WE MAKE 41 Wilmington Square Design, Access and Heritage Statement September 2016 Lipton Plant Architects DESIGN , ACCESS AND HERITAGE STATEMENT September 2016 REF: 445_WIL_014_Design, Access and Heritage Statement Planning application and Listed Building Consent for: This document has been produced by: 41 Wilmington Square Lipton Plant Architects London WC1X 0ET Seatem House 39 Moreland Street London EC1V 8BB Change of use to convert and amalgamate 4 existing flats back into a single dwelling house. T +44 (0) 20 7288 1333 Reinstate original plan form, traditional windows and original E
[email protected] features. W www.lparchitects.co.uk Demolish non-original 3 storey closet wing extension conservatory and outbuilding and replace with new rear To be read in conjunction with Planning Application and extension, full width at lower ground floor level and half Listed Building Consent Application drawings by Lipton Plant Architects width at ground floor level. as well as Structural Report by Conisbee Excavate garden level back down to original level. CONTENT 1. INTRODUCTION AND CONTEXT 2. LOCAL HISTORY 3. HERITAGE 4. AMOUNT OF DEVELOPMENT 5. CONCEPT AND DESIGN 6. APPEARANCE AND MATERIALS 7. HERITAGE RESPONSE 8. POLICY 9. SUSTAINABILITY 10. ACCESS 11. CONCLUSION 1. INTRODUCTION AND CONTEXT The development site lies within the New River Conservation Area in the London Borough of Islington. The property is a late Georgian five storey Grade II listed terrace house on the West side of Wilmington Square built circa 1830. The square was built between 1819 and 1831 with the West side being the last terrace to be completed. Wilmington Square is accessed from Rosebury Avenue on the South through Yardley Street or Tysoe Street; from Yardley street or Wilmington Street at the north; from Attneave Street at the West; and from Merlin Street at the East.