Chemistry Packages at CHPC

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Chemistry Packages at CHPC Chemistry Packages at CHPC Anita M. Orendt Center for High Performance Computing [email protected] Fall 2014 Purpose of Presentation • Identify the computational chemistry software and related tools currently available at CHPC • Present brief overview of these packages • Present how to access packages on CHPC • Information on usage of Gaussian09 Ember Lonepeak /scratch/lonepeak/serial 141 nodes/1692 cores 16 nodes/256 cores Infiniband and GigE Large memory, GigE General 70 nodes/852 cores 12 GPU nodes (6 General) Kingspeak 199 nodes/4008 cores Ash cluster (417 nodes) Infiniband and GigE Switch General 44 nodes/832 cores Apex Arch Great Wall PFS Telluride cluster (93 nodes) /scratch/ibrix meteoXX/atmosXX nodes NFS Home NFS Administrative Directories & /scratch/kingspeak/serial Group Nodes Directories 10/1/14 Slide 3 Brief Overview CHPC Resources • Computational Clusters – kingspeak, ember – general allocation and owner-guest on owner nodes – lonepeak – no allocation – ash and telluride – can run as smithp-guest and cheatham-guest, respectively • Home directory – NFS mounted on all clusters – /uufs/<uNID> – generally not backed up (there are exceptions) • Scratch systems – /scratch/ibrix/chpc_gen – kingspeak, ember, ash, telluride – 56TB – /scratch/kingspeak/serial – kingspeak, ember, ash – 175TB – /scratch/lonepeak/serial – lonepeak – 33 TB – /scratch/local on compute nodes • Applications – /uufs/ (use for lonepeak, linux desktops if chpc admined) – /uufs/$UUFSCELL/sys/pkg where $UUFSCELL = kingspeak.peaks, ember.arches, ash.peaks, telluride.arches Getting Started at CHPC • Account application – an online process – • Username is your unid with password administrated by campus • Interactive nodes – two CHPC owned nodes per cluster ( with round- robin access to divide load (on ash, use • CHPC environment scripts – in account when created – – • Getting started guide – • Problem reporting system – or email to [email protected] Interactive Node Usage • Interactive nodes for prepping/testing of input files, analyzing results, compilations, debugging, data transfer, etc – no running of jobs – 15 min MAX cpu – no jobs of ANY time length that negatively impact ability of other users to get work done (e.g., heavy cpu, memory usage and/or i/o) • +Interactive+Node+Policy Batch System • All use of compute nodes go through a batch system using Torque (PBS) and Maui (Moab) for scheduling #PBS -S /bin/csh #PBS – A account #PBS –l walltime=24:00:00,nodes=2:ppn=16 • qsub –I to get interactive use of a compute node (-X if X11 forwarding needed) • Walltime limits – 72 hours (long qos by request) on all clusters except ash which is 24 hours Security Policies • No clear text passwords - use ssh and scp • Do not share your account under any circumstances • Don’t leave your terminal unattended while logged into your account • Do not introduce classified or sensitive work onto CHPC systems except on protected environment • Do not try to break passwords, tamper with files, look into anyone else’s directory, etc. – your privileges do not extend beyond your own directory • Do not distribute or copy privileged data or software • Report suspicions to CHPC ([email protected]) • Please see for more details Access to Interactive Nodes • From Windows machine: – Need ssh client • PuTTY: • Xshell 4: – For Xwindowing – need tool to display graphical interfaces such as Gaussview, VMD, AutoDockTools • Xming (use Mesa version) - – FastX another option which replaces both of the above (and can be used on linux and Mac desktops also) • Default login scripts • CHPC maintains default login scripts that will set up necessary environment for batch commands and many of the programs to work – – • Located in your home directory as .tcshrc or .bashrc • Can comment out setups for packages not used • Default ones provided have chemistry package setups commented out – need to remove # at start of line • Can customize by creating .aliases file that is sourced at end of the CHPC script – do not customize .tcshrc/.bashrc file as you will need to occasionally get a new version Software - General Information • Available on CHPC web pages/wiki – Can get to from → Software documentation → More (for complete list) – Available for widely used packages – Has information on licensing restrictions, example batch scripts, where to get more information on a specific package – Also has useful information on running of jobs (scaling, issues, etc) for some applications Computational Chemistry Packages • Molecular Mechanics/Dynamics • Semi Empirical • Electronic Structure Calculations – HF, DFT, MPn, CI, CC, multireference methods etc • Solid state/Materials Modeling packages – Plane Wave Pseudopotential based packages Calculation type & level of theory used depends on a number of factors – the information you are after, system being studied, size of system, computational resources. Often consider accuracy versus computational cost Molecular Mechanics/Dynamics • Amber – • Gromacs – • NAMD – • LAMMPS – • Charmm – – licensed by research group Note – Gaussian and NWChem also have some MM capabilities MM/MD packages • Versions: – Amber14 – Gromacs 4.6.3 (4.6.5 in – Lammps – package is updated often so installs are different versions; see date on installation. • Basic information on getting started: – – – • Different parallel builds available for each cluster to make use of the different interconnects Semi-Emprical Packages • These are based on the Hartree-Fock formalism of electronic structure methods, but make many approximations and obtain some parameters from empirical data • MOPAC2012 is the only semi-empirical only package installed at CHPC • Installation at /uufs/ • How to run at • Gaussian, GAMESS also has some capabilities Quantum (Mainly) Packages • Gaussian09 • NWChem There are other packages not currently installed available free of charge, e.g., • GAMESS - (general purpose, properties) • Psi4 – (general purpose, properties) • CFOUR – (coupled cluster) • SIESTA – (DFT, linear scaling) Gaussian09 • Commercial electronic structure package – for information and User’s Guide • Version D01 of G09 installed – /uufs/ – Also have legacy EM64T, AMD64, and legacy AMD64 builds • For information on accessing the CHPC installation • • More later NWChem • Package developed at PNNL to work on massively parallel systems • • Goal: Computational chemistry solutions that are scalable with respect to both chemical system size and MPP hardware size • Has quantum mechanics, molecular mechanics/dynamics, and quantum molecular dynamics, plane waves for periodic systems • Version 6.3 ( NOT with Python support) – /uufs/ – /uufs/ember.arches/sys/pkg/nwchem/nwchem-6.3/bin/LINUX64 – /uufs/kingspeak.peaks/sys/pkg/nwchem/nwchem-6.3/bin/LINUX64 – /uufs/ • To run: – source appropriate etc/nwchem.csh • More information and example batch script at – Soid State/ Materials Packages Plane wave codes for the study of systems under periodic boundary conditions (PBC) • NWChem has some functionality and more is being added • VASP – – Ab initio QM/MD – Licensed per research group (have 1 group with an old version) • Quantum Espresso - – Understands crystal space groups – Has GIPAW module to do NMR calculations – J-ICE and XCrysDen to view • CPMD - • BigDFT - Support Packages • Molecular Viewers • Gaussview • Molden • VMD • Chimera • Babel (Openbabel)
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