53 (4) • November 2004: 1047–1048 Galán de Mera & Castroviejo • Typification in Araceae Typification of two Linnaean names in Araceae: Arum proboscideum L. and Arum muscivorum L. f. Antonio Galán de Mera1 & Santiago Castroviejo2 1 Departamento de Ciencias Ambientales y Recursos Naturales, Laboratorio de Botánica, Universidad San Pablo-CEU, P.O. Box 67, E-28660 Boadilla del Monte, Madrid, Spain.
[email protected] (author for corre- spondence) 2 Real Jardín Botánico, CSIC, Plaza de Murillo 2, E-28014 Madrid, Spain.
[email protected] As part of a study of Iberian and Balearic Araceae, two Linnaean names, Arum proboscideum L. and A. mus- civorum L. f., are lecto- and neotypified, respectively. KEYWORDS: Araceae, Arum muscivorum L. f., A. proboscideum L., lectotypification, neotypification. Typification of Linnaean plant names involves con- Part. 2. 61. Tab. 50”] as Boccone writes (“Habbiamo sideration of Linnaeus’s original sources of information havuto questa Pianta dalle memorie del Padre Maestro (collections and illustrations) in association with each Bareliero. Varia dalla nostra Siciliana Potamogeiti folio protologue (Cannon & al., 1983; Jarvis & Cafferty, per la nota della Proboscide, e delle Foglie.”). Barrelier 2003). In the indigenous Araceae of the Iberian worked before Boccone, but his publication only Peninsula and Balearic Islands there are some Linnaean appeared posthumously (see also Savi, 1816). Linnaeus names, Arum arisarum L., A. maculatum L. and A. pic- did not, apparently, see any material of Arum pro- tum L. f., whose types are established (Savage, 1945; boscideum but, like Barrelier (p. 20), recorded this Boyce, 1993). However, the nomenclatural and taxo- species from the Apennines.