible multi- battled murderous zombie were- $300; people might as well have player and epic single player wolves! The News York Times turned to other providers that offer campaign provides endless re- Bestselling Author’s book is sure better service for less. Some say the playability. Its fun co-op game- to keep you interested as it is Xbox 360 has become a veritable play which features the fun zom- rated to be one of the best books competition. The second-generation bie killing matches or the combat for young adults by some. The Apple TV drops in price in com- training which allows you to play author also recently came out parison to its successor but offers against enemy controlled Al with with a sequel to the trilogy called poor performance next to other your friends, split-screen or “Catching Fire.” $15 competing systems. $120 features a roomy 15.6” screen. online, will keep you glued to the It’s very affordable and offers a television! $60 HOT: The Acer Aspire 16:9 display, which will really NOT HOT: Many call the 15.6” Laptop might be clas- appeal to movie lovers. This Apple TV anywhere from HOT: Suzanne Collins sified as the best laptop laptop gives you the best bang for satisfactory, to limiting, to published “The Hunger you’ll get for the price of a your buck! $400 a serious blunder. Many Games,” a young-adult netbook. But the Aspire 5735 is far customers claim that Apple has trilogy about a heroic from a Netbook’s dimensions. It not put much effort into updates,

Merry Christmas...and many more! continued from Page 5

(Continued from page 5) more and more well-known, the Buddha kept going into deeper Kronia, celebrated from creator, Ron Karenga, changed states of meditation, much like December 17 th to December 23 rd , [Israel]. It is thought that, when his position, and called it “A how in Inception they went into was a week full of chaos; gam- the Jews were ruled by the Ro- Celebration of Family, Commu- deeper levels of dreams, until he bling became legal even for mans, they would play this game nity, and Culture ”. confronted his own nature. Oth- slaves. In fact, slaves were not to disguise the fact that they Kwanzaa is often ob- ers tell how, while meditating, allowed to receive punishment, were actually studying the To- served similarly to Hanukkah : A Buddha was harassed and and they could disrespect their rah. candle from a kinara (Swahili tempted by the evil god Mara, masters. Often times, slaves To commemorate the for candle-holder) is lit every much like how Satan harasses would have banquets at which miracle of oil, foods eaten dur- day for 7 days starting Decem- and tempts everyone with evil. their masters would serve them, or ing the Festival of Lights are ber 26 th . There are 3 red candles Bodhi Day, although the slaves would sit in the seats of normally fried, or baked in oil. on the left, 3 green on the right, not as popular as other Buddhist honour. a single black candle in the cen- holidays, is practiced in many (NOTE: The blending of Christ- ter; these candles represent the mainstream “denominations” of Winter Solstices mas and Hanukkah are some- “7 Principles of Blackness. ” Buddhism. Activities performed Celebrated by many times referred to as Chrismuk- Much like the 10 Command- during this time include meditat- cultures (including Native Ameri- kah, a holiday where a family of ments, the 7 Principles of Black- ing, studying the Dharma, chant- cans) all over the Northern Hemi- Jewish and Christian back- ness are a set of guidelines to ing Buddhist texts (sutras), or by sphere, the winter solstice is the ground transfer customs and living properly: unity, self- doing acts of random kindness longest night of the year, and, have “eight days of gifts, and determination, collective respon- towards others. Tea and cake therefore, the shortest day. Ob- one day of many gifts.” For sibility, cooperative economics, accompany readings. served since Neolithic times, even more extreme merging, try purpose, creativity, and faith. Stonehenge is an example of a Chrismukkwanzadan) Kronia aka Saturnalia, monument erected as a result of Bodhi Day Chronia the solstice. Kwanzaa, aka Quansa Bodhi Day is a Japa- An Ancient Greek Cattle were slayed dur- Kwanzaa is the Afri- nese Buddhist holiday which holiday, Kronia was celebrated ing this day before the cold winter can version of Christmas; span- celebrates the day Buddha at- by the Greeks, and later by the settled, thus, allowing for a re- th tained enlightenment. There are Romans, in dedication to ning from December 26 to source of fresh meat. Wine and January 1 st , Kwanzaa was cre- many versions of how he did it. Cronus, the “god” of harvest. beer would also have fermented ated to celebrate African heri- Buddha, one day, decided to sit Kronos was famous for castrat- tage. This holiday was originally under a tree and meditate until ing and killing his father, Ura- by this time, allowing the people meant to shun Jesus and Christi- he found the root of evil and nus, and eating his children, to get intoxicated for the (longest) anity, as they were “white relig- human suffering, or die trying. Zeus, Hades, and Poseidon (they night. ion”, but, as Kwanzaa became Another version tells of how would later be regurgitated) Top 10 Youtube Videos

By Anthony Pavoni 3. Dramatic Look This video captures what is pos- This is the first article in the new sibly the best moment in animal feature “Top Ten Youtube Vid- history. It features a chipmunk/ eos”. In each issue I will include gopher mammal that has one of ten different videos in a specific the most hilarious expressions of category. This issue’s topic is all time. comedy! 4. Star Wars Kid 1. Llamas With Hats 1, 2 and 3 In this video, a kid attempts to Llamas with Hats The llamas with hats t(pictured at perform Jedi moves with what right) rilogy is a comical series looks like some sort of rod. Will about-you guessed it- llamas with he succeed? Will he fail and look assing a teenage boy on Xbox 9. Ferrets hats. Carl always seems to get like an idiot on camera? Watch Live. This video is funny because Ferrets is a video by Secret Agent him and his friend in hot water. the video and find out! usually it is the other way Bob, the same individual who gave How much damage can a llama 5. The Onion around. Can guys take what they us the Llamas with Hats videos. do, you ask? Well, you’ll have to I know what you’re thinking, this dish out? One ferret begins to sing a song to watch the videos to find out. isn’t an actual video per say. It is 7. Double Rainbow Song cheer the second one up. Although What more could you ask for on an entire collection of videos. I This song is a remix of guy who it starts off harmlessly, the song this earth than two llamas wear- couldn’t pick only one however saw a double rainbow. It is ex- becomes creepy and ends up mak- ing hats? so I decided to include them as a tremely well made and funny! ing the first ferret even sadder. 2. The Lazer Collection whole. These videos feature a 8. California on America 10. Evolution of Dance This video is a compilation of news crew that exploit clichés KassemG interviews Americans One man alone performs a multi- different scenarios of “I’ma and various other topics in our about, well, America! It’s funny tude of dances from different eras Firin’ Mah Lazer.” Do you have society. to see how little they know on of the twentieth century to the no idea what I’m talking about? 6. Xbox Girls Get Revenge their own country. Be sure to twenty-first century. Check this video out. It is ex- Xbox Girls Get Revenge is a check out the other “California tremely funny. video about a group of girls har- On’s” as well.

Europe: One Nation?

By Alexander Loeven Barons and in some cases. Occa- them together. less than a century ago, would sionally, these kingdoms would Now, taking a look at more have been unthinkable. My ques- Recently, France and the UK wage war on each other. recent events, the ever-expanding tion is what’s next? Turkey, a made a historical decision; the Now what brought Europe European Union has been work- Muslim nation and ancient rival of two nations will be merging ele- to change? It ing to assist its Greece, is a potential candidate for ments of their military resources. could have money-tight the EU. Even considering Turkey Most critics say the purpose of been out of members such to join is a historical decision on this decision is to cut the military realization as Greece and the part of the EU. budget, which is probably true that they Ireland. More Despite the criticisms about considering both nations’ eco- have lived than once the Euro and how it ruined Greece nomic positions. However, it together for however, the and Ireland, the EU has achieved only takes a glance at a history centuries, European incredible historical milestones and book to see how far Europe has waged nu- banking crisis has introduced a new level of trust come, especially the UK and merous wars has been and cooperation between nations. France. (not to men- blamed on the Though it has not yet been While it does still exist, the tion the two world wars) and Euro zone itself. In some cases, achieved, I believe the unification mentality of greed and territorial lived through tough times to- border stations are no longer in of Europe as one nation is quite ownership has been an integral gether. What got it going was use and people may travel freely possible. part of European history. In the probably the cold war, seeing the between nations such as Hungary Others have tried to follow Middle Ages, noblemen of the USSR as a threat, most of West- and Austria. the EU’s example (l the African same family would own separate ern Europe started the EU in Back to France and the and Arab unions being prime ex- kingdoms, which would be di- 1956. It looks as if atrocities such UK, these two historical rivals amples). Could they also achieve vided among different counts and as the holocaust are what brought have done something that, little what the EU has? The Loyola News Volume VIII, Issue III Page 10

Historical Christmas Crossword by Matei Cotoros


Across 2. Saint Nicholas was the Bishop of ____, in modern -day Turkey. 3. ______established the tradition of decorating Christmas trees. 6. Boxing day, in Catholic countries, celebrates the Feast of Saint ______. 7. The 12th Day of Christmas falls on January 6, which is the Feast of ______. 8. Dutch name for “Santa Claus”.

Down 1. Presents given at Christmas serve to remind us of the gifts the Three Wise Men gave Jesus: Gold, Myrrh, and ______. 4. A plant, native to Mexico, which was believed to be symbolic of the Star of Bethlehem. 5. In recent years, the lighting of the large Christmas tree at ______Centre is broadcasted on NBC.

Solution on Page 10



Christmas Mazes

Double Puzzle

Unscramble each of the clue words. Copy the letters in the numbered cells to other cells with the same number. Solution on Page 12 The Loyola News Volume VIII, Issue III Page 12

On the Road with Michael Morena: The Aston Martin DBS

send shivers down a man’s spine, not have been possible. All this so can you imagine a new one? speed is brought to you by a nu- That should be a cause for a heart clear bomb… a 6 liter, V12 engine attack if that was the case. capable of 191 MPH (about 307 Km/h) and has enough power to Allow me to introduce drag Canada across the Atlantic. It the Aston Martin DBS. Aston does 0-100 Km/h in 4.3 seconds Martin presents this car as a thor- and can pretty much blow your oughbred sports car, capable of mind with 510 horsepower and 420 out handling and out maneuver- Ib-ft of torque. ing its rivals. That however stirs a debate. You see, a traditional This is the type of vehi- thoroughbred is usually some- cle you dream about taking to the thing very flamboyant, usually Riviera or Monte Carlo with a with its engine in the middle beautiful woman beside you and a rather than the front and is most trunk full of luggage and money. By Michael Morena The love affair between likely to be Italian. This is the You will need a trunk full of James Bond and Aston Martin all generalization of the term and money to afford this car, because it “Shaken, not stirred.” These fa- started in 1964 with the movie has even been described by Jer- costs a whopping 350,000$! This mous words have always been Goldfinger. Today it is consid- emy Clarkson while reviewing car really does epitomize the GT spoken by gentlemen of high ered a classic movie with great the DBS. Judging from the layout lifestyle: filled with wealth, fame class. It comes from a man who lines and great scenes that have of this car, it is a Gran Turismo has impeccable style and is great and all kinds of swag. transcended into Hollywood up car, or a GT car in abbreviation. with ladies. He is quintessentially This might be an im- until today. In this movie lies A GT car is usually British and is most of all an alpha proved version of the less cool, another classic, the 1964 Aston rear wheel drive, has a massive -male. He is the type of man less powerful DB9, and it might Martin DB5, arguably one of the engine in the front, a big boot in every woman dreams of being cost 100,000$ more, but look at prettiest cars ever made, and of the back, and two rear seats. with and his charm is unsur- what you’re getting. Every time which only 1000 were built. The However, this doesn’t mean it’s a passed by any other character to you step out of this dream ma- car is as stylish as it is elegant slouch in any way. There’s a ever come into existence. His chine, you’ll feel like an interna- and has the grace of a Greek reason why James Bond flipped name is none other than British tional British spy. This is a top goddess. It one of the most sig- his car 7 times in Casino Secret Service Agent 007, cruiser and a dream car. Nothing nificant cars ever, being starred Royale…other than trying to save Bond…James Bond. And what will make you feel better about on the silver screen in the James a girl and destroying a magnifi- are his preferred wheels of yourself when presented with this Bond movie and put Aston Mar- cent piece of machinery. Without choice, why no other than an car. It is just the pinnacle of class. tin on the map forever. An old a huge amount of power and Aston Martin of course! Aston such as the DB5 can still speed, that massive flip would

Puzzle Solutions

Crossword Answers: Double Puzzle:


“Joy to the World” By Alexander Venditti Page 13 The Loyola News Volume VIII, Issue III

Basic Photography

These are the cheapest cameras. posed of many different things the film or to be digitally recorded. but the common thing in both The length that the shutter speed is The next is the DSLR black and white film and color open will affect the brightness of (Digital Single Lens Reflex) film is celluloid. The way your the photo. Depending on if the which is only useful to you if you film camera works is when you target of the photo is moving there would like to learn how to expose are not taking a picture the shut- may be motion blur if the shutter is proper photos yourself. This is a ter which has a mirror on it is open too long. A shorter shutter large waste of money if you plan reflected into the view finder. speed like 1/500 th of a second on shooting on automatic mode Once you take a photo the shutter would be used for sport photogra- because these cameras tend to be will flick towards the film. The phy. If you were trying to photo- more expensive. film has now been exposed so graph lightning you could use a By Andrew Leduc The next is SLR you must crank the film until shutter speed of 5 seconds (with a What is Photography? (Single Lens Reflex) this is the there is a new strip that has not tripod)to give yourself a longer same type of camera except there been exposed. The digital camera time to capture the lightning. That Without being to technical pho- will be no automatic mode and works the same way except the being said you would need a tripod tography is a process and art of you will be using film. This shutter will point at a light sensor to hold the camera so there is no capturing pictures (still or mov- means there will be no small and record the light onto a mem- ing) by preserving light on a light blur. screen on your camera. SLR’s ory chip. sensitive object like a film or an Aperture tend to have light meters which electronic sensor. Depending on which means it will adjust the shutter Aperture is a hole that light travels ISO you have chosen on your Photography can take speed on automatic mode base on through. In the simplest terms the film (on film it is predetermined two routes one being the art form the aperture and film speed. narrower the hole the higher the when you buy it, unlike digital of photography or the capturing These cameras tend to be less aperture which is also known as f- when you can change it) the film the moment form of photogra- practical because to see your stop (f/1.4, f/16). This also means will have a certain amount of phy. The art form usually means photos you must have them de- less light will be let in. The aper- grain. This means when you blow staging photos and using a much veloped and printed. Now the ture is also know as depth of field up your photo it will get grainier longer thought process to expose upside is that there are no pixels which means it affects the focal but never pixelated like a digital your photo in a specific way to on this type of camera which length. The focal length is the camera. Therefore the image ensure a certain mood of the means that if you blow up your length or depth into the photo the quality is better with film. How- photo. In the art form of photog- photo then it will not become lens will focus. The higher the f- ever the digital camera is much raphy there are many different pixelated (the square look). stop the larger the focal length. more user friendly because once tools you can use to capture the The lower the focal length the Now there are other you take a photo you can see it perfect shot (Later in the article more blur in the background and types of camera such as medium right away and if it isn’t properly they will be explained). foreground there will be. format cameras which are harder exposed you can retake the photo The idea of capturing to find and the cost is signifi- with different settings. There is Film Speed or ISO the moment photography is a less cantly increased. The most com- also no extra charge for develop- Film Speed is the films sensitivity thoughtful process because you mon form of medium format is ing and printing. to light. On Digital cameras ISO is are not taking into account mood 6x6 which means the photos are The best thing to do the same thing. The lower the ISO or any creative aspects. This can square (Used on Mamiya 645, would be to start off with a Digi- the more exposure is required to be done by purchasing a cheap Yashica-A ect.). A high quality tal SLR and learn to properly produce the same photo as a more Canon or Kodak camera and digital medium format camera expose photos. Then get any type sensitive film. For example with an simply pressing one button by like the Mamiya 645 could sell of SLR and start using film this ISO of 100 you will need to extend using an automatic mode. The for around 10,000$, this is a pro- will allow you to take a more the shutter speed so the shutter is automatic mode (on digital cam- fessional grade camera with artistic approach to the dying art open longer to produce the same eras only) will choose the shutter around 28 mega pixels (28 mil- of film photography. (Vintage photo on 400 ISO. speed, aperture, iso, white bal- lion pixels this is the area of each camera’s also look really cool.) ance and flash (these terms will shot in pixels, the lower the The Sunny 16 Rule be explained). Which means you amount the less clear and crisp Now let’s get into tak- Basically the sunny sixteen rule is do not have to worry about prop- the photo will be. A regular ing photos and all components used to properly expose photos. erly exposing your photo. DSLR like the Canon T2i is required to take photos. The three The rule is used in 3 general light around 12 to 16 mega pixels and main components we will look at Choosing your camera levels and is very approximate. will sell for around 1000$) These are shutter speed, aperture and Basically your ISO and Shutter The first type of camera we will would be used for professionals. ISO or film speed. First we will Speed will be the same number, look at is a point and shoot cam- This is also an SLR or DSLR but explain each component and then 100 ISO 1/100 of a second shutter era which is mainly for quick and just a less common type. how to make them work together. speed and aperture at f/16.Then easy use without having to deter- some things will be changed based mine any of the settings except Film vs. Digital Shutter Speed on the light to compensate. perhaps whether to use a flash or First we need to know how each The shutter speed is the length of not. These can be used for social of these objects work. First film, time the shutter is open allowing events and can take great photos. film is a light sensitive strip com- light into the camera to expose The Loyola News Volume VIII, Issue III Page 14


Bantam and Midget Volleyball teams win league championships

years of service to the Ban- tam team: team captains Deven Gonzalez, Matthew McMillan, Brendyn Harrop, and Anthony Tsoukalas. The Midget team finished first in their divi- sion before adding another championship victory to their repertoire. Special congratulations to Kenny Drummond for being Photos by Jim Newman named Most Valuable Player and congratulations On November 6, all three to all the members of the Loyola volleyball teams team for their dedication were competing in the and hard work. The Juve- championship finals. As the nile volleyball team lost a saying goes, "Two out of hard fought final versus three ain't bad" after the Royal West. The school is Bantam and Midget teams very proud of the exem- brought home gold medals. plary effort exhibited by this team all year. The Bantam Below: Midget Braves successfully de- city championship MVP fended their GMAA cham- Kenny Drummond (left) pionship title on Saturday by and Bantam city champion- defeating West Island Col- ship MVP Jack Legler. lege. The Braves brought their best and showed great team work as they encour- aged each other with every rally. Special thanks to those who have dedicated two

Wrestling league standings

TEAM W L T PTS Westwood 1 1 0 2 4 0 0 8 Vincent Massey 1 3 0 2 L.C.C.H.S. 4 1 0 8 Kahnawake Survival School 0 0 0 0

Loyola High School 2 0 0 4 Lakeside Academy 0 3 0 0 2 2 0 4 Bialik 0 4 0 0 Page 15 The Loyola News Volume VIII, Issue III

House League Soccer: Spice Boyz upset La Furia in epic final clash

PLAYOFF REPORT launched a late second half comeback, climbing within two In the first semi-final, the #1 on goals by their star striker Alex ranked and regular season cham- Ducic and Captain Vince Mer- pion La Furia defeated Louis curi, but Iannarone's third goal of Onessi's #4 ranked Soca Warriors the game sealed the victory and by a score of 9-1. In the second the upset for the Spice Boyz. semi-final, Frank Racanelli's #2 ranked Spice Boyz defeated Will The House Leaguers had a lot of Humes' #3 ranked Super Eagles confidence heading into the an- by a score of 5-0. This set up a #1 nual Student-Teacher Game on vs. #2 final, for Friday October November 11. The game was a 30th. thrill for all participants, as the game was be played indoors at After a season of difficult field the Concordia Stinger Dome. The conditions at the Hingston Mud final score was 15-15! Congratu- Bowl, the game was played under lations to all 28 players on a great ideal conditions on the Concordia spirited match in honor of our Stadium turf field. The Spice great friend Polo. Frank Racanelli – Captain, Matthew Lopes, Matthew Shanahan, Justin Boyz saved their best soccer of Yu, Nic Iacuessa, Alex Vendetti, Daniel Iannarone, the season for the final game, and By Commissioner Meagher Stefano Arrizza, Michael Lisio, Alex Fulford, Ryan Scartozzi, jumped out to a surprising 4-0 Chris Di Betta, Teo Notargiacomo lead on a two-goal apiece per- formances by Chris Di Betta and Daniel Iannarone. The Furia

LEAGUE STANDINGS TEAM AWARDS TEAM W L T PTS OFFENSIVE MVP DEFENSIVE MVP 1 LA FURIA 4 0 2 14 SPICE BOYZ – Matthew Shanahan, SPICE BOYZ – Ryan Scartozzi Daniel Iannarone 2 SPICE BOYZ 2 1 3 9 LA FURIA – Charles Marcil LA FURIA – Alex Ducic SUPER EAGLES – Will Humes 3 SUPER EAGLES 1 2 3 6 SUPER EAGLES – Mackenzie Speak SOCA WARRIORS – Louis Onesi 4 SOCA WARRIORS 0 4 2 2

TOP 10 SCORERS TEAM AWARDS Player Goals LEAGUE AWARDS ALEX DUCIC, La Furia 14 THOMAS BOUCHER, La Furia 14 Pictured at right, clockwise from upper left: DANIELE IANNARONE, Spice Boyz 10 LEAGUE OFFENSIVE MVP DAVID LOMBARDI, Soca Warriors 10 Evan Bernotas, Super Eagles

EVAN BERNOTAS, Super Eagles 10 LEAGUE DEFENSIVE MVP VINCE MERCURI, La Furia 7 Sal Porporino, La Furia

MICHAEL SCARFO, La Furia 6 GOLDEN BOOT MATTHEW SHANAHAN, Spice Boyz 6 Alex Ducic, La Furia Thomas Boucher, La Furia ALEX FULFORD, Spice Boyz 6

CHARLES MARCIL, La Furia 5 The Loyola News Volume VIII, Issue III Page 16

The Canadiens: A Reflection

By Leonardo Lucia best penalty kill in the league. This is probably due to Price’s Some cars still have their flags outstanding effort and goaltend- up from last year’s playoffs. The ing, though, you cannot forget excitement of the success of our about the defence. Montreal has hockey team was electrifying one of the least amount of goals our city. On the night of scored against so far this season. Wednesday May 12 th 2010, Subban and Hamrilik are the two when the Canadians beat the defenders who I would say are Pittsburgh penguins to advance responsible for the Canadiens to the conference finals, our city defensive success. Subban is a was in a state of complete ec- defensive sensation, not only can stasy. I went downtown that he perform impressive dives and night; it was something I will poke checks to defend the net, but never forget. The fireworks, the who started the season as a back was not able to prove that he th he is also a powerhouse on of- helicopters, the flags, the honk- -up. Carey Prices record on the was worth that 5 overall draft fence. Hamrilik is a very experi- ing, and the chanting showed the other hand was 13-20-5. This pick. This season on the other enced defenseman who is still world why Canadiens fans are administrative move seemed hand, is a whole other story. producing for his team after many the best fans on Earth. That was completely absurd at the time. Price is already catching up to his total of 13 wins last season, years in the NHL. months ago, and now it is a new Carey Price was drafted in since he already has 12 wins, as season. Although it was some- 2005, 5 th overall. Many NHL Though, to have a success- of November 21 st . He has re- thing to never forget, it is time to Analysts predicted Carey Price ful team, you obviously need corded half of his total career move on. A new season has to be the next Patrick Roy. I some offence. The Habs offence shutouts, so far this season. He begun and there have been many mean, who can blame them. has been tremendous this season. has led the Canadiens into first changes. Carey Price won the WHL top Plekanek, Kostitsyn, Cammalleri, spot of the North Eastern Divi- Gionta and Halpern have been the This past summer on June goaltender award in 2007, won sion. He is without a doubt step- most productive players since the 18 th , I was shocked when I heard the CHL top goaltender award in ping up his game. We are start- start of the season. Plekanek who the news. Jaroslav Halak, the 2007, won the Calder Cup with ing to see signs of that Patrick is now considered one of the best hero of the playoffs was traded the Hamilton Bulldogs, was Roy quality goaltending. Has he centers in the league, is averaging to the St. Louis Blues. The given the title of MVP for this finally matured? Time will tell. at least one point per game. With player who gave the Canadiens a tournament, and you can’t forget Let’s hope that Carey Price con- the way he is playing, 80+ points chance to win their 25 th Stanley his amazing performance in the tinues playing like a quality is not impossible. Jeff Halpern, a Cup was tossed into another 2007 World Junior Champion- starter goaltender. new addition to the team, is a team’s roster like he was a no- ships in Sweden. Carey Price led special teams expert. body. The administration chose his country and team to victory. At the beginning of this Carey Price as their acknowl- He seemed to be worth gold. season, not many people had a Carey Price is playing per- edged number 1 goalie. Halaks Carey Price was said to be the good feeling about the Canadi- fect, as mentioned before. The record last regular season was a hero that we were all waiting ens. Our hero was gone, there Habs defensive lines have a good staggering 26-13-5, for a goalie for. In the last few seasons, Price seemed to be no hope. The Habs balance of defensive and offensive were not predicted to make the contributions. The teams’ chemis- playoffs this season. Now that try is getting better and the players we are about a quarter into this understand their individual roles. new NHL season, we have a These are the values of a success- reason to believe that these pre- ful hockey team, and that is re- dictions are incorrect. flected directly on their rank in the Montreal struggled at the standings. They are first in their beginning of the season with respective division. With the way their power play, but this does the season is going, it does not not seem to be a problem any- look like they are going to give up more, as the power play goals that spot. This means that the are now coming in great quanti- Canadiens will most probably ties. This is because the players make the playoffs. But for now, are now more understanding of we can just sit back, watch, and let their roles and have become a the Habs work their magic. more organized squad. What about the penalty kill? It’s a piece of cake, for the Habs. The Montreal Canadiens have the Page 17 The Loyola News Volume VIII, Issue III

Wilderness Club goes hiking in parc national du la Mont Tremblant

With its six great rivers and 400 du Mont-Tremblant is open year- lakes and streams, Parc national round and has something for du Mont-Tremblant is a natural- everyone. ist’s paradise. It's a rich amalgam As for the Loyola Wilderness of Québec's natural and historic Club, the team left Loyola in the heritages, being the largest and early hours of November 20; and, oldest park in the network. This upon arrival at the park, began a wilderness is so vast that it is twelve kilometer hike to a splen- home to forty mammal species, didly peaceful cabin on the including the wolf. Parc national shores of Lac Ernie. The group

hunkered down for the night, day was just over six kilometers, creating scrumptious snacks and bringing their weekend total to dinners, building a fire under the over eighteen. stars and moon and even playing More information on the club and some Briscola before retiring for it’s activities can be found at the evening. The hike out the next The Loyola News Volume VIII, Issue III Page 18

Loyola Birders Field Trip Report

wind; thus, there wouldn’t be too many birds up in the air. To make matters worse it also started to rain. The birders decided to stay under the cover of a building until the rain sub- sided. It passed within a few minutes, though, it was re- placed by hail. After a short while, that also passed and the rest of the day was nice and sunny. We were successful when we spotted many black capped chickadees, a downy By Robert Richardson woodpecker and a white On November 20, 2010 the breasted nuthatch by some Loyola birders went on a bird- feeders. The birders then ing trip to the Morgan Arbore- moved deeper into the Morgan could be seen. When the birders got to a clearing, they managed to see an American crow (the official name to the crows we see every day) and three uni- dentified birds that were very far away. Despite some assump- tions, Mr. Plimer confirmed the Day. they weren’t Canadian geese by the way they flew. We then Birds Spotted During the Trip (13 moved on to a different path species): which was led on the land Blue Jay, Red-Breasted Nuthatch, owned by McGill. Mr. Plimer White-Breasted Nuthatch, Canada obtained the permission to go Goose, Downy Woodpecker, on it. Once there, the birders Dark-Eyed Junco, American spotted some Northern Cardi- Crow (over 500), American Gold- Arboretum where they would tum… again. It started off be- nals and a Blue Jay, there were finch, Northern Cardinal, Com- see many black capped chicka- ing a nice sunny day. Then no birds to be seen. Off the mon Raven, Ring Billed Gull, dees which landed in the seed came the birder’s worst enemy: main path, we spotted a murder Mourning Dove, Red-Bellied filled hands of the birders. In strong winds. Birds do not like of approximately 500 crows. Woodpecker (pictured at the be- the openings around the main flying when there is a lot of The trip was coming to a close ginning of this article). forest, many dark eyed juncos and the target bird had still not yet been spotted. Firstly More information on the club and thought to be an unsuccessful it’s activities can be found at birder, Alex Asterino claimed to see a bird that was red and brown. After some nearby Below: Birder of the Day Alex searching, our target bird, the Asterino Red-Bellied Woodpecker was spotted. Mr. Plimer then stated “(the) trip was the most diffi- cult due to weather conditions not contusive to bird watch- ing…but the thirtieth and last bird made it worthwhile”. Con- gratulations to Alex Asterino, who was named the Birder of The Loyola News Volume VIII, Issue III Page 19

Catch up on your favorite Loyola sports team

Check the official league team athletes and to link up to the Christmas break, the Juvenile their respective divisions. The standings for our Loyola winter official Ath- Warriors basketball team is second half of the season prom- sports teams below and go letic Association’s (G.M.A.A.) well positioned to make the ises to be very exciting indeed on online at to read website. playoffs while all three hockey the hard court and on the ice more about Loyola’s teams and teams are currently sitting atop Heading into the sheets!

Basketball Hockey

JUVENILE JUVENILE TEAM W L T PTS TEAM W L T PTS Howard S Billings 7 0 0 14 Loyola High School 8 1 0 16 5 0 0 10 Kuper Academy 6 0 0 12 Loyola High School 4 2 0 8 St Thomas 4 5 1 9 4 4 0 8 John Rennie 4 1 0 8 Hebrew Academy 2 5 0 4 Pierrefonds Comp. 3 4 1 7 Beurling Academy 0 4 0 0 Lindsay Place HS 0 7 2 2 Bialik High School 0 7 0 0 BANTAM MIDGET TEAM W L T PTS TEAM W L T PTS Loyola High School 7 0 0 14 8 2 0 16 Lower Canada College 3 3 0 6 John Rennie 5 5 0 10 Harrington College 3 4 0 6 Royal Vale 6 4 2 8 Selwyn House 0 3 2 2 Riverdale 6 4 2 8 Howard S. Billings 6 4 2 8 PEEWEE Westmount 6 3 3 6 TEAM W L T PTS Lauren Hill Academy 5 2 3 4 Loyola High School 9 1 1 19 Lower Canada College 5 2 3 4 Kuper Academy 8 3 0 16 Hebrew Academy 7 2 5 4 Vincent Massey 7 3 0 14 Pierrefonds Comp. 4 1 3 2 John Rennie 6 2 0 12 Loyola High School 5 0 5 0 Howard S Billings 3 3 0 6 LaSalle Community 5 0 5 0 Lester B. Pearson 3 7 0 6 Heritage Regional 1 6 1 3 BANTAM Lower Canada College 1 6 0 2 TEAM W L T PTS Selwyn House 0 7 0 0 LaSalle Community 4 1 0 8 Pierrefonds Comp. 5 4 1 8 Loyola High School 5 2 3 4 Lower Canada College 5 1 4 2 Drama Review, continued from Page 5

(Continued from page 4) artistic touches of false wrinkles In terms of effect, both position certain parts of the set and artificially grayed hair, the light and sound did as intended: between scenes. than it would have been on the makeup was not a necessity for provide background and further Overall, the plays were Friday. Despite the reduced audi- the great majority of the charac- our understanding of the setting. very well performed and as an ence size, the actors did not hesi- ters. The set, however, for the The use of mourners whose an- audience member I was thoroughly tate to put on their best perform- “Ransom of Red Chief” was guish could certainly be felt entertained. Once again, credit ances and to edify the audience simply impeccable. The red through their emphatic moans must be given to the director Ms. with solid portrayals. school-house was exuberant in its and the solemn playing of the Cheri Adams, her cast and crew for On a more technical mimicking of the typical one- bagpipes were indeed nice addi- producing a very enjoyable eve- note, as a result of the natures of room folksy Southern architec- tions to the opening funerary ning where, interestingly enough, the two plays, the costumes were ture. While other sets did well to scene of “The Darlin’ Hero”. the themes of youth and death were not elaborate as they did not need evoke Another innovative and amusing well presented in a comedic man- to be. I believe the same state- the mood of the piece, the effect was the use of people at- ner by means of two plays. ment would apply for the schoolhouse, with its roof that tired in “morph suits” and vari- makeup. While here and there was accessible to little Johnny ous Southern apparel (sombreros you could see the delicate and Dorset, truly impressed. and cowboy hats) to arrange and