Specification, Executive summary and Terms & Conditions

February, 2020

ISRO Propulsion Complex Indian Space Research Organization Department of Space, Government of Mahendragiri - 627133

Tirunelveli District, State, India

Request For Proposal of Centralized DM water Plant IPRC, Mahendragiri

CONTENTS Section No. Description Page No. GLOSSARY OF ACRONYMS i - iv 1 INTRODUCTION………………………………………….. 1 2 LOCATION AND LAYOUT………………………………. 3 2.1 Geographical location……………………………………... 3 2.2 Site location plan…………………………………………... 4 2.3 Block diagram, Plant layout &Scheme…………………. 4 2.4 Climatic condition………………………………………….. 4 3 SCOPE……………………………………………………… 5 3.1 Scope of Department……………………………………… 5 3.2 Scope of Contractor……………………………………….. 7 4 PRE-QUALIFICATION CRITERIA………………………. 14 4.1 Technical Competence……………………………………. 14 4.2 Financial Competence…………………………………….. 14 5 REQUIREMENT AND SPECIFICATION……………….. 14 5.1 Specification of Raw water and Products……………….. 14 5.2 Salient requirements of DM water plant…………………. 16 5.3 Design and Sizing…………………………………………. 16 5.4 Operation and maintenance……………………………… 18 5.5 Effluent treatment………………………………………….. 19 5.6 Safety……………………………………………………….. 20 5.7 Salient features of sub-systems………………………….. 20 5.8 Vendor directory of Sub-systems of Plant………………. 22 6 TERMS AND CONDITIONS……………………………… 23 6.1 Contract Structure…………………………………………. 23 6.2 Security deposit……………………………………………. 26 6.3 Price and payment term…………………………………… 26 6.4 Execution period…………………………………………… 31 Request For Proposal of Centralized DM water Plant IPRC, Mahendragiri

Section No. Description Page No. 6.5 Sourcing of materials and services………………………. 34 6.6 Inspection…………………………………………………… 35 6.7 Delivery……………………………………………………… 37 6.8 Insurance……………………………………………………. 39 6.9 Compliance with standards……………………………….. 39 6.10 System Performance………………………………………. 39 6.11 Warranty…………………………………………………….. 40 6.12 Documentation……………………………………………… 41 6.13 Confidentiality………………………………………………. 44 6.14 Indemnity against Infringement of Regulation………… 45 6.15 Settlement of dispute………………………………………. 45 6.16 Jurisdiction and applicable law…………………………… 46 6.17 Language and measure…………………………………… 46 6.18 Limitation of liability………………………………………… 46 7 CONTRACTOR’s FUNCTION……………………………. 47 7.1 Execution of work………………………………………….. 47 7.2 Supply of Tools, Tackles and Other materials………….. 48 7.3 Protection of work………………………………………….. 49 7.4 Coordination with other contractors and interfacing of work………………………………………………………….. 50 7.5 Site personnel………………………………………………. 50 7.6 Employment of labour……………………………………… 51 7.7 Reporting……………………………………………………. 51 7.8 Clean-up of work site………………………………………. 51 7.9 First aid……………………………………………………… 52 7.10 Working and safety regulations………………………….. 52 7.11 Electrical safety regulations……………………………….. 53 Request For Proposal of Centralized DM water Plant IPRC, Mahendragiri

Section No. Description Page No. 8 RIGHTS OF DEPARTMENT……………………………… 55 8.1 Changes and modifications to specifications and qualitative requirements…………………………………… 55 8.2 Illustration and explanation of plans…………………….. 55 8.3 Direction of work…………………………………………… 56 8.4 Ordering modifications of methods and equipments…… 56 9 SAFETY, RELIABILITY AND QUALITY ASSURANCE. 57 9.1 Safety assurance plan……………………………………. 57 9.2 Quality assurance…………………………………………. 57 10 INSTRUCTION TO BIDDER……………………………… 58 10.1 Scope of work………………………………………………. 58 10.2 Pre-bid meeting…………………………………………….. 58 10.3 Execution period…………………………………………… 59 10.4 Validity………………………………………………………. 59 10.5 Rejection of Bid…………………………………………….. 59 10.6 Form of Bid………………………………………………….. 59 10.7 Online bid submission…………………………………….. 60 10.8 MOU Format………………………………………………... 62 10.9 NDA Format………………………………………………… 63

11 ANNEXURES 11.1 Annexure 1 : Diagrams 11.2 Annexure 2 : Specification of DM Water storage tanks

11.3 Annexure 3 : Specification of High pressure GN2 storage cylinders 11.4 Annexure 4 : Specification of Facility fluid circuits 11.5 Annexure 5 : Specification of Mechanical evaporator (Spray dryer) 11.6 Annexure 6 : Specification of Laboratory equipments

Request For Proposal of Centralized DM water Plant IPRC, Mahendragiri


Acronym Expanded Form

API American Petroleum Institute

ASME American Society of Mechanical Engineers

ASTM American Society for Testing and Materials

BG Bank Guarantee

BIS Bureau of Indian Standards

BL Bill of Lading

BOM Bill of Materials

BS British Standard

BSP British Standard Pipe (thread)

CD Compact Disc

CENELEC Commission of European Nations on Electro-technical Standardization

CS Carbon Steel

DB Distribution Board

DC Delivery Challan

DER Detail Engineering Review

DG Diesel Generator

DMW De-Mineralized Water

DN Diameter Nominal

DO Dissolved Oxygen

DPT Dye Penetrant Test

EP Electro Pneumatic


Request For Proposal of Centralized DM water Plant IPRC, Mahendragiri


Acronym Expanded Form

FIM Free Issue Material

FGL Finished Ground Level

FPS Fire Protection System

GAD General Arrangement Drawing

GLR Ground Level Reservoir

GN2 Gaseous Nitrogen

GST Goods and Services Tax

GTAW Gas Tungsten Arc Welding

HRSCC High Rate Solid Contact Clarifier

ID Inner Diameter

IPRC ISRO Propulsion Complex

IS Indian Standard

ISO International Organization for Standardization

ISRO Indian Space Research Organization

LD Liquidated Damage

MAWP Maximum Allowable Working Pressure

MEOP Maximum Expected Operating Pressure

MS Mild Steel

MSL Mean Sea Level

MSME Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises

NC Normally Closed


Request For Proposal of Centralized DM water Plant IPRC, Mahendragiri


Acronym Expanded Form

NDT Non-Destructive Technique

NEC National Electrical Code (USA)

NH National Highway

NO Normally Open

NPT(F) (American) National Pipe Thread (Female)

NPT(M) (American) National Pipe Thread (Male)

OD Outside Diameter

OHSAS Occupational Health and Safety Assessment Series

O2 Oxygen

P&ID Process and Instrumentation Diagram

PBG Performance Bank Guarantee

PCC Plain Cement Concrete

PCD Pitch Circle Diameter

PDI Pre-Delivery Inspection

PDP Power Distribution Panel

PERT Programme Evaluation and Review Technique

PESO Petroleum and Explosives Safety Organization

PPE Personal Protective Equipment

PQ Pre-Qualification

PSE Public Sector Enterprises

PTFE Poly Tetra Fluoro Ethylene


Request For Proposal of Centralized DM water Plant IPRC, Mahendragiri


Acronym Expanded Form

PU Polyurethane

PUF Poly Urethane Foam

QAP Quality Assurance Plan

QC Quality Control

RCC Reinforced Cement Concrete

RCM Resident Construction Manager

RF Raised Face

RFP Request For Proposal

SD Security Deposit

SRG System Reliability Group

SS Stainless Steel

SWG Standard Wire Gauge

TCB Techno-Commercial Bid

TNPCB Tamil Nadu Pollution Control Board

TPI Third Party Inspection

ZLD Zero Liquid Discharge


Request For Proposal of Centralized DM water Plant IPRC, Mahendragiri


ISRO Propulsion Complex (IPRC), Indian Space Research Organization (ISRO), Department of Space, Government of India, Mahendragiri 627133, District, Tamil Nadu State, India (hereinafter referred to as “Department”) intends to establish a Centralized De-mineralized water Plant(CDMP) at their premises. The DM water is intended to be used in the test activities pertaining to propulsion systems of ISRO’s launch vehicles for peaceful purpose.

The major specification of the requirements is enumerated in the following sections. The “Centralized DM water plant” is meant for producing De- Mineralized (DM) water at the rate of 2 m3 per hour with stipulated quality. In this, a small quantity of DM water is to be converted as Dissolved Oxygen (DO) free water using an Oxygen scavenger which is an intermittent requirement. The Department hereby issues this Request for Proposal (RFP) document to the Capable Bidders. The Department will organize a pre-bid meeting with the Bidders to facilitate proper understanding of the requirements and assessing the site conditions. The Bidder’s participation in the pre-bid meeting is mandatory and non-participation will lead to disqualification of their bid. The bidder shall participate in the pre-bid meeting in person at IPRC or through Teleconference/ Video Conference (VC) at the stipulated date & time. The Bidders shall submit the bids in 2 (Two) parts viz. (i) Techno-commercial (non-priced) bid and (ii) Price bid. The Department will initially open the techno-commercial bids and if necessary at their own discretion, organize post-bid techno-commercial meeting with the Bidders. The Department will initially evaluate the techno-commercial bids and shortlist the suitable Bidders whose techno-commercial bids are compliant with the RFP specification and place them on equal footing. The Department will open the price bids of the qualified Bidders only, hold post-bid price discussion, if necessary at their own discretion, and award the Contract based on the lowest-priced bid. The execution period reckoned from signing of the Contract to final acceptance of plant and sub systems is 12 months. The Bidders are advised to take utmost care in studying the nature of work and plan adequate &

[1] Request For Proposal of Centralized DM water Plant IPRC, Mahendragiri suitable resources to execute the Contract within the stipulated period while submitting the bids. Detailed technical specification, scope of work and other requirement are given in this RFP document.

Some of the key terminologies used in this document are defined as follows:

 “Department” shall mean and include the President of India acting through the Director, IPRC and any representative(s) of the Department duly authorized on his/ her behalf.

 “Contractor” shall mean the individual or firm or company whether incorporated or not chosen by the Department among the Bidders to this RFP, undertaking the work and shall include the legal personal representatives of such individuals or the persons composing such firm or company or the successors of such firm or company and the permitted assignee of such individual or firm(s) or company.

 “Party” shall mean any signatory to the Contract i.e. Department or Contractor or both.

 “Sub-contractor” shall mean individual or firm or company whom the Contractor engages for outsourcing certain service(s) related to the Contract.

 “Sub-vendor” shall mean individual or firm or company from whom the Contractor purchases certain material(s) related to the Contract.

 “Contract” shall mean the formal agreement to be executed between the President of India and the successful based on the documents forming this RFP and any other mutual agreement and together with the documents as referred to therein including the specifications, designs, drawings and instructions issued from time to time by the Department.

 “Date of Contract” shall mean the date on which the Contract becomes effective with signing by all the Parties.

 “Site” shall mean the place at Mahendragiri on which work is to be executed under the Contract which is to be allotted by the Department for the purpose of carrying out the work.

[2] Request For Proposal of Centralized DM water Plant IPRC, Mahendragiri

 “Material” shall mean all the goods/ items required for realizing and forming part of the Centralized DM water plant including raw materials, semi-finished & finished products & sub-assemblies & assemblies which are manufactured by the Contractor or their Sub-contractor(s) or bought- out from their Sub-vendor(s).

 “Service” shall mean all the activities performed by the Contractor for realizing the Centralized DM water plant at IPRC including design, detail engineering and onsite construction, fabrication, erection, testing & commissioning.

 “Specification” shall mean collectively all technical specification, terms and conditions contained in this document which shall be considered to realize the Centralized DM water plant at IPRC.

 “Final acceptance” shall mean acceptance of the Centralized DM water plant at IPRC by the Department from the Contractor upon successful completion of all contractual obligations by the Contractor and commissioning of the system.

 “RFP” shall mean this Request for Proposal for Establishment of Centralized DM water plant at IPRC


2.1 Geographical Location

Mahendragiri is situated in , Tamil Nadu State, India. The nearest major town is which is 25 km southward. Mahendragiri is aside the - Madurai National Highway (NH7) near Kavalkinaru junction at a distance of 20 km northward from Kanyakumari. The nearest major railway station is at Nagercoil. The nearest International airport is at Thiruvananthapuram which is 90 km away in south-western direction. The nearest seaport is at Thoothukudi which is 100 km away in north-eastern direction. The nearest major seaport is at Chennai which is 650 km northward.

[3] Request For Proposal of Centralized DM water Plant IPRC, Mahendragiri

2.2 Site Location Plan The site for establishing the Centralized DM water plant at IPRC is located on a plain ground at an elevation of 100 m above Mean Sea Level (MSL) in the southeast region of IPRC, Mahendragiri.

2.3 Block diagram, Plant Layout &Scheme: The Block diagram indicating the components of major systems and sub- systems of the plant is given Fig. 1 of Annexure 1.

The plant layout indicating the buildings, sumps, pits, mechanical evaporator (spray dryer), etc. is given in Fig. 2 of Annexure 1. The buildings for installation of major systems & sub systems with approach road are shown in the layout.

A preliminary scheme of the proposed plant is given in Fig. 3 of Annexure 1.The quality and flow rate of permeate and reject water at different intermediate stages, shown in the scheme, are only indicative. Minor variations of flow rate and quality in the intermediate stages are permissible provided the final product flow rate with stipulated quality is met. Also, the quality of permeate of RO bed-4 (indicated in the scheme) shall be equivalent to the quality of raw water. The no. of stages of RO beds indicated in the scheme as four is also indicative and the bidder shall increase/ decrease the same provided the stipulated flow rates (of permeate & reject) and quality clauses of end products are met. However, the final reject of the plant shall be less than 20% of raw water fed from raw water sump.

2.4 Climatic Condition

The climatic condition at Mahendragiri is tropical and windy with gusts. Normal monsoon period is June-July and October-November. The typical climatological data of Mahendragiri is as follows:

Rainfall  Maximum daily rainfall : 50 mm  Maximum monthly rainfall : 120 mm  Average annual rainfall : 550 mm

[4] Request For Proposal of Centralized DM water Plant IPRC, Mahendragiri

Temperature  Maximum temperature (in shed) : 311 K  Minimum temperature : 293 K

Humidity  Maximum relative humidity : 80%  Minimum relative humidity : 25 %  Climate : Tropical

Wind Load Wind load shall be taken as per IS:875 Part 3 - 1987.

Seismic Zone The systems shall be designed for seismic load conforming to Zone 3 as per IS:1893 latest edition.

3 SCOPE The major scope of the work is design, installation, commissioning, operation and maintenance of Centralized De-mineralized Water plant at IPRC, Mahendragiri. The design shall be a DMW plant comprising Reverse Osmosis (RO)& mixed bed units. The detailed scope of Department and Bidder are briefed hereunder. A small quantity of DM water is to be treated as Dissolved Oxygen (DO) free water in an Oxygen scavenger which is an intermittent requirement. 3.1 Scope of Department: Towards establishment of DMW plant, following are the scope of Department.

3.1.1 Department shall provide the major specification of the plant to be established including the specification of the raw water available at IPRC and the quality of DM water and DO free water required from the proposed DMW plant.

3.1.2 Department shall provide the Block diagram, Layout and Preliminary Scheme of the proposed DM water plant and offer guidelines for design, sizing, establishment, commissioning and operation & maintenance of plant.

[5] Request For Proposal of Centralized DM water Plant IPRC, Mahendragiri

3.1.3 Department shall review the Design & Detail engineering to be done by the Bidder.

3.1.4 Department shall provide the site with required buildings meant for establishing the plant, analysis laboratory, operators room, platform for high pressure GN2 storage yard, solid wastes storage yard, rest rooms, etc. at its premises. Apart from buildings, the site will also be provided with raw water sump, neutralizer pit, etc.

3.1.5 Department shall provide the foundation for the DM water tanks (2 nos.), HP GN2 cylinders and the Mechanical evaporator (Spray dryer). The details of the foundations shall be provided by the contractor from their sub-vendor. However, the final minor civil works viz. erection of foundation bolts and final finishing works pertaining to erection shall be the responsibility of the Contractor.

3.1.6 Electrical Power Supply: Department shall supply temporary electrical power supply for onsite construction/ fabrication/ erection activities on chargeable basis at the prevailing rates (The present rate is @ Rs. 8/ per kW-Hr).

For permanent installation loads/ utilities, the Department shall provide electrical power at a fixed point for distribution and connection to the various utilities. It is the responsibility of the contractor to arrange for power distribution to various utilities of the plant. However, internal & external lightings, fans and AC of buildings would be powered by Department.

3.1.7 Water Supply for Permanent Installations: The Department shall provide raw water in a Reservoir/ sump in the plant shown in the layout. Raw water from this reservoir/ sump shall be distributed to the permanent installations in the plant by the Contractor using appropriate pumps.

For temporary onsite construction/ fabrication/ erection activities, the Contractor has to make their own arrangements for water.

3.1.8 Gaseous Nitrogen (GN2) supply for storage cylinders: The Department shall provide GN2 point approximately at a distance of 40 metres from Cylinder yard. From the identified point, pipeline (DN15, Sch. 160, ASTM TP 312 304L) shall be run by the Contractor for charging GN2 to cylinders. During operation of the plant, on request by Contractor, Department shall provide

[6] Request For Proposal of Centralized DM water Plant IPRC, Mahendragiri

compressed GN2 at a maximum pressure of 30 MPa,g for charging the cylinders.

3.1.9 Commissioning: The Department shall review the trial results (may analyze the samples at the existing IPRC laboratory, if required) and provide the final clearance for starting the operation of DM water plant.

3.2 Scope of Contractor

The scope of work to be done by the Contractor for the establishment of DMW plant is given in this Section.

3.2.1 Design: The design shall be a DMW plant comprising Reverse Osmosis (RO) & mixed bed units. The design and sizing of plant and sub-systems shall cater to the specifications of raw water available at IPRC and to the level of purity requirements sought.

The design shall include–

 Conceptualizing the number and size of RO beds,

 Conceiving the flow rates and quality of permeate & reject at intermediate stages,

 Sizing the sub systems viz. De-gasifier unit, Mixed bed, Oxygen scavenger, High rate solid contact clarifier (HRSCC), Mechanical evaporator (Spray dryer), etc.,

 Conceiving the size and specification of sub system elements viz. low & high pressure pumps, filters, dosing systems, intermediate tanks, instrumentation, measuring devices, etc.,

 Sizing of Mechanical evaporator and Mechanical design of storage tanks.

 Procurement of pipelines & flow components for water & gas service and fabrication & commissioning of piping circuits as per the guidelines stipulated in Annexure 4.

[7] Request For Proposal of Centralized DM water Plant IPRC, Mahendragiri

 Deriving the requirements of neutralizing fluids of neutralizer pit for safe disposal.

The design report shall be submitted to Department for review and approval. The changes/ comments proposed by the Department shall be incorporated by the Contractor and the final report shall form the basis for further activities.

3.2.2 Detail Engineering: Based on the approved design report, the Bidder shall carry out a detail Engineering to generate the following: Flow diagram and isometric drawing of plant fluid circuits with appropriate sub-systems. Methodology & procedure of neutralizing the reject water in Neutralizer pit before admission to Mechanical evaporator (Spray dryer). Circuit diagram of electrical installations of plant with appropriate loads & features. Layout & Isometric drawing of GN2 & water piping circuits as per the guidelines of Process & Instrumentation Diagrams (P&IDs) of water & gas pipelines, given in Annexure 4 of this RFP. The layout & isometric drawings of above piping circuits shall be prepared by Contractor and would be reviewed during Detail engineering. The erection & installation of pipelines with conventional installation (with GTAW welding) and test (DPT, X-ray radiography, pressure tests, leak tests etc.) procedures shall be the scope of Contractor. The detailed Quality Assurance Plan (QAP) for the materials/ services. The QAP shall address factors such as object tested, characteristics sought for, sample size, test procedure/ standard, acceptance criteria, form of record, performing agency, witnessing agency, reviewing agency, etc. The purchase specification of the materials/ services. The list of Sub-vendors from whom the Contractor has proposed to purchase (directory of probable vendors given in this RFP document) the materials/ services.

[8] Request For Proposal of Centralized DM water Plant IPRC, Mahendragiri The list of consumable chemicals required for production of DM & DO free water in “per cubic metre basis” of product water.

The Contractor shall organize a meeting at their premise/ IPRC for Detail engineering review by the Department. However, the participation and approval by the Department’s representatives during the Detail engineering review shall not absolve the Contractor of their responsibility to comply with the specification of the Contract.

Upon Detail engineering review, if changes are found to be necessary to comply with the intended requirements, the Contractor, at their own cost, shall carry out such changes.

3.2.3 Purchase Of Materials All the materials are to be purchased by the Contractor. The general specifications of salient materials are given in this RFP document. The detailed purchase specifications for the individual items of materials to be purchased shall be made by the Contractor. The purchase specifications of materials, shall be subject to review and approval by the Department. A vendor directory (for salient materials) from whom the materials have to be procured is indicated in this RFP document. In case the Contract or proposes to source the materials/ services from Sub-vendors/ Sub- contractors not covered in the directory, the list of such Sub-vendors/ Sub- contractors, along with their detailed company profile/ credentials, shall be submitted. The proposal from Contractor is subject to review by the Department, who reserves the right to accept or reject the proposal wholly or in part. 3.2.4 Purchase Of Spares The spares required for trouble free operation of the plant in the warranty period (2 years) shall be procured by the contractor. The cost of spares required shall be included in the basic cost of plant equipments. The list of spares required for operation & maintenance shall be provided in the bid. 3.2.5 Training The Contractor shall provide on-the-spot training to the Department’s representatives to impart essential knowledge on design, constructional features, servicing, operation and maintenance of DM water plant.

[9] Request For Proposal of Centralized DM water Plant IPRC, Mahendragiri

3.2.6 Inspection The Contractor shall be responsible for arranging inspection of all materials/ systems purchased by the Contractor. Upon completion of production/ shop fabrication, the Contractor shall organize Pre-delivery inspection review by the Third Party Inspection Agency. The detailed scope of inspection is given in Section 6.6 of this RFP document. 3.2.7 Packing, Transportation, Storage and Handling of Materials The Contractor shall be responsible for packing, transportation, storage and handling of materials as per Section 6.7of this RFP document. 3.2.8 Onsite Construction, Fabrication, Installation and Testing The contractor is responsible for onsite construction, fabrication, installation and testing. The installation activities include-  The installation of SS storage tanks & Mechanical evaporator (Spray dryer) using a crane of appropriate capacity is the responsibility of the contractor.  Installation of GN2 cylinders on the identified bed using a crane of appropriate capacity is the scope of Contractor. Installation of regulation elements (at the identified location) and routing of GN2 pipelines leading from GN2 cylinder to various locations viz. DOF water tanker parking area, identified locations in appropriate buildings etc. shall be the scope of Contractor. The routing shall be as per isometric drawings approved during Detail engineering. The installed piping circuit shall be subject to conventional tests & cleaning procedures viz. DPT, Radiography, Pneumatic/ hydrostatic pressure test to appropriate test pressures (as per standard guidelines), Chemical cleaning (pickling & passivation) and final purging to remove solid contaminants conforming to Class VI of SAE 4059.  Routing of water pipe lines from mixed bed to storage tanks and tanker parking area as per isometric drawings approved during Detail engineering is the responsibility of the contractor. The circuits shall be subject to conventional tests & cleaning procedures as indicated above.

[10] Request For Proposal of Centralized DM water Plant IPRC, Mahendragiri

 Final leak check of GN2 & water circuits (to appropriate operating pressures) as per standard guidelines shall be the scope of Contractor. All the joints shall conform to bubble-tightness. The Contractor shall arrange for constructing temporary sheds/ buildings for storing materials, erection equipment, tools & tackles, etc. The Contractor’s personnel shall not be permitted to reside inside the Department’s premises after the work. The Contractor shall arrange for transportation, accommodation, food, health care, etc. for their personnel. 3.2.9 A laboratory with adequate capability for analyzing the specified properties of DM & DO free water shall be established in the building as shown in the layout. The necessary instruments with their specification, make and model no., etc. are indicated in Annexure 6 of this RFP. The contractor must procure the equipments with same specification, make and model no. 3.2.10 The specification of SS storage tanks is given in Annexure 2. The specification comprises functional requirements, list of accessories, testing & qualification norms, etc. However, the mechanical design of tanks shall be carried out by the contractor or sub vendor. 3.2.11 The specification of GN2 cylinders is given in Annexure 3 of this RFP. The cylinders shall be procured and installed at identified location as indicated in the Layout. Obtaining design approval for fabrication and filling permission from PESO for the cylinders shall be scope of Contractor or the Sub-vendor. 3.2.12 The specification of pipelines & fittings and flow components viz. regulators, valves, pressure gauges, safety relief devices etc. are given in Annexure 4 of this RFP. All the pipelines & fittings and flow components shall conform to respective quality clauses. Installation of piping circuit lies with the Contractor’s scope. 3.2.13 The specification of Mechanical evaporator (Spray dryer) is given in Annexure 5 of this RFP. Procurement, installation & commissioning of Mechanical evaporator (Spray dryer) and associated components shall be the scope of the Contractor. 3.2.14 Minor civil & structural works: Though the Department is responsible for construction of buildings, sumps, trenches, foundations for major equipments, etc., construction of minor civil foundations, pedestal, etc. for sub systems & piping lies with the scope of

[11] Request For Proposal of Centralized DM water Plant IPRC, Mahendragiri

Contractor. Also, minor structural works meant for piping supports, etc. shall be the responsibility of Contractor. For GN2 cylinders, a pedestal of size 15 m x 2 m of height 300 mm shall be built by Department and cylinder skid shall be positioned over the bed by the contractor. In case of grouting requirements proposed by the cylinder manufacturer, the same shall be executed by Contractor on the bed. 3.2.15 Insurance The Contractor shall be responsible for Insurance as given in section 6.8 of this RFP document. 3.2.16 Commissioning Commissioning of the plant shall be carried out by the Bidder. Following are the salient check points of commissioning trials.  Leak check & preparedness of GN2 & water circuits  Production of DM water at rated flow rate  Establishment of properties of DM & DO free water

 Establishment of Output Per Re-generation (OPR) of mixed bed & O2 scavenger  Establishment of flow rate final reject as per contractual norms The leak check of GN2 & water circuits shall be carried out at respective operating pressures (with GN2 medium). Preparedness of the circuits comprises chemical cleaning of pipelines (before installation of flow components) and ensuring the contamination levels in compliance with stipulated standards. The initial production rate shall be assessed by IPRC personnel during commissioning trials. Commissioning of Mechanical evaporator (Spray dryer) is also the part of commissioning of the plant. The specification of DM & DO free water, certified at the laboratory of plant shall be cross-verified at the IPRC laboratory on initial commissioning trials. Every production lot that is supplied to IPRC shall be certified by in-house laboratory of the plant. However, IPRC holds the right to analyze the DM & DO free water at any point of time at their laboratory and the suggestions shall be honored by the bidder.

The OPR of mixed bed & O2 scavenger shall be more than the specified limit and would be assessed during commissioning trials.

[12] Request For Proposal of Centralized DM water Plant IPRC, Mahendragiri

3.2.17 Documentation The Contractor shall be responsible for documentation and the detailed lists of documents to be submitted shall be as per Section 6.12 of this RFP document.

3.2.18 Disposal:

Disposal of sludge and waste water/ chemicals into the ground is not permitted and stipulated guidelines of Tamil Nadu Pollution Control Board (TNPCB) shall be adhered to. The re-generated liquid from various sources of the plant shall be neutralized in the Neutralizer pit (indicated in the layout) and should be disposed to Mechanical evaporator (Spray dryer) for evaporation. The solid wastes collected from neutralizer pit, clarifier, Mechanical evaporator (Spray dryer) and other sources shall be stored (in appropriate baggage, as per the guidelines of Tamil Nadu waste management Ltd.) in the storage yard, indicated in the layout. The solid wastes shall be disposed by Department.

3.2.19 Operation & Maintenance:

The Contractor shall operate and maintain the plant on 24 x 7 basis for a period of 2 (Two) years after successful commissioning of the plant. Filling of DM & DO free water in storage tanks/ department tankers and analysis & certification to specification after filling in to the tanks/ tankers shall be done by the contractor. Salient activities are briefed in clause 5.4. The transportation to various IPRC facilities shall be under the scope of Department. Since the operation involves work on round the clock basis, qualified manpower per shift shall be planned by the Contractor as per the guidelines given below.

Designation Minimum Shift basis No. of Qualification personnel Shift Supervisor Diploma or equivalent Per shift 1 Shift Operators ITI or equivalent Per shift 1 Helper 8th std. or equivalent Per shift 1 Chemist B.Sc or equivalent General shift 1 Helper 8th std. or equivalent General shift 1

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Appropriate manpower for the Leave reserve period shall be planned as per applicable statutory requirements. The salary and welfare of working personnel viz. EPF, ESI, etc., shall meet the statutory requirements of Labour laws.

4 PRE-QUALIFICATION CRITERIA The Technical and Financial capabilities of the Bidder shall be ascertained by Department based on the Pre-Qualification Criteria (PQC) described hereunder. 4.1 Technical Competence: The Bidder must have complied with both the following categories (4.1.1 and 4.1.2). 4.1.1 The Bidder must have established DM Water plant of capacities not less than 2 m3/hr (each) for a minimum of two vendors in the last seven years ending 31.12.2019. AND 4.1.2 The Bidder must have established RO Water plant of capacities not less than 2 m3/hr (each) for a minimum of two vendors in the last seven years ending 31.12.2019. The Bidder shall submit copy of purchase order along with work completion certificate or acceptance certificate obtained from the clients or inspection release note issued by Third party inspection agency in proof of the above.

4.2 Financial Competence: 4.2.1 The average annual financial turnover during the last 3 years of the Bidder ending 31.03.2019 shall be a minimum of Rs. 1 crore. The Bidder shall submit balance sheet audited by a financial firm in proof of the above.


5.1 Specification of Raw water and products : The detailed specification of available raw water at IPRC, Product DM water and DO free water required are given in the following tables.

[14] Request For Proposal of Centralized DM water Plant IPRC, Mahendragiri

Table 1 - Parameters of Raw water of IPRC Parameters Values pH 6 to 8.3 Conductivity, µS/cm 800 Total Dissolved Solids, mg/l 400 Chlorides, mg/l 110 Iron, mg/l 1 Total Hardness, mg/l 260 Suspended matter, mg/l 10

Dissolved CO2, mg/l 40 Reactive Silica, mg/l 75 Sulphate, mg/l 35 Total Alkalinity, mg/l 250 P Alkalinity 0 Nitrates, mg/l 3.5 Colour Colourless Appearance Clear liquid Odour Odourless

Table2 - Parameters of product DM water& DO free water Parameters DM water DO free water pH 7 ±0.2 7 ±0.2 Conductivity, µS/cm < 1 < 1 Total Dissolved Solids, mg/l < 0.8 < 0.8 Chlorides, mg/l < 0.1 < 0.1 Iron, mg/l < 1 < 1 Total Hardness, mg/l < 1 < 1 Suspended matter, mg/l < 5 < 5

Dissolved CO2, mg/l < 0.1 < 0.1 Silica, mg/l < 0.02 < 0.02 Dissolved Oxygen, mg/l - < 1

Note : The permeate of RO bed-4 shall be equivalent to the specification of Raw water as is to be circulated in the process stream.

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Analysis of the specification of products (DM & DO free water) during commissioning shall be carried out and certified at IPRC laboratory and IPRC reserves the right to check the properties of above water at any point of time after the plant goes on production mode. Every production lot (transferred to tankers) is to be certified by the laboratory installed at the proposed plant.

5.2 Salient requirements of DM water plant:

DM water DO free water Type : RO based – Mixed bed : Oxygen scavenger Product Water flow rate : 2 m3/hr : 2 m3/hr Output per re-generation : 100 m3 (minimum) : 15 m3 (minimum) Re-generation time : < 6 hrs : < 12 hrs Modality of operation : Continuous (24 x 7) : Intermittent (approximately 3 times in a month for a duration of 5 hrs each) The plant comprises essential major systems viz.RO beds, de-gasifier unit,

mixed bed, O2 scavenger, High rate solid contact clarifier (HRSCC), stainless steel DM water storage tanks, High pressure GN2 cylinders, Mechanical evaporator (Spray dryer), GN2 & water piping circuits with associated flow components, etc. The Sub-systems viz. Low & High pressure pumps, filters, dosing systems, Instrumentation & measuring systems, air compressor, intermediate collection tanks, etc. shall be sized & installed by the contractor. A block diagram of a typical RO based DM water plant is given in Fig. 1 of Annexure 1. Note : The block diagram is only indicative. Any of the sub-systems may be added/ deleted according to the design of Bidder.

5.3 Design and Sizing:

An indicative scheme of RO based-DM water plant is given in Fig. 3 of Annexure 1

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The flow rates and quality of final product (2 m3/hr) is the essential elements to be adhered to. Also, the final reject quantity shall be < 20% of the Raw water supplied from sump. The flow rates and quality of permeate & reject of intermediate beds given in the scheme are only indicative. These elements may be varied according to the design of bidder. The design philosophy shall account the following features.

5.3.1 Selection of RO beds  The block diagram indicates four RO bed scheme wherein DM water of required quality and flow rate (2 m3/hr) shall be the final product.  In order to reduce the final reject to less than 0.4 m3/hr (that is disposed to evaporators), the scheme is proposed with four RO beds. The designer is free to select number of beds provided the basic philosophy is met. 5.3.2 Selection of resin and sizing of de-gasifier unit, mixed bed column and oxygen scavenger. It shall be noted that, the requirement of DO free water is intermittent as specified above. 5.3.3 Selection of regeneration chemicals and working out the process of regeneration. 5.3.4 Hydraulic design of the run and regeneration process.  Pumping systems shall be sized by the bidder for the specified flow rates and pressure.  DMW storage tanks shall be of Stainless Steel (304L) material and of capacity 30 m3 (2 nos.). The MAWP of the tank shall be 0.5 MPa,g.  The DM & DO free water shall be transferred to tanks/ tankers (tankers are fee-issued by Department) by water pump of adequate capacity. The DO free water shall be transferred to tankers directly from the scavenger with GN2 blanket in the tanker.  The reject water shall be transferred to neutralizer pit and water pump, if required, shall be planned.

 The re-generated liquid from various sources of plant viz, mixed bed, O2 scavenger, etc. shall be neutralized in the pit (with appropriate technology, making it compatible to let to spray dryer) and shall be transferred to Mechanical evaporator (Spray dryer) using pump. 5.3.5 Estimation of volume of selected resin.

 Volume/ quantity of the selected resin of mixed bed and O2 scavenger shall be determined.

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5.4 Operation and maintenance: Salient features related to operation and maintenance are briefed hereunder. 5.4.1 Required manpower, consumables, tools and instruments for operation and maintenance shall be arranged by the contractor. 5.4.2 The manpower shall be planned to work on shifts (on round the clock basis) to the meet the demands of IPRC. 5.4.3 Insurance shall be as per section 6.8. 5.4.4 As vital projects and test schedules of IPRC are of national importance, operation of plant without shut down is the primary requisite. Hence, adequate preventive maintenance programs shall be planned and adequate quantity of consumables and spares shall be kept in stock at any point of time. 5.4.5 However, if periodical maintenance shutdown is called for, the same shall be carried out with the concurrence of Department and shall be only once in a year. 5.4.6 Operation of in-house laboratory for analysis of DM & DO free water shall be the responsibility of the contractor and adequate - qualified manpower (as per the guidelines of section 3.2.19) shall be deployed. 5.4.7 Following are the salient activities pertaining to Operation & maintenance.

 Operation of Plants & equipments and Production of DM/ DO free water as per the specification & demands and transfer to storage tanks & tankers.  Regeneration of Mixed bed & other sub systems, refurbishment of RO bed cartridges, etc. as per stipulated periodicity.  Maintenance of pH & other requisites of Neutralizer pit.  Collection of solid wastes from salient elements such as HRSCC, Mechanical evaporator (Spray dryer), Neutralizer/ Over flow pits etc, dry them out, packing in appropriate gunny bags and storage at Solid wastes storage yard.  Analysis of every production lot of DM/ DO free water for the stipulated specification and maintenance of laboratory instruments.  Periodical maintenance of installations such as Raw water sump, Neutralizer/ over flow pits, solid wastes storage yard, scrap yard etc.  Periodical maintenance of equipments viz. Storage tanks, Mechanical evaporator (Spray dryer), etc. and Piping circuits & flow components.

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 Periodical re-qualification of Storage tanks & Safety relief valves as per the guidelines of Department and that of other sub systems as per standard norms.  Operation of HP GN2 system that include filling of cylinders, regulation to respective utilities, etc.  Maintenance of electrical circuits installed by the Contractor.  Maintenance of appropriate log books for all the individual sub systems viz. Parameters of Plant for every production lot, GN2 filling, Input/ Output water characteristics & quantities of Mechanical evaporator (Spray dryer), Quantity of Solid wastes generation, Production rate & supply to IPRC requirements, Maintenance of pH in Neutralizer pit, Laboratory records.  Procurement of chemicals and other consumables required for continuous operation of the plant.  Procurement & maintenance of requisite Spares for all the equipments & sub systems for the fail-safe operation of the Plant.  Periodical training on updation of Technical know-how and safety for the operating personnel.  Generation of monthly bills for the Department.  Periodical remittance of Insurance of Plant & personnel.  Maintenance of Garden and house-keeping of the entire premises of the Plant.

5.5 Effluent treatment:

Zero Liquid Discharge (ZLD) is an essential criterion of this DM water plant. The design of RO scheme shall aim for minimum disposal (as per the guidelines given in clause 5.3) of water of high TDS. The regenerated liquid

of mixed bed, O2 scavenger, intermediate elements, etc. shall be collected in the Neutralizer pit (indicated in the preliminary layout). This water shall be treated with appropriate methodology in the pit for being admissible to Mechanical evaporator (Spray dryer). The solid wastes stored in the storage yard (by the contractor) shall be disposed by Department. The following details related to neutralizer system shall be presented to IPRC during Detail engineering.  Quantity & quality of high TDS water from RO bed and effluents generated

during regeneration of mixed bed, O2 scavenger etc.

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 Scheme of neutralizer system and its operating principles  Operation & maintenance procedures of Mechanical evaporator (Spray dryer) The effluent treatment certification shall be renewed periodically according to the guidelines of central/ state statutory body.

5.6 Safety: Safety of the system and human beings are of utmost importance and adequate safety measures stipulated by the guidelines of appropriate statutory body shall be adhered to during every phase of initialization and operation of the plant. The safety features related to plant shall be the responsibility of the Contractor. However, the general safety elements viz. safety showers, fire alarms, fire fighting water terminals and smoke detectors shall be installed by Department along with the civil structures. Following safety measures of the plant shall be addressed during Detail engineering.  Storage and handling of chemicals  Electrical safety  Personal protective equipments made available  Training details of personnel on safety in handling chemicals and operation of the plant  Statutory clearance for operation of the plant, if any.

5.7 Salient features of sub-systems:

5.7.1 Raw water shall be filled (through pipe lines) by Department in the Raw water sump of approximate capacity 100 m3. The sump shall be of either circular or rectangular cross-section. Raw water pumping unit with adequate gauges and feed circuit for pumping water from the sump to the plant shall be planned by the Contractor. Material of the feed systems shall be compatible to the corrosive nature of raw water. Redundant pump of same capacity shall be planned for un-interrupted process. Specification of the pump and its power requirement shall be indicated in the bid.

5.7.2 Following instruments shall be planned at appropriate locations, as indicated.

[20] Request For Proposal of Centralized DM water Plant IPRC, Mahendragiri Pressure gauges at suction & discharge of transfer pumps & blowers. On-line conductivity meters at the permeate of all RO beds and outlet of mixed bed. On-line pH meters at the outlet of mixed bed, neutralizer system and permeate of RO bed-4. Rotameters at the inlet & outlet of filters, feed & permeate of RO beds and outlet of mixed bed. Low & high pressure switches for high pressure pumps of RO beds. Level indicator for permeate/ storage tanks. In addition, other instruments viz. silt density index (SDI) kit, etc. may be planned on need basis.

5.7.3 Procurement and installation of DM water storage tanks with accessories is the responsibility of the Contractor. Detailed specification of the same is given in Annexure-2. Associated transfer pumps, etc. shall be planned by contractor.

5.7.4 Procurement and installation of GN2 cylinders is the responsibility of the Contractor. Detailed specification of the same is given in Annexure 3. The essential design approval &filling permission from PESO shall be obtained by Contractor/ Sub-vendor. The GN2 fill point shall be provided by Department near the cylinders. During operation of the plant, GN2 will be provided by Department to the maximum pressure of 30 MPa, on request by Contractor. The filling activity shall be carried out by Contractor.

5.7.5 Procurement, Installation, testing and preparation of piping circuits with associated flow components of GN2 & water systems is the responsibility of Contractor. The P&I diagram and detailed specification of flow components is given in Annexure 4. The installation shall be carried out as per layout & isometric drawings approved during Detail engineering.

5.7.6 Procurement, Installation & commissioning of Mechanical evaporator (Spray dryer) and associated components is the responsibility of Contractor. The specification of the same is given in Annexure 5.

5.7.7 Procurement and operation of DM & DO free water transport tankers is the responsibility of the Department. However, the contractor shall be responsible for filling the tankers and analyzing the stored water. DM/ DO

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free water shall be transferred to tankers using water pump of adequate capacity. DO free water shall be filled in tankers with blanketing of gaseous Nitrogen. Media substitution of DO free water tanker (before filling) and maintenance of GN2 blanketing (during filling) by operation of GN2 regulation system are the responsibilities of the Contractor.

5.8 Vendor directory for supply of sub-systems of Plant:

The sub-systems of following make shall be procured from the Vendor directory given hereunder. The conditions stipulated in section 3.2.3 shall be adhered to for procurement from other sources.

Sub-system Make / Vendor Pumps/ Motors……… : Kirloskar/ Grundfos/ Ebara/ Johnson/ Milton Roy/ Ebara/ CRI RO Membranes……... : Hydramem/ Pentair/ Ecoline/ Filmtec Dosing/ CIP tanks…... : Cantex Blower……………….. : Continental Resin…………………. : Ion exchange/ Auchlite Air compressor……… : Elgi equipments/ Everest/ Ingersoll rand Pressure gauge…….. : Weka/ H Guru/ PNC/ Conductivity meter….. : Indion/ Aster pH meter…………….. : Indion/ Aster Rotameter……………. : Aster Pressure switch……... : Danfoss Level Indicator………. : V Automat, Techtrol MCC Panels…………. : Siemens Power & Control cables………………… : Polycab Switch gears…………. : L&T Ultra filtration membrane……………. : Hyflux

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General, commercial and legal terms and conditions to be incorporated in the Contract to be entered into between the Department and the Contractor are given in this Section.

Standard formats for Bank Guarantee (BG), Indemnity bond and Performance Bank Guarantee (PBG) shall be provided to the successful bidder along with the contract. Contractors who are Public Sector Enterprises under Government of India may provide Indemnity bond in lieu of BG/ PBG.

6.1 Contract Structure:

6.1.1 Entire Agreement The Contract to be entered into shall convey the final agreement between the Department and the Contractor on the terms and conditions and be a complete & exclusive statement of the terms of the agreement. 6.1.2 Mode of Operation The contractor shall be responsible for the overall Project management of the Contract and directly accountable to the Department for complete fulfillment of all the contractual obligations. 6.1.3 Effective Date of Contract The Contract shall become effective from the date of signing by the Parties. The “Date of Contract” referred to in this document shall mean the effective date of the Contract. 6.1.4 Cancellation of Contract

 The Department will have the right, at any time, to cancel the Contract either wholly or in part by giving written notice by 1 (One) month in advance. The Contractor shall undertake to observe the instructions of the Department as to the winding up of the Contract both on their own part and on the part of their Sub-contractor(s).

 In the case of cancellation of the Contract by the Department without any fault of the Contractor, the Contractor shall forthwith take the necessary steps to implement the Department’s instructions. The period to be allowed to

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implement shall be fixed by the Department after consultation with Contractor and, in general, shall not exceed 3 (Three) months.

 Subject to the Contractor conforming to the instructions given above, the Department will take over from the Contractor, at a fair and reasonable price, all finished parts not yet delivered to the Department, all unused and undamaged materials, bought-out components and articles in course of fabrication in the possession of the Contractor for the performance of the Contract, except such material, which the Contractor shall, with the agreement of the Department, elect to retain.

 The Department will, in no circumstance, be liable to pay any sum which, when added to the other sums paid, due or becoming due to the Contractor under the Contract and its Amendment, if any, exceeds the total payment for the work set forth in the Contract and its Amendment, if any.

 The ownership of all materials, part and unfinished work paid for by the Department under the provisions of this Section shall be vested in or transferred to the Department as soon as they have been paid for.

6.1.5 Contractor’s Default Liability

 The Department shall reserve the right to terminate the Contract in the circumstances detailed hereunder upon issue of 1 (One) month prior notice of default to the Contractors.

 If the Contractor fails to execute the Contract, due to reasons not attributable to the Department, within the period specified in the Contract or within the period for which extension may be granted by the Department.

 If the Contractor fails to rectify, reconstruct or replace any defective system/ subsystem/ equipment within a period of 30 (Thirty) days from the date of notice issued by the Department or if the Contractor delays, suspends or is unable to complete the system/ subsystem/ equipment by the date mutually agreed upon.

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 If the Contractor commits breach of any terms and conditions of the Contract after the Contractor has been given a reasonable period of time to make good the breach.

 If the Government of India decides to terminate the Contract in public interest.

 When the Contractor makes themselves liable for action under the circumstances mentioned above, the Department will have the power to forfeit any BG or SD submitted by the Contractor and the Contractor shall have no claim for damages whatsoever on such forfeiture.

 The work remaining to be completed at the time of termination of the Contract shall be got executed through any other Contractor, in which case the expenses, which may be incurred in excess of sums, which would have been paid to the original Contractor, had the whole work been executed by them, shall be recovered from the original Contractor.

 If the work happens to be terminated as provided in Section 6.1.4, the Department, in addition to any other right provided, may require the Contractor to change the title and deliver to the Department in the manner and as directed by the Department.

 Any completed system/ subsystem/ equipment

 Such partially completed system/ subsystem/ equipment/ drawings/ information, which Contractor specifically produced/ acquired for the performance of the work.

 The Department will pay to the Contractor, as per mutually agreed price, for completed system/ subsystem/ equipment delivered to and accepted by the Department and for manufacturing materials delivered and accepted. For the partially completed system/ subsystem/ equipment delivered to and accepted by the Department, payment will be made at mutually agreed prices. After termination of the Contract, the balance items of work shall be executed by the Department through other agencies.

 Intermediary agent: The Contractor shall declare that no company, firm or person other than full time bona-fide employee working solely for the

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Contractor has been employed or retained by the Contractor to solicit or secure this Contract and that the Contractor has not paid to any company, firm or person any fee, commission or brokerage contingent upon or resulting from the award of this Contract. If, at any time, it is found that the Contractor has made a false declaration to this effect, the Department shall be entitled to terminate the Contract. All the consequences of termination shall be at the Contractor’s risk and cost.

6.2 Security Deposit:

The Contractor shall provide Security Deposit (SD) for a sum equal to 10% of the total Contract price within 1(One)month from the date of Contract. It shall be in the form of BG from a nationalized/scheduled bank approved by Reserve Bank of India (RBI) valid till final acceptance of DM water plant at IPRC with additional claim period of 2 (Two) months. In the event of non- execution of the Contract or breach of Contract terms& conditions by the Contractor, the Department shall en-cash the SD. Upon successful execution of the Contract in all respects by the Contractor and final acceptance of DM water plant at IPRC by the Department, the SD will be discharged by returning the BG to the Contractor. Alternatively, the SD may be extended and converted into PBG as per Section 6.11.2. PSEs/PSUs are exempted from furnishing of BG towards Security Deposit instead they have to furnish Indemnity Bond.

6.3 Price and Payment Term:

6.3.1 Price

 The contract has two price heads, one for establishing the plant & sub- systems which includes, design & detail engineering, supply & erection of plant equipments, storage tanks, GN2 cylinders, Mechanical evaporator (spray dryer) and commissioning while the other is towards operation & maintenance for a period of 2 years.

 The price towards the establishment of plant shall be on FIRM & FIXED PRICE (FFP) basis while for Operation & maintenance, it shall be both fixed & variable.

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 The Bidder shall clearly estimate, the quantity of materials and services required to comply with the overall intended functional scope of this RFP document and quote the price accordingly. The materials or services that may not have been listed in this RFP document but are necessary to comply with the functional scope shall also be included in the basic price.

 The price under establishing the plant is applicable for Design & detail Engineering, Storage tanks, GN2 cylinders, Mechanical evaporator (Spray dryer), Plant flow components& piping, Laboratory instruments and Erection & commissioning.

 For operation & maintenance, the price shall be quoted as fixed and variable. The variable cost is meant for the consumables and chemicals required during the operation of plant that shall be quoted on the basis of “production of per cubic metre of DM/ DO free water”. All the other costs of operation & maintenance shall be brought under fixed costs. The bidder shall annex a list of consumables and chemicals that would be utilized for production of “per cubic metre of DM & DO free water” along with the bid.

 There shall not be any change in the Contract price permissible on account of changes in materials or services arising out of Detail engineering review, etc. or actual site conditions or any other reason whatsoever so as to comply with the intended functional scope of the Contract. The Bidder shall envisage such changes and quote the prices accordingly.

 The price for imported materials, if any, shall be deemed to be with reference to the foreign exchange rates applicable on the date of signing of Contract. No variation in exchange rate will be considered when the same is varied on the date of invoice.

6.3.2 Tax and Duty

 The Bidder shall quote, separately in the price bid, applicable Goods & Service Tax levied by the Central or State Government within India for materials or services at the rates prevailing at the time of submission of bid. In case of any change in rate or structure of taxes, duties or levies by the Central or State Governments within India, taxes shall be reimbursed at actual. IPRC is eligible for concessional rates of GST under relevant notifications # 45/2017- Central Tax and 47/2017-Integrated Tax dated

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14/11/2017 (presently @5%). Exemption certificate shall be issued for supplies of Goods only.

 Any royalty, commission or other attendant/ incidental charge/ fee payable to any agency/ body other than the Central or State Governments within India for materials or services shall be indicated separately, preferably as percentage (%).

 Any tax, duty, levy, royalty, commission or other attendant/ incidental charge/ fee, etc. payable outside India shall be payable by the Contractor.

 The Department shall reimburse Goods and Service Tax (GST) as applicable for the indigenous materials & services under the Contractor’s scope at actual, at the rate prevailing at the time of transaction. Any other provisions of the GST Act or relevant Notifications issued by the Government of India in respect of the same shall also be implemented if applicable to this Contract. The GST registration number of the Department is 33AAAGI0056H1ZV.

 In case of variation/ substitution of existing taxes/ duties/ levies or imposition of new taxes/ duties/ levies during the Contract period by the Central or State Governments in India, the Department shall reimburse the same at actual to the Contractor against production of documentary evidence to that effect. However, if such variation/ substitution of statutory levies results in increase in the amounts payable during any extension to the Contract execution period for reason(s) attributable to the Contractor, such increased amounts shall not be reimbursed by the Department.

 The Department shall issue Concessional Custom Duty Certificate for the imported materials under the scope of the Contractor consigned directly to IPRC Mahendragiri against Proforma invoice submitted by the Sub- contractors/ Sub-vendors. The Concessional Custom Duty Certificate shall be issued for the imported materials covered under Notification # 5/2018 dated 25/01/2018.

For the materials manufactured in Special Economic Zones in India and consigned directly to IPRC Mahendragiri, the Department shall issue Concessional Custom Duty Certificate.

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 The Department shall make statutory deduction on account of Income tax as per the extant provisions of the Indian Income Tax Act, 1961 and issue “Tax Deducted at Source (TDS)” certificate to the Contractor.

6.3.3 Payment Term

The Contract price shall be paid in phases as per the following terms:

 Advance Payment

The Department does not normally entertain advance payment. However, in case the Bidder proposes for advance payment, the Department may consider it, subject to the following conditions.

 BG for an equivalent sum from a nationalized/ scheduled bank approved by RBI or a reputed first-class international bank valid till final acceptance of DM water plant with additional claim period of 2 (Two) months is to be submitted.

 In case of different advance payment terms proposed by the Bidders, the Department will load simple interest on the advance payment over the execution period in accordance with MCLR as notified by RBI applicable on the due date for submission of bid for comparison of the price bids.

 Moreover, in case of delay in execution of the Contract by the Contractor beyond the stipulated period due to reasons not attributable to the Department, the Department will recover interest on the advance payment over the period of delay at the bank rate notified by RBI applicable on the date of final acceptance of DM water plant. (This is over and above LD as per Section 6.4.2)

 Milestone Payment

The Department may release payments on completion of following milestones. The milestone payments plus advance payment, if any, agreed for, shall not exceed 90% of the value quoted under establishment of plant & sub-systems. (excluding operation & maintenance cost)

o Design & Detail Engineering

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o Supply of SS storage tanks at site o Supply of GN2 cylinders at site o Supply of Mechanical evaporator (Spray dryer) at site o Supply of all plant components such as flow components, accessories, piping elements & Laboratory Instruments at site o Erection and commissioning of entire plant

100% of the applicable taxes, duties, levies, etc. will also be paid along with the milestone payment.

The invoice for each milestone payment for delivery of material shall be accompanied by

o Certification by the Department of having accepted the Pre-Delivery Inspection (PDI) document o Certificate of country of origin (for imported materials) o Packing list/ Delivery Challan (DC) showing dimensions, gross mass, net mass, quantity & content of packages o Non-negotiable copy of Lorry Receipt (LR)/ Bill of Landing (BL)/ Master Air Way Bill (MAWB)

The invoice for each milestone payment for service shall be accompanied by certification by the Department to the effect that the Contractor has completed the service satisfactorily.

 Final payment

The retention sum of 10% and charges meant for erection & commissioning will be paid upon final acceptance of DM water plant. The invoice shall be accompanied by

o Final acceptance certificate by the Department upon successful completion of commissioning of the plant by the Contractor,

o Warranty certificate

o PBG as per Section 6.11.2.

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The payment towards operation & maintenance will be paid on monthly basis (with fixed costs in full and variable costs based on the quantity of production of DM & DO free water) after final acceptance and during the operation of the plant.

6.3.4 Mode of Payment

 All payments to the Contractor will be made through Real-Time Gross Settlement (RTGS).

 The payments will be made within 30 (Thirty) days from the date of receipt of the original invoice along with requisite and clean documents required as per the Contract at the Department’s end.

6.4 Execution Period

The overall execution period of the Contract reckoned from the effective date of Contract (i.e. signing of the Contract by Department and Contractor) to the date of final acceptance of DM water plant by the Department shall be 12months.

6.4.1 Progress Review and Monitoring

The Bidder shall submit, along with the techno-commercial bid, a detailed schedule breakup, preferably in the form of Gantt chart, indicating target start & finish dates of various major activities in different phases so as to comply with the overall execution period. The major phases include

 Design review  Detail engineering review  Procurement of equipment& materials, shop fabrication, testing and transportation to site  Onsite activities such as site development, construction, fabrication, erection, testing & inspection  Commissioning This schedule shall form the basis for all the works to be performed by the Contractor.

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Project management to complete the Contract within specified time, price and performance/ quality parameters shall be the responsibility of the Contractor. The Contractor and the Department shall identify Contract Managers for their respective sides. Within 2 weeks from the date of Contract, the Contractor shall prepare a detailed schedule chart for the overall execution period. The schedule chart shall be updated every month. The deviation, if any, is to be clearly documented and possible end effects brought out at each phase. The preparation of all documentation for reviews and meetings are the Contractor’s responsibility. Progress shall be monitored by both the Contract Managers on regular basis. The frequency of review at the final phase of the Contract shall be suitably increased to resolve any outstanding issue. It is to be noted that the schedule is the essence of the Contract and work progress shall be closely monitored and appropriate actions shall be taken wherever necessary.

6.4.2 Liquidated Damage for Delayed Execution

Except in case of Force majeure circumstance as given in Section 6.4.3 or due to reasons attributable to the Department, if the Contractor fails to execute the Contract within the execution period or any extension agreed thereof, the Department shall recover, from the Contractor as Liquidated Damage (LD), a sum of 0.5 % of the Contract price (excluding the operation& Maintenance charges) for each calendar week of delay. The total LD shall not exceed 10% of the total Contract price (excluding the operation & Maintenance charges). The Contract shall be deemed to have been executed only when the DM water plant is fully accepted by the Department upon successful commissioning. If certain components/ subsystems/ systems are not delivered/ executed or are not accepted due to deficiency in performance/ workmanship wholly or partly, it shall be considered that the execution is delayed until such time the deficiencies are rectified by the Contractor and the components/ subsystems/ systems are accepted by the Department.

The following points are clarified with regard to applicability of LD:  The LD will not be restricted to undelivered/ unexecuted portion of the material/ service only.  The LD will not be partially waived if any individual constituent system/ subsystem are completed on time as per intermediate milestone in the schedule chart.

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6.4.3 Force Majeure Circumstance

Neither party shall bear responsibility for the complete or partial non- performance of any of their obligations (except for failure to pay any sum which has become due on account of receipt of goods under the provisions of the Contract) if the non-performance results from such force majeure circumstances such as, but not restricted to, flood, fire, earthquake, civil commotion, sabotage, explosion, epidemic, quarantine restriction, strike, lock-out, freight embargo, acts of the Government either in its sovereign or contractual capacity, hostility, acts of public enemy and other acts of God as well as war or revolution, military operation, blockade, acts or actions of State authorities or any other circumstance beyond the control of the parties that have arisen after the conclusion of the Contract.

In such circumstances, the time stipulated for the performance of an obligation under the Contract may be proportionately extended.

The Party, for whom it has become impossible to meet the obligation under the Contract due to force majeure condition, will notify the other Party in writing not later than 21 (Twenty One) days from the date of commencement of the unforeseeable event. Unless otherwise directed by the Department in writing, the contractor shall continue to perform their obligations under the Contract as far as is practical and shall seek all reasonable alternative means for performance not prevented by the force majeure event.

Any certificate issued by the Chamber of Commerce or any other competent authority or organization of the respective country shall be sufficient proof of commencement and cessation of the above circumstances.

In case of failure to carry out complete or partial performance of an obligation for more than 60 (Sixty) days, either Party shall reserve the right to terminate the Contract totally or partially. A prior written notice of 30 (Thirty) days to the other Party will be given informing of the intention to terminate without any liability. This is exclusive of any reimbursement for the goods received as provided for in the agreement.

6.4.4 Cycle Time for Approval

The Department will communicate their disposition (approval, rejection or comment) of the design & engineering documents, pre-delivery inspection

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documents and Contractor’s proposal for incorporation of additional Sub- contractor/ Sub-vendor within 10 (ten) working days from the date of receipt, at the Department’s end, of such documents, provided that the documents received are complete and in compliance with the contractual obligations.

The Department will also provide Concessional Customs Duty Certificate for materials within 10 working days from the date of receipt, at the Department’s end, of request for the same accompanied by requisite documents in compliance with the contractual obligations.

6.5 Sourcing of Materials and Services

The Contractor shall source the materials/ services required for executing the Contract from Sub-vendors/ Sub-contractors of requisite standard, competence and quality-consciousness.

6.5.1 Selection of Sub-Vendor/ Sub-Contractor

The Sub-vendors/ Sub-contractors, who, in the opinion of the Department, are competent enough to deliver the materials or execute the services required for establishment of the system, are given in the directory in this RFP document. In case the Bidder proposes sourcing the materials/ services from Sub-vendors/ Sub-contractors not covered in the directory given in this RFP document, the list of such Sub-vendors/ Sub-contractors, along with their detailed company profile, shall be provided in the bid. The list of additional Sub-vendors/ Sub-contractors proposed by the Bidder is subject to review, during evaluation of the bid, by the Department, who reserves the right to accept or reject the proposal wholly or in part. The Sub-vendor/ Sub- contractor directory (revised if applicable) shall be incorporated in the Contract.

Upon award of the Contract, the Contractor shall submit the list of Sub- vendors/ Sub-contractors selected from the directories given in the Contract with whom the Contractor has finalized to source the materials/ services. In case the Contractor proposes sourcing the materials/ services from Sub- vendors/ Sub-contractors not covered in the directories given in the Contract, the list of such Sub-vendors/ Sub-contractors, along with their detailed company profile, shall be submitted. The list of additional Sub-vendors/ Sub- contractors proposed by the Contractor is subject to review by the

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Department, who reserves the right to accept or reject the proposal wholly or in part.

Nevertheless, the Department’s proposal or approval of Sub-vendor/ Sub- contractor shall not absolve the Contractor of their responsibility to comply with the specification/ obligation of the Contract.

6.5.2 Sub-Contracting

The Contractor shall not assign or sub-contract the work or any part of the work without the written approval of the Department. In the event of approval of Sub-contractors, the detailed specifications and drawings of sub- contracted items shall be approved by the Department. All the works carried out by such Sub-contractors shall also be scrutinized, inspected and approved by the Department. However, the responsibility for the performance of such sub-contracted systems shall lie with the Contractor. Any delay in carrying out the work by the Sub-contractor which affects the overall execution schedule does not absolve the Contractor from payment of compensation for the delays. All terms and conditions applicable to the Contractor shall also be applicable to the Sub-contractor who has been assigned the sub-systems.

6.6 Inspection

6.6.1 Primary Inspection by Third Party Inspection Agency

All the materials purchased by the Contractor shall be inspected by the Third Party Inspection (TPI) agency. It shall be the Contractor’s responsibility to arrange & co-ordinate with the TPI agency. The charges for inspection by the TPI agency shall be included in the basic cost of the material.

The primary TPI agency responsible for inspection of the systems/ sub- systems/ components/ materials/ services shall be chosen from among the following list:

 Lloyds Register Industrial Services Pvt. Ltd. (LRIS)  Det-Norske Veritas (DNV)  TUV SUD South Asia Pvt. Ltd. (TUV)

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In the event of non-availability of any of the aforesaid TPI agencies in a particular location, the Department may, at their own discretion on case-to- case basis, permit engaging alternative TPI agency based on proposal from the Contractor along with the agency’s credentials.

The TPI agency shall be responsible for  Inspection of the bought-out materials at the Sub-vendor’s premises.  Material-receipt (inward), in-process (stage) & pre-delivery (final) inspection during manufacture/ fabrication at the Contractors’/ Sub- contractor’s/ Sub-vendor’s premises.  Witnessing of DP test, hydrostatic/ pneumatic strength test, leak test, etc.  Review of test certificates viz. material test certificates, radiography certificates, etc.  Issue of inspection report and release note  Stamping of all items

It is the responsibility of the Contractor to prepare Quality Assurance Plan (QAP) for all the systems/ subsystems/ components/ materials giving the detailed scope of inspection and submit to the Department for approval.

6.6.2 Surveillance Inspection by Department

Notwithstanding the inspection by TPI agency, the Department, at their own discretion and on surveillance basis, shall have the right to depute their representative(s) to perform material-receipt/ in-process/ final pre-delivery inspection at any phase during fabrication/ manufacture of any system/ subsystem/ component/ material at the Contractor’s/ Sub-contractor’s/ Sub- vendor’s premise, for ascertaining the material and workmanship of the system. The Contractor shall obtain the necessary permission for the Department’s representatives to visit the Sub-contractor’s/ Sub-vendor’s premise. For the inspection by the Department’s representatives, the Contractor/ Sub-contractor/ Sub-vendor shall provide, at their premise, free of charge, assistance, labor, materials, electricity, instruments, etc. as may be reasonably needed.

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The participation and approval by the Department’s representatives during the inspection/ review shall not absolve the Contractor of their responsibility to comply with the specification/ obligation of the Contract.

6.6.3 Site Inspection by Department:

Department shall carryout all the inspection related to the fabrication, installation, testing, commissioning and acceptance. It is the responsibility of the Contractor to coordinate with the Department’s representative for carrying out the necessary inspections at the Site.

6.7 Delivery

6.7.1 Packing

All the equipment, flow components, pipes, pipe fittings, instruments, etc. shall be blanked off at ends by dust-tight plugs/ closures. The materials shall be packed and crated for delivery by sea/ air/ road in a manner suitable for safe transportation to Mahendragiri, which has tropical humid climate, in accordance with internationally accepted practices and in such a manner as to protect them from damage and deterioration during the transportation. The Contractor shall be held responsible for all damages due to improper or inadequate packing.

Phytosanitary certificate: As per “Plant Quarantine (Regulation of Control into India) Order”, articles packed with packaging material of plant origin viz. hay, straw, wood shavings, wood chips, saw dust, wood waste, wooden pallets, dunnage mats, wooden packages, coir pith, peat or sphagnum moss, etc. will be allowed entry by Customs (Department of India) only with a “Phytosanitary certificate”. Therefore, the Contractor shall ensure that any imported consignment is accompanied by such a certificate issued by the Plant Quarantine authority in the country of origin, if any of the above-mentioned packaging materials is used. In case of delay/ denial in customs clearance (in India), the entire responsibility including additional expenditure shall solely rest with the Contractor.

6.7.2 Delivery Term

All the materials under the Contract shall be delivered on “F.O.R. MAHENDRAGIRI”

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The ultimate consignee shall be as follows:

Purchase & Stores Officer, Stores Section, ISRO Propulsion complex, Indian Space Research Organization, Department of Space, Government of India, Mahendragiri- 627 133, Tirunelveli District, Tamil Nadu State, India.

Marking: The Contractor shall ensure that the consignments are legibly and properly marked with Contract Number, Destination and other details for correct identification. One copy of the packing list giving details such as dimensions, gross mass, net mass, content of each package, etc. shall be enclosed in each package. The Contractor shall be liable for any additional expense or demurrage due to improper identification.

The Contractor shall email the complete delivery documents immediately upon dispatch.

6.7.3 Custom Clearance

The Department will provide Concessional Customs Duty Certificate for imported materials as per Section 6.3.2. The Contractor shall be responsible for custom clearance and transportation of the consignment from seaport/ airport in India to the Department’s site. The customs duty will be reimbursed by the department.

6.7.4 Transportation:

All the material shall be delivered at Site by Contractor at their own risk.

6.7.5 Storage and Handling

Upon receipt of the consignment, the Contractor shall unload and store the materials at the Department’s site. It shall be the Contractor’s responsibility to construct temporary sheds/ buildings for proper storage of the materials to protect them from the vagaries of nature. The Contractor shall be responsible for safe and secure custody of the materials until final acceptance of DM water plant.

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6.8 Insurance

6.8.1 During operation & Maintenance:

a. Plant insurance to protect against earth quake, fire, natural calamities, etc. The plant insurance shall be taken as per directions given by Department and the premium for the plant insurance will be reimbursed by Department at actuals.

b. The bidder’s personnel shall be covered under a Group Insurance Scheme and the premium shall be borne by the bidder and the same shall not be reimbursed by the Department. Copy of the policy shall be forwarded for records.

6.9 Compliance with Standards

All the materials supplied or used shall be new and of first quality and manufactured and tested in accordance with the latest editions of the relevant Indian/ International standards. Wherever imported components are used, they shall be manufactured in accordance with the relevant standards published in the country of manufacture after allowing for specific aspects under Indian conditions such as tropical climate, etc. Any material or work, where no specific standard is applicable, shall be fabricated as per the instructions and directions of the Department.

All the electrical equipment used shall conform to the latest Indian Electricity Rules/ international standards as regards safety, earthing and other essential provisions specified therein for installation and operation of electrical parts.

6.10 System Performance

The Contractor shall ensure performance of the system comprising all equipment, materials, services, etc. delivered/ executed by them under this Contract in strict compliance with the specification and term & condition. The Contractor shall successfully demonstrate the performance during commissioning. If the Contractor is unable to demonstrate the performance as per the specification, within the stipulated period, and if the results deviate from the specification, the Contractor shall correct them at no extra cost for the Department and repeat the test within a reasonable period of time as agreed to by the Department. The Contractor shall make effort practicable to

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correct/ repair the deficiencies. However, the Department reserves the option to reject the ill-performing equipment/ systems and when this option is exercised by the Department, the Contractor shall replace the rejected equipment/ systems by new ones at their own cost to the Department’s satisfaction within a reasonable period of time as indicated by the Department.

On the other hand, if the Department accepts the system, though it fails to comply with the specification fully, the Department will, at their own discretion, make necessary recoveries for such shortfall in performance.

In the event of rejection, in order to minimize the consequential losses, the faulty equipment shall be retained until a new replacement arrives at site for erection. It should be noted that as the faulty equipment has not been accepted and not taken over by the Department, the responsibility for it lies entirely with the Contractor. During this period, the Contractor shall not limit the use of faulty equipment except for reasons of safety during operation both for personnel and equipment.

6.11 Warranty

The Contractor shall warrant that the DM water plant established comprising all equipment, materials, services, etc. delivered/ executed by them under this Contract are free from any defect resulting from faulty design, material or workmanship for a period of 24 (twenty four) months from the date of final acceptance.

6.11.1 Defect Liability

In case any defect, except due to normal wear & tear or faulty operation, develops in the system due to bad materials and/ or bad workmanship during the warranty period, the Contractor, upon notification by the Department, shall rectify or remedy the defects at their own cost and make their own arrangements to provide material, labor, equipment and any other appliance required in this regard. The equipment or component repaired or replaced by the Contractor shall be warranted for an extended period of 24 (twenty four) months from the date of such repair or replacement or 24 months from the date of expiry of the original warranty period, whichever occurs earlier. It is Contractor’s responsibility to transport the defective equipment/ system from

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Department’s site to suitable factory and back to the Department’s site after rectification of the defect.

Latent Defect: Even after expiry of the warranty period, the Contractor shall remain liable for latent defects in the system for a period of 12 (Twelve) months from the date of expiry of the warranty period. Latent defect means a defect in material or workmanship which unravels during such period but existed upon delivery itself and could not have been discovered. The Department is responsible to prove, by a third party mutually agreed by the Parties, that the failure of the system is due to latent defect.

6.11.2 Performance Bank Guarantee

The Contractor shall furnish a Performance Bank Guarantee (PBG) from a nationalized/ scheduled bank approved by RBI or a reputed first-class international bank for 10% of the total Contract price (excluding operation & maintenance charges) valid till expiry of the warranty period with additional claim period of 2 (Two) months. If any defect in the system executed by the Contractor is noticed by the Department during the warranty period and Contractor fails to rectify or remedy the defects, the Department will have the right to get this done by other agencies and recover the cost incurred, as determined by the Department, which shall be final and binding, by enforcing the PBG.

6.12 Documentation

6.12.1 The Contractor shall submit the relevant documents during different phases of the Contract. The documents are subject to review by the Department. However, the Department’s approval shall not absolve the Contractor of their responsibility to comply with the specifications and obligations of the Contract.

6.12.2 All the documents shall be provided in English language only. In the event that the documents by the Sub-contractors/ Sub-vendors are in some other language, it shall be the Contractor’s responsibility to translate them to English language.

6.12.3 The documents shall be provided in one copy each in hard print and in electronic form (softcopy) in CD-ROM or DVD-ROM.

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6.12.4 Master Documentation: During final acceptance of DM water plant, the Contractor shall provide a consolidated repository of the latest versions/ revisions of all the documents generated/ used during the course of entire contract execution. The Master documentation shall be exhaustive covering, but not limited to, Contract & amendment (if any), design review report, detail engineering documents & review reports, purchase orders, general arrangement drawings of equipment, flow components& instruments, wiring diagrams of instruments & electrical elements, pre-delivery inspection & test certificates, invoices, manufacturer’s instruction manuals for installation, operation, maintenance & trouble-shooting, guarantee/ warranty certificates, construction/ erection test & inspection documents, commissioning reports, execution report, standard operating procedures, final acceptance certificate, minutes of meetings, schedule charts, inventory of spares with proper identification number correlating to their location in the appropriate place, etc.

6.12.5 Phase Wise Document Submission: Contractor shall submit the relevant documents during different phases of the Contract for department review and approval.

 Quotation phase The following documents, as soft copy, shall be annexed along with Techno- commercial part of the quotation. 1. Detailed Technical specification of plant and sub-systems 2. List of deviations, if any, from the specification of RFP 3. Process circuit diagram/scheme, General arrangement drawing of SS storage tanks, Layout of GN2 & water piping circuits, etc. 4. List of vendors from whom the sub-systems are proposed to be procured. Deviations, if any, from the RFP specification shall be indicated explicitly. 5. List of consumables and chemicals and their quantities, that are required for operation of the plant for “per cubic metre production of DM & DO free water”. This data alone shall be the basis for fixing the variable costs of operation of the plant. 6. Documents related to Pre-Qualification Criteria (PQC) as briefed in section 4 of this RFP document. 7. Details & type of electrical loads of plant and sub-systems. 8. Catalogues of sub-systems viz. flow components, laboratory instruments, etc.

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9. ISO certifications, if any. 10. Other documents for confirming specific information, if any.

 Design review phase Contractor shall submit a design document detailing the sizing of RO bed, De-

gassifier, mixed bed, HRSCC, O2 scavenger, SS storage tanks, pipelines, pumps and intermediate elements. The plant P&ID indicating the components and instruments shall also be included.  Detail engineering review phase Contractor shall submit Detail Engineering Review document and the level of information to be provided in the document are as follows: 1. GN2 & water piping layout & isometric drawings 2. Design calculations of plant & sub-systems 3. Design calculations of foundations and its load details 4. Electrical Power scheme 5. Purchase specification of materials and associated drawings 6. List of consumables & chemicals for operation & maintenance 7. Quality Assurance Plan for individual materials, GN2 cylinders, flow components & piping elements, Mechanical evaporator (Spray dryer) and SS storage tanks. 8. List of sub-vendors/ sub-contractors 9. Methodology of neutralizing the chemicals in Neutralizer pit 10. Execution Plan and procedure for fabrication, installation, testing and commissioning 11. Safety Assurance Plan during erection, commissioning & operation. After Detail Engineering Review, all the documents shall be updated accordingly and submitted to Department for approval.  Material pre-shipment phase Contractor shall submit the following documents for the items. 1. As-built fabrication drawings and GA drawings 2. Test certificates and inspection reports of the materials such as plant equipments, GN2 cylinders, SS Storage tanks, flow components, pipes& fittings, instruments (including calibration certificates), etc. 3. Pre-Delivery Inspection (PDI) report by TPI agency

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Department shall review the documents and provide despatch clearance. Material shall be despatched to Department’s site based on this.  Fabrication, installation and testing phase Contractor shall submit the following documents at the end of the installation activity. 1. As-built pipeline layout drawings 2. As-built pipeline isometric drawings 3. Record of Certificates (including radiographic films) done during erection 4. Consolidated Inspection reports jointly performed by Contractor and Department (SRG).

 Commissioning phase Contractor shall submit the following documents at the end of the commissioning activity. 1. Standard Operating Procedures of each system 2. Record of test Certificates commissioning trials 3. Consolidated Inspection reports jointly performed by Contractor and Department (SRG). 4. Final acceptance report (jointly between the Department and the Contractor).

6.13 Confidentiality

The technical information, drawings, specification and other related documents forming part of enquiry or Contract are the property of the Department and shall not be used for any other purpose, except for execution of the Contract. All rights, including the rights in the event of grant of a patent and registration of designs are reserved. The technical information, drawings, specifications, records and other documents shall not be copied, transcribed, traced or reproduced in any other form or otherwise in whole and/ or duplicated, modified and/or disclosed to a third party and/or not misused in any other form whatsoever without the Department’s consent in writing except to the extent required for the execution of the work. This technical information, drawings, specifications, records and other documents shall be returned to the Department with all approved copies and duplicates, if any, immediately after they have been used for the agreed purpose. The technical information,

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drawings, specification and other related documents forming part of the RFP or Contract are property of the Department and shall not be used for any other purpose except for execution of the Contract. All rights, including the rights in the event of grant of a patent and registration of designs, are reserved.

6.14 Indemnity against Infringement of Regulation

The Contractor shall indemnify the Department against infringement of the following regulations:

6.14.1 Labor Law

The Contractor shall indemnify the Department against any action, claim or proceeding relating to infringement of all or any of the prevailing labor laws of India like Workmen’s Compensation Act 1923, Contract Labor (Regulation and Abolition) Central Rules 1971, Industrial Disputes Act 1947, Employees Provident Funds and Miscellaneous Act 1952 during the onsite activities at the Department’s premise.

6.14.2 Patent Right

The Contractor shall fully indemnify the Department against any action, claim or proceeding relating to infringements or use of any patent or design or any alleged patent or design rights and shall pay any royalty which may be payable in respect of any claim made under or any action brought against the Department. In respect of such matters as aforesaid, the Contractor shall be set at liberty, at their own expense, to settle any dispute or to conduct any litigation that may arise there-from. The Contractor shall not be liable to indemnify the Department on the infringement of the patent or design or any alleged patent or design right which is the direct result of an order passed by the Department.

6.15 Settlement of Dispute

The Parties shall carry out their respective obligations under the Contract in the spirit of mutual cooperation, good faith & harmony. Except in matters in respect of which the decision of the Department is final as specified in the Contract, any difference, dispute or controversy shall be resolved and settled amicably among the Parties. If, however, that is not possible, the Parties shall

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agree that all disputes arising out of or in connection with the Contract shall be finally and conclusively decided by arbitration and the award in pursuance thereof shall be binding on the Parties.

6.15.1 Arbitration

If, at any time, any question, dispute or difference whatsoever shall arise between the Department and the Contractor upon or in connection with this Contract, either Party may forthwith give to the other notice in writing of the existence of such question, dispute or difference and the same shall be referred to the adjudication of arbitrators. The arbitration shall be in accordance with the rules of the Indian Arbitration and Conciliation Act, 1996 as amended from time to time. The court of arbitration shall base its decision on this Contract with resort to Indian law. The arbitration shall take place in India. The language shall be English. Work under the Contract shall, if reasonably possible, continue during arbitration proceedings.

6.16 Jurisdiction and Applicable Law

The Contract shall be governed by the laws of India for the time being in force. Subject to the Arbitration clause, the Courts in whose territorial jurisdiction the Department’s premise is located shall be competent to deal with and decide any legal matter or dispute arising out of the Contract.

6.17 Language and Measure

All the documents pertaining to the Contract including specifications, design document, detail-engineering documents, test certificates, inspection reports, correspondences, operation & maintenance manuals or any other writing shall be written in English language only. The SI units (Systeme International d’ Unites) of measurement are used exclusively in the RFP/ Contract and shall be used in all future documents connected with the Contract. All the pressure values are in gauge scale, unless specifically suffixed by “a” which indicates absolute.

6.18 Limitation of Liability

The warranties, representations, obligations and liabilities of the Contractor for non-performance/ breach as set forth herein are exclusive and in substitution of any other warranties, conditions, representations, obligations

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and liabilities, express or implied, arising by law or otherwise. The total cumulative and aggregate liability of Contractor in connection with the Contract including LD and damage to the property of the Department shall not exceed 20% of the total Contract price excepting, however, Contractor’s cost of completing his scope of delivery, rectification work or repairs or replacements as well as any amounts recovered under Contractor’s insurance. Notwithstanding anything contained in the Contract, in no event shall the Contractor be liable to the Department by way of indemnity or by reason of negligence or breach of the Contract or in tort or otherwise for loss of production or products, loss of profits, damages or losses claimed by third parties, loss of use, loss of Contracts, increased cost of operation, maintenance or staffing needs, any other financial or economic loss or any indirect, incidental, special punitive or consequential damages of any description and howsoever arising in connection with the Contract.


7.1 Execution of Work

7.1.1 The specification of the Contract is intended to describe and provide for a complete finished system. The Contractor shall agree and understand that the work to be executed shall be complete in every detail, even though every item necessarily involved is not particularly mentioned in the RFP/ Contract document. The Contractor shall be required to provide all labor, materials and equipment necessary for completion of the work described and shall not avail themselves of any manifesting unintentional error, omission or inconsistency that may exist. The Contractor shall carry out and complete the work in every respect in accordance with the Contract and the directions and to the satisfaction of the Department.

7.1.2 The Contractor shall provide everything necessary for the proper execution of the work according to the intent and meaning of the specification whether the same may or may not be particularly shown or described therein, provided that the same can reasonably be inferred there-from and if the Contractor finds any discrepancy there-in, they shall immediately and in writing refer the same to the Department whose decision shall be final and binding on the Contractors.

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7.1.3 If any part of the Contractor’s work depends for proper execution upon the work of any other contractor, the Contractor shall inspect and promptly report in writing the Department any defect in such work of the other contractor that tender it unsuitable for proper execution of the work under the Contract. Their failure to so inspect and report shall constitute acceptance of the other contractor’s work as fit and proper for the reception of their work, except as to defects which may develop in the work of the other contractors after proper execution of the work. To ensure proper execution of their subsequent work, the Contractor shall measure the work already in place and shall at once report to the Department any discrepancy between the executed work and the drawings.

7.1.4 The Contractors shall not sell, assign, mortgage, hypothecate or remove equipment or materials which have been erected or which may be necessary for the completion of the Contract without the written consent of the Department.

7.1.5 In the execution of the work, no person other than the Contractor or their duly appointed representatives, their Sub-contractor and their workmen, shall be allowed to do work at the site except by the special permission in writing by the Department.

7.1.6 The Contractor shall proceed with the work to be performed under the Contract and each & every part & detail thereof in the best and most workmen-like manner by engaging qualified, careful and efficient workers and do the several parts thereof at such time and in such order as the Department directs and finish such work in strict conformance with the plans, drawings and/ or specifications and any change, modification or amplification thereof made by the Department.

7.1.7 The personnel of the Contractor and their Sub-contractor shall follow the safety, security and administrative norms of the Department at site.

7.2 Supply of Tools, Tackles and Other Materials

7.2.1 For completion of the work, the Contractor shall, at their own expense, furnish all necessary erection tools, machine tools, power tools, tackles, hoists, cranes, derricks, cables, slings, skids, scaffolding, work benches, tools for rigging, cribbing and blocking, welding machines, pre-heating and stress

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relieving equipment, X-ray and all associated protective equipment, appliances, materials and supplies required to accomplish the work under the Contract unless otherwise provided for. Adequacy of such tools shall be subject to final determination of the Department.

7.2.2 The Contractor shall also furnish all necessary expendable devices like anchors, grinding and abrasive wheels, plugs, hacksaw blades, taps, dies, drills, reamers, chisels, files, carborundum stones, oil stones, wire brushes, necessary scaffolding, ladders, wooden planks, timbers, sleepers, and consumable materials like oxygen, acetylene, argon, lubricating oils, greases, cleaning fluids, cylinder oil, graphite powder and flakes, fasteners, gaskets, temporary supports, stainless steel shims or various thicknesses as required, cotton waste, PTFE tapes and all other miscellaneous supplies of every kind required for carrying out the work under the Contract.

7.2.3 The Contractors shall not dispose, transport or withdraw any tools, tackles, equipment and materials provided by them for the Contract without taking prior written approval from the Department and the Department at all times shall have right to refuse permission for disposal, transport or withdrawal of tools, tackles, equipment and material if, in their opinion, the same will adversely affect the efficient and prompt execution of the work.

7.3 Protection of Work

7.3.1 The Department will not be responsible or held liable for any damage to person or property consequent upon the use, misuse or failure of any construction/ fabrication tools and equipment used by the Contractor or any of their Subcontractor even though such construction tools and equipment may be furnished rented or loaned to the Contractor or any of their Sub-contractor. The acceptance and/ or use of any such construction tool and equipment by the Contractor or their Sub-contractor shall be construed to mean that Contractor accept all responsibilities and agree to indemnify and save harmless the Department from any and all claims for said damages resulting from said use, misuse or failure of such construction tool and equipment.

7.3.2 The Contractor and their Sub-contractor shall be responsible during work for protection of the work which has been completed by the other contractors. The necessary care shall be taken to see that no damage to the same is caused by their own personnel during the course of execution of their work.

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7.3.3 All other work completed or in progress as well as machinery and equipment that are liable to be damaged by the Contractor’s work shall be protected by the Contractor and such protection shall remain and be maintained until its removal is directed by the Department.

7.3.4 The Contractor shall effectively protect all the works from action of weather and from damages or defacement and shall cover finished parts where required for their thorough protection.

7.4 Coordination with Other Contractors and Interfacing of Work

The Contractor shall extend full cooperation to other contractors of the Department to perform their works at site simultaneously. The Contractor shall so arrange their schedule of activities as to ensure smooth and timely execution of the Contract, minimize interference with the works of the other contractors and allow the other contractors the use of the facilities put up by them for erection activities. For this purpose, the Contractor shall plan such works and indicate such interfaces in an interface schedule. They shall not be entitled to any extra payment on this account. The Department will not entertain any claim from the Contractor for delay on account of lack of coordination with the other contractors.

7.5 Site Personnel

7.5.1 During material receipt, erection and commissioning activities, the Contractor shall identify a qualified & experienced Focal Point, who could discharge the contract activities as per the contract norms.

7.5.2 The Focal Point shall have full technical capability and complete administrative & financial powers to expeditiously & efficiently execute the work under the contract. Any written order or instruction which the Department may give to the Focal Point shall be deemed to have been given to the Contractor.

7.5.3 The Focal Point is also responsible executing the contract with stipulated Quality and Safety clauses defined in this RFP.

7.5.4 The Focal Point shall engage adequate manpower for the execution of contract as per existing procedures of IPRC.

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7.5.5 The Focal Point may engage sub-contractor(s) for execution of the contract as per section 6.5 of this RFP.

7.5.6 The Focal Point shall maintain an office on or adjacent to the site of work. The Department will normally communicate directly with the Focal Point at site regarding the schedule, progress or any issues related to execution of contract.

7.5.7 For operation & maintenance activities, the Contractor shall engage adequate manpower as described in section 3.2.16 of this RFP document.

7.6 Employment of Labor

The Contractor shall employ, on the work, only their regular skilled employees with experience of this particular work as far as possible. No female laborer shall be employed after normal working hours. No person below 18 (Eighteen) years of age shall be employed. Work Labor (Regulation and Abolition Act), Central Rules 1971 shall be followed while deploying the laborers.

The Contractor shall pay to each person, wages not less than those specified by Minimum Wages Act. The employees/ laborers for carrying out all the site works shall be identified well in advance by the Contractor and necessary approval shall be obtained from the Department for entry to the work site.

7.7 Reporting

The Contractor shall report to the Department regarding the schedule, progress, expected date of completion, etc. on demand during erection & commissioning. Department’s suggestion on up-keep of schedule shall be honored.

7.8 Clean-up of work site

The Contractor shall not store or place the equipment, materials or erection equipment on the drive ways and streets and shall take care that their work in no way restricts or impedes traffic or passage of personnel and material. During erection, the Contractor shall, without any additional payment, at all times, keep the working and storage area used by them free from accumulation of loose or combustible material, waste materials or rubbish to

[51] Request For Proposal of Centralized DM water Plant IPRC, Mahendragiri

avoid fire hazard and hindrance to other works of the Department. If the Contractor fails to comply with these requirements, the Department shall proceed to clear those areas and the expenses incurred by the Department in this regard shall be payable by the Contractor. Before completion of the work, the Contractor shall remove or dispose of, in proper manner, all scaffolding, temporary structures, sheds, buildings, stores, waste & debris and leave the premise in a condition satisfactory to the Department.

7.9 First aid

The Contractor shall make their own medical and transport arrangements to take care of their employees in case of accident. The Contractor shall provide a first aid kit at the work site to meet the requirements of minor injuries. However, the Contractor may have access to the Department’s Advanced first aid centre and ambulance in case of accident, subject to availability of the same.

7.10 Working and safety regulations

The contractor shall observe all statutory and legal requirements enforced from time to time by Central and State Governments applicable to the work as well as any local regulation applying to the site issued by Department or any other authority. The Contractor shall comply with the provisions of ISRO Contractor Safety Manual.

Particular attention is drawn to the following:

7.10.1 The Contractor shall comply with all the security regulations of Department.

7.10.2 For the Contractor’s equipments, tools, materials, etc. which are to be brought in or taken out from the Department’s premise, proper entry shall be made at the main gate duly endorsed by Central Industrial Security Force (CISF). The Department shall issue necessary gate passes for taking out their materials as and when required and after completion of work.

7.10.3 Smoking, use of mobile phone, camera, matchbox, lighter and any other source of ignition are strictly prohibited inside the Department’s premise.

7.10.4 The Contractor shall establish a safe work procedure and strictly comply with,

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 All electricity rules and regulations.  Standard safety procedures to be followed in scaffolding, operating hoisting equipments, welding & gas cutting, grinding, painting, radiography, etc.  Statutory requirements for inspection and test of all lifting appliances and auxiliary lifting gear.

7.10.5 The Contractor shall ensure that all personnel employed at site use necessary standard Personal Protective Equipments (PPEs).

7.10.6 In case of accident, the Department shall be informed in writing forthwith. The Contractor shall strictly follow the regulations laid down by the Factory Inspector and Central & State Government authorities in this regard.

7.10.7 The Contractor shall notify the Department of their intention to bring to the site any equipment such as space heating or welding apparatus or any container holding liquid or gaseous fuel or other substance, which might create a hazard. The permission for bringing such materials shall be authorized by the Department’s Safety personnel. The Department shall have the right to prohibit the use of such equipment or to prescribe the conditions under which such equipment may be used.

7.10.8 Erection work shall conform to IS 7205 (latest edition).

7.10.9 The Contractor shall obtain necessary work and safety permits from the Department and revalidate them seamlessly. Only after obtaining the above permits, the Contractor shall start the construction works.

7.10.10 The movement of isotope source for radiography purpose shall be permitted only with the prior approval of Atomic Energy Regulatory Board (AERB). The Contractor shall construct necessary temporary building, as per the guideline and with the approval of AERB, to store the isotope sources at suitable location to be identified by the Department.

7.11 Electrical safety regulations

7.11.1 The Contractor shall arrange temporary Power Distribution Panel (PDP) with Moulded Case Circuit Breaker (MCCB), Earth Leakage Circuit Breaker

[53] Request For Proposal of Centralized DM water Plant IPRC, Mahendragiri

(ELCB) and calibrated energy meter for taking electrical power from the Department’s power termination point at site. Necessary power cabling from the Department’s power termination point to the Contractor’s PDP and from the Contractor’s PDP to the Contractor’s utility points shall be arranged by the Contractor. PDP shall be grouted properly. All temporary cabling must comply with rules & regulations and be subject to Department’s satisfaction. After making all temporary power cabling, the Contractor shall formally apply to the Department for safety and work permits. After ascertaining the compliance of the Contractor’s temporary cabling with the Department safety regulations, the Department shall energize the Contractor’s PDP.

7.11.2 The Contractor shall employ a full-time Electrician to maintain their temporary installations.

7.11.3 The PDP shall be provided with MCCB & ELCB for connecting the Contractor’s electrical equipments like welding, drilling, cutting and grinding machines. The Department shall not grant permission to plug-in until the Department is satisfied that

 The appliance is in good condition  The appliance is fitted with suitable cable and cabling shall be done with earthing.

7.11.4 The panel shall be grouted properly. All power and welding cables used shall be of double insulated type of suitable capacity. No weight of any description shall be imposed on any such cable and no ladder or similar equipment shall rest against or be attached to it. The voltage for all portable equipments like drilling machines, temporary lighting, etc shall be 230 V ± 5%.

7.11.5 The Contractor shall have separate welding return cable. The structures/ pipelines of other systems shall not be used for return path.

7.11.6 Power cables and welding cables shall be routed properly. No other systems shall be used for fixing the cable. No electric cable in use by the Department/ Contractor shall be disturbed without prior permission.

7.11.7 In no circumstance, the Contractor shall interfere with fuses and electrical equipment belonging to the Department or other agencies. Before the Contractor connects any electrical appliance to any plug or socket, they shall

[54] Request For Proposal of Centralized DM water Plant IPRC, Mahendragiri

 Ensure that the appliances are in good working condition

 Inform the Department of the maximum current rating, voltage and phase of the appliance

 Obtain permission of the Department detailing power requirement, to which the appliance may be connected.


8.1 Changes and modifications to specifications and qualitative requirements

8.1.1 The Department shall reserve the right at any time to modify the qualitative requirements, specifications, patents or drawings relating to the work covered by the Contract.

8.1.2 The Department may also accept modification proposed by the Contractor on their own initiative or on behalf of the Sub-contractor(s).

8.2 Illustration and explanation of plans

8.2.1 The various parts of the Contract are intended to be complementary to one another, but should any discrepancy appear or any misunderstanding arise, the explanation of the Department shall be final and binding.

8.2.2 The correction of any error or omission of specification may be made by the Department when such correction is necessary to bring out clearly the intention which is indicated by a reasonable interpretation of the specification as a whole.

8.2.3 Wherever, in the specification which is a part of the Contract or which may be furnished to the Contractor for directing the work, the terms and descriptions of various qualities of workmanship, materials, structures, processes, plant or other features of the Contract are described in general terms, the meaning or fulfillment of which must depend upon individual judgments, then in all such cases, the question of interpretation shall be decided by the Department and said material shall be furnished, said work shall be done and said structure or feature shall be constructed, furnished or carried out in full and in accordance with their interpretation of the same and to their full satisfaction and approval

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of the Department, provided such interpretation is not in direct conflict with the specification or generally accepted good practice.

8.3 Direction of work

During erection & commissioning of the plant, the work by the Contractor at site beyond normal working hours (08:45 to 17:15 hrs) on working days and any time on holidays (including Saturdays and Sundays) shall be permitted only with prior approval of the Department, which shall not be unreasonably withheld. The Department may also direct the Contractor to work on extended hours over and above normal time to ensure completion of erection & commissioning on schedule if, in the opinion of the Department, such work is required.

The Operation & maintenance is on 24 x 7 basis wherein the contract personnel has to work on three shift basis per day. Over and above this shift duty, specified manpower shall be employed on General shift.

8.4 Ordering modifications of methods and equipments

If, at any time, the Contractor’s methods, materials or equipments appear to the Department to be unsafe, inefficient or inadequate for securing the safety of the workmen or the public, the quality of work or the rate of progress required, the Department may order the Contractor to ensure their safety and increase the efficiency & adequacy and the Contractor shall promptly comply with such orders. If, at any time, the Contractor’s work-force and equipment are, in the opinion of the Department, inadequate for securing the necessary progress, as herein stipulated, the Contractor shall, if so directed, increase the work-force and equipment to such an extent as to give reasonable assurance of compliance with the schedule of completion. The absence of such demands from the Department shall not relieve the Contractor of their obligations to secure the quality, the safe conducting of the work and the rate of progress required by the Contract and the Contractor alone shall be and remain liable and responsible for the safety, efficiency and adequacy of their methods, materials, work-force and equipment, irrespective of whether or not they make any change as a result of any order or orders received from the Department.

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Since the systems have to meet the requirement strictly for a longer period, the philosophy and criteria to be adopted shall be highly safety-and-reliability- oriented for their systematic and proper functioning. The design of the subsystems, components, equipments to be carried out by the Contractor shall specifically address essential safety provisions both in-built and external. Reliability is a prime factor, which has to be embedded in the process of realization of the systems. To ensure that the subsystem design, development, selection of equipment, components, material, etc. are in compliance with the standard engineering practices, it is necessary to follow established design codes and standards. Wherever specific mention is not made for particular application, the relevant and applicable procedures shall be followed after mutual agreement between the Department and the Contractor.

9.1 Safety assurance plan

9.1.1 Use of vessel and fluid circuit materials compatible for the respective fluid medium, working temperature and pressure 9.1.2 The vessel and fluid circuit design takes into account structural deformation due to thermal stresses 9.1.3 Installation of safety relief valves and rupture disc devices for pressure relieving in emergency and connecting to vent/ disposal systems 9.1.4 Adoption of leak-tight joints in field circuits 9.1.5 Introduction of adequate filters for ensuring the specified particulate fineness

9.2 Quality assurance

9.2.1 The reliability of the system is a combination of specification of the equipments/ components, serviceability and maintenance of the same, which are meant to serve for a minimum period of 25 years for effective and timely preparation/ testing, which includes trouble-free performance of systems and subsystems to the intended specification.

9.2.2 The Contractor must look for the quality factors individually attributed to engineering developments, redundancy philosophy adopted, selection of equipments and components, test and acceptance procedures followed, repetitive performance achieved, risk analysis carried out, etc.

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9.2.3 Ultimately, the reliability of the system is assumed to have been achieved if all the equipments and components of the servicing facility are in serviceable condition whenever the system responds to the commands executed as per the definition and specification.

9.2.4 The expected value of probability of the trouble-free operation of various equipments, components and also the total system need to be estimated based upon their selection criteria and their past performance.

9.2.5 The quality assurance is a unified approach that attempts to control the quality right from design stage to commissioning stage, which includes the checking of the adequacy of the equipments/ components for materials, fabrication, erection and testing.

9.2.6 This may be ensured by following the general requirements as given below:

 Establishment and enforcement of standard engineering practice  Evaluation of products at each stage of development process


The proposals are invited on behalf of the President of India by the Head, Purchase & Stores Officer, IPRC, Mahendragiri, from the Bidders for the work described in this RFP document for IPRC, Mahendragiri. The bids shall be submitted online through IPRC centre e-link.

10.1 Scope of Work: The scope of the work is establishment of Centralized DM water plant at IPRC, Mahendragiri as per the specification given in this document. The Contractor is required to submit a complete bid for the entire work mentioned herein. Any incomplete bid will be summarily rejected.

10.2 Pre-Bid Meeting: It is proposed to brief the Bidders on the requirements of this RFP at IPRC, Mahendragiri and the exact date will be intimated during tendering. The Bidder’s participation in the pre-bid meeting is mandatory and non-participation will lead to disqualification of their bid. The bidder shall participate in the pre-bid meeting in person at IPRC or through telecon/ Video Conference (VC) at the stipulated date & time.

[58] Request For Proposal of Centralized DM water Plant IPRC, Mahendragiri

10.3 Execution Period: The entire work is to be completed within12 months. The Contractor shall submit a master schedule detailing their realization plan so as to comply with the overall execution period stated herein, in the form of a Gantt chart, indicating the sequence and duration of the various phases of work.

10.4 Validity: The bid submitted shall be valid for a period of 6 (Six) months from the due date for opening of the techno-commercial bid.

10.5 Rejection of Bid: The Department reserves the right to reject any or all bids in whole or part without assigning reason thereof.

10.6 Form of Bid: The bid shall be submitted in 2 (Two) separate parts viz. Part 1 for Techno-commercial bid and Part 2 for Price bid.

10.6.1 Techno-Commercial Bid: The techno-commercial bid shall give the complete details on technical & commercial aspects only. The techno-commercial bid shall not contain any price detail. Mention of any price detail in the techno-commercial bid will render the entire bid invalid. The techno- commercial bid may include a format of the price bid by the Contractor, without any detail of the price quoted. Deviation, if any, in the Contractor’s proposal with respect to this document shall be explicitly mentioned in the schedule of deviations to be provided in the bid. If the Contractor does not mention any deviation, it shall be construed by the Department that the Contractor agrees to comply with each and every aspect of this document.

10.6.2 Price Bid: The bidder shall provide break-up prices in the price format given in the e-procurement page. Total price shall be given in words and numerals, including Currency. The sample template of price format indicating units & quantity alone is as follows:

Sl. no. Description Unit Quantity 1. Design & Detail Engineering Lumpsum 1 Lot 2. SS storage tanks Nos. 2 3. GN2 cylinders Nos. 2 4. Mechanical evaporator (Spray dryer) Nos. 1 5. Plant, accessories, flow components & Lumpsum 1 Lot piping 6. Laboratory Instruments Lumpsum 1 Lot

[59] Request For Proposal of Centralized DM water Plant IPRC, Mahendragiri

7. Erection & commissioning of plant & Lumpsum 1 Lot sub-systems 8. Fixed cost towards operation & Lumpsum 1 Lot maintenance for 2 years 9. Variable cost for operation & Cubic 20000 maintenance per cubic metre of metre DM/DOF water produced for 2 years

10.7 Online Bid Submission

The instructions to the Bidders for online submission of their proposals through IPRC centre e-Procurement link are as follows:

10.7.1 The Bidders shall arrange all resources, including Digital Signature Certificates (DSC) and Internet connections, at their own cost for participating in online bidding.

10.7.2 The bid shall be submitted online in the IPRC Centre link before the due date and time as specified in the tender schedule in the portal.

10.7.3 All enquiries regarding the tenders and submission of offers shall be online and only through our e-Procurement portal.

10.7.4 The Bidder may approach helpdesk on the home page for any technical help (e-mail: [email protected] and Phone: 0091 20 2531555)

10.7.5 In case the Bidder encounters any technical snag pertaining to e- Procurement system while acting on the tender, computer screenshot of the error message with date & time stamp on the web-browser along with the query shall be emailed by the Bidder to the help desk (as mentioned above) for problem resolution at least 24 hours before the due date and time of the bid submission.

10.7.6 The time taken to ascertain, evaluate and suggest a solution for the problem reported by the Bidder may vary from case to case. Hence, the Bidders are advised to submit the bid well in advance before closing date and time to avoid last-minute issues.

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10.7.7 The Department will not be responsible for failure of the Bidders in submitting bids online caused due to technical reasons at the Bidder’s end such as network or power failures, computer failure, internet browser, mistakes/ errors in filling the bids online, etc.

10.7.8 Queries by the Bidders on technical problems on the last day of bid submission will not be binding on the Department for resolving/ addressing. The Department will not be responsible for non-submission of bids in those cases.

10.7.9 The Server Date & Time as appearing on our website ( shall only be considered for the cut-off date and time for receipt of bids.

10.7.10 The e-procurement system does not permit submission of any bid after closing date and time of the e-tender. Hence, there is no scope for any late or delayed bid in the online process.

10.7.11 The Bidders have to note that once rework is initiated, the status of the earlier submitted bid becomes pending till the bidding process is completed once again. During the process of rework, bid data submitted earlier becomes invalid and will not be available for opening. If rework is initiated, then Contractor has to complete the entire process of bid submission once again within the due date and time for a valid bid submission.

10.7.12 The Department will not be responsible for non-submission of bids resulting due to failure of the Bidder to once again complete the process of bid submission before due date after reworking of the submitted bid is initiated.

10.7.13 Any unsolicited clarification/ change/ modification sought by the Bidders after submitting their bids will not be considered.

10.7.14 The Bidders shall note that since this is a two-part bid, the price details shall be mentioned only in the price-bid template. If the price details either in part or full are indicated in the technical bid, the bid will be disqualified.

10.7.15 The Bidders may note that, in e-procurement system, submission of bid is a 2-step process. After submission of their bids, the Bidders have to wait for bid sealing by the Department. Following that, the Bidders have to submit open

[61] Request For Proposal of Centralized DM water Plant IPRC, Mahendragiri

authorization in the e-procurement system to enable the Department to open the bid. If open authorization is not completed by the Contractor, then the Department will not be able to open the bid and the bid becomes invalid.

10.7.16 The Bidders may note that digital keys of Class III USB tokens, which support both digital signing and encryption are to be used for bidding in IPRC e- procurement system

10.7.17 The Bidders may note that they have to use the same digital key with which they submitted the bid to give open authorization. If the Bidders use different key for open authorization, the system will not accept the open authorization and the bid becomes invalid.

10.7.18 In case the digital key which is used during bid submission expires before giving open authorization, then the Bidder has to first login with the new key and use the expired key for completing open authorization process for the bid.

10.7.19 The Bidders may note that the maximum file size that can be uploaded per attachment in e-procurement system is 4 MB (in pdf format). If the document is more than 4 MB, then the document is to be split into multiple documents of size less than 4 MB and uploaded into attachments. Literature/ Technical data should accompany the bid.

10.7.20 Similarly, if the number of files to be uploaded is more than the number of attachments allowed in the bid, then the files are to be grouped into folders such that the number of folders is less than the number of attachments. Further, the folders may be compressed using zip/archive format and uploaded as attachments. However, the attachment size should still be less than 4 MB.

10.7.21 The Bidders may note that documents including literature/ technical data are to be uploaded through e-procurement system only.

10.7.22 Bids sent through post, telegram, fax, telex, e-mail, courier, etc. will not be considered. Partially completed/ incomplete bids will not be considered.

10.8 MOU Format : The Bidder shall submit a memorandum of undertaking as per the following format:

[62] Request For Proposal of Centralized DM water Plant IPRC, Mahendragiri

10.9 NDA Format : The Non-disclosure agreement, as per the following format, shall be submitted by the Contractor on award of Contract.


I/ We hereby submit the bid for the execution for the President of Indiaof the work specified in the underwritten memorandum within the time specified in such memorandum, at a total price as specified and in all respects in accordance with the specifications, design, drawings and instructions in writing referred to in this document and with such materials as provided for by and in all other respects in accordance with such conditions as are applicable.

Should this tender be accepted in whole or in part, I/ We hereby agree to abide by and fulfill all the terms and provisions of the said conditions annexed hereto and all the terms and provisions contained in the tender enquiry documents which have been read by me/ read and explained to me so far as applicable or in default thereof to forfeit and pay to the President of India or his successors in office the sum of money mentioned in the said conditions.

I/ We agree to execute all the works referred to in the RFP document upon the terms and conditions contained or referred to therein and to carry out such deviation/ variation as may be ordered in excess of original scope at the rates to be determined in accordance with the provision contained in this document.

Witness Bidder

(Signature) (Signature)

Name: Name:

Designation: Designation:

Address: Address:

[63] Request For Proposal of Centralized DM water Plant IPRC, Mahendragiri

JOINT DECLARATION I NON-DISCLOSURE AGREEMENT IIWe,being...... of………………………………….having its office at .……………………………………………………………………..being invited to participate in the development I……………of………………………. for…………………………………………….awarded to us vide P.O. No……… dated…………………..(hereinafter referred as………………………………) by Govt. of India., Dept. of Space, ISRO Propulsion Complex, Mahendragiri – 627 133 (hereinafter referred to as 'IPRC'), do hereby declare that :- I I We further declare that:

1. Any information submitted or given by IPR C to me I us shall be treated by me/us in strict confidence. 2. The terms 'information' comprises. of technical knowledge of…………………nature (documents, data, materials, process details and the like) whether patented or not. 3. I/We understand and agree that the penalties detailed in the Indian Official Secrets Act, 1923 for breach of trust in maintaining the confidentiality of the said technical knowledge shall be suffered not only our Company/ Organization as body corporate, but also individually on its Chief Executive and me. 4. The provision of the Indian Official Secrets Act, 1923 (XIX of 1923) shall apply to me/us with reference to exchange and use of information provided by IPRC to me/us during the course of working for the project. 5. I/We shall not make public any knowledge or information which IPRC shall have disclosed or may hereafter disclose to me/us incident to the placing of any order on us.

Signed by Name Designation Counter signed by (Authorized Signatory of Contract with Name & Address) // Company Seal // Place : Date : Witness 1 Witness 2


Request For Proposal of Centralized DM water Plant IPRC, Mahendragiri

Chapter 11


Request For Proposal of Centralized DM water Plant IPRC, Mahendragiri

11.1 Annexure 1


Fig 1 : Block Diagram Fig 2 : Layout Fig 3 : Preliminary Scheme

Scheme of Centralized DM water Plant

Raw water Permeate-3, 0.8 m3/hr -Entry- TDS : <10 Product - Exit Permeate-1, Raw water, 2.4 RO Bed-1 2.4 m3/hr DM/DOF water, 2 m3/hr, TDS:400 TDS : 40 m3/hr, TDS:<0.8

Reject-1, 1.6 m3/hr, TDS:1000 O2 Permeate-1, 2.4 m3/hr, TDS:40 Scavenger Mixed RO Bed-2 bed

Permeate-2, Reject-2, 0.4 m3/hr, TDS:50 2 m3/hr TDS : ~1 HRSCC Permeate-3, Reject-1, RO Bed-3 0.8 m3/hr 1.6 m3/hr, TDS : <10 TDS:1000 Over Neutralizer flow Reject-3, Pit 0.8 m3/hr, Pit TDS:~2000 RO Bed-4 Reject-4, 0.4 m3/hr, TDS:>6000 Spray Re-circulation to R/W stream Permeate-4, Dryer 0.4 m3/hr (Mec.Ev.) TDS : <400 Fig. 3 Request For Proposal of Centralized DM water Plant IPRC, Mahendragiri

11.2 Annexure 2

Specification of DM water Storage Tanks Annexure 2

Specification of DM Water storage tanks

A Salient specification:

1 Gross Volume………………………….. : 30 m3 2 Maximum Allowable Working : 5 bar,g# Pressure (MAWP)/ Design Pressure… 3 Quantity……………………………….... : 2 nos. 4 Tag nos……………………………….... : GTK 901, GTK 910 5 Design Temperature………………….. : 350 K 6 Operating Temperature……………….. : 290 to 350 K 7 Design Code**…………………………. : ASME Sec. VIII, Div. 1 8 Service Medium……………………….. : De-mineralized (DM) Water 9 Pressurant gas medium……………… : Gaseous Nitrogen (GN2) 10 Inside Diameter ……………….………. : Ø 2.2 to 2.6 m 11 Configuration…………………………… : Vertical 12 Type of dished ends…………………… : 2:1 Ellipsoidal or Hemispherical Material of Construction 13 Shell & Dished ends…………………… : ASTM A 240 304L/ 316L or equivalent 14 Nozzle pipes……………………………. : ASTM A 312 TP 304L/ 316L or equivalent (seamless pipe alone) 15 Flanges / Blind flanges……………….. : ASTM A 182 Gr F 304L/ 316L or equivalent 16 Pipe fittings…………………………….. : ASTM A 403 WP304L/ 316L or equivalent 17 Studs/ Nuts / Washers………………… : ASTM A 193 Gr. B8/ ASTM A194 Gr.8/ SS 18 Lifting lug……………………………….. : ASTM A 515/516 Gr 70 19 Skirt / saddle supports………………… : ASTM A 515/516 Gr 70 20 Nameplate/ bracket…………………… : ASTM A 240 304L/316L

[1] 21 Foundation bolts & nuts………………. : Carbon steel with Zn plating A 193 Gr. B7/ A 194 Gr. 2H 22 Gaskets………………………………… : SS Spiral wound PTFE with inner & outer retainer rings of SS material **If alternative design code is employed, it shall be ensured that the thickness of shell & dome are equal to or more than that derived as per stipulated code. #Apart from the design pressure of 0.5 MPa(g), the tank shall also be designed for external pressure condition for a maximum differential pressure of 90 kPa(d).

B Configuration features:

1. The tanks shall be designed for seismic zone, zone 3 of IS 1893.

2. The tanks shall be provided with suitable legs/ skirts/ saddles for grouting to the foundation and also lifting lugs for handling.

3. The nozzles of tanks shall be of following specification.

Nozzle Application Pipe Pipe *Min reqd size sch. no pipe ID, mm N1 Drain DN 25 Sch.40S 20 N2 Fill & Withdrawal DN 80 Sch.10S 70 N3 Safety relief valve DN 65 Sch.10S 60 N4 Pressurization/ Vent DN 25 Sch.40S 20 N5 Overflow DN 15 Sch.40S 10 N6 Pressure/ Level gauge (gas) DN 15$ Sch.40S 10 N7 Level gauge (liquid) DN 15$ Sch.40S 10 N8 Corrosion coupon DN 65 Sch.10S 60 N9 Manhole As per manufacturer’s standard *In case, higher schedule nos. are chosen for nozzle pipes based on design calculations, the inner diameters of pipe shall be of minimum size as indicated in the column “Min reqd pipe ID” in the above Table.

$The size of level gauge nozzles, N6 & N7 are tentatively indicated as DN15. The same may be chosen large according to level gauge considerations.

4. The fill/ withdrawal port of the tanks shall be provided with suitable anti-vortex baffles.

5. The pressurization/ vent port of the tanks shall be provided with diffuser header inside the tanks with holes facing upwards.

[2] 6. All the nozzles of DN50 and smaller sizes shall be suitably stiffened with gusset plates.

7. Suitable earthing bosses shall be provided for protection against lightning and static electricity.

8. The drain nozzle, N1 shall be located in the bottom dome at the axis of the tank.

9. The withdrawal nozzle, N2 shall be located in the bottom dome at the minimum possible distance from the axis.

10. The overflow nozzle, N5 shall be located at 90 to 93% gross volume of tank.

11. The pressurization/ vent nozzle, N4 shall be located preferably in top dome of the tank.

12. The nozzle, N6 meant for pressure gauge/ level gauge (gas) shall be provided above overflow nozzle, N5.

13. The corrosion coupon nozzle, N8 shall be provided with a blind flange (at bottom dome of tank) with which a corrosion coupon of standard dimensions (of same material of tank) shall be welded.

14. Appropriate stress relieving shall be carried out on formed plates of shell & dome.

15. All the nozzles of tanks shall be provided with blind flanges and appropriate fasteners & gaskets. All the flanges shall conform to ASME B 16.5.

16. The tanks shall be pressurized with dry GN2 and supplied with a positive pressure of 0.13 to 0.15 MPa(g).

17. Cold stretching of tanks is not permissible.

18. A Name plate made of Stainless steel possessing the data of salient specification, tests etc. shall be welded to a bracket on the tanks.

19. The nozzle flanges viz. N3 (safety relief device), N4 (pressurization/ vent) and N5 (overflow) shall be brought down to an operable height of 0.8 to 1.3 m from ground. Except nozzle N6 (pressure/ level measurement-gas), no other threaded/ flanged joints shall be provided at a height more than 1.5 m from ground.

[3] 20. The tanks shall have four eye blocks or support plates (with requisite gussets) on the periphery (at an approximate height of 300 to 500 mm from the interface seam weld of top dome & shell) to install a ladder or support structure of platform.

C Fabrication:

1. Forming: All the forming works of the tanks shall be carried out by cold working process only. After forming, the parts shall be suitably stress-relieved.

2. Welding: All the welding on stainless steel parts of the tanks shall be carried out by Gas-purged Tungsten Arc Welding (GTAW) with Gaseous Argon of 99.995 % purity as the purge medium. Prior to commencement of welding on the tanks, welding procedure qualification and welder’s performance qualification tests, in accordance with Section IX of ASME, shall be carried out.

3. Surface treatment: The following procedure shall be employed for surface treatment of the tanks:

3.a Cleaning of stainless steel surfaces: After fabrication, the interior and exterior surfaces of the tanks and the interior surfaces of the nozzles, interconnecting pipe-lines and flow components shall be cleaned, employing the following procedure:

Mechanical cleaning: All the metallic surfaces with scales and newly welded surfaces shall be cleaned by scrubbing with stainless steel metallic wire brush. The loose scales and particles obtained from mechanical cleaning shall be removed by blowing with dry air, sucking with vacuum cleaner or washing with water.

Pickling: In order to remove rusts and scales, the surfaces are pickled with a solution containing Hydro-fluoric acid (HF) and Nitric acid (HNO3). The composition of pickling solution and duration are to be adjusted after trial test on a sample piece to remove uniformly less than 25 µm thick material. Mostly, the composition is as follows:

HF : 5% (by mass) HNO3 : 15to 20 % Water : Remainder Passivation: In order to form a protective layer, the surfaces are passivated with a solution of the following composition:

[4] HNO3 : 25% (by volume) Water : Remainder Duration : 2hours (minimum) This is followed by rinsing with DM water.

Drying: The surfaces of the tanks shall be dried by purging with dry Air or GN2 until the moisture content in the medium is brought down substantially.

D Instruments:

Following instruments shall be supplied along with tanks. The instruments shall be procured from standard manufacturers.

1. Pressure gauges: Each tank shall have two pressure gauges, each of range 0 to 1 MPa(g). The gauges shall have dual graduations of MPa and bar. Salient specifications of gauges are given hereunder.

Type : Bourdon tube Fluid medium : Water Working temperature range : 290 to 350 K Graduations : MPa(g) and bar(g) Dial size : 150 mm Accuracy : ±1% of FSD Over range protection : 130% of FSD Material (Internals) : Stainless steel End connection : ½” NPT Case & bezel : Weather-proof housing with screwed bezel Code : IS 3624

Note: 1. Material certificates (for physical & chemical properties) for principal pressure bearing parts shall be supplied. 2. Calibration certificate shall be provided as per code. 3. Appropriate connecting adapters shall be provided and the gauges shall be installed at a readable height of ~1.5m (from ground). Supporting structures shall be scope of the manufacturer. 4. The pressure gauges shall be provided with 3/2 manual isolation needle valves of orifice 2.3 mm & MAWP 41.3 MPa. The valves shall be subject to conventional tests as per manufacturer’s standards.

[5] 2. Magnetic level gauge: Each tank shall be provided with one magnetic level gauge. Salient specifications of level gauge is given hereunder.

Fluid medium : Water Working temperature range : 290 to 350 K Design temperature : 350 K Column size : DN 50 Material of Column : SS 304/ 304L/ 316/ 316L MAWP of column : 1.4 MPa Graduations : cm Magnetic switch : Not required Code : Relevant standard Accessories : 1. Lower block valve at liquid side(Globe type) 2. Flanges as per ASME B 16.5 3. Plug at vent port 4. Globe type drain valve

Note: 1. Material certificates (for physical & chemical properties) for principal pressure bearing parts shall be supplied. 2. Calibration certificate shall be provided as per relevant standard procedure. 3. Intermediate supports for column, if required shall be scope of the manufacturer. 4. The level gauge shall be isolated with manual ball valves at both liquid & gas side of appropriate size & class rating and shall be subject to conventional tests as per manufacturer’s standards.

E Tests:

The following tests are to be performed as per standards mentioned therein. Equivalent standards may also be substituted with the clearance of IPRC.

1 Material certificates: The material test certificates shall be provided for all the principal and pressure-bearing parts of the tanks (including plates, nozzles, inter-connecting pipes, fittings, etc) to ascertain the physical and chemical properties.

2 Ultrasonic test: All the plates used for the fabrication of vessels and the pipes used for the nozzles and inter connection shall be subject to ultrasonic test using the appropriate technique as per ASTM A 388.

[6] 3 Inter-granular corrosion (IGC) test: The fittings & flanges shall be provided with sample IGC test certificates.

4 DP test: All the weld joints of the tanks shall be subject to Dye-Penetrant Test (DPT) as per relevant standards.

5 Radiography: All the stainless steel butt weld joints on the tanks including nozzles, inter-connecting pipelines, etc. shall be subject to radiography test with X-ray to 2-2T sensitivity (2%equivalent).

6 Pressure test: The tanks shall be subject to pneumatic pressure test with Gaseous Nitrogen or dry Air at 1.1 times the respective design pressure. (Alternatively, hydraulic pressure test as per the code may be employed. In such case, the water with pH at 6.5 to 7.5 and chloride content < 30 ppm shall be used. After the test, the medium is to be dried down to a residual moisture content of 20 ppm,v).

7 Painting: After performing cleaning of outer surface of tanks as per standard procedure, a colour band of 200 mm width shall be applied circumferentially at the middle of the tanks. The colour shade shall be “Sky blue” and the corresponding RAL no. is 5015.

F Inspection:

The in-process (stage) and pre-delivery inspection of the tanks shall be carried out by a reputed Third Party Inspection (TPI) agency. The scope of Inspection shall be as follows.

1. Review and approval of the design calculations and fabrication drawings.

2. Identification of raw materials and review of the material test certificates, IGC test and ultrasonic test certificate for compliance with the relevant requirements.

3. Review of test and calibration certificates for compliance with the specification and visual examination of the bought-out components and instruments.

4. Witnessing and certification of weld procedure specification and welder’s performance qualification tests. If the welders already possess the performance

[7] certificate, TPI agency shall review and authorize the same as per code requirements.

5. Review of films of radiographic tests for possible defects in the weld joints.

6. Inspection at any stage of fabrication to ensure that the methodology employed for fabrication is in compliance with the requirements of standard codes and practices and the approved documents.

7. Witness of pressure tests.

8. Issue of Pre-Delivery Inspection (PDI) certificate and stamping on the tanks.

G Documentation:

1. The documents after detailed design and engineering by the Contractor shall be duly reviewed and approved by the TPI agency for compliance with the requirements of the relevant design codes as specified in the Contract and statutory regulations. After that, those documents shall be submitted to the IPRC for review. Only upon approval of the same by IPRC, the Supplier/ sub Contractor shall proceed with fabrication. However, the Department’s approval shall not absolve the Contractor of their responsibility/ contractual obligation to comply with the specifications of the order. 2. The foundation details of the tanks, indicating the forces and moments acting on the foundation due to static and dynamic loading of the tanks, wind loads and seismic load on the tanks shall be provided. The calculations for arriving at the forces and moments acting on the foundation due to the aforesaid factors shall also be provided. 3. The dimensioned fabrication drawings of the tanks and Quality Assurance Plan (QAP) based on the tests & inspection clauses specified in this document shall be provided by the sub-vendor and would be reviewed during detail engineering. 4. Following documents shall be supplied after fabrication and before shipment. a. Certificates of all tests duly endorsed by TPI agency b. Pre-delivery Inspection certificate of TPI agency. c. Guarantee certificate (for 2 years) d. As-built General arrangement & fabrication drawings

[8] List of Probable Suppliers

1. M/s. Technel Engineers, No.8, 1st main road, Nehru Nagar, OMR, Kottivakam, Chnenai – 600 041.

2. M/S. Indra tanks & vessels, Plot no: 18, OHM Industrial Infrastructure Park, Village: Daheri, Tal: Umbergaon, Dist:-Valsad, Gujarat:-396 171

3. M/s. Vividh Hi-Fab Pvt. Ltd., 987/10C, G.I.D.C. Makarpura, Vadodara - 390 010, Gujarat.

4. M/s. Sree Ramakrishna Engineering Enterprises, Vishakapatnam.

5. M/s. Artson Engineering Ltd., D 5, MIDC, Ambad, Nashik – 422 010.

6. M/s. Inox India Pvt. Ltd., Vadodara

7. M/s. Bhilai Engineering Corporation,

[9] Request For Proposal of Centralized DM water Plant IPRC, Mahendragiri

11.3 Annexure 3

Specification of High Pressure GN2 Storage Cylinders Annexure 3

SPECIFICATION OF HIGH PRESSURE GN2 STORAGE CYLINDERS 1.0 Description of item : High pressure seamless gas eous Nitrogen storage cylinders

2.0 Fluid Gaseous Nitrogen 3.0 Maximum working pressure 30 MPa 4.0 Water capacity (Volume) 1000 litres 5.0 cylinders 2 nos. 6.0 Quantity* cylinders per skid 2 nos. 7.0 skids 1 no. 8.0 Skid Arrangement 2 rows X 1 column 9.0 Colour scheme French grey *Number of cylinders per skid X Number of skids = Number of cylinders

10.0 Design code : BS EN ISO 11120 11.0 Application : Mobile / Stationary 12.0 Mode of installation : Horizontal 13.0 Material of Cylinders : Group III of Design code 14.0 Heat treatment : As per Design code 15.0 Surface treatment : The surface treatment of cylinders shall be in accordance with ISO 8501-1:1998.The internal surface shall conform to Grade B Sa 2 having surface finish of 20 µm Ra and the external surface shall conform to Grade B Sa 2½ having surface finish of 15 µm Ra. The external treatment shall be followed by painting with 2 coats of Zinc primer and 2 coats of Polyurethane paint of 120 µm layer thickness. The colour scheme of paint shall be as per clause 9.0 16.0 Corrosion allowance : As per code 17.0 Cylinder end opening s : Fill & withdrawal end s: Standard opening with a bore not less than 75 mm, covered with threaded closure with appropriate face seals. The closure shall have opening with ½” NPT(F)


thread to accommodate DN 12/15 angle pattern needle valve. 18.0 Cylinder end fitting s : Fill & withdrawal end s: a. The closures of material ASTM A 350, LF2, Class 1 shall have appropriate threads (of size >3”) and with face seals having standard O ring (viton) & back-up ring (PTFE) b. The closures shall have central bore with ½” NPT(F) thread wherein neck valve (angle pattern needle valve) of size DN12/15, PN420 is installed. The make of needle valves shall be “Estanit” or “Swagelok” only.

19 .0 Outer diameter of Cylinder : Ø 559 mm ±1% 20.0 Marking The Cylinder shall be stamped with permanent and clearly visible details by steel stamps at the location specified by Design code. The details such as water capacity, working pressure, hydraulic test pressure, material of construction, manufacturer’s serial number, date of inspection and inspector’s stamp, etc. shall be marked. 21.0 Mounting : The cylinder shall be mounted on a box base enclosed in a saddle type structural supports. A representative schematic cylinder skid along with structural elements is given in the figure, attached at clause 30. Two saddle supports at requisite span shall hold the cylinder with adequate bolting arrangements. The structural elements shall be designed according to the weight of cylinder and also for transport considerations. Rubber pads and clamps shall be provided in the saddle structure to arrest axial & rotational movement of cylinders during handling. The individual


saddle structure s of a skid shall be positioned on a base of box column. The saddle structure along with the box base shall be fastened with lifting lugs for handling. Deign of structural elements shall be done by the manufacturer and standard weld procedures shall be adopted for welding structural elements. Material of structural elements shall be Galvanized steel as per IS 2062 : 1992. 22.0 Tests on cylinders : 22.1 Material properties : a. Chemical properties : Analysis of chemical composition of all elements on sample basis conforming to ISO 11120. b. Mechanical properties : Tensile & Impact tests as stipulated by ISO 11120. 22.2 Wall thickness check : To be carried out , conforming to ISO 11120. 22 .3 Magnetic particle test : To be carried out on dome after heat treatment to identify quench cracks. 22 .4 Liquid penetrant : As per manufacturer standards examination 22 .5 Surface check : Internal & external surfaces shall be inspected in accordance with ISO 11120. 22 .6 Ultrasonic test : Ultrasonic test shall be carried out in accordance with ISO 11120 22 .7 Hardness check : Hardness check is to be carried out for confirming the homogeneity of heat treatment in accordance with ISO 11120. 22 .8 Water capacity & mass : The water capacity and tare mass of cylinders shall be checked in accordance with ISO 11120. 22 .9 Visual examination : Inner & outer surfaces of finished cylinders shall be subject to visual check in accordance with ISO 11120. 22.10 Dimensional inspection : Dimensional inspection shall be carried out for thickness, diameter, length, etc. and conforming


to the tolerance limits of out of roundness, straightness, eccentricity, etc. as per ISO 11120. 22.11 Volumetric expansion test : Volumetric expansion test shall be conducted and the results shall conform to ISO 11120. NOTE : The tests specified in 22.0 shall be inspected by reputed Third party inspection(TPI) agency either by verification of records or by witness as specified.

23.0 Leak t est for cylinder : The cylinder s, after installation of closure & seals neck valves, shall be subject to leak test (to confirm the integrity of threaded joints) to the working pressure with dry Air or gaseous Nitrogen and bubble-tightness is to be ensured.

24.0 Design type approval : The cylinders shall be categorized as “new design/existing design” as per the requirements stipulated in ISO 11120. • In case of “existing approved design”, relevant certificates, duly endorsed by any TPI agency, shall be produced. • In case of “new design family”, Prototype tests shall be carried out as per the stipulations of ISO 11120. “Type approval certificate” as per the format stipulated in ISO 11120, duly endorsed by TPI agency shall be submitted.

25.0 Inspection : The in -process (stage) and pre -delivery (final) inspection of the cylinder shall be carried out by any reputed TPI agency viz. TUV, DNV, Lloyds etc. as per the scope given below. 25 .1 Review of “existing approved design certificate” in case of existing de sign. 25 .2 Witness of Prototype tests as per ISO 11120 in case of “new design” and issue of Type approval certificate. 25.3 Review and approval of design calculations and General Arrangement (GA) drawings of cylinders. 25.4 Identification of raw materials and review of the material test certificates


for compliance with the relevant requirements. 25.5 Review of material, pressure & leak test certificates for compliance with the specification and visual examination of the bought-out needle valves. 25.6 Review and approval of the design calculations of structural elements in accordance with standard codes. 25.7 Inspection at any stage of fabrication of cylinder to ensure that the methodology employed for fabrication is in compliance with the requirements of standard codes and practices and the approved documents. 25.8 Witnessing of hardness test, magnetic particle examination, liquid penetrant examination, internal and external surface examination, tare mass measurement, Volumetric expansion test and ultrasonic test. 25.9 Review of test certificates of Dye penetrant test and radiography of weld joints of manifold assembly. 25.10 Issuance of Pre -Delivery Inspection (PDI) certificate and stamping on the cylinders. NOTE : It is the responsibility of the manufacturer to engage and coordinate with the TPI agency for inspection.

26 .0 Guarantee : The gas storage cylinder , closures and neck valves shall be guaranteed for satisfactory performance for a period of 18 months from the date of dispatch from the manufacturer’s site.

27 .0 Documentation : The following documents, in English, shall be furnished at different stages specified there upon. 27.1 Along with quotation : 27 .1.1 Certificates of “Existing approved design”, duly endorsed by any TPI agency, in case of cylinders fall under the category of “existing design”. 27 .1. 2 A complete technical description of the cylinder along with manifold assembly shall be furnished in the quotation. Technical deviations, if any, from the tender specifications shall be explicitly indicated in the quotation. The following details shall be specifically highlighted. • Overall dimensions and mass of cylinder. • Overall dimensions and mass of structural supports. • Wall thickness of gas cylinders.


• Mechanical properties and chemical composition of the material of construction of cylinders. • Brief specification & make of Needle valves. 27 .1. 3 A detailed profile of the bidder, in terms of their design and engineering expertise in manufacture & supply of similar gas cylinders, the machineries & infrastructure possessed, their quality management system, status of human resources etc. 27 .1. 4 A list of clients to whom gas cylinders of similar specif ication have been supplied. NOTE : As design & engineering expertise is a pre -requisite and stringent qualification procedures according to statutory regulations are to be fulfilled, only cylinder manufacturers are authorized to quote for the storage cylinders. Quotes of bidders others than cylinder manufacturer is strictly not entertained.

27 .2 After placement of order : The following documents shall be prepared for design review & approval by Purchaser, TPI agency and Petroleum & Explosive Safety Organization(PESO) of Govt. of India for compliance with the requirements of relevant design codes as specified in the purchase order and statutory regulations. It is the responsibility of the bidder to submit the documents, listed below. The comments, if any, offered by IPRC have to be incorporated and the documents shall be sent to TPI agency for review and approval. The documents, listed below at 27.2.1, 27.2.2 & 27.2.3 after the approval of TPI agency, have to be sent to PESO, Government of India for review and approval. Only after obtaining approval from PESO, the manufacturer shall proceed with fabrication activities. It is the responsibility of the bidder to submit the documents to the approving authorities (TPI agency and PESO) and the approvals from the agencies have to be obtained. 27 .2.1 The dimensioned General Arrangement (GA) drawing of gas cylinder s along with structural supports. 27 .2. 2 The detailed design calculations of cylinder s. 27 .2. 3 The detai led dimensioned cross -sectional drawing of cylinder s with end connections. 27 .2. 4 Quality Assurance Plan (QAP) 27 .2. 5 The make, model no. and specifications of Needle valves along with catalogues.


NOTE : Two copies of documents, listed above, after obtaining necessary approvals from the respective approving agencies, shall be sent to IPRC for review and records.

27 .3 After completion of prototype tests , if applicable : The cylinders under the category of “new design family” shall be subject to “Prototype tests” as per clause 24.0. “Type approval certificate”, after completion of prototype tests, duly endorsed by TPI agency, shall be submitted to IPRC. On scrutiny, IPRC shall issue “fabrication clearance certificate” and after which full fabrication activities shall be initiated.

27.4 After completion of full fabrication and before delivery : After completion of full fabrication and pre -delivery inspection by TPI agency but before dispatch of consignment, the following documents shall be sent to IPRC. The same will be reviewed for compliance with the purchase order & approved drawings. On acceptance, dispatch clearance will be issued by IPRC and only after which the cylinders have to be dispatched. 27 .4.1 All the test certificates , duly endorsed by TPI agency , as per scope of inspection referred by clause 25.0. 27 .4.2 Pre -delivery inspection certificate of TPI agency. 27 .4.3 Product catalogues of all flow components with manufacturer’s test certificates duly endorsed by TPI agency. 27 .4.4 Guarantee certificate.

28 .0 Packing : The cylinders shall be filled with dry gaseous Nitrogen at a pressure of 2 bar,g. The open end of Needle valves shall be plugged with suitable closures to avoid contamination during transportation. The cylinders, especially the valves shall be adequately protected & packed to avoid transit damages.

29 .0 Spares : The following flow components shall be supplie d as spares. a. Four nos. of Needle valves b. Four sets of seals meant for closures


30.0 The individual cylinders shall be mounted on separate saddle structures and the units have to be assembled together (with appropriate fasteners) with a lifting element as indicated in the following figure. The design requirements of saddles are given in clause 21.0.


List of Probable Suppliers

1. M/s. Everest Kanto Cylinder Ltd ., 204, Raheja Centre, 2 nd Floor, Free Press Journal Marg, 214, Nariman Point, Mumbai – 400 021. Tel : 022 3026 8300, 3026 8301, 3026 8358, 98690 40689 e mail id : [email protected]

2. M/s. Chesterfield cylinders Ltd., Indian agent: Derby Road, Chesterfield, Mr.S.Krishnamoorthy, Derbyshire S402EA, Jain Green Acres, Flat 2H, Block-11, England. Targa Road, Zameen Pallavaram, Chennai-43.

3. M/s. CP Industries, 2214, Walnut St. Mckeesport, PA 15132, USA

4. M/s. Fiba Technologies Inc., 53, Ayer Road, Littleton, MA 01460, USA Phone : (508) 887 7100, + 33 (0) 630 084 867 e mail id : [email protected]


Request For Proposal of Centralized DM water Plant IPRC, Mahendragiri

11.4 Annexure 4

Specification of Facility Fluid Circuits Annexure 4

Facility Fluid Circuits of Centralized DM water Plant

Sl. no. Content Page no.

1 Introduction…………………………………………………… 2 2 Technical Specification of Manual globe valves…………. 3 3 Technical Specification of Pressure gauges……………… 9 4 Technical Specification of Filters………………………….. 13 5 Technical Specification of Safety relief valves…………… 18 6 Technical Specification of Non return valves……………. 24 7 Technical Specification of Flexible hoses………………… 29 8 Technical Specification of 2/3 Manifold needle valves…. 34 9 Technical Specification of Pressure regulating units……. 35 10 Technical Specification of Manual ball valves…………… 41 11 Technical Specification of Pipes………………………….. 47 12 Technical Specification of Pipe fittings & flanges……….. 51 13 Sub Vendor directory………………………………………. 55 14 Process & Instrumentation diagram (P&ID) of Facility Fluid Circuits (FFC) of Centralized DM water Plant (CDMP)………………………………………………………. 59


The Facility Fluid Circuits (FFC) of Centralized DM water Plant comprises GN2 & DM water circuits for the application specified hereunder.  To provide GN2 blanket while filling DO free water in tankers.  For pressurizing storage tanks & other purge requirements.  To fill DM water & DO free water from Storage tanks to tankers on pressure-fed and pump-fed modes.

The circuits comprise various flow components viz. Manual gland sealed globe valves, Pressure gauges, Filters, Non return valves, Safety relief valves, Flexible hoses, Needle valves, Pressure regulators, Manual ball valves and Pipes & fittings. The Technical specification of the flow components is given hereunder. Spare flow components, meant for the need of total replacement are included with appropriate tag nos., suffixed “S”. Spare parts of flow components meant for trouble-free operation for 2 years are included respective Tables. Requisite SS fasteners (studs: A193 Gr. B8, nuts: A194 Gr. 8) and gaskets (spiral would PTFE impregnated with SS inner & outer rings), though not included in the lists, shall be planned by bidder based on isometrics with adequate quantity of spares.

The flow components shall be procured strictly as per the attached specification with respective quality clauses, indicated thereby and from the vendors indicated in the vendor directory. In case, the Contractor proposed to procure the components from alternative vendors, the credentials of those vendors shall be submitted to IPRC for clearance.

The Process & Instrumentation Diagram (P&ID) of FFC is attached with this annexure. The circuits shall be conceived by the bidder incorporating the flow components as per the P&ID. Bidder has to prepare Isometric diagrams and shall be vetted by Department during DER. The fabrication & testing of piping circuits is the scope of bidder as per the conditions stipulated in RFP.

The flexible hoses that are indicated with end connection pipe stubs shall be welded with swivel nut & nipple joints (M22 x 1.5 for Ø12 mm hoses & M38 x 1.5 for Ø25 mm hoses) at both ends. For the hose of Ø50 mm, one end shall be procured directly with DN50, class 150, SORF swivel flange and the other pipe stub end shall be welded with appropriate swivel nut & nipple in line with that of end connection of tankers, which will be provided later.

Apart from the above, fabrication of adapters may be required for certain interfaces (for eg., cylinder interfaces) which falls under the scope of bidder.


Quantity : As given in Table 1

Tag number : As given in Table 1

Pattern : Gland sealed globe

Actuation : Hand-operated by wheel (manual)

Configuration of ports/ ways : As given in Table 1

Fluid medium : As given in Table 1

Working temperature range : As given in Table 1

Nominal size : As given in Table 1

Pressure rating class : As given in Table 1

Valve coefficient : To be specified by the bidder in the quotation

Permissible leakage rate across : Bubble-tight as per API 598 or Rate body (external) and seat A as per BS 6755 Part 1 (through)

Guaranteed cycles of operation : 5,000

End connection : As given in Table 1. The acronyms shall be read as follows:

. BW: Butt welding ends as per ASME B 16.9/ 16.25. In case of valves with resilient seat, pipe stubs as per ASME B 36.19/ 36.10 of 150 mm length each shall be butt-welded to the body on either side, the ends of which shall be prepared for butt welding. The butt welding ends shall be suitable to mate with the interfacing pipe of schedule number as given in Table 1.

. SW: Socket welding ends as per ASME B 16.11. In case of valves with resilient seat, pipe stubs as per ASME B 36.19/ 36.10 of 100 mm length each shall be socket-welded to the body on either side, the ends of which shall be prepared for butt welding as per ASME B 16.9/ 16.25. The butt welding ends shall be suitable to mate with the interfacing pipe of schedule number as given in Table 1.

Style of construction:

Body : With full port (standard bore) and in-line end connections

[3] Bonnet : Bolted or screwed to body with suitable seals/ gaskets

Stem : Rising stem with Outside Screw and Yoke (OS&Y)

Stem (dynamic) seal : By gland packing with live loaded spring

Plug : Renewable (replaceable) from stem with insert

Seat : Renewable from body with ring (Alternatively, seat may be integral with body provided that it is harder than the plug insert.)

Flow direction : Flow-to-open (Flow-under-plug)

Material of construction:

Body and bonnet : . ASTM A 182 F 304L/ 316L/ 321 for nominal size ≤ DN 40

. ASTM A 351 CF 3/ 3M for nominal size ≥ DN 50

Stem, plug, seat, seat insert : ASTM A 479 304L/ 316L/ 321

Gland packing : PTFE/ Glass-filled PTFE

Plug insert/ trim : . PTFE/ Glass-filled PTFE for pressure rating class ≤ PN 250

. ASTM A 479 304L/ 316L/ 321 for pressure rating class ≥ PN 420.

Pipe stub (end connection) : . ASTM A 312 TP Grade same as that of the body for stainless steel valves

Bolts : . ASTM A 320 B 8 for stainless steel valves

Nuts : . ASTM A 194 8 for stainless steel valves

The valves shall be either inherently anti-static or provided with anti- static features.

Design code : BS 5352/ BS 1873/ API 6-D/ ASME B16.34 [4] Test code : BS 6755 Part 1/ API 598/ ASME B 16.34

Tests: a. Material certificates: The material certificates, detailing the physical and chemical properties, of the principal pressure–bearing parts shall be provided. b. Welding joint test (wherever applicable): All butt welding joints in the valve shall be subject to radio-graphic test with X-rays or gamma rays to 2-2T sensitivity as per Section IX, ASME. All the socket welding joints shall be subject to dye-penetrant test. c. Soundness test for castings (wherever applicable): All the castings shall be subject to soundness test with radio-graphic or ultra-sonic technique for flaw detection. d. Hydraulic shell pressure test: The valve, upon final assembly, in partially open position, shall be subject to pressure test with Water (with suitable corrosion inhibitor) at 1.5 times the maximum rated working pressure of the particular pressure rating class of the valve. e. Hydraulic seat pressure test: The valve, in closed position, shall be subject to pressure test with Water (with suitable corrosion inhibitor) at 1.1 times the maximum rated working pressure of the particular pressure rating class of the valve. f. Pneumatic seat leakage test: The leakage rate across seat shall be tested with dry air or gaseous Nitrogen at 0.4 to 0.7 MPa(g) by water displacement (bubble) method.


All the interior flow surfaces of the valve shall be degreased and cleaned with appropriate cleaning agent before assembly.


All the valves are assigned tag numbers for the sake of identification. The tag number for each valve, as indicated above, besides size, pressure rating class, material of construction, etc, shall be legibly and indelibly engraved on the body of the valves.

Quality assurance plan: As given in Table 2.

[5] Table 1: LIST OF MANUAL GLOBE VALVES S No Quantity, Tag number Port/ way Fluid medium Working temperature Nominal Pressure rating Schedule End connection Nos range, K size, metric class, metric number of interfacing pipe 1 2 GVM 701, 2/2 GN2 290 to 350 K DN15 2600/ 3600 160 BW 701S 2 7 GVM 702, 2/2 GN2 290 to 350 K DN15 2500 160 BW 703, 704, 705, 710, 711, 702S

Table 1A: LIST OF SPARES Spare Components viz. Plug, Plug insert, Seat ring (if applicable), Gland packing, Gaskets, etc. shall be provided for the fail-safe operation of 2 years. Quantity :  One set (for GVM 701 & 701S)  Three sets (for GVM 702, 703, 704, 705, 710, 711, 702S)


S Test Object tested Characteristic Sample Test procedure Acceptance Form of Pre-Delivery Inspection (PDI) No sought for size criterion record Test Test Record performed witnessed reviewed by by by

1. Material test Specimen from Chemical 1 per lot Relevant Relevant material Material Vendor or - Vendor, raw materials composition and standard specification certificate Third party Inspector, physical laboratory Purchaser properties

2. Welding joint test Butt welding Absence of 100 % Radiographic ASME, Section IX Test Vendor - Inspector, (wherever joints defects test certificate Purchaser applicable) Socket welding Absence of 100 % Dye penetrant Relevant standard Test Vendor - Inspector, joints surface defects test certificate Purchaser

3. Soundness test Castings Absence of 100 % Radiographic Relevant standard Test Vendor - Inspector, for castings defects or ultrasonic certificate Purchaser (wherever test applicable)

4. Dimensional Valve Dimensions 100 % Metrology Relevant standard/ Test Vendor - Inspector/ check Purchaser- report Purchaser approved drawing

5. Hydraulic shell Valve in open Structural 100 % 1.5 times BS 6755 Part 1/ Test Vendor Inspector Purchaser pressure test position integrity under maximum certificate stress rated working API 598 pressure


S Test Object tested Characteristic Sample Test procedure Acceptance Form of Pre-Delivery Inspection (PDI) No sought for size criterion record Test Test Record performed witnessed reviewed by by by

6. Hydraulic seat Valve in closed Structural 100 % 1.1 times BS 6755 Part 1/ Test Vendor Inspector Purchaser pressure test position integrity of seat maximum certificate under stress rated working API 598 pressure

7. Pneumatic seat Valve in closed Leakage rate 100 % Water BS 6755 Part 1/ Test Vendor Inspector Purchaser leakage test position across seat displacement certificate method API 598

8. Cleanliness (if Valve Cleanliness of 100 % Manufacturer’s Manufacturer’s Certificate Vendor - Inspector, applicable) internals standard standard Purchaser

Notes: 1. Inspector: Third party inspection agency.

2. The Purchaser shall perform the Material Receipt Inspection (MRI).


Quantity : As given in Table 1

Tag number : As given in Table 1

Type : Bourdon tube

Fluid medium : As given in Table 1

Working temperature range : 290 to 350 K

Range : As given in Table 1

Unit : MPa(g) and bar(g)

Dial size : As given in Table 1

Scale : Concentric

Accuracy : ±1% of FSD

Over-range protection : 130 % of FSD

Material of construction of : Stainless steel 304L/ 316L/ 321 sensing element, movement, socket, case, bezel

Window : Shatter-proof

Process connection : DN 15 (½”) NPT(M)

Mounting : Direct mounting, bottom entry

Case and bezel : Weather-proof housing with screwed outer bezel

Extra fitments : . Micro-type adjustable pointer

. Blow-out-proof disc

Joints : Gas Tungsten Arc Welding (GTAW) with gaseous Argon purge Code : IS 3624

Tests a. Material certificates: The material certificates, detailing the physical and chemical properties, of the principal pressure–bearing parts shall be provided. b. Calibration: The pressure gauges shall be calibrated as per IS 3624.

9 Cleanliness

All the interior flow surfaces of the pressure gauge shall be degreased and cleaned with appropriate cleaning agent before supply.


All the pressure gauges are assigned tag numbers for the sake of identification. The tag number for each pressure gauge, as indicated above, besides size, pressure rating class, material of construction, etc, shall be legibly and indelibly engraved on the body of the pressure gauges.

10 Table 1: LIST OF PRESSURE GAUGES S No Quantity, Tag number Fluid Range, Dial Size, Nos medium MPa(g) mm 1 2 GPL 701, GN2 0 to 60 100 701S 2 4 GPL 702, GN2 0 to 40 100 703, 702S, 703S 3 2 GPL 704, GN2 0 to 5 100 704S 4 2 GPL 705, GN2 0 to 2 100 705S 5 2 GPL 706, GN2 0 to 1 150 706S 6 7 GPL 707, GN2 0 to 1 100 708, 709, 710, 711, 707S, 708S


S Test Object tested Characteristic Sample Test procedure Acceptance Form of Pre-Delivery Inspection (PDI) No sought for size criterion record Test Test Record performed witnessed reviewed by by by

1. Material test Specimen from Chemical 1 per lot Relevant Relevant Material Vendor or - Vendor, raw materials composition and standard material certificate Third party Inspector, physical specification laboratory Purchaser properties

2. Calibration Pressure Accuracy 100 % IS 3624 IS 3624 Calibration Vendor - Inspector, gauge certificate Purchaser

3. Cleanliness (if Pressure Cleanliness of 100 % Manufacturer’s Manufacturer’s Certificate Vendor - Inspector, applicable) gauge internals standard standard Purchaser

Notes: 1. Inspector: Third party inspection agency.

2. The Purchaser shall perform the Material Receipt Inspection (MRI).


Quantity : As given in Table 1

Tag number : As given in Table 1

Fluid medium : As given in Table 1

Working temperature range : As given in Table 1

Nominal size : As given in Table 1

Maximum allowable working : As given in Table 1 pressure

Degree of filtration (absolute) : As given in Table 1

Nominal inlet temperature : As given in Table 1

Nominal inlet pressure : As given in Table 1

Nominal flow rate : As given in Table 1

Permissible pressure drop at : As given in Table 1 nominal conditions

Diameter and length of filter : To be specified by the bidder in the element cartridge quotation along with the relevant calculations

End connection : As given in Table 1. The acronyms shall be read as follows:

. BW: Butt welding ends as per ASME B 16.9/ 16.25. In case of filter with internal resilient seals, pipe stubs as per ASME B 36.19/ 36.10 of 150 mm length each shall be butt-welded to the body on either side, the ends of which shall be prepared for butt welding. The butt welding ends shall be suitable to mate with the interfacing pipe of schedule number as given in Table 1.

. SW: Socket welding ends as per ASME B 16.11. In case of filter with internal resilient seals, pipe stubs as per ASME B 36.19/ 36.10 of 100 mm length each shall be socket-welded to the body on either side, the ends of which shall be prepared for butt welding as per ASME B 16.9/ 16.25. The butt welding ends shall be suitable to mate with the interfacing pipe of schedule number as given in Table 1.

Permissible leakage rate : Bubble-tight across the body (external)

[13] Style of construction:

Body : Y or T type with access to replace the filter element cartridge without removing the filter en-masse from pipeline

Filter element : Sintered wire mesh type, supported on perforated cartridge

Material of construction:

Body : . ASTM A 182 F 304L/ 316L/ 321 for nominal size ≤ DN 40

. ASTM A 351 CF 3/ 3M for nominal size ≥ DN 50

Mesh : Stainless steel 304L/ 316L/ 321

Internal seals : . Viton/ PTFE/ Glass-filled PTFE

Bolts : . ASTM A 320 B 8

Nuts : . ASTM A 194 8 . Tests: a. Material certificates: The material certificates, detailing the physical and chemical properties, of the principal pressure–bearing parts shall be provided. b. Welding joint test (wherever applicable): All butt welding joints in the filter shall be subject to radiographic test with X-rays or gamma rays to 2-2T sensitivity as per Section IX, ASME. All the socket welding joints shall be subject to dye-penetrant test. c. Soundness test for castings (wherever applicable): All the castings shall be subject to soundness test with radiographic or ultrasonic technique for flaw detection. d. Hydraulic shell pressure test: The filter, upon final assembly shall be subject to pressure test with Water (with suitable corrosion inhibitor) at 1.5 times the maximum allowable working pressure. e. Degree of filtration test: One sample filter element cartridge from each batch of the same size shall be subject to “micron rating” prototype test by bubble point method and microscopic examination to

[14] evaluate minimum and maximum pore size of the filter element in Government-approved laboratory. OR Manufacturer’s test certificate for degree of filtration shall be provided.


All the interior flow surfaces of the filter shall be degreased and cleaned with appropriate cleaning agent.


All the filters are assigned tag numbers for the sake of identification. The tag number for each filter, as indicated above, besides size, maximum allowable working pressure, degree of filtration, material of construction, etc, shall be legibly and indelibly engraved on the body of the valves.

Quality assurance plan: As given in Table 2

[15] Table 1: LIST OF FILTERS S Quantity, Tag Fluid Working Nominal Maximum Degree of Nominal Nominal Nominal Permissible End No Nos number medium temperature size, allowable filtration, inlet inlet flow rate, pressure connection range, K metric working µm temperature, pressure, kg/s drop at pressure, (absolute) K MPa nominal MPa conditions, MPa(d) 1 2 GFL GN2 290 to 350 DN15 33 5 310 12 0.4 0.2 BW 701, 701S 2 2 GFL GN2 290 to 350 DN15 33 100 310 3 0.1 0.1 BW 702, 702S 3 2 GFL DM 290 to 350 DN50 1.4 100 310 0.2 9 0.03 BW 901, Water 901S

Table 1A: LIST OF SPARES Spare Components viz. Filter cartridges, O rings, other seals, etc. shall be provided for the fail-safe operation of 2 years. Quantity :  One set (for GFL 701 & 701S)  One set (for GFL 702& 702S)  One set (for GFL 901 & 901S)


S Test Object tested Characteristic Sample Test procedure Acceptance Form of Pre-Delivery Inspection (PDI) No sought for size criterion record Test Test Record performed witnessed reviewed by by by

1. Material test Specimen from Chemical 1 per lot Relevant Relevant material Material Vendor or - Vendor, raw materials composition and standard specification certificate Third party Inspector, physical laboratory Purchaser properties

2. Welding joint test Butt welding Absence of 100 % Radiographic ASME, Section Test Vendor - Inspector, (wherever joints defects test IX certificate Purchaser applicable) Socket welding Absence of 100 % Dye penetrant Relevant Test Vendor - Inspector, joints surface defects test standard certificate Purchaser

3. Soundness test Castings Absence of 100 % Radiographic Relevant Test Vendor - Inspector, for castings defects or ultrasonic standard certificate Purchaser (wherever test applicable)

4. Dimensional Valve Dimensions 100 % Metrology Relevant Test Vendor - Inspector, check standard/ report Purchaser Purchaser- approved drawing

5. Hydraulic shell Filter Structural 100 % Section VIII, Section VIII, Test Vendor Inspector Purchaser pressure test integrity under Division 1, Division 1, ASME certificate stress ASME


S Test Object tested Characteristic Sample Test procedure Acceptance Form of Pre-Delivery Inspection (PDI) No sought for size criterion record Test Test Record performed witnessed reviewed by by by

6. Degree of Filter element Degree of 1 per lot Bubble point Relevant Test Vendor Inspector Purchaser filtration test filtration method and standard certificate microscopic examination OR Manufacturer’s test certificate 7. Cleanliness (if Valve Cleanliness of 100 % Manufacturer’s Manufacturer’s Certificate Vendor - Inspector, applicable) Internals standard standard Purchaser

Notes: 1. Inspector: Third party inspection agency.

2. The Purchaser shall perform the Material Receipt Inspection (MRI).


Quantity : As given in Table 1

Tag number : As given in Table 1

Type : Spring-actuated, conventional type

Extent of lift : Full lift

Fluid medium : As given in Table 1

Working temperature range : As given in Table 1

Set pressure : As given in Table 1

Flow temperature : As given in Table 1

Minimum required flow capacity : As given in Table 1

Orifice designation (area) : To be specified by the bidder in the quotation

Over-pressure : ≤ 10 % of set pressure

Blow-down : ≤ 7 % of set pressure

Permissible leakage rate across : As per API 527 seat

End connection : . Valves with Screwed inlet & outlet (NPT) for set pressures of 33 MPa and . Raised Face (RF) flanges with serration as per ASME B 16.5 for other set pressures

(The bidder shall specify in the quotation the nominal size and pressure rating class of the flanges at inlet and outlet.)

Material of construction: Body, bonnet : ASTM A 351 CF 3/ 3M or ASTM A 182 F304L

[19] Nozzle, disc : ASTM A 182 F304L/ 316L

Disc insert (Trim) : As given in Table 1

Guide : ASTM A 297 Gr HE

Spring : Stainless steel 316L for stainless steel body valves

Bolts : ASTM A 320 Gr B8

Nuts : ASTM A 194 Gr 8

Design code : API 526/ ASME Section VIII, Div. 1

Tests: a. Material certificates: The material certificates, detailing the physical and chemical properties, of the principal pressure–bearing parts shall be provided. b. Soundness test for castings (wherever applicable): All the castings shall be subject to soundness test with radiographic or ultrasonic technique for flaw detection. c. Seat leakage test: As per API 527 d. Cold differential set pressure test: To validate set pressure and resealing pressure. e. Shell pneumatic test: All the valves shall be subject to shell pneumatic test by pressurizing the outlet at 0.4 to 0.7 MPa with dry Air/ GN2 to confirm Bubble tightness of all screwed and flanged joints.

Cleanliness All the interior flow surfaces of the valve shall be cleaned with appropriate cleaning agent according to manufacturing standards.

Marking All the valves are assigned tag numbers for the sake of identification. The tag number for each valve, as indicated above, besides set pressure, size & pressure rating class of inlet & outlet connections, material of construction, etc, shall be legibly and indelibly engraved on the body of the valves.

Quality assurance plan: As given in Table 2.

[20] Table 1: LIST OF SAFETY RELIEF VALVES S Quantity, Tag number Fluid Working Set Flow Minimum Disc No Nos medium temperature pressure, temperature, required Insert range, K MPa (g) K flow (Trim) capacity, material kg/s 1 3 GVR 701, GN2 290 to 33 310 0.5 Metal 702 701S 350 seat 2 2 GVR 703, GN2 290 to 3.7 310 2.28 Viton/ 703S 350 PTFE 3 2 GVR 704, GN2 290 to 1.4 310 0.33 Viton/ 704S 350 PTFE 4 5 GVR 705, GN2 290 to 0.5 310 0.64 Viton/ 706, 707, 350 PTFE 708, 708S

Table 1A: LIST OF SPARES Spare Components viz. Disc, Disc inserts, Gaskets, etc. shall be provided for the fail-safe operation of 2 years. Quantity :  One set (for GVR 701, 702& 701S)  One set (for GVR 703& 703S)  One set (for GVR704&704S)  Three sets (for GVR 705, 706, 707, 708& 708S)


S Test Object tested Characteristic Sample Test procedure Acceptance Form of Pre-Delivery Inspection (PDI) No sought for size criterion record Test Test Record performed witnessed by reviewed by by

1. Material test Specimen from Chemical 1 per lot Relevant Relevant Material Vendor or - Vendor, raw materials composition and standard material certificate Third party Inspector, physical specification laboratory Purchaser properties

2. Soundness test Castings Absence of 100 % Radiographic Relevant Test Vendor - Inspector, for castings defects or ultrasonic standard certificate Purchaser test

3. Dimensional Valve Dimensions 100 % Metrology Relevant Test Vendor - Inspector, check standard/ report Purchaser Purchaser- approved drawing

4. Seat leakage test Valve Leakage rate 100 % API 527 API 527 Test Vendor Inspector Purchaser across seat certificate

5. Cold differential Valve Set pressure, 100 % ASME, Section ASME, Section Test Vendor Inspector Purchaser set pressure test resealing VIII, Division 1 VIII, Division 1 certificate pressure


S Test Object tested Characteristic Sample Test procedure Acceptance Form of Pre-Delivery Inspection (PDI) No sought for size criterion record Test Test Record performed witnessed by reviewed by by

6. Shell pneumatic Screwed & Leak tightness 100% ASME, Section Bubble-tight Certificate Vendor Inspector Purchaser test flanged joints VIII, Division 1 leak tightness of Valve OR Manufacturing Standards 7. Cleanliness (if Valve Internals Cleanliness 100 % Manufacturing Manufacturing Certificate Vendor - Inspector, applicable) Standards Standards Purchaser

Notes: 1. Inspector: Third party inspection agency.

2. The Purchaser shall perform the Material Receipt Inspection (MRI).


Quantity : 1 no.

Tag number : GVN 701

Fluid medium : GN2

Working temperature range : 290 to 350 K

Nominal size : DN 15

Pressure rating class : 2500

Cracking pressure (minimum : 0.2 MPa (d) pressure required to open the valve along intended flow direction)

End connection : BW

. BW: Butt welding ends as per ASME B 16.9/ 16.25. In case of valves with resilient seat, pipe stubs as per ASME B 36.19/ 36.10 of 100 mm length each shall be butt-welded to the body on either side, the ends of which shall be prepared for butt welding. The butt welding ends shall be suitable to mate with the interfacing pipe of schedule number as given in Table 1.

Permissible leakage rate across : Bubble-tight as per API 598 or Rate body A as per BS 6755 Part 1

Permissible leakage rate across : Bubble-tight as per API 598 or Rate seat at a pressure differential of A as per BS 6755 Part 1 50 % of the cracking pressure along flow (forward) direction

Permissible leakage rate across : Bubble-tight as per API 598 or Rate seat at a pressure differential of A as per BS 6755 Part 1 0.2 MPa(d) along non-flow (reverse) direction

Style of construction:

Lift mechanism : Lift plug type, globe pattern

Cover : Bolted to body with suitable seals

Plug : Renewable (replaceable) from stem with insert

[24] Material of construction:

Body, cover : ASTM A 182 F 304L/ 316L/ 321

Stem, plug : ASTM A 479 304L/ 316L/ 321

Plug insert/ trim : ASTM A 479 304L/ 316L/ 321

Bolts : ASTM A 320 Gr B8

Nuts : ASTM A 194 Gr 8

[25] Tests a. Material certificates: The material certificates, detailing the physical and chemical properties, of the principal pressure–bearing parts shall be provided. b. Welding joint test (wherever applicable): All butt welding joints in the valve (including the joints between the body and the pipe stubs) shall be subject to radiographic test with X-rays or gamma rays to 2-2T sensitivity. c. Soundness test for castings (wherever applicable): All the castings shall be subject to soundness test with radiographic or ultrasonic technique for flaw detection. d. Hydraulic shell pressure test: The valve, upon final assembly, shall be subject to pressure test with Water (with suitable corrosion inhibitor) at 1.5 times the maximum rated working pressure of the particular pressure rating class of the valve. e. Pneumatic seat leakage test for valves: The leakage rate across seat in both flow and non-flow directions shall be measured with gaseous Nitrogen or dry Air at pressures referred in appropriate clauses. f. Pneumatic shell leakage test: The leakage rate across shell (body – cover joint) shall be carried out with dry Air/ GN2 at a pressure of 0.4 to 0.7 MPa and bubble-tightness shall be ensured.


All the interior flow surfaces of the valve shall be cleaned with appropriate cleaning agent as per manufacturing standards.


All the valves are assigned tag numbers for the sake of identification. The tag number for each valve, as indicated above, besides size, pressure rating class, material of construction, etc, shall be legibly and indelibly engraved on the body of the valves.

Quality assurance plan: As given in Table 2


One set of Spare components viz. plug, plug insert, body gasket shall be provided for fail-safe operation of two years.


S Test Object tested Characteristic Sample Test procedure Acceptance Form of Pre-Delivery Inspection (PDI) No sought for size criterion record Test Test Record performed witnessed reviewed by by by

1. Material test Specimen from Chemical 1 per heat/ Relevant Relevant material Material Vendor or - Vendor, raw materials composition and lot standard specification certificate Third party Inspector, physical laboratory Purchaser properties 2. Welding joint test Butt welding Absence of 100 % Radiographic ASME, Section Test Vendor - Inspector, (wherever joints defects test IX certificate Purchaser applicable) Socket welding Absence of 100 % Dye penetrant Relevant Test Vendor - Inspector, joints surface defects test standard certificate Purchaser

3. Soundness test Castings Absence of 100 % Radiographic Relevant Test Vendor - Inspector, for castings defects or ultrasonic standard certificate Purchaser (wherever test applicable)

4. Dimensional Valve Dimensions 100 % Metrology Relevant Test Vendor - Inspector, check standard/ report Purchaser Purchaser- approved drawing 5. Hydraulic shell Valve in open Structural 100 % 1.5 times BS 6755 Part 1/ Test Vendor Inspector Purchaser pressure test position integrity under maximum certificate stress rated working API 598/ pressure ASME B 16.34


S Test Object tested Characteristic Sample Test procedure Acceptance Form of Pre-Delivery Inspection (PDI) No sought for size criterion record Test Test Record performed witnessed reviewed by by by

6. Pneumatic shell Valve in open Leakage rate 100 % Manufacturing Bubble-tightness Test Vendor Inspector Purchaser leakage test position across body- standards certificate cover joint

7. Pneumatic seat Valve seat Leakage rate 100 % Valve shall be Bubble-tightness Test Vendor Inspector Purchaser leakage test in across seat in pressurized at certificate forward direction forward direction inlet at 50% of cracking pressure 8. Pneumatic seat Valve seat Leakage rate 100 % Valve shall be Bubble-tightness Test Vendor Inspector Purchaser leakage test in across seat in pressurized at certificate reverse direction reverse direction outlet at a differential pressure of 0.2 MPa (d) 9. Cleanliness Valve internals Cleanliness of 100 % Manufacturing Manufacturing Certificate Vendor - Inspector, internals standards standards Purchaser

Notes: 1. Inspector: Third party inspection agency.

2. The Purchaser shall perform the Material Receipt Inspection (MRI).


Quantity : As given in Table 1

Tag number : As given in Table 1

Type : Parallel corrugated, bellows type, stainless steel wire-braided, all- metallic, flexible hose, except as below.

Fluid medium : As given in Table 1

Working temperature range : As given in Table 1

Inside diameter : As given in Table 1

Maximum allowable working : As given in Table 1 pressure (MAWP)

Overall length (including end : As given in Table 1 fittings)

Minimum bend radius : As given in Table 1

Permissible leakage rate : Bubble-tight at 0.4 to 0.7 MPa(g)

End connection : As given in Table 1. The acronyms shall be read as follows:

. BW: Pipe stubs as per ASME B 36.19/ 36.10 of 150 mm length each shall be butt-welded to the flexible hose on either side, the ends of which shall be prepared for butt welding as per ASME B 16.9/ 16.25. The butt welding ends shall be suitable to mate with the interfacing pipe (under Purchaser’s scope) of Nominal pipe size and Schedule number as given in Table 1.

. Flanged: Raised Face (RF) flanges with concentric serration as per ASME B 16.5.

Material of : . Austenitic stainless steel grade corrugation 321.

Material of end fittings : . ASTM A 312 TP 304L/ 316L/ 321 for pipe stubs . ASTM A 182 F304L/ F316L for flange

The corrugation of the flexible hose shall be joined with the end fittings by Gas Tungsten Arc Welding (GTAW/ TIG) process with gaseous Argon as the purge medium.

[29] Tests: a. Material certificates: The material certificates, detailing the physical and chemical properties, shall be provided.

b. Flaw detection test for pipe stubs (wherever applicable): All the pipes of nominal pipe size ≥ DN 25 shall be subject to Ultra-sonic test (100 %) by pulse echo or contact probe method as per ASTM E 213. All the pipes of nominal pipe size ≤ DN 20 shall be subject to Eddy current test as per ASTM E 426.

c. Welding joint test (wherever applicable): All butt welding joints in the flexible hose (including the joints between the corrugation and the pipe stubs) shall be subject to radio-graphic test with X-rays or gamma rays to 2-2T sensitivity as per Section IX, ASME.

d. Pressure test: The flexible hose shall be subject to pressure test with pneumatic medium at 1.1 times the MAWP. e. Bubble leakage test: The flexible hose shall be subject to leakage test with pneumatic medium at 0.4 to 0.7 MPa(g) by Water-immersion method. After test, the outer surface of corrugation shall be purged thoroughly with dry air for removal of stagnant water in the corrugation.


All the interior flow surfaces of the flexible hoses shall be cleaned with appropriate cleaning agent after tests and shall be provided with plastic closures at both ends of pipe stubs/flanges during transportation.


All the flexible hoses are assigned tag numbers for the sake of identification. The tag number for each flexible hose, as indicated above, besides inside diameter, maximum allowable working pressure, material of construction, etc, shall be legibly and indelibly engraved on the end fittings of the flexible hoses.

Quality assurance plan: As given in Table 2.

[30] Table 1: LIST OF FLEXIBLE HOSES S Quantity, Tag number Fluid Working Inside Maximum Minimum End Interfacing pipe Overall No Nos medium temperature diameter, allowable bend connection length, range, K mm working radius, Nominal pipe Schedule m pressure, MPa mm size, metric number 1 5 GFH 701, GN2 290-350 Ø12 1.4 50 BW DN15 40S 4 702, 703, 701S, 702S 2 2 KFH 704, GN2 290-350 Ø25 1.4 90 BW DN25 40S 4 704S 3 5 KFH 901, DM 290-350 Ø25 1.4 90 BW DN25 40S 4 905, 906, Water 901S, 905S 4 5 KFH 902, DM 290-350 Ø50 1.4 175 One end : Swivel flange, RF 4 903, 904, Water (DN50, Class 150), 902S, 903S Other end : BW pipe stubs (DN50, Sch. 10S) 5 3 KFH 907, DM 290-350 Ø12 1.4 50 BW DN15 40S 4 908, 907S Water


S Test Object Characteristic Sample Test procedure Acceptance criterion Form of Pre-Delivery Inspection (PDI) No tested sought for size record Test Test Record performed witnessed by reviewed by by

1. Material test Specimen Chemical 1 per Relevant Relevant material Material Sub-vendor/ - Vendor, from raw composition heat/ lot standard specification certificate vendor or Inspector, materials and physical Third party Purchaser properties laboratory

2. Ultrasonic test for Pipes of size Internal flaw 100 % ASTM E 213 ASTM E 213 Test Sub-vendor/ - Inspector, pipe stubs ≥ DN 25 detection certificate vendor Purchaser (wherever applicable)

3. Eddy current test Pipes of size Internal flaw 100 % ASTM E 426 ASTM E 426 Test Sub-vendor/ - Inspector, for pipe stubs ≤ DN 20 detection certificate vendor Purchaser (wherever applicable)

4. Welding joint test Butt welding Absence of 100 % Radiographic ASME, Section IX Test Vendor - Inspector, (wherever joints defects test certificate Purchaser applicable)

5. Dimensional Flexible Dimensions 100 % Metrology Relevant standard/ Test Vendor - Inspector, check hose Purchaser-approved report Purchaser drawing

6. Pressure test Flexible Structural 100 % Relevant Relevant standard Test Vendor Inspector Purchaser hose integrity under standard certificate


S Test Object Characteristic Sample Test procedure Acceptance criterion Form of Pre-Delivery Inspection (PDI) No tested sought for size record Test Test Record performed witnessed by reviewed by by


7. Bubble leakage Flexible Leakage- 100 % Water Relevant standard Test Vendor Inspector Purchaser test hose tightness immersion certificate method

8. Cleanliness (if Flexible Cleanliness of 100 % Manufacturing Manufacturing Certificate Vendor - Inspector, applicable) hose internal standard standard Purchaser surface

Notes: 1. Inspector: Third party inspection agency.

2. The Purchaser shall perform Material Receipt Inspection (MRI).


Quantity : 15 nos. Tag nos. :  GTM 701, 701S,  GTM 702, 703, 704, 705, 706, 707, 708, 709, 710, 711, 702S, 703S, 704S

Fluid medium : GN2 Actuation : Manual Orifice : 2.3 mm MAWP : 44 MPa (for GTM 701 & 701S) 41.3 MPa (for other valves)

Working temperature range : 290 to 350 K Permissible leakage rate across : Bubble-tight body Permissible leakage rate across : Bubble-tight seat End connection : ½” NPT(F) for inlet & outlet ports ¼” NPT (F) for vent port Material of Construction Body & bonnet : SS 304/ 316 Stem : SS 304/ 316 Gland packing : PTFE Seat : SS 304/ 316 Tests :  Material compliance certificate  Shell hydraulic test at 1.5 times the MAWP.  Seat leakage test at 1 time the MAWP (either hydraulic or pneumatic)

QAP : Shall be provided by vendor complying with above test requirements.

Spares : Spare parts viz. plug assembly, gland packing, seals, etc. shall be provided for fail-safe operation of 2 years.


Quantity : As given in Table 1

Tag number : As given in Table 1

Fluid medium : As given in Table 1

Working temperature range : 290 to 350 K

Flow temperature : 300 K

Mode of loading : Spring

Minimum inlet pressure : As given in Table 1

Maximum inlet pressure : As given in Table 1

Maximum set (outlet) pressure : As given in Table 1

Required flow rate at minimum : As given in Table 1 pressure differential

Orifice diameter/ : To be specified by the bidder in the Valve coefficient (kv) quotation

Mode of venting : Self venting

Repeatability of : . < 1 % between the set pressures regulation (droop) at the minimum and maximum controllable flow rates

. ≤ 3 % between the locked up pressure and the minimum set pressure

Ratio of variation of : <+ 1 % set pressure to variation in inlet pressure (Decay ratio)

Permissible leakage rate : Bubble-tight across seat (through) in closed condition

Permissible leakage rate across : Bubble-tight body (external)

[35] Material of construction: Body, plug : ASTM A 182 F 304L/ 316L

Plug insert/ seat : PCTFE (Kel-F)

Seals, O-rings : Viton/ Buna N

End connection :  The immediate inlet end of filter, interface of filter & regulator and immediate end of regulator shall be provided with swivel union.  The terminal ends of the filter- regulator unit (inlet of filter & outlet of regulator shall be provided with BW end connection pipe stubs as indicated in Table 1.  The material swivel union & pipe stubs shall be SS 304L/ 316L and configuration details shall be read as follows.

. BW: Butt welding ends as per ASME B 16.9/ 16.25. Pipe stubs as per ASME B 36.19/ 36.10 of 150 mm length each shall be butt-welded to the swivel unions on either side. The butt welding ends shall be suitable to mate with the interfacing pipe of schedule number as given in Table 1.

. Swivel union: Threaded swivel union with O-ring face seal. The companion fitting shall be provided with butt welding ends, which shall be suitable to mate with the interfacing pipe (under Purchaser’s scope) of schedule number as given in Table 1.

External filter

Each pressure regulator shall be fitted with a filter of 16 μm (absolute) rating at the inlet and the same shall be sized for a pressure differential of 0.05 MPa(d) at respective flow conditions.

Tests: a. Material certificate: The material certificates, detailing the physical and chemical properties, of the principal pressure-bearing parts shall be provided. b. Welding joint test (wherever applicable): All butt welding joints in the pressure regulator shall be subject to radiographic test with X-rays or gamma rays to 2-2T sensitivity as per Section IX, ASME. All the socket welding joints shall be subject to dye-penetrant test. c. Body pressure test: The pressure regulator, in open position, shall be subject to either pneumatic pressure test with gaseous Nitrogen or dry [36] Air at 1.1 times the maximum inlet pressure or hydraulic pressure test with Water at 1.5 times the maximum inlet pressure. d. Pneumaticbody leakage test: The pressure regulator, in open position shall be subject to pneumatic body leakage test with gaseous Nitrogen or dry Air at 0.4 to 0.7 MPa (g). e. Pneumatic seat leakage test: The pressure regulator, in close position shall be subject to pneumatic seat leakage test with gaseous Nitrogen or dry Air at 1 times the maximum inlet pressure. f. Degree of filtration: Manufacturer’s test certificate for degree of filtration shall be provided.


All the interior flow surfaces of the pressure regulator shall be cleaned with appropriate cleaning agent as per manufacturing standards.


All the pressure regulators are assigned tag numbers for the sake of identification. The tag number for each pressure regulator, as indicated above, besides orifice diameter/ valve coefficient, maximum inlet pressure, maximum set pressure, material of construction, etc, shall be legibly and indelibly engraved on the body of the valves.

Quality assurance plan: As given in Table 2.

[37] Table 1: List of Pressure regulating units

S Quantity, Tag number Fluid Minimum Maximum Maximum Flow rate at End connection Interfacing pipe Nos No medium inlet inlet set minimum At inlet At outlet pressure, pressure, pressure, pressure MPa MPa MPa differential, Nominal Schedule Nominal Schedule kg/s pipe size, number pipe size, number metric metric 1. 2 GPR 701, 701S GN2 2 33 1 0.06 BW DN15 160 DN15 40S

2. 1 GPR 702 GN2 1 4.1 0.5 0.06 BW DN15 40S DN15 40S

Table 1A: List of Spares Spare components viz. plug with insert (valve assembly), springs, filter element, O rings & seals, etc. shall be provided for the fail-safe operation of 2 years. Quantity :  Two sets (for Tag nos. 701 & 701S)  Two sets (for Tag nos. 702)


S Test Object tested Characteristic Sample Test procedure Acceptance Form of Pre-Delivery Inspection (PDI) No sought for size criterion record Test Test Record performed witnessed reviewed by by by

1. Material test Specimen from Chemical 1 per lot Relevant Relevant material Material Vendor or - Vendor, raw materials composition and standard specification certificate Third party Inspector, physical laboratory Purchaser properties

2. Welding joint test Butt welding Absence of 100 % Radiographic ASME, Section Test Vendor - Inspector, (wherever joints defects test IX certificate Purchaser applicable) Socket welding Absence of 100 % Dye penetrant Relevant Test Vendor - Inspector, joints surface defects test standard certificate Purchaser

3. Dimensional Pressure Dimensions 100 % Metrology Relevant Test Vendor - Inspector, check regulator standard/ report Purchaser Purchaser- approved drawing

4. Body pressure Pressure Structural 100 % Purchase Relevant Test Vendor Inspector Purchaser test regulator in integrity under order standard certificate open position stress specification

5. Pneumatic body Pressure Leakage rate 100 % Purchase Purchase order Test Vendor Inspector Purchaser leakage test regulator in across body order specification certificate open position specification


S Test Object tested Characteristic Sample Test procedure Acceptance Form of Pre-Delivery Inspection (PDI) No sought for size criterion record Test Test Record performed witnessed reviewed by by by

6. Pneumatic seat Pressure Leakage rate 100 % Purchase Purchase order Test Vendor Inspector Purchaser leakage test regulator in across seat order specification certificate closed position specification

7. Degree of Filter element Micron rating One per Manufacturer’s Purchase order Test Vendor - Inspector, filtration test type standard specification certificate Purchaser

8. Cleanliness (if Internals Cleanliness of 100 % Manufacturer’s Manufacturer’s Certificate Vendor - Inspector, applicable) internals standard standard Purchaser

Notes: 1. Inspector: Third party inspection agency.

2. The Purchaser shall perform the Material Receipt Inspection (MRI).


Quantity : As given in Table 1

Tag number : As given in Table 1

Pattern : Ball

Actuation : . DN80 : Wrench operated . ≤DN50 : Lever operated

Configuration of ports/ ways : 2 x 2

Fluid medium : As given in Table 1

Working temperature range : 290 to 350 K

Nominal size : As given in Table 1

Pressure rating class : As given in Table 1

Valve coefficient : To be specified by the bidder in the quotation

Permissible leakage rate across : Bubble-tight as per API 598 or Rate body (external) and seat A as per BS 6755 Part 1 (through)

Guaranteed cycles of operation : 10,000

End connection : As given in Table 1. The acronyms shall be read as follows:

. BW: Butt welding ends as per ASME B 16.9/ 16.25. In case of valves with resilient seat, pipe stubs as per ASME B 36.19/ 36.10 of 150 mm length each shall be butt-welded to the body on either side, the ends of which shall be prepared for butt welding. The butt welding ends shall be suitable to mate with the interfacing pipe of schedule number as given in Table 1.

. Flanged: Swivel Raised Face (RF) flanges with concentric serration as per ASME B 16.5.

Style of construction:

Body : . 3-piece construction for nominal size ≤ DN 40 . 2-piece construction for nominal size ≥ DN 50.

Ball : Full port

[41] Stem : Quarter-turn stem

Stem (dynamic) seal : By gland packing

A breather hole shall be drilled across the outlet face of the ball in closed position.

Material of construction:

Body : . ASTM A 182 F 304L/ 316L/ 321 for nominal size ≤ DN 40

. ASTM A 351 CF 3/ 3M for nominal size ≥ DN 50

Stem : ASTM A 479 304L/ 316L/ 321

Seat, gland packing : PTFE

Pipe stub (if applicable) : ASTM A 312 TP Grade same as that of the body

Bolts : ASTM A 320 B 8

Nuts : ASTM A 194 8

The valves shall be either inherently anti-static or provided with anti- static features.

The ball valves shall be of fire-safe design as per BS 6755 Part 2 or API 607.

The stem of the ball valves shall also be provided with blow-out-proof feature.

Design code : BS 5351/ BS 1873/ API 6-D

Test code : BS 6755/ API 598/ API 607

Tests: a. Material certificates: The material certificates, detailing the physical and chemical properties, of the principal pressure–bearing parts shall be provided. b. Welding joint test (wherever applicable): All butt welding joints in the valve shall be subject to radio-graphic test with X-rays or gamma rays to 2-2T sensitivity as per Section IX, ASME. All the socket welding joints shall be subject to dye-penetrant test.

[42] c. Soundness test for castings (wherever applicable): All the castings shall be subject to soundness test with radio-graphic or ultra-sonic technique for flaw detection. d. Hydraulic shell pressure test: The valve, upon final assembly, in partially open position, shall be subject to pressure test with Water (with suitable corrosion inhibitor) at 1.5 times the maximum rated working pressure of the particular pressure rating class of the valve. e. Hydraulic seat pressure test: The valve, in closed position, shall be subject to pressure test with Water (with suitable corrosion inhibitor) at 1.1 times the maximum rated working pressure of the particular pressure rating class of the valve. f. Pneumatic seat leakage test: The leakage rate across seat shall be tested with dry air or gaseous Nitrogen at 0.4 to 0.7 MPa(g) by water displacement (bubble) method. g. Fire safety test: The fire-safe design of the resilient-seated ball valves shall be validated by proto-type (destructive) test on representative sample valves as per BS 6755 part 2 or API 607. OR Certificate of Fire-safe design shall be provided.


All the interior flow surfaces of the valve shall be cleaned with appropriate cleaning agent as per manufacturing standards.


All the valves are assigned tag numbers for the sake of identification. The tag number for each valve, as indicated above, besides nominal size, pressure rating class, material of construction, etc, shall be legibly and indelibly engraved on the body of the valves.

Quality assurance plan: As given in Table 2.

[43] Table 1: List of Manual Ball valves

S Quantity, Tag number Fluid Nominal Pressure rating Schedule End No Nos medium size, metric class, metric numberof connection interfacing pipe 1 2 GVM 712, 712S GN2 DN15 300 40S BW

2 7 GVM 714, 715, 720, GN2 DN25 150 40S BW 722, 724, 714S, 715S 3 9 GVM 713, 716, 717, GN2 DN15 150 40S BW 718, 719, 721, 723, 713S, 716S 4 3 GVM 901, 902, 901S DM water DN80 150 NA Flanged

5 6 GVM 903, 904, 905, DM water DN25 150 40S BW 914, 915, 903S 6 10 GVM 906, 907, 908, DM water DN50 150 10S BW 909, 910, 911, 912, 913, 906S, 907S 7 3 GVM 916, 917, 916S DM water DN15 150 40S BW

Table 1A: List of Spares Spare components viz. PTFE seat, gland packing, seals, etc. shall be provided for the fail-safe operation of 2 years. Quantity :  One set (for Tag nos. GVM 712)  Two sets (for Tag nos. GVM 714, 715, 720, 722, 724, 714S, 715S)  Three sets (for Tag nos. GVM 713, 716, 717, 718, 719, 721, 723, 713S, 716S)  Two sets (for Tag nos. GVM 901, 902, 901S)  Two sets (for Tag nos. GVM 903, 904, 905, 914, 915, 903S)  Three sets (for Tag nos. GVM 906, 907, 908, 909, 910, 911, 912, 913, 906S, 907S)  One set (for Tag nos. GVM 916, 917, 916S)


S Test Object tested Characteristic Sample Test procedure Acceptance Form of Pre-Delivery Inspection (PDI) No sought for size criterion record Test Test Record performed witnessed reviewed by by by

1. Material test Specimen from Chemical 1 per heat/ Relevant Relevant material Material Vendor or - Vendor, raw materials composition and lot standard specification certificate Third party Inspector, physical laboratory Purchaser properties

2. Welding joint test Butt welding Absence of 100 % Radiographic ASME, Section Test Vendor - Inspector, (wherever joints defects test IX certificate Purchaser applicable) Socket welding Absence of 100 % Dye penetrant Relevant Test Vendor - Inspector, joints surface defects test standard certificate Purchaser

3. Soundness test Castings Absence of 100 % Radiographic Relevant Test Vendor - Inspector, for castings defects or ultrasonic standard certificate Purchaser (wherever test applicable)

4. Dimensional Valve Dimensions 100 % Metrology Relevant Test Vendor - Inspector, check standard/ report Purchaser Purchaser- approved drawing


S Test Object tested Characteristic Sample Test procedure Acceptance Form of Pre-Delivery Inspection (PDI) No sought for size criterion record Test Test Record performed witnessed reviewed by by by

5. Hydraulic shell Valve in open Structural 100 % 1.5 times BS 6755 Part 1/ Test Vendor Inspector Purchaser pressure test position integrity under maximum certificate stress rated working API 598 pressure

6. Hydraulic seat Valve in closed Structural 100 % 1.1 times BS 6755 Part 1/ Test Vendor Inspector Purchaser pressure test position integrity of seat maximum certificate under stress rated working API 598 pressure

7. Pneumatic seat Valve in closed Leakage rate 100 % Water BS 6755 Part 1/ Test Vendor Inspector Purchaser leakage test position across seat displacement certificate method API 598

8. Fire safety test (if Valve Valve closure Prototype BS 6755 Part BS 6755 Part 2/ Test Vendor - Inspector, applicable) under external 2/ API 607 certificate Purchaser fire API 607

9. Cleanliness Valve internals Cleanliness of 100 % Manufacturing Manufacturing Certificate Vendor - Inspector, Internals standards standards Purchaser

Notes: 1. Inspector: Third party inspection agency.

2. The Purchaser shall perform the Material Receipt Inspection (MRI).


Type : Seamless pipes

Nominal pipe size : As given in Table 1

Schedule number : As given in Table 1

Total length : As given in Table 1

Length of individual pipe pieces : In random lengths ranging from 3 to 6 m

Material : ASTM A312 TP 304L

Dimensional standard : ASME B 36.19 for stainless steel pipes


Visual examination: All the pipes shall be visually examined for workmen- like finish.

Dimensional check: All the pipes shall be subject to dimensional check.

Chemical analysis: One specimen from each heat shall be subject to detailed chemical analysis as per ASTM A 751.

Mechanical tests: One specimen from each lot shall be subject to tests for mechanical properties as per ASTM A 370.

Pressure test: All the pipes shall be hydraulically pressure-tested with Water as per ASTM A 530. Ultra-sonic test: All the pipes of size ≥ DN 25 shall be subject to Ultra-sonic test (100 %) by pulse echo or contact probe method as per ASTM E 213.

Eddy current test: All the pipes of size ≤ DN 20 shall be subject to Eddy current test as per ASTM E 426.

Flattening test: Pieces of pipes of length 63.5 mm (2.5”) cut from the ends of 5 % of pipe lengths per lot shall be subject to flattening test as per ASTM A 530 in 2 steps to prove ductility and soundness.

Inter-granular corrosion test(for stainless steel pipes only): One specimen per lot shall be subject to inter-granular corrosion test as per ASTM A 262 (practice A/E).

Cleanliness: The pipes shall be pickled, passivated and dried before delivery. The ends shall be blanked off by dust-tight plastic caps.

[47] Marking: The pipes shall be marked as per ASTM A 700. Quality assurance plan: As given in Table 2

Table 1: LIST OF PIPES S No Nominal pipe Schedule Total length, m* size, metric number 1 DN15 40S 40

2 DN15 160 60

3 DN25 40S 80

4 DN50 10S 40

5 DN80 10S 10

*The quantities mentioned herein are only tentative and actual lengths shall be estimated from isometric drawings.


S Test Object tested Characteristic Sample size Test Acceptance Form of record Pre-Delivery Inspection (PDI) No sought for procedure criterion Test performed Test Record by witnessed by reviewed by

1. Visual Pipes Surface finish 100 % Visual Workmen-like Inspection Vendor - Inspector, examination examination finish report Purchaser

2. Chemical Specimen Chemical 1 per heat ASTM A 751 ASTM A 312 Material Vendor’s or - Inspector, analysis from pipes composition certificate Third party Purchaser laboratory

3. Mechanical Specimen Mechanical 1 per lot ASTM A 370 ASTM A 312 Material Vendor’s or - Inspector, test from pipes properties certificate Third party Purchaser laboratory

4. Dimensional Pipes Dimensions 100 % Metrology ASME B Inspection Vendor - Inspector, check 36.10/ 36.19 report Purchaser

5. Pressure test Pipes Structural 100 % ASTM A 530 ASTM A 530 Test certificate Vendor Inspector Purchaser integrity under stress

6. Ultra-sonic Pipes of size Internal flaw 100 % ASTM E 213 ASTM E 213 Test certificate Vendor Inspector Purchaser test ≥ DN 25 detection

7. Eddy current Pipes of size Internal flaw 100 % ASTM E 426 ASTM E 426 Test certificate Vendor Inspector Purchaser test ≤ DN 20 detection

8. Flattening test Specimen Ductility and 5 % ASTM A 530 ASTM A 530 Test certificate Vendor - Inspector, from pipes soundness Purchaser

[49] S Test Object tested Characteristic Sample size Test Acceptance Form of record Pre-Delivery Inspection (PDI) No sought for procedure criterion Test performed Test Record by witnessed by reviewed by

9. Inter-Granular Specimen Susceptibility 1 per lot ASTM A 262 ASTM A 262 Test certificate Vendor’s or - Inspector, Corrosion test from pipes to corrosion Practice A/ E Practice A/ E Third party Purchaser laboratory

Notes: 1. Inspector: Third party inspection agency/ Purchaser.

2. The Purchaser shall perform Material Receipt Inspection (MRI).


Type of fitting : As given in Table 1

End connection : As given in Table 1

Nominal size : As given in Table 1

Pressure rating class : As given in Table 1

Quantity : Shall be derived from isometric drawings

Standard for dimensions : . Flanges: ASME B 16.5

. Butt welding fittings: ASME B 16.9

. Socket welding fittings: ASME B 16.11

. Pipe nipples: ASME B 36.19/ 36.10

Material : As given in Table 1


Visual examination: All pipe fittings and flanges shall be visually examined for any scratches, dents, surface irregularities, etc.

Dimensional check: All the pipe fittings and flanges shall be checked for dimensions as per the standard.

Chemical analysis: One specimen from each heat shall be subject to detailed chemical analysis as per ASTM A 751.

Mechanical properties: One specimen from each lot shall be subject to mechanical test to verify mechanical properties as per ASTM A 370.

Inter-granular corrosion test (for stainless steel pipe fittings and flanges only): One specimen per lot shall be subjected to inter-granular corrosion test as per ASTM A 262 (practice A/E). Marking: The nominal size, pressure rating class, material, heat number, manufacturer’s name, etc. shall be indelibly marked on the pipe fittings and flanges. Quality assurance plan: As given in Table 2.

[51] Table 1: LIST OF PIPE FITTINGS AND FLANGES S Type of fitting* End Nominal size, Schedule Material Quantity, Nos No connection metric number/ Pressure rating class, metric 1 Elbow BW DN15 40S A403 WP 304L

2 Equal Tee BW DN15 40S A403 WP 304L

3 Flange WNRF DN15 150 A182 F304L

4 Flange WNRF DN15 300 A182 F304L

5 Elbow BW DN15 160 A403 WP 304L

6 Equal Tee BW DN15 160 A403 WP 304L

7 Flange WNRJ DN15 2500 A182 F304L 8 Shall be Elbow BW DN25 40S A403 WP 304L estimated based 9 Equal Tee BW DN25 40S A403 WP 304L on isometric drawing 10 Flange WNRF DN25 150 A182 F304L

11 Flange WNRF DN25 300 A182 F304L

12 Elbow BW DN50 10S A403 WP 304L

13 Equal Tee BW DN50 10S A403 WP 304L

14 Flange WNRF DN50 150 A182 F304L

15 Elbow BW DN80 10S A403 WP 304L

16 Equal Tee BW DN80 10S A403 WP 304L

[52] Table 1: LIST OF PIPE FITTINGS AND FLANGES S Type of fitting* End Nominal size, Schedule Material Quantity, Nos No connection metric number/ Pressure rating class, metric 17 Flange WNRF DN80 150 A182 F304L

18 Reducer BW DN25 x DN15 40S A403 WP 304L 19 Reducer BW DN50 x DN25 10S x 40S A403 WP 304L Shall be estimated based 20 Reducer BW DN80 x DN25 10S x 40S A403 WP 304L on isometric 21 Reducer BW DN80 x DN50 10S A403 WP 304L drawing

22 Weldolet BW DN15 40S A403 WP 304L

23 Weldolet BW DN25 40S A403 WP 304L *The “Type of fitting” indicated in the Table are only tentative. Addition or deletion of fitting shall be planned based on isometric drawing.


S Test Object tested Characteristic Sample size Test Acceptance Form of record Pre-Delivery Inspection (PDI) No sought for procedure criterion Test performed Test Record by witnessed by reviewed by 1. Visual Pipe fittings Surface 100 % Visual No scratch, Inspection Vendor - Inspector, examination properties examination dent, surface report Purchaser irregularity, etc 2. Dimensional Pipe fittings Dimensions 100 % Metrology Relevant Inspection Vendor - Inspector, check standard report Purchaser 3. Chemical Specimen Chemical 1 per heat ASTM A 751 Relevant Material Vendor’s or - Inspector, analysis from pipe composition standard certificate Third party Purchaser fittings and laboratory flanges 4. Mechanical Specimen Mechanical 1 per lot ASTM A 370 Relevant Material Vendor’s or - Inspector, test from pipe properties standard certificate Third party Purchaser fittings and laboratory flanges 5. Inter-granular Specimen Susceptibility 1 per lot ASTM A 262 ASTM A 262 Material Vendor’s or - Inspector, corrosion test from pipe to corrosion Practice A/ E Practice A/ E certificate Third party Purchaser fittings and laboratory flanges Notes: 1. Inspector: Third party inspection agency. 2. The Purchaser shall perform Material Receipt Inspection (MRI).


Manual globe valves 1. M/s. Flowserve India Controls Pvt. Ltd., Whitefield, Bengaluru 2. M/s. Ampo valves India Pvt. Ltd., Coimbatore 3. M/s. KSB MIL Controls Ltd., Aluva, Cochin 4. M/s. Instrumentation Ltd, Palakkad 5. M/s. L&T Valves Ltd., Chennai 6. M/s. Indus Vacuum and Cryogenic systems, Vadodara 7. M/s. Microfinish valves Pvt. Ltd., Hubli, Karnataka 8. M/s. Severn Glocon India Pvt. Ltd., Irungattukottai, Chennai 9. M/s. UV International, Chennai 10. M/s. Velan valves India Pvt. Ltd., Chennai

Pressure gauges 1. M/s. Wika Instruments Ltd., Pune 2. M/s. Baumer Technologies India Pvt. Ltd., Chennai 3. M/s. Budenberg gauge Pvt Ltd., Chennai 4. M/s. ASHCROFT India Pvt. Ltd., Chhatral

Filters 1. M/s. Ultra Filters (India) Pvt. Ltd., K.H Road, Bengaluru 2. M/s. Puronics Systems, Peenya Industrial Area, Bengaluru

[55] Safety relief valves 1. M/s. Anderson Greenwood Crosby Sanmar Ltd., (Formerly Tyco Sanmar Ltd.), Chennai 2. M/s. Fainger Leser Valves Pvt. Ltd. Andheri, Mumbai 3. M/s. Instrumentation Ltd., Palakkad 4. M/s. Sebim valves India Pvt. Ltd., New Delhi

Non return valves 1. M/s. Microfinish Valves Pvt. Ltd., Hubli, Karnataka 2. M/s. Forbes Marshall Pvt. Ltd., Pune 3. M/s. Kripps Consultants, New Delhi 4. M/s. Niton Valves Ltd., Mumbai 5. M/s. Hawa Engineers Ltd., Ahmedabad

Flexible hoses 1. M/s. Bengal Industries Faridabad 2. M/s. J Rosales Pvt. Ltd., Mumbai 3. M/s. Metallic bellows Pvt. Ltd., Chennai 4. M/s. Witzenmann, Kolkata

Manifold needle valves 1. M/s. Bangalore fluid systems Pvt. Ltd., (Swagelok), Bengaluru 2. M/s. Swagelok, Chennai 3. M/s. CP fluid systems Pvt. Ltd., Mumbai 4. M/s. Fitok Valves, Chennai

[56] Pressure regulating units 1. M/s. Shavo Technologies Pvt. Ltd., Pune 2. M/s. IMI Norgren Herion Pvt. Ltd., Chennai

Manual ball valves 1. M/s. Microfinish valves Pvt. Ltd., Hubli, Karnataka 2. M/s. Weir BDK Valves, Hubli 3. M/s. L&T Valves Ltd., Chennai 4. M/s. Hawa Engineers Ltd., Ahmedabad 5. M/s. Virgo Engineers Ltd., Pune 6. M/s. Vass International, Chennai 7. M/s. Niton valve Industries Pvt. Ltd., Mumbai 8. M/s. Forbes Marshall, Pune

Pipes 1. M/s. Suraj Ltd., Mumbai 2. M/s. Remi edelsthal tubular Ltd., Mumbai 3. M/s. Ratnamani metals & tubes Ltd., Ahmedabad 4. M/s. Nuclear fuel complex, Hyderabad 5. M/s. Sandwik Asia Ltd., Pune 6. M/s. Arvind pipes & fittings Industries Pvt. Ltd., Mumbai

Pipe fittings & flanges 1. M/s. Arvind pipes & fittings Industries Pvt. Ltd., Mumbai 2. M/s. Amforge Industries, Mumbai

[57] 3. M/s. Echjay Industries, Rajkot 4. M/s. J K Forge Industries, Mumbai 5. M/s. Sanghvi Forge Industries, Mumbai 6. M/s. Mukund steels, Mumbai


Request For Proposal of Centralized DM water Plant IPRC, Mahendragiri

11.5 Annexure 5

Specification of Mechanical Evaporator (Spray dryer) Annexure 5

Specification of Mechanical evaporator (Spray dryer)

1 Type of effluent : RO reject 2 pH of effluent : 6.5 to 7.5 3 TDS of effluent : > 6000 ppm 4 Service flow rate of effluent : 800 litres per hour 5 Service duration : ~20 hours per day 6 No. of units : 1 7 Material of Construction of chamber : Austenitic Stainless steel (SS 304/ 316) 8 Air source : Ambient 9 Stack height : Shall be decided by bidder and indicated in quotation 10 Steam requirements : Not applicable 11 Electrical equipments* : • Circulation pump • Electric Heater • Atomizing Spinner • Air blower • Electrical panel 12 Accessories : Fasteners, gaskets & lubricants 13 Spares : Spare parts viz. bearings, lubricants, blades, pins & fasteners, etc. shall be provided for 2 years of fail-safe operation of evaporator unit. *Total load requirements for the operation of all pumps, heaters & motors shall be indicated in quotation.

Note :

1. Civil works shall be excluded from the scope. However, the foundation details shall be provided

2. Supervisory support for erection shall be provided.

[1] 3. Electrical wiring shall be excluded from the scope.

4. Total power requirement shall be indicated.

5. Collection & sludge tanks shall be excluded from scope.

6. Total weight, dimensions shall be indicated.

7. Only spray dryer with high speed spinner shall be quoted and spray nozzles with high pressure pump is not required.

8. The electrical heater shall be devised for heating the blower air (that carry away atomized vapour of spinner) and not the RO reject water meant for spinner.

[2] List of Probable Suppliers

1. M/s. Kings Industries, Office : No.1, Balaji Garden, Press Colony, Coimbatore – 641 019. Factory : 4/509-1A, Kalipalayam Road, Press Colony (PO), Coimbatore – 641 019. Phone : +91 98430 34304, +91 91593 39399 e-mail : [email protected], [email protected]

2. M/s. Karuna Enviro Services, No.24, II Cross, Venniswamy Nagar, Arumparthapuram, Puducherry – 605 110. Phone : +91 99444 36999

[3] Request For Proposal of Centralized DM water Plant IPRC, Mahendragiri

11.6 Annexure 6

Specification of Laboratory Equipments Annexure 6

Specification of Laboratory Equipments

Sl. Apparatus/ Methodology Qty Measuring Parameters Make/ Model no. 1 pH meter/ Ion Selective 1 pH, Total Hardness, Orion, USA Electrode no. Calcium Hardness, EA 940 Chlorides and Dissolved Carbon Dioxide 2 Conductivity meter 1 Conductivity/ TDS WTW, no. Germany InoLab CON7110 3 UV/ Visible 1 Iron, Silica, Sulphate and Perkin Elmer Spectrophotometer no. Zinc Lamda 650 4 Dissolved Oxygen meter 1 Dissolved Oxygen WTW, no. Germany Oxi 3205

5 Appropriate Glass wares for 1 Total Alkalinity Standard Titrimetric method set make 6 Appropriate apparatus for 1 Suspended matter Standard Milipore Filtration method set make 7 Requisite beakers, burette, 3 - Standard pippet, holding elements sets make etc.

Note :

1. The apparatus indicated in sl. nos. 1 to 6 are essential requirements. The accessories indicated in sl. no. 7 is only indicative and the accessory instruments required for a full-fledged laboratory shall be conceived by bidder and shall be planned accordingly.

2. The spares required for the instruments/ apparatus, indicated above, shall be planned for the fail-safe operation of 2 years.

3. The model/ make of the instruments, indicated are the essential requirements. List of Probable Suppliers

1 M/s Madras Scientific Supplies, Tirunelveli.

2 M/s Globe Scientific Trivandram.

3 M/s Precision Scientific Co., Coimbatore.

4 M/s Perkin Elmer Pvt, Ltd Chennai.

5 M/s Thermo Fisher Scientific Pvt, Ltd, Chennai.